How to Sing High Notes without Falsetto--Works for Guys and Girls!

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[Music] what's up guys this is Matt Ramsey with the occupier East Moyes studio in Austin Texas and thank you so much for taking a moment to check out this video I can tell you the biggest benefit that I've gotten out of taking voice lessons with speech level singing it would be Institute for vocal advancement technique that I now teach has been to sing higher notes without falsetto so if you've experienced this kind of cracking the AH you know at the top end of your range that's exactly what we're going to address today okay so when we're talking about falsetto it comes that breathy Airy quality on the top so what we want to do is we want to find a way that we can still get the vocal cords which are making those sounds to resist that air better because falsetto is really just a vocal cords are too thin and they're not resisting the air which is why you get that ah kind of breathy sound at the top so before we go into the exercise I just want to tell you this uses an unfinished sound now I have to tell you I love love love unfinished sounds because they're basically on little tricks or little cheeks that you can use with your voice in order to hit those notes that you weren't able to before and an unfinished sound is basically just a sound that we're going to use to get those vocal chords to do exactly what we want them to do but you're not going to perform with the sound in the case of today we're going to use an unfinished sound called kind of like a bratty sound or a whiskey sound we're going to use the sound in combination with an N and an a vowel like a nenene kind of like you're saying neighbor so what I want you to do is I want you to pretend like you're really really bratty on which to say name name name sometimes I'll even have my younger students say nay nay nay nay nay in order to really kind of tap into their their bratty sound now we're going to use this exercise on a very specific scale and the scale is designed to target those higher notes in your voice which are really really difficult for beginning singers to sing and even some very you know professional and professional or well-developed singers so this is the scale right here okay so I'm playing that scale there's three notes on the bottom I repeat that fourth note on the top four times and then I come back down for those last three I'm going to turn this up just a little bit so when my voice would be kind of like this nenene is the is the is the sound nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee okay and so for the baritones and the tenors this is exactly where I would recommend that you start this is an f-sharp 4 on that top note ok I'm sorry on an f-sharp 3 on the bottom and again the scale is just like this nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein and what that bratty son is doing is it's helping my vocal cords close and stretch at the same time so all of a sudden I'm able to hit that high note just great and it's rather nein nein nein nein nein nein eh you get the idea okay so gentlemen baritones and tenors this will work this is a great starting pitch for you like 60 to 70 percent of the time we'll go ahead and start right here and if you get lost or need a refresher on the scale just back up a little bit and we'll do it there [Music] I'm going to start moving down excellent you've got that now let's take that same scale and we're going to move up so now we're going to name me me me me me me me me me nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee gentlemen start right here two three go [Music] great and I wouldn't take you any further than that on that sound that's great okay now ladies we're going to get started right here Sopranos and messes this is a great starting pitch for you this is C sharp 5 on the top same scale let's go 2 3 go [Music] that's rich and I wouldn't take you any higher than that P sharp five on the top that's a great note you're probably not going to have to sing a whole lot higher than that and you know a lot of pop songs usually the majority of those notes for females those money notes kind of fall in that a for that C sharp five range so that's a great place to start now here's the important things that you're going to do wrong number one you're going to do it too loud so rather than a mimimi mimimi name name name it's going to be something nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein a which is the opposite of we love what we want you're pulling up too much chest voice into that middle passage when what you really need to be doing is thinning out but sending out in a healthy way which the bratty sound is helping you to do so again keep it Nene Nene Nene Nene Nene second most important thing that you're going to do wrong is you're going to do it to bratty you know and this is for maybe some of the more developed or more professional singers you're going to any me me me me me me me me me and that's just going to be too far away from a performance sound for you and then you know maybe do it how ratty name name name name name name name name and then maybe nobody at all nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein a and finally the last thing you're going to do is you're going to use this exercise for too long and you're going to hurt your voice and you're going to strain your voice which is why I recommend you know just kind of following along with some of those key modulations that I showed you in the very beginning on this is a starter tool it's an unfinished sound you want to move on from this really quickly guys I hope that helps and happy singing
Channel: Ramsey Voice Studio
Views: 211,440
Rating: 4.9113321 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ramsey, Singing, Singing Lessons, Speech Level Singing, voice lessons, voice teacher, vocal instructor, ramsey voice studio, vocal coach, sing high notes, falsetto, hit high notes, how to sing high notes, how to sing high, sing high, singing higher, singing classes, high notes, sing higher, learn to sing, how to sing better, singing tips, singing tutorial
Id: MA07if-IDDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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