Simple Logo Design Tutorial with GIMP

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this is Nick with logos by Nick calm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this simple logo design using himself I'll go ahead and get started here in the first thing I want to do is create a new document so I'll go to file new and then want to size the document at 1280 by 1280 pixels and then I'll come down here to Advanced Options and I just want to make sure we have the fill with set to transparency then go ahead and click OK and here we have our new document so let me zoom out of this a little bit so I can see the entire canvas I'm gonna hold ctrl and roll down the mouse-wheel a couple of times like that and you can move the page around by pressing down the mouse wheel and moving the mouse so what I want to do to setup up my my document here is I want to add some guides going on the vertical and horizontal axis so to do that I'll go to image guides and new guide PI percent and I want to set this one to direction I want that set to horizontal and the percentage to be fifty go ahead and click OK and as you can see we have a horizontal guide going halfway through the document like that and then I want to do the same thing again only creating a vertical guide so I'll go to image guides new guide by percent and I'll set this one to vertical and go ahead and click OK and what I want to do is just come over here to where it says view and make sure we have snap to guides enabled it should be enabled by default but just in case it's not go ahead and make sure you have that selected so the first thing I'm going to create here is the actual border going around the outside of the logo so I'm going to create a circle so come over here to the ellipses tool and I'm gonna bring the cursor over to where these two lines intersect the two guides in the center of the canvas and then I'll just click and drag and then I'll hold ctrl and shift on the keyboard to lock it the proportions so that we're creating a perfectly round circle like that and I'll bring it about 3/4 of the way through the document like that then go ahead and let go and when you open up you're dete your default foreground and background colour should be black and white but if not just go ahead and set that go to edit fill with foreground color and that's gonna make that circle black and then we can go to select none and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna create another circle the same way just a little bit smaller so let me bring the cursor back to the center of the canvas here click and drag hold ctrl and shift to create a perfectly round circle and I'll make this one a little bit smaller maybe about that big like that and then I want to press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that area in there now if you're using a Mac from what I've heard pressing delete on the keyboard doesn't work so what you could do is go to select I know I'm sorry you go to edit clear if you're using a Mac and once we've done that we can go to select none and now I want to take the opacity of this layer over here bring the opacity down about in half and then I want to create a new layer on top of this so I'm gonna come over here to this icon down here that says create a new layer and add it to the image if you're having trouble seeing those icons down there sometimes that happens like these icons get cut off you could just sighs you can just take this window and expand it a little bit like that and then those icons become visible so just go ahead and click this create a new layer and add to the image make sure we have all of these values set we want it set the transparency go ahead and click OK and what I'll do now is do the same thing we did with the circle only creating a square so come over here to the rectangle select tool bring the cursor to the center of the canvas click and drag and hold ctrl and shift and I'm gonna make this square slightly smaller than the circle but big enough so that the corners are sticking out of the edges of the circle as you see on my screen here maybe something like that and then again we'll go to edit fill with foreground color let me bring the opacity of this layer down about in half as well and that we can go to select none and then again I'm gonna do the same thing I'm going to create another square going in there hold ctrl and shift and I'll make this one slightly smaller than the previous square like that and then we can press Delete on the keyboard to delete that area and then go to select none so what I want to do now is just rotate this around because as you can see here in this mock-up here the corners are going vertically and horizontally they're not going the the square isn't sitting flat like that so to do that let me go to the rectangle I mean I'm sorry the rotate tool and then just click on the square and just click and drag to rotate it around like that and if you hold shift it locks it on to 15 degree angles which means you can get it going perfectly vertical like that then we can let it go and then just press enter on the keyboard to finalize that so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna cut out certain areas of each the circle and the square to make it look like it's under lapping and overlapping with each other like that so to do that I want to create a new layer and add it to the image click OK come over here to this previous layer in the middle right click that and go to alpha to selection and then go to select we're looking for grow and then I'm gonna grow this by about I'd say 15 pixels go ahead and click OK and now we can click on our top layer up here and we can go to edit fill with foreground color and then we can go to select none now what I want to do now is first of all I want to bring the opacity down so I can see the other objects I just want to make this a different color so that I could differentiate it from the circle in the square so I'm gonna go to colors curves there's actually a lot of different ways you can do this I just like doing it this way because I think it's easier just go to colors curves choose the red value and then take this node and bring it all the way up like that and click OK and there it will be red now what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna take the eraser tool and I'm gonna erase segments of the square the red square that overlap with the circle so let me bring let me make this brush a little bit bigger like that that's what I'm looking for I'm just gonna go ahead and erase that area where it's intersecting with the circle we don't want this red portion touching any of the circle over here and then for this side we'll leave that side as it is and then we'll come over here and we'll erase this side right here make sure none of that red area is touching the circle and again to move the page around I'm just pressing down the mouse wheel and moving