How To Ethically Steal SaaS Ideas (My Strategy)

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what if I told you that most of the best software companies in the world are actually pirate that 99 of them didn't come from their own original idea that you can literally find a software that's already on the market and proven to be working add a little tweak to it make some changes Market it a different way change the pricing model and sell it as your own and end up potentially selling that software company for six or even seven figures this video is going to show you how you can ethically steal someone's software idea and make your own version of it and make a better product and bring more competition into a Marketplace so how do I like to get inspiration for some of the ideas I like to look on three different websites so the three different websites are and so I will go on these three websites and on a choir I will filter software companies that are making over two hundred thousand dollars a year so why over two hundred thousand dollars a year that shows me that they have some sort of product Market fit that what they are selling there is a need for that in the marketplace and it is a validated idea that I'm going to be able to replicate make a change and we're going to be able to get users because they have already proved it now when I go on product hunt I like to just go and look at the top products of the day see what's trending see if there's anything that catches my eye that I think is really interesting or maybe it fits my Niche or you know maybe I see a product I'm like wow this is really good from a tech perspective but maybe they're not doing the best job marketing it and so I think that I can Market it better and then on crunchbase it's probably the one that I use the least but it's interesting to see companies that have just raised money whether it's just a seed round or rather they just raise their series a and see what type of companies are raising money right now and where the Venture capitalists are putting their money so I will use one of these three websites to get inspiration and I'll find an idea and then once I find an idea so let's say for example it is a cold email sending tool that I find that I think is a cool idea I will then search G2 reviews of that Niche so and I'll find all the competitors in that space so for this one there is lemless there's mail Shake there's instantly and the reason that I'm using this example is because instantly is a great example of this so when you go to G2 and you search up one of these competitive matters of something that you found and you're going to look at what people don't like about it and you're going to see if you can find something that's recurring a recurring complaint whether it's about pricing whether it's about a feature or a feature that they want that they don't have yet you're going to try to look for a problem that people are having with this particular tool that you can go and solve and so let me give you an example of how instantly did this so well so the two leaders before instantly were male shake and limbless and basically they're cold email sending platforms and they used to charge you per inbox that you would connect to the sending tool and so if you had a ton of inboxes which is ideal if you want to send a lot of cold emails then that price adds up really really quickly and people were complaining that you know every single inbox you add it just gets way too expensive to use these tools so instantly saw that and they made their own cold email sending tool and all they did was they made this one little tweak at the start where they said hey it's 97 a month for unlimited inboxes and so making this one little change keep in mind so there's it's basically the same functionality at this point of these other senders but they just made this one chain change is one little pricing change and they stole so much market share and they went from zero to 12 million dollars a year in annual recurring Revenue in two years and they are probably worth over a hundred million dollars and they didn't have an original idea they didn't come up with the idea of a cold email sending platform they just were in that Niche they saw the ones that existed they saw the recurring complaints about the solutions that existed they made one little tweak and then they marketed that out so their big selling point was 97 a month for unlimited inboxes and so that is what we're trying to do here is we're looking for the recurring complaint that people have about a particular tool that we were searching and then we solved that recurring complaint in our version and then that's our unique selling point out to the marketplace so once we've identified this recurring complaint again whether it's a feature they want or you know it's a pricing issue they have then we need to actually go and start to build our own version right and keep in mind we have to do this ethically this is not you're not stealing their landing page word for word you're not copying they're using interface exactly I'm talking in a very broad term here of stealing someone's idea of like okay if we know cold email sending tools work we can build our own cold email sending tool do not go and rip someone's user interface or their landing page copy or anything of that nature I just mean the general idea of the business model and it's just the idea of do not reinvent the wheel find something that already works but again do not you know go try to sign up and take screenshots of their software and literally copy the exact thing that's a horrible look for you and it'll never end up well for you and I'm saying that because I've had so many people sign up to my old company closify and completely rip it off the user interface to copy everything it's not cool but so like I said once we've identified that we have to actually start building it ourselves so then we have two different routes we can either learn how to build it ourself or we can go and hire someone to build it for us so if we're building it ourself then we either need to choose an easy option if you're like me and build it on softer or you have to take the time to learn to build on Bubble or Live code and where then it's a little bit of steeper learning curve but you are never going to have to transition off of one of those platforms then and so if you're building on those platforms it might take you a few weeks to get your MVP up probably four to six weeks or if you pay someone to build it for you on Bubble or Live code it'll still probably take you four to six weeks but in the meantime while that's happening we're going to build a wait list of people that are wanting to subscribe to our software once it's ready now the other opportunity that we have here is we can find a software that again it's a valid business model but they're not doing the best job with marketing and identifying the trends that are happening how the business world is changing so to give you an example is there's no Tecmo anymore now really you know having spent twenty thousand dollars on development doesn't really mean anything you're still going to get copied and so now the moat is an owning distribution what I mean is by owning media assets that can grow your software company so it's like look at HubSpot why is HubSpot sponsoring YouTube creators and why is HubSpot buying podcasts and newsletters and things of that nature is because they want to own media they want to own distribution right it's very very smart of them so we want to do the same thing and that is why I'm building up my newsletter that is why I'm building up my Instagram that's why I'm building up my YouTube is because now I have software products that I own the distribution for and so other people in the space can't compete with me because I just have a much bigger distribution I own more eyeballs than them so if you're looking to pull something off like this and you want to take a shortcut and you want to have an experienced team of no code developers build your product and you want someone that's built a massive brand in a pretty short time frame to consult you on how to do the same and other go to market strategies for your software company book a call the Links in the description to work with me and my team it is for people that already have an idea and they already have some business experience this is not for beginners but if you want that shortcut and if you want to work with me personally it's the only way that you can right now and so again I do want to clarify before anyone comes at me for this video and says this is not ethical or whatever I really do not believe that original ideas exist anymore and the great examples if you've ever seen the movie The Social Network so Zuckerberg didn't come up with the idea for Facebook he actually stole it from the Winklevoss Twins and the thing is all they had was an idea and I know they did win a little bit of money in that lawsuit but ultimately Zuck was the one that executed and so Zuck was the one that made billions so unless you're spending millions of dollars on development there is no Tecmo and ideas are pretty worthless and execution truly is everything so this is one of the best methods for you to actually find profitable software companies to start without having to think of your own idea on yourself and just scratching your head all day and I honestly kind of regret telling you guys this method because it's a super overpowered way to find ideas that already work and then find exactly what you need to improve upon them to make an even better product and bring a better product to the market and actually provide massive value to a Marketplace so if you guys want more free game like this I drop free game every single day I email my list so it'll go directly in your inbox every single day for free I'll also put the link in the description so if you want emails from me the link is there I appreciate you guys watching as always and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Alex Heiden
Views: 39,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saas ideas, micro saas ideas, new saas ideas, saas ideas to make money, saas ideas 2023, get saas ideas, saas business ideas, saas business, no code saas ideas, saas idea, b2b saas ideas, finding saas ideas, no code saas, saas, micro saas, how to start a saas business, saas no code, how to start no code saas, saas company, how to start a saas, saas tutorial, saas creative ideas, saas marketing, software as a service, what is saas, no code, alex heiden, no code tools
Id: lVp7PROKvss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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