5 Dark Web Stories | r/nosleep #10 | Deep Web

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[Music] [Music] 3:33 a.m. that's the time right now just like you I'm a fiend for scrolling through Facebook Instagram and reddit most of the time not really taking in what I'm watching or reading but being on a sort of social media autopilot navigating from page to page and just like you I got to a point where the same pages just didn't do it for me anymore so I'm writing this post to give you all a bit of free information don't get me wrong it comes at a price but you are not forced to play it I'll explain after reading countless stories about the dark web and the dangers of what lurks beneath the surface of the Internet I decided to download a tor browser and see for myself now I know before you even finish that sigh of disappointment at another dark web story this you need to read I'm not here to persuade you to not go looking but quite the opposite what people say about the dark web is right for the most part most of the links are dead and the ones that are still active are so outdated to what we are used to became a chore to use in the novelty quickly wears off but hold on in there you see lurking behind the act of pages is an even bigger kept secret an even deeper part of the internet that as soon as a user logs into the 90s throwaway replica pages of shady marketplaces and even shadier videos make themselves known to the hidden page admins they can see what you search for what's on your hard drive and even what you have been viewing on the USB stick you keep out of view and if they think you are worthy like I was fortunately they will make themselves known to you a simple message do you want to see more yes or no click enter judge me all you want I know when I meet our maker if he exists I'm not going to be gracing the gates of heaven for long before they cast me down to the fires below if you knew what was on that USB stick I keep under those loose floorboards in my bedroom and what was the first things I searched for as soon as I hit the dark web you would have no doubt I will get what's coming to me and to an extent I understand and I agree my soul died the day I found the videos I like to watch piece by piece fell away from my being each time I pressed play and heard the screams watched the blood leaving its host in the anguish left on their helpless faces I live a numb existence now after watching those kind of videos you lose that sense of feeling like nothing really matters anymore now you know that can exist in society I clicked yes without really giving it a second thought from the full dull-gray text-heavy website I was redirected to a red screen with a picture of an unassuming door at the center in an enter button below clicking the button took me to a screen to heavily inspired by YouTube each video at a time in the bottom corner in each video averaged a few hours each reading through the titles I instantly knew the kind of site I had entered young college girl brutally beaten until she chokes on her own blood family mauled to death by pack of dogs frat boy takes a claw hammer to the temple the list went on the next tab to the videos caught my eye be the executioner you decide clicking the tab took me to a live feed the room was bare except for a metal chair shackled to the floor with wrist and ankle shackles menacingly laying open hanging from the joints of the chair behind the chair a table was pushed against the far wall with a filthy green blanket of some sorts thrown over the top concealing the contents of the table while I took in the details of the room a man came into view from the left of the screen closely followed by a petite female probably in her early 20s already badly beaten in held by her hair by the man leading the way up until now my room been silent but as the sobbing woman came into view my room erupted with the sound of her whimpering startling me from my trance-like state I adjusted the sound of my speaker's regained composure and began reading the menu down the right-hand side of the screen he looked more like instructions dear viewer well done for making it this far most people make it to the first page beyond the door realize we are the real deal and nope their way out of here well let me tell you this they all missed a real treat we are not like most sites we don't ask for you to login we already have your details we don't ask for payment money is no object to us we don't even ask that you stay loyal in return new people search the dark web daily and we have plenty of viewer potential we do however ask one thing of everyone who clicks except at the bottom of the screen by now I noticed the woman has been shackled to the chair in the middle of the room and the man is standing just to the right of the chair his face obscured by a makeshift executioner mask eyes peering through the mask directly at the camera directly at me as if waiting for me all we ask is that you divulge us with the information of your preferred method of death in the way you fear the most please don't try to bypass these questions as keystrokes are monitored and non serious answers will result you in being blocked from the site indefinitely please give your answers now preferred method of death how do you fear dying the most upon accepting this you acknowledge that at the end of every show your answers will be put to a vote by the viewers and you may be selected to be the main attraction of the next show we will collect you by 9:45 a.m. where you will be subjected to all mediums of torture until the next show at precisely 9:00 p.m. at 9 p.m. you will then be exposed to the answer you submitted above that gained the most votes until your death accept yes or no click enter I input my answers for the record I preferred freezing to death and feared being slowly eaten alive by rats and clicked except wait what was that disclaimer never mind the screen never mind the screen came to life as soon as I clicked accept the man nodded turned towards the table and removed the blanket underneath I could see an industrial-sized greater in blowtorch he picked the tools up and slowly started walking back to the woman as the clock hit 9 p.m. the man began heating the grater while holding it incredibly close to the woman's now hysterical face her screams were going unheard by me in several other viewers indicated by the view count in the corner of the screen I hadn't noticed before now as it got to just after 3 a.m. the view count had reached 10,000 642 viewers and without sharing too much detail the woman was no longer recognizable as she lay slumped in her chair the man stopped and his unrelenting assault on the woman and turned towards the camera again Alice flashed up on the screen with numbers all I had to do was put a tick in my vote strangulation 150 mauled by a bear 1,050 shot point-blank with revolvers 526 drowning mm 186 cutthroat 2421 beaten to death 120 freezing to death 682 eaten alive by rats 3507 congratulations your method a most feared way to die has been chosen by our viewers the message popped up on the screen instantly please be ready for our arrival at your below address as I mentioned earlier I completely agree what I have done is wrong and I know one day I will pay unlike everyone else though I know my judgment days today I need to hit post now they will be here in a few hours possibly so I won't be around to answer questions if what they say is true I recommend you check out the site you never know you may be lucky like me you might be picked next let me tell you from experience that the Deep Web is a disgusting human cesspit you don't know what lies in the darkest recesses of the human psyche until you go on there I learned that the hard way I got sucked in by the crazy stories and hype my friends gave it I wanted to see it for myself so last week I downloaded tor and started browsing I didn't feel the need for any extra protection being completely new to the entire concept in retrospect I wish I had I spent hours clicking link after link after link and I was starting to get bored and a little freaked out I found a whole host of your typical crackhead searching for drugs sites with hitman for hire in the crap ton of other military-grade weaponry at this point I found myself scrolling through post after post of vivid descriptions of animal abuse and how sick people who committed those atrocities get off to them every night I wish I had closed my computer right then and there but something kept my curiosity alight honestly I think some part of me just wanted to see how screwed up the human mind truly could be after a few more links to CP in a couple drug markets I had had enough this is it I sighed to myself one more link and I swear I'm getting out of this hellhole I clicked a link going blindly