5 IMPOSTER Pranks For Your FRIENDS In Minecraft!

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on this minecraft server my friends and i adopt these baby crewmates but these little guys have an imposter lurking among us who's ready to sabotage everyone on the server but what happens when that imposter is me now i get to prank all my friends by becoming their baby crewmate and sabotaging their minecraft houses how long will i be able to trick them into thinking that their precious baby crewmate is innocent okay you little guys wait right there i'm gonna go grab everyone else oh zane kauai chen ian are you guys here what yeah what's going on come on over to the park at my house come here i gotta show you guys something really cool really cute you remember these guys come over here look at them oh i know little basement among us [Music] there's baby blue baby [Music] i know and they're yours okay i know they are so super cute all right so here's a cookie so you can tame them one more time i know they're so cute yay okay just ate it right up and they're all super sweet and innocent okay see kawaii meats wait don't aren't you supposed to have one yourself too oh yes i already already tamed it and it's taking a nap inside the house so don't worry about it i'm actually yeah i see it yeah i'm actually gonna go get it so you guys are free to do whatever you want with your little uh crewmates i'm gonna go check on mine be back oh a little bit we're gonna have so much fun all right so you can see that mine isn't there but that's because i'm going to play a few pranks on them as the imposter all right all right let's see if i can sabotage their minecraft play [Music] okay first things first is i'm going to go and sabotage zayn let's see what he's up to in his house i think he's back over here oh there he is let me just go find out where his little his little crewmate is so that we can take them hey there little one are you enjoying your little playpen there you look like you're having such a good time now look you just stay right there play with the train and with the little boaty there and i am gonna make you a little bit of food to eat in fact i'm gonna make myself something to eat as well we just both eat together at the same time it makes such a good time together oh just wait right there all right right there i see what's going on he's gone insane all right let's uh spice this up just a little bit there we go now we just come over here sneaky sneaky oh hello you how about uh i borrow you for a quick moment so let's see does this oh yes all right so let's put you little baby over here there we go now both of us you stay in there and i will sabotage your father all right why is this happening uh uh okay uh uh oh that is spreading oh that is spreading oh no no i i gotta get him out of here someone help okay i'm burning hot ouch you seem to have a an issue in your living room yeah no kidding yeah you know what i was gonna ask a favor but no no don't run back in there no you look busy no little guy wow whoa [Music] oh all right that's it i'm leaving i don't like this i just want a chicken and potatoes now it's time to use my camera room here we go okay all right so all i gotta do is hack it in the mainframe oh wait no i have this camera right here all right let's see let's see what they're up to oh look at this oh him and baby blue are there okay where is he taking baby oh he's giving him carrots no gross what is he doing where's he taking him where's he going oh he's taking him oh look he put them to bed with vegetables okay so there's kawaii and her baby let's see there's zayn and his little crewmate okay all right so you know what i think i'm gonna go after ian's all right all right all right let's see let's see i have some plans to sabotage ian okay and i gotta be really sneaky about this all right really sneaky no you have to eat your vegetables come on okay i know i know you want to play with the lion the lions the lion's green i love the lion too but no you need to eat your vegetables all right let me let me go guess something else hang on oh there he goes there he goes there it is i remember i put this right here just for an occasion right here we go get in there there we go perfect okay okay fine you can have some cookies if you eat your vegetables you see you gotta you gotta go hand in hand there's more carrots carrots are good for you they make you see better good for your eyes good for your heart good for a digestive system um uh guys um the little babies do they do things like you know uh you use the potty by chance uh um wait what happened that i know of okay look it's pooping all over the house okay you can't say that he said the word it did guys i i really could use uh people's helps this is a problem what is it i don't like it vegetables oh vegetables are very good source of pooping okay lots of fiber what's going on in here but ah i was gonna give it some second chance cake if it was being good but you know i i i don't know are you saying it poop because of questions cake no cakes are bad okay