Old School Survival Camping - No Tent, No Sleeping Bag - Exploring Appalachia

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Luke here with the outdoor Boys YouTube channel and I'm in the Appalachian Mountains and I'm doing Frontier style survival and Bushcraft camping and I'm bringing you along for the ride all right guys time to go do some camping just saw a decent sized Black Bear right in front of my car into the bushes foreign welcome to the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia it's the first cool day of fall and we're going to be doing some Frontier style hiking and camping tell you what the weather is so deceptive today it is absolutely gorgeous but it's supposed to get down to 40 degrees tonight and we got wind gusts of 15 miles per hour it's going to be cold I'm gonna need a good Shelter tonight these leather straps are very functional but they cut into your shoulder I got a long ways to go I think I better put some padding there oh that feels worlds better oh look at that guys that my friends is black bear poop there's definitely black bears around here oh that's pretty I got across this stream but I don't want to get my feet wet it'll give me blisters bad I think I might be able to hop across the stones Upstream a little bit oh I'm getting a little thirsty in case you're wondering it's just water just water oh aha you know I'm not sure what berry this is I'm gonna look it up when I get home it's got yellow gooey flesh with about half a dozen big seeds oh look at that [Music] oh well they didn't like me sticking my camera in there if I was in a survival situation I could knock that Nest down run like the devil and come back the next day or in like 12 hours the Wasps will abandon the nest and then you can pick out all the pupas I've never eaten wasp larva before but I've destroyed my fair share of wasps nest and unless that size could have a lot of larva in it a lot of mushrooms in these mountains but the spring and fall in these mountains is a great time to find mushrooms foreign s that well I know morels chanterelles puffballs chicken of the woods that's about it look at that there's like a foot and a half deep pile of leaves here it is really luxurious oh this is pretty nice oh this is a tough call this is about two hours and two miles before I was gonna start looking for a campsite but this is pretty awesome there's such an enormous pile of dry leaves here it's really soft and with this rock acting as a heat reflector if I built a campfire here I'd be so warm I need to eat some lunch while I think about this add some cheese and dried dates love it I always bring way too much food on these campouts like going to bed hungry is not an option for me I love my water flask took some doing to get it 100 water tight but uh hasn't dropped a drip all day I know it's a risk but I want to go find a different campsite as comfy as this would be I really would like some place a little closer to some water all right here's another campsite that wouldn't be too bad it's flat dry sheltered no water this is weird this looks like the remnants of an underground forest fire all the trees over here look like they've been burned below the soil line but only below the soil line Looks Like The Roots have been burned but the tree's still alive I mean that's charcoal right there I've heard about forest fires smoldering underground that's weird looking hey look what I found I think that's somebody's pepper spray somebody must have dropped this while they were getting eaten by a bear yeah oh yep ain't no bears taking advantage of me tonight quite a few spider webs on this Trail I don't think anyone's watched this for at least a few days I'm just getting coded in spider webs that was a big one there's another one well there's another one every three or four feet I'm going through a spider web hold this stick out in front of you let it clear out all the spider webs [Music] ite yeah that was deeper than it looks I'm starting to wonder whether passing up on that last campsite was a good idea a lot of putrid water and swampy ground here see how Brown this water is just means it's full of tannin which is the chemical that leeches out of decomposing leaves I'm not 100 sure what vegetation is responsible for the tannin but often where I see rhododendrons I'll often see brown water like this foreign check out all this Moss here pull this up look at that it's clean drinking water right there tastes super earthy but it's clean well I'd hope to have a campsite by now well there's a little stream see all the bubbles he's got to get that frothiness whenever you get a lot of tanning in the water oh look at this spot I just realized I'm really tired even though it looks pretty flat it's not there's some pretty big rocks underneath the leaves so I'm gonna see if I can't move some rocks around and make this a little bit more level oh I think this is gonna work well I think what I need to do next is pile up as many dry leaves as I can and I need to clear out a spot for my fire and make a little fire pit and a heat reflector for the fire When You're Building A Fire like this safety is a pretty big issue and I don't want to start a forest fire so there's a couple things I got going for me first off it's really wet right here under the ledge there's all these drips coming off the edge of the rock so it's perpetually wetting this section here so a fire is not likely to spread if I build a modest fire and keep an eye on it this should be okay if I want to cook two meals boil a bunch of water and stay warm tonight so I'm gonna need a ton of wood oh loads of stuff on the ground is so soggy foreign that's not a huge pile of wood but it's enough to get me started there you go you can see how much tannins in there the tannin doesn't make it unsafe to drink it just makes it taste funny but you still have to boil it in case there's bacteria in there all right now we need some Tinder got this ultra thin Ultra dry Pine that's what we want [Music] foreign