How To Find Logo Design Ideas

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hello everyone welcome back many of you asked me how to find logo design ideas it was really a hard question to answer because I can't teach you creativity but there is some methods that help you get creative and come up with great logo design concepts so today I am going to walk you through the process of designing a logo but I will concentrate on the thinking behind the design part so don't forget to leave a like and subscribe and mention in the comment section what is the most valuable thing that you find in this video I will share the top three comment in the next tutorial and by the end of this video I will mention the top three of the previous one of a nice watching in order to generate great logo design ideas you have to put in the time into the thinking behind the design it's a whole process if you follow it you will be in good position to come up with good ideas that works as great solution for the client's problem to start the thinking process you have to collect every information needed of your client and this can easily done by creating a creative brief it's a simple document you send to your clients that ask thoughtful questions about the client and his business in order to gather specific information about the project and to define your clients expectations this is my creative brief document that I send to my clients it include questions like who are you where the client can define the business its activity and its name etc what is your target audience what values you want to convey let's use a client as an example after sending him the creative brief document he responded with the information needed the company name is royal veggies transport it's a transport company of vegetables with controlled temperature the client wanted something elegant and classy at the same time the logo needs to reflect the veggies aspect to achieve that we will use the logos May keywords to extract some unexpected ideas this is what we call mind mapping mind mapping is the creation of a visual representation of the words related to the main topic then finding other associations to these words in order to generate creative logo ideas finally I make separated lists each main word with its associations then I take off the words that I find in convenience to the project then I make some combinations of three words one word from each list so I can get some unexpected ideas for the logo for example I will combine vegetables and crest and wheels or carrot and crown and wings salt based set design is thinking made visual so after all the thinking and the research process it's time to transform that into a visual so these are the combinations of the words that I extracted from the mind mapping and the word associations to achieve the right solution for your logo you have to execute all the combinations then you filter them and the stronger survive I will only walk you through the execution of one combination which is carrot crown wings before I dive into the sketching phase I make a search for some reference images I try to look at some photos related to the project and some logos of a similar subject then I copy the ones that I car helpful then I make a mood board to get inspiration from it this is the mood board that I've made it will help a lot 20 on the shapes and picking the colors and so putting in mind all the information that I collected before I will start by sketching it doesn't require being precise when sketching it's only about capturing the essence of the idea in fact anyone can draw as I showed you before in the mood board I collected some images I will use it as reference if you don't know how to draw a carrot look at a photo of a carrot and try to do the same thing with simpler form now I am sketching the different elements of the combination and exploring different forms after making some alternatives of the ailments I am trying to combine it and see what I can get okay these are the sketches that I made and because it is simple shapes I will not draw on top of it but I will use it as reference and design directly on white I will start by the carrot shape I'll make a circle then I hold out and drag it right to duplicate it now I move this a bit to the left and with the pen tool I make a horizontal line now I select everything then with the shape builder tool I click here to form the carrot shape I select the new formed shape then I hold shift and select everything then I press Delete okay this is the character shop now I will make the crown with the pen tool make the half of the crown like this then hold out and shift and drag it to the right then go to object transform then click on reflect select the vertical reflect option then I press ok select the two parts of the crown then go to the Pathfinder and click on unite now I make the crown smaller and move it down a little with the direct selection tool I hold shift and select the two anchor points of the corners then I drag the live widgets to make it a little bit rounded now I make a horizontal rectangle then I hold out and drag it down a little then I press control D to repeat the action now I select the two bottom rectangles and make it shorter then I do the same for the last one with the direct selection tool I hold shift and select the bottom right corner of all the rectangles then I drag the live widgets to make it rounded with the direct selection tool select the left parts then drag it to make it a bit longer hold out and drag the caret shape and make it overlapped with the winged parts like this select the caret shape with the wing then with the shape builder hold out and drag over this parts to take it off select the wing then hold out and drag it left and go to object transform then click on reflect and press ok make it balanced with the right wing now I will make this details to give it the carrot look with the pen tool I make a straight line from right to left then I increase the size to 10 points then I change the width profile to this to make it sharp I hold out and drag the line here then I reflect it then I hold out and drag it down here I hold shift and select the three lines then I go to object and click on expand appearance now I press ctrl-g to group it then I hold shift and select the character shape then from the Pathfinder click on minus front okay this is my first concept now I will try to make the other one with more straight lines and sharp corners don't expect to find the perfect concept from the first try it may happen but you should always experiment and explore all the combinations possible in order to get your desired design thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed the video so don't forget to leave a like subscribe and as always I will mention the three best comments in the next video so make your comment count now I will let you see the three best comment of the previous tutorial and see you in another video
Channel: Mohamed Achraf
Views: 2,092,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to find logo design ideas, how to find logo ideas, logo design ideas, logo ideas, logo design idea, logo idea, logo design, how to design a logo, logo design process, process, generating logo design ideas, creative brief, mind mapping, mood board, sketching, digitizing, illustrator, adobe illustrator, illustrator tutorial, adobe illustrator tutorial, logo design tutorial, graphic design, learn logo design, how to, Mohamed achraf
Id: Z5-ewrDyFH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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