What is Belting and How to Belt Your Singing Voice

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what's up guys this is Matt from Ramsey boys calm and thank you so much for watching this video today we get to talk about belting yeah it's a technique and a singing sound that's near and dear to everyone's hearts as soon as people learn how to sing high notes they want to learn how to belt them how to sing with tons of power up there so today we're gonna talk about what is belting we're gonna talk about how you can learn to belt how you can belt your singing voice how to learn to belt safely and then we're going to talk about lots of different examples of singers that built either right or wrong and I'm gonna give you some exercises to help you learn how to belt correctly without losing your voice now if you find this video helpful and make sure that you like subscribe and turn on notifications for this channel or if you're ready to just jump right on in and start belting the right way you can check out my complete singing course master your voice okay let's just jump right on in so what is building well there's lots of great belters out there there's Dave Grohl Charles Bradley Anthony Kiedis you can think of Ozzy Osbourne Adele all these people bailed often when they're going up to their highness so this makes a question what is belting belting is basically hitting the notes at the top part of your voice with the power and the strength of the notes at the bottom part of your voice what do I mean by that well everybody has two main vocal registers the chest voice at the bottom part of your voice and also the head voice is the top part of your voice like so that's the top part of my voice my head voice now what would happen if I decided to take some of the power that I get from that and put it on this table note I would be belting I would be hitting the highest note of my voice or the highest notes in my head boys with the power in the strength of the bottom part of my voice or my chest voice in other words I'm singing head voice notes with the power of my chest voice and that's all belting is however there's a right way in a wrong way to belt so for instance I'm going to got a couple of famous singers here just because they're so great and they sound awesome but like for instance like Dave Grohl ins song best of you then I got an AMA confession my Bram he's basically just singing those high notes in his voice with almond chest voice he's just pushing so much that he's making it to the notes and there's not a whole lot of head voice in that sound now we're gonna take a look at that a little bit later to show you how to do that correctly but that's just one example but let's take a look at another one a female this time we can look at I must have called a thousand times we've got a del who's a very famous filter because she's basically just pulling her chest voice all the way up to those high notes as strongly as she can now what's wrong with that sound nothing at all it sounds awesome and I love it too however if you do it too much it can be very fatiguing and possibly damaging to your voice which is why it's so important to learn the right way to belt what is the right way to learn to build the right way to learn to belt is to sing with a balance of your chest voice and your head voice so to go back to well let's do another example like there's a famous singer Charles Bradley sadly he recently passed away phenomenal talent oh he has a song called changes [Music] Oh God he basically just pulls his chest boys as high as he can to get up so those top notes well what would happen if we did an exercise on that for instance we could do like a now so they [Music] now being an open vowel what kind of help you find that Bell T sound that you're looking for and run Nana I found a balance in my voice there's some head voice in there hallelujah now I can do a little bit of without just Oh pulling my voice up to that now what are some more exercises that you can use to find this balance out of the chest voice and the head voice and learn to belt safely I'm going to show you five different exercises right now so I'm gonna get started off with one of my absolute favorites which is the bratty ney now if you've been watching any of my other videos you may see me recommend this for other exercises as well but the bratty mate is just one of the best ones for hitting kind of not necessarily in a really belty way but it's a great way to put you there so we're gonna just start off with guys guys I'm gonna start you on an f-sharp 4 on top and we're just gonna do a really simple octave arpeggio repeat scale like this [Music] neh-neh-neh-neh-neh-neh-neh so we're going for a really bratty kind of ugly sound where you're just singing up to that top note me me me me me me me me me me [Music] for ladies we'll start on the skateboard so it'll go actually let's start from the top and come down we'll just start on a c-sharp five so now notice that I'm not Marinette pulling up to any of those notes I'm just using that bratty sound to help me find that edge at the top part of my voice and lots of power without any of the strain I'm just so I've got plenty of power up there now once you find that sound let's move into our second exercise which is just building on the last one so we're gonna actually shift from an A into a now like I was demonstrating earlier so guys we're gonna start here same octave arpeggio repeat I'm just going up side top note repeating it four times [Music] now notice I've got a lot more power and volume in that already but if I haven't done the name first