into what unbeknownst to me would alter my already cynical views on humanity I mean honestly when you hear a guy go on and on about lighting his dog on fire and watching it ride you tend not to think the best of people but this this was a whole new level of twisted the first thing that caught my eye was the curly pink font that served as a title of the opening page I read peace and love I remember it all too clearly as it seemed so place in that slum of human refuse formerly known as the deep web I scroll down to find an image album in a simple chat box no one was online at the moment so I went ahead and clicked the first set of pictures I was not ready for what I was about to see the very first picture was that of a young pregnant woman bawling her eyes out she looked scrawny and thin with cuts and bruises marring her pale skin she looked scared and malnourished like she was begging for her life I clicked to the next photo and nearly vomited the young woman from before now sat in a chair facing the camera her dead dull eyes boring into me she was covered in blood and her abdomen had been torn open in her cold unfeeling arms she held the child still attached at the umbilical cord its half-formed lifeless body was a deep crimson with blood and one could tell it had been forcefully ripped from the womb on the wall just behind them written in their blood where the words I gave them peace in harsh hasty letters I don't know what possessed me to scroll through the photos It was as if I couldn't control my own facilities the images only got more and more grotesque as I looked further the following images seemed to be a time lapse on the decomposition of the body I watched them raw sitting there together I watched the face of the mother which could have been once been considered beautiful weather in collapse in on itself as a feeded mount of flesh by the end of the series of images there were nothing but desiccated skeletons I would have nope did the hell out of there how did it had not been for a message that popped on my screen it was from the website chat it read exactly as follows hello there do you like what you see do you want more do you want to attain true peace I didn't know how to respond I was routed to my chair with fear then the sicko spoke again you don't have to be scared Zachary I love you I want to help you let me help you I managed to type a simple question how in the name of hell do you know my name almost immediately I got a response I know everything about you you know you really shouldn't leave your curtains open like that you get a draft you see I just want to help you please let me save you my eyes flash to the uncovered window behind me to the light of my webcam my heart skipped a beat when I realized it was on the sick person was watching me I made a move to pull the plug on the sick son of a [ __ ] when another message popped up don't try to shut me out I'll bring you peace I swear Zachary tanner it's the only real bliss in this world that was the last message I got but before I finally shut it off needless to say I stayed off the internet for a long while after that just today I got back on praying to God that it would have all blown over oh how wrong I was I logged into my email told me to find it spammed with emails from an account named I'll show you peace each one had the same message I want to save you I want to love you I want to bring you peace in all caps but that wasn't even the worst of it each and every message had a candid photo of me taken within the last week I've tried to involve the police but they haven't been much help what do I do allow me to preface this by saying that I never used the Deep Web for anything too bad I never bought drugs I never stole movies or music I had the most generous wife you could ever imagine I had always been fascinated by computers but the town I grew up in was a small hick town if that I remember hearing about computers in the internet and the idea of it blew me away being able to access information from anywhere in the world was amazing and it astounded me that it wasn't embraced and pursued by more people so I not only lived in a technology desert but my family wasn't exactly rich either my mom slaved away at a large corporation where she was paid much less than she was worth my dad worked various odd jobs but always invested most of his time into the local church he was a stereotypical bible thumper and as one might expect I grew to resent the religion I always felt like religion was a one-way street they expected me to pray to in serve some deity in the sky and all those who don't would burn in hell my interest in history led me to the realization that every religion was similar in that regard and that for me was enough to dismiss them all thankfully they raised my sister and me to work hard we both went to college and got decent jobs she became a nurse and moved to New York I followed my passion for history and eventually became a world history teacher at a small high school I married my high school sweetheart shortly after getting my teaching job and we moved into a more populated suburb not too far from where I grew up we found a nice house that was close enough to both of our jobs my wife and I had been saving up money because we were trying to have a child although it was taking longer than we thought after about a year of trying we saw a doctor he said that we were both able and healthy but he would take some more time this was almost nice and away because we had more money than we needed for when the baby came I decided to take a few hundred dollars and get the computer I'd been dreaming about for years I was so excited when my wife agreed that I should we couldn't raise a kid in this day and age without a computer after all right well I put it in our home office and I quickly became enamored with a thing I can honestly say that my life would have been so much better if I had one of these growing up I can literally learn anything in the world I wanted I found myself reading dozens of articles speeches books and watching tutorials I could not have been any happier time marched on and I found myself finishing up the semester and getting ready for the summer it got pretty boring honestly I still got paid for it but because the school was such a crappy district there weren't many things for teachers to get involved in over the summer that was when my genuine interest in the internet became something of an addiction I was on that thing at nearly all hours of the day since my wife and I were still trying to have a baby we were having sex like two animals life could not have gotten any better unfortunately when things got that good they can only get worse it was a month and a half through the summer vacation when I found myself reading the same crap on the Internet there was nothing new or at the very least nothing worth learning about however I did recall hearing about something strange it was called the Deep Web I never studied it in depth but I eventually had a basic understanding of it I downloaded tor and started looking around online I made sure to be extra careful when I have heard stories of people being stalked kidnapped or even killed from using the Deep Web I found myself staring at dozens of random links on the hidden wiki at 3 o'clock in the morning I kept clicking away until something anything useful came up I did end up finding a lot of mathematics and science stuff but I'm a history teacher I'd rather learn about history a few more hours of searching and I found something that at least remotely piqued my interest it was a conspiracy theory page now I don't consider myself to be anything of a conspiracy theorist nor am I the least bit paranoid about things like the Illuminati but these were some of the most solid arguments for foul play from the government I had ever seen there were classified documents in-depth research and an overwhelming amount of evidence for almost every theory I saw don't get me wrong there were a few that seemed a bit far-fetched but the vast majority of them made some damn good arguments eventually I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer and I had to go to bed I powered down my computer and as quiet as a mouse crawled into bed with my tender loving wife I felt a bit of a void between us though she never had the lust for knowledge like I did and if I were ever to tell her about the crazy and interesting things I read online she'd playfully tease me that she was falling asleep or something to that effect the next day I was right back on the Deep Web looking for new things to widen my worldview nearly an hour had gone by and all I had found was a bunch of broken links I was about to sign off when a box appeared in the corner of my screen with a link in it being as naive as I was I