5 foods I only cook In the air fryer.

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oh oh that's what I'm talking about after many years of putting air fryers to the ultimate test what I've learned is that they've actually opened up a new way to cook food they certainly won't deep fry your food and they're not the same as a standard convection oven you're gonna get a much more intensified convection cook on your food which is actually great for us as home Cooks because there are certain foods that are going to perform better in your air fryer and that's what today's video is about from the last few years of pretty much trying every possible food you can cook in an air fryer I'm going to be showing you five foods that are actually better when cooked in the air fryer so first up is falafel and I have been making Falafel since I started cooking many years ago and of course traditional Falafel is made in the deep fryer or fried in a bunch of oil which I'm not arguing against it's freaking delicious but I haven't deep fried falafel in a while because I've been exclusively making falafel in my air fryer for a few reasons which I'll tell you about in a second but first let's make a Falafel mixture all right news flash you gotta use dry garbanzo beans or chickpeas if you want to make good Falafel none of the can stop if you want any chance for crispiness so I'll pour the dry chickpeas in a container and then fill that up with water and let these soak overnight for at least 12 hours until they are fully hydrated now when I'm making Falafel the goal is always to remove any excess moisture so first I'll drain off the water then I'll transfer the chickpeas to a dry clean towel and I'll roll those around in the towel to remove as much excess moisture as possible and now it's time to process so I'll dump those into a food processor along with just a little chunk of onion you don't need too much one clove of garlic I have a ton of herbs from the garden here I'm using parsley and basil so it's nice and floral and super green then I'll hit it with a little lemon zest again avoiding the juice right now to avoid excess moisture content I just zest it off a piece of the sticker right there I think I got caught in the microplane which is good it didn't go through I'll give it a little dash of some olive oil season that with salt and pepper and then I'm gonna start pulsing everything up until this mixture comes together and I'm looking for something that's not totally smooth and Blended but also not too coarse somewhere in between then I'll pull out the airfryer basket I'll spray that with oil and if you don't have one of those Falafel presses which I'm sure 99 of you do not what I like using is a tablespoon so I can scoop these out into nice little Falafel sized balls making sure that they're evenly spread out in the air fryer so they can Brown up really nicely all right so the first reason I don't deep fry my Falafel anymore is see all those crevasses that is a lot of surface area and I find that falafels absorb so much oil when they're fried which although is super delicious for something that's relatively healthy I find that I can't eat the deep fried version a lot and I want to eat falafel all the time time so right here just the coating of oil into the air fryer I like setting these at 370. not too high so they can just slowly Brown we started at seven minutes and in the meantime I'll make a quick little sauce for this sauce I'm starting off with the mortar and pestle remember those coriander seeds that I harvested from the cast iron video I'm going to start off with some of those one clove of garlic fresh oregano and I'll bash that up until I get a nice paste and then I'm gonna go in with a bunch of Tahini paste this is really going to make up most of my base and then here's where I can take advantage of the lemon juice for a little acidic kick along with just a scoop of mayo you can also use some yogurt to really creamify this sauce and finally a little salt and pepper to taste and then while I'm mixing and bringing this together I'm going to slowly pour in some water to thin this out and get it to the proper consistency a little taste stuff that is incredible God that is creamy goodness oh there we go let's see where we're at oh okay as you can see they're fully holding together beautiful starting to Brown this point another just quick spray won't hurt with the Browning we're going to go back in stay at 370 for three minutes and we'll see how much leaning I can get done all right we are there and oh wow perfect little nuggets slowly kept its shape you don't need to deep fry to get a crispy Falafel just dip that right in official taste test that looks incredible second depth oh white now the deep fried experience is certainly different but I'm not missing out on crispiness and something that I can eat multiple times a week which is another reason why I like to make it in the airfryer all right the next one's an absolute no-brainer the chicken wing or chicken wings you want more than one is one of the best things you can possibly make in the air fryer now I filmed an entire video on this a few years ago testing six different techniques for chicken wings in the airfryer and to be honest most of them were great but my biggest takeaway from that video is that because the chicken wing has the skin on it when