5 Kissing Tips You DIDN’T KNOW You Needed! 💋 (How To Kiss A Girl SECRETS + More!)

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Hello, my wonderful friend! In today's video,   you're going to discover 5 kissing  tips you didn't know you needed. I'm going to be sharing some how to kiss  a girl secrets and honestly, so much more. These are 5 things I can almost  guarantee you did not know about   kissing. Let's be real. Kissing is  fun, right? It's very, very enjoyable. However, it can feel a little  intimidating or scary as well. You want that kiss to be magical. You  want it to just, like, send shivers   down her spine and give her butterflies  and make her wants to kiss you again. You want the kiss to be  magical and memorable, right? Something you may not know about kissing is  that girls like it too. Like, they really do. She wants that kiss to be magical as well. So get ready for some kissing tips  that are unexpected and powerful. If you want a magical kiss,  these are things you must know. And the most powerful tip I'll be sharing  with you at the end of this video.   So make sure you stay with me until the end. Before we dive in, make sure you  subscribe and ring that notification bell. My name is Melannie. I'm a  Christian dating coach for men   and creator of Attracting Lasting Love Academy. I'm your go-to source to learn  how to find the love of your life,   make her fall crazy in love with you, so that  you can spend your life with her by your side. And the best part is, no mind games,  no tricks because they don't work. So make sure you subscribe and ring that  notification bell, give me a big thumbs up,   and if you'd like to learn more about working with  me in my Academy, just go to coachmelannie.com. So, are you ready for these powerful kissing tips? It's easy for it to feel overwhelming  and super complicated, but the truth is   a really good kiss is pretty simple. And these tips I'm about to  share with you are crazy simple. As a matter of fact, I'm going to  be demonstrating a good kiss for you   right now. [laughter] Okay, I'm just  kidding. I'm actually not going to do that.   That would feel so awkward,  so we're not going to do that. But instead, let's just get  to these crazy awesome tips. Tip number one is always, always  share a kiss. Never steal a kiss. The way you approach a kiss really  matters. Like, really matters. Your mindset and intention when you kiss her   directly affects whether she enjoys  the kiss or really regrets the kiss. And always you want her to enjoy it, right?  You want it to be magical and amazing. You don't want to be too aggressive,   especially early on. You know, don't  devour her face, okay? Just don't do it. You don't want to rush her and make her feel  like she has to kiss you before she's ready. A lot has been said in   songs or movies about stealing a kiss.  But the truth is it doesn't work that way. You don't steal a kiss. You share a  kiss. That's what makes it magical. Anytime you're just focused on yourself and  what you want, it's going to be unfulfilling. But when you focus on the two of you sharing this  moment, sharing how you feel about each other,   that's what makes it magical. It may sound small, but mindset   is the biggest part of anything you'll  ever do, especially in relationships. While we're on this topic of kissing,   there are two other videos I'm also going to  mention that are going to help you so much. Make sure you watch this video on 13 places  that women want to be touched, and this video   on how to flirt with women, where I give you some  specific things to say to just melt her heart. I'll put video- I'll put links to both  of those in the description below. Kissing tip number two is  do not kiss her too soon. That truth is, yes, women like  kissing too. It's a fun thing,   and it's certainly something  that should be enjoyed. However, if she's a classy woman, if she's a  loyal woman, if she's a woman who's looking   for long-term love, someone to wake  up next to for the rest of her life,   she treats kisses with respect because  they deserve that kind of respect. I know there's a ton of pressure put on you   to kiss her within a certain  amount of time or she'll get bored. Yeah, that's not true of a classy  woman, okay? I'm just going to say it. A kiss means something to a loyal, good,  tender woman. And so she doesn't want   to rush that. She wants it to  mean something to the two of you. This is especially true of a Christian  woman who's trying to stay morally clean.   This is not something that's talked  about enough. It really should be. The last thing she wants us to rush the physical  side of things, even if it's totally appropriate,   and then have it complicate things down the road. She wants to respect you and  she wants you to respect her.   