5-2-21 am The Essential Church pt.13 - The Dedicated Church - Dr Chris Haizlip

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revelation chapter number three you find your place you go ahead and stand if you would revelation chapter number three that's funny i was watching y'all stand i said you can go ahead and stay when you find it all the teenagers are standing nobody else is standing and that shows you how quick they get up compared to us amen revelation chapter number three i'm coming now to the sixth church out of the seven churches of the book of revelation this sixth church is known as philadelphia if you will study this church you'll find out it was not the largest matter of fact it was one of the smallest churches and yet this church was one that did not get a reprimand from the lord but had a great testimony and today with the help of god i want to preach a little bit on the church at philadelphia and last week we talked about a defiant church this week we preach on a dedicated church now next sunday we'll take a break from this to we i don't think laodicea is a good message for mother's day so next sunday morning i will not preach on laodicea it'll be the following week but next sunday we'll have mother's day service and no sunday night service so remember that revelation 3 verse number 7 and to the angel of the church in philadelphia write these things saith he that is holy he that is true he that hath the key of david he that openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man open it i know thy works you notice jesus lets every church know i know thy works behold i have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it for thou has a little strength and has kept my word and has not denied my name please notice from me the phrase a little strength this church is under attack this church is having a stand where no one else will stand and their strength is low what that means is as they're fighting the battle they're keeping their head up but the lord says we know it's taken a lot out of you verse 9 behold i will make them of the synagogue of satan we've heard about that before which say they are jews that are not but to lie behold i will make them to come and worship before thy feet to know that i have loved thee because thou has kept the word of my patience i will also keep thee from the hour of tribulation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth behold i come quickly hold that fast which thou has that no man may take thy crown him that overcomer without make a pillar in the temple of my god and he shall go no more out and i will write upon him the name of my god the name of the city of my god which is new jerusalem which cometh down out of my heaven from my god and i will write upon him my new name then verse 13. he that out of here let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches i want to preach on the dedicated church but i also want to preach and use this if i could today i believe that the church of philadelphia was the only church that i have dealt with so far that we could say was experiencing revival they were the only church that i preached at so far about so far that is experiencing revival and i believe with all my heart if there's anything needed in the local church it is revival we need a stir of god you go ahead and be seated this morning i was encouraged today i went out early morning for a bike ride just to get some exercise and clear my head a little bit i like to do that out by myself on sunday mornings and i was noticing a lot of traffic going to different churches and i could tell the traffic had picked up for when i ride early in the morning and how the churches were beginning to have services and folks were going and let me say i was very thankful for that i'm glad that people see the essential church i'm glad people realize that we need to get back in the house of god but i want to say this and we've been in here a long time i want to say this it's not just important to be in church but it's important to be in church amen it's not just important to physically be at the house of god it's not just important to be here but it's also important to be here it's important that we're here not only in body but we're here in spirit as well and we want god to do something in our midst amen i appreciate those that are stepping up brother brother parquet brother ryan helping with uh things tonight brother woolwich who has always stepped up and i appreciate all of those uh that are doing things why because we don't just need to show up and go home we need to get involved in the service and the work of god and we need revival all of us truly know we need revival in our heart we need that in this day and hour in which we're living listen i don't know what kind of rock america's on but i know what kind of rock the church is on amen it might be shaky under the america but it's not shaky when it comes to the church i'm glad that god's got a plan for his church and i'm glad one day jesus is coming to receive that church to himself as his bride and we're going to enjoy what a day that will be amen i want you to notice several things about the church at philadelphia and how they were experiencing revival brother clark you were like this i want to say first of all they were experiencing a evangelical revival now i'm not talking about evangelicals being people joining up in a group no i'm talking about an evangelizing revival they were experiencing an evangelical drive what they had an open door before them to reach the world with the gospel the bible tells us in revelation 3 8 i know thy works behold i have set before thee an open door no man can shut it do you know what he's saying to the church he's saying the devil would love to close the door the devil would love for us to use an excuse or we're afraid somebody might not like it if we knock on their door or somebody may not like it if we give them a gospel track or somebody may not like it if we share the lord with him but the bible says that the church of philadelphia had an open door to share the gospel hey can i say this you and i i'm glad right now the door's still open and if we're going to do anything for god we better get busy and we better be doing it and we better be sharing the gospel with people around the world and also even in our own jerusalem this afternoon at 5 30 you could