Tony Hutson- How to Get God On You

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you'll find the text in luke chapter number 19 tonight i'm glad to be here he's saying almost highest vestal goodman could sing hallelujah well i like what i hear at north valley baptist church and i like what i don't hear i'm glad i ain't clapping every five seconds [Applause] every time you say something a bunch of hand clapping every five seconds the bible said learn not the ways of the heathen we've adopted the worldly ways to worship when all that stuff starts you a man's and hallelujah go out pretty quick amen i think you'd get i believe flesh grieves the holy ghost it was he did his best work in the garden when there's no flesh to mess him up and that flesh gets in you know you don't have to like it they invited me to come let's go i believe i believe that i believe honest to goodness that a bunch of man worship quenches god quicker than smoking a cigarette would in the house of god i'd rather somebody spit the back of juice on that carpet and start a bunch of man worshiping amen this is not a country music awards show i was in a meeting now don't get to be too far behind me do you really believe it because there's just a few of us that have said anything about it and they always go that one text clap your hands oh ye people in a positive context the only verse they got for that and the next two words says and shout out they just take part of it because i don't hear much shouting now that hand clapping crowd in fact you get around them they want to designate who can worship a new king i was in a meeting not long ago and i don't know why they had me to come had that man in front of me preaching against old time worship and he got he got don't get mad now bless god i come in here to preach tonight [Applause] and he got he got telling who could worship who couldn't worship and how a woman ought to nod her head and shank her handkerchief and she's supposed to keep silent church i thought to myself you believe that you wouldn't let her sing [Applause] you would let her teach sunday school it's in the context of interpreting tongues or asking a stupid question let everything have breath praise the lord he said well that's old testament well so was breathing old testament you just take what you want to out of the old testament you better hyper dispensation you wind up taking your organ piano out be a camel light amen and and they said they ought to nod to head and shake i thought man they better come to our church and he just threw a wet blanket on old-time religion by the way mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy and finally at the end before they were going to introduce me they had all the preachers to stand and they they had the youth director pastor stan well they stood up and they said this brother so-and-so and all them they said that's my preacher [Applause] you know how tactful i am i just i said what about that silent in the church see it's hurting some of y'all pretty bad y'all ask me to come what about that silent church see that man worship's about to steal all worship from us it's become a performance oh god boy i like what i don't hear here boy i like what i hear been good to be in god's house already haven't now that i've made some of y'all mad you can get glad in the same but you if you mad that you really are going to be mad with this thing i really brother trevor's got a lot of guts as all i can say a lot of brethren have distanced himself but you know i'm just going to stay with what brought me to the party if i was ashamed of the old-time way i'd i'd find something else but the truth is if you ever get a dose of it it'll ruin you it'll mess you up because there ain't nothing like it jeremiah 6 16 said it's a good way and i'm glad to be there luke chapter number 19. then i'm nervous y'all pray for me you know i always fell out of place on the west coast i reminded of the two alabama hitchhikers that's coming through and a truck driver picked him up and he said where are y'all going they said we're going to san jose california and the truck driver said you stupid alabama ignorant i said it ain't saying josie it's san jose said you don't say it like that said it's those are like h's it's san jose and he said how long y'all gonna stay in california anyway they said somewhere around hoon or who live let's go [Music] [Applause] i know i just thought i'd try it page 1103 in the scope field i'm going to be reading in verse 28 of chapter 19 luke chapter 19. i'm coming to the conclusion that it's all about jesus we're going to read a text here and it's got many characters within it i don't know how you would diagram each sentence and find out who's the subject of everything but when it all boils down to it genesis to revelation jesus is the subject of it verse 28 says and when he had thus spoken he went before ascending up to jerusalem and he came to pass it when he was come now to beth page in bethany at the mount called the mount of olives that he sent two of his disciples saying go ye into the village over against you in the witch at your entering you shall find a cold tide whereon yet never man set loose him and bring him hither and if any man ask you why do you loose him thus shall you say unto him because the lord hath need of him let me just stop and say to the fatalist i know you think that god don't need us but if he needed a donkey you know a sovereign god you can be a whosoever real man and say sovereign god a sovereign god sets up the rules for salvation