5 DAY SOLO Backpacking & Trout Fishing REMOTE PARADISE!!! (Catch, Cook, Camp) Pt.1

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oh look at what i just found oh there's the wolf is on baby [Music] guys welcome to another episode i am currently out in the middle of the wilderness at a beautiful mountain lake i've already been backpacking out here for about two hours to get to this lake and this is not our final destination we're actually going to be climbing way up into those mountains that you can barely see in the clouds there so we're probably going to try and find a camping spot down here at this lake maybe flick a lure a little bit see if we can't catch us some dinner maybe look for some mushrooms that we could cook up tonight with some fish the next couple days are supposed to get really really beautiful and what that means is that i'm going to have a weather window to get up to these higher lakes which is going to be higher than i think i've been in probably easily 18 years but let's go ahead and first before it gets completely dark let's try and get back on the trail and do a little mushroom foraging sesh all right we once again hit the total jackpot we have in front of us hidden in the bushes some wild mushrooms see those little yellow spots down there that's a chanterelle they're gonna make just an absolute delicious little snack they're some of my favorite mushrooms in the world we're just gonna go in deep cut them off right down on the stem more meat to these little guys than uh you'd think at first look at that this is exciting man chanterelles look at that wild edible mushrooms these are some of the best mushrooms in the world highly prized very expensive at the grocery store but we got them growing out here for free back here let's go check this out dude i think there's more chanterelles right here oh oh the motherload of chanterelles let's just take one or two nice looking ones here oh yeah now that's a chanterelle man just a gift of nature right there look at that now whenever you guys do have some wild mushrooms just make sure you guys clean them up really good before you put them into your bag otherwise that dirt will just mush around in the mushrooms and it just gets all nasty and it's just harder to clean later here's another wild berry we can eat and in one of the last videos i showed you guys this and a few of you in the comments called me at i called this a salmon berry and you're 100 right it's not a salmon berry this is a thimble berry i don't know why i said salmon berry oh i was like really sweet look at this campsite this is looking juicy a little spot to put the tent maybe we'll put the tent under the trees though just to stay out of the rain and then we've got the beach right here check this out oh man look at this beach that we have back here is a spot a little smaller a little more cramped not as pretty and it's under these trees and that's gonna give me the shelter that i want tonight just in case it rains some more now for safety when you guys are setting up your tent under trees or anywhere near trees just look around and make sure that there's no big dead trees around or big dead branches just hanging up there all of these trees are healthy and alive so this is going to be our tent spot for the night the way this tent works is it uses my trekking poles as the tent poles thereby i can save a lot of uh weight in my pack there we go there we go we got our rain jacket on super important when you guys are out backpacking that you guys stay dry that's one of the the biggest things that'll make you cold everything's set up everything that needs to be in the tent we've got in there now backpack sleeping bag this thing right here this is called a bear vault and this is what we're storing our food inside it's actually a nice protector to make sure your food doesn't get mushed up like our mushrooms that we got in there now wow oh there's a bunch of ducks out here look there's a duck sitting right there hey sorry buddy i feel so bad that i chased oh that all the ducks are flying away oh my oh jeez there's no logs right here so i think if we fish right there that should be pretty good all right here we go baby bullet lure going out in the lake oh oh we just had a bite oh man i should have set the hook maybe on it that was a big fish that was a big fish that just took a really good nibble at the lure and they're quacking at us that's awesome man besides that one bite they're right in the beginning so far nothing so i couldn't find a single natural bait anywhere no bugs oh oh we just had a bite on the bullet lure right there all right last cast well no bites it's getting dark too so we're gonna call it for the night there is just a little bit of blue sky right up there tiny little hole in the clouds it hasn't rained for the last half hour so i'm really hoping that we have a dry night tonight so i'm looking for a couple of natural fire starters everything has been rained on so it's a little damp but this right here it's called lichen it's essentially a fungus and an algae that