Teaching Baby The Kitten SECRET In Minecraft!

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i am a mama cat and this is my baby kitten she's new to the world and it's my job to teach her how to survive in minecraft but teaching her the secret ways to live as a minecraft kitten is going to be difficult as we survive by living off the minecraft players on our servers from using our cuteness to get treats to stealing fish from players we're ready to handle any challenge that comes our way will i be able to help my baby kitten get ready to survive in minecraft or will she call a catastrophe so let's find out oh and be sure to like and subscribe i heard ian has a new fish and i'm excited to see his new fish you know personally pay it to visit myself oh buddy how's it going i got a new fish he's all set to go now no okay mr bobbles mr bubbles first of all that's a great name thank you i came up with it myself anyway um okay okay mr bobbles now you are so cute and i okay so i know that you might be scared because you may or may not have heard a rumor that a stupid cat ate my last fish i can assure you that that rumor is absolutely true yeah a stupid cat did eat my last fish but to be fair i did destroy the cats uh box shelter so we're even now after they ate my fish but not to worry mr bubbles because i have a new way to protect you i installed a new home security system and that means lasers oh it it broke it broke my lamp that that doesn't matter you're gonna be safe now i can get past this no problem i feel pretty good now no cat is dumb enough to try and get around that anyway let me uh how do i get here [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i am taking this back over this way up and up i got his fish perfect all i gotta do is get away and take the fish somewhere else uh huh wait what's that noise huh oh it's a little kitty hello oh you have a fish are you hungry oh you don't have to oh it's okay it's okay hi hi i'm a big cat oh do you have any parents oh you must be hungry that's the old fish i ate but here you can have this fish there you go take that fish see oh there you go you can have it oh you must be a straight kitten i was a straight kitten too you know what i am your mom now and spiders don't worry don't worry don't worry i'm gonna get them i'm gonna get them all right you stay right there okay [Music] last thing i do don't worry kitten i got you all right it's gone and gone and look i got some string for you to play with oh okay okay ken it's all right don't worry see see i can transform into a person too can you do you know how to do that uh oh look oh you can oh cute all right here here's some string for you and uh you know what you know what come on follow me follow me follow me turn back into a cat because i have the coolest cat hanging out come on come on let's go this way come on let's go don't worry over this way i'm gonna teach you how to survive using everything that these players have come on come on come on let's go oh hey do you sleep well oh look at you okay all right so now that i am your new mom uh we are going to learn you know i gotta teach you skills to survive all right because i know that this is a crazy minecraft world okay so first off let's teach you let's teach you how to get things from other minecraft players okay by using your adorable cute kitty cat charms so first off we gotta introduce you to all the minecraft players okay so uh follow me and you know where this base is right so if you walk up here you'll see that there see this kitty cat symbol that's where my base is okay and they don't know that i live under their houses all right all right all right come on come on this way this time oh sh that's ian ian's a bad one okay fierce i don't think there's any fish in this well nah nonsense we just aren't fishing hard enough we gotta do it better guys this is not the time for fishing we have a major problem on our hands guys we have cats on the server yeah dogs the cats cats are pretty normal here yeah what's up yeah yeah kids get them pretty normal they're great except they eat my fish oh you should keep trying better track your fishing bud they must be really hungry though yeah anyway the point is that we got to watch out for this one cat there's [Music] two cats oh [Music] guys i really think we ought to talk about this because they're they're gonna take all of our fish they're gonna then take all of our uh our our shoes and then probably them you can't just steal from them okay you got it you hey look at me you can't just stand up where's the goat put that away put them right before they see okay they're just cats and they i know they they just i think they couldn't possibly do anything to the ferris i get the fish they're the nicest kitties ever yeah they really look pretty awesome i don't know all right fine you all you all have fun with the kitties i'm good to go like cat proof my house come on this awesome guy have fun i guess oh kitty's away fishing will have to wait we gotta we gotta we gotta get some stuff okay okay so okay all right come over here so i know that you are super excited you know you're super excited you got to meet the minecraft players and introduce them to you and they got to see how cute you are but you can't just steal from people like that okay all right if you want to steal you got to do it the right way okay so if we're going to get some gold because