listen you can offend just about anyone on here like i know i should know i offend you a lot but do not offend kawhi chance oh no i i stepped in it without even realizing it [Music] wow he had a lot of gold stored up in here did the poop explode these poop land mines oh no well the kid certainly dropped a bomb i'll be over in a second hold on maybe we should put on this gold armor to protect ourselves oh what what is this oh what did you do come on are you serious i thought it was gonna be it was gonna be fun we were gonna be good friends we're gonna have good times oh no who else can i sabotage let's see what kauai chan's up to oh there's pink all right so what i can do i can do something like this perfect gotta do this quick gotta do this quick gotta do this quick one more she notices me okay all right you i have a special place hidden get it through what's she been feeding you oh my god there we go perfect perfect are you awake little one oh you are just wait what is happening oh what are these doing here whoa no no no no see get back oh no they're multiplying what is happening whoa did you hear that oh no little one get away from there oh what's happening now ah hang on we're coming yeah we should probably check that out uh yeah what oh no oh no oh no no no no no no they're already out guys what's i don't know somebody put a bunch of stone in my house and i broke it and then they came out that sounds like something ian would do what no no no no that's not something i would do you know if i were in this situation it's absolutely something you would do no all right new new plan i have a way to get rid of them all very quickly um i'm listening oh oh no oh no i can't get over i can't escape them it's a sure fire plan it worked for my house it's definitely going to work over here so uh i mean it worked for your house oh just try to trap them in try to trap them in a little bit yes see problem solved sabotage is fun all right little grey let's get one thing straight all right there's only one imposter okay and obviously that's me so i'm just going to take your colors there we go and you will be swimming with the fishies that's a really good step tool well there you are i have been looking all over for you did you see that you're just sitting here watching the little fishies swim around aren't you oh that is adorable come here you we're gonna head back to my house real quick listen i'm telling you the tnt was the right choice how serious that can be rebuilt are you kidding me the tnt was not the right choice absolutely was it worked for my house oh my god are they still arguing yes i have like no house left where am i and baby pink going to sleep now zayn you want to you want to chime in on this um well i mean you guys stay at my house oh that's a great idea no no you don't need to do that i mean you could we could make some room right here at my place i actually just finished fixing it up um oh yeah but you know apple's house is a little better and bigger and i think baby pink would have more play toys over there so yeah athmo uh what what are you doing right now is your house okay oh oh you know what i'm busy sorting my inventory right now darn it uh i'll be there soon i don't even know where all the toys are quad channel maybe you're best staying with zayn well i mean yeah actually wow you renovated your house so nicely yeah that's what i was trying to say oh well that's a little glass but i'll see that that's just a great job all this considered yeah just having some open-air concepts here it's no big deal okay guys i i think we also ought to talk about the big problem that's been happening about why we're in this situation oh i've got a point yeah has your little little baby crewmate been um been acting weird lately uh you know what yeah it actually has uh it it got the poops too the same thing that happened to you ian i don't know what happened it was gross super gross this is sounding weird like i'm starting to think something bigger may be going on here what if i don't want to say it but what if one of our little babies is an imposter oh my god that way mine is oh my god how could you suggest that i mean that's the only option i can think of at this moment did you install the mod uh no i didn't install any mods noah oh my god i just have we just had a little among this little space space crew members they're super cute okay it's all space themed trust me okay what happened where did that come from what oh uh uh no no no no no no not my hummus i just finished this did you see space themed are those spacemen creepers are the creepers the imposters oh my god no well they still feel pretty real creepers oh my god it starts so much [Music] somehow i no no you know what um zayn i i hate to say it very generously you but i think your house is out yeah me too i'm in danger all right you come on i literally need you to like not go next to ian so that way i can sabotage him this is my spotlight i'm the sabotager here so let's put you right in here there we go stay there all right geez all right let's see i got baby