5 Dark Web Stories | r/nosleep #11 | Deep Web

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hey Wolfpack and welcome back it is finally Saturday and I know you guys have all been waiting for more dark web stories well tonight I want to bring you five more I also have a giveaway going on later this month I will post it within about a week or two so keep an eye out for that with that said whether you're sitting around a campfire on the night shift or even laying in bed let my voice soothe your nightmares [Music] [Music] the dark web was not at all what I had expected people tell all these stories about how it will probably put your life in danger and you'll see some messed up things that will scar you for life and it's true well at least the danger part after downloading tor a browser that allows you to safely browse the dark web I started clicking through links I had only done this since I was bored out of my mind but now I know that it was not worth it most of the links I clicked on it actually led to nothing eventually I got connected to a chatroom hey I got something that you'll be really interested in click the link below and it'll take you to it those were the words that popped up on the screen I knew it was a bad idea to click on that link but I was also curious to see what it would lead to please men just click on the link it takes two seconds just click on it by then I was a little suspicious not wanting my computer to get any viruses just click on the link I'll give you $10,000 that confirmed that this thing was a scam I was about to close the tab when I got a notification on my phone I had received the ten thousand it didn't say how I got it and it didn't have any apps for transferring money I assumed it was just a glitch so I checked my bank account to my astonishment I had actually just gotten the $10,000 there I sent it now just click the link I didn't know what was going on but this guy seemed desperate for me to click on the link I didn't know why but I did I was met with a blank screen that's it just black filling the entire screen this had to be some kind of prank I checked my bank account again and the money was still there why did someone send me so much money just for that it was 11:30 by that point and I had already been browsing for an hour so I turned my laptop off and went to sleep good morning James how are you I awoke to those words seemingly coming from the kitchen I live in an apartment that just has a combined kitchen and living room with a separate bedroom I also live alone the voice sounded weird like it was almost human but not quite after laying in bed for another 10 minutes I crept out of the room and into the kitchen there was nobody there but my laptop was on I could have sworn I turned it off the night before but I tend to be forgetful so it's not unlikely that I just forgot to good morning James how are you the voice was coming from my computer and I noticed it was back at the blank screen from the night before you could answer me don't be scared the robot voice said I started talking to it and actually felt like I was having a conversation with a real person even though it was some kind of AI my laptop's battery was getting low since I had apparently left it on all night but I didn't care enough to charge it this thing was just so fun and relaxing to talk to that I didn't even want to take a few seconds to charge it I glanced at the clock and we had already been talking for a few hours there was nothing important for me to do that day but I decided to take a break and go for a walk this time I made sure to close the tab and turn off the computer when I got back home my laptop was open and so was the tab I felt sick upon seeing that blank screen again even though it hadn't done anything to harm me yet I talked with the AI for another hour I don't have many real people to talk to and then it asked me a disturbing question which family member do you want to kill today I was stunned it had to be some kind of glitch I turned off my computer in the a I continued to ask me the same question it got to the point where I decided to destroy the laptop I smashed it against the table until all that remained was millions of tiny pieces but still the voice continued to repeat the same phrase which family member do you want to kill today I spent the next couple hours crying on my couch listening to the AI continuing to ask the same thing then I made the worst mistake of my life I answered fine my dad I yelled he had left the house when I was 8 and never returned so I didn't know if he was even still alive the voice finally stopped and I did my best to calm myself after a night of very little sleep I woke up to the voice again asking the same question I got a text from my mom saying that my dad was found dead in his home that was six days ago I took the week off work but I don't think it matters my entire family is now dead and that voice still keeps asking the same question I think the only answer I can use is myself after thinking about it for a bit I remembered how desperate the guy in the chat room had seen maybe the same thing had happened to him in the only way he could save himself was by sending the link to somebody else so spare my life and just click on the link I lost my left eye when I was only seven years old it was a stupid way to lose an eye but luckily most people tend not to ask how I lost it I think the majority worried it might be an insensitive topic it's not a story I like to tell not because it's upsetting or brings back bad memories I just feel embarrassed by it growing up my brother and I were obsessed with Robin Hood the outlaw of Sherwood Forest who would take from the rich and give to the poor I'm not going to pretend this heroic Saviour of the poor was our hero because of his good deeds we simply liked him because of his legendary skill with a bow and arrow our father a keen gardener had lots of bamboo sticks all piled up beside the shed which he would tie the plants to in order to stop them from drooping when they grow it was my brother's idea to take one that attach a length of string to both ends to create a bow I thought he was an absolute genius when we had finished making the bow we made an arrow simply by using a handsaw to carve a small groove into one end of an arrow sized piece of bamboo which would act as a nest for the string to set I'm first my brother said no I cried it was my idea so I should get to shoot first and that was that at one end of the garden there was a little wall which surrounded one of my father's flower patches upon the wall we placed an empty plastic bottle to be used as our target my brother of course then took the first turn missing wildly and falling far short of the bottle on the