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hi guys welcome back to my channel so in today's video I am going to be sharing at 15 things you can cook in your airfryer we bought our airfryer about three or four weeks ago now and I can honestly say I've hardly use my up and since we've got it it is so amazing and I can't wait to share all these different 15 things with you today keep watching because the last two things I'm going to show you are actually dessert ideas that you can cook in your airfryer if you watch me for the first time I would love for you to hit that subscribe button down below i post loads of different foodie content on my channel so if you need a little bit of meal inspiration then i would love for you to give me a follow so we bought the pro scenic airfryer and i got mine from amazon but to be honest with you ever since i bought it it's always been out of stock but what I have done is I've linked some very very similar ones down in my description box which all have the same settings and same features as our one does we got a 5 and a half litre airfryer which I would highly recommend that they come in like different sizes and one and a half litre is quite common too so just check when you buy your one if you do that it is a bigger litre air fryer because I promise you you're going to want to cook everything in this what I love about this style air fryer is that it's so simple on the front of it you will see that you have got different settings but if you want to cook chips prawns fish steak and muffins as well it's really easy to adjust the temperature up and down and also the time up and down as well and then once you put your tray back in all you need to do is select your setting and press the play button and the airfryer does everything else for you it is also really really easy to clean all you need to do is remove your tray from your air fryer press the button on at the handle and detach your basket from the tray I then use a handheld scrubbing brush which dispenses washing-up liquid and I just go over my basket and my outer tray as well which is where all the fats from your food drip to I just go in with some warm water and my washing up liquid wash it all away it's got a really nice TEFL coating so everything just wipes off really easily from it and it's nonstick then I just leave it on the side let it to dry and then pop it back in my airfryer at once it is dry so with all that said I'm just going to jump straight on into this video and I'm going to you 15 things that I have been cooking you know airfryer recently rice in here I have just chopped up some new potatoes and then I've got some chipolata sausages so I'm going to making a tray bake but I thought I would put these into the airfryer for about 20 minutes at first of all before I add in my other veggies once these have been in for 20 minutes or so I will then add in two peppers of courgette and an onion and some garlic to go in as well cook them for a further 10 minutes and then dinner should be ready okay so I am making it some pita bread pizzas now so I usually would make these in the oven and I would put them in there for about 10 to 15 minutes so I'm just going to put some ketchup on top of the pizza bread base or you can put tomato puree on there or some passata whatever you've got and then I'm just going to put some cheese on really nice and simple today I'm going to pop them on the pizza setting in the airfryer so that's eight minutes when I do my pizzas in the oven the base isn't really nice and crispy so I am really pleased with how they've turned out in the airfryer pizzas are done crispy delicious ready to eat now I'm going to cook some salmon in it so I put my salmon in with nothing on top of it just a salmon filet I pop it in on at the fish sitting which is ten minutes and when it comes out it has got the crispy skin ever the Salmons been in for ten minutes and I just wanted to show you how crispy the skin is I'm someone who loves eating salmon skin and that is just perfectly done right so it's a night that we are going to be having for heaters so in here I've got a chopped up yellow and orange pepper and also half an onion I have got some turkey strips and then I'm going to put some odd I'll pass over heat it makes barbecue flavor onto all of this so I'm just gonna pop these all into the airfryer together because I think they'll actually cook through at a very similar rate and then I am going to pop them on the chicken setting and let the airfryer get cooking all right so this is the fajita mix out to ten minutes I put on the chicken setting which is actually 20 minutes but I was just checking it and I just cut a piece of the turkey and it's perfect all the way through I cut like one of the biggest pieces up as well so it's absolutely perfect so all this needs is ten minutes in the airfryer and it's done right so what I've got in here are some chickpeas I've drained and washed them and then what I'm going to do is add on some olive oil and then also this nun dough's peri-peri salt the reason I put some olive oil on is because it just helps the pair of results stick to the chickpeas and then I'm just going to mix everything in together and pop them into the airfryer for about 15 minutes on the chip setting these are great little snacks to make like pre dinner snacks instead of having crisps or if you're watching a movie instead of having popcorn these are good little things for that but also if you are having a salad they're really nice it to go in your salad as well so today I'm making some crispy coated at vegetables in this bowl I have got one egg beaten up and then I have got some this is actually almond flour but you can use normal flour and then I popped in some paprika I've also put in some salt and pepper here too and then I'm going to dip my veggies into my egg and then then I'll put them into the flour mixture and then into the air fryer