Minecraft But We Play As HELPFUL KITTENS!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GachaHeatIsBADPeople 📅︎︎ May 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is my friend and he's having the worst luck ever in minecraft but he doesn't want any help from anyone but that's where my adorable helpful kitten comes into play she's the cutest minecraft kitten you've ever seen and she's ready to help my friend have the most perfect day in minecraft but when other players get jealous of how lucky this kitten is they're out to steal her for themselves but she's positively good at keeping them away from her new master how much less will this kitten bring you'll just have to watch and see also be sure to pause that like and subscribe button thanks look at all the fish they're so yummy i gotta get one i gotta get one let's see uh maybe no no no no okay you know i'm just gonna grab one i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna use my claws and i'm gonna i'll not use my clothes i'll use my paws did i get it it worked yes yes okay i'm dragging this back ah come on come on so big this is a big fish all right gentlemen huh put your finishing touches on all right let's see which one of you has made the best minecraft house uh to me obviously no obviously i have the superior minecraft build while we were making houses what well i am going to be the judge of that so let's take a close look all right no mr judge what do you say well i will say that it is very breezy and uh you know it does look kind of pretty but i mean ian the fact that you got the blue here and you got different types of woods and oh this is not oh like like that interior decorating oh nice wait is that a bribe i better not be a bribe what no well i have to say this one goes to ian wait wow oh come on wait you tried you tried i not only did i try i succeeded i demand to know why he is as superior belt apparently uh because yours is kind of shaking a little bit and i'm not sure if it's actually a stamper yeah it doesn't look very sturdy wait what is that cracking sound it looks like it's tipping over here we go you're right i wouldn't do that if i were you and here you are hey pierce everything okay yeah wow where is [Applause] as i was getting through i just got i got blasted by a flash of something cute and then all of a sudden it's the house tipped over he looks at it with the various intent and i know that my house has very very fragile feelings okay i knew it was just sad it just fell away why don't you just take the day off you know have a nice cookie go get some rest and uh we'll uh try again tomorrow yeah yeah i'm gonna go rebel in my victory all right all right you win this round sir but i'll be back i'll be back you just wait and see how do i get this thing back up snack break i can't pick it up oh come on i don't know what to do at this point i guess i guess i'll just go home oh wait wait hold on this this really was gonna squish me what what ended up saving me wait whoa oh hey hey hello kitty how you doing you weren't the one that saved me were you yeah i'm gonna take that as a probably not uh appears to your genius and kept yourself alive on your own okay yeah that's fine i'll give you something but actually i just ate the last cookie and i'm i'm actually kind of hungry myself i don't know he told me i just i guess i could check home and see if i got anything but i don't think i got anything from there either let me grab the fish and yeah wait what are you doing little kitty well you got a wholesale mom yeah i got it i got it i got it for you wait this seven's for me oh that's so nice of you are you you sure you don't want any no uh it's totally my appreciation i guess i don't know use this house no actually you know what as token i appreciate you should use this house as your litter box yeah yours anyway uh i i guess i'm heading home so i'll see you later kitty all right all right i'm off she's got to figure out maybe maybe with salt ooh a little olive oil that's going to be good wait no no no no no this this isn't your house this is my house see take a look it's it's nope you need my help human wait do you do you even have a house no if you want i i could make whoa uh hey anyway that was weird uh but hey look uh you know what uh come on come on in come on it's a nice left house there's a good couch couch is pretty good to sleep on i take plenty of eps on it and there and there you go hey i figured you know you get your little little spot there while i get my own little couch over here and that way we could all be nice and comfy together you know yeah i want to catch you you made me a country this is so cool i could basically wait that's a little bit different don't ought to respond very very very very cute but uh hey guys what hey hey ian what's up can you open there i don't wanna yell through a door or a window yeah okay i guess uh hey ian what's up again what what no no no no no i i was just coming over to ask you any tools and stuff i could borrow maybe some extra iron because i got to do some mining you know to make to make some awesome build stuff and i had i just hey thank you what what whoa whoa whoa you okay i i don't i don't know what happened wait