And if you're trying to kiss her too soon,  that's actually a huge red flag for her. So if you're struggling to attract  high-quality, classy, good, loyal women,   this can be a lot of the reason why. Okay, I'm about to let you in on a secret. Are you paying close attention? What a lot of people don't know is  what makes a kiss the most magical   is knowing that you're kissing someone who  loves you, someone who loves the real you. That's what makes it the most  enjoyable and exciting and magical;   when you have two people who love each other and  genuinely respect each other and share a kiss. And that actually brings up a  really interesting question. How do you find and create  that kind of deep relationship? Can you imagine how wonderful it would  feel to look into her stunning eyes   and know that she loves you with her whole heart,  that she loves the real you and always will? That would be the best  feeling in the world, right? Dating can feel tough and exhausting.   It's terrible to get your hopes  up only to have them crushed. And it's devastating when you  share a special moment with someone   only to have it completely fall apart around you. Nothing is worse than sharing a special  moment with a woman thinking she truly   cares about you and then watching it  completely fall apart. It's devastating. So let me assure you that the kind of  love you want and you're dreaming of,   it's real, and you can have it. As a matter of fact, I help  people get this every day. I created Attracting Lasting Love Academy   to guide you through the life-changing  strategies that allow you to find the feminine,   gentle, tender, loyal woman of your dreams  and make her fall madly in love with you. If you want to wake up every morning next  to the soft, tender love of your life,   knowing she loves you completely, then these  life-changing strategies are what you need. To discover how you can have a lifetime of those  soft, beautiful kisses from the woman who adores   you, and to learn more about my Academy,  make sure you watch my free masterclass. Just go to coachmelannie.com/masterclass.   I'll put a link in the description  below and a link in the pinned comment. If you want those kisses to last a  lifetime, your love to last a lifetime,   you need to be in on these secrets,  so make sure you give it a watch. Now my next kissing tip goes along   with the previous one. This tip is to  notice how soon she tries to kiss you. If you've been here for a while, you've  heard me talk about toxic or fake women. As a matter of fact, if you  haven't seen this video yet,   and you have no idea what I'm talking  about, watch it. Like, do yourself a favor,   save yourself some heartache and watch it.  I will put a link in the description below. If you're sick of fake and empty  relationships that just leave you   feeling completely defeated and exhausted,  yeah, you need to watch that video. Something most people don't know is  that toxic women will use physical touch   to make your head spin, to  control and manipulate you. Toxic women know that if she can  distract you by giving you that   high all the time, that you won't notice  how sick and fake and toxic she really is. So one of the biggest things  narcissists (toxic people) will do   is they will rush that physical  side of the relationship. Honestly, it's an insane red flag. As a coach, I can't tell you how many  men come to me completely shattered and   heartbroken because they thought a woman  cared for them who honestly just didn't. So it's truly in your best  interest to not kiss her too soon. If a woman enjoys spending time with you  without kissing you - for a while, I mean,   obviously, at some point there should  be kissing - but at least for a while,   if she cares enough about you to want to  spend time with you without all of that,   that's a really good sign that it's  you she cares about, not just kissing. Because the sad reality is there  are many women who just want a list   of guys they have kissed. It's pathetic, but true. You want that feminine, tender woman who cares  about you so much that she wants to kiss you. Okay, my next tip for how to kiss a girl, my next  kissing tip, is to make your kisses memorable. Now this is something I do go into more detail   with you after you complete my Academy.  