for probably about eight minutes okay so today I'm going to make some kiss ideas what I'm going to be using is this old El Paso refried beans in the tin so I'm going to and spread that onto the wrap and then I'm just going to sprinkle some cheese on top this is a really really basic wrap so usually when we have routes we'll add some like peppers in here as well and loads of other bits like chicken and things like that but I just wanted to show you how well they cook in the airfryer you pop them in on the pizza setting and in 8 to 10 minutes they are done really crispy and ready to eat right so here I've got some chicken thighs these have got bone-in and skinned on so what I have done is just put some olive oil on top of them with some paprika and some salt and pepper and then I just rubbed everything into the chicken skin so I'm going to pop these into my airfryer press the chicken button and let the airfryer just do its thing this skin it's super crispy listen to that that is perfectly done and it's been in there for 20 minutes I just wanted to show you all the fat that came off that chicken so here are all the oils that came off so those are the what your chicken would be sitting in but instead it's all just tripped underneath the airfryer now I'm going to do some chips so I have just to cut up some potatoes into chip shapes and then I am going to put some olive oil on top some paprika and some salt and the main reason I'm putting olive oil on top is basically for the paprika and the salt to stick to the surface of the chips so I'll just pop these in and then I'll put them onto the chip setting and let them cook away for about 18 minutes but I will be staring these halfway through because I'm doing quite a few chips as well I will probably have to put these on at for another 10 minutes after the 18 minutes is done okay so today we're going to do some corn on the cob what I'm going to do is just pop them into my air fryer but not put anything on top of them so I'm going to put them in on the prawn settings it's just eight minutes and after eight minutes like I said I will then add some butter on top and a little bit of salt so they're ready to eat I'm going to make some kale crisps now so the first thing we're going to do is it gets my kale and chop off the thick stalky bits once I've chopped that out I will then just dice my kale up into kind of chunks and then I'll pop them into a bowl and put some olive oil on top and some salts give everything a mix around and then I'll pop them into my airfryer and I'll put them on the prong setting the reason I put them on the prong setting is because that's just a quick eight minute setting and that's the perfect amount of time that these kale crisps take to cook when they come out yours here they are super nice and crunchy and they taste delicious today we're going to make some really easy sausage rolls so I've just got some puff pastry and some sausages so what I'll do is I'll cut the puff pastry into four pieces I'll then lay a sausage into each one of the pieces along with some grated cheese and then Chris and I like to have some chutney in the house as well I'll just fold over the pastry and then it's secure it with a fork at the edges so it doesn't open up I then just also get a bit of milk as well or you can use a beaten egg and just brush it over the top so it goes nice and golden brown I'll pop it into my air fryer on the chip setting because they do need a good 18 minutes in there to make sure the sausages are nice and cooked and after the 18 minutes they're ready to eat and now I'm going to show you how to make a really quick and easy cheese on toast so how I make my cheese on toast is I get the bread and I put garlic butter on each side of the bread for me this is a very important step I then grate quite a generous amount of cheese and then sprinkle it over the top if I'm making it for Chris and I I will also add a little dash of cane pepper on top pop it into my air fryer on the pizza button so that is for eight minutes on 166 degrees and once the time is up it comes out perfect every single time with a real nice crunchy piece of toast that it's on right so we're going to making cupcakes today so in here this is Jamie helping me so it's a bit of a mess in here so I have got a hundred grams of sugar 250 grams of butter 250 grams of self-raising flour 4 eggs a splash of milk and a dash of salt as well so we're just going to whisk this all up and then add it to I have got some of these cupcake holders they're silicon ones I'm going to add it to those and then we'll put them into the air fryer on the cupcake setting and let them cook away I wanted to show you how to make some chocolate croissants in your airfryer as well so what I have got here is one roll of puff pastry and then to go on top to make it chocolatey I have got some flake chocolate so what I'm going to do is roll out my puff pastry and then I'm going to crumble some flake chocolates all over the pastry I'm then going to cut my pastry into eight so I'm going to cut them into fours and then I'll cut each four diagonally and then I'll roll them up into a croissant shape pop them into my airfryer cook them on at the muffin button which is a twelve minutes setting and then when they come out they are really really nice and gooey and chocolaty and delicious thank you so much for watching today's video I hope you enjoyed it like I said I will list down below my description box and some different options when it comes to air fries that are just like mine have fun with it you will love it and yeah thanks give or watching bye
Channel: Kerry Whelpdale
Views: 3,755,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kerry whelpdale, Kerry whelpdale recipes, air fryer recipes, air fryer, what to cook in air fryers, proscenia air fryer
Id: tUtUNqz6ZRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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