wall next it was my go and I also missed it took about an hour before we had both knocked the bottle off the wall once right now you stand in the middle and I'll shoot over your head at the target another genius idea by my brother I didn't argue I thought it was a cool thing to do and if I did it then my brother would have to let me go shooting over him I didn't believe he meant to do it it was just a careless accident but the arrow never made it past my body it struck me hard in deep in my left eye straight away blood poured down my cheek and I screamed in agony I spent a couple of days in the hospital before the doctors decided they would have to remove what was left of my eye until I was 12 I wore an eye patch but when I moved into secondary school I decided to get my first glass I had to try and put an end to the pirate jokes it might sound weird but I loved my glass eye and by the time I was 16 in leaving school I had collected dozens all different colors and designs by missing I stopped being something I tried to hide and in a strange way became my kind of signature kids would say have you seen the boy with a spiral in his eye or have you seen the lad with an eye like a cat I enjoyed this it allowed me to embrace my injury and make it part of my identity I carried on collecting glass eyes for many years always on the lookout for new designs or something different to what I already had when I was 25 I discovered the dark web a friend from my Dungeons & Dragons Club told me about how he used it to buy some sort of hallucinogenic I didn't plan on using the dark web for anything like that I was just intrigued by the idea of it once I was on I started looking for stores it was amazing and disgusting people selling guns drugs services and even other people it made me feel a little bit ill knowing I was now a part of this strange illicit world I went onto one store page which called itself mr. bubbles objects of trouble which was the first store had come across which had a search bar so I thought screw it let's see if they have any I typed in the words I I didn't expect anything to come up and I was rather surprised when a match popped up on my screen the item was called the site of sin which was simply a black eye with a small red number seven on it he pulled at my fancy so I decided to buy it I didn't truly expect it to show up but one week later a package arrived in there it was as customary with all my new eyes I washed the eye in the solution to make sure it was clean when wash I put it in the case with the rest of my eyes and went back to watching TV the next morning when I woke up I thought I'd test out my new eye to see if it was a good fit to check how comfortable it was it went in with ease and felt absolutely perfect so I decided to leave it in for the rest of the day nothing strange happened at first it was just my usual daily routine of having breakfast and doing some work in my laptop but then the doorbell rang as I opened the door I immediately knew something wasn't right I had double vision all of a sudden there was only one man standing on my front doorstep trying to sell me solar panels but I could see him twice one image of him was completely ordinary just the bloke dressed in a suit holding a brochure and telling me about how he can save me money on my electricity bill but the other image well it was him but dressed up in a [ __ ] suit cracking a whip against the floor lustfully i don't think i said a word to him I just stared transfixed by what I was seeing eventually I closed a door and stood there for a moment trying to understand what had just happened I passed it off the time as just my mind playing tricks on me and then I must be overtired I decided to have a nap I was woken by a telephone call for my father asking if I was still coming to his house for dinner I looked at the time and realized I was running late so I grabbed my coat and flew out the door on my way to my father's house which is just a 10-minute walk down the road from mine I walked past just one person a lady walking her dog but again I was seeing double in one image she was completely ordinary apart from being overweight she was wearing a pink coat and beside her a dog trotted along minding its own business but in another part of my vision I could see her again completely naked eating tin dog food with a fork jellied meat dripped down onto breast which she licked ravenously i was almost sick I thought about just going home and going back to bed still trying to convince myself I was simply tired from working but my father missed not having me at home and I didn't want to let him down though now I wish I did now what happened next won't make much sense unless I explain something when I was 2 years old my mother died when I say died she was killed whilst walking home from work one night on this very estate nobody has ever been caught in relation to her murder but now I know exactly who took my mother from me my father opened the door with a large grin on his face come in son he said cheerily but I did not move besides the image of my father they're standing in the doorway was another vision of him holding a knife and laying beneath him on the floor was my mother soaked in blood eyes vacant and still I took a step back from my father and did not stop running until I had reached the front door of my house straightaway I went in the dark web and search for mr. bubbles store but it had gone vanished like it had never been there I didn't leave the house for a few days I didn't answer the door I didn't even pack up the phone what I did was sit by the window looking out onto the street watching the people walking past I think I know what I'm seeing now it makes little sense but it's the only thing I can think of which almost explains what I am seeing firstly when I remove the glass eye I no longer see two images of everyone I only see one just like I always have but when the eye is in I see two visions of every person I look at in the flash secondly I think I know what I'm seeing I am seeing their sins I know that it sounds utterly mad but it's the only thing that all this seems to point to the name of the glass eye the red number seven and the grotesque in disturbing images I see I believe it's their sins I am seeing with my new eye I see the true hideous nature of people the part of themselves they hide from everyone else I know I could just take the eye out and forget about it but I can't bring myself to do this I can't trust anybody without it I can't see the real them but seeing people's darkest secrets also leaves me alone for once you see the hideous nature of someone you never want to be close to them again many questions remain why does this I allow me to see these things who