clicked on it I was absolutely mortified at what I saw next at first glance I thought the abomination on my computer screen was some kind of torture video no I was dead wrong a toddler whimpered as he sat there gagged and bound covered in blood and piss he begged the man in the frame to stop but to no avail a deranged man in a Guy Fawkes mask stared at the camera as he thrust his body to and from a few seconds went by when the man finished and he got up to do a strange dance if there was a cross between a football players victory dance in a circus clowns opening act the resulting atrocity might resemble the strange act the man performed over that poor child to my horror I realized it was a live feed hooked up to a webcam in a live chat box on the side it took a few minutes for the shocking realization to fully wash over me after I had collected myself I foolishly started to read what was in the live chat box the most horrid and disgusting things you can imagine were being requested I had a hard time believing that real people were behind a keyboard somewhere in the world typing these things I really don't want to go into too much detail about what they were saying it suddenly dawned on me that I could just close this and be over with it I jumped at the mouse and click to X out of the page but nothing happened and I felt my stomach drop what the hell is going on here I kept asking myself I never heard of anything like this happening I was about to manually reboot my computer when the man from the video stream called out my full name leaving so soon mr. Edwards off to teach another history lessons at that little [ __ ] hole you call a high school he asks and a rough distorted tone I had no idea what to do I clicked every button on the computer keyboard and mouse no matter what I did there was no reaction I heard him start reading off my credit card information and I'd had enough I unplugged my computer from the back and powered it down it was a relief to have finally left that nightmare of a webpage I was in awe at the speed he was able to get my personal information I changed my credit-card number and any other information I could my wife was a bit suspicious but she didn't pry too much at it we had a very trusting relationship and I didn't want to frighten her so I kept the incident to myself a few days went by and I didn't even go into the office I left my computer in there unplugged admittedly scared to turn that damn thing on ever again I knew I'd have to eventually face my fear so I entered the office I booted her up and everything seemed to be normal I deleted tour and made sure to be done with the Deep Web I casually loaded up Google Chrome and everything is seemed to be perfectly fine nothing seemed to come to fruition from my little mishap and decided I was going to be safe after all oh how wrong I was about five months later my wife's sister ended up moving in she really was such a pleasant woman and we did have extra space so we decided to allow her to stay with us it was just a few weeks later that my wife and I got the good news she was pregnant she was already a couple weeks in and she and the baby were both healthy and in good shape it was the best feeling in the world getting that news I had gotten back into the swing of things with my job and occasionally reading some decent articles on the Internet it wasn't long before we were days away from the birth of our daughter I had completely forgotten about the events that had transpired the night I decided to use the Deep Web it was a typical Sunday afternoon I sat on my back porch drinking some cold sweet tea and listening to the hum of nature natural life can be beautiful alone i sat in a serene peace seemingly impenetrable from the vile world that lay outside the boundaries of my own little haven that was when I heard a crash and screaming coming from my house immediately I thought it was my sister-in-law watching TV too loud what she had a tendency to do but then I heard my wife sobbing uncontrollably panic sunk into my heart and I dashed into the house I entered the large living room just in time to see a large masked man kill my wife I screamed at him but he didn't even acknowledge my existence I was screaming uncontrollably and ran towards him with intent to kill I smashed a glass lamp over his head but he didn't even flinch I was questioning if he even felt it or not he turned around and grabbed me by my throat he lifted me up off the ground and brought my face close to his you thought I forgot about you boy I instantly recognized him as the man from the deep web livestream I saw all those months ago that was the last thing I remembered before waking up I woke to see my sister-in-law's mangled corpse on the floor it looked like she'd been cut in half to my horror I saw my beloved wife's body there drenched in blood I saw a uncontrollably for some time I'm still not sure how much time passed will I knelt there and sobbed time may very well have stood still for all I knew or cared but after I composed myself I noticed something strange about my wife's corpse her stomach was not nearly as large as I had remembered it to be I crawled over to analyze her body further the wicked idea danced across my imagination I pushed her on her side and my hunch turned out to be true that sick bastard had cut my child out of my wife and had taken it it was certainly far long enough to have been born at this point what the hell was I going to do I called the police and the operators apparent apathy toward the situation did nothing but anger me nine-one-one what's your emergency the operator said in an uninterested tone someone killed my family and I think they took my daughter I frantically let out in a single breath I continued to tell them my address will have someone over there as soon as we can the way she said that frustrated me Here I am sitting in a puddle of my own family's blood my life has been drastically changed forever and she makes it seem as if it's just another day at the office where's the empathy where's the compassion for your fellow human being after days of Investigation in questioning they were unable to find the killer or my daughter I told those lazy cops that this man found me in my family because I used the Deep Web but because it was so long ago and I couldn't find the website again they couldn't do anything about it they called it a random act of heinous violence and within two weeks the story did make the local news but nothing more happened than that I guess it wasn't shocking enough the whole incident was forgotten and people were worried about the next terrible thing how could I live with myself after this my entire family was dead because I was snooping around something I had no business to be partaking in the following weeks were the worst of my life I would drink as soon as I got up and then drink all day alcohol was the only escape from the screwed up reality I had to live with I was a shell of a human nothing more than a cluster of negative hideous emotions misery became my only companion but I had no one to be miserable with I had to live this horrible fate alone years had gone by when I looked into the mirror to see the unshaven face I've come to despise every day I thought about where my daughter might be maybe they sent her away to live with a nice loving family across the country I have hardly deluded myself deep down I knew she was most likely raised in some human trafficking ring where she'd be beaten hard and even worse in some hellhole filled with these sick people I slowly made my way to my porch when I saw familiar vehicle pull into my driveway I could barely remember who it belonged to when I saw his face I instantly recognized him it was my father I hadn't seen him in years son I know you're hurting but this is no way to live your life do you think you can move on I looked up a time grimacing do you think I'd be here doing this if I could move on he gave me a rough look and and said that I needed to get revenge he placed her revolver on the table in front of me gave me a stern nod and left I was honestly shocked this was the most religious man I'd known in my life who argued against the killing of any kind I didn't know if I could do it but I started to think of how many people those bastards have done this to I can't be the only one so if I were to theoretically go through with this I'd really be doing the world a service no screw that I'm avenging my family and I'm going to save my daughter over the next couple of days I drained my bank account and purchased thousands of dollars in weaponry and ammunition I quickly realized there was a lot of illegal stuff that would come in handy I turned back to the Deep Web to buy spying equipment heavy weapons and explosives it took about a month to gather enough supplies for