Create MASSIVE 808 Sub Bass Glides with Sampler Track 2! #cubase #samplertrack #808subbass #cubase11

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listen to that hello everyone welcome back dom here and it's time today i'm going to tackle a subject that many of you have been asking me about and this is how to create killer 808 sub bass lines in cubase from pretty much any 808 kick drum or any other kick drum for that matter and i'm going to show you how to do it super easily with fluid glides and everything coming up okay so i wanted to make this video a long time ago but then cubase 11 dropped and everything changed like seriously cubase 11 changed the entire video that i was planning to make about creating 808 sub bass lines okay so let me show you because this is where the new sampler track shines the new sampler track that we have inside cubase 11. so let's get started i don't want to talk too much i want to create some sub bass lines today so let's go ahead and take a sample i have this trop 808 loop here let's listen to it so quite a few notes as you can hear so this one we can turn into an 808 sub bass line now before i do this i want to show you the basics of the new sampler track okay and to show you this i'm going to take a base note and i'm going to use one of the samples from the knight call library that we have in cubase 11 okay i'm going to take this one it's a nice and long it could be a moog this one it sounds like a moog but that's not the point let's create a base out of this okay this is not an 808 bass line but i want to show you the basics first so that you can understand how we're going to create all those 808 bass lines so what i'm going to do is i'm going to right click and say create sampler track okay very very easily and boom now we have our sampler track right here and now i can immediately start playing this on my keyboard okay that's great we could do this before with the sampler track but there are a few things on this new version of cubase 11 that allow you to create even better sounds even better bass lines with any sample and actually instruments out of any sample so this is good but you see that every time i hit a note you know it retriggers the note and this kind of gives it away that i'm using a sample a real synthesizer wouldn't do that a real synthesizer would keep going if i had a legato patch okay and it wouldn't sound exactly like that even if i didn't have legato on so how can we remedy this it's two clicks away actually and let me show you how you do this you just activate monophonic mode here okay that's number one that helps a lot but we're not quite there yet the next thing you need to do is click on this button here this legato mode and this is a massive massive thing with sampler track the new version supply track 2. this allows you to not retrigger the sample when you're playing legato let's try this so if i don't play legato i'm going to retrigger the sample of course but if i play legar now this is great and you can actually create the glides here as well okay so i can just turn up glide okay this gives you an idea of how you can use the sampler track creatively and i'm probably going to do more videos on this amplitube because i think it's really really powerful now now that we have the basics down let me show you how you can start creating 808 bass lines okay so let's close this for now and i'm going to go to this loop here as you can see this doesn't just contain one node it's an entire loop let's create a sample track out of this my shortcut i've talked about this in the past is shift y and when i do this i create a sampler track if you don't have a shortcut just drop the sample into this lower zone here okay and it will do exactly the same thing but shortcuts help so here we go this is the sampler track now that we created out of this loop it's exactly the same let's play it okay now what we can do is i can actually go ahead and maybe find a note that i'm more interested in let's see this is a little bit of a lower note i like this one okay so let's go here and let's trim this i'm go i'm only interested in this note okay and let's hit this new trim sample icon here and there we go now we have a nice and neat sample good okay what can we do next the next thing that i can do is i can go ahead and turn this into mono like we did before okay nice and then we can activate legato mode let's try this one now great now most kick drums or sub basses you know they will be a little bit short so even if you keep playing you know the sample at some point will run out and you will have to stop but with a sample track we have an option to loop a section of the sample so the only thing we need to do is to find a nice loop point in order to make this sample last for infinity for as long as we keep the key press okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to activate a loop a continuous loop and it might be a good idea to turn on your snap to zero crossing so that you can avoid clicks and pops when you create your loop so let's do this and now check this out now i can start creating my loop okay so i can go here grab the end and find a suitable spot where see there we go see now they match see now they're out of phase so this will cause a click let's listen to it which is not great we can remedy this of course if you cannot find an absolutely perfect loop point but in this case i can just go like this and go closer and closer there we go now i have a perfect loop now in case you have clicks with your samples you can try and help this with a loop crossfade here okay see this helps a lot but i would suggest that you spend a little bit of time and find the perfect loop that's nice and now as you can hear i have an infinite 808 baseline let's add some glide as well now there are two types of glide that you can have you can have the normal glide and you can also have finger glide now the finger glide is what i tend to use most of the time because the normal one let's let me show you the difference if i play a note right here even if i don't play legato it remembers the note that i played before and it creates the glide now sometimes you might want this but sometimes i'd like to have a little bit more control so when i play disconnected notes it won't do the glide okay