How to Jump Into a Mug | CapCut Tutorial

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hello and welcome back to my Channel today we're going to make a copycat version of this viral jumping into a coffee mug video this is the version we're gonna make today it's just to jump into the mug we're not going to pop back up after because that requires a swimming pool and this is a minimal equipment video that anyone can make at home right now so grab your phone and your favorite mug and let's get started all you need for this tutorial is a phone or something to film with a small heavy object such as a coin and of course your favorite mug or Cup first you want to plan out where on the screen the mug will be I decide to jump left to right into it but you could also do this with the mug in the center if you wanted to jump from the back toward the camera once you know where you want it to be move the mug out of the way so that you can get a clear shot of you jumping I put down a pillow where I was jumping to soften the landing since it'll be covered up by the mug anyways but that part's optional then I filmed myself pretending to look into the mug and then doing a big jump next without touching the camera move the mug back into the position where you want it carefully tap the background so the focus will be on the back where you were just standing wait a few seconds and then tap on the mug so the focus changes back to the mug next take the small heavy object that you have and drop it into the mug in order to get a good splash I just used water for this video but any kind of liquid will work once you're done you can separate the video into three shorter videos one of you jumping one of the focus change from the background to The Mug in the foreground which is also called a rack focus and one of the liquid splashing I'm going to edit this in real time so you can just follow right along with me step by step so get your footage grab your phone and let's do this first things first open up Capcom hit new project and you want to select the footage of you jumping find that and hit add in the bottom right corner awesome now we're going to go overlay add overlay and add the footage of the focus change on the mug from the background to The Mug so not the splash but the other one great now use two fingers to pinch and scale it up until you see that white edge around the border that means it's snapped into place I'm not sure why it automatically starts smaller but it does so I'm going to find the spot where the focus change happens right there and just before just before the focus change you want to split the clip right there okay so we want to make sure that the focus change is happening while you're jumping because that's what looks most natural as if you're changing Focus from you jumping in the background to the foreground so to do that I'm just going to move this clip out of the way for a second so we can see the background and it looks like a little bit earlier so I'm gonna click this and we're actually just gonna shrink from the front we're going to press and hold on the end and then move it forwards that'll uh not shrink trim sorry trim the edge of the clip so we can move it back a little bit until just as the jump is about to happen so about here great so then we're going to line it up move there move this clip back and then make sure you bring this clip um re un trim or lengthen it back to the beginning awesome so now we have the mug obviously you can't see ourselves right now one thing that's counterintuitive about cap cut is that the layers are they go down so the farther down a layer is that's actually on top of the one above it it should be the other way around but that's my my opinion um great so the next thing that we're going to do is add in the splash so you can go and go to the end here add overlay and find the clip of the splash it in bring it up to scale and then we want to find the spot just where the coin disappears so right about here so right as it's Landing in the water you want to split the clip and then just delete the beginning because we don't need to see it falling press and holds move it over there we go all right next thing we're going to do is go back to the beginning so the next thing we need to do is bring us back so obviously we're missing from this clip right before the rack Focus happens we want to have the original backdrop we just need the mug sitting in the foreground so what we're going to do is we're going to cut out the mug so click on the first clip go to cut out customized cutout now click on brush make sure it's not on quick brush because that's you have to pay for that and the whole point of this is to be free so click on brush and then you can use your finger to color in the object that you want to be seen so the table and the mug I'm going to include a bit of the floor too because I never stand on that part so I won't be cutting myself off it's just easier make sure you get the edges of the mug as best as you can it can be kind of difficult on a small screen but it works works pretty well and you can use this tool at the bottom to make sure to increase or decrease the size of the brush so for it in the middle like I want a big brush that way it's not going to take me forever and then for small things like the edges are for example the handle here I want to make it back small again so you can get those little details as best as possible just about there come on handle I don't think there's any particular technique to this I think just kind of have to practice and the nice thing too is if you make any mistakes if you go off grid you can hit wipe and then it acts as an eraser so you can just erase whatever part um is off of The Edge or over the edge all right hit the check mark in the bottom right corner and it's going to remove its background thing we sit and look pretty goes pretty quick actually it's not too bad all right awesome so now we can see ourselves in the background again up until the next clip which is the focus change um because we did not cut out that one awesome the next step is to bring ourselves back for this one so we're gonna go back to the beginning hit add overlay and select the footage of us jumping again move it up to scale then we're gonna go cut out and this time we're going to hit remove background so this uh this tool removes the background it detects where you are and cuts out the edges in literally one click which is super cool um I sound like an ad for capca right now but unfortunately they're not paying me to say this I wish they were it's just a really cool app um so hit the check mark in the bottom right corner it's already done and now