Testing the Most Viral Air Fryer TikTok's

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so your boy has a tick tock and who would have thought my two most viral videos are air fryer videos but it all makes sense when you really think about it tik tok you got short form content people want short quick recipes and an air fryer is one of the best ways to get that done but when i scroll through these airfryer recipes there's some interesting stuff out there some horrible as you can imagine some quite intriguing and that's what this video is all about i have scrolled through thousands probably of air fryer videos on tick tock i've picked out the most viral videos that i think are i don't know just worth testing we're seeing if the actual viralness holds up to real life cooking are these recipes actually good well today we should have some answers so the first one comes in from tiffy cook's very popular tik tok page and she does air fryer videos from time to time best soy sauce chicken two pieces of bread that just looks like with the skin on two and a half levels of soy sauce two tablespoons of dark soy sauce dash of white pepper half a tablespoon of five spice powder a teaspoon of sugar mince up three cloves of classic garlic mix it together and we're gonna set it aside for 30 minutes so although i don't have all of those ingredients i just like the simplicity of that marinade that took like a minute at the chicken and the air fryer skin side facing up so this is actually the instant pot with the airfryer lid which i've reviewed in the past i don't think it's as good as the airfryer but for 20 minutes look how juicy the chicken is now look at that oh my gosh just look at it the car is not perfect just look at that that does look insane so really what i'm trying to do is just see if you can make it in the air fryer and it looks or i can make it look as good as that so this one i'm just excited for because it looks incredible if it works this is going in my arsenal of just quick meals throughout the week and it has minimal ingredients and it doesn't take long at all but it has to work that's what we're here today testing pantry ingredients going aside so i have chicken thighs right here now generally when you're buying chicken thigh you have two options the skin on with the bone in or skinless and boneless completely it's going to be very rare that you can find skin on with the bone out unless you're specifically asking your butcher so for this recipe since we need the skin on that is very important so we can render out that fat you got to do one of the easiest butchering jobs in the world the thigh bone is going to run right in the middle of your chicken thigh so once you find it right here just run your knife on one side like this slice slice slice so it opens same thing on the other side slice slice slice we just butterflied the bone open so all we have to do now is take our knife run it right under that bone pull through one cut pull through second cut and we've got a pretty clean bone which i'm going to use for stock also if there's any excess fat like that you want to just trim that to clean up your chicken thighs nice and clean and then just get that on a paper towel drying so i'll bang all these out really quick and we'll marinate our chicken and boom boneless skin on chicken thigh since these are much smaller i'm gonna just go with all four we'll see what i can fit in the airfryer now she also had dark soy sauce and light soy sauce i don't have dark soy sauce which is a bummer but honestly i bet most of you don't either so i'm just gonna combined it and do four tablespoons of regular light i mean it's not light it's just regular soy sauce so the coloring might be slightly off maybe not as dark i also don't have white pepper but i did make my own five spice which she used in the video this morning by toasting up the classic five spices grinding them up into a powder and you've got just beautiful goodness sprinkle some of that in she did a teaspoon of sugar oh maybe you could hold the sugar and replace it with molasses which would kind of work as the darker soy sauce it's a little thicker it's a darker color could work we're gonna mince one clove of garlic dump that in i'm also gonna grate in a little ginger which she didn't do but i just think it will be awesome in this just about a teaspoon and we mix all right so she said let that sit aside for 30 minutes so i'm just gonna keep it right here at room temperature and i'll see you soon actually there is one more thing that i can do right now which is cook up some white rice she served it simply over some fluffy rice with some scallion i'm gonna follow her lead exactly but i'm not teaching you how to make rice right now i just think it's a perfect time to actually do it [Music] 15 minutes later fluffy white rice now what i love about this recipe is come over here we're done marinating this is pretty much absorbed all of that liquid there's a little bit of residual liquid at the bottom but