grow together to make this stuff hanging off of trees when it's dry it's extremely flammable and a great fire starter let's get a little bit of tree sap on this lycan and that might help us start a fire right there nice and runny get that in there there you go we got some tree sap crystals in the lycan let's see probably like right here we've got a few little branches here that seem dry everything is super damp so wish me luck we can do this together do you think we can get a fire started we're just going to use the lighter that we've got with us here's a little trick for you if you don't already know wrap your lighter in duct tape that way you've always got some duct tape with you and it doesn't take up any extra space oh it's liking the sap let's get some little branches on oh it's smoky it is so moist oh the sap is like oh it's super heavy so what's happening down there right now is that that sap is providing a constant flame it's essentially like wax kind of like a candle that's constantly burning here right now i'm gonna start putting some thicker pieces of wood on there surround it with some more juicy stuff smells of camping and tears and eyes is what it smells like this fire's so warm feels amazing this summer it's been really really dry here in the pacific northwest so we've actually had a burn ban for most of the summer but that just got lifted because it started raining a bunch what the smoke does is it keeps wildlife away generally animals do not like the smell or even the sight of fire so if you're in an area that has a lot of bears or mountain lions like we are in right now then it's nice to have a little fire going all the smoke it's that's making me cry or is it the beauty of the fire that's making me cry oh camping is so much more fun with a fire just remember guys be safe about it and then it's all good all right since we did not catch any fish tonight for food we have with us a u.s military mre a meal ready to eat and this is menu 11 vegetable crumbles with pasta and taco style sauce let's see what we got here oh yes yes this is one of my favorites french vanilla cappuccino and then i want to say this here feels kind of like a squishy mushy pouch that's probably the main course applesauce smoked almonds that's kind of nice chunky peanut butter crackers this is probably one of the worst crackers out there we're going to take the meal and stick it in here into this bag with the heater it says here do not overfill but so in the comments that it worked a little better if you put just a hair more water in so so we're just gonna lean it about right here all right so it's been probably 10-15 minutes that thing has not gotten warm whatsoever so i kind of set it closer to the fire so maybe some of that heat from the fire can kind of activate the heating elements in there this is really really hot like steamy hot again let me know in the comments what your guys's experience is especially with older mres look at this little guy i think she's ready that's just crazy how many of those little daddy longlegs are crawling around here everywhere by the way if you've ever heard that weird rumor that a daddy longleg is the most poisonous spider in the world but the only reason they're not dangerous because their claws can't get through your skin that's a lie that that's completely alive plus they're actually not a spider just just so you know let's look at this together oh what is going on in there what it's like chili in there do they label that wrong wow that's delicious doesn't taste weird at all i mean i almost taste like a home-cooked meal yes for dessert we're gonna have the applesauce or is it zapplesauce i see one of the main ingredients is high fructose corn syrup it's basically just a sugary a very sweet apple sauce no little spider don't run in the fire but he was about to run into the the fire so we're gonna rescue him a very sweet dessert if i may say so all right we're in the tent freedom freedom from the boot so i got a new sleeping bag this guy here it's a mountain hardwear right now it's getting super cold here in the mountains close to freezing so this guy here uh can keep me protected down to 15 degrees comfort level is around 25 degrees fahrenheit so i can't wait to slip into that baby tonight be nice and warm i can already tell the sleeping bag is so much puffier than my old one that's nice too it weighs about the same but it has like twice the the insulation oh we're tired all right i'm gonna need some rest for the climb tomorrow there we go i'll see you guys in the morning [Music] so [Music] oh good morning you guys last night was rather interesting it's a beautiful day out now as you can see oh squirrel i squirrely heard us he's like someone's in my in my woods my air mattress went flat check this out [Music] so i just been sleeping on the ground basically sleeping on your side on the ground not so fun so if your air mattress ever does pop and you're a side sleeper just lay on your back that was a lot better not worried about it though sun's shining super happy about it let's go ahead