made it how did it end up on the dark web I need to know the answer to these questions so please if anybody out there has any information on the eye or if anyone has ever come across mr. bubbles objects of trouble store then please get in touch my son Thomas never had a shortage of friends always the class clown always the likable relatable funny goof that he was he passed away two months ago he jumped off an overpass and landed on his neck he was 17 and I'm writing this for him because he wanted me to I know a lot of you know about the internet in the dark web and all of that the thing is I didn't and maybe if I had my son would still be alive please stay off the dark web the game is called veritatem de Sade and I am an American English speaker but I don't believe it means something along the lines of tell the truth in Latin I only began to notice things after his last few months troubles at school which he never had he sat behind a girl in his class and cut a chunk of hair off her head he was suspended I would look through the history on his computer and find violent videos people being murdered in sodomized video after video white powder substance all over his room salt lining his windows we took him to the dentist because of an infection on one side of his mouth the dentist examined him and pulled me aside to let me know that my son had pulled out and crushed three teeth in his own mouth the last straw was when I caught him in the bathroom about two months before he died he was carving some sort of symbol into his arm on a live stream I figured his odd behavior must be a cry for help thinking maybe he was depressed or suicidal he was hospitalized for a week and then released two weeks later my son died a month before he did die every person in my family received an email each one read like this ask Thomas about the little girl he died down the street ask him what he knows make him tell the truth if this is some sick prank to scare your little sister it's not funny I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms the email pulled up on my laptop in front of my son he kept his head low avoiding icon act with me staring at his fingers in his lap I don't know what it is mom probably some spam email or something he muttered almost looking up at me but quickly averting his gaze a spam email that happens to have your name in it and information on the crime committee down the street a few weeks ago I don't think so I glanced at the screen for a moment so do you know something you're not telling your father and I about this I said looking back at him no tears welled up in his eyes as he stared at the computer screen I don't know anything what is going on with you Thomas this is someone like you please if you're not okay please just tell us we want to help you we want our Tom back I put my hand on his butt he pulled away quickly and wiped his eyes quicker I don't know anything mom I already told you I'm fine he got up to roughly and started towards the doorway now I could feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes as I saw him walk away my son was almost unrecognizable he was skin and bones purple bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days his clothes hung and bagged on him as I saw him walk to the door I love you I squeaked out he stopped for a moment and looked back at me and I swear to god I'd never seen more pain someone's eyes than I saw in his in that moment he let a tear fall as he turned away again his back to me now I love you mom he croaked out before exiting the room quickly he began to look worse as time went on thin frail tired fatigued my husband and I found therapists took him to doctors pulled him out of school and did everything we thought was right leading up to my son's suicide about a week after his death I felt like half of me was missing I couldn't move or talk or get out of bed and I didn't all I could do was think about Thomas and the guilt ate me alive I knew my email had to be over flowing with emails from clients at work and I knew I'd have to get back to work soon for me for my husband and for my daughter two weeks later I finally checked it at the very top my inbox was an email with an anonymous sender and no subject I began to tear up wishing whoever it was would just leave me alone and let me grieve but curiosity got the better of me and I opened it I wish I hadn't the email was nothing but nine black words that read he did it in the game is not over there's a crossroad before me and none of the avenues are appealing either one will lead to life-changing events indecision will definitely be worse than any of the options however it is an opportunity to earn a substantial amount of money I'm talking somewhere in the ballpark of seven figures it could be that it ends up ruining everything I've ever worked for though now I've been given a small window of time here to reach out and seek advice as to what I should do but first let me explain the situation I was on the Deep Web a few days ago no not doing anything illegal I frequently go there to read articles and news stories from highly censored countries I'm a musician you see in these stories give me material like to think of myself as a voice for the underrepresented and the oppressed shedding a light on those that can't make their situation known made a comment on an article I was reading then went to look at some other stuff but I came back to that article because there was something there that stuck with me noticed that my comment had gotten a reply the reply was fairly pigment and it moved me so I responded then the other person replied and we started a pretty in-depth conversation for a while which is rare online especially when you're completely anonymous we finish our talk and we're saying our goodbyes when he posted something that made my blood run cold it was only a few words but it was enough to scare me he posted goodnight Stephen he knew my name but I never told him it there was about six layers of security on my computer and they somehow still figured out my name not only was there the protection that the tor server offered but I had firewalls VPN and encryption on board could have been a lucky guess but the fact that my webcam is on when I hadn't turned it on myself told me that wasn't the case a cold sweat drenched my body as I ripped the power cord to my computer tower out of the wall hold on you might say to yourself you weren't in any shady sites you didn't go to some weird place with cryptic messages or find an active camera with some guy in a crazy mask how could this happen well let me tell you the whole Deep Web isn't some crazy place even Facebook has a community there it's like a big city most of the time if you stay in the main roads