5 Awesome Ways To Use The Sampler Track in Cubase #cubase #samplertrack

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome back what if i told you that this sound this synth sound that you just heard was not done using a synth but was done using one single sample from sampler track and what if i also told you that with the same sample you can do stuff like this and it all started with this sample hello everyone and welcome back i hope you're doing well dom here and on this video i'm going to talk about one of my favorite features in cubase and that's the sampler track so in this video i'm going to show you five ways that you can use the sampler track on your everyday production needs but also very creatively intros so sample track if you're using cubase after sampler truck was introduced i can't remember what version it was exactly and you're not using sampler track shame on you just kidding it's actually a really really cool feature and today i'm going to show you the ways that i use it and i'm going to show you five different ways that you can use a sampler track and to be honest with you i'm trying to make it short you know i could give you more than 10 reasons why you can use a sampler track for many different things but i'm going to try and streamline this so reason number one one hit drum samples when supply track was introduced i was so happy because i was waiting for this feature for a long time i wanted to have a way to basically audition all my samples and immediately have an instrument out of them so i mean i'm going to show you how i use this feature i'm going to go to my media bag which is my favorite way of finding samples if you're not using the media bay shame on you no again joking but it's a very very cool way to find samples so for example if i go to loops and samples and let's go and look for the bouncy vibrations right i mean this is a very nice library it has some midi loops as well but i'm going to go for samples so let's say i'm going to browse for this okay so let's say okay let's say i like this kick drum in the old days i would have to bring the sample into another instrument and uh import it make sure that everything is right and it would take me a while until i was ready to you know put down a for to the floor drum loop but with a sampler track this is so so simple i can just go here right click and say create sampler track and immediately i can play this and in different pitches as well and i can immediately start creating drum grooves i can go here create an event like this and i just add my notes in there you know one two three four done maybe i want to add a clap very easily i can go here find a clap done just right click create sampler track boom now i have my clap there i can start recording [Music] and i'm done i am creating drum grooves so so quickly in seconds you can come up with grooves very easily and the most important thing is that you can use your existing sounds your existing samples very very easily and very creatively and of course you can do all sorts of things here you can change the pitch you can add filters you can add envelopes all these things i'm gonna show you quite a few of these things in a second now reason number two you can extract elements from loops and this is a huge one because i'm pretty sure that most of us have tons of loops just sitting on our hard drives and we don't take advantage of them because sometimes a loop doesn't really fit with your song you know it doesn't really work straight away but it might have an amazing kick an amazing snare a really cool hi-hat and nice sample in there so i've dropped a loop from media base you'll have this loop and this is a loop from the hip-hop vault okay so it sounds like this [Music] so i like the kick drum i love the snare maybe i don't like the groove maybe i want to use this snare in a rock track not in a hip-hop track okay it's very easy i actually have a shortcut for this which is shift y when i do this cubase immediately creates a sampler track for me from this specific audio event but if you want to do it the slow way i would suggest that you use a shortcut you can basically bring up your lower zone like this and then you can just drag and drop your sample in there and immediately you can start playing it okay but if you want to isolate a specific sample it's dead easy it couldn't be easier let's say i want to isolate this snare i can go here and let's find it that's great and then trim the end great go like this fade out it's all built in you don't need to do anything you don't need to edit the sample beforehand and i can even play it on different pitches i can even add pitch envelopes now which is huge for drums you know i can go like this and say okay i want a little bit of attack at the very beginning this is actually a good occasion to show you the pitch envelope it's right here if you want to access the envelopes you go like this you click on this icon that shows an envelope kind of graphic and then you can edit the envelope but don't forget for all the envelopes the amount is here if you don't tweak this so you can add a little bit of amount either positive or negative values then the envelope won't do anything just letting you know because you might miss this so i added a little bit of attack there or i can go back okay and just select maybe this kick drum maybe i want to get this kick drum and i can add like a little bit of again i can go for my pitch envelope [Music] so it's it's really really powerful but the most important thing is that you can extract elements from every loop that you have in your library and of course then you can make them completely your own which kind of in my opinion it takes a little bit away of the guilt when you're using loops you know i mean there's no guilt really i mean it's fine but you know sometimes if you use a loop exactly the way it is it's kind of you know that at some point somebody else might use this exact same loop now reason number three is vocal chops i'm not gonna go too deep about this because i've already done an in-depth video on how to create super cool vocal chops and vocal effects with a sampler track i'm going to link it right here so very quickly what i'm going to do i have a vocal here just for tonight i'm going to use my shortcut sy and immediately i have my sample let's pick a point and what i like to do with vocals if you check the other video you will know exactly how to do all these things i like to remove the release [Music] and of course after this you can automate the starting point or you can even reverse which is really cool you can create some really cool effects like this as i said if you want to know more about the vocal chops just watch the other video but let's move on to the next reason so reason number four is creative sound design with samples what i showed you at the beginning was a guitar sample and it was this one okay a simple guitar sound that i dropped into a sampler track and i did quite a few things i added some filter envelopes added a