come and listen and listen i hate that our preachers have to make comments like we're not asking you to commit today come listen i ain't the weave out to say that because it's a shame that we're scared of commitment for the cause of christ but we don't mind commitment to everything else and i want to say this to you today and i believe this i believe that church needs to be reaching out folk there are a lot of people listening i'm not going to get all of you saved every week i'm not going to be able to go on and brag about having one of you got saved again and again and again hey listen the church needs to reach out to the doors and bring people into the christ and give them the gospel and get them saved and not a bunch of emotionalism but things that last and stick and are solid so people can serve god in the side where we're living in amen experiencing an evangelical revival thank god for the church of philadelphia and how they had an open door this church was different this church was reaching out the bible even says even though they had that open door the bible said they were weak that doesn't mean they were weak in what they believed that don't mean they were weak in a lot of errors what it means is simply this they got tired there was a few of them probably doing a lot of the work it was a small church it was not as big as a sardis it was not as big as even hey laodicea was probably it's one of the greater churches how far is number wise but it was a church it was a church that was getting the work done for the cause of christ how many times we said oh boy i worked hard i'm tired this way i'm tired i worked hard in my job this week or i'm tired i worked hard at play this week when's the last time we said boy i've worked so hard at church i'm tired that's the church of philadelphia they were experiencing a evangelical revival they were sharing the gospel they were evangelizing they were telling people about christ and the sad thing about the last 13 months is people have died and went to hell while nobody has shared the gospel with them we've shared a mask we've shared hand sanitizer we've shared comments from the doctors but the church hasn't really been shining the gospel like it needs to be you can like that or not but it is the truth amen and i'm glad we have people with a burden like brother parquet that wants to reach out i'm glad we have people with a burden like brother scott it's got a burden to preach on the street corners of statesville and other places god's called you to preach and you're a preacher any opportunity you get a preacher to preach amen you ought to get involved experience an evangelical revival we have churches full of men so they're called to preach and they'll never do anything don't go soul winning don't work on buses don't help do nothing they just walk around say god call me to preach if god called you to preach get out there and do something for god amen you young guys say you call the preacher and go do something go give a gospel track out show the bible an evangelical revival an evangelical revival they were experiencing that second of all watch this they were experiencing an ecclesiastical revival what i mean by that they were experiencing the church revival they were experiencing revival where the church listen the bible says this church was unlike all the others the bible tells us this church was still dealing with the synagogue of satan now what was the synagogue of satan the synagogue of satan is when they were confusing judaism and christianity in the same thing if you were to go to some of those churches they would preach judaism and christianity as being the same thing listen friend i love the jews i believe it's god's chosen people but that don't mean they're right with god and that don't mean they know christ is savior matter of fact they're still looking for a messiah they are not even convinced that jesus even came christianity is not judaism christianity is the death and the burial and the resurrection of the lord jesus christ and we need to preach that everywhere we go amen thank god for a church that will stand against things that are wrong thank god for a church that will stand against the synagogue of satan the church did not confuse it they did not have a problem with standing for those things that were right when it come to the gospel and friend i want to say this today the gospel itself is not emotion the gospel itself is not something to be worked up the gospel itself is not something we can sing down or the best preacher can get the most folks saved the gospel's got enough power to do what it needs to do on its own it doesn't need me and it doesn't need you to change somebody's life our job is not to change anybody's life our job is not to do but one thing and that is share the gospel that already has the power to save from the guttermost to the animals those that call upon his name amen if you're different here today it's the gospel that made you different if you're saved today it's the gospel that made you different it wasn't religion i will always stand for the nation of israel i will always stand because god said to god let us know clearly the bloodline but i want you to understand today there will be people that believe in judaism that will not get to heaven catholicism that will not get to heaven there will be people that go to baptist churches it will not get to heaven that will be people go to methodist and presbyterian churches it will not get to heaven why because there is only one way and one door and that is it and that door is none other than jesus christ and if we preach anything apart from jesus we're preaching to get to heaven we're preaching a false doctrine if we preach water baptism gets you to heaven sprinkling gets you to heaven being emotional gets you to heaven crying a few crocodile tears get you to heaven we are preaching a false doctrine there is only one thing that gets us to heaven and that's being washed in the blood of the lamb of god not in the family you were born in not in the church you ate friend there's only one way to get to heaven and that is jesus thank god for the church in philadelphia the church in philadelphia was a church that did not let the synagogue of satan judaism and christianity mixing together they said we're not going to have that they said we're going to stand against that we're going to stand