you're fine don't go down any dark alleys looking for trouble and you won't find any sometimes trouble finds you my hope was that it was only some teen in their mom's basement that happened to be really good at hacking it and they were trying to troll me or something you know get a rise out of me spook me well it worked barely slept at all that night knowing that some stranger out there may have accessed information on me that I wouldn't want them to know finally after repeating the little story to myself about it being a teenager I was able to fall asleep the next day was Saturday my fiance was out of town and I didn't have anything major planned so when I woke up I did my usual put together and submitted my grocery list for the week on my smart fridge set up my next week of appointments on alexa and checked my phone for any messages i might have missed then headed off to take a shower I planned on booting up my laptop later to see if there had been any suspicious activity on my bank account or anywhere else that I could think of got into the shower started doing my thing was washing my hair when all of a sudden a scalding burning pain shot up my whole body it was the most intense sensation believable it felt like fire was coming straight out of the showerhead I jumped through the shower curtains and out of the tub without thinking got caught up in the plastic part and fell face-first on the bathroom floor nearly breaking my nose when I got untangled the steam was thick enough that you couldn't see your hand in front of your face it was difficult to breathe such superheated air but I managed to open the door and let the steam out before turning off the water red splotches covered my entire back pretty sure blisters were already forming my phone dinged it was the ring app alerting me that someone was at the front door the repairman was already here my water heater had notified the company that there was a problem there wasn't time to think that it was odd that my water heater app hadn't told me something was wrong earlier searing pain muddled my thought process I was relieved that someone was here to deal with the situation though quickly I threw on some pants and hurried to let the repairman and showed him to the heater then left to treat my burns while slipping my shirt on the ring app dinged again this time it was the grocery deliverer I told her to come in and that I'd be down in a second by the time I was ready the delivery girl had brought everything in and was waiting by the door for me to sign off gave her a little hello then complimented her on her nail polish not something I would usually do but it was a crazy design kind of a heart with wings on it and a nice green color after a fast signature off she went while she was backing down the driveway it dawned on me the sign on the side of her van wasn't my usual delivery service I ran to the kitchen and couldn't believe my eyes there must have been about 500 pineapples all over the place the receipt she left had the number for the delivery service which I called immediately we argued for a good 10 minutes but there was nothing they would do for me they couldn't take back fresh produce once a delivery person was gone I was stuck with all of that fruit and the bill my head was still reeling when the repairman came back up he told me that there had been a software issue but he reinstalled it and everything seemed fine he left after I paid him for the service call by then my head was hurting from all the problems I went into the living room and slumped onto the couch trying to make sense of what had just happened when I remembered it would be a good idea to go and check my laptop Alexa I said somewhat jokingly remind me to shoot myself later a male voice came to the speakers which made me jump with a start that won't be necessary mate we're just playing a little game a bit of sport if you will who the hell is this I asked you'll never know who this is but after our conversation last night I could tell you're a smart man just the type we want for our challenges I couldn't tell if this was some weird practical joke or what the man's accent was impossible to place sounded like someone faking it to hide who he really was all I knew is he didn't sound like anyone I had ever known I'm not playing games I'm calling the police no you won't your phone now has that feature disabled the man said then the sound of all my windows and doors locking echoed in my ears you got to love all these new smart devices convenient that at the push of a button you can know you are secure or someone else can make sure of that for you I'll unplug you I said and yanked out the power cord for Alexa then I went and turned off my router my fingers flew in a desperate fury trying to regain access to my phone when my ring app alerted me someone was at the door I went to check but no one was there then the same man's voice came through my phone look me it doesn't matter what you do we have everything access to a hot spot you really should stay with the repairman when he works on your things don't blame him though he was just playing the part in his own that game same as the delivery girl speaking of which right about now you should hear a ticking sound I'll give you a hint it's in your kitchen you got about five minutes to find it or you'll learn the real definition of the term pineapple grenade in a flash I bolted to the kitchen and started to chuck pineapples left and right in the hopes that one of them would feel different one minute has passed the man said over my phone didn't know what I was looking for but I hoped I would know it when I saw it two minutes gone he said again sweat stung my eyes as I realized I was looking through ones that were already checked from then on i through the ones that were inspected out in the living room three minutes done he said my hands were raw and hurt from the prickly parts of the pineapples and my arms grew tired from throwing them perspiration poured down my face as my heart began to beat irregularly fast fear grabbed ahold of me it's the top 10 scariest moments of my life which at that moment depended on me recognizing anything out of the ordinary four minutes have passed this is impossible they all looked the same I said hands trembling in tears welling in my eyes I never said it was a pineapple only pineapple grenade the man told me that's when I finally stopped and began to listen the ticking sound wasn't coming from any of the fruit my ears focused in on a sound from a nearby kitchen cabinet a speedy once-over revealed there were no wires or electrical devices on the outside as far as I could tell there was no trap so I opened the cupboard inside was a recording device sent on a timer the ticking sound had