and get out and make some some mountain coffee here we go that's our water filter right there with this we can purify any water that we encounter in the wild [Music] and while that water heats up we're just gonna go and collect a few wild berries i noticed that there's wild blueberries growing over here called huckleberries look at that there's a little berry right there not that many not that many but oh look at that well not that many more berries left we got a few in the jar here a couple more oh yeah right here i've got strawberries and cream oatmeal there we go just a little bit i'm gonna set this baby aside for a second and i got with us just a little bit of a little bit of instant coffee i'll shake that baby in there there's a little squirrel right here right there in the tree what's up buddy oh there he is he's angry [Applause] look at that here's a bite with a berry right there so what this here is is a waterproof uh compression sack for your sleeping bag that way it stays nice and dry in case it rains or it falls in the water as you can see with these straps you can kind of compress it down to take up less space in your backpack remember always hydrate as much as you can in the mountains up top what i carry is my water filter my medi kit and uh just the the big camera in case we see something crazy i know a lot of you guys always ask kind of what do i carry with me i'm not going to go through the entire pack because i would take a long time you always want to carry a manual map with you don't just rely on your phone spare paracord i've got a huge coil of paracord uh down in the side pocket as well a little bit of accessories like towelettes uh some tp and all sorts of random stuff my fishing license and driver's license of course right here hand warmers believe me you are going to so not regret carrying up a couple of hand warmers because you can just shake those babies up tuck them in your sleeping bag and you'll sleep like a little baby anyways that's i carry like a big compass in there too right here this is a satellite uh phone i could send an sos or i could message people at home because in these areas that i go to there is zero reception out here so your phones are not gonna work little whistle in case you see bears or something like that and then i carry a second little compass of course we've got our two fishing poles little net more cameras and then i've got a huge camera bag inside there with all my batteries i've got a solar charger with me i always have uh self-defense protection with me as well the sleeping bag the tent and that kind of starts summing it up i'll leave a link below to the 10 essentials that you always need with you no matter what beyond that you can kind of build your kit depending on your your specific needs and your mission and what you're going to be out doing goodbye beautiful lake we will see you on the way back i got started just a little bit late on this whole backpacking trip because on the way here i stopped by a river where currently sockeye salmon are coming up from the ocean to spawn and they were just everywhere in the creek so i just had to go down and say i do them got some sweet underwater footage of these magnificent beautiful fish yeah so i'll roll in those clips for you guys yeah i'm just fortunate to live in an area that has the mountains like this and wild salmon and all the green around me [Music] [Music] we've been going up the mountain some really steep stuff i haven't even really been filming just because i've been climbing yeah i'm so good so i just came across a mushroom on the trail here that looks very interesting because i don't know what it is i'm not gonna keep any so we're just gonna cut off one for identification and we'll leave the rest oh it smells so good it doesn't look like a trumpet mushroom this hurts but i'm not 100 sure what it is or if in doubt don't eat it goodbye delicious looking mushrooms so i'm just gonna drink as much water as i can and refill here this is the last stop with water before we get up to the lakes there's a tree up there that is not happy look at what i just found guys it's a king bleach oh it's a perfect size we're gonna twist them and bring them oh oh look at this little bullet this is one of the best eating mushrooms in the world oh beautiful whole sweet goodness another baby bleat so we've already got plenty to eat up on the mountain there's one more little guy right here that we're just gonna let him grow and then on the way back down i'll take a look at him and see how big he is then and maybe i'll take him home two beautiful king bolits oh they smell so good already all right we don't want to cut the whole stem off just just the dirt itself that's a perfectly cleaned delicious little king bolite so that was an amazing find i can't get so distracted by all this mushroom foraging down here because we still got to climb up this mountain uh if you guys are looking for a really good king believe recipe don't cook them fresh instead slice them super thin and dry them you can dry them in the sun or kind of