i mean that's looking damn good so i'm gonna grab the air fryer spray the bottom and she said skin side up which makes a ton of sense i'm going with three i don't want to overcrowd now just like in my chicken wing videos you don't need any extra fat because we're gonna be rendering out the fat from the skin during the cooking process oh one crucial tip keep the lid on that and just let the residual heat steam that rice to perfection now she did 380 for 20 minutes and i'm tempted to just let it ride for the full 20 not even check it and see what happens all right i'm not brave enough i'm checking at four minutes oh that was probably a good call because i oh i forgot these are smaller i think these are done this shrunk up a bunch they still feel juicy though i don't think they dried out look at the bubbles on the wait is that garlic or bubbles amazing [Music] looks slightly overcooked mmm just skin damn that's good so the actual flavor ah the top is so good skin got crispy got super dark absolutely delicious marinade right there works perfect for the airfryer i'm gonna say it's my fault that i didn't take in account that i had smaller chicken thighs and i overcooked it a little bit i'm guessing 15 minutes would have been perfect but i'm giving that one a big old pro home cooks thumbs up great recipe adding that one to the arsenal so good all right this next one is from the air fryer guy that's his handle that's his thing on tick tock and i appreciate that and this is i think his most viral video on today we are experimenting we're making pancakes in an air fryer and i've seen it so i'll put this down the bottom then i'll put a bit of baking paper then i'll put a bit of pancake mix and then look how he pours in the pancake mix look how i'm here maybe six times sorry for the weird angle i had to keep the bait the airfryer tray on a flat ground with a handle hanging over the edge so i've put it there don't worry and then once you do that you start seeing pancakes easy [Music] look how these came out just absolutely perfect perfectly brown on every level pancakes are easier when you put them so really i mean perfect circles when they come out of course for me i'm just this is a huge video it has eight million views i'm trying to figure out if it's even possible to do pancakes in the airfryer so when you take a closer look at the video all signs point to it being 100 but it definitely tricked me at first i was super intrigued and i think when you read through the comments half of the people are like that's completely fake and then there's a lot of people that are super excited some people actually went out and bought an air fryer this is it this video finally convinced me to buy an air fryer so even if it's fake that's still great marketing for air fryers but what i'm gonna do definitely not use a pancake mix i'm gonna quickly whip up this recipe for fluffy pancakes 255 star reviews and we'll try it out in the airfryer two cups flour quarter cup of sugar tablespoon of baking powder quarter teaspoon baking soda half teaspoon salt mixy mixy make a well one and three quarter cups of milk one egg quarter cup of melted butter and two teaspoons of vanilla mixy looks about right now just to confirm that this is an excellent pancake batter this is the pan i heated up the butter in so i've got some residual butter see how that does this is looking incredible and flip i mean i definitely seem fluffier pretty damn good wow that's good if this is a fail i'm only testing six out in the airfryer i'll be cooking the rest up normal style and a skillet because my daughter loves pancakes so this hair fryer has a little lip right here so when you put it down on a flat surface it's actually tilting but if you hang it over now we're completely flat i also do not have a pie tin i'm just going to go down with parchment paper which i actually think is better because in my experience we don't want to cover all of these holes if you watched any of these air fryer videos we need some convection circulation from the bottom holes all right one stack two it's a great batter stack three oh now we're sinking over that one i think i did a better job from the start compared to him his were all uneven and finally okay let's get that in before it sinks now he did 200 celsius which is about 390. fahrenheit he actually didn't say a time which a lot of people were complaining about so i don't know i'll start with eight minutes and 46 seconds let's do it can't wait whoa [Laughter] okay okay oh my god actually better than i expected what in god forsaken whoa whoa whoa whoa we got a serious problem overcooked here gooey in there that bottom one is almost cooked no i'm trying to think if there's a way maybe if we just tried three and we put a cover on the top one oh it's not overcooking that top pancake let's try that and see what happens this is actually better than i thought back in you know let's do 380 a little less try eight minutes again because we have less pancakes okay here we go what