5-2-21 pm Why Are We Standing Idle pt.2 - Dr Chris Haizlip

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matthew chapter number 20. it's a parable known as the laborers in the vineyard the householder hears the picture of the lord the laborers are a picture of his servants the vineyard's a picture of the world you remember i read this verse verse number 6 of chapter 20. let's read one verse tonight and about the 11th hour he went out and found others standing idle and saith unto them why stand ye here all the day idol and i preached on why stand ye here idle and i want to go over a few of those things that i preached and then i want to give you a few more tonight that i believe are important and so let's pray and then we'll get into that tonight father i pray you'll touch your word this evening lord we know god that the fields are white unto the harvest god we're praying for laborers here at this church laborers in the vineyard that god we may do the work that you've called us to do and god we may do it lord with joy and god we may do it with excitement in our heart lord i pray tonight that you'll use the message for your glory in christ's name we pray and all god's people said thank you you can be seated romans chapter 13 verse number 11 the bible says and that knowing the time that now it is hot time to awake out of your sleep for now was our salvation nearer than when we believed the night is far spent the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light i preached earlier from this chapter on why we cannot remain idle or we should not remain idle this will probably be the last in the series on the church in this area that i'm going to preach and i will cover the church of laodicea a week from next sunday next sunday mother's day i have a special message i want to preach for that then there'll be no service sunday night but i want you if you would for a few moments to think about the first things we talked about why should we not stand idle first of all because the scope is so spacious the world is so great and it needs people in the vineyard second of all because servants are so scarce no doubt today a lot of people need to get back to serving and serving the lord and find you a place to serve god then why do we not need to be idle because society is so sinful friend i'm telling you the hope for america and the hope for our communities is that we get the gospel out of our doors and we get it out there and people hear about christ and come to him and get saved by the grace of god we don't need to sit idly by while the world dies without jesus amen i appreciate our men tonight that met with me they all are on page with me that we need to have a vision that we need to reach out as a church get pieces of church get out doing what god called us to do and that is to evangelize the lost and then we don't need to stand idle because the savior is so sufficient let me just say this tonight we need to let the world know that no one can satisfy them like jesus can there's nobody like him amen aren't you glad of that tonight when nothing else would work for you aren't you glad the lord was what you needed in your life and he changed your life and he made you what you are today and so i want to continue tonight this little challenge to the membership and those of you that are a part of the church and i want to give you a few more reasons why we cannot stand idle why we must be busy in the work of god i appreciate brother clark and his desire to want to build our bus ministry and our visitation program and reach out brother james made a great comment to me when we were in the meeting and i won't quote what he said but just in paraphrase you know and this is right this last year while churches have been struggling like the whole world has what's going on with uh uh all of the stopping this and doing that and doing the other then what has happened is his churches have stopped evangelizing we stopped reaching out we're not inviting the people in the church that we once were we're not knocking on doors that we used to knock over we're not giving out tracts like we did where and listen i don't know how much time we have left we don't know when the lord's going to call us home but we do know this we need to get busy about the lord's work amen and i'm convinced of that so let me say this we don't need to set idly by and this will be the start of the second message we don't need to sell idly by when serving is so satisfying serving is so satisfying can i say this serving the lord is by far the most satisfying thing you can ever do in your life it is i promise you there'll be a void in everything in your life but serving god is one of the most satisfying things you can ever do because whether or not men applaud it and whether or not somebody pats you on the back for it if you know what you're doing you're doing for the cause of christ and you're doing for the lord then listen that ought to be the most satisfying thing in your life is that you are getting to serve god amen the bible tells us in matthew 11 come unto me all you that labor in a heavy laden i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest in your souls notice that the bible talks about rest two times in this passage the rest given in verse 28 accomplish accompanying salvation the rest given in verse 29 accompany service other words god gives you rest in your salvation but god also gives you rest in your service what does that mean it's the most peaceful thing you can ever do in your life is to serve god amen that's why we can't sit idly by we can't sit idly by simply why the world dies without god there are a lot of unhappy christians today that simply do not find happiness in church because they're not servant they're not a part of something they just come and they go home and they just show up and they go back and i know some will do that but i'm telling you one of the most satisfying things in the world in this world is to find something you can do and be a part of the work of god and just