pitch envelope i reversed it and i came up with this [Music] and of course i can change the start of the sample so this was all done using this simple acoustic guitar sample but i want to show you another example now i have this cello here from the cello01 library and it sounds like this okay it's a real cello it sounds really nice now let's drop it into a sampler track sy and immediately [Music] now of course if you want if you're working with solo instruments it's a good idea to turn on audio warp so that all your keys play in the exact same length and you don't get this really weird kind of format shifts that happen when you use samplers right so let's go for solo [Music] i'm going to remove a little bit of the release here [Music] so let's say i want to trim my sample and go right here and now i can even activate a loop when you're working with instruments i would totally suggest that you turn on snap to zero crossing so that you don't get any clicks and pops so let's do this and let's activate loop i'm gonna go for alternate and now we can create loop points see so now i can say i want my loop to start from here and it may be right here so see like that and by tweaking it you can find the perfect point where you get a nice loop and also if you want to help yourself you can also create a crossfade at the loop point check it out and keep tweaking it i mean this is something that you can perfect and it depends on the sample but basically now i can say i want to add a filter to this maybe just use a cutoff like that and maybe i want to have like a [Music] or i can use the formant creatively [Music] you know maybe slap a nice river let's go for revelation [Music] [Applause] me [Music] so i mean this was just a very simple sample basically you're using the sampler track in its most basic form as a sampler and the same thing i did for this guitar for example this guitar sound you know i went sy and then i added a filter and i went to the envelope just activate it like this and then [Music] and immediately you turn it into a sin gonna add a reverb [Music] i mean could you tell that this sound came from a very boring guitar sample like literally you can get a cheap guitar record this with a microphone and you can come up with the sound that's completely unique and it's dynamic the harder i hit the keys i get a filter that opens more check it out [Music] and maybe i want to go and add a bit reduction and just like that we created a very modern uh distorted brass sound let's check it out and let's move on now to reason number five which is taking midi performances virtual instrument performances and turning them into samples so let me show you for example i have this part right here which is an ep midi performance from vibrant okay and let's say you want to create a house track let's say you want to create a lo-fi truck let's say you want to create a hip-hop track right of course if i play on this instrument [Music] [Laughter] okay it sounds beautiful but it it has this element of live performance you know funnily enough live performance it feels like somebody played it it doesn't sound like a sample for some genres of music it really makes a difference if you chop these things and use them as samples so let me show you how you can do this with a sampler track i'm going to bring it up okay i'm going to have an empty sampler track control window and of course it's here by the way next to the mix console summer control it's right here now what you can do and i'm not sure how many people know about this you can take this midi event okay it's not audio it's not a sample grab this midi event drop this into the sampler track and check this out now we have the midi performance as a sample into the sampler track and i can play it okay and immediately what i would do would be to remove the release on the amp envelope now we can go back and it's a very different sound when you go like this you know it feels like a sample and it takes you into a different mentality when you listen to it it's a different thing if a pianist plays on the keys and a different thing if you use samples like that so you know you can use a pitch bend [Music] and you can create riffs very easily out of chords which is not very practical if you try to play it even if you are a keyboard player now if you're not a keyboard player that's extremely cool because you can take really complex scores like this drop them into the sampler track and trigger them using your keyboard you know and you can create riffs that are really groovy they have character and you know you can use the pitch envelope as well in this case you know you can go like this add quite a bit of you know do some crazy stuff or you can have like pitch ups [Music] it gives you a vibe it gives you a sound right now all you need to do after this is add like a vinyl effect on top and you're good i mean i'll i'll show you one plug that i use uh quite a lot it's the vps vinylizer it's this one right here i like this plugin it's from um kelworth audio and i like you know kind of adding and you know now that i'm thinking about i'm going to open the release and i'm going to go for my pitch and for the release i'm going to go like that check that out [Music] you know and i mean again that's too much noise man too much noise don't overdo it you know [Music] you know and this all came from a midi performance right so if you play one chord you know you you like a sound you have a vst plugin that you really love the sound of it and you want to manipulate it like this you know just use the media that you have drop it into the sample track with the performance that you have already used and try and manipulate it make it personal make it really really cool so many options i'm just scratching the surface here so there you go guys these were five ways that you can use the sampler track creatively and these are the five ways that i use the most did you know any of this let me know in the comments down below i'd really like to know your thoughts i hope you found this video useful i hope you found it entertaining i hope you learned something and if you did give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already and maybe you can share this with a cubase user that is not using the sampler track shame anyway have fun guys i'll see you in the next one take care bye
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 67,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cubase sampler track, sampler track, cubase sampler track tutorial, steinberg, cubase, dom sigalas, cubase advanced tutorial, music production, sound design, making beats, how to make beats in cubase, how to load samples in cubase, how to use sampler track, sampler track legato, sampler track tutorial, cubase tutorial, cubase 10.5 tutorial, cubase vs logic pro x, cubase vs ableton, cubase 10 tutorial, cubase 10.5, dom sigalas cubase 10.5, cubase stock plugins
Id: kh9sxdaH_3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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