you cook them in a high-end density convection setting like an air fryer the fat renders out of the skin and it just based the chicken wing and gets it super crispy leaving pretty much no need for any oil at all so for me a deep fryer like with the hassle involved is almost pointless the results are pretty close this chicken wing recipe that I'm about to show you might not be the most intricate but it is so simple which leads me to actually using it all the time so I've got a pack of chicken wings right here that need to be broken down so quickly butcher these separating the drumette and the flat and then just chopping off that tip and now that these chicken wings are prepped the next step is to season them using a generous bit of salt generally for a little extra flavor I'm just using whatever all-purpose seasoning I have on hand just toss those around to make sure they are evenly coated now this next step is key I'm going to be dry brining or curing these chicken wings so I'm going to take a plate and put a rack on top of that to raise the chicken wings up a bit so you get Complete air flow around the chicken wing because what I'm gonna do is pop the is in the fridge to cure or brine overnight so as you can see the skin has dried out now that's gonna really up the crispiness levels but also the salt overnight is tenderizing the chicken wings basically penetrating in breaking down those proteins giving you a much better final product so it's a win-win of course if I don't have time I'm skipping this step but if you do remember the night before best results let's take these over to the air fryer it's honestly not necessary but I will just spray the bottom just as an added layer of protection and then I will hop these inside up because that Fat's gonna render down over the wing you don't want to over crowd super important with air fryers if you want crispy results this is a smaller basket so I'll just do two batches I'm gonna blast these at 400. we'll start with eight minutes while the chicken wings are cooking I'm going to make a really quick buffalo sauce by just heating up a pan on a medium heat get a few tablespoons of butter in there and your favorite hot sauce now that is traditional Buffet buffalo sauce right there those two things but what I like adding for just a little extra sweetness just a few teaspoons of honey and a little bit of salt to season and as that cooks down a little bit now we've got a nice glaziness to our sauce not laziness laziness and that's what I want coating these chicken wings all right 26 seconds whoa telling you that overnight cure that's what it's all about check out the crispy on that beautiful dump those in the sauce and toss and get my toss game on how do we feel about these I feel pretty damn good so simple these are going to challenge your restaurant Wings any day of the week and you saw how simple it is to make them flat or drumette where to start can't resist a good flat oh my God honey in your buffalo sauce not traditional but the way to go growing up in my mind buffalo wings were something that were super unhealthy and obviously added a good bit of butter to that but you can use a non-fat sauce and the key is that you don't need any extra fat to fry them to get an incredible product which is why I love love Wings in the air fryer Brussels in the house brussels sprouts is number three on this list now a dish that I have seen pop up are crispy brussels sprouts especially as an appetizer the first time I had them served to me the crispiness levels it just seems unreachable how are you doing this and with a little further investigation I realized that most of the time brussels sprouts are actually deep fried which I mean you know at home am I Really Gonna deep fry my veggies it just seems unreasonable but you can make a pretty damn crispy brussels sprouts in an air fryer again taking advantage of that intense convection heat an air fryer can produce we can transform these babies into something incredible as you can see I've done most of the dirty work I've been making these throughout the week what I do first is I just chop off the bottom stem which then will release the top few layers of leaves so anything bruised or damaged or wilted just get rid of that and these are just mini cabbages so underneath there's some beautiful and once you've done that as you can see these are different sizes so I'm not cutting that little one in half but to even the cooking time out bigger boys I'll cut those right in half all right all prepped it's too small of a bowl pop in the bowl you can hit them with a little bit of olive oil a little bit of salt a little bit of pepper and now each Brussels sprout is completely shimmering and coated in oil so for maximum crispiness I like to preheat the airfryer highest temperature for a few minutes and that way when these go in they can start getting crispy right away without overcooking the interior and while the oven's preheating we can make a sauce and the sauce I've seen serve with this dish the most is some type of sweet chili and I've got a little version that's a bit of a hack to get you the same flavors and just a really simple way so see that Sizzle that's slightly overcrowded but it's not too bad so I'm just gonna go with all of those in there we're going full blast Max crispy on the exterior keeping the inside tender this