i know you like shiny things trust me i like shiny things too uh let's see hmm think about this we're gonna have to do something hmm pierce's creepers come on this way this way this way this way this way okay watch this watch this watch this [Music] all right we're gonna chase them chase them breath crawl on the inside let's go let's go [Music] okay all right perfect come on come on we gotta go this way uh here if you want to grab some of this you can build up like this and like that there we go come here come here come here okay uh oh a lot of stuff drop look see there's this gold you can go get it go get it go get it go get it see and that's how you do it the right way because he'll think his items despawned and you didn't steal them he could have his his golden hoe all right let's go with this thing come on come on come on let's get out of here before you see this wow look at this see isn't it cool when you do it like that that way you don't get in trouble you can still get treats from the humans and oh you're still hungry oh that's right we didn't really we didn't really get you a big meal before hey hey how about this how about this let's teach you how to get food from the minecraft players come on this way follow me follow me follow me follow me there's a few important things that you got to remember when you're asking for treats all right it is one you need to look cute you got to put on your cute face okay so all you got to do and let's show you how to do this okay all you got to do is do a cute face so this is my cute face watch sit sit down sit down and learn this okay watch watch this is very important this will get you all the treats all right see you just gotta look up and i look so cute i'm ready to get treats let's see your cute face show me the cutest face you have um okay well you know what it looks like you're about to poop uh but that's okay you know you're you're getting this eye here here look at my face again see now and then try again you try go go go for it oh look at you okay all right hold that face hold that face because it's gonna be all about how to use that face effectively so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go for the softest targets all right noise isn't on so we're going for kim oh my craps are coming in so nicely yeah i should get some more water and little kitties they're super cute are you guys hungry i got some got some treats one for you some for you some for you oh treat there you go oh it's so cute little kitties wow thank you see wow so cute all right we got the treats come on kitten let's go [Music] okay all right how many should you get let me see let me see what you got 24 treats that's a lot of treats here you go here you go take those tangos all right all right we're going to share these a little bit later but come on we got we gotta go for a harder target all right getting from an easy target is great that's gonna feed you for the day we gotta go for the harder target so let's go to pierce come on this one's nice all right come on fellas we i i realized that this is where my creepers but in retrospect creepers make really really really bad pets so come on let's let's single file come on don't be shy don't be shy come on in come on in yep there you go and oh come on oh there last toe there we go now we got y'all there we go and tied there we go oh look at you oh you know i got a stop spot for the kitties [Music] you know i think i do have some snags here hold on i won for you and one for you and just just between you and me don't tell anybody if i got a little bit mutton too there you go don't tell these friends they hey oh they're staring at me for that one okay uh here you here you have some money for you too ah i need to get stop eating that anyway uh hey hey this is nice and all but we got to get more treats out of here all right we got to hold her down so let me use oh i tied you down i'm so sorry you're all freaked out wait what you want more i can't give up anymore i only got a handful man uh but but i i guess okay okay geez get a little bossy now aren't we there you go have a couple more and then wait where you going pick up all these cats i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming okay you're free to broken my small space here sorry stay here don't move i'll save you i just gotta distract peace before he comes back up i think i can open up this space underneath here for you here we go come on you can come out there you go i'll scratch your feet a little bit more just i just want to make sure you guys have the ultimate space to work in here you know nice big open planes underneath my deck wait wait wait hey what's catalina where are you going get back here oh no oh you didn't see me good good good all right kitten hey hey hey kid me you can't be in here okay kid's house so you can't be doing that pierce i gotta talk to you there's something weird going on in the server come on come on and like i i i swear it's i just don't have a good feeling about those you're telling me i i started getting away pierce what did you do to your house yeah what did i do to buy a house yeah come on come on let's get out of here we're gonna go see um maybe we can catch some fish in the lake and uh okay this is very important i need you to pay attention okay now as you know we have cats on the server and they're a big problem oh yes we do they're so [Music] and they're