blue no no no no no no no no he's coming he's coming right off hang on oh baby blue are you in here i saw you oh oh okay okay get away from the edge there no no no what are you doing what are you doing listen listen i know i know the other kids are having fun at the trampoline but you gotta come with us it's gonna be fun yo you want some steak you want some steak you want some steak who wants a oh no oh no hang on baby baby gotcha okay okay let's let's get down get over there okay all right um you know what it's fine it's fine oh thank you you're okay okay everyone's having fun at the trampoline it's gonna be a great time hey you guys all set yeah hey yeah i need something to take my mind off everything that just happened agreed just put my first down payment on the place too zayn's responsible maybe maybe i can get into this i love the trampoline guys do you did you ever stop to think that maybe everything that's happening to you guys is uh you guys doing it like maybe the imposter is actually among the minecraft players what what i'm just one of us hang on i gotta i gotta stop bouncing i gotta stop bouncing that was a serious accusation you just leveled there look are you saying one of the imposters could be among us yeah maybe is what i'm thinking because i mean you guys i mean you guys get along but like you guys have really been divided today you think we would self-report something like that maybe maybe i don't know zayn i mean you know you're looking kind of suspicious over there you know with your mask on and everything like that oh just because i wear a mask you think i'm suspicious like i have any history in my background that would make you think i'd be a suspicious okay all right let's stop accusing each other how about this everyone just bounces on the trampoline just go ahead and give it a bounce bounce the baby blues having a good time too yeah gray's getting into it as well he's really knows how to get the bounces going so nice oh what's up baby blue what are you doing taking a break what what is this what why are we here why are we in this why are we in the air don't look anywhere really baby enderman here too oh this is terrible oh no dragon dragon bring it back oh no no no oh my god okay so i think i was right about this one of these babies is actually an imposter yeah okay but how do we figure that out okay i mean i mean think about it we gotta find out which one is the right one and then you know we gotta okay so let's think about what happened here yeah so my house caught on fire your house had uh exploding diamond poops a little bit yeah kawaii chan just had monsters run through it mine had exploding pot diamond poops too it was terrible didn't really see that happen but yeah it was absolutely terrible i haven't seen her imposter around here the whole time yeah what about kauai-chan what do you mean what about me i mean you know you had you had the uh the whole thing going on with the monsters in your house and then you tried to put the blame on me just because i helped you get rid of the monsters to get rid of the monsters yeah but you also got rid of my house in the process hey uh can't get infested by monsters if you don't have a house oh that's true that's true he's got a really good point i don't want to point fingers at kauai chamber maybe she her imposter is uh you know i don't know what i don't have an imposter i mean when you think about whoa um what just happened one of them definitely seems like an imposter now wow there's more well there's more somehow this is worse than the exploding poops what's worse kawaii chan what did you do i i don't know i just oh i only gave him cake oh i need some cookies you gave them sugar oh no this this is not good well i think yeah i think we have our answer midnight oh i think we can safely assume okay i'm gonna oh they're looking hey just uh stay calm uh they i'm sure all right i'm sure these things can sense for you don't do that look i'm just trying to find out which one the real one is oh no which one is it sorry sorry i got it hang on hang on [Music] [Music] uh okay i'm getting you out of here ah but wait i can't protect him in my house my house is blown to peace oh um nice baby guys what happened oh my god why is there being impossible my house ah i can't believe this is happening oh no i was so sure there wasn't mine wasn't the poster oh i'm sorry kauai chan you have a baby imposter i died too [Laughter] sorry that was really funny
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,260,644
Rating: 4.8347921 out of 5
Keywords: aphmau baby among us, aphmau minecraft baby among us, minecraft among us, among us, among us gameplay, among us game, among us imposter, minecraft funny moments, among us funny, among us memes, aphmau, minecraft, among us traitor, minecraft among us game, among us prank, minecraft prank, among us minecraft prank, trolling my friends in among us, minecraft pranks funny, aphmau minecraft prank
Id: vY5L2hx5w5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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