at a low temp in the oven once they're totally dry they develop a heavenly flavor and just use them in like creamy pasta sauces there are so many mushrooms here everywhere right now this is ridiculous oh man look at this what ah this is still not the worst part this is just a warm up that's where we just came from you gotta love it sometimes you wonder why though we're starting to get on level with a lot of those peaks up there there's a glacier over on the other side it's beautiful these berry bushes here still have a few last berries on them super important that while you're climbing mountains like this to keep your energy up [Applause] oh very unique pleasant flavor from the red bushed huckleberries wow oh look at that check out the huge peaks back there there's a giant glacier up on those mountains and we are headed right up there it's beautiful but exhausting we're also getting higher up in altitude so the oxygen in the air is getting thinner and thinner remember no one's running up the mountain just a couple steps at a time and you'll get there [Music] there's a fish swimming around down there literally i'm watching a little trout swim right there why don't we try and fish this little pond here oh that's crazy what a weird little like an alpine itty alpine pond looks beautiful look at that since i just saw a little fish swimming right here let's get our gear ready we could fish right off of this rock this is looking really juicy oh man my sunglasses just broke so we're gonna have to fix those just totally snapped off dang it all right let's see what happens here all right first cast in this baby oh we had a bite we had a bite they folded right right up front right up front on the first cast he was a decent size too oh there he is there he is there he is there he is there he is oh there he is oh he did it right there he bit it right there i don't know if you guys saw that though all right i grabbed a net here i think this spot warrants a net oh there we go we're getting one on this one come on baby come on oh there you go face on baby fish on oh oh oh oh oh oh beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful our boat flip oh in the net beautiful beautiful fish oh my goodness look at the colors of this fish oh it's a beautiful west slope cut through it all right let's release them that fish was beautiful but i saw like three or four of them dart after the bullet lure so i didn't want to just keep the first one i think i saw a bigger one down there so let's keep seeing if we can maybe maybe get a big one for uh kind of a late lunch slash dinner all right they seem to be kind of hiding against the shoreline here is where that one came from oh we've already got to follow follow follow follow follow follow follow oh i didn't hit it didn't hit it now let's give those a break and see if there's anything living between those rocks there oh there you go fish on right in front of us right in front that's a better one this is a good one that's a good one that was a total that was a show that was a show that's a oh guys we might have just caught us late lunch look at that gorgeous gorgeous fish i just can't get over it look at that beautiful cut throat could not resist the bullet lure this guy's dinner beautiful fish we're just gonna put him to sleep right away so he's no longer suffering and he is out not huge but eater size west slope cut throat trout thank you buddy it's perfectly fine to harvest animals we just need to make sure that we can try and minimize the suffering let's cook them up i can't resist but just take another cast here just to see what happens what if there's a monster in this pond oh that's a fish that's a fish all right little guy little guy we're gonna let him go so my hands are not wet so we're not gonna handle them we're just gonna drop him straight down in the water there we go and he's off what about along the shore here again that seems to be where most of them so far have been follow follow follow follow one bite oh we lost him he came right off didn't know a cop oh my goodness that was interesting he followed on the fast retrieve but on the slow i kind of slowed down and then he hit it so let's try maybe a really slow retrieve here and see what happens oh there we go that's a fish fish on baby oh yeah oh yeah jumper he's kind of just twisting around he's another little guy another little guy we might have retained the biggest in this lake here and he's off he's out of here all right one more cast one more cast one more cast this is just insane trout on every cast oh not on that one right as i say oh right in front of us right in front of us oh man he took it right there oh he's cute he is cute look at him but you can go right back in there you go buddy oh my goodness bro there's there's birds he's a little bird right here and i think he's kind of curious about what's going on hey here you can have this ah hey leave my mushrooms leave my mushrooms here take this instead you want this buddy come here yeah there you go take that leave my mushrooms alone i want any trouble with