so now i have finger glide and now the other thing that i can do is i can add a little bit of presence a little bit of grit to that sound how can i do this now with the new sampler track i'd like to go ahead and explore the vintage mode so if i click on this i get this kind of vintage drum machine kind of sound which is really really nice i really really like this sound and the next thing i can do is i can activate a filter and now i can add some drive now another very cool trick that you can do if you have a sound like this this is really nice but maybe you want to have a little bit more attack to this so as you can see this doesn't have a lot of transient it's very very short and it's not very defined it has a nice low end so how can we create this attack there's a very cool trick that you can do inside the sampler track that will allow you to do this so all you need to do is go to your pitch envelope go to your modulation here and now all you need to do is go ahead and add a nice sharp rise in the pitch envelope at the very beginning so that we can create the transient okay the attack so let's go here and i'm going to go like this and nothing happens why go and check out my other video on the sampler track but very quickly let me show you it's because we haven't added any envelope amount okay so let's go here hear that attack now now this is a very very dark sub bass line if we want to enhance this we have quite a few options inside cubase 11. i would go straight away for the squasher and that's because this can add a lot of character to the sound so what i tend to do is i go to my squasher and just open the attack a little bit listen to that drive yes nice okay so squasher can really add a little bit of thump where not a little bit quite a bit of thump to your sub bases now the other plugin that i love using is destroyer okay this is really nice if you want to add a little bit of presence to your sub bases let's try it out oh yeah maybe let's turn down the glide a little bit and another trick that i would always try and do with the sub basses is go to my sampler track and set my pitch bend range to 12 because then i can do these things now if you want your sub bass to sound like a long 808 kick all you need to do is literally go to your amp and then just go a little bit like this let me show you go like this and then open the release quite a bit like this and it doesn't matter that the sample is not long enough because what happens is this loop mode it keeps playing while the release goes on yet let's make the glide long now now a very important thing when you're creating bass lines is of course to make sure that you have the correct pitch so that you play the correct key on your keyboard so most of the times the samples will give you the key you can also try vary audio if you want to find the key of the sample straight away but a very easy way to figure it out is i mean this doesn't sound like a c to me it sounds more like a it sounds more like an f-sharp let's go here and i'm going to add the tuner that we have inside cubase there we go so now let's try and play a c so yeah it's it's f sharp it's it's even flat so now what i can do is i can start transposing let's go here and transpose there we go it's not quite there yet because it's not in the center it's not c yet so let's go and fine tune it i think we're there now i can play the correct notes on the keyboard as well most of the times you won't have to do this but just showing you all the tricks right okay so we talked about how to drop the sample in the sampler track how to make it mono how to make it legato how to add a pitch envelope how to add a long release to make this you know long lasting bass lines how to add a little bit of grid the processing destroyer squasher all these things contribute to an amazing sub bass sound so now i'm going to show you how you can do the same thing with a simple kick drum you know very very straightforward so this is the sampler track that i created and it sounds like this and this is a short 808 kick drum and as you can see i have the loop here and you can see that i've used the cross fades so that you know i can get a little bit off a smooth legato and then if i add some oh yeah let's add the destroyer here you know what let's add the squasher why not it is almost is really rubbery like a bone like a huge kind of rubber and this started from this sample okay you can do it with any kick drum that has a little bit of low end you know you just need a little bit of a low end and another thing that is important is that you choose when you choose your loop point make sure that there's no fluctuation in pitch okay that's very important don't choose a point where you have a let's see if i go here see this has a little bit of you know a little bit of arc there with the pitch you don't want to use that point where the pitch is not steady try and find a place where the pitch has stabilized okay that's a very important tip so okay so i like this okay now let's play something so there you go guys this is how you can create proper 808 sub bass lines inside cubase 11 because if you don't have this legato thing it's not exactly the same it's not quite right so now we can do this properly and the best way possible inside cubase if you enjoyed this video and if you learned something you might want to consider subscribing to the channel and not only that please hit that bell notification icon because if you don't do that it's like you don't have legato mode on the sample track okay so hit the like button guys you know what to do let's spread the love let's share how many amazing things you can do in cubase until next time guys have fun and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 18,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 808 bass drop, 808 bass drop sound effect, 808 slide, 808 sub bass, create 808 glides in cubase, create 808 sub bass glides in cubase, create 808 sub bass in cubase, create 808 sub basses with cubase sampler track, cubase 11, cubase 11 pro, cubase 11 sampler track, cubase 11 sampler track tutorial, cubase 11 tutorial, cubase 808, cubase 808 glide, cubase tutorial, dom sigalas
Id: Qjgjvd2JaSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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