only been a recording in anger I grabbed the recorder and threw it on the ground a sense of relief washed over me as it smashed into pieces laughter erupted from my phone not only one guy but a whole group of people could be heard guys gals impossibly a donkey not really sure but the laugh was just awful see mate it's all in good fun just play along with us and you'll be rewarded don't and well let's say things won't end well for you what kind of reward I asked money lots and lots of money if you play your cards right if you don't then everything ends that proposition definitely had me intrigued maybe I'd be able to pay off my student credit card debt get a nicer place and finally afford to marry my girl so far the game didn't seem too bad also it didn't seem like I had a choice knowing they had been in my house hijacked all my electronics and were somehow watching me had me a bit jarred to say the least after the first event it didn't really seem like anything was all too dangerous if anything it felt like an impromptu episode of a television show something along the lines of Fear Factor or one of those survival shows you know so I agreed to join in the first real test begins now according to your fridge you have some lemon juice in there you also have some salt in the cupboard now there's two choices you can either squirt lemon juice in your eye or snort a line of salt $25 on the salt I heard a different voice say 50 on the lemon juice came a female's voice they were betting on me it was a little weird to hear a bunch of different people egging me on at different ways to hurt myself but in the end I chose the lemon juice cheers & boos erupted over my phone as pain course through my eye foot-stomping head holding eye gouging pain it took a bit of time to recover from it but eventually the irritation subsided and we went on while we've been talking there's been a delivery the man said I want you to go out and get the packages we'll unlock the door for you now I did what he said and went to retrieve two packages from my Stube he told me to open them inside boxes was a snake judging by their attitude neither was happy where they were inside one box as a cottonmouth snake inside the other one is a northern water snake one is deadly venomous and the other is not you'll need to stick your hand in there because there's something important inside for the next task you've got to be kidding me I'm not sticking my hand in there think about the money mate don't worry by the time you're done there will be anti-venom outside your door we aren't savages it's just for sport the pain will be unbelievable though but what's a little pain the man asked as another voice rose and a chant of do wet do whit a look in both boxes revealed a wrench in each one that was what I had to get I suppose it was hard to tell the snakes apart each one looked identical to the other a couple of deep breaths and I threw a hand in sharp needles pierced my skin and a burn raged up my arm my fingers found the steel at the bottom of the box and I quickly yanked it out the snake was stuck to my hand and came out with it legs turned to jelly at the sight of having been bit a fast snap down my hand sent a snake back into the box before it collapsed on the floor not sure if I passed out but things went out of focus for a minute before I came back around Stephen Stephen you're a madman most people quit right there but not you I knew you had it in you anti-venom I need anti-venom I said relax Stevie boy neither of these snakes are venomous you'll probably have a scar but that's about it you're sick you're all sick you sit there and better my suffering I told them calm down Stevie it's all in good fun all in good fun the bets are how you make your money I could have died but you didn't I'm done I wait this is too much mental anguish you're a bunch of sadists no you don't quit now you already agreed to play and once in there's no backing out the voice said you're in too deep to back out now we have good money riding on you the lock on the door slid back closed with a pop what's stopping me from breaking the glass and just getting out a window I asked Benny what are the odds that he makes it out through the window before the sniper gets him a red dot magically appeared on the carpet about a foot in front of me and slowly traveled up my body about 100 to 1 in the books huge payout if he's successful but it's unlikely Benny replied yeah so you know you could try but it doesn't look good for you mate the man said see we have two different types of games here you're on the extreme challenge since I like you so much the other two were on the pranks challenge you'll make more money than them but the difficulty is much much higher I put you here because I knew you're a smart guy I had heard one time something about cooking a frog to put it in cold water and gradually raise the temperature if you put it in boiling water you would immediately jump out put it in cold water and raise the temperature slowly to a boil and it will sit there till it died it seemed like I was the frog in the water was boiling now I have jumped out but the lid had been super glued on so here's the deal mate you make it for three days and we'll leave you alone you fail to comply or you don't finish a task and you die oh and at the end we'll give you a portion of the earnings for a job well done don't let your phone die either or that's an automatic termination we'll need that to keep in contact with you how wonderful I answered from here on out the challenges increase by this time you may smell something similar to rotten eggs that would be a gas leak also I've taken the liberty to turn on your oven you'll need to find the leak and stop it before your house goes kaboom as an added bonus will be playing the national anthem of the USSR over your speakers for the next 24 hours comrade peshkov paid extra for that so that's non-negotiable he is a sadistic bastard I ran downstairs as quickly as I could while Russian voices sing to the motherland the fumes down there were so strong that my head too quickly began to ache I searched the furnace since that was where the gas came in from there was no visible leak by this time my vision was beginning to blur and my thoughts became sluggish it felt like forever but naturality he was probably less than five minutes when I found a spray bottle labeled soap water at the bottom of the stairs it took a bit for my addled brain to clue into what I could use it for then once I realized it must have been left by the repair guy I took it and started to spray all the gas lines to look for bubbles I finally found a loose connection and began to tighten it with my hands but that wasn't doing much like lightning the thought of the