5 Dark Web Stories | r/nosleep #5 | Deep Web

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hey everyone I'm bringing you more dark web stories now these first three stories are subscriber stories however all of the stories you'll hear tonight are all true I'd also like to say thank you very much for helping me reach over 2,000 subscribers I appreciate each and every one of you so much thank you and with that said whether you're sitting around a campfire on the night shift or even laying in bed let my voice soothe your nightmares I shouldn't have clicked it I don't know what I was even thinking part of it was desperation I had just lost my job and money was tight but I could draw unemployment but it hardly covered my bills and any cent I earned picking up temp work threatened to erase my benefits entirely I was unemployed longer than I'd anticipated and like an idiot I lived on credit cards and watched helplessly as the debts amounted up and getting out seemed more impossible that was the desperation that drove me to the dark web a need for income that was untraceable under the table and even to settle my considerable debt but as I said only part of my motive was desperation the other part is harder to explain I guess you'd call it morbid curiosity a certain fascination I had heard stories about the dark webbing I wanted to see it for myself I wanted to see if it was really as strange and frightening as the stories make it seem here's what you really need to realize about the dark web it's not easy to find what you're looking for things aren't at your fingertips at first there hardly seems to be anything at all when I first logged in I honestly thought it was a joke I couldn't find anything that was not easily seen in two seconds of googling but eventually you'll stumble across the site that leads to something a little deeper and you follow those links further and further down the rabbit hole and that's when you start to find the really weird stuff the dark web has layers to it in the surface easiest to find you've got your run-of-the-mill illegal stuff drugs prostitutes money laundering lots of people trading Bitcoin and more questionable currency for equal questionable services hitmen terrorist groups fetishes dealing in the most twisted ex you can imagine lots of inappropriate images of kids and bestiality really sick stuff when website advertised snuff films but I didn't want to click it I wasn't here to fulfill some sick urge or satisfy some twisted curiosity I just wanted to find a way to earn a little money I was careful not to click anything that seemed sketchy so mostly I just saw linked titles but then something caught my eye something I couldn't just scroll past it was a photograph it was posted on this forum I'd found his place was like an underground dark web version of Fiverr you posted what you were willing to do and at what price all kinds of things a lot of them were sexual in nature it meant for higher drivers and transporters for all kinds of illegal jobs hackers virus coders and then inexplicably the photo it was posted without any explanation no common and no title just a single photograph with a link to a site whose URL has been scrambled my mouse hovered over it for a second the photo showed a young girl maybe seven or eight years old sitting on an old wooden swing she's missing a front tooth which you can clearly see because she's smiling broadly the yellow dress she's wearing his mud on the hem like she's been playing outside and her hair is a mess of golden curls and tangles the girl is me I recognized the dress the hair even the swing it's the yard at my grandparents house it's me as a little girl so what the heck is this photo doing on the dark web I clicked on it soon I was taken to a directory not really a website just a list of files feeling and anxious not in my stomach I started to click it a day out jpg me as a 10 year old riding my bike I child to a dog running along beside big girls jpg me at 5 years old sitting on the curb holding a freshly skinned knee my face is screwed up against tears like I'm trying not to cry out cold jpg me at age 17 passed out asleep at a friend's house I'm in a recliner in my head is tilted back with my mouth hanging open you can see the gap of flesh between my pajama pants and the hem of my t-shirt a terrible knot in my stomach tightened there were so many files and everyone seemed to be a picture of me but I've never seen these pictures before it's not like someone just pulled these from my mom's Facebook page or something I've never seen any of these and what's weirder I don't remember doing any of these things none of the moments captured in the photographs bring up any memories for me at all Disney magic jpg a photo of me aged 8 or 9 hugging someone in a Pluto costume Mickey is off to the side with big smiles I have never been to Disneyland optical illusion dot avi this one's a video it shows me maybe 12 years old doing a dance routine and what is definitely my mother's living room I'm wearing a pink leotard but there's no sound but I'm obviously following a choreographed routine something I had practiced I was never in a dance team I don't remember this at all I thought maybe it's a coincidence maybe it's not me just some other little girl who looks like me who lived in places that looked like where I grew up just now dot jpg a photo of me and it's recent I'm an adult wearing a t-shirt I still own sitting on the edge of my bed painting my toenails it's me it's definitely me there's no question about it but I don't remember doing that either I don't paint my nails I don't remember ever having painted them while you were sleeping avi another video I'm in bed sleeping on my side under my comforter it's my current bedroom I recognized the furniture a location of the window the angle seems to be filled from the foot of the bed but from slightly above looking down as a man in my bed with me his body is perhaps around mine one hand is plunged between my legs and in the video I can see it moving slowly but rhythmically beneath the blankets I've never seen that man before in my life I shut down the browser in a panic I turned off the computer and