my mission and as I sat in my basement with thousands of rounds of ammunition pounds of explosives and almost $20,000 in spying equipment I knew I was going to wreak havoc on these people once and for all days went by and I began to feel lethargic about the whole situation I hadn't any idea of how I was going to find these people or even if I could it was like looking for a needle in a haystack two weeks went by of endless hours on the Deep Web looking for the bastard who taken my family away from me I came across something that seemed almost familiar in a way it was another live stream of people torturing a child I felt a vile hatred rise up from the pit in my stomach I knew this wasn't my guy but I'd grown too impatient to wait any longer if I can't find the needle in the haystack I guess I'm just gonna have to burn down the entire thing I thought to myself with hatred using from my pores I made use of some of the spying equipment I bought and was able to figure out where these bastards were broadcasting from an evil grin the stretched across my face when I figured out they were right here in my own state I loaded my car with a machine gun in ak-47 in c4 I started my drive this may have been the longest two hours of my life I was so excited to finally kill some of these sick disgusting people after almost taking a wrong turn I found the rusty old barn house what torture was being broadcasted from they were surprisingly only a few people there a total of four men were running this operation I watched for a while but they never came out of the barn house with my ak-47 in hand I made my way to the entrance I could see them are a small boy no older than 12 he was crying hysterically and covered in blood they were completely oblivious to me I aimed my rifles side down and Minton Lee it took me a minute to actually pull the trigger pulling it was much harder than I would have thought but seeing these sickos violate this defenseless child made me realize these people really were better off dead I opened fire and screamed screw you as loud as my lungs would permit from what I could tell at least two of them were dead one shot but alive in the fourth noticed quickly enough to get behind a truck he had a pistol on him and fired back at me this guy must have been legally blind or something because he missed pretty damn bad minutes went by and I slowly crept around at the other side of the building the one with the gun was screaming at the other one to get up but he was clearly unable to I got as close to the other gunman as I could in preparation to kill him I aimed my sight but I must have made a noise because he heard me he spun around and shot the bullet nearly grazed my skull the shot was deafening I ran toward him expecting him to have just fired his last shot he had I put a bullet through that person's head I stood over his bloodied corpse for a brief minute I wanted to spit on it but I didn't want to leave any evidence for the cops so I resisted the urge I walked over to the bloodied one I shot her laughing as I did I placed my boot on his throat he kept begging for his life but there was a better chance of Hell freezing over before I spared him I made sure his last minutes on this earth we're as miserable as possible glaring down at the sick man I knew I was doing the right thing I knew I was ridding the world of scum please don't kill me this wasn't my idea he begged what did you say you have the nerve to try and talk your way out of your inevitable death how dare you I pulled my leg back in a one swift motion I kicked his skull in his grey matter spilled all over the floor the poor boy was sobbing uncontrollably I pulled out my prepaid cell phone dialed 9-1-1 and told them the situation I told the boy to forget this night and then turn to walk away the ride home seemed to drag on for hours I'd heard so many things about having PTSD after killing people so many articles online said that after killing someone you'd almost always feel guilty even if you knew you did the right thing but the truth was I didn't feel guilty at all it felt powerful more powerful than I'd ever felt in the years leading up to this day I knew after I saw that babbling pile of crap begged for his life that I was going to kill again it felt so right to have someone begging for their life and knowing that you weren't going to grant them their wish made it all the more satisfying my life continued like that for many months I'd spend almost all my free time on the dark web trying to track down anything that could lead me to my daughter and killing anyone I deemed worthy to die I was liking over-the-top vigilante or something Jesus those were the days eventually I became more involved in the private sector and started accepting payments to kill people I'd gained enough notoriety in the criminal world that almost anyone knew who I was I just wish I could go back in time and tell myself how much more money I could make by simply killing people it makes me realize what a waste of my life teaching those hopeless kids really was I was making chump change compared to what I make now people apparently pay good money to have someone killed I'd already made just under three million in the past six months and I didn't even have to repeat the same monotonous lecture seven times in a day I almost became apathetic about ever finding my daughter again she was most likely dead or even worse she could be anywhere in the world in the odds of ever finding her we're next to none I thought one day a connection of mine told me he had a really good gig set up he said that if I could kill three people well enough I could become a regular for an underground Overlord for those of you that don't know this was the kind of guy who had more money than God he ran a lot of the underground operations and even had a strong affiliation with the Silk Road before it got shut down I knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so I jumped at the chance I went over the information I immediately realized these were going to be the highest profile people I would ever kill when I first discovered I was going to have to kill a family with a young child I was mortified the only people I have had to kill up to this point had been other criminals and sadists how was I going to bring myself to take the lives of a seemingly innocent family I would never even know why exactly I was being hired to kill them you can't ask questions like that to the higher-ups though anyone who did was normally killed themselves or at the very least ostracized by the organization they were trying to work for it was a pretty serious business I got myself into I had no problem with that I only did what I was told in nothing more that was part of the reason I gained so much notoriety in my field in fact most people in the field never even got a chance to work for the Overlord and if you're wondering why I keep referring to him is the overlord it is because he does not communicate with you directly there are a lot of people looking for him and he's responsible for billions in damage in the loss of countless innocent lives although they don't have a lot of information on them as of right now and will probably never catch him the next day I was going to have to start tracking down this family I was ordered to kill but that night I was in a small bar in the middle of nowhere downing alcohol like there was no tomorrow and contemplating how exactly I was going to bring myself to do this I knew in the pit of my stomach that I wasn't a murderer well let me rephrase that not a murderer of the innocent I had no problem killing the evil men of the earth I encountered so many sickos in my life how could someone torture an animal or another person I still can bring myself to understand how anyone could do such a thing even if I found the man who kidnapped my daughter I wouldn't torture him I'd end his pathetic life and be done with him even after all the pain and agony that bastard put me through I still knew I was better than him I wouldn't become the monster that I sought to destroy the bar began spinning after I downed my fist shot and I immediately came to regret this I didn't feel threatened by the few others in the bar before but once I lost control of myself it seemed as if I became all that much more paranoid I became so much more vulnerable to those around me and I couldn't die just yet I knew the events that were soon to come would be life-altering I had this great feeling about this next job and the opportunities it would bring which is quite unusual I never feel intuitive like this with hopes of surviving until tomorrow i drunkenly made my way back to the motel I've staying in the snow and ice outside made it much more difficult to get there as sad as it is to say I ended up falling three times before I