However, let's briefly go over it here. I know many of you here have  already joined me there,   so after you complete the Academy, make  sure you do reference that special video. Most women want a kiss to  be romantic and memorable. This is especially true of your first  kiss. This is something she wants to,   like, tell your grandkids about. Like,  this is kind of a big deal to her. You don't want to overdo this or overthink  this, but you do want to make it special. One way to do this is to  avoid some of the cliches. For instance, waiting until you  get to the door. It's so cliche,   it's kind of painful. And  that's why you want to avoid it. "Oh, shoot. He brought me home. We're  walking up to my door. Should I let   him kiss me? I don't know if he's going to  kiss me. Does he want to kiss me? Should I   stand here? Should I go in my house?  Should I slam the door in his face?" [laughter] She doesn't know what to do. And  so it just makes both of you feel a ton of   pressure. And that's not what you want. It can't  really be magical if there's too much pressure. This makes the kiss feel calculated rather  than spontaneous and romantic and magical. Before we get to the most powerful kissing  tip, I have a quick question for you. Are you enjoying this video, and would  you like more videos like this one? I think this is the only video I've  posted on YouTube about kissing.   So should I make more? If I should,  comment "kissing" to let me know. And okay, I just have to say a huge thank you!  I recently got "super thanks" on my channel,   and I am so humbled and so grateful to those  of you who are using that and sharing that. It   really does help me so much. It helps me  continue to create this content for you. And the truth is whenever you support  me, you're really just supporting   good, Godly relationship advice. It's so  much more than just my channel. So thank you   a million times. And if you're enjoying  this video and want to hit that "super   thanks," I would really appreciate it.  You're a rockstar and never forget it. It's also really fun for me to see who my top  viewers are and those who really appreciate   my content the most. So I see you, I know  who you are, and I cannot thank you enough. Okay, are you ready for a powerful kissing  tip? Here it comes. It's coming in fast. Make sure when you kiss her it  means that you care about her. This really goes along with our first tip,   but it's so important it really  needs its own time to shine. When someone is kissing you because they  care about you, it is automatically magical. So many people overthink specific kissing  strategies and they massively obsess over being   super sexy. And the truth is  that's a waste of time, okay?   It's just really is. You're obsessing over  something you don't need to obsess over. At the end of the day, it's  not about being super sexy. It's about being loved. Everyone wants to feel like they matter. Everyone  wants to feel loved. We want to be cared about. When you kiss her because  you honestly care about her,   that love is felt and she tingles  all over as she swoons in your arms. Your intention really does  make all the difference. So let me make sure I have this right. Your whole goal is to find and captivate  a gentle, feminine, loyal woman,   and make her fall deeply in love with you, so  she wants to spend her whole life with you. Is that correct? Is that what you're looking for? Why does it seem so hard to find that kind of gal? And how do you keep that spark alive,  so she's smitten by you forever? These are questions you'll find the  answers to in my new free masterclass. If you're sick of relationships that go nowhere  and you're ready to wake up to her soft touch   every morning for the rest of your life, you  need to learn the secrets I share with you there. So go to coachmelannie.com/masterclass.   I will also put a link in the description  below and a link in the pinned comment. Don't keep yourself from the love of  your life anymore. Watch it today. Real fast, let's sum up what you've  learned about how to kiss a girl correctly. Number one, always share a kiss,   never steal a kiss. Your mindset and intentions  going into the kiss really, really matter. Number two, do not kiss her too soon.  That pushes classy women away and really   only helps you attract toxic women. So you  really, really need to not kiss her too soon. Kissing tip number three, pay  attention to how quickly or how soon   she kisses you. This is a huge  red flag of a toxic woman. Number four, make your kiss,  especially your first kiss,   memorable and magical. Avoid  cliches. They just make it awkward. And number five, make sure   your kiss means that you care about her.  