get involved and serve god and live for god it'll be the most satisfying thing you ever do in your life i'm convinced of that how many of you believe that tonight it is the truth the book of philippians is a book of rejoicing no less than 17 times paul mentions the work of joy or rejoicing the bible says rejoice in the lord always according to philippians 4 4 hey even paul in prison could still rejoice and sing a song because even in prison he still was satisfied that he got to serve god amen we cannot sit idly by simply because serving is so satisfying let me give you another thought to think about tonight and i believe this tonight we cannot sit idly by because the season is so short i want to break your heart tonight the bible says in john 4 35 say not ye there yet four months and then cometh harvest behold i send you lift your eyes look on the fields for they are white already to the harvest john said i must work the works of him they seem to christ did in john i must work the works of him that sent me while his day the night cometh when no man can work hey listen uh first corinthians 7 29 but this i say brethren the time is short first peter 4 7 but the end of all things is at hand be you therefore sober and watching the prayer ii peter 3 89 but beloved be not eat of this one thing that one day is where the lord is a thousand years or a thousand years is one day the lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but it's long suffering to us we're not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance proverbs 27 1 boasts not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth james 4 14 whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow for what is your life it is even a vapor that appeared for a little time and then banished away what am i trying to say i'm trying to say the season is short we need to do what we're doing for god and we need to do it now and we do not need to put it off we may not have tomorrow we may not have tomorrow and friend i'll tell you this i'm convinced in my heart that i'm closer to being with jesus today than i was yesterday but i'm also convinced that the lord will come and when he does i want him to be looking upon me as somebody that is serving and is satisfied doing it the season is short why do we not need to set alibi while we're setting alibi times going away why we're not busy time is going away we need to be busy for god and doing what we do for god thirdly thirdly tonight why do we not need to sit idly by we don't need to sit highly by when satan satan is so subtle amen genesis 3 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord god had made second corinthians 2 11 lest satan should get an advantage of us we're not ignorant of his devices satan tries to frighten us like a roaring lion he tries his best to rob us of our joy and of our peace and satan in this world today is an angel of light would you agree with that he is an angel of light said corinthians 11 3 3 lets us know but i fear lest by any means there's a serpent begotten eve through his teeth so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ hey i want you to know that satan will buffet the child of god and try to do everything he can to rob you of your joy in serving the lord amen you know why today we can't sit idly by we can't set alibi because satan's so subtle he transforms himself into an angel of light he's a liar he's a thief he paints a picture of things that are not so he shows you things that are not real he gives you an idea of this that and the other because he is subtle he tries to trip us up he tries to trip lost people up he he tries to get christians to not be busy in the work of god or or get occupied with a the devil sometimes will even try to give you his blessing in your life so that you will get away from god and not do the thing that god wants you to do but can i say this if there's a subtle devil we need to stand firm and stand fast and put on the whole armor of god and be able to fight and stand against the wiles of the devil amen why do we need not to sit idly by because satan's so subtle he really is the season's short you'd agree with that tonight servant is so satisfying i'm going to say this to you i've been serving god a lot of years a lot of years and there have been high moments there have been low moments but it's still the most satisfying thing that i've ever done is serving god i've accomplished some things in my life not a lot like many of you but i want to say this to you there's nothing that satisfies like servant the lord does knowing you pillow your head at night and you say you know what i serve the lord today i did something for god today amen and there's nothing like that amen brother woolwich there is nothing like serving god i'm going to tell you this there's nothing like somebody coming to church that you invited someone out of your neighborhood or somebody you work with or or somebody go to school with and they come to church and they get saved they're nothing like that there's nothing like being able to help somebody when you're a teacher and you teach a class and the word of god's taught and somebody comes to you and they say to you boy i needed that today that helped me today there's nothing like singing a song and you don't know when you're in the choir or when you're singing up in a platform and you don't have any idea when somebody walked in that night and they needed that song they needed that encouragement and listen there's nothing like that it's the most satisfying thing you could ever do is serve god amen and then let me give you this tonight why should we not say elderly by a preacher let me say this we should not sit idly by because success is so sure listen to me the lord has not promised that we'd win every battle but he did promise we'd win the war amen he's not promised us a smooth voyage but he did promise us a safe landing amen he has not promised us it would all be easy but he did say we're on the winning side i mean believe church already lift his head up i