you guys here you go buddy there you go come here i know you want it dude you are so greedy leave some for your friends there's another one on top of the camera what are you doing dude he's like sitting on my fish get off of there all you birds have a great evening that was cool though what do you guys think about a thumbnail bird sitting on top of the fish that was awesome they did steal the king believe though that was kind of a bummer all right let's go ahead and just clean our catch here real quick always start right at the butt hole just cut your way up oh full belly on this little guy always curious to see what they've been eating huh oh black mush probably a bunch of little bugs or something is what this guy here has been been gobbling on i'm just gonna take the head off and rip the head and all the guts come right with it and what we'll do is we will put the guts in the head right back into the lake there that way it doesn't attract bears and other creatures to the shorelines and all the nutrients are right back where they came from next thing we're going to do is just score the kidney back there and you just push the kidney right out there we go it's a beautiful clean cutthroat trout [Music] time to cook up some fish and this fish is going to be well deserved there we go in the pan she goes and then i have a handful of delicious chanterelles that we're just gonna cut up oh man sizzle those babies in some butter goodbye son goodbye and and she's gone we will see you again tomorrow we got our trout right here i don't know if it's all gonna fit in the pan it goes with the the chanterelles this is getting really exciting so i only threw chanterelles in this one here we'll probably save the king believes uh for tomorrow when we get up to the higher lakes do the little flip oh yes we almost forgot the main ingredient we gotta get in our sweet danish sea salt just a little little sprinkle look at the thickness of those crystals they are massive salt crystals we're gonna let that steam up in there tad oh my goodness it's looking beautiful oh it smells so good a little bit of skin some thin action all crispy fins dude you know what i think the trout is probably done let's see if it comes off the bones i think so wow look at this that's how you know trout's done right there falls right off the bones pin bones and everything stayed right on here right back down into the pond all right all we're gonna do now is take a tortilla and we're gonna throw it in the pan usually i do cheese down in the pan first and stuff but this pan is not very happy with that it sticks so instead we're going to just steam some of this cheese on top of the tortilla turn it way down and that cheese and the tortilla are just going to melt together let's check back in a minute you already know it we're going to cut one slice of delicious avocado one slice of avocado right there oh it's perfect oh it is perfect you just can't beat cooking your food that you just caught right here with a view like that i'm seeing fish rise down there in the water everywhere ooh i'm seeing one swim at the surface right down there oh man look at that look at the color of that cutthroat it is just beautiful the red uh belly is still showing let's try that trout tail could have gotten a little crispier very interesting i haven't had a west slope cutthroat in a while let's get the mushrooms on here then we're gonna throw on the avocado here there we go let's try just one of the chanterelles oh super earthy but good look at that another beautiful lake behind me that will fish in the next episode this is video's already gotten long enough now let's dig into this baby i've never had chanterelles in one of the fish wraps before honestly that's one of the best flavor combinations i think i've ever tasted cheers to you guys for for joining on this adventure i'm seeing fish surface down there right now now and just imagine what kind of monsters could be maybe lurking in that mountain lake if that little pond already had so many trout in it but we're gonna find out in the next episode because i gotta find like a spot to set up camp here now we'll leave off here start there in the next episode i love you thank you for watching as always drop a like leave a comment i love reading them subscribe if you're brand new and we'll see y'all for the next fishing adventure till then you all know it fish on baby
Channel: NW Fishing Secrets
Views: 181,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, trout fishing, solo backpacking, trout, cutthroat trout fishing, cutthroat trout, trout catch & cook, fishing & foraging, fishing and foraging, mushroom foraging, mountain fishing catch and cook, mountain fishing, nwfs, nw fishing secrets, leif steffny, remote fishing, remote wilderness, catch & cook, catch and cook, catch & cook fish, catch clean cook trout, catch cook camp, catch cook and camp, cutthroat trout catch and cook, fishing for food, fishing videos
Id: 15tSwQS-1Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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