for what's right god never condemned them at all god said you're doing right i know you got a little strength listen i'm going to tell you this this world in its in it in its abilities has a lot of power the influence of media the influence of soup sayers the influence of religion there's a lot of power in this world and sometimes it seems like the church itself has little power and i understand the little power part as far as what the lord meant here but i want you to understand this i want you to understand that we have a tremendous tremendous uh power inside of us through the holy ghost of god that helps us as a church there's enough power inside of these buildings to change the life am i right there's enough power inside of these buildings to make you different and it's not the church of my sermon or a song this choir sings or a song that brother brady says to sell or something that is not what's going to change your life these they are all vehicles they are all used in the process of getting you the gospel but what's going to change your life is jesus and what's got to be in our churches is the holy ghost and we got to have the power of the holy ghost and it's not going to make you roll in the floor and foam at the mouth that's what the holy ghost's gonna do it's gonna point you to the lamb of god it's gonna point you to the lord jesus and we need to understand we need a church that will listen that as far as it goes in ecclesiastes will be a church that stands for the church and stands for what is right amen the bible goes on look back in our text the bible says behold i will make them are the synagogue of satan which say they are jews and are not but do lie behold i will make them to come watch this and worship before thy feet and to know that i have loved thee you like what jesus said that church philadelphia he said i love you i'm gonna let everybody know i love you hey man he said i love you i'm letting everybody know i love you number three i'm talking about revival in philadelphia not only do you see them experiencing the evangelical revival an ecclesiastical revival but thirdly they're experiencing an eschatology revival now this word i use a lot eschatology is simple the study of future things when we talk about the book of revelation we're talking about the things which were the things which are and the things which shall be the things which shall be is eschatology the things which shall be are those things that are going to come in the future they are future things and this church had it right i'm going to show you how they had it right look back in the bible some of you say you're a baptist and then you say you're pre-trib baptist well what does that mean look in the word of god the bible says here in the word of god by the way i am too the bible says here in the word of god about this church verse 10 because thou has kept the word of my patience i also will keep thee from watch this the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth you study much about the hour of temptation you study much about this you'll find out that this is a reference to the church and the tr or to the not the church but to that tribulation period you know one thing i like about the church of philadelphia and i'll say this to all the guys that used to be fundamental that nor anymore i believe they're going to go up in the middle on the end of it and somewhere in florida whatever can i share something with you right now the church of philadelphia was pre-trib right look at it the church in philadelphia according to the word of god the bible says i will keep thee from the eye we're of temptation you know what i'm glad of i'm glad i don't have to go through the tribulation period as a child of god a while ago somebody said they said to me boy with all this cove and all this stuff it's the tribulation but no no it's not this is nothing this is nothing this is inconvenience 100 000 people dying is nothing compared to tribulation period blood to a horse's bridle dying to get a cracker without a mark this is nothing a man setting himself up abomination of desolation setting himself up to to to be god a preacher won't nobody follow that whoa whoa do i have to get you to look around you don't think people gonna follow somebody in the tribulation we're nothing now but sheep whatever the media sensationalizes whatever they tell us whatever liberal stir in america i'm gonna chase a rabbit hold your ears windy where's joe biden in that crowd at in wattaki county i'm thinking about and i'm not racist in any bit but i'm thinking about doing a march through states for white police lives matter i'm so sick of this garbage his two boys had families raising kids do they matter amen you don't hear nothing about it it's no big deal we live in a country that wants lawlessness shoot the cop so help me if i ever see a teenager in this church misrespect law enforcement i'm gonna pull you in my office with your mom and daddy and tell them how sorry for young and their raisin it's ridiculous but we're sheep bye bye y'all do this y'all do that y'all do this y'all do that y'all do this y'all do that don't worry one last wire four now put the box on your face don't forget you have a barbecue now you can go outside i've been going outside buddy the whole time bring us your gun and lay it on the counter i got guns down no no stuff laying no gun on the counter we're awful quiet evidently i must be in the pasture with the sheep church of philadelphia rabbit chase over i shot that sucker too church of philadelphia was experiencing a revival of eschatology the bible says because thou has kept the word of my patience the true church will escape the great tribulation i believe that one thousand percent do you you want to go through tribulation well i wait i wait i'll wait until jesus come then i'll get saved in tribulation you better not do it if you won't live for him one is easy how are you going to live for him during the tribulation period you do know i'm preaching to the same crowd he panicked over toilet paper right same crowd i'm preaching to we panic over toilet paper and we think when i when somebody can't get a can't get a box of crackers for their youngin setting your period people still going to be having children what are you going to do when you're literally starving to death and the stomach's swelling up you know all you've got to