so that paper just shot off they actually look cooked let's take it out and inspect they're cooks very uneven okay so it's confirmed great jingle airfryer guy but you're a liar you can't brown in between parchment paper so that is a fail but i think if you did one of these at a time it could work and the actual texture is awesome ultimately you lied to us but this is a little better than i expected we're moving on i get a lot of questions about air fryer recommendations so before we get into the next recipe i wanted to tell you about today's sponsor which is kosori and they make the air fryer that i've been using in today's video and that you've seen in all of my airfryer videos in the past now this model right here is the kosori pro 2 air fryer and it's an absolute beast it's got the 5.8 liter square basket which gives you a ton of room to produce a good quantity of food say you're cooking for a small family or even just for yourself i think you're covered with this size basket it also has 12 different cooking functions including preheat and warm which are really nice to have and then 10 customizable functions that you can set to whatever you want and one of my favorite functions is the detachable basket with the lock on it so the basket doesn't fly off when you open this up now when i made my first air fryer video it was actually just a test to see if the hype was really worth it and years later i can tell you these machines are amazing i think for a lot of purposes they work much better than ovens because it's a condensed cook everything's happening in a really small space so it's really quick to heat up and you get incredibly crispy results so if you're interested in one of these bad boys right here click the link below in the description and use code word pro home cooks for 15 off your kosori pro 2 air fryer this next video is from a low carb state of mind she's huge on tick-tock she does all cooking content i think but she does air fryer videos from time to time ever since i got an air fryer on this video salmon any other way if you're not going to air fried salmon it is so good all i do with mine is coat it in the dishwasher and then i season it with parfait you could use whatever seafood seasoning you like to use and then i like to let it sit for a couple minutes and then i pop it in the airfryer i think the reason this video is so popular is because of the simplicity two ingredients that's 15 minutes at 375 degrees when you take it out the top is super crispy the skin is super crispy but the inside is tender and it all is super flaky it's so good i top it with some lemon juice if you guys try it let me know what you think i mean that looks incredible so again simple recipe i'm just trying to test it out to see if it works as well as we see here so this is another one that i'm just hoping is good because it's really simple and i actually need lunch right now so i'm gonna do pretty much what she did with a few slight alterations so i've got a nice piece of salmon here with the skin on i'm gonna trim this up so it cooks evenly in the air fryer this piece will cook really fast so i'm going to take that off and she did two chunks like this one and i'll even that one up just make sure they're nice and dry a little glob of dijon rub that in for any of you who are not from the u.s old bay is the most popular seafood seasoning it's delicious on crab it's hard to explain it kind of has its own flavor different from your standard seafood spice mix when i used to go to the eagles games there was this place called chickie and pete's that served french fries with old bay as the seasoning and they were awesome dipped in cheese i love the dijon technique really held on that spice mix beautifully so i'm gonna let these sit for a few minutes and i'm gonna preheat my airfryer in the meantime which is one of my favorite functions of this kosori airfryer reheat 405 minutes boom all right a few minor adjustments one i'm just gonna spray the bottom we're gonna put the skin side up she did skin side down but i've always found just like the chicken that you saw before whatever's facing up is gonna get crispier and we want that skin crispy i am gonna spray to the top this piece of salmon is pretty fatty as you can see there but just a little protection there to start the action so we're preheated she said 3.75 i don't get 3.75 i'll do 380. and she said 15 minutes that seems a little aggressive i'm going to start with 10 for these pieces oh yeah yeah yeah we got a crispy skin like why even cook it in a pan these airfryer recipes i'm always amazed with the product you get on the other side i mean that is incredible you know what i think that's done so we have the crispy skin i would say that is pretty much perfect on the cooking still moist definitely not dried out at all okay i got a big piece of skin with some nice meat wow she didn't lie that's incredible oh that old bag is salty not only do you have to add a ton of oil to get nice crispy salmon in a pan it's