unplugged it I ran to my room and started tearing it apart looking for a hidden camera nothing no sign I went out that night to the 24-hour Walmart and bought extra locks I was up all night adding more locks and chains to my doors reinforcing them I didn't sleep I couldn't not after what I just saw I covered all the windows in foil I turned the house upside down searching for the cameras it's been three days and I don't know what to do in my panic when I shut down my computer I didn't save the link I have no idea how to find that site again or even how I got there in the first place but I need to know I need to know if there are any new photographs I need to know if someone is still recording me somehow doing things that I don't even remember don't get on the dark web it's not worth it you don't want to see what's on there but if you do if you find that site please tell me I need to see it just one more time I'd first like to start off by saying I do not recommend going on the dark web unless you know what the hell you are doing or you might end up like me 23 single and looking over my shoulder every minute of the day I was 20 at the time and spent my free time getting high on weed and playing video games my drug dealer at the time had been busted with possession and drug distribution so my friend who also smoked and did some other drugs introduced me to this thing called the dark web he had downloaded tor onto my computer and got me a VPN he had shown me this site called point where people mainly sold drugs so of course like any other pothead I managed to get a good supplier and would place a purchase every couple of weeks after a couple months I began doing some research on Google and read it about the dark web I read some horror stories on reddit and there was something that just piqued my interest about it so of course my curiosity got the best of me so I began exploring again so of course my curiosity got the best of me so I began exploring a lot of links were broken I managed to find quite a few websites that were quite interesting but there was one that had piqued my interest the most for safety reasons I am NOT going to say the name of the website but they sold all sorts of things drugs counterfeit money cheap gift cards hitmen and weapons I've always been interested in weapons so I began exploring the weapons cataloging they were all sorts of stuff anything from nine millimeters to ak-47s RPGs so me being the fool that I am created a fake anonymous email account and registered as a new user on the website and also bought some Bitcoin currency between me wanting to buy some weapons and wanting to see if the website was legit I decided to make a few purchases I bought a Walther p22 for seven hundred and fifty two dollars along with some ammo and m16 for around sixteen hundred dollars and a couple grenades for about eight fifty after about four days I got my order and I live out in the middle of nowhere so I was able to shoot off the two guns without suspension and they both worked great but I wanted to go pull the pin on one of the grenades and immediately after it pulled it blew up just a few feet away from me and blew off my foot I just threw it and it bounced off a tree and rolled back by me and blew off my entire right foot there were chunks of my foot all over the ground and blood splattered everywhere I called an ambulance and got a ride to the nearest hospital after being wrapped up and everything was all set the police asked me what even happened so me being the idiot I am I told them that I had bought weapons off the dark web and a grenade I bought blew my foot off once I was able to leave the hospital I tried tracing my steps back to the website I bought them from to show the police but my computer had a webcam and those sneaky admins hacked into it and saw that I had police and a message appeared in the bottom-right corner of my computer and her black chat box the message said you screwed with the wrong people prepared to pay then the police took my computer and my guns then later that night it was a black SUV that kept driving past my place and about 10:00 p.m. my front door busted wide open and a guy dressed in gray wearing a black hat had walked in with a gun and a duffel bag I took one of my kitchen knives and snuck up behind him and slit his throat and watched him bleed out if this day I still feel guilty but it was in my own self-defense I opened up his duffel bag and looked through it it contained mostly cleaning supplies and a couple of knives along with the battery-powered basa I took his body and shoved it in the box of my truck and took his gun and knives and put him in the truck with me I drove out in the middle of the forest and dumped his body I then went back to my house and sprayed out the blood in the box of my truck with the water hose I packed up a few outfits some food in some pictures in ditch town well more like state I used to live in the East Coast but now I'm spending my time in New Mexico the only person I still have contact with his my older brother we spend big holidays together but that's about it I've made in nearly three years so I'd say I'm doing well for myself I'm gonna start off by telling you all to get to know your computer skills before you go on the dark web it's not a toy it was September 2017 when I was exploring it using tor and a VPN service which I still use to this day but let me tell you depending on what you're going to go on the dark web looking for you might only need tor in a VPN as where if you're looking for the deepest in sickest corners of the dark web then you're going to want to learn some computer knowledge before doing so it's for your own safety take it from me [Music] anyways I was browsing it and managed to hack my way through a back door into a Red Room when I entered it was a chat box in the bottom right corner of my laptop with other users chatting about last week's event they were saying things like God last week had me so turned on and it was like one of my dreams and stuff Hardy at that point I was like what the hell is this but I stayed and one of the admins had privately messaged me and asked are you here for tonight's episode and