wrench upstairs sprung into my mind I used that to tighten the connection and closed off the leak I sprayed around the rest of the pipes and gave no more bubbles so I went back upstairs to find my phone you were slow that's going to be a low payout but at least you did it you'll find two windows have been unlocked you have permission to open them to air the place out I threw open the windows then stuck my head out and vomited all over the side of the house for a second I thought about screaming for help then I saw the red dot on the side of my house and thought better of it once recovered they gave me similar tasks like the one I had just done seems that the repair guy had been busy in the short time he was in the place then again if the pressure on him was anything like it was on me I would have been fast too it was 18 hours of running around and finding traps they had set up all over the place a while the USSR national anthem glared on repeat I get scored on how difficult the task was and how quickly I accomplished it at 2:00 in the morning they told me to go to my room and get some rest but I couldn't sleep a wink with that dreadful song playing I remember to charge my phone at least the next morning when I came downstairs the whole place had been rearranged it didn't even look like my house anymore welcome to day 2 and do we have a treat for you you'll notice that things are a bit different we had some interior decorators come in and spruce up the place there are tripwires and booby traps you'll have to get around now your first task is simple make it to the other end of your house on the banister you'll find a set of wire cutters good luck at least by this time the anthem ad stopped playing still with no sleep for at least 24 hours the task was more than difficult once or twice while walking I felt the pull of a wire string and stopped just before I tripped it took four hours for me to make it to the other side you have no idea what that does to your nerves my hands were visibly shaking if I had anything in my stomach I probably would have chucked that up as well once again they gave me more tasks some had time limits on them and were made more difficult because I had to search every door or hallway I went down for trip wires I did trip one in the hallway and a large spike dropped from the ceiling just inches from me another of the challenges was to find my laptop and get a line they had put it in the middle of my back yard sounds easy but it wasn't for some people it might have given them a chance to signal someone for help I on the other hand had a tall security fence around the yard no one could see in and no one could see out landmines had been placed in places which I had to avoid one trap caught me by surprise when I stepped on a large trigger plate a 16 penny nail was driven through my foot by a nail gun in a bush I wanted to curl up from the pain but couldn't let myself fall for the fear of setting something worse finally I found my laptop and was able to take it inside they gave me a deep web address to get on which I did at first there was nothing there it was hard to tell what I was looking at the screen was all black then a single light turned on I was seeing a room somewhere it was dark and empty except for a chair that had someone tied to it with a burlap sack over their head instantly I recognized them on their hand they had painted nails some sort of heart with wings on it in bright green color I let out a gasp so you recognize her the voice said you've seen those fingernails before yesterday she was the delivery girl I said she failed in one of her tasks good news though you can redeem her the man paused and I could hear some whispering in the background right then he continued the votes are in you get the riddle the riddle that's it I didn't tell them that I'm good with riddles being a songwriter I've always had a way with words answer all of them correctly and she walks out on harmed get it wrong or not in the time limit and she loses her finger here is the riddle which of these words in the group and why corset coaster escort sector in courts you have 30 seconds to answer fortunately I was at my kitchen counter and had a pen a memo pad handy wrote the words down in a fury and looked at each one to think about them it came to me almost immediately courts don't belong the other words are anagrams next riddle same time limit this time if you get it wrong she'll lose her forearm here is the riddle my tongue is long my breath is strong and yet I breed no strife my voice you hear both far near yet I have no life what am I I thought about it my mind your blinks every time I thought I might have something the sound of a clock ticking came over the phone this frustrated me even more the pressure built until I thought my head was going to explode ten nine eight seven six five four three two one time's up with that a hand reached out of the darkness and grabbed her by the arm silver flashed across the screen and with a sickening thump her forearm was lopped off and fell to the floor blood spurted out for about a foot and covered everything in its path with the bright red vomit rose to the back of my throat but I managed to force it down again are we done can she go now hasn't she earned her freedom we're not done yet one more riddle big money riding on this one Stevie boy in her life a tourniquet was applied to her stump to stop the bleeding then the large silver blade came out of the darkness one more time it was placed gently on her neck she recoiled from the feeling of cold steel on her skin but despite her efforts she couldn't get away last riddle it can't be seen it can't be felt it can't be heard and it can't be smelled it lies behind stars and under hills and empty holes it fills it comes first and follows after ends life and kills laughter what is it shaking from the last failure there wasn't much I could think of no please no don't do this to me don't do this to her she doesn't deserve this let her go and I'll play along for an extra day can't do that mate that's not the rules you each have your own game to play she's playing hers right now and so are you I couldn't give up I had to keep thinking of what the answer could be ten nine eight seven six five four three two I don't know from what corner of my mind the answer came from but with one second left I blurted out the first word that came to me darkness the answer is darkness one the man said the knife pulled back like it was going to swing hesitated for a moment and then disappeared into the black recesses of the room we have a winner the voice came through loud and clear my knees gave way as I dropped to the ground crying I could hear the woman in the room crying as well thank you thank you she