thing gets up to 450 which is incredible hottest air fryer I know just go whatever ever the maximum is on your air fryer start with seven minutes I'm gonna get a saucepan on a medium heat and add in about a quarter to a third cup of vinegar you can use plain white vinegar I'm using some rice vinegar because that's what I had in the fridge and then I'm going to start adding in my aromatic first I'll just grate one clove of garlic followed by a little bit of Ginger and you can chop up some chilies and throw those directly in there but something even easier that will also give you a really nice color is throwing in a scoop of some type of chili sauce I've got some sambal right here and I'll just let that reduce in the vinegar and cook down which is going to concentrate everything but also mellow out those really intense flavors once it's looking more like a paste I'm gonna turn the heat off and balance out all of those super intense flavors with a good bit of honey and finally a little salt to taste and just stir that together until it forms a sauce such a cool hack like sweet chili is a bit of a process generally you need a cornstarch slurry but this is like nice and glazy from that honey for an in and we should be just about done two minutes I'm gonna check it oh oh that's what I'm talking about you see how like that's separated there some of the outer layers have just gotten super crispy and they've almost puffed up a bit Yeah like we've got puffage I'm happy with these you know what let me try it oh oh that was coming this dish is all about the balance of the crispy exterior with a nice perfectly tender inside with just a little bit of crunch left all we got to do is Shabbat Shabbat coat Heavenly could be a fantastic appetizer or a great side dish building a lot of flavor very quickly now imagine there coming out at your table side that's great oh that sauce is awesome Spicy Sweet hanging crunchy that is a fantastic vegetable dish right there I'm not deep frying my brussels sprouts anytime soon and maybe this isn't as crispy but it's certainly a lot cleaner and a whole lot easier to do so I wanted to quickly tell you about the air fryer that I've been using all video long which is my new favorite toy I love this thing it's the kosori light with the four quart basket now if you're looking for an air fryer with a bigger basket capacity I would check out the closure dual Blaze which I featured in past videos that thing is an absolute beast but what I will say is this smaller air fryer I end up using it so much more because it has a Slimmer profile I can keep it out on the counter so when it comes to my daily meal prep rather than preheating a much larger oven more often than not I'm just throwing something in this airfryer for instant results and delicious meals and if you are in the market for an air fryer we have officially teamed up with kosori as an authorized retailer of their products so check out prohomecooks.com browse their selections see what fits your needs so you can start pumping out daily meals in this thing for me this is a complete Game Changer petot skis patat skis french fries here's what else right up front you can't beat a deep fryer when it comes to french fries I made an entire video on this testing every single technique possible in the airfryer and if you're looking for maximum crispiness you just need that extra oil whereas you've got that built-in fat in the chicken wing we don't have that on the potato but having said that you can still make a fantastic french fry where I think the air fryer actually has the advantage is when we take the French fry a step further and we top it with something loaded french fries pairs perfect with the airfryer and that's what we're gonna do right now the first step of course cut up your potatoes I've got some standard russets in guys like that stack fries now my favorite airfryer french fries is when you pre-boil that gives you the absolute best results but it's a bit more fussy a bit more complex so generally for my weeknight meal I just soak them for like 30 minutes that is mandatory to remove all of that excess starch that could burn this is where we use a little air fryer Ingenuity got some bacon here Smoky and smelling good take about three pieces those in half and layer those in and they'll shrink so you can overlap them a little bit and I'll get that cooking first let's do 360. start out with seven minutes all right let's check on these all right not bad just gonna flip them spread them out back in let me turn it down to 350. and perfect I'll just observe those and the key here Bob all that right there that ain't going to waste how God I want to eat those so bad take my potatoes get rid of that and then you can use the same ball The Next Step just gonna kind of rub these around all the sides get dry pop those back in take that bacon grease pour it over there's a Brussels sprout piece from the last recipe that I'll eat right now of course we're gonna hit these with a little bit of salt perfectly coated nice and shimmery put that back in we don't want to overcrowd your fries and then in to the airfryer I'm gonna start these off at a lower temp 370 and I'll do about 10 minutes and then we'll crank it up there let's see where we're at yeah that's Bacon Fat there's a reason why like a duck fat fry is so popular it's just that that reacts