me being the idiot that I am I said yes of course the admin had replied back with oh well enjoy the show I then waited about 15 minutes then I heard a little boy whining and calling for his parents he was whining in saying mommy and daddy along with where am I then the little boy's face appeared on the screen the tear dripping down his face someone in the chat said screw his eyeball and I was already afraid and the next thing I knew I heard a crush and a massive scream let out I then saw a screwdriver was in the poorboys a little lie and someone said ruin his arm but by that point I was already on the floor throwing up my guts next thing I knew and passed out and I woke up about 20 minutes later and found a text on my screen saying you made the wrong move the next day I had a white car following me everywhere it went on for the next two weeks passing my home several times a day they were taking notes of my every move I thought I was going to be dead for sure it's been a year and a half and I haven't seen that car since thank God but I'm still exploring the dark web because it's something I enjoy I was a 25 year old man a hacker and a businessman forward slash military dropout it was in mid-december but it wasn't very cold outside looking out the window I could see the snow barely clung to the edges of the road outside his house where the plows and trucks had it piled high from days earlier probably from the rain it was always rain I was in London after all I had been recently trying to make a purchase of a 6m ap B also known as hydrochloride which if you don't know is very frowned upon by our good Queen apparently so because of this I had to use means that I wasn't quite as fond of means that required me to break out the anonymous router I had sworn to be off of hacking I only ever did it for good of course the usual things helping fix computers doing the coding work for corporations that kind of a hacker in fact as I thought about it the most I'd ever did publicly was act as a slightly more expensive version of the Geek Squad but the potential for evil considering how reliant the world was on its technology was horrible and vast I could kill even thousands of people relying on computers at a hospital with the pressing of a button I didn't feel comfortable enough with all that power in my hands even if I would never do a thing to undermine common Society so I swore to never use my skills for anything more than a frozen screen again I went through the process automatically from prior years of practice going first on the Deep Web and metaphorically swimming in the pools of predominantly forgotten data and blank coding swimming around until I found what I wanted it took a bit longer than I remembered due to the constant growth of a vast ocean that is the internet that really was the beauty of the thing I suppose why it drew me to it it's so limitless after what seemed like thousands of millions of fathoms of metaphorical depth I found what I was looking for I did a quick double check in my mind to remember that I had indeed been using the proper router I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and clicked immediately the screen went dark an image of a girl that looked to be from one of those Japanese horror films appeared on the screen she appeared to have hanged herself after only a matter of seconds my computer was working hard trying to fend off hundreds of attacks coming in at my computer and information come on you've got this I whispered under my breasts my own programming then the cursor started appearing others taking control of my computer I had no way of knowing who they were and what they would do my fingers moved like mad to try and stop the intruders and plug up the holes in my defenses it seems no matter how many holes I would plug more just kept coming forcing their way in the screen changed entirely I was watching a live stream of some sort it hadn't started yet there was no way to tell in my struggle if it had been me or one of the many others invading my computer whose clicks caused me to join it in the end it didn't matter I was here now I didn't know what I was going to do I couldn't leave someone coming and leaving without saying a word would draw attention to me from the eyes I did not want I couldn't say anything either for the same reason so I just sat there at my screen and watched I read the chat room in my head start the show I can't wait I wonder what it's going to be about I know me neither hey why why aren't you talking yeah say something a flash of panic touched my soul they saw me and then the hacker side of me took over I replied I'm just here waiting to watch the show an image came up on the screen saying he was starting yes started start the show start the show start the show the livestream started and the chat room exploded and the screen changed from black I began to ignore the chat and everyone around me on the screen in front of me was an image of a boy he seemed to be about the age of 11 or 12 he had just come home from school seemingly set down his backpack up against his bed and sat down at the computer to work or play games or watch YouTube probably a film was being captured to his desktop webcam it was obvious that he had no idea he was being filmed or was aware that any of this was happening there must have been no small light that indicated that the camera was on no pop-up to show his own face just him on this live stream and now in the deafening silence of the minutes that followed on his end the boy just sat there in front of his computer not the slightest bit concerned of knowing of this the chat kept exploding waiting for something in particular to happen but I didn't know what and then it happened [Music] during the silence in fact adding to it in heightening the sensation I began to see the boys closet door in the background begin to move the handle began to shuffle ever moving the door further open I could see fingers wrap around the closet door side and the shape of a man appeared a figure came out of the closet and he was holding a toolbox he crept across the room towards the boy the overhead fan was on in the boys room so he didn't make a sound when