believe the church already lift his chin up how many church christians are to realize no matter what happens in this world we are on the winning side we have the lord on our side and with god on our side you cannot lose with god on your side you're a winner either way with god on your side hey we can't set utility by why because the work of god is sure god's going to bless his work god's going to bless this work i believe that tonight how about you isaiah 55 verse 10 says for as the rain cometh down the snow from heaven and return if not thither but water at the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower bread to the eater so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which i please and it shall prosper in the thing where to i sin it can i give you this you know what god just said here's what god just said god just said if you'll stand on my word he won't come back void god said if you'll preach my word he won't come back void god said if you'll teach my word it will not come back void god said my word it may not be the preacher doing the work matter of fact it won't be the preacher doing the work or a teacher doing the work or you doing the work it will be god doing the work through his word the only thing that is guaranteed i believe i believe the only thing some people you say only two things guarantee death and taxes let me tell you this i know one thing death isn't guaranteed for me for his body because jesus comes i'm out of here buddy amen but i will tell you this i'm convinced in all my heart this word is one thing that stand ashore tonight and you can count on the word of god the word of god standeth sure and i believe that tonight the bible says in psalm 126 5 they that sow in tears shall reap in joy let me say this tonight i am convinced that we cannot be idle we cannot sit idly by while this world is dying lost without god i want to encourage you as a pastor calvary baptist church to get a burden in a heart to reach out to invite people to church again to invite them to church if they ask you what kind of protocols we have in place say our protocol is we want you come hear about jesus invite them to church amen we're going to start our buses up in a few weeks at least one at a time we're going we're going to get visitation back going we're going to start giving gospel tracts to people the world needs christ the church is not just for church people to come in and sit in the building every week look at the same people we need to be reaching a lost world that needs god and before anybody has critical me saying that the world's going to every other place we need them to go to church amen we need to win people to god let me ask you a question tonight are you servant are you serving tonight do you have a place where you can say i'm serving god tonight i'm doing something for the lord you say preacher i'm older i i i just i'm kind of idle now no we can't have idleness you can give out a gospel trap amen brother johnny here's certainly not physically in the best health in the world he takes teenage boys out here knocking on doors and passing out tracks amen to that right i remember dr david gibbs mother had crippling arthritis so bad still tried to play a piano with her fingers crippled like this because she said i've always done it for the lord and i i want to keep on doing it for god one of the reasons a lot of people are not satisfied in their lives i'll be totally honest with you tonight is because a lot of people just aren't serving god for some of you the only satisfaction you get sunday you come in here on sunday morning coming here on sunday night and i appreciate that but there's so much more to it than that there's so much more to it than that we need to get a burden again to get people to calvary get them to christ get them saved we need to get a burden again and we need to be satisfied what god's called us to do this is the greatest work in the world there's nothing better matter of fact it's out of this world and there's nothing better amen and so i want to encourage you tonight to not sit idly by but to get busy for god do something for god pray for us and have to go out and preach you can do that i leave i have to lead to i'll be in kings mountain north carolina five days i'll be back here preaching on a sunday i'll be three to four days in georgia i'll be back here on a sunday i'll be four days in virginia i'll be back here on a sunday pray for us that i have to go out and preach and do what we do for god pray for the leadership of this church i sit with these men tonight have some of the best men got got vision and heart just like i do you got to have that we got to have that kind of vision we want to see god do amen and listen i am convinced that you need to find somewhere and get busy for god amen find someone get busy for god and i'll tell you this season's getting short and we need to be busy amen i hope tonight you'll think about your spiritual walk with god and what god could use you to do and i want to see you get busy i want to see this church grow out of this last year go forward do more and we're not gonna let the devil get convinced that we still can't get people in here and get them saved because we can god can't but we gotta we gotta be a vessel amen we gotta we gotta we gotta put that combine in the field we got to get out there and get busy with our picking bag amen do what god wants us to do if we'll do that to be seen what god can do yet to be seen let's stand our feet tonight i want to ask you a couple things tonight give the invitation again i'm not tonight trying to put pressure on you about this but i do want to ask you about it tonight are you serving god and are you satisfied doing it do you feel like there's something more you'd like to do for the lord you know one of the best ways to do it the best thing god could use you as a preacher my ability is not the greatest god's not searching your ability what god is doing is god needs you to be available just say god i'm available god if you need me