NEW PATCH CHANGED EVERYTHING! Character Fixes, Nerfs & Buffs - Full 1.1 Patch Notes Overview

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the new patch for Grand blue fantasy relink just dropped last night and with it keep some insane patch notes that I feel like people aren't really understanding the gravity of there were some very big changes in the patch notes and some of those changes have completely altered characters for the time being some characters got some bug fixes that were much needed but other characters got massively nerfed now GRL and side games have been very careful not to tell the exact numbers of some of these changes which I think is in their best interest because I think they would get a whole hate mob sent at them but also some of the changes were just straight up bug fixes that ended up making the characters way less playable to their original potential or in other words working as intended so let's go ahead and take a look at the patch notes hello I was going to have my camera on for this video but I forgot to turn it on before I started recording so it is what it is here's the important stuff first off added a new challenge quest this is your lucilius editions adding new sigils adding new trophies they also added some quality of life stuff like camera sensitivity and aim sensitivity vertical and horizontal movement speed and increasing the cap so better camera smoothing and battle camera correction to game options which is pretty cool and then they also did some other quality of life like quick quests now include proud difficulty so if you've been spamming the quick Quest thing you can now get some actually pretty difficult missions which is cool they also made it so that now you can actually see which items came from chess which I think is just a good General quality of life change now before we get to the character changes there was some power adjustment tweaks and things like that some bug fixes about some Auto targeting related things on specific fights nerfing uh link time which I just think is like okay whatever me I guess I just fixing the camera lock on during bohamed is really nice and then also adding a visual and audio indicator to notify a player if their Buffs have been removed this is actually going to be super helpful for fights going forward however I want to focus more on the characters because this is what matters so I'm not going to go over every single detail for every character but essentially uh the captain got some adjustments Captain was absolutely insanely good as a support and could deal Some solid damage and they've basically changed all of the skill cooldowns and SBA gauge f rate for Captain just to make sure they can balance out this new thing which is making it so that hits that raise your Arts level now extend the time before Arts level actually resets from activating a skill so to balance this out they've changed a lot of things about the captain they also fixed a bug for a lot of characters uh this is you're going to see this a lot mix above that prevented jeta from dodging right after performing an aerial barrage a lot of characters for some reason couldn't Dodge right after performing an aerial barrage I'm not really sure why but yeah Captain is is getting some adjustments so the biggest ones though in my opinion is there's up bunch of characters that have been specifically bug fixed in a way that makes their damage massively drop one example is Catalina and actually Catalina is not even the biggest example of this fix a bug where certain skills that provide a combo skip effect after activation wouldn't need to be fully activated to provide the effect so for those of you who don't know what this means essentially all of your initial animation cancels that you could do and skill cancels that you could do to try to get Aries up faster no longer work and I will show you exactly what I mean so I don't know how many of you know about this but I'm just going to show you for the sake of example basically when you use an ability with Catalina you can do a combo finisher that combo finisher is going to fill up a lot of your gauge almost half of it right so basically you could just do one of those skills and it would fill up half your gauge after you do a combo finisher and I'll show you right here you can do this Frozen blade combo finisher boom uh that's half your gauge and then you only have to do two of those you get Aries so what you used to be able to do is with specific skills Enchanted lands and Winter's rain you were able to animation cancel out of them and still get the combo finisher so it would look like this dodge and and you go straight into your combo finisher instead of oor and blade essentially this would save you 1 to two seconds on getting Catalina's gauge to full and it was a super valuable resource because by skill cancelling this you could keep the cool down of it it wouldn't do any damage but you could keep the cool down of it and go straight into your combo finisher it was a high level Cataline attack that allowed you to play her more optimally if you knew what you were doing and I really like that I like when Tex are in games because it allows you to learn more about characters and be rewarded more for learning more about those specific characters but now if you do that same combo it doesn't work anymore you just don't use the Ability and you go straight into oat sworn blade now I can show you what happens if I use the Ability but you cannot cancel out of it without it not using the ability anymore uh a bit of a shame for Catalina Mains and this is not even the tip of the iceberg so this affects Catalina