he passed the bed he put his toolbox on it he was holding a piece of duct tape he arrived right behind the boy and he moved his hands around the boy's head grabbed him and placed the duct tape over his mouth so he couldn't squeal oh god please no I said the boy passed out and the male figures arms the person then dragged him around the room he pulled out a length of rope from his toolbox and wrapped the noose around the boys supple still-warm neck the figure left him to hang there dangling from his own fan his own room he calmly walked out of the Roman into what would be the boys house the figure closed the door behind him what did I just watch her murder was just committed and I was just forced to watch I got a text on my phone slowly painfully dragging my eyes down away from the now cold body on my computer I looked at the text it was a picture it was a live image of me a view of me right now from my desktop there was another text that said we're coming for you I must share this burden with someone I need sleep but whenever I closed my eyes I see it my life is now a waking nightmare because of that terrible video I found it online on the dark web you know what I'm talking about a place where drug dealers and heads rub elbows with armed merchants the place where terrorists conspire and all sorts of ugly rumors Rome I thought it would be a good idea to visit this place my purpose call it morbid curiosity I was looking for the most extreme content I could find snuff movies red rooms sex and death commingled I considered myself student of the human condition and I'm fascinated by man's darker urges his apparent hatred of himself I wanted to plumb the depths of his sickness and see what I could find knowledge for its own sake or something I come from a wealthy family and have never known to want I knew I would have to pay for my curiosity so I purchased a few thousand dollars worth of crypto in advance I'm not going to bore you with the technical details of accessing the dark web if you have the desire it only takes a little bit of research seek and you shall find in my search I scoured message boards covering many distasteful topics such as cannibalism and incest necrophilia I chatted with several strange individuals most of whom were distrustful of my direct approach a few offered to make a trade but wanted me to show them something first I however had nothing to offer I was burned more than a few times but I anticipated as much after more than 2 weeks of searching and being continuously ripped off I finally came across something interesting the promise of a genuine red room after a day's long conversation with a friendly stranger on a rather disturbing message board I was provided with a link to a live stream he assured me it was genuine and unlike anything I had ever seen it cost me a mere $500 I have no doubt what I saw was real if you saw it you would know too the scene began abruptly with the camera displaying a large windowless room with high ceilings mulch covered the floor what appeared to be a giant rock took up one corner and opposite this was a kids swimming pool filled with water Jesus Christ how could I have known what it was about to take place a portion of the ceiling suddenly opened and a small girl upside down was lowered into the room nude she risked she was suspended by her feet from what looked like giant forceps her hands were bound behind her back in tape covered her mouth she was only a teenager needless to say she was visibly terrified nothing happened for a few seconds then from under the rock a head appeared it was a snake in anaconda I believe slowly so slowly he emerged from his hide forked tongue tasting the air the girl's eyes bulged from her head with the most intense fear I have ever seen the snake continued his creeping advance he was massive he had to be at least fifty feet long I had never heard of a snake so big he was an absolute monster if there ever was one I later learned the snake was genetically modified and it was even hinted they were other such creatures his face rose within inches of hers tongue darting in and out he loomed above her all coiled aggression mercifully the girl fainted whatever was holding the forceps began to shake the girl like someone dangling a toy in front of a cat the snake's head pulled back slightly tongues still flickering he remained still for a moment and then without warning he struck his jaws clamped down on the throat in his body whipped around her with lightning speed he took her to the floor and proceeded to squeeze the life out from her as the giant forceps were lifted from the room in the ceiling panel replaced I watched stunned as a snake than uncoiled and released his teeth from her throat he unhinged his jaw and began to swallow her whole a hideous lump working its way down the length of the snake's body the entire process could not have taken more than 20 minutes afterwards I sat in silence for what seemed hours trying to process what I had just watched my conscious nod at me to do something that poor girl was in the springtime of her life and others could be in danger of the same ghastly fate as had to be reported but I did nothing this was all brought and paid for by me as I'm just as guilty as the other people who made the film I will not go to prison I refuse to spend the rest of my life behind bars I need to look out for my family hey everyone thanks for watching and don't forget to Like subscribe comment and hit that bell notification if you haven't also don't forget to follow me on Twitter Instagram and even donate to my patreon if you're feeling generous thank you
Channel: WolfsCampFire
Views: 106,615
Rating: 4.6083431 out of 5
Keywords: #scary, #stories, #reading, #dark, #spooky, #horror, #audiobook, #reddit, #r/nosleep, #atmospheric, #terrifying, #mystery, #dramatic, # deep web, #dark web horror, #scary stories, #dark web stories, #dark web horror stories, #deep web stories, #scary deep web stories, #true horror stories from reddit, #reddit scary true stories, #stories from reddit, asmr sleep, #asmr reading
Id: BafiqM6HvaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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