a minute what's it what's a cat tree doing here oh that's what they're called you're talking about the name for you know wait what yeah here's why the other cat here cat swing baby make me hate you that hey ugh listen i don't like cats they don't like me they make big these a lot i don't know i get job pierce here's some cat has to go you have to get rid of the cat yeah i don't want that stop at least like i don't know half your mouth bud my friend it helped me out earlier and i wanted i wanted to pay back for it i i'm keeping it you can't you can't stop me cats are not friends what do you mean the enemy the enemy what kind of enemy wait a minute what the kind that make you go all right oh cows are doing good hey hey hey hey hey hey no scratching the couch all right come on okay i mean you could sit on there that's fine i mean like something like what wait what what was that what was that okay i got him i don't know why i don't know why i locked my door the first place whoa what's going on hi i got a little something for you why are you baby let's go what do you mean you got something for me i'm trying i'm just having a lovely day here at my house and what are you doing i am getting revenge on you for having a cat that seems really just studying economy dude yeah you know i thought it was time to finally use my anti-creeper uh cologne spray thingy i don't know i stole it from noise house but now the creepers won't explode on me but they'll explode on you [Music] oh wait a minute i like this house that actually stands up most of the time please no hey creeper explode hang on okay this way over there oh no no ian come on get him wait what oh i forgot that uh creepers don't like cats creepers come on come on you be serious guys why aren't you doing this guys what's up no no no don't squeeze on the creepers while you take him down whoa oh they're supposed [Music] you um know by now that my cat is allergic to creepers get this thing off [Applause] [Music] and let's live my dude and a little bit here and yeah i think we're good oh that was a lot of work i can't believe that they ian came along and just brought all those dead creepers and all that oh hi hey uh it's so cute it makes me uh actually really hungry uh hold on let me let me go grab something real quick oh he's got cows over there maybe i could help him all right i am ready to go get some food how about you kitty uh oh yeah what what is what is my what is my human wearing why is he wearing that all right i'm all set to go i got my very special fishing hat on and i figured that we're all ready to get fishing you know all right now that now that we've got uh you know i've got you along for the ride all this i feel like fishing is a perfect opportunity he probably thinks i'm a fishing expert i'm going to bring along the best fishing person that i know hey hey tomorrow let's come over here let's hey let's go let's see if there's noise available i think it's just a little bit more sugary what's going on ah mac and i were trying to make a cake sorry about the house but hey you want to go fishing yeah it might be good to kind of let things around a little bit uh yeah maybe make sure that it's just not for people today oh look at that yeah yeah it was all ready it happened in my pocket hmm okay not catching anything nice change yeah i figured i'll get some fresh air and forget about our destroyed homes you know just good times by the way pierce how long have you got that kitty i 10 minutes it's been a co it's been nice so far but uh yeah i didn't even know my kitty yet i don't even know if he asked his name well it looks like you're best friends now yeah kind of she's very good at catching these fish let me let me grab one i haven't caught a single one i know i haven't caught one either yet this this cat's just running around just grabbing him out of the air i will help him catch us whoa we had to get deeper in the water that's a great idea well i can see the salmon right there i can scrap it with my feet eat oh they're swimming all over the place come on uh and i got it i got it i got it i got it wow this is really effective why did i ever think about just removing the water sponge i can't even catch a krabby patty hey hello losers can i see you're using blame sponges that's not how you fish let me show you how you really catch a fish okay what are you doing i've got my bait right here and i'm gonna catch a fish myself oh i don't know about that and that seems like a dangerous thing to be doing yeah i don't know if that's how it works i am an expert fisherman you have fun with that who threw something at me yeah i don't know but that's really big i'll take care of that shark [Applause] [Music] uh so what do you want me over here for you we just yeah you just finished yeah yeah yeah so all right first of all pierce uh oh love the hat i feel bad about everything that was going on earlier as long as the cat doesn't get too close to me i should be okay but i still want to make it up to you so okay i i scouted ahead in the mines i found some diamonds together what do you say [Music] but why why why give me the diamonds okay to make it up you know i threw the creepers at your house you did do that i i threw more