the mouse I'll come over here and do the same thing erase that red area and then up here erase this red area as well and what we could do now is let me hold control and roll down the mouse wheel to zoom out a little bit I'm gonna now right-click that layer oops didn't mean to do that I'm gonna right-click that layer and go to alpha to selection and then I can delete that layer with this button right here this is delete this layer and then click on the original layer down here in the bottom and then just press Delete on the keyboard and that's gonna delete out the area where it was overlapping with the circle and now we can go to select none now if you notice here that looks like the square is going over the circle at these areas so what we want to do now is make it look like the circle is going over the square at the opposite areas so to do that I'm gonna right-click on this background layer and I'll go to alpha of selection and again I'll go to select grow and I'm gonna grow it by the same amount that we previously used which in this example was 15 pixels click OK and now I'm going to create a new layer I'm gonna click on this top layer and create a new layer above that so click the new layers button click OK and then we'll go to edit fill with foreground color and I'm gonna take the opacity of that and bring that down about in half go to select none and again we want to make this red so that it's easier to differentiate it from the other items so we'll go to colors curves we'll go to the red Channel and bring that node all the way up and click OK and what I will do next is I will grab the eraser tool I'm gonna hold ctrl and roll up the mouse wheel and I just want to make sure I'm gonna erase these red areas right here where they're coming close to where the square is we don't want that anywhere near the square because it will overlap a little bit so I just want to make sure I'm erasing that out of there again like this here this is coming awfully close to that square a little too close for my comfort so I'm gonna erase that out of there same thing up here and we will go to right click that layer I'll fit a selection click on the layer in the middle right here and press Delete on the keyboard and then we can go to select none and then click on this top layer up here and then just press this X to delete that layer and if what we could do now is we could bring the opacity of that layer all the way up and take the opacity of this layer and bring that all the way up and you can see we now have the border for our logo so all we have to do now is add some text in there so to do that let me click on the top layer so we have that selected I'm gonna go to the text tool and for the font I'm going to use league gothic but you could use whatever font you'd like if you'd like to use league gothic I will put a link to that in the description of the video I'll have a link to the pull the post I made for this video that has all of the resources on it I'm just gonna click on the canvas and I'm just gonna write logo and all caps let me make that a little bigger that looks pretty good let me grab the move tool move this over here like that and what I want to do is just make sure it's centered up on the document so I want to go to layer crop to content and then I'll grab the alignment tool which is over here and then click on that word to make sure we have it selected and you'll know it's selected and activated when you see these four nodes in each corner and I want to set the align relative to the image and then just Center it up on the vertical and horizontal axis like that and then finally I'm just gonna add some some other text here as if you see I did simple and design above and below logo so let me grab the text tool click here I'm just gonna write simple let me bring that down that's too big I'm gonna use a different font for this one the font that I'm using here is actually called avantgarde I won't have a link to that one because this is a premium font that you have to buy a license for but if you like the font I would recommend buying it because it's a really nice font I use it for my own logo and all of my branding so I would check that out if you're interested I'm gonna bring the size of this down and increase the spacing between these letters right here where it says well there should be a little tag coming up that says increase spacing between letters but it's not showing up but that's what that does let me grab the move tool actually let me do placate this layer where it says simple I'm just gonna duplicate that with this button that says create a duplicate of the layer grab this move tool and just move this down here oops make sure I see that there we go grab the text tool click on that to get the cursor in there and then just change this to design you're probably not gonna want to write the same thing I'm right and you can add whatever whatever wording you'd like in here I'm just showing you this as an example and just like before I'm gonna go to layer crop to content and then go to the alignment tool click on the text to activate it and just make sure we have it centered up on the vertical axis like that and I'll do the same thing with this layer right here we'll go to layer crop to content and I should mention that once you select crop to content it's going to change it so that it's no longer a text item so make sure you don't want to make any more edits to the text like you don't want to change the lettering or the wording at all otherwise you're gonna have to create an entirely new text object so once I've done that I'll just take this and move this down a little bit I'm gonna grab the alignment tool click on that Center it on the vertical axis which it looks like it already is and what I could do now is I'm just gonna hold ctrl and roll down the mouse wheel to zoom out a little bit if you notice let me deselects that alignment tool if you notice we have finished our simple logo design what you could do now is you can go to file and go to export as and you can choose to save this as a dot PNG file and it will export it as a dot PNG file with a transparent background so you could take this image and lay it on top of whatever you would like and the the background will show through so long as it's not a black background because we used black to create the logo so that's how you can go about creating that simple logo design with however if you would like me to create a custom logo for you then head over to logos by Nick comm to check out my portfolio and some of my pricing options if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 320,552
Rating: 4.9442005 out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp logo tutorial, gimp logo design, simple logo design, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: qCaTXvJE4X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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