it would be very easy with me and just push up to it but I don't want to push up to it I just want to find that right kind of balance please we'll start you're right here in c-sharp I know there's a lot of people that are gonna have a little bit of a hard time finding the right bratty kind of sound with that nap there's going to be inevitably some people who flip or never get to tens so we're gonna give an exercise to you folks as well in this case we're gonna keep the vowel exactly the same we're gonna keep that a vowel like you're saying Apple but this time instead of an N we're gonna put it B in front of it so you're gonna say back like bad no no this will take a little bit of the pressure off from that Nana now where my tongue is so involved and just put it right in my lips back back back so gentlemen we're gonna sing [Music] ladies we're gonna do the same thing from that top notice on none of those in my Burma and just pushing my voice up there I'm allowing that top part of my voice to come in but I'm using that bratty sound to kind of thicken up those notes so now that you've got that sound it's time to kind of polish things up a little bit so rather than going so ugly up there we're actually gonna go for a slightly more finished sound but you know we don't want to put the cart before the horse we don't want to do anything before we're ready so I'm gonna give you something to hold on to as well in this case we're gonna do a GUG exercise on that octave repeat again so [Music] guys with me here on f4 ladies you see how you get a nice full sound that way but none of the good I'm just good there's plenty of volume up there there's plenty of power up there that is belting in the right way belting with a balance between the chest voice and the head voice the two are working together rather than just one dominating the other and I'm still getting plenty of power and volume there now a lot of people will probably say well you're just singing in your mix and that's absolutely true so what is the difference between belting and mixed voice well in my personal experience I would say that belting is probably just a stronger mix so rather than leaning into that a little bit more now let's take a look at our fifth and final belting exercise we're going to round things out even a little bit more and just do an octave arpeggio repeat mum so it's still a nice open vowel that's gonna give you lots of chest voice feeling but none of the strain of guys with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well I can hear you right now you're saying well great I can sing those notes fantastic Matt but how do I use that in a song I'm just so glad that you asked so what I want to show you is how you can start to use some of this belting sound in a song so let's take a look at a song by Audioslave Chris Cornell singing that Miami highway so so the way that he gets everything ah that's belting in the wrong way now don't get me wrong I don't want to take any of the excitement out of that sound at all it sounds amazing and if I were recording in the studio I would do that exact same thing for as long as I could until I would start to feel some fatigue in my voice but you'll actually notice that there's a lot of singers that do one thing in the studio and another thing on tour now why would they do something different on tour well they're doing that in order to save their voice and something that you can do in the studio once is not the same thing that you can repeat you know 300 days a year when you're on tour so let's see if we can belt that a little bit more safely so rather than before and exercise on that sound we'll do it on a brownie net so for instance like [Music] [Music] so in this case I'm actually using that bratty ass feeling to give me that power rather than [Music] strike once more [Music] so now that I found that no no that man yeah let's see if we can do that in a little bit more of a regular place like you're singing the lyrics but without yelling keep the same feeling as the NAG gave you so that [Music] so notice rather not God I'm not rolling wheels now a lot of people will probably be picky about that in saying the first one sounds better I totally agree it totally does but the second one it's going to take me so much further and it's gonna do something even more important if I just belt the wrong way as high as I can that's as far as I can go but if I can actually sing in a mix I can sing a lot higher than that but if I I have to stop I have to stop because my voice just stops so there's lots of great reasons to find that balance between the chest voice and the head voice when you're when you're learning to build so make sure to practice these exercises a little bit every day if you feel any fatigue or any strain go ahead and stop reset for the day come back tomorrow and I'm guaranteeing you you're gonna have an amazing belt sound at the top of your voice happy singing and thanks for watching
Channel: Ramsey Voice Studio
Views: 18,270
Rating: 4.9601707 out of 5
Keywords: Belting, belting vocal exercises, daily vocal exercises, vocal exercise, vocal workout, belting vocal workout, how to belt, singing exercises, how to sing, vocal warm up, singing warm up, learn to sing, singing tutorial, voice lessons, belting lessons, vocal coaching, matt ramsey, ramsey voice studio, how to belt high notes, how to belt without strain, belt, belting technique, how to belt sing, belting singing, how to belt correctly, belting techniques for singers
Id: YXuNXWx86v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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