a cute and they've been taking my fish they they they took two fish out of my small fish tank already so i got rid of the small fish tank and i got a big fish tank oh yeah it's really nice look at that yes now obviously obviously the cats are going to try and take the fish and the cats don't like me they they don't like me for some reason i don't know why i'm a perfectly likeable reasonable guy but the cats seem to like you so maybe if you hang around the fish tank the cats will pay more attention to you rather than the fish and then we can destroy them no let's not destroy them i'm sure they just want to look at the fish oh i could tell them awesome fish facts like did you know a catfish has over 27 taste buds what what what what what is a pack fish you want to hear more no no i we got important things to do look i got to protect my salmon and i got to make sure the cats don't eat them did you know that salmon baby salmon are called fries oh oh my gosh um oh okay you know what sure tell me more about these fish that we are watching and protecting okay yeah also sea horses are the only fish that can swim upright all right that uh good job i'm gonna go uh keep an eye out for them i got some i guess are you sure i got lots more facts to tell you if you want no uh sure hang on to them tell me later just watch the fish okay baby kitten we've got this you got this okay uh all we gotta do is just distract kim okay kim's easy distraction fishies yeah i look pretty happy in there oh oh geez hi kitties how are you doing hey so i'm supposed to watch these fish and you can't eat them okay but i can give you some treats and i could tell you some awesome fish facts would you like to hear some fish facts little kitties sure i'll you listen to her and i'll combine your okay okay here's some stuff um did you know that sharks said the only fish with eyelids no i did not know that it was pretty cool right that's so interesting what do i hear the dis do i hear fish facts in the distance also fish they're covered in scales and they got a layer of slime on them that helps them move through the water that's how they slip so fast crazy wait am i hearing fish facts yeah lots of fish facts oh do you want to hear some fish yeah absolutely i love fish facts oh i got tons of them yeah did you know that jellyfish have no hearts or brains they're basically considered immortal they're like zombies but wait wait wait so there are zombie jellies out there that are just like in the night just snowing what hey what's going on him is everything going okay sure oh don't come in though okay hang on i better come back tim what happened here [Applause] [Music] okay so a really important skill that you should learn is how to grab some fish okay all right and normally you could do it in your human form if you wanted to you could fish but you know what that that takes forever you can just grab all these fish here i'm gonna show you how to do it like a cat all right i'm sure how to do it like a cat so all you gotta do is just jump in right you jump in and yeah yeah see and yo i know you're scared of water so don't worry we'll just huh what the hey give me back my kitten all right okay um now you're my pet cat you have everything you need uh you know you got toys you got water you got sunlight that that's how it works right anyway what what was that what are you doing hey causing a mess perfect [Music] oh please that ryan just get this cat out of here come on let's get out of here you're trying to get this cat out of here by trapping inside your house no come on let's go let's go this way listen follow me follow me we gotta get out of here it's okay that seems like a pretty bad idea sir cats escaped but i have one more plan okay are you okay kitty oh okay okay okay that's fine it's fine it's fine don't worry dory oh i know he's gonna try to trap us again but you know what i'm gonna make sure i'm gonna make sure that he you know what i'm gonna get revenge on him for taking you that's right come on let's go follow him let's find out what he is oh look there's a fit hmm hey hey don't fall for that don't fall for that all right i have a bad feeling about this you know what you stay right here i'm gonna fall for it okay let's see what's going on with this [Music] oh oh no it worked i'm going to make them look bad oh you fell for my trap oh that's too bad and now you're going to stop taking my fish i have had it and um let's see what else i had with the smoke bombs okay no more no more smoke bombs oh okay meow meow meow what are you meowing about you're stuck down there in the lava and you'll never take my fish again we're here what's going on [Applause] look look what he had did kim yes i finally defeated the cat so they will stop taking my fish why see is that you threw a cat into a lava pit dude yeah i'm trying to break them alive results that dude that's how it works wait what yeah no i think uh i think there's only one solution to this sir uh enjoy delicious yeah i think that is i think that pretty much solves it don't worry kitties you're safe now yeah yep we took the bad bad away that's more treats yeah treats for the kitties this is why i'm a dog person
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 11,527,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: go7Xp8aq5jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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