if we play it you'll see that as we get to the new clip which um right here you can see yourself on top of it because now we have a cutout of our self jumping so that's pretty awesome one thing that's a little glitchy about capka is I find when I scroll through it doesn't always work very well so sometimes it's easier to just hit the play button and pause it where you need it rather than scrubbing through with your finger I don't know if anyone else has this issue but that's a problem for me all right so next up we need to change where the splash is the splash is coming in way too late it's over here so let's find the spot where we want the splash to start let's play probably about there I'm gonna go click on this clip um so this is the clip of the mug we're gonna hit split and just delete that now we can press and hold on the splash bring it all the way over so let's just flash right about there that looks pretty good all right now we need to change um we're not Landing in the right spot so we're going to change the position of our jumping self so let's find right as it's about to go up maybe about there oh right okay right as we're jumping click on the clip of the cutout of us jumping we're gonna hit this diamond keyframe so this is going to set the position so make sure you've hit a keyframe before you move it otherwise where you moved it is going to be where it is for the entire video so set a keyframe and now we can move it so now let's scroll over to about the top to about the peak of your jump and let's move maybe a little bit up and a little bit over yeah give us some more height and then we're going to scroll down to where we're Landing about here and move yourself down so that your so that you're inside of the mug because we want to be landing right on inside of it that back it's pretty good I'm actually I'm going to shift this one over a little bit more to the side so that gives us more of an arc because right now it's kind of going over down um so you can just play around with that until you get a nice Arc shape that looks pretty good all right so obviously we can still see ourselves when we're jumping inside of the mug so to get rid of that we're going to use the mask tool so let's scroll in a bit now that we've already set keyframes we don't need to hit the button again it'll automatically add one so we're gonna go to uh the middle one here where I'm jumping still in the air not touching the water mask and split mask so we're gonna move it down out of the way the reason I'm starting here instead of starting actually masking it is because the way the keyframes are is they're I don't know they're just kind of funky I found it works best if you start with whatever change you're making um not happening first and then set the keyframe with it happening so we want this clip where we don't want the split on screen I'm just going to move it all the way off here and then we're going to move over to where we're hitting the water um about say about here and now go back to mask and move it up so that um okay so you can adjust this Arrow here for the feather that's zero feathered that's a lot if you want just a little bit so it looks like we're disappearing into the water so right about there and make sure that you cover yourself completely in the end so that you're totally under the water totally disappear into the water I mean being a little finicky right now but there we go okay awesome so see that jump down and disappear into the water we're almost done we have one step left so if we watch us from the beginning you might notice there's one thing that kind of gives away that this is an edit which is right there um the background changes depending on how the lighting is where you're filming it might change a lot it might change a little mine changes a lot so we're just gonna hide that M super quickly where if you know where that is coming from it's easier to find the problem in order to solve it so where this is happening is because here the background is from the main clip of me jumping but then all of a sudden here when we go to the rack Focus clip this one now this is the background the background is from the change Focus onto the mug which had a darker background and so all of a sudden we're going back from the light background to a dark one um so to fix this we're just gonna fade into the dark one so that you don't really notice the change so much so let's move down the cutout clip so press and hold and just drag it down one layer and then we're going to drag out the layer of the focus change make sure you don't move it over like I just did and so now it's on its own layer zoom in so we want the focus undo so to fade it in we're going to lengthen this clip first so press and hold on the end and drag it out let me go back to the beginning um there we go sorry um go find where the Gap is where the Gap starts and we're going to add a keyframe there and now we can make a change to the opacity now that we've set it so now we're going to go all the way back to here scroll over to opacity where is it there it is I'm going to drag that down to zero so opacity is transparency like how see-through it is um so when it's at zero it's completely see-through it's gone it's not there and then as it goes up to our first keyframe is a hundred that means it's completely there it's not see-through at all why am I disappearing we will deal with that in a second um so now the background Fades from light to dark and it's a lot less noticeable than the harsh cut okay I know what's happening here actually on the on this previous clip the mask that we've made is persisting through this keyframe for some reason if you add multiple changes to multiple keyframes so like we change the position and we added a mask sometimes capka just I don't know it doesn't like that so but just go through all of your keyframes and make sure the mask is where you want it to be I think that should be fine all right yeah once you've double checked that that is everything so now we can watch it back like in the mug jump and there we go um let's just split this off and delete it and delete the capcat logo and then you can hit the arrow in the top right hand corner to export it [Music] thank you so much for watching I hope you found this tutorial helpful and if you have any questions feel free to comment them down below and I will make sure to answer all of them don't forget to like And subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: Chelsea VFX
Views: 31,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, capcut, howto, vfx
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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