creepers at your house you did also did that just just just don't get too close kitty okay okay hey hey stay separate stay separated sounding angry fine hey hey hey and uh look over there is some diamond okay yeah look at that oh oh my god i can't believe it yeah you really found iron hold on i really need to pick up the sign here real quick sorry yeah it'll get the time in a second but that is way important the iron pick ax right right right but i need more iron for other stuff all right i i i got a lot of iron-based projects that i haven't planned here i want to get this in oh my goodness there's so much iron here oh my goodness dude you're so kind thank you yeah you take your time that's fine how does this just keep going oh my goodness 20 iron stop it stop it here hey what happened he's probably fine hey let's grasp those diamonds you know what hold on hold on hold on i got i got a lot of diamonds here you go one for you kitty little tip for for following me around and helping me out there you go what a day it's been an adventure but hey you know what we got saw some good fish we i made a new friend today and it's just been a good day now now make sure kitty then rule number one never jump in the well i've learned that lesson way too many times and yeah it never ends well because it can't get back out it's a big problem okay well i think i got enough here i'm gonna i'm gonna head out for now if you want to stick around just enjoy yourself i'll be i'll be back later okay yeah fish are there but fish is getting me fish i love i love fish [Music] why is he running give me those fish give me those fish get out of here all right kitty kitty no kitty oh who wants it [Music] kitty i have had enough of you i've had enough of you ruining my day and my plans always spoiling my plans and uh you know what you know uh you're gonna have to you're gonna have to stay in here now no no no no no no no all right all right okay all right now that i got the kitty here i got to figure out how to get you far away okay first of all i have to get you away from my nose so i stop sneezing and also have to get maybe maybe i can uh maybe i can make a motion to do that let me see yeah oh [Music] oh no no no what's gonna happen this time i'm gonna go i'm gonna go oh no no no this is bad this is very bad i can't jump up the stairs i can't jump up the stairs i can't jump okay so it wore off but i'm still small [Music] um what's going on yeah my poor kitty just came over here for some fish in here what are you doing today yeah look at you you're beautiful me too don't throw slime at the cat yeah that's gross yeah that's pretty gross i saw you holding slime not the cat holding slime make sense hold on all right come on kitty let's go anti-creeper cologne [Music] things are getting a little bit weird out here and i have kind of worthless object oh and it looks like they're all done the fruits of our labors chicken have some salmon first for you and some salmon for you and some salmon for you i'll give you my salmon right right right sorry sorry i forgot you can't you can't eat salmon here have some mud there you go just for you i will be good with carrots [Music] sorry about that sorry anyway uh well thank you for coming to my house you know i figured it yeah it's kind of a reopening since ian blew it up what's up with that guy he's been causing all sorts of havoc he's been trying to steal my kitten it's just been not very nice of him recently you know kitten is so cute wait sneezing wait is that him he's probably plotting something to steal the cat again dastardly ian where's ian i gotta make sure that i protect my human from him see him anywhere he has to say i don't see him out here either there he is i don't even need to get rid of the cat i just need to get rid of rid of pierce right i can i can blow up this house and then then everything could be all better then i can finally finally get back to that no no no no no why are you here again please please no no get down i need i need plenty i need to pledge i don't have a plan there you take my kitten again what seriously do you have no shame wow ian you can't take another man's cat that's it that's it i've had it i'm done with this i'm going in i'm taking care of this once and for all for what say they're fleas chasing me well when was the last time you took a shower yeah you smelled oh yeah one once well there's one way to take care of that smell here we go and that is and that is wait here what are you doing don't worry yes wow didn't realize we were getting a fireworks show tonight
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,378,506
Rating: 4.8514814 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau helpful kitten, kitten in minecraft, cute minecraft kitten, aphmau pranks her friends, funny minecraft pranks, funny minecraft prank aphmau, Playing minecraft as a kitten, becoming minecraft a kitten, becoming a kitten in minecraft, turning into minecraft a kitten, minecraft morph mod, minecraft aphmau, minecraft a kitten, minecraft mods, lets play minecraft as a kitten aphmau, minecraft no swears
Id: XNgHUq0T4Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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