all right here's my fire kit I got a piece of Steel a piece of flint some shirted up jute and a char cloth I'm gonna put this inside that jute I'm sticking too much wood on top of the fire and it's causing all this smoke because it's smothering the fire but I'm doing that because all the woods damp and I want it to dry out almost all this wood is wet so I'm just stacking it up here in the fire ring to dry it out even though I'm using Frontier style equipment on this trip I've got a few modern things with me I've got my Garmin inreach mini so I can send and receive text messages and my wife can track my location it's good for safety I also have a headlamp because I need to be able to film at night I also have about two or three pounds of GoPro batteries backup cameras and GoPro mounts in my bag this water is going to be clean but it's going to have a bit of a funny taste so I brought this it's for making tea you unscrew it you just put a little loose leaf tea in there you can Harvest berries and herbs that you find along the way put it in there and make tea out of it and in this case I've got a peach lemon herbal tea in there those of you guys who watch my channel might recognize my mug I made this out of cow horn a couple years ago and did a video on it my tea steeper hooked around the handle there just let that steep for about five minutes or so just sit that over there this is salted fat back bacon lasts a long time even without Refrigeration so you can carry it around in your pack makes great seasoning and stew and put my potatoes in there throw that meat in there between the grease and all the seasoning on the fat back it's going to give a lot of flavor to this stew got some carrots there all right got some bulb onions here got a bundle of chives here little soups and stews like this are pretty awesome because pretty much anything you find that you can eat you can throw in the stew whether it's a squirrel or some herbs or a mushroom or whatever I always bring way too much food and I brought along some beef jerky and you can throw that in your stew too it has lots of flavor lots of protein all right it's coming along pretty good needs a few more minutes got some raw sugar for my tea here I'm a little bit cold tired and thirsty and this tea just hits the spot tastes even better when you drink it out of a cowhorn mug you made yourself while I wait for my soup to simmer I think I'm gonna go get some more firewood it's gonna be really cold tonight [Applause] foreign like the soup it's tasting good add just a little pinch of flour oh that stew smells amazing looks perfect and smell the chives and the onions and the Bacon fat oh it's so hot I could see my breath but this stew is hitting the spot I'm just gonna boil up some water and fill up my canteen and have some water ready for the morning for those of you that watch my videos you won't be surprised I brought a little bag of flour here to make some bread I'm gonna be doing that in the morning so I'm gonna go ahead and add my yeast and water and get it ready and so it can rise overnight I'm gonna add my sugar we're gonna add some whole wheat bread flour my bag has a ton of holes in it hey they just let that sit and Rise till morning time to get ready for bed I'm just gonna hang out here by the fire before I go to sleep but notice I folded the blanket over I've done this so that the inside layer won't get covered in leaves and that's the layer I'm going to wrap around myself so I don't get poked by leaves that night these blankets just attract leaves like crazy a moment of your time I think it's time to go to bed I'm gonna go and put my blanket on this nice pile of leaves here and try to get some sleep having a fire under this outcropping is making such a huge difference it feels a good 10 degrees warmer here but it's late and I need to get to go in the bed I'll see you guys in the morning good morning it's early and I do not want to get up but it's cold and the fire's going out nicer I need to cook up some breakfast I'll tell you what I stayed warmer than I expected but man that ground was hard so for breakfast I've got seasoned pork jowls and I got this lump of dough I've got some honey and butter to put on it we're gonna oil up this rock we're just gonna take this whole slab of pork gels and just lay it right there on the rock foreign there we go some butter on this a little honey and butter on fried flatbread man it's hard to be a nice piece of pork gel bacon foreign it's completely out [Music] this little flask has been great it's about a liter and a half and it's just worked wonderfully and if you wanted to build something like this at home it's a really easy project to do requires very little tools and all you need is some beeswax leather and a piece of wood really foreign somebody left their doordash foreign that sure was a fun trip I hope you guys enjoyed that if you guys want to see more videos from the outdoor Boys YouTube channel check out our Campion Adventure playlist I'll put a link in the video description below and make sure to click subscribe we put out new videos every Saturday morning thanks for watching guys we'll see you next Saturday if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor Boys YouTube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning hit that Bell button you'll get notifications thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 4,763,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping., survival, historical, frontier, survival camping, solo camping, no tent camping, no sleeping bag camping, primitive survival, primitive survival camping, survival shelter, bushcraft camping, hiking, back packing, frontier camping, frontier survival camping, frontier hiking, solo camping and hiking, backpacking, trekking, appalachia, hiking blue ridge mountains, west virginia, camping west virginia, hiking west virginia
Id: ZhJVb3q62J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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