There's nothing more spectacular and exciting   and memorable and magical than kissing someone  who you honestly adore and who adores you too. Thank you so much for watching, my amazing  friend! If you enjoyed what you saw,   be sure to give me a big thumbs up and  subscribe and ring that notification bell. And I want to hear from you in the comments. Would  you like more videos like this one? If you would,   comment "kissing" to let me know. And of course, if you really enjoyed this video  and would like to hit that "super things,"   I would really appreciate it. Thank you! If you don't yet follow me on social media, there  are links in the description below. And I share   exclusive content in my Instagram stories,  so make sure you especially follow me there. Do you have a friend   who needs to know tips about kissing? Who doesn't,  right? So make sure you share it with him. Thank you so much again for watching my  amazing friend, and have an amazing day! [blooper beep] In my new setup here, the AC  is blowing my hair, and I've just decided   to roll with it. My sister says it's like a  shampoo commercial or something. You know,   like, your hair rippling in the breeze. So we're  going to go with that. [laughter] So if it bothers   anyone, just pretend it's a commercial for like  shampoo or something. It'll be fine. [laughter]   Just ignore it. It'll- it'll be fine. Okay. Oh, whoops.   Kind of curious how much you picked up of  that. Of course, this might shield some of the   wind, the air, whatever. Oh, yeah. What am I doing? I dunno. [laughter]   Did you see the look of sheer panic in my  face? What am I doing here? I don't know. Okay, this setup is a little  harder to get the mic close to me.   It's cool though. I'll roll with  it. Nope, that's the wrong way. Okay. Okay, are we ready? I think I'm ready.  You ready? Oh, I'm ready. You ready? Well,   then let's do this. [laughter] Okay. I just  have fun by myself. It's not a big deal.   Put me in front of a camera, I can have all kinds  of fun. [laughter] Okay, um, okay, here we go. As an interesting side note, do you have any  idea how incredibly awkward it feels to make   thumbnails for a video about kissing? It feels  really weird. [laughter] If you saw my stories   on Instagram yesterday, you  probably heard me say that. No, it feels really awkward and weird. [laughter]   It's one of the weirdest things  I've ever done for YouTube. All right, here we go. [laughter] I'm serious  though. You're like, "I don't know what   to do." [laughter] It's fine. Okay, ready?  Okay, I've stalled long enough. Here we go. Hello, my wonderful friend!  Today- Ah, I hit my mic. Shoot. -and these tips are crazy simple.   Now I will be- I'm trying to decide if I  should use a joke or if it's too cheesy.   I'm going to try it, and if you want  to cut it out, you can cut it out. -and these tips I'm about to share with  you are crazy simple. As a matter of fact,   I'm going to be demonstrating a good kiss for  you right now. [laughter] Okay, I'm just kidding.   I'm actually not going to do that. That would  feel so awkward, so we're not going to do that. But instead, let's just get to  these crazy awesome tips. [laughter]   Can you imagine? That would be so awkward. I know  people do it, but I'm not going to. So, it's cool. [laughter] Oh, I'm having too much fun today. [singing a note] There's something  in my eyeball. Oh, oh, oh, oh.   Oh, I almost forgot, but I can't forget our rock  star club. Those of you who watch to the end of   the video, because you're just that cool.  If this is your first time watching to the   end of the video, we have a special word that  we say at the end of the video so that I know   who watches to the end. And we're like the  super secret club that nobody knows about. So today's word- I was going to say  "kissing," but that's not going to work.   That's already a word if you  want another video like this. Let's do... [beat boxing]   Let's do "beat box" because I'm an  amazing beatboxer, obviously. [laughter]   No, but seriously, comment "beat box"  if you watched to the end of the video,   because I love to see those of you who  are in the super secret club. So do it.
Channel: Coach Melannie
Views: 22,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to kiss a girl, kissing tips, 5 kissing tips you didn’t know you needed how to kiss a girl secrets and more, how to get a girl to kiss you, how to kiss a girl and make her want more, how to kiss a girl properly, kissing tips for guys, kissing tips and tricks for guys, kissing tips and tricks, how to kiss a girl perfectly, better kissing tips, how to kiss a girl and not make it awkward, how to kiss a girl better, how to kiss a girl beginner, tips about kissing, Coach Melannie
Id: Z79mIu5VFl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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