Tips You NEED To Know To Clear Lucilius In Granblue Fantasy Relink

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lucilius is here and being 100 Levels higher than us you're probably struggling with this fight however after watching this video you will struggle no more because I'm going to break down all of his mechanics as well as give you the tech you need to avoid the phase causing most parties to wipe now to open up let's start with some of the attacks you need to be on the lookout for and I'm going to order these in the way that they come within the fight so first is going to be the opening Paradise Lost for this you're going to want to spread out to make this attack easier to dodge and you're going to see purple beams that indicate where the lasers are going to come dodging those purple beams should be your main focus and there are going to be hits that are coming towards the ground but they have an indicator which make them easier to spot and as well as give you time to dodge now however you shake it though this is going to be pretty hard to fully Dodge but it is still doable and these are the indicators you're going to need to be on the lookout for after that he's going to use an ability that's going to send purple orbs from the sky and this attack startup is usually indicated by him sucking you in towards the boss and then after he does that he's going to send purple orbs from the sky that are going to come in different layers now the way that I usually Dodge this is by being under the boss and then timing my perfect Dodge because these purple orbs from the sky do come down usually slow and so it's really easy to time it and get that I frame but if you do get hit by this or you find yourself having to guard this you're going to be skybound art sealed the next ability we're just going to label purple orbs from the boss and this attack startup is usually indicated by him pushing you out and starts generally right after the orb from the sky ability after he pushes you away he's going to shoot out some slow purple orbs as I mentioned these are slow and really easy to dodge and the way that I usually go about this is just dodging into them and getting the perfect Dodge with the eye frames if you do have or mess this up and get hit by this or you find yourself having to block you're going to be skill sealed be careful though later phases in the fight because this attack pattern is going to change and there's going to be different variants in terms of the speed of these purple orbs coming from the boss but during this early phase you really just have to worry about this slow kind of startup push out now that you've cleared those two abilities lucilius is going to place exploding traps on the ground and if you step on them that's going to trigger them to deal out AOE damage this combined with his pushing and pulling abilities can be tricky so not only do you have to be careful about yourself stepping onto it you also need to be watching out for your teammates triggering them as well especially when the fight is fresh out and relatively new and people don't necessarily know all of the mechanics yet the final attack we're going to do discuss to lookout for before we get into the mechanics of the boss I've been calling the sword spin now you can predict that this move is going to happen when you see lucilius put his three swords in the air and then there's going to be a glimmer followed by him pushing you out with a gust of wind this is going to be a heavy hidden ability but to dodge this you either can run inside of him underneath them there's going to be an area where you're safe or you can run far away from him but I usually go for the area inside if I have the timing right so that way I can continue to DPS and while he does this ability ility I do plan to drop guides like this however for every boss in the future so if you haven't already do me a huge favor and subscribe to the channel and help me get this video to 100 likes I really would appreciate it but now let's get into the next phase of the fight and that's going to be the 12 labors this is going to start with lucilius using the ability 7 trumpets and missing any of these mechanics is going to cause your max HP to drop which is pretty much G to make this hard fight impossible if you miss these so you really want to pay attention to this phase and once you have it this is really more of like a knowledge check and once you know this it's really easy to clear this portion of the fight and so let's get into it with the first ability and that's going to be stigma and this is going to cover the labors 1 through 4 also a quick side note before we get into that you're going to be able to see all 12 labor abilities underneath the boss with these icons right here and so if you miss them and you don't necessarily see your HP drop you're going to be able to have a clear indicator here but you don't have to worry about that because I'm about to give you all all the strats so you never miss it again but let's get back into stigma what this is going to do is it's going to spawn colors on the ground and you need to choose a color and then once you do that the rest of the colors are going to turn into purple orbs that explode and deal damage if you hit them but then you're also going to have that one color that you chose circling around the map with four different circles you need to grab all of these and repeat this for every single color before the punishment ability fully charges luckily people are on the same page now so the these are pretty easy to clear but that's going to be 1 through 4 and now 5 through 8 is going to be the ability holy wings and now when this happens you're going to have to hit the orb in the center and that's going to sprinkle the feathers to generate colored orbs which are going to be the tinier orbs pretty much you're going to DPS down the colored or that sounds crazy to say DPS down and kill the colored orbs but you're going to DPS down the colored orbs and as you do that it's going to unlock the next set of colors you're going to have to hit the orb in the center and it's going to wrench wash repeat until you clear all of the colors and so in order to do this and hit all of these you need to kill all of the orbs before the ruined ability charges but destroying these orbs they're pretty weak even me on vain I'm able to clear them and I'm pretty sure you should be able to kill these easily