but it also affects a lot more characters for example it also affects persal who gained a large portion of damage from being able to use those skill cancels into different combos persal got hit by it which really really sucks for Percy Ms Bane also got hit but his name isn't really formatted right on on the batch notes so it's kind of hard to tell it got hit with this I personally don't play a lot of it so I don't really know what the value of that is but basically no more skill cancelling on ID and no more skill cancelling on vaseraga and again I don't really play enough vaseraga to know exactly how impactful that is but I can tell you that if they fixed the skill cancel that means it was evident enough that it was possible and that it was game-changing for them to go in and want to change it son games basically said hey you guys are going to play this game exactly as we intended it uh no text or anything you're going to take the characters as they are you're going to learn to play them with their optimal combos without any Tex and L basically it's what they said um now Catalia did get a slight buff in that she gets more SBA gauge whenever Aries is summoned specifically from link attacks it's not going to make a massive difference but it is a little nice uh but overall Catalina Nerfs for sure Catalina Nerfs another character that got absolutely throttled is rackam now rackam only got throttled for certain content let me explain exactly what happened first off they fixed some bugs that ended up helping his kit a little bit more for example Bullseye blast Now does not charge to a lower level when playing online uh he now gets durations effect when he's under invincibility these were two bugs that like made rackam not as good however they did two changes that are pretty massive to him they fixed a bug that cause the damage cap of aerial barges to work incorrectly if you guys don't know what I'm talking about rackam actually had the highest record for damage against Sur barel the dummy because he had this bug where his aerial barges would Deal like2 million damage per shot I'm not sure exactly how this happened I just assumed that he was overtuned but if you want a general comparison of how much damage this was the record that I saw without glass Cannon by the way was about 82 million damage over 60 seconds to put that in perspective Catalina with a fully maxed out build was hitting about 33 million damage without glass Cannon so rackam was dealing quite a lot other characters were usually sitting around the 30 million range some characters got up to 40 and 50 million but the highest I saw was 50 million outside of is 82 million so basically big change for rackam people would spam this on Bahamut and they would just absolutely obliterate him he would just get decimated and now rackam is not going to be able to sit there and spam that and dish out that much damage it looks like now his damage cap is going to work uh which is a huge L for rackam players because truthfully though he is range character and he gets basically full up time all the time his damage is a little bit undertuned compared to other characters with the exception of that aerial barrage and if you were able to only hit one of those aerial barges every now and then you were still able to keep up a ton of damage now that's going to be rough they've made this change to rackam where they're going to fix some bugs but they fixed one of the bugs that was basically making him very viable and then they also lowered the damage cap of one of his abilities so rankup players I'm I'm sorry that sucks heo barely got any changes boan got a bunch of fixes though if you guys are playing oan if you guys enjoy playing his character he had a lot of bugs that were negatively impacting his DPS and now a lot of them have been fixed for example two grenade bugs have been fixed one is they wouldn't stick and the other one is that they were were less powerful under certain conditions which which I'm assuming was actually more than one cuz otherwise I feel like they would have specified what the conditions were but basically grenade Buffs and by Buffs I mean they were fixed this also makes AI oan even stronger and AI Oran was already one of the best AI companions Zeta and oan are two the top top tier and this just makes them even better so if you're farming lucilius using AI oen is really good a lot of characters also got this change where they would basically get an extended window for finishing their combos I think this is pretty helpful u a lot of players that are probably not used to this style of game would struggle to do their combos at the right time and this seems like it's going to help that also you'll see it again fixing got to goza dodging right after an aerial barrage it's for some reason it was a really common bug for Rosetta we got a couple bug fixes the effect provided by enhanced roses wouldn't trigger for replanted roses in link time now it's going to re-trigger which is nice I really wish Rosetta had an easier time procing supplementary damage I think that that would be a really good fix for her but it looks like right now they're just focused on the bug fixes and finally I think the Biggest Loser of all of these changes I think the biggest loser fairy and I I hate it I'm so sad about it because I loved how unique Fair's play style was well okay to be fair I feel like the aerial barges are a little overtuned I'm not going to lie the aerial bares are a little silly I think doing jump attack spam the entire fight is a little strange but the one thing that I think made very very unique was her ability to constantly SBA very fast