How to be Confident | 3 Keys to Self-Confidence | Linda Raynier

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hey ambitious professionals it's Linda Rainer of Linda Rainer calm guiding you to a career in life you'll truly enjoy now if you lately because of the situation that we're in been feeling a bit stuck a bit empty maybe lonely stressed-out frustrated and anxious on a day-to-day basis then this video is for you because I am going to talk to you it's a bit of a more in-depth video where I'm going to share with you the reasons why you're likely feeling this way and what you can start to do and how you can start to see yourself differently so that you can feel better about yourself on a daily basis this is all about boosting your confidence and finding value in who you are so if you're interested in this let's get started [Music] as a career strategist I've had the honour of being able to help numerous professionals land their dream job offers and so if this is something that you're interested in working with me one on one I can give you details about that at the end of this video now like I said earlier today's video is going to be a slightly different video from what I normally do where I'm just sharing my three reasons for why I feel you're not feeling the greatest about yourself and how you can improve that instead I want to share with you three reasons that I was able to learn from a very specific book that I've been reading over the last several weeks and months and that book is called a Course in Miracles now some of you may have heard of this book some of you may have not basically the premise of this book is it's considered a spiritual text you can see that it's extremely thick it's not the Bible it's not a religious text of any sort but it does have some I guess spiritual and religious connotations in it I mean I'm just putting that out there but what I was able to do from reading this book and I haven't finished it by the way I've only read several chapters is as I've gone through I've been able to gain some insight and some wisdom that I find is completely applicable in everyday life and I think this is something that you can do as well with any book that you decide to read any sort of motivational uplifting spiritual or religious book you're going to be able to find lessons that will apply to you and be able to use them for yourself so that's what I want to be able to do with you today is share with you three reasons why I feel that you aren't feeling great right now about yourself that I was able to find from A Course in Miracles and then we're going to be able to talk about each of those reasons and how we can overcome them so that you can feel more confident and feel more optimistic as the days and months go on the first reason is a direct quote from A Course in Miracles and it says our sense of inadequacy weakness and incompletion comes from the strong investment in the SCAR city principle that governs the whole world of illusions now just to put it out there the language that they write in with this book it doesn't sound like the way that you and I would speak but essentially what they're saying here is that the feeling that you have of feeling incomplete feeling inadequate compared to others feeling not good enough actually stems from a very specific belief that you have and that belief is called the scarcity principle what does scarcity mean scarcity means that there isn't enough to go around that maybe somebody else has more and I have less and therefore in order for me to get more I have to take that from someone or I have to figure out a way to get more outside of myself so if you can understand that ask yourself do I have the idea of the scarcity principle as a belief for me do you believe in the scarcity principle do you believe that it's a dog-eat-dog world that unless you're aggressive unless you go after what it is that you want but and have to push people out of the way that you won't become more if you believe that and to be honest 99.9% of us do believe that because we were raised in a society that has taught us to be competitive that has taught us to look at others as potential competition as potential enemies as individuals who might beat us when it comes to for example looking for a job if you feel that that does exist for you and that's a reality for you then that's the reason why you feel less than because you don't feel that you are enough as you are you feel that you have to compete with others you have to prove yourself you have to prove your worth in order for you to feel good about yourself and I'm here to tell you that honestly that way of thinking and that belief is something that I myself have struggled with as well and it's still a work in progress for me because if we hold on to those types of beliefs what we find is that will never feel enough because no matter how much we try to demonstrate to the world that we're capable no matter how much we try to prove to everyone else that we can do it no matter how much we try to show what we're capable of to the world we ourselves will never feel good enough because we're looking to the world to give us that approval and the truth is you can't you can't look to other people to give you approval if you decide to live your life that way where you choose to give up your power to other people's opinions other people's perceptions unfortunately you will always feel not good enough that's the Nugget that I was able to get from this one quote is that your sense of incompletion your sense of inadequacy your sense of worthlessness or feeling not of value comes from the idea that your value and your worth exists outside of you and it doesn't you already have everything that you need within you we were born with all these amazing gifts and talents and abilities and a unique personality and that is what we have to focus in on and that's what we have to nurture and nourish within ourselves and being in the situation that you're in now where you're likely stuck at home maybe you live on your own and you're having to deal with these frustrations and anxieties and stress on a daily basis this is a perfect time for you to discover beneath all of that who you really are Who am I at the most deepest level and what gifts and talents do I have available to share with the world you have to start first with realizing your value what you can offer and then whatever it is that you want if it is a better job if it is a better home you're gonna be able to get it without feeling that you can't without feeling inadequate you're gonna be able to get it based on your own sense of inner confidence that was a really long rant for that first reason but hopefully I made it clear and if you can just shift this belief away from valuing yourself compared to others and instead valuing yourself just based on your own inherent gifts talents and abilities that hopefully will make a huge difference for how you're going to feel in the next days and weeks to come reason number two why you've not been feeling so great according to a Course in Miracles it says whatever you accept into your mind has reality for you it is your acceptance that makes it real this statement is so simple yet it is so true whatever you have accepted to believe becomes your reality and if you don't look at yourself and you look at somebody else think of someone else who lives their life where they don't feel that they're enough they feel that it's a dog-eat-dog world that to get anything that you want you have to fight for it that it's all about competition that things don't come easily that it's all a struggle imagine how they go about their life feeling and believing and thinking those things versus someone who feels more optimistic and more connected to themselves where they feel that they know what their strengths are they know what their weaknesses are and they're willing to be reasonable about that and then from there they're willing to trust in their own inner guidance