Getting Rich With SaaS In 1 Year To Prove It’s Not Luck (Week 1)

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welcome to my challenge of trying to get rich in one year with businessto business software that's right I'm going to challenge myself to once per week posting a video update of myself starting launching and growing a businessto business software to hopefully mid6 to a s figure run rate and the best part is I'm going to be doing it by following all of my own advice that I've already posted here on YouTube to prove to you that not only I can do it that you can do it again by following the exact strategies that I post here on YouTube so without further Ado let's kick off this challenge so the first thing that I need is I need to come up with a software idea and every single time I'm looking to start a new software this is kind of like checklist that I run the idea through to see if I think it's good or not so I want to see one is there competition so believe it or not I actually want there to be competition if I see there's people making money with it then I figure I can make money with it too okay two what is the total addressable Market or the Tam I want something that has a big total addressable Market because that means the idea has bigger potential size size and can lead to a possible bigger exit I'm at a point where I don't have interest in starting you know a software company the small Tam where maybe I can only get it to $10,000 a month because that just won't be worth it for me anymore okay next does it make a business more money or save them time right deally can it do both next thing I want is can I charge over $50 a month the more the better here the more I'm able to charge the easier it is for me to build a commission only sales team which is what I'm really good at from my last company kify and lastly how sticky is it or how Recession Proof is it meaning once a business owner signs up it's an integral part of running their business and so if it Mak some more money like we said earlier they're not going to churn or they're not going to cancel their sub subscription because my software is an integral part of running their business so this is the checklist that I run all my ideas through and if it checks every single box then in my opinion it's a really good idea and so let's start looking for ideas and one of my favorite places to look for ideas is to go on acquire. comom and to look for software companies there that are over $100,000 a year and growing so let me go scour through acquire and see what we can find all right so we are we are inside of acquire. comom we're going to type SAS we're going to go to and apply that highlights uh more filters and um we want minimum R Revenue to be I like to do 100,000 we do sure Max at a million I think is fine and apply so I'm just going to look through some of these and basically what I'm looking for is kind of just something that sticks out to me I want something that I'm familiar with the space and so that way I have some understanding of that Niche already I don't want to get into a software where I have no idea like you know for example Beauty AR SAS technology like that's just not a space that I know anything about so even though they've done you know 660k profit the last trailing 12 months which is amazing um it's just not a space that I'm familiar with so I'm looking for something that I'm familiar with and that stands out to me so writing software they negative on profit software solution that integrates data ideally if I could find something related to sales teams because I've done a lot in that space between closy trackify I've done a lot of Consulting in that space so I really want something that can um help business owners with their sales teams because they pay a lot of money for sales enablement for tools that enable their sales team client portal integrated CRM e signature project management it's interesting but it's not exactly what I'm looking for and I also want something that's uh going to be simple to build an MVP I don't want something that's going to be like a millon million bells and whistles from the beginning that I'm going to have to have crazy development timeline on I want something that I can build and have an MVP ready pretty quickly self-service no code platform that turns online stores into multivendor marketplaces no profit I want something that's going to be lean not finding something on a choire at the moment that I'm that I'm interested in so I struck out on a choir which is where I usually do find a lot of ideas and there were some cool ideas for sure but not anything that stuck out to me and I was like I could grow this really quickly I know a lot about this space and so I started think back to when I was running kify and all the tools that I was using and kind of like I said I like tools that my sales team used so I think I was thinking to all the tools that my sales team was using we really loved our cold email software that we were using like it was great I had no gripes with it our LinkedIn software we really liked as well um for you know automated Outreach that I've made a video on on my channel and then I realized that we hated the software that we used for our cold calling team and I'm not going to name it because I don't want to bash any company publicly but we did not like it and we had a lot of problems with it and a lot of things that you know we could build solutions to and so then it hit me I need to build a power dialer that is going to enable cold calling teams to dial faster and it checks all of my boxes because you can charge over $50 a month per sales rep that uses it so if you find a business with you know five cold colors even it could be a $500 a month plus contract so can charge over $50 a month it's sticky if a business owner is making cold calls and it's working for them they're never going to cancel their subscription unless your software literally stops working there's quite a few competitors that are doing really well in the space and the total addressable Market is huge it is anyone that has a sales team really and so I realized that this is the software that I need to build so I think I found my idea but now I'm going to take a few extra steps to validate it so now let's talk about validating the idea I'm going to do two different things here to to validate it I'm going to one just hit up a lot of my friends that are in the space and I'm going to talk to them and you know they're just easy people I can reach out to get feedback would you use this what do it need etc