i'm available if you speak to my heart i'll do what you want me to do i don't get down on the altar and pray god i got a song on my heart let me sing it next week because that's not my gift but i know that i do have something i can do for god maybe you do as well i'd much rather hear those men sing tonight than i had to hear me sing why because they have a gift it's what god gave them to do amen but i'm going to say this to you tonight let's don't stand before the lord empty-handed let's don't stand before god it's all said and done and all we did was just sit idle let's find something to do for the lord brother justin guys bible school volunteer we have a day like we're having today and doing things with kids or doing things tonight find something to do i mean listen from rolling trash out of the building when we have a home coming or we have a jubilee and throwing them into trash cans for picking up some paper in the front yard for doing something for god just find a place and do something for the lord and i promise you god will bless that god will touch that amen some ask you tonight are you serving are you doing something for god if you are servant let me ask you this what kind of joy do you have in doing it he said his yoke is easy burdens light you should not serve god grudgingly you are not give grudgingly you are not serve god grudgingly if you're complaining about serving god let somebody else do it because god would want somebody serving him that's got a heart to do it amen so tonight let's bear heads and i wonder as we got our heads about tonight miss heather playing on the piano i want if you search your own heart we're getting ready to go home but i want if you search your own heart and i wonder tonight you don't have to raise your hand you don't have to come to the altar tonight but i wonder tonight if you would say lord i don't want to be idle i want to be doing something for you lord what could i do lord how could i be used for god how could you do some of my life that others could come to christ lord what could i do how could i be used of the lord you may think tonight while i'm saying that preacher i don't know i mean what could god do with me can i tell you this tonight just be available just be willing to let him do it just be willing to say lord if you want to use me use me micah you don't know but god used you this week when you were down helping brother tommy turner pastor turner brother tommy sent me a text and said he had met you and then he made this comment he said that young man sure does love his preacher do you know god used you this week because i just needed a little bit of encouragement it's nice to know somebody somewhere was saying i love my pastor and i love my church that's encouraging that's god using you what about that young person that teenager that's discouraged and down and you walk by one of our young people by and say been thinking about you praying for you some of you sending brother timmy uh brother uh ian some things and you're sending him maybe uh a card or you're sending him a note or you're sending him something you're saying ian just want you to know that that we're thinking about you that's god using you what does god put on your heart tonight to do for him are you doing what god wants you to do so just keep your hands back with me tonight i appreciate tonight you being at god's house and i appreciate you doing your part to worship and be faithful tonight i thank you for that everybody look up here at me just a moment let me ask you some how many night believe we're on the winning side you believe in the end god prevails he does he does we're not fighting for victory we're fighting from victory god's already given us the victory through our lord jesus christ and i thank god for that tonight don't you amen thank you miss heather well we're going to close in prayer let the message soak in your heart a little bit once we close in prayer brother justin where are the kids meeting you out back at the gaga pits where the kids are meeting brother justin brother ryan where y'all gonna be set up beside the gathering place all right so that's what we're gonna be getting together where's the nachos gonna be okay in the super church home you got to keep priorities straight amen and so if you like stick around have a little fellowship tonight's a beautiful afternoon you do that thank you for all of you being here tonight good good crowd on sunday night and uh you know what i want us to do i want us to reach the lost world amen i really do all right let's close in the word of prayer and then after we do that uh you enjoy your week and uh pray for us i'm gonna try to drive back and forth to kings mountain most of the week and so pray for traveling grace and uh this week pray god give us good revival me and god touch them eating there and god will bless the ministries here all right father thank you lord for a good day god's house thank you for the word of god lord that never returns void lord i'm glad if you preach bible bible do the work thank you for the word of god lord tonight there are many sitting in this auditorium they're just seeking your will for their life what can they do for god how can i be used for god lord i pray that god you'll help us to find a place get us a pick and bag get in our corner of the field do our best for christ lord here in a couple weeks as we roll the bus again so we knock on doors as we're going visitations brother clark has these meetings on saturdays and getting us ready lord i pray that calvary baptist church can be known as a church that cared about sinners and wanted to see them get saved lord bless every ministry here touch our fellowship tonight well thank you for all you do for we asking in christ's name amen amen god bless you tonight appreciate you being here [Music] you
Channel: Calvary Baptist
Views: 51
Rating: 0 out of 5
Keywords: calvary baptist church, gospel
Id: iEkWy8WBwTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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