also pretty difficult to do fish is one of the harder things to cook in a pan this set it and forget it crispy skin super moist flesh that's like one of my favorite pizza salmon i've had in a while and the best part about this right here is that we can turn this into a meal really quickly leftover rice from the chicken recipe these are some roasted veggies just mixed veggies that i roasted this morning [Music] i know you've been enjoying the 15 minute dinners and i think that just got added to the docket [Music] and finally this one's coming in from zach and you'll this one caught my eye sure it was mozzarella stick it actually wasn't like super viral it only had like 20 000 hits cheetos mozzarella sticks just a banger so let's get into it first thing you need to do is take your baked flamin hot cheetos i like to use these rather than the regular ones taste exactly the same and they're much more macro friendly you're going to blend them up so they're going to be the outside coating of the mozzarella sticks i appreciate this filming really high production quality between the transitions the overhead shots slowly right hand add the mozzarella sticks classic three-part breading replacing panko and then you're gonna do a double coat because we're going to really need to coat these so the cheese actually stays inside i'm going to repeat this process for all 12 of your mozzarella sticks you're going to freeze these for at least two hours you need these frozen solids so once they're frozen solid you're going to preheat your airfry on 390 degrees fahrenheit you need it preheated spray the tray with non-stick cooking spray add your mozzarella sticks in there air fryer on 390 degrees fahrenheit simple enough right i've never had a mozzarella stick in the air fryer so let's try it out we got the flaming hots so i'm not gonna lie part of me just saw that video and instantly thought well that would be a good thumbnail that's how us youtubers process images basically and the other part of me is interested in how a mozzarella stick holds up in the air fryer and i appreciate the amount of effort this guy put into his recipe it seems well thought out it seems tested so i'm just going to follow his lead so i've got some low moisture mozzarella string cheese peeled and ready to go he did a little salt in his flour and garlic powder egg wash i took some of the flaming hot cheetos put them in a food processor over eyes them until they were a fine dust like that just a note he used the baked ones because i think he was keto these are just the normal fried ones or however they make them the less healthy ones basically flour let's just do all these the egg into the fire back into there back into the flower into the egg and then double coat wow that's serious you really got to pack these down so i just realized something that's kind of revolutionary as i was packing it down i realized how much oil is packed into these corn chips it's just cornmeal and oil basically so just like doing chicken wings in there where you have all that chicken fat in the skin in this case rather than bread crumbs having no fat in it we've got a ton of oil already in here so we don't have to spray these down i think they're just going to fry up in that residual oil but first they got to go in the freezer for an hour all right just finished preheating i'm just going to go in with three ninety five minutes all right here we go oh yeah see all that oil coming off wow they fried up all right whoa the moment we've all been waiting for well that worked out nice and gooey crispy on the outside hmm [Laughter] so much better than i thought it would be so that is the perfect breading for the air fryer because that oil is built in i can't believe i didn't think of that before whether you like spice or not just get the proper cheeto but definitely use a chip with a ton of oil already built in if you're gonna put it in an air fryer without actually deep frying this worked out so good so that's it thank you again to cosori for sponsoring this video if you want more airfryer click on one of these videos right here and i think i'm going to do a part two to this because there's a lot of good airfryer content on tick tock that reminds me follow me there as well at pro home cooks i'm posting really fun short videos so check it out and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 5,394,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air fryer, air fryer tik tok, tik tok air fryers, tiktok air fryer, the best Tik Tok recipes, Flaming hot mozzarella sticks, mozzarella sticks air fryer, pancakes in the air fryer, air fryer pancakes, salmon in air fryer, how to make air fryer salmon, air fryer salmon, ari fryer chicken, soy chicken air fryer, tiffy cooks, pro home cooks, easy air fryer recipes, simple air fryer recipe, air fryer dinner ideas, best air fryer, cosori air fryer, cosori pro 2
Id: xBndXDH7gp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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