5 Easy Griddle Meals for Beginners

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[Music] welcome back friends we're doing five beginner griddle meals just bought a griddle this is a video for you the first one is smash burgers that's 80 20 ground beef i put into about three or four ounce balls don't want to go too much bigger than that with the meatballs because you want to smash them down get a real nice thin layer on the griddle and that's how you get your crust so i'm doing salt and pepper on both sides that's a little bit of parchment paper i got my weight there you could also use spatulas to smash them down i just have this steak plate and that's what you want thin as possible there give them a flip got my beveled edge dough scraper there and there's the crust we're looking for and then you're going to go ahead and top them off with your american cheese or whatever you like i like american that's pretty much it for the smash burgers super simple super easy something you gotta make on the griddle if you just bought one i double up my patties number two is italian sausage with peppers and onions i put down my italian sausages first these are some hot italian sausages then goes down peppers and onions green pepper yellow pepper white onion i'm gonna top these off with some marinara and i'm gonna put them in a sub bud so it's not just sausage peppers and onions we're making a sandwich here when the sausages gotta to temp i went ahead and put them on top of the peppers and onions just so that the juices could go down in there get the flavor there goes down my little hoagie roll to make this sandwich man these are i'm telling you it's super simple i mean it's just peppers onions and sausage but here's the fun part so you take your peppers and onions you make them about the length of your hoagie then you take cheese this is sliced mozzarella i got from the deli put that on there let it melt down in there with a little bit of water the steam will come up and help them melt then once you melt that cheese i put my sausage right on top this way the cheese wraps around it and then your peppers and onions are on top once we do the old philly cheese steak flip that's what i call this the cheese stick flip because that's how they do philly cheese taste wow look at that pole off there boom peppers onions cheese on that sausage hit it with that marinara at the end that we put on the griddle earlier in a pot don't be afraid to put pots on your griddle if you just bought a griddle by the way sausage peppers and onions with marinara one on the right had no marinara it's for my wife so next we're gonna do a chopped cheese this is like a poor man's philly cheese steak super simple that's just like a pound and a half of ground beef there's my dough scraper again there's some cheese whiz out of a can again in a pot nothing's better than processed cheese out of a can just the way god intended you to eat it you know clogging up your arteries as it's going in delicious so i put that in my pot all i really put on this ground beef is some montreal steak seasoning uh salt pepper is fine i just like to use this steak seasoning i feel like it gives a little more kick then we have a whole white onion some mushrooms you don't have to do this much that's kind of a lot of mushrooms and onions but my wife loves mushrooms so we put them on there a ton and this is just super easy all you're basically doing is browning beef right on the griddle adding the peppers and onions in that you saute in together peppers and mushrooms in sorry apologize [Music] and then once you get them all mixed up and the beef is cooked together like that just put them together and then we're gonna grab the hoagie rolls we're gonna put those down next just to get a nice toast on them just like we did with the italian sausage there goes one there goes the other one that's the beautiful part of having a griddle you can always toast your bread you got to toast your bread if you have a griddle there's no other way to do it take those off add our meat in there look at that mixture you could easily feed a crowd with this i'm talking to 10 15 people hit it up with the cheese whiz that you got nice and melty mmm that's a good good sandwich right there wow now on to number four peppers onions you'll see a theme a lot of peppers and onions that's the beauty of having a griddle sauteing these up here these peppers and onions are actually going to be for some fajitas that's why the tortillas are going down on that warming rack back there this is going to be chicken fajitas that we're doing with peppers and onions and the tortillas there goes our chicken basically i just cubed up the chicken put a little bit of salt and pepper on it put it on the griddle separated out the peppers and onions then i'm using you'll see once i separate all the chicken out to make sure i get a nice color on each piece of chicken you want them individually touching the griddle you don't want them piled up or anything like that so see how i got all the color there that's because i separated it all out flat when i had it on the griddle and then each one got a nice color that's just a plain like 80 cent fajita packet i got from kroger there's no need to complicate this thing put it on everything onions peppers chicken hit it with a little bit of water exactly like it says on the back of the packet mix it all together look at this thing man you got nice little fajitas already made up in your backyard the chicken looks great the peppers and onions look great you've been warming your tortillas on the side throw it all together i serve mine with some avocado salsa sour cream easy easy griddle meal the last one is what i tell people to make first whenever they get a griddle i always tell them this is the first meal to make it's sausage scramble because a it's extremely easy and b it's breakfast man you gotta love breakfast that's the beauty of the griddle a lot of this other stuff you can make on the grill maybe not all of it but breakfast how often do you get to make breakfast outside not much until you buy a griddle so it's half a pound of sausage chopped it up let it cook up just like the ground beef the little hash brown patties little knock off mcdonald's fatties you just throw those on there keep flipping them and they'll just toast right up separate the sausage out when it's cooked start adding yourself some scrambled eggs in there and just let your eggs set up just let them set up and cook on the griddle keep mixing them in with the sausage you get like a whole scramble sausage mess type of things once the eggs start to set up a little bit i like to add in myself a little bit of cheese i use sharp cheddar cheese for this cook but use whatever you like and it turns out great man another thing that didn't quite make the cut was grilled chicken breasts great on the griddle i highly recommend you watch the video on your screen right now to see how to do that i think i'm going to go ahead and start my diet next week thank you so much for watching have a good one and keep on griddling friends
Channel: Johnny Brunet
Views: 295,017
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Keywords: blackstone griddle recipes, easy griddle meals, easy griddle meals for camping, easy meals on blackstone griddle, Beginner Griddle, griddle cooking, griddle recipes, Easy Griddle Meals for Beginners, How to Cook on a Griddle, blackstone griddle ideas, griddle ideas for dinner, griddle breakfast ideas, griddle cooking ideas, tips for cooking on a blackstone griddle, griddle cooking for beginners, easy griddle recipes, Griddle with Johnny, outdoor cooking, blackstone griddle
Id: RmLxFhkxxgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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