differently I'm gonna bring up the town 400 start with seven minutes and we'll just slowly start getting these super crispy let's give it a little peaky oh yeah starting to get crispy there's still some residual oil on there so we can keep cranking away four more minutes it's gonna be perfect now got my bacon I'm gonna chop that up into pieces and then I have cheddar here I'm just gonna grate that up and get that ready to go on top of the french fries yes take a look at one of those give it a try so let's just even these out with a little bacon a little bit of cheese back in the airfryer for maybe a minute and one minute later let's find the perfect fry the bacon hatch that cheese that's just ideal I mean bacon cheese fries not much to complain about there wow honestly I think the ability to use the fat from the bacon use it as the fat for the french fries is what makes this air fryer such a great option for French fries because there's almost no scenario at home that I'm gonna be deep frying in animal fat and I believe I remember hearing Adam ragusia agusi I don't know how to pronounce it Adam regusia talking about how animal fats do react better than a regular oil for frying which to me is certainly the case with these fries all right finally we have a beautiful piece of salmon now when it comes to cooking salmon outside of grilling you've got two main options for Success searing in a pan or baking now those both work great but what I have found actually thanks to low carb state of mind if you remember from The Tick Tock air fryer video throwing a piece of salmon in the airfryer is kind of like The Best of Both Worlds with a really intense convection heat you can get a really nice crispy skin but also just cook it beautifully through so salmon in the airfryer has become my go-to but I am going to try something a little bit different right now and make a teriyaki bowl and the first step is just like the chicken wings with the bigger piece of salmon like this I prefer to do a little overnight cure to get it extra tender and guarantee a crispy crust so I'm just gonna sprinkle some salt on there and a little bit of pepper on both sides get that nice and coated and throw that in the fridge uncovered overnight in the meantime I'm gonna make a really quick teriyaki sauce the same one from My Teriyaki video that I'll link Down Below in the description I'm gonna get a pen on a medium heat add in some oil I'll grate in both a little bit of garlic and a little bit of Ginger and fry those up until all that aromatic flavor is released into the oil then I'm going to dump an equal parts sake to mirin to soy sauce and bring that up to a boil and let that reduce for about two or three minutes and then I'll mix in my cornstarch slurry to thicken that up and get it nice and once again glazy clearly the theme building on this airfryer video and I'll turn off the heat add in a bunch of sesame seeds and boom you've got a perfect teriyaki sauce for really anything but in this case we're glazing up that salmon right there you go a nice cured piece of salmon a little bit tackier on the skin but not dried out by any means first I'll preheat the airfryer and hit it with a little bit of oil don't need much oh yeah it's got a good feeling okay preheated so I'll pop the salmon in the basket get that cooking I'm gonna do 380 start with six minutes and I figured this is kind of a bonus but in the meantime something that's great in the airfryer crispy broccoli to go along with a salmon Bowl so I'm just going to chop up these florets into bite-sized pieces coat them with a little bit of oil and some salt and then they're ready for the air airfryer oh yes that is beautiful so what I'm gonna do now should have hopefully just one more minute of cooking time just to get the hooded on there I'll throw that back in the airfryer probably just one more minute so I'll pop that over here oh it's falling apart uh this thing is leaking right apart ah so hot that looks incredible broccoli I'll throw that in for 400 10 minutes so let's just quickly see what's going on here oh perfect crispy skin so juicy on the inside oops I just need to like properly hit it with some more Teriyaki oh my God crispy exterior still moist on the inside all you can really want and that's why I love cooking salmon specifically in the airfryer what I'm going to do is wait for this broccoli to be done Lay It Up A Nice Rice Bowl and we're eating good today well that's certainly a great way to go out oh this could be one of my favorite airfryer meals make sure you head to Pro homecooks.com the browse coastsori's air fryers and also let me know down in the comments what are those foods and dishes for you that are exclusively now cooked in the airfryer in your house I'd love to hear from you see in the next video
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 5,399,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air fryer, best air fryer recipes, what to make in air fryer, how to use air fryer, air fryer French fries, air fryer falafel, air fryer salmon, teriyaki salmon, home teriyaki sauce, air fryer bacon fries, air fryer brussel sprouts, beginner air fryer, air fryer chicken wings, pro home cooks, cosori, cosori lite, cosori duel blaze
Id: FXonFrCViJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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