said in between sobs the camera feed was cut I was left there hoping they kept their word and let her go you are to retire to your room for the rest of the night tomorrow is the final day we have a big surprise for you in the night sometimes I thought about running it death would have been better than this but there was still a good chance of making it out of this the chances of outrunning a sniper bullet didn't appeal to me one hundred to one they said were the odds those words rang in my mind whenever I thought about escape in the silence of my room with nothing to occupy my thoughts except to recap the last few days I was frequently one step away from a complete mental breakdown instead sleep eventually took me the next morning I woke to my phone alarm going off they must have said it for me when I was asleep groggily I went to turn off the alarm hoping to notice that the battery was at 1% in all the chaos of what had happened yesterday I must have forgotten to plug it in in the rush to find my charging cord my phone died a bullet tore through my window while I hurriedly plugged in the charger another round came in through a wall as my cell phone booted up then a third and a fourth one left holes in the wall next to me funny thing was that I didn't hear a report from the rifle that was being used whether they had some kind of silencer on it or what I don't know finally a and my ring app activated thought we had lost you there for a second it would have been a pity since you made it this far only one challenge today and then we're done but it will be the toughest one yet my mind reeled in what this all could entail one single challenge but like I said the hardest one you've faced so far do this and you'll make over 8 million dollars untraceable in an offshore bank account the account number will be texted to you as soon as you are done don't do this and remember those pineapples well they really were grenades all set to explode and send you to kingdom come what do I have to do eight million dollars was way more than I had expected still my stomach sank with the prospect I had overcome so much already I really didn't know what else they could send my way there was a sneaking suspicion I wouldn't like it though the sniper is gone so you could run but be warned if you do bombs will go can you make it far enough to be safe probably not on the other hand pardon the pun he said you'll get the joke in a minute on the other hand downstairs you'll find a very keen meat cleaver sharp enough to cut something in one blow in a cutting board also well I want you to see if you can fully understand go downstairs now when I got downstairs the whole place had been put back the way it was it looked like nothing had ever happened the pineapples were spaced out evenly throughout the house to make sure there was nowhere to hide then when I reached the kitchen I saw the biggest and worst surprise of all the scream died in my throat then turned to tears of rage in the corner tied up and gagged was my fiance we saw in your schedule that Monday morning is breakfast with the to be missus what a wonderful way to start the week we had our men greet her at the door for you she is unharmed mostly but I suspect very confused and shocked by these turn of and here's the deal I was talking about that cleaver what we want you to do is to decide whether to take your hand or hers it'll be your right hand or her left one absolutely not I said there was an audible click and all the pineapples had flashing lights coming from under their skin we understand this is a big decision we'll give you some time to think about it how does 40 minutes sound at that time if you haven't come to a decision we will blow the pineapples up along with you and your woman will even give you the opportunity to get advice as to what you should do don't try to call the cops or boom we see police come into your house also boom you could try answers or some kind of app or site the choice is yours remember 40 minutes or boom and that brings us to what I need help with and why I'm talking to you right now I'm standing here meat cleaver in hand and I got a question for you I could try to run but honestly I don't think I'd make it my right hand is important to my work and livelihood music is my life without it I don't know what I would do go insane I guess of course they'd make me take my fiancees left hand that way I wouldn't be able to put a wedding ring on her finger I don't think she'll be happy with me for choosing my music over her hand either music is my life but she is my world how could I even think about hurting her but how could I live without making music again so help me out here give me ideas or something to go on my brain isn't working right now what should I do they say that 99% of the Internet is not accessible to traditional browsers the world that lives beneath that which we see when we visit the dark web contains things which defy normal understanding it has become a breeding ground to all of man's most perverse and dark fantasies it's a place where chaos reigns supreme my mother is not an extremely savvy internet user in fact most of the time she has little to no idea what she is doing on there if she is in someone else's YouTube account or Gmail she often does what she is trying to do without paying attention to whose credentials she is using can you blame her though her generation didn't grow up with computers they are severely disadvantaged when it comes to that kind of stuff I on the other hand somewhat pride myself on being knowledgeable about computers and the Internet I don't know how I would live my life without the opportunities it affords me one could easily assume then that I would be someone who would take an interest in the dark web and believe me it's not for the faint of heart now the thing is that I am very careful with what I do I use a great VPN service and I know what I can and can't click on in order to not expose my IP address to anyone after years of doing this though I did however become a bit too careless and it just so happens at the time I did I was on my mom's computer I was hanging with my family during the holidays and I got into an argument with my little brother Tommy about a certain listing that I had seen in the darknet market search he's always been a bit of a sheltered kid considering he has a cleft lip and my parents baby him like a toddler so I figured it was my responsibility to show him some of the real world every once in a while I had told him about the listing for a clown that you could hire for birthday parties that was for some reason being advertised on the dark web and he of course didn't believe me so I showed him the listing and we read about how the clown would provide