with any character the next wave is going to be Trinity of Terror and this is going to take labors 9 through 11 and pretty much you just have to DPS down the swords before the ability halus charges and I really just DPS and focus focus on whatever sword my team is attacking rather than splitting up here now I haven't fully done this but when you destroy the swords they will drop to the ground and they can be picked up and thrown so be on the lookout for that to deal some even more damage especially if you're on one of the supporting characters and your DPS is low now the final labor is going to be the Paradise Lost ability this is the same ability we had to deal with at the beginning of the fight and we're also going to reference it later but I've just been naming this one the labor 12 Paradise Lost this is a DPS check that requires fire is a skybound art so you're going to want to save it for this particular ability and at least where we are right now with our gear I don't believe we can clear this DPS check without popping the skybound art here if you are on the same page though with your party you can stall out your skybound art until the end of the Paradise Lost like chargement bar so that way you can get free DPS but at this phase you're going to want to do a Full Burst when you do that Full Burst sandalon is going to help you and you're going to do an overburst you're going to get to see a really pretty Cuts scene and then you're going to kind of rinse wash and repeat some of the earlier attacks that we mentioned at the beginning of this video and by now you probably should have your link time which is going to fully push you after you wrench watchh repeat a little bit to the next phase of the fight this is going to happen at 60% and lucilius is going to transform for the Final Phase and following that he'll do the final Rebellion ability with this you're going to be followed by an ability that drops a slow puddle similar to the Proto bamed fight and you want to try and drop this PUD and the slow spot is near the center of the stage or near other puddles this is going to allow you to go to the outer areas of the stage for the second wave of this attack and give you more time to avoid those expanding void circles this is probably one of the most difficult attacks that Dodge and coordinate of this fight so don't feel bad if you die here while you work to master it but do make sure to take advantage of the Dodge and the invincibility you get when you do get that perfect Dodge I'm still learning this phase so I don't have like the perfect b-roll to show you here but just know it's okay okay we're all learning and once you get the hang of it you're going to be able to master it and you're not going to have to worry about this ability now that we're in phase two of the fight though we're going to get what I call the paradise loss Phase 2 ability this is going to be similar to all the other paradise losses except for you're going to want to tackle it a little different this is going to be a DPS check that's going to require more than just Flatout damage and during this phase of the fight lucilius is going to do Paradise loss more often and missing this DPS check is probably the leading C for parties wiping because dodging this ability can be tricky and at this point in the fight you probably wasted a lot of your critical bar so to overcome this we're going to use our skybound art but instead of doing a Full Burst you want to clear this doing a Duo burst it doesn't require you all to pop out your skybound art at the same time to clear this DPS check you might be able to clear this though with maybe just a solo skybound art but I would say use Duo until you start getting the alpha beta and gamma sigils now staggering the skybound ARs this way will allow us to pass several Paradise Lost DPS checks because as I said earlier in this phase of the fight he's going to spam it more often coordinating this with randoms that aren't familiar with this Strat can be a bit difficult so mainly I've been letting them start the skybound art with the first Paradise Lost and just not chaining mines onto it so they'll they'll probably do a trio and I just won't chain mine onto it but if I do this this is going to allow me to have control of us clearing the second DPS check when the par Parise loss happens again a few minutes later now we're approaching the ending phases of the fight and he's going to use an ability called gopherwood Arc and this skill is very easy to dodge the first half you really can just guard and kind of Dodge when you need to and then during the second half you can outrun this ability with Sprint and Dodge or continue to guard and Dodge but I don't really want to spend much time on this you shouldn't have a hard time dodging these abilities now the final phase of the fight he's going to do an ability called the end this is going to be yet another DPS check but you have to burn bur down the boss while avoiding the abilities of his sword if you have the DPS this part of the fight should be one of the more easier parts of it just because it's just going to be dodging and dpsing except for this time he's actually going to be standing still no matter how you shake it though lucilius is going to be a hard fight until you get the ball rolling with the alpha beta gamma sigils and increase that damage cap and dish out more damage but with this breakdown you're on your way to mastering this fight and making the grind even easier with hints from side game though I was able to successfully predict the S deaon being the next DLC character and so if you're interested in seeing the rest of my predictions be sure to check out this video here thank you for your time hope this helped and I'll catch you in the next [Music] one
Channel: TagTheLegend
Views: 8,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JRPG, Granblue fantasy relink raid, Granblue Fantasy relink lucilius, lucilius gbfr, Granblue Fantasy Relink, new granblue fantasy relink, Granblue Fantasy relink update, granblue fantasy relink lucilius raid, Granblue fantasy relink lucilius raid guide, granblue fantasy lucilius guide, granblue fantasy relink lucilius guide, lucilius guide granblue fantasy relink, GBFR lucilius guide, GBFR lucilius, granblue fantasy relink lucilius, granblue fantasy relink lucilius paradise lost
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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