chain stun enemies and help the rest of your teammates get SBA as well by spamming their SBA basically fair was a skybound Arts machine and now it feels like she's a little bit less effective as that because they lowered the SBA gauge fill rate given by launch attacks and aerial barges for fery which was one of the biggest reasons that you would play with that aerial play style and one of the biggest reasons she was able to spam it so much they also fixed quite a few bugs her fairy and her pets which is nice I do think that's a dub but all in all the SBA gauge Nerf thing really sucks I wish we had numbers on it but we just don't uh but I can tell you after playing ferry in game with uplift it is not the same as it used to be I don't think Ferry is unplayable by any means I think Ferry just now is going to have a bit of a different play style than SBA spam maybe she will still be SBA spam but it's not going to be as noticeable of a difference between her and other characters now and maybe fair is just going to do more damage what I would like to see is onslaught Buffs for Fairy because her signature is literally based around Onslaught and it feels like that ability just doesn't do enough damage this so rip fairy Mains um but also welcome new fairy Ms that are here for the damage and the other Biggest Loser in my opinion is Zeta unfortunately Zeta Main's mid Rift was bugged and now she cannot trigger her Loop combo off of supplementary damage which mean she loses a lot of damage granted it's not like going to kill the character or anything but it's a pretty big damage loss for zams and yeah that just that feels so bad they fix some other damage cap bugs where basically some skills would supersede other skills damage caps and you can see that on a few of these different characters if you guys want to see the patch notes yourself I'll link them in the description but all in all it looks like this patch was meant to do a few things one it was meant to test the waters with a new boss it's very very challenging I love lucilius I think that he's going to be very easy after like a week after people get the new sigils after people get used to fighting him in his attack patterns and after people figure out that you could just use Ai and clear it in like 6 minutes and the AI never die or anything so you only have your own health bar to worry about he going to be pretty easy but I do like the level of challenge raised from bohamed I think it was I think it was a good change personally I think it was good and as they add more bosses and New Gear they're going to add bosses that are harder than lucilius and lucilius is going to become easier because we have new bosses that are going to give us some better gear and stuff and and that's just that's how the game works is this power creep maybe but like you don't have to pay for it so who cares this patch was definitely focused towards bug fixing and adding in the first piece of major new content and now what I'm hoping they'll do with this is now that all of the bugs are tackled I hope they will go and Tackle balance I don't think any characters are unplayable but there are definitely characters that feel worse to play than other characters there are characters that are very high skill for low reward in comparison to other ones and I believe what they were doing is trying to fix all the the bugs to reassess characters damage because if they fixed all the bugs and they adjusted numbers it could end up making things even worse way out of whack way out of balance so I think it's a good first step if they are trying to balance the game however my heart goes out to everyone that was using all of these texts to try to improve their gameplay because I do think that those were very fun and I sad to see them go especially now because I have to remake my Catalina guide and that for me is going to take a long time anyways let me know what you guys think of the patch notes overall this patch is a dub in my opinion but it also shows what they are planning on doing it looks like they do want to fix the game and they probably do want to balance things once all the bugs are removed so I think it's good of them to look at that I'm sad about the text I will miss them I like having high skill expression in my games but if they're looking to balance the characters post bug fixus I think it'll be fine there are two more things that are very important that I hadn't talked about yet because I wanted to save the very best for last if you have not completed all of your masteries yet on all of your characters they adjusted the speed of the Mastery cursor you're going to move so much faster on the Mastery screen now and the most important one the parrot has been nerfed rest in peace unbelievable and welcome in a new era of of quieter Barr they also mentioned on their Twitter by the way just in case you guys are wondering they also mentioned on their Twitter that they are going to be adding a mass transmute sigil option in the future they don't have it right now but they are adding it so anyways Yen too long I'll see you guys in the next one by
Channel: Brax Alter
Views: 14,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1.1 nerfs, granblue, granblue fantasy relink, granblue fantasy: relink, relink, granblue relink, relink nerfs, granblue fantasy relink nerfs, braxophone, braxophone twitch, granblue fantasy relink buffs, relink buffs, ferry nerfs, katalina nerfs, eugen buffs, granblue changes, granblue news, relink news, granblue fantasy relink news, granblue fantasy news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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