got home and locked the door it wasn't a far walk but adding strong alcohol to any walk makes it seem like a journey around the entire globe I laid down and the thought of becoming the most powerful criminal in the world rushed through my mind before I went to the realm of the unconscious that night I dreamt that I was a hero destined to save the world the next morning my ears were assaulted by the alarm I'd set on my phone I downed a couple of aspirins to cope the headache and got to work the family I was going to be attacking lived in a relatively populated area and I knew if I was going to pull this off would have to be quiet i sharpened three separate knifes and placed them in my coat pocket the idea of bringing one of those blades to the little girl rushed through my mind and made me sick but I knew that sacrifices were going to have to be made I knew I had to be bad for the greater good unfortunately I'll never even know why I'm killing this family but I did my best to separate myself from the idea that these were good people they had to have done something pretty bad to have powerful criminals hiring hitman to kill them right I drove my SUV their neighborhood and parked on the street at 3 o'clock looking toward their backyard I can see the father Ronnie Williams on the back porch I knew I was going to have to kill him with the next half-hour I knew I was gonna have to kill him within the next half hour because the mother Bridget Williams would be picking up their daughter from school and would arrive home at 3:30 every day I thought to myself how easy this job was to do since someone else had done the monotonous task of stalking these people and recording their schedule I locked my vehicle and started walking towards the house I knew where they kept their extra key in the front yard garden and made my way into the house from the front I waited for Ronnie to come back in the house for 10 minutes before it started to become impatient I was going to need time to hide the body I thought and I knew I needed to do this fast before Bridget and her daughter got home I decided to push something over in the kitchen and hid behind the refrigerator his mr.william slowly crept into the house saying hello I realized how truly inept this guy was by this I waited until he came close enough and I reached over to cut him he screamed much to my dismay I tackled him and plunged the knife into him clearly cutting his head off watching the blood drip onto the floor and drained he screamed much to my dismay I tackled him and killed him with a knife nearly cutting his head off watching the blood drip onto the floor drained me in some way i sat over the lifeless body of a man who never saw me coming I collected myself and dragged his body to the basement my goal was to leave no evidence for the police to find making my way up the stairs I heard the front door opening I remembered the blood all over the kitchen floor crap I said to myself I heard the woman and her daughter starting screaming at the sight of the gruesome murder I quickly rushed upstairs ma'am I need you and your daughter to remain calm I'm part of the FBI I'm afraid a murderer has made his way into your house earlier this day I said I want to see some identification the woman abruptly demanded I pulled out my fake badges I always carried around and showed it to them anyone who knew anything about federal badges would easily detect it was a fake but most people don't is my husband all right she asked me I told her he was downstairs she slowly made her way down the basement stairs and I followed closely behind when she located her husband she fell to her knees and began sobbing that was when I pulled out my knife and slit that was when I pulled out my knife and killed her from behind she was dead within seconds now for the hard part I thought to myself I made my way back upstairs to find a little girl she was nowhere in sight I frantically looked all over the house but she was nowhere to be found I grew increasingly worried I knew I was being watched by the overlord and if he saw this clearly display of incompetence it would hurt any chances I had of working for him I began walking up the creaky wooden stairs continue my search I knew I heard a sound coming from behind the door I slowly in quietly made my way towards it I wrapped my hand around the shiny doorknob and began to turn a large German Shepherd dog jumped up on me biting my arm this caught me by surprise I've been wondering where that damn dog was I struggled with the Beast on top of me for a few moments but it was not long that I had my blade through its skin in its blood soaking the cold wooden floor after composing myself I continued my search for the girl this girl is barely six years old I thought where could she have gone there were enough rooms in this house that this could take a while but I knew the longer I was here the worse it was for me I checked each room in the house thoroughly but found nothing that was what I remember the girl's father had built a fort in the backyard for her that has to be where she is I began outside and exited the back door to the porch I saw that the small makeshift door on the fort was closed and knew I'd find her in there I walked over and opened the door to the fort she screamed as I forcefully pulled her out of the fort all her energy was spent trying to free herself I tried to calm her down but to no avail she was crying and sobbing uncontrollably I brought her back inside to finish the job I threw her to the floor and mentally readied myself to drive my knife through the little girl's heart I could feel my own moral compass screaming at me to stop this madness it was hard enough to kill the parents how was I going to kill their daughter now - I closed my eyes and brought my knife close to her chest she was screaming but I did my best to distance myself from the whole situation as much as I could I closed my eyes and began to focus the screaming stopped and I opened my eyes to see the lifeless corpse of the little girl losing blood onto the floor I started sobbing as the realization of my actions washed over me like a tidal wave of guilt and regret I had to do it I had to do it I kept telling myself yes you did a strange voice exclaimed behind me it sounded really familiar but I had no idea where I heard it before I turned around to see a large masked man standing behind me he began to spoke I know this whole ordeal had been difficult for you killing your own daughter and such but I'm what did you just say this was my daughter but my daughter has been dead for years I said cutting him off what do you think I did when I kidnapped her from you johnny-boy I stole her from you and gave her to a loving couple incapable of having a child of their own and honestly they did a much better job of raising her than you ever could have he calmly stated why did you do this to me because I can and if you even think of attacking me a bullet will be through your head so fast your head will spin I didn't know what to do I fell to my knees and began sobbing why did I let this happen why God why what was the point of any of this I thought there was something strange about her how could I have been so stupid people always say when you look into the abyss the abyss looks back as I stood over the corpse of my dead daughter looking into her eyes of the man who'd led me down the road to hell I knew I was no longer looking down towards a monster I was looking at an equal the amount of self-loathing and hatred that lurked in my soul left me devoid of any other feelings I knew that I was even more despicable than the monster that dragged me down here for he at least knew he was doing wrong I have been nothing but a vigilante masquerading as a hero I'm no hero it never was it's ironic in a way I became the very thing I set out to destroy I looked up at the Overlord and said did I pass the test he looked pleased with my response and nodded his head he extended his arm to help me up after getting back up I lunged at him and managed to place a knife in him as I did a bullet flew by it was so close that I felt the air from the bullet on my skin I'm so lucky to have made it out of there alive I still don't know how I even managed it although after achieving that small piece of justice that I've been waiting for everything else was a blur I wrote this as soon as I got home thinking back on the whole thing it seemed surreal what a terrible time it has been this last little while I don't think I want to continue very much longer though I miss my family I miss my unborn daughter when I'm done writing this I think I might just join them this all started a week ago when I lost my job and was running behind on bills I lived in a simple house and that job was all that held my life together after a night