to take steps to move forward and if things don't work out they try a different way but they don't judge themselves as harshly as the person who I just mentioned earlier let's talk about you how is your life playing out right now based on what you've accepted to become your reality because the truth is we all have this power within us to be able to accept certain beliefs we have the power to determine how we want to see the world you can see it as a place of opportunities you can see this experience of living this life as almost as though you are on a journey and you're here to learn some lessons and you're here to gain experiences and you're here to experience everything fully or you can see this as a never-ending dreary experience and not really understand the deeper meaning of why you're here so what I'm trying to say is that what you really want to do is to understand what it is that you are believing what have you accepted into your reality and how is that playing out for you because at the end of the day it does not matter what other people think of you all that really matters is how you think and feel about yourself to help you with this I would want you to ask yourself some questions and that's to say am i living the life that I deserve am i leveraging my strengths and talents and gifts to do what I'm meant to do am I satisfied do I believe that this is possible for me that I can achieve the kind of career and the kind of life that I really want understand what are those beliefs that I've accepted what have I brought in what if I take an ownership of that I need to release my ownership of you need to let go of those beliefs that no longer serve you and that takes work my friend this is a time for you to start journaling to start understanding diving deep into who you are so that once you release those negative beliefs those beliefs that aren't true and really understand where they come from you are going to be able to smoothly glide into the next phase of your life and you're going to be able to have inspiration and gain insights into what it is that you want to really do let's move on to reason number three miracles arise from a mind that is ready for them now this is not so much a reason why you're not feeling great as more of just a simple statement that says that people who are ready for miracles and whatever you want to define as a miracle a miracle is gaining clarity into who you are a miracle is feeling more grounded within yourself a miracle is being able to access a deeper part of you that is away from the mind chatter and from the judgments and really being more centered within yourself more connected within yourself those I consider miracles you will only experience those miracles if you're ready for them the reason why I brought this statement up as the third point that I wanted to make in this video is because there are people out there who will disagree with me and say that you know for example during this time of being in the coronavirus we should have the right to pout we should have the right to complain and be fearful and be filled with anxiety and be filled with stress you absolutely have that right I'm not taking that right away from you if that is how you want to conduct your day go ahead but if that is not how you want to fill your days and hours and your energy if you don't want to sit in that negativity there is another way that's all I'm pointing to if you want to experience miracles if you want to experience shifts if you want to feel better about yourself be more connected to who you are and be able to listen and hear that inner guidance that's within each and every one of us if you want to be able to access that you have the ability to but you have to be open and ready for it and those people that want to fight for their right to complain and to be unhappy and to be filled with anxiety and to be filled with worry clearly they're not ready so you get to decide for you ask yourself am I making myself ready or am i digging myself into a deeper hole of wanting to experience misery and anxiety and stress because it is all a choice I'm just putting this out there the way you decide to live your life is completely up to you you have to remember that that's the truth you get to decide how your life goes I mean obviously we don't have full control of everything that happens in our life but we have control over ourselves we have control over how connected within ourselves we have control over how much effort we put into nurturing caring and loving ourselves so you want to ask yourself how much effort am i putting into myself where I'm prepping and priming myself to be ready for those miracles to happen whatever you want to define is America whether it's another job opportunity or it's a new relationship or it's something that you want to achieve those types of things will only come to those who are ready being ready means you have to do the work the internal work to clear out that desire to just want to sit and be filled with anxiety and stress I mean every single one of these points that I've brought across in order to overcome them it all takes work in order to figure out who you are deep down inside that takes a lot of work and I just wanted to bring this to your awareness that there is a different way to live so that's the third and final point is that miracles will come to those who are ready for them just like opportunities come to those who are ready for them imagine for example that you're searching for a job right now but you haven't prepared yourself for it you haven't done the work of being able to prepare yourself for the interview so you can sell yourself well you haven't done the work of preparing your application but there's this amazing opportunity that comes up likelihood is that you won't achieve that opportunity because you haven't done the work to match what that opportunity requires same goes with everything else in your life if you want to change if you want to be more connected to who you are you have to do the work to get there if you want those miracles to come you have to be willing to dig deep to rise yourself up and to match yourself to those miracles so this was like I said a bit of a different video and I went on a lot of rants but hopefully I have drilled it home for you that there is this opportunity for you to shift there's this opportunity for you to feel good and better about yourself and as long as you are willing to do the work of electing and understanding who you really are and what you've taken on from an external perspective negative beliefs that really don't serve you if you're willing to do the work of shedding them you will start to see a huge change in how you feel about yourself and you're gonna gain way more clarity into not just yourself but into other people because to be honest we're all a work in progress we're all dealing with our own beliefs and we need to get to the truth of it if we want to be able to be fully expressive and be who we truly are so I hope this video was helpful to you now if you're someone who is currently on the market for a new job and you are struggling with being able to get those interviews and get those job offers and you're deciding that you want to reach out to me one on one for some professional guidance then feel free to head on over to my website Linda Raynor comm slash stand out get hired read through the page fill in the application form and if it sounds like we are a potential match then one of my team members will be reaching out to you directly now if you like this video then please make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe share it with your friends thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Linda Raynier
Views: 50,399
Rating: 4.9467888 out of 5
Keywords: how to be confidence, keys to being confident, self confidence, how to overcome lack of confidence
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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