do is go get a mark so you can get some food that's what you're going to do you're going to go get a mark that's exactly what you're going to do now i'm not because i'm not going to be here if you're saved you're not going to be here but if you're not saying praise god i'd run this altar and get saved this morning i wouldn't take a chance of that i like crackers somebody say man i like free crackers i am a cracker when i've had enough i've had enough i love everybody want to preach everybody when everybody go to heaven i'm gonna be like i'm a fight i'm gonna get my get my my gun go check my wabbit breaks my heart to see young men die and leave their kids let's make them heroes amen so secular college perfect secular college professor said it's a dangerous thing for kids to believe that police officers are heroes you you think of it what you want that bothers me well let me move on the church had the fundamentals down anybody say the word fundamental women say the word fundamental you know the fundamentalist fundamentals a teaching of the word of god what fundamentals do they have now number one the fundamental sharing of the gospel if there's one fundamental thing the church ought to be doing it is sharing the gospel that's a fundamental fact you believe that go in all the world and do what preach the gospel number two here's another fundamental they had the standing for what was good and right they didn't allow they didn't allow the synagogue of satan they did not allow it they stood for what was right that's a listen that is a fundamental fact the church had better do we're not going to be proper standing against sin but sin was wrong then and it's wrong now and we got to stand against it some of the looks of you some of you ain't gonna do it some of y'all don't get nervous if somebody's looking at you they're watching you from marvin the martian's spaceship marvin would not even allow that crowd on his spaceship amen it's back when cartoons were all anointed bugs bunny marvel and martian elmer fudd talk about some god honoring folk amen you know i'm right saying i watch a cartoon today that's a weirdos fundamentals sharing the gospel standing for good another fundamental and i'm done second coming of christ i mean y'all believe jesus is coming how many of you believe we're living like he's coming i hope you are i think some days i do then some days i'm afraid it will surprise us i remember a girl getting married one time she said preacher i want jesus to come but i want to get married first now that is about as deep theologically you can get right but i understood her she won't get married first you know what basically she was saying though here's what she's saying going to heaven can't be as good as getting married she just ain't got married yet can i get a witness i love being married but heaven's better am i right you know you're right you can look over your spouse i'm human you're scared of death look over there mama he said that but i know i don't mean that if heaven ain't better than your marriage who are you in a mess amen one fellow said marriage is heaven on earth uh-huh it can be i heard a fellow saying his wife was an angel always up in the iron harping on something who are you laughing at wendy church of philadelphia was doing it right i'm afraid if we don't get to doing it right we're going to get too far to get back so i applaud all of you that are staying faithful for the pocket that have vision i applaud a college career class and our church seems like a lot of a lot of you guys really seem to have a fire to want to do something i hope you stay that way because i'm telling you for the sake of your children you better am i preaching right brother kevin i'm glad god left you here didn't take you home during cover and you got so sick because at least you're a man to write stuff am i right we need church is essential amen church of philadelphia dedicated dedicated praise the lord for dedication amen let's stand our feet who is the church born again saved believers you agree with that so that means every one of you standing right now they're saved you're part of the church you can be defined you can be all the things i preach about those other churches but one really great thing we could be would be dedicated to the gospel to things that are right until the second coming of christ amen that's why i will not apologize for still preaching straight truth the straight truth is you know jesus you go to heaven if you accept from your savior if you don't accept your savior you will go to hell is that straight truth is it right according the bible is straight to truth in the beginning god made man woman two genders three amens in a baptist boy church really getting accepting i said in the beginning god made him male and female i don't have to agree with nothing i do not have to be nice and put my approval on it god did it his way right you say preacher somebody might be listening to you i'm sure they probably will one day that's fine i'm closer today i am alive anyway you think about it i'm on a downhill slope i just want to make some noise while you're leaving amen for the sake of that crowd and that little one he's holding his hands over here he made a dedicated church pastors are not have to get up and say no we don't don't worry about and i understand it i'm not being critical of it but don't worry about commitment yeah worry about commitment be committed be committed to something good it's okay to be committed to the work of god amen it's not a bad thing thank god for the church now i'm not talking about some stuff you know i'm getting myself in a lot of trouble today i'm not talking about some stuff people call stuff church today i'm not talking about stuff i'm talking about the gospel living halfway right trying to best can live right and looking for jesus to come amen it's not mean is it brother james is it mean to preach the truth or if we got so used to people sheep in us you still stand with that amen got to stand with it praise the lord young people b-i-b-l-e that's the book for thee stand with it [Music] you
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 27
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Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel
Id: 73XOF8NW1jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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