of drinking and watching TV I started looking for a new job most of them looked boring just nine-to-five office jobs but one caught my eye it was an add to the side of the screen that read high-paying jobs for hire this isn't just your normal nine-to-five job in desperation I clicked on the shady ad slowly but surely a new website loads with multiple links to different jobs with different descriptions Deep Web jobs house-sitting $100 per shift stay in the camera room watch all rooms keep the house safe rules in Lync seems easy I thought to myself God do I regret that crop harvest one hundred and fifty dollars per field harvest a field of corn tools are provided rules in link reading down all the jobs the house sittings seemed the easiest so I clicked on the link eager for the hundred dollars on the screen a sign-up sheet popped up asking for my email I typed in quick Liam was met with the message we hope to see you soon satisfied with that I hopped in bed and turned off the lights I start to drift off when I hear a buzz from my phone irritated I get up and check it a new email I thought to myself I clicked on the notification your application has been accepted thank you for applying to the house-sitting job you will stay at the house from 12:00 a.m. until 4:00 a.m. and you must follow these rules your money will arrive at 6:00 a.m. after your shift always no matter what you hear or see stay in the camera room either don't bring your phone or if you do do not turn it on even if you get a notification I will not email you during your shift make sure to bring something that you can play music fairly loudly arrive at 12:00 or a little before 12:00 if you arrive past 12:00 do not enter the house and send me an email from 12:00 to 1:00 you are allowed to roam the house but make sure to be in the upstairs camera room by 1:00 turn all lights off lock the doors and close the blinds from 1:00 until 2:00 watch the cameras if you see a man in the living room watching TV turn that camera off until you hear the TV turn off from downstairs ignore any sounds you hear around the house if you feel anything touch you stop moving and close your eyes until the feeling goes away from 2:00 to 3:00 a.m. open the blinds in the camera room if you hear a voice from the window do not look at them the conversation will be normal and once they say goodbye it is safe to close the blinds this event can happen anytime in the hour if you see a woman cooking in the kitchen you have a blue button on your desk that turns on a loud sound in the kitchen press and hold that button until the woman disappears from 3:00 to 3:30 a.m. turn on your music device as loud as possible cover your ears close your eyes and ignore any sounds or movements around you if the music stops make any sound of your own to drown out what is happening around you after 3:30 3:00 a.m. you are allowed to roam the house until 4:00 do not leave before 4:00 and do not leave more than five minutes after 4:00 if any rules are not completed correctly hide under the desk and do not move until four that is all your shift starts tomorrow night at 471 Peterson Drive sincerely mr. Salazar I must have read that email ten times over thinking this was a prank or something no way do I actually have to follow these crazy rules I thought to myself entranced at how specific the rules were I put my phone back down to charge and went to sleep still confused by that email all I could do the next day was think about what that email said man in the living room woman in the kitchen conversation with a person in the window it all seemed too crazy to be true but I couldn't help but find myself 15 minutes before 12:00 with an old iPod in my pocket staring at 471 Peterson Drive I entered the house it had sort of an old but still livable vibe to it the house was dusty but the kitchen and living room were spotless I made my way upstairs and at the end of the long hallway stood the camera room it was barren and small with nothing but a chair a camera monitor and a couple of windows in it I sat down in the chair man I hope this is worth it it wasn't looking at the computers clock it's 12:03 I have one hour to look around the house first I head back to the living room close the blinds lock the doors and turn the lights off repeat that for all the rooms and at 12:56 I was back to the camera room as soon as it hit 1 a.m. I felt a sudden dread telling me to get up and leave right now I turned on all the cameras and on the back of my neck it felt as if a feather was resting on it I froze Keep Calm Chris Keep Calm I closed my eyes as I remembered the rules it felt like hours that feather tickling the back of my neck but I held out not moving and keeping my eyes closed the feather went away I opened to my eyes relieved and heard behind me slow coordinated footsteps I whipped around the footsteps went away in a slow chuckle came from the camera speaker the man was watching TV the TV was lit up with some cooking show and the man was chuckling while watching the show I turned that camera off and hoped I had done it fast enough the sound from the TV echoed up the stairs chilling me to the bone what the hell is this place I thought to myself feeling queasy and how is it only 120 a.m. the next 20 minutes we're as creepy as can be unknown sounds bounced around the house the man laughing at the TV watching all the cameras until the silence hit me hard the TV had been turned off and red had fell upon me again the noise from the TV had been a constant for the past 20 minutes but now that it was off the silence felt threatening I slowly turned on the camera and found the room to be empty I sighed in relief for what felt like an eternity my eyes darted around the cameras on edge until the clock made a quiet beat and it turned to a clock I rose from my chair and opened the blinds revealing the pitch-black lawn outside i sat back down as the clanging of pots and pans ringing in my ears I looked down at the blue button beside the monitor then at the lady now cooking black eggs in the kitchen and as I was about to press the button hi Chris a woman's voice came from the window I froze gluing my eyes to the monitor forcing myself not to look at the window hi hi how was your day my voice was shaky it was obvious that I was scared I was just strolling around the neighborhood saw you were here and I just wanted to say hi the window she was talking to me through was high enough up from the ground that you needed a large ladder to get to how was your day my day my day was it was but fine thanks the woman in the kitchen started to get louder ok well I have to go it was nice to meet you it was nice to meet you too bye I wanted to get up I wanted to just close the blinds and never hear her voice again but something just told me that I should not get up wow you're a smart one I thought that would get you hmm maybe next time goodbye I waited a few seconds last thing I wanted to see was the face of that lady talking to me so I waited until I was sure she wasn't there anymore then closed the blinds once the ordeal was over I realized as a lady in the kitchen was gone even though I never pressed the button oh no oh no no no I thought I had broken one of the rules and it was only 2:30 now I'm sitting under the desk typing this out of my ipod and there's a lady with a ragged apron on walking in circles around the room I'm scared to make any noise so please if you see an ad for dark web jobs don't click it update it's 4:30 now I made it out of the house and I'm safe my left leg is hurt a little but I'm getting ahead of myself let me tell you what happened the lady from the kitchen walked around the room making soft groans and drooling everywhere I kept as silent as I could freezing time she turned in my direction a small beep came from on the desk notifying me that it had turned 3 a.m. the lady in my room melted into the floorboards screaming a scream of the utmost agony and pain what I was supposed to do at this point was turn on the music on my ipod close my eyes and cover my ears but hiding under the desk I didn't know if I still had to do that I waited and waited in silence was all I could find until the walls of the floor of the house started to contort the house shifted and moved into what looked like faces popping out of the walls the only description of the sound I can think of as a scream of Terror itself I couldn't take it anymore my mind told me to get up run to get out as fast as I can but I knew I couldn't I closed my eyes and turned the music on the screams were drowned out and it seemed almost calming but in the back of my mind I knew what was happening around me the music blares loudly in my eyes stayed glued shut then the music turned off I opened my eyes in the house normal again shakily I stood up and looked at the clock 3:30 4:00 