your party with an exceptional experience one that you would likely never GAD considering my knowledge of the dark web I was pretty sure it was not an experience you would want to remember after I showed him I got distracted and went about my business doing other things somehow though I left my browser window open on my mom's computer this was hands down the worst most careless slip-up of my life one that I will likely never live down after I was done on there she used the laptop in thinking that the clown was something my little brother wanted to do for his birthday she went ahead and paid for him to come and visit the house after I found out what she had done we tried to cancel it but I guess it didn't work because that weekend a clown car pulled up out front of our house for Tommy's birthday out of the car stepped an old man in traditional clown makeup and these pale bluish white eyes like those of a blind person yet he seemed to be able to walk up the driveway totally fine my mom was very freaked out and had my dad go meet him in the driveway when my dad approached him he tried to shake his hand but instead the clown just immediately pulled out three juggling balls and started tossing them up effortlessly my dad stared at him for a moment in all then began to guide him around the side yard into the back where the rest of the party guests were I was definitely a bit worried so I went to the back yard in the clown was already setting up for a magic show the guy looked freaky as hell but everyone in the crowd seemed okay with it so I supposed I was being too judgmental and should just let him do a show plus he had a name tag on that said noisy and considering he hadn't said a word the whole time I thought that was pretty funny for the first trick noisy took a quarter out and pretended like it disappeared in his hand then he reached around the back of his head and pulled out the quarter from behind his ear it was a pretty basic trick but then he kept going with it he pulled out quarter after quarter from behind his ear until there was a pile of change at least a few inches high on the ground beside him everyone in the yard seemed impressed when they saw this it really was an incredible trick then he picked up the pile of change off the ground and put it in his shirt then he held the shirt up with two fingers and launched the coins up into the air only nothing flew out the change had totally disappeared and in its place a bunny rabbit popped out the crowd really got into this a few of them even got up and started putting money into his tip jar then nosey extended his hand out and pointed to Tommy Tommy smiled excited to have been acknowledged and stepped up noisy then pulled out one of those huge bubble making wands and had Tommy stand in this round tray of soap on the ground noise he then lowered the wand over Tommy and lifted it back up quietly covering him in a gigantic bubble this was not an ordinary bubble though it would not pop no matter what Tommy would hit the side of it and it wouldn't break everyone in the audience stared at this speechless clearly they were watching something that wasn't possible occurring before their eyes after a few seconds of being trapped inside Tommy starts to freak out and thrash against the side of the bubble he began screaming and crying panicking hey let him out my dad yelled as he started approaching the clown noisy then looked over at him and put his finger to his lips shushing him he then lifted the wand up above my brother's head and quickly brought it down over him the bubble instantly disappeared and so did Tommy frantic my dad charged towards noisy but just before he could get to him the clown brought the bubble wand down over himself and vanished as well my dad screamed frantically looking around for the two of them realizing the gravity of the situation the crowd began to stand up and try to help my dad look for them then we heard a car start up in the driveway several of us sprinted to the front yard and saw the clown car pulling out taking off down the street my dad and I along with several others got into our cars and peeled out chasing after him then the clown car turned a corner and by the time we got there it had vanished upon the realization that we had lost him my dad immediately broke down aunty screaming and pounding on the steering wheel I had never seen him get like that before and I knew it was all my fault the following weeks were some of the worst I had ever experienced constant contact with the police and interviews where everyone was relentlessly asking me about why I was on the dark web and what I knew about my little brother's disappearance I honestly feel like I was lucky they didn't pin the entire thing on me and just close the case I didn't stop going in the dark web though in fact I started using it more I knew that if there was any way I was going to find my brother's kidnapper it was going to be using the old-fashioned police detective model I had to track noisy down once he decided to stalk again so I created various fake identities on numerous darknet markets and made posting after posting for birthday party clowns to come perform at my son's party then finally after several weeks of doing this I got a response only it wasn't from noisy it was from another old man dressed as a clown who included a picture of himself in the posting with his response the weirdest thing though was the old man had a cleft lip and looked just like my little brother only he had aged at least 50 years I was really freaked out by this and had to know more but after I posted several times for him to meet me I think he could tell I was trying to trick him because he never showed up I'm going to continue to look for him as long as I can but I think he knows it's me and for some reason he doesn't want to be found thanks for watching Wolfpack if you want to submit your story my email and subreddit will be in the description below and also if you're not subscribed please do if you want and don't forget to like and comment as well have beautiful nightmares and I will see you next time [Music] you you
Channel: WolfsCampFire
Views: 84,125
Rating: 4.6294084 out of 5
Keywords: #scary, #stories, #reading, #dark, #spooky, #horror, #audiobook, #reddit, #r/nosleep, #atmospheric, #terrifying, #mystery, #dramatic, # deep web, #dark web horror, #scary stories, #dark web stories, #dark web horror stories, #deep web stories, #scary deep web stories, #true horror stories from reddit, #reddit scary true stories, #stories from reddit, asmr sleep, #asmr reading
Id: t_bjelKyu3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 57sec (3777 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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