etc those are people that I know and I can just easily reach out to I want to prove it to myself even more that it's validated so I'm going to build an early bird weight list page and I'm going to try to get completely cold traffic to sign up to my weight list page as well to further validate this idea so as I'm starting to fire off text to my friends I'm going to also begin to build my early bird weight list Page live in front of you guys to show show you how I do it all right so I'm going to pop into HubSpot to build a form to build a weight list page uh can I get coffee oh yeah thank you cool headphones that's definitely backwards okay now we got our coffee we got our uh our headphones we're going to lock in we're going to quickly crank out this uh early bird site on HubSpot so I'm going to lock in for the next little bit and I'll catch you guys when I'm [Music] done a good early bird weight list page does three things one it calls out your ideal client profile two it says the main benefits of the software that you're building and three it gives them the reason of why they should join the early bird weight list page whether it's an extra bonus it's a discount on the launch Etc okay so as you can see I went into HubSpot and then I went to marketing and then I went to a landing pages and I'm basically creating this super simple one where as you can see agency owners calling out my ideal client profile discover how to implement parallel calling in your cold calling team to 2x daily connection rate using a power dialer with parallel calling capabilities will drastically improve your cold caller efficiency join the weight list for our power dialer and I'll send you a full guide on building a cold calling team and then literally just a form to submit their email so now we're going to go ahead and create the automation for this because when they submit their email we're going to have to send them the guide and then on top of that we're going to want to put them into like a little bit of a nurture sequence that way they get an email from me every couple of days up until the launch that way we stay top mind so these are going to be videos um kind of or emails sorry talking about like the founder Story how this came through fruition their frequently asked questions tease some features things of this nature and then we're also going to implement a chatbot so that way uh we can collect feedback 24/7 as well so if we go to actions create a new contact from email address we do our thank you so we could redirect them to another page we can just say thank you for submitting the form check your email for the free cold calling guide cool and then form automation so now we have to make an email gu we have to go make that first create new email pre cold in guide subject [Music] line okay B hey and hey first name I'm going to add the link to the cool coin guide after PS keep your on your inbox going to send you few more emails and free goodies to help you up until our product launches thank you for the support Alex okay so we have to do a footer fresh okay so now we have the basic landing page with the form with the automated email that's going to send them the guide so now the last thing that we want to do is do the chat boot save so we've got our landing page here in draft now let's create a little chat flow which I actually already did create one but I'll do it again just to show you it's going to be on a website live chat okay we can build like a welcome message got any questions got any questions or feature suggestions for our power I can cool this is like a knowledge based search this is like if we um you know add articles and stuff assign conversations email capture ask visitors for their email address we'll do uh no one responds after a minute cool save that choose which page the W should appear on do like a little chat Avatar and [Music] stuff okay preview this cool so how we got to get the tracking code and then since we are on HubSpot it should already be installed on the landing page hello [Music] allberg okay so now we have our basic little early bird page and we have the email optin and then I just need to connect the chatbot and we are good to go and so guys if you want to check out hubspot's chatbot Builder I think it's really cool I think it's really good for customer support and for getting feedback if you're you know making an earli bird weight list page like I am um or even for sales in some point to get new leads in so if you guys want to check it out I will leave the link in the description for go check it out I recommend using it I basically run my business out of HubSpot at this point so links in the description to check this out and now let's jump back into the video all right so the early bird form is done and I also integrated the chatbot 24/7 to collect more insights from customers that might actually sign up and have questions insights concerns whatever it may be so now it is time to drive some traffic to this form I'm going to join a bunch of Facebook groups of agency owners people with B2B softwares that you know would need a power dialer if they have cold Callin teams and I'm going to make long value driven posts I'm going to do things like how to enable your sales team to make two times more dials by using a power dialer and I'm going to have them comment a keyword to get a guide and inside of that guide that I send them it is going to plug the early bird form so I'm going to try to send about 20 outbound DMS per day I might utilize a little bit of my content to try to push this text some of my buddies things like this nature but mainly just outbound I'm going to see how many people I can get to sign up to the Early Bird form and if you want to see how many people I get to sign up for this make sure you subscribe to my channel and come back for week number two of trying to get rich in a year with businesso business software I'll catch you guys in the next one all links in the description
Channel: Alex Heiden
Views: 101,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saas, saas business, saas startup, saas ideas, saas business ideas, no code saas ideas, saas startup ideas, saas company, saas no code, how to start a saas, saas marketing strategy, no code saas idea, successful saas, how to start a saas business, no code saas, b2b saas ideas, software as a service, how to start no code saas, b2b saas, b2b saas company, b2b saas marketing strategy, b2b saas marketing, b2b saas startup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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