If A Woman Can't Offer You THIS... She’s Useless To You πŸ™ˆ

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if a woman can't offer you this she's useless to you there are certain things that you honestly deserve to have in a relationship and I was sitting down and I was thinking about it and I was like what are some of the top things like if you could have this everything else would fall into place so that you could have that exciting passionate fulfilling love and I'm going to be sharing with you the top three things in this video I'm not going to stop there though I'm also going to share how you can actually find someone like that so if you're like don't don't panic if you don't know how to find someone like that I'll teach you how to do this as well a loving tender relationship is the most amazing thing we can experience in life and so making sure that she has those qualities that you truly deserve to find that will help you guarantee your success is exactly what you should have so are you ready with or should we just dive in should we just get started okay let's do it and these are not in any order order of importance just to clarify but the first one I want to talk about is respect she you always always deserve respect as a matter of fact you really can't have love unless there's respect in the relationship now many many people feel or teach that you have to force her to um to respect you that you have to be super um aggressive about this and the truth is what what they don't tell you is is because they're trying to teach you how to force a toxic woman to respect you don't even waste your time on her if she's toxic why are you wasting all that time and energy instead a woman who is looking for lifelong love a woman who is a high quality woman who is loving and feminine a good woman a high value woman she wants to respect you okay like she goes into this wanting to respect you because one she already has respect for men in general and people in general and two she she just kind of approaches life from that perspective of wanting to respect people so you're not going to have to like force her to respect you as long as you are being a respectable person then she's going to respect you so you absolutely deserve respect in a relationship if she doesn't give you respect don't waste your time on her some examples of respecting you are things like respecting your boundaries respecting your opinions and your uh way of doing things the way you think respecting your needs does that sound like the kind of relationship you want it makes sense right PS before we get to the next one make sure you subscribe and ring the notification Bell my name is Melanie I'm a Christian dating coach for men and your goto source to learn authentic strategies that lead to authentic love so if a lifelong love is what you want with a feminine tender woman you're in the right place okay the next thing that a woman has to offer you or I would not waste your time with her this one's going to surprise some people but it's good the next thing is willingness to improve if she is already in this mindset and goes into a relationship with you with the willingness to improve there are no limits to how magical and exciting your relationship can be if she goes into the relationship wanting to make sure she can always uh improve herself and the relationship then you can get ready for a lifetime of love and happiness imagine this two different scenarios one scenario you marry a woman who she's like all right that's it I got the guy it's all downhill from here and she doesn't necessarily take care of herself or take care of the way she looks she doesn't really care about becoming closer as a couple she doesn't really care about um making sure you're communication works and that you understand each other she doesn't she doesn't really care about any of that she's just you're married who cares this like the worst possible case scenario of being married right however let's say instead that she has the mindset of improving and so she tries to work on her health she tries to make sure she's attractive and beautiful for you she tries to work on understanding you and and helping you understand her and she tries to um help you guys understand how you can become closer as a couple and you can really create that exciting electric relationship that's the kind of woman that would be delightful to be married to right so it's important as you're getting to know her as you're creating your relationship goals which by the way if you don't have relationship goals yet you should that is the first thing I teach my clients how to do in my Academy and then from there we learn how to actually achieve those goals if you don't know what you're looking for how you going to get it so these are some great things to put on your relationship goals if she is someone who is always willing to improve that girl right there is a keeper and you definitely deserve someone who wants that who's already proactively doing this before she ever even meets you and certainly wants to continue that after if you are committed to keeping that spark alive forever you definitely deserve a woman who is as committed as you are okay so at the beginning of this video I said I was only going to mention three things but as I think about it there's actually a fourth one I want to add in there so I'm going to add another one so if you're counting and you're like wait this isn't three you're right it's not three so the next one we're going to talk about is you deserve a woman who is on your side someone who's got your back so to speak she will calm your fear she'll comfort you she'll cheer you on she'll encourage you she'll Build You Up can you imagine what it would be like to be in a relationship with that kind of woman someone who's always making you feel like her superhero because that's how she sees you there's nothing more draining than trying to be with someone who is the opposite of that someone who uh pulls you down somebody who's critical someone who doesn't support you someone who just makes you feel feel down in the dumps instead of on cloud nine and so you absolutely deserve someone who's she's totally on your side and she wants to be there for you and she wants to make it all better in in her own feminine way and she wants to absolutely love and adore you and encourage you okay and the next thing um that is absolutely critical that you definitely deserve in a woman and if she doesn't have this seriously she is completely useless to you like don't don't go there this thing is that she is a woman of Integrity when someone has Integrity we can trust them when they do not have integrity well we can't so if you want someone who's loyal if you want someone who's honest if you want someone you can count on and you know that that you're that her heart is yours forever it is critical that she is a woman of Integrity it sounds like a no-brainer when you say it out loud but you would be shocked how many people don't even take that into consideration especially when popular media and music and stuff kind of um play up the whole oh but if you're a little bit bad no we want to be with people who have integrity because we can trust them do you want a woman who you can't