a.m. I got back onto the desk and lay there terrified but nothing happened and I was sitting there for 35 minutes until the final beep from the clock came telling me I could finally leave I got up walked down the hallway down the stairs to the front door and finally a sweet cool air of the night hid my face and in that moment I felt a relief that was almost euphoric I walked home and picked up my phone but when I went to email mr. Salazar his email was gone the website was gone and there was no trace of him at all I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't get the faces out of my head they look like they had can't be explained I don't know if I'm going to get my money but at this point I don't care I just never want to go back to that house again it's now 6 a.m. a package somehow appear to my door and inside was $80 in a letter the letter is as follows you can't escape hello again I see that you showed up for your ship this morning I appreciate that but during your shift you broke one of the rules I've taken $20 off your pay because of that I'm pretty sure you're already aware but I can tell you don't want to go back most people don't and I'm here to say you can't escape by entering that house you pretty much signed your soul away no matter what you do you will always be at that house by 12 that is all sincerely mr. Salazar my sleep last night was horrible I couldn't stop thinking about what happened on my first shift the whole day I stayed in bed terrified for midnight to come but it had to come eventually 11:57 I begged that nothing would happen to me 11:58 I put my ipod in the trash 1159 I lay in bed and closed my eyes I feel pressure my feet and my soft bed doesn't here's from under me I opened my eyes and find myself inside that cursed house again with my ipod and a printed paper of the rules of my hands what how was this possible I think to myself I ran to the door slamming my fists against it wanting any way out but to no avail I couldn't leave I defeated Lee walked up the stairs and sat in the camera room chair i sat there crying for an hour until 1:00 a.m. came and with it came the man laughing at the TV I turned the camera off and continued to sob not caring about the sounds around me and then I felt a hand wrap around my neck I froze closed my eyes and tried to control myself the grip closed tighter and tighter until I could barely breathe then it finally left me alone I gasped for air and grabbed the printed paper of rules given to me at the start of my shift I looked at the printed sheet of rules and at the bottom was a handwritten message from mr. Salazar himself good luck I looked back up the cameras and composed myself okay Kris you can do this you've already been here once pulled together I listened not hearing the TV anymore I turned the camera on in the clock let out a small beep it had turned 2 a.m. I stood up to open the blinds but hesitated did I really want to talk to her again regardless I pushed the thought away and opened the blinds to be met with a face only insane people would call a woman it looked as if she had been eaten once in her life her skin looked like he was airtight to her bones and she had no meat in her body her smile was literally ear to ear her skin sat down at least two feet in her eye sockets had large black bloodshot eyes with tiny beady yellow pupils hello again Kris I close the blinds as quickly as I could and went to hide under the desk but the desk is just a block no space to hide under I don't know what to do I hear slope what steps coming up the stairs Oh God the doorknob is turning the door is locked well thank God I remembered to lock it she's screeching from behind the door she's slamming her hands on it it's only a matter of time until she breaks the whole door down what do I do hi my name is Jeremy recently I got laid off on my horrible boss I found a website for deep web jobs and applied for a house-sitting I also recently read Chris's shifts and I think we applied for the same job mr. Salazar emailed me something along the same lines I'll paste his email here your application has been accepted thank you for applying to the house-sitting job you will stay at the house from 12:00 a.m. to 4 a.m. you must follow these rules your money will arrive at 6:00 a.m. after your shift always no matter what you hear or see stay in the bedroom either don't bring your phone or if you do do not turn it on even if you get a notification I will not email you during your shift arrive at 12:00 or a little before 12:00 if you arrive past 12:00 do not enter the house and send me an email from 12:00 to 1:00 you are allowed to roam the house but make sure to be in the upstairs bedroom by 1:00 turn all the lights off lock the doors and close the blinds this can happen anytime during the night if you hear loud music from the camera room put on the hazmat suit we have provided enter the camera room walk to the security desk do not interact with the security guard and turn off the music from the iPod on the desk make sure to do this fairly quickly from 1 to 2 clean up all clothes in the bedroom and hang them up in the closet if any clothes have bloodstains put them in the trash quickly make the bed if there are any more than three sheets throw away any extra if you hear a knock at the window hide under the bed until the entity has entered and left the room from two until three put the hazmat suit back on and walk into the downstairs area if there is a man watching TV turn the TV off and ignore what the man does if there is a woman cooking in the kitchen then turn off the stove and ignore what she does there is a bathroom connected to the bedroom if you hear the shower turn on knock on the door three times no more no less if the shower stops it was done correctly from 3:00 until 3:30 three lay in bed and close your eyes do not fall asleep make sure to pull the blankets up to your neck and make sure they stay there from 3:30 4:00 until 4:00 your shift is complete and you are allowed to room the house until 4:00 but do not leave before 4:00 and do not leave more than five minutes after 4:00 that is all your shift starts tomorrow night at 471 Peterson Drive sincerely mr. Salazar I don't know what this means but having read Chris's posts I think I'm ready and I can survive I'm going to type this out after my shift is over if I survive I entered the house and looked around just as Chris had said it looked old but you could live in it just fine the kitchen in the living room were in pristine condition and looked like they were bought yesterday I walked up the stairs walked down the hall and turned right just before the camera room entering the bedroom the room had a king-size bed in it with clothes and bedsheets scattered around the room there was a door off to the side of the room which I assumed was to the bathroom the nightstand next to the bed had a small digital clock and a printed paper of the instructions the clock gave a small beep signaling my time had started I bent down and picked up a couple pieces of clothes varying from bras to underwear to hats I hung them up in the closet and started to get bored until I found a gray striped shirt with a large crimson stain on it I immediately threw it in the large garbage can in the corner of the room and continued with my work I was picking up the last piece of clothes ready to make the bed when I heard five slow hard knocks on the window across from the bed my blood ran cold I dropped the clothes I was holding and crawled through the small space under the bed it was silent until the door slammed open and a woman fitting the description Chris gave entered the room I know you're in here you can't escape I'll find you eventually I held my breath for as long as I could she started to get angry and slammed her frail hands on the nearest things around her she screamed in anger wanting only to trap me in the house eventually she left and slammed the door behind her I got up and out from under the bed quickly collected the sheets and made the bed making sure to throw away the extra two sheets only 245 I thought then came the loud music from the room next door I calmly but scared Leigh put on the hazmat suit and opened the door I cautiously stepped out into the hallway and saw down the stairs a man watching TV I opened the door to the camera room slowly and saw a man if you can even call it that sitting in the chair he had rotten dead skin and sat with such a hunch his back was almost at a 90-degree angle I walked over to the desk and spotted the iPod keep calm Chris keep calm the guard repeated to himself I gave him a look of sympathy as he stared up at me with terrified eyes I grabbed the iPod and turned the music off Chris covered his ears and kept repeating that same phrase I walked back to the bedroom just in time for the clock