5 A.I. SaaS Ideas To Launch In 2024

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if you thought the AI hype was about to die out you'd be very wrong open AI released fine-tuning new AI models and apparently a c star algorithm that can do some extremely Wild Things mid journey is constantly improving YouTube now allows you to chat directly with the YouTube video Google rolled out some massive improvements to B and AI is still even after a year all around us all the time last year around this time I published a YouTube video with seven AI SAS ideas you can start in 2023 and in this video I'll follow up with another five ideas you can start in 2024 though worth keeping in mind that a whole lot of things changed in the last year which is why some of these ideas might appear a bit different perhaps even a bit controversial but stay with me here and let's get started the first idea is an AI based tool to help you improve your marketing site imagine a tool that would dissect your website not just mechanically but with an artistic and strategic eye this tool will do more than just the basic Tech technical audit it would narrow in on the essence of what makes a website resonate with its target audience imagine this tool scanning your website's copy it's not just looking for errors but analyzing the effectiveness of your words it will suggest changes to make your messaging more compelling and relatable to your audience the tool would also review your s's layout and images it would help you ensure they're not just attractive but strategically placed for Maximum Impact think of it as having an AI power designer suggesting layout tweaks and image adjustments that are proven to grab attention and guide visitors to take action I imagine a simple interface where you provide a link to your current website and give the tool a bit of insight into your market and your target audience then hit analyze and get a full report with actionable recommendations to refine and improve your site you could use a combination of GPT 4 Del and vision to analyze a website and generate a report we already have a lot of tools that will do a technical analysis of your website with SEO as the main objective I but I haven't found a tool like this that would strictly focus on the experiments of the human and the psychology of sales and conversions let's move on to idea number two this one is building on top of the first idea but taking a radical step further an AI driven AB testing tool hear me out here this isn't just about split testing AI generator suggestions it's about implementing them and scientifically testing their effectiveness here's how it would work once the tool has analyzed and generated suggestions for improvements the ab Tes would spring into action it would automatically update your website and apply the changes and then it would set up a split test this means that your website would simultaneously present the original version and the modified version to different segments of your audience the beauty of this tool lies in its autonomous and continuous learning it would meticulously analyze user interactions on both versions of your site if the new changes lead to better engagement or higher conversions the tool would automatically Implement them across the board but it doesn't stop there it's a cycle of Perpetual improvements after deploying successful changes the tool would start the process all over again constantly searching for new areas to optimize and test it's like having a tireless AI marketer continuously experimenting and refining your website to Peak Performance this tool could use Technologies like Del or mid journey to produce new images and graphics and GPT 4 to produce new copy and at the same time work just like a no code website builder that's able to build and deploy a static website given a set of instructions and API calls of course the level of automation could be configurable you might want to generate a preview link of each new version and then have the user approve before starting a new split test though I really think this would be an awesome tool if you're already building or considering building a no code website builder maybe you should look into adding this part to stand out oh and this video is sponsored by eight base an AI powered support ecosystem built to give your users an outstanding customer experience on autopilot it's a new AI sayas my team and I recently launched and if you're running a small business and struggling to keep up with customer support you should pay attention now having live chat on your website or in your app is tricky cuz once it's there users tend to use it and the problem is if you're not responding within 30 to 60 second or at least within 5 minutes it's such a poor experience for the user that you're better off removing the live chat alt together eight base is here to solve that you can create a chat about in minutes and start training it on your own data right away add your landing page your blog posts medium articles or any other public website add any public YouTube videos upload documents such as PDF and of course create a custom knowledge base as an FAQ using 8 Bas Rich editor then add the chat bot to your website or app and have it answer all your users questions we offer a completely free plan to get you started and you can even bring your own open AI key to bypass some of the limitations of the free plan I've put a link in the description below check it out and get started with eight Bas today all right the next idea in our AI say lineup is a smart efficient solution to task that I think pretty much everyone hates booking we need an AI based accounting plugin this isn't another piece of accounting software it's a Plugin or a Chrome extension that integrates with your existing accounting tools and adds the power of AI picture this the plugin scans your invoices receipts and financial statements and using AI it categorizes and organizes the data in a way that aligns with accounting best practices now I'm currently using tools like aim. which is fantastic for automating web-based tasks but imagine something more specialized tailored specifically for accounting you would probably imagine these features being added to some of the existing accounting software in the near future but honestly for some reason these types of software tends to be slow at innovating and touching new tech so I actually don't think we're going to have something like that in most accounting software in any foreseeable future and I think a Chrome extension for this would be a super helpful micro SAS I'd buy it which brings me to the next idea an AI based file manager imagine this you select an entire desktop or a Google drive or a Dropbox or similar and you drop the whole thing into this tool and it will go through all folders all subfolders and all files look at the file names the dates the type of file the name of the folders and so on and so on and organize it in the most intuitive way can it will tidy up years of accumulated mess on your computer in a few seconds now I'm actually quite organized so I go through this painful process manually fairly often and yet I still end up with a hard drive mess really fast and I know some people who barely get work done because of this I imagine tool with a simple drag and drop interface or if it's a Google drive it could be a Chrome extension it should be able to organize based on best judgment but it should also optionally take a few instructions in case you have specific preferences now imagine bringing this to your notion dashboard your emails or other places where things tend to get out of hand I think this would be a super nice solution to a small but frequent and rather painful problem okay this last idea is a bit more Technical and Niche but hear me out a fine-tuning studio for synthetic data you've probably already heard all the talk about open Ai and qar one of the things it was speculated to do well was creating synthetic training data for the next generation of AI models in fact Microsoft already published research on this and I don't think there's any doubt this is going to be the future of AI one AI generating synthetic data to train the next Ai and as it turns out the same principle is already super useful when you're fine-tuning the existing models from open AI the idea itself is pretty straightforward you manually craft some data or pull it from the resources you have access to and then you use AI to generate new data with similar properties and similar patterns now you use that data to fine-tune a new AI model we did this while training the AI chat assistant for feed hve and creating the fine-tuned models for eight base and it works surprisingly well the only problem is that the process of generating it can be rather tedious and require a lot of scripting back and forth to align the format of data and the right type so here's the idea create assess that helps you prefabricate small samples of training data in a desired format allow the user to configure how varied the data should be how much it should be allowed to deviate and how outliers in the data set should look like and so on and then use gp4 to expand the data set based on the sample data and the requirements perhaps include features like anomaly detection validation and other use use ful tools open AI recently created a nice UI for fineing their model so of course be aware that something like this might be added by open AI itself however given how long it took them to add that simple UI we have now I don't think this is where their focus is at so in my opinion there's an obvious opportunity here and I would definitely subscribe to a tool like this now once you've created and launched any of these SAS ideas the real challeng is begin you need to get users on board and this is surprisingly hard which is why have created the perfect road mapap to get the first 100 users the first thousand users and Beyond I would highly recommend watching that one next remember to check out eight base and if you got value from this video remember to give it a like And subscribe to my channel for more content like this I will see you soon for another video
Channel: Simon Høiberg
Views: 49,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SaaS, SaaS Ideas, AI, OpenAI, Business, ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, Q*, Business Ideas, AI SaaS Ideas, Startup Ideas, AI Startup Ideas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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