trust do you want a woman who is not honest you on a woman who's not loyal duh of course you don't so pay attention and if she's a woman of Integrity oh my goodness she's a keeper if she's a woman who doesn't have integrity who you notice with you and or other people she's not honest maybe she's not loyal to other people maybe she's she's she's willing to kind of push the envelope a little bit she is not worth your time she's not someone you can trust Okay so at this point you might be thinking okay maybe you you're thinking of some examples of women who have not been like this um maybe you're wondering okay but how how do I find a woman who who has these traits who has these relationship goal traits the answer is I'm going to make it very simple number one is make sure that you have these traits as well we are attracted to what we are and so if you want a woman who's respectful be respectful if you want a woman who is willing to improve and always be looking for ways to better herself you need to be willing to do that yourself if you want a woman who will cheer you on and encourage you and be by your side you need to show that to her as well and if you want a woman of Integrity you need to be a man of integrity it makes sense when you spell it out right like that doesn't it so often we really over complicate attraction and we try and make it sound like it's the secret little you know just say this one line or wear this one type of clothes or you know just pull away at just the right time and then no no no no no attraction is so much more simple than that really at the end of the day when she fulfills your needs she's irresistible to you and when you fulfill her needs you're irresistible to her so it's very very simple now my question for you is do you want to learn more about what women's needs are and I'm talking about loyal loving tender women I'm talking about the kind of women who have these traits I just mentioned because it's very different than the flings and the one night stand and the toxic girls that you're hearing so much about yeah like the kind of people who are like oh be the bad boy yeah if you want a fling if you want a real woman yeah that's not going to work real women aren't that stupid if you would like to learn what an authentic high value loyal loving woman wants that's what I'm here to help you with I created a master class for you where I'm going to be sharing three of these things that are absolute game changers for you that you have the power to Forever transform how women respond to you and help you understand what makes her fall passionately in love with you do do you want to know how to do that okay good go to Coach melon.com masterclass there's a link in the description below and a link in the pinned comments real fast let's recap what these things are that you truly deserve in a woman number one is a woman who resp respects you number two is a woman who is willing to improve in all areas herself the relationship her appearance all the good things number three is a woman who cheers you on who encourages you and builds you up who's by your side and supports you and number four is a woman of integrity that's the only kind of person we can trust is someone who is trustworthy makes sense right thank you so much for watching my amazing friend be sure to subscribe if you haven't yet and give me a big thumbs up make sure you share this video with a friend sharing really does help me and I'm sure it will help him as well a huge shout out and thank you to everyone who's so amazing with the super thanks it truly touches my heart thank you for supporting wholesome Christian content and helping to increase the good in this world because the truth is that's my whole goal is to make the world a better place so thank you for supporting me in that and whether you've ever used the super things before or not if you would like to use it now that' mean a lot to me so thank you if you don't yet follow me on social media there are links in the description below and I share exclusive content in my Instagram stories so make sure you especially follow me on Instagram thank you so much again my amazing friend and have an amazing day fun fact about me pancakes are my favorite like I love pancakes they make me so happy Simple Pleasures peeps Simple Pleasures maybe that should be the the word for the end of the video okay when I get to the end the video that's that's the word for the end of the video like the kind of people who are like oh be the bad boy yeah if you want to fling if you want a real woman yeah that's not going to work real women aren't that stupid oh I'm getting so bold in this video maybe I should freestyle it more comment freestyle if you think I should I'm a little scared to know the answer to that one sorry you're getting real authentic freestyle Melanie today Melanie has a little sass I don't know show that in the videos because I don't always need to but sometimes the lies that you guys get told just legit make me mad okay rant over we're good okay secret end of the video Club hey how you doing I've been waiting because I came up with the word early I'm not sure if that made it into the bloopers or not if it did make it into the bloopers then maybe you're seeing the this first I don't know but the word at the end of the video I don't know how it goes I don't watch them I just give them to my editor the word for the end of the video is pancakes why because pancakes they make me feel happy all over like literally I get like giddy about about pancakes like the butterflies in my stomach cuz I'm so happy cuz I get to eat pancakes cuz they make me happy so that's that's the word for the end of the video if you're new here we always have a word at the end of the video so I know who watches to the end and I I love looking for your comments so thank you so much remember pancakes go eat some pancakes and have an awesome day I have a lot more fun when I freestyle it oh that's dangerous that's a dangerous thing I can a lot of fun alone in a room with the camera I've always been that way ever since I was a kid my um mom used to tease me she used to call me the little model of the family because I was always like camera done I can have plenty of fun with the camera it's even more fun when it's a video though cuz then everybody has to listen to me ramble well they don't actually have to listen to me ramble but I can ramble and feel like somebody's listening there you go where was I going with that I have absolutely no idea but I'm done now now ramble is over see you later I don't know oh I'm giggly today that's always fun
Channel: Coach Melannie
Views: 12,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: femininity, low quality women, mans peace, relationship, masculine man, healing and rejuvenation, safe environment, affection in a relationship, reciprocity, classic fairy tales, infinite power, true femininity, #1 trait all men crave and deserve (demand this), #1 trait men crave, relationship advice, dating tips, mens needs, relationship advice for men, relationship coach for men, alpha male, high-value men, become irresistible, Coach Melannie
Id: nukdn1y-12s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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