to give me a small beep and turned to AM let's be honest Chris is dead the house has trapped his soul and forced him to work there for eternity the reason I signed up was to find a way to release these trapped Souls and I think that the end too has something to do with all of this I kept the hazmat suit on and walked down the stairs the man was sitting on the couch watching a cooking show on the TV I walked over to the man he had polished hair combed over to the side like he was a rich person he had a nice suit and tie on in Nice pants but his face looked like it had been rotting for years the bone was showing in more than three places and I'm pretty sure I saw a glob of skin fall from his face his laughs were hoarse and deep like he didn't have any vocal cords I turned the TV off and the man froze mid laughs then melted into the couch seams I shuddered and returned to my place upstairs I entered and took about 10 minutes to take the hazmat suit off only to be met with the sound of a warm shower I came close to the bathroom door and put my ear against it I heard a lady humming lightly knock knock knock the humming and water stopped immediately after the third knock it felt unsettling how quickly it became silent but faint off in the distance I heard sizzling eggs I quickly got the hazmat suit on and rushed down the stairs the woman was cooking black eggs she was like the man watching TV her apron and hat were pristine spotless but her skin was although in better shape than the man's rotting I reached for the oven dial but stopped please please keep it on please the woman repeated with a soft voice regardless I turned the dial to zero the woman melted and I returned back to my bedroom I thought this was going to be easy but now I know what Chris felt it is insanely scary being inside the house 2:58 I pull the bed sheets up to 59 I get into bed three o'clock I close my eyes and get comfortable the bed is surprisingly soft and I feel as if I can fall asleep even if a train was running right above me I thought about everything I had seen that night and that scared me awake for a few minutes but it was a constant struggle to stay awake and conscious but I know I would be like Chris if I fell asleep finally the alarm clock beep and the bed felt like it became stone and I climbed out confused I now had free time to walk around the house until 4:00 I checked in the camera room and Chris had disappeared I waited patiently for for to come and when it did I went home and started plotting a plan like many of you have suggested to Chris tomorrow I'm going to bring a knife and a lighter I'm going to try to stab the entity and hopefully I can survive I'll update again tomorrow wish me luck oh Jesus the plan did not work as planned I'm hurt but I survived let me tell you what happened just because many of you were asking I went back during day but the house wasn't there like many of you proposed I took with me a bear trap and a large knife I entered the house and looked around it looked the same and I placed the bear trap right outside the bedroom again like you guys suggested I tried unplugging the TV before the man appears but when I went to go pull it out it was like the cable was a part of the wall it was completely stuck and I couldn't manage to unplug it the night started it and it went as normal as it could but while I was in the middle of cleaning up the clothes I noticed the bed had no hiding space under it I had to come up with a new plan on the spot my plan was while I was sleeping from 3:00 to 3:30 3:00 a.m. and the entity was above me I would take my knife and stab her but now it looked like I wouldn't even make it to then knock knock knock the entity signals it's coming and I panic where would I hide I grabbed a knife and crawl to a small space behind the door I would have to stab her as she came in or was hit by the trap step the entity comes closer step I tightened my grip on the knife doubt a bead of sweat drops down my face clang I hear the sound of the bear trap closing and a high-pitched demonic scream after it I opened the door and with all my might swing at the entity in front of me the knife slides clean into one of the entity's eyes and black goo starts spurting out from the wound the entity screams revealing at least 100 sets of tiny sharp teeth it clenches my hand in its mouth and I scream out in pain me and the entity fall over on top of each other and roll around for a while I got scratched a couple of times and I stabbed her a couple of times but finally I pinned her down and stabbed until I knew without a shadow of doubt that she was dead I stood up my arm bleeding profusely and used a piece of clothing to wrap my wound I didn't care about the rules anymore I just killed the thing running this place i sat down on the bed and rested for a few moments throughout the rest of the night nothing happened and just to make sure I stayed until 4:00 and left then when I arrived in my house there was a letter stapled to my door written by mr. Salazar I'll rewrite what he said here Wow I have to say that I'm impressed you managed to kill my best worker it seems that you have already figured out my plan the workers have normal shifts the first day down on the second day their safe place is taken away but you you made it to work come back to the house tomorrow as if it was a normal shift and we can discuss a reward that is all sincerely mr. Salazar I don't know what he will do or give me but I don't think I have an option to not go wish me luck now throughout my two shifts I was very calm but after reading that letter I was more than a little scared I spent the day preparing hidden knives small gun body armor under my clothes I was going to be ready for whatever he was going to do I arrived at the house and enter as normal the inside of the house is completely different it's no longer a house but a chamber a tunnel down into the earth I slowly walked down the stairs ready to pull out my gun I reached the final step and arrived in a blue room with many monitors and a large man sitting in a chair hello Jeremy I'm mr. Salazar the man turned his chair around and I got a good look at him he had a black cote balding black hair in a dark suit on high what is this place this is my viewing chamber I spend all my time here watching the house monitoring my workers he had a deep scary voice what happened in the house after I killed that thing once the house lost its best worker the other workers suspended their existence and the house will do nothing tonight but if it doesn't have a new best worker by tomorrow then the workers are released from the houses grip and they will destroy and kill anything they come across so why are you doing this because Jeremy it is simply the only way to contain these workers then who is going to be the next best worker well Jeremy I'm looking right at them his mouth twisted into a sinister grin me yes you killing my best worker and touching that black liquid caused a transformation to begin in the next day you will see your muscles and meat disappearing your skin will become stuck to your bones your face will sag your eyes will turn black and yellow and your teeth will fall out and you will grow an unsociable desire to return to this house what I'm gonna become like that thing unfortunately for you yes you can leave now if you'd like but it is inevitable I stood in disbelief for a few moments was I really going to become that thing I turned around and ran out the door when I came out the door I'm standing in front of my house and behind me the house disappeared it's been a few I'm noticing that I'm losing my muscles and I have a really strong feeling to go back to that cursed house my eyes have turned a dark gray and I don't think I can stay away from the house for much longer I know that I can't stop what's happening to me all I can do is just go back to the house wish me luck thanks for watching Wolfpack if you want to submit your story my email and subreddit will be in the description below and also if you're not subscribed please do if you want and don't forget to like and comment as well have beautiful nightmares and I will see you next time [Music] you you
Channel: WolfsCampFire
Views: 59,280
Rating: 4.6853557 out of 5
Keywords: #scary, #stories, #reading, #dark, #spooky, #horror, #audiobook, #reddit, #r/nosleep, #atmospheric, #terrifying, #mystery, #dramatic, # deep web, #dark web horror, #scary stories, #dark web stories, #dark web horror stories, #deep web stories, #scary deep web stories, #true horror stories from reddit, #reddit scary true stories, #stories from reddit, asmr sleep, #asmr reading
Id: m_a2FDRVx8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 39sec (4899 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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