and his rule is the voice of man how shall they believe on whom they have not heard how should they hear without a preacher we do play a role in the conversion of sinners and they verse 32 that were sent went their way and they found even as he had said unto them you'll always find it the way jesus says it and as they were loosing the cult the owners thereof said unto them why lucie the colt and they said the lord hath need of him and they brought him to jesus and they cast their garments upon the cold and they set jesus their own and as he went they spread their clothes in the way and when he was come nigh now at the descent of the mount of olives the whole multitude of disciples began to rejoice and praise god with a loud voice might have been a shout and baptist woman in that crowd for all the mighty works that they had seen saying blessed be the king that cometh in the name of the lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest and some of the pharisees were among the multitudes said unto him master rebuke thy disciples and he answered and said unto them i tell you that if these should hold their peace the stones would immediately cry out heard a great message preached years ago by brother billy goosby from rome george preached on verse 40. he said ain't no rock gonna do my shouting i like that let's go the lord in prayer our heavenly father i'm thankful tonight and at the same time i'm heavy and i'm burdened uh with the responsibility that lies before me this hour i stand where the arm of flesh has failed will fail is failing but lord we realize that a yielded vessel under the power and anointing of god almighty can make a difference and so i yield myself to you and it's from the top of my head to the soul of my feet it's my desire to please you and lord jesus i pray that you give me backbone to say everything that i ought to say tonight and then give me discernment not to say anything that wouldn't be pleasing to you or exalt the savior and lord there may be somebody in a crowd this size lost and undone and i know these are preachers predominantly and good people of this church but if there be any loss tonight i pray for old-timey holy ghost conviction to show them their need of a savior and let this be the last night that they're lost help me now for the next few minutes i yield myself to you feel me and use me and for the results that we see now and in the future we'll give you the praise on and glory for you deserve all of it said in christ's name we ask it amen it's about the lord jesus christ i know there's a donkey here a prominent figure in this story i know there's disciples and pharisees i know there's owners of this donkey but if you boil it down it's about jesus amen all that can curse say i all right we're about jesus and if it's about jesus i mean he's god let me just lay this foundation for the message i think i'm in the right crowd to say we believe in the deity of the lord jesus christ if you've seen me you've seen the father he said i and my father are one wherefore god hath highly exalted him and given a name that's above every name the name of jesus every knee should bound every tongue should confess that jesus christ is lord i grew up under good intentions i believe many men of god with good intentions but but we got to weed make sure we get the right truth you got to feel the truth you better be careful don't don't eat it all spit out the bones all through my my rearing i heard teachers and preachers refer to the holy ghost as the third person of the godhead like he just was trying to find a place to fit in let me tell you that the holy ghost is co-equal and coexistent with god [Applause] they're not jockeying for position in the godhead trying to fight for a power struggle jesus is god the holy ghost is god and god the father's god amen don't try to minimize one of the titles their co-equal coexistent god amen jesus is god y'all believe that then if that's true god was on that donkey and to use southern christian vernacular god was all over that donkey now let me tell you we must come to this conclusion that there's a difference between the crowd that god's own and the crowd that god ain't on amen i've heard preachers who could speak well they were orators i'm talking about had great alliterated outlines sub points illustrations they had much content and they preached in word only paul warned about preaching in word only he said i didn't come to you with enticing words of men's wisdom he said i came in the power and demonstration of the holy ghost so i mean whether you like this or not there is a difference i've seen those orchards and they they they had the billy graham bro father god i mean they knew how to do their gestures just right knew when to raise their hands and when to lower them they kicked their leg at the right time had it all figured out and then i've heard western north carolina preachers from the mountains had a hard time reading english but would cut their ear and mount a pulpit and say glory to god take your bible tonight and i'm talking about the very first word you can feel the presence of god the difference is god's own son what too long ago we had to enter we had we had a christian entertainer our church a singer he's a performer and he's a good performer if your church knows the difference between worship and entertainment you can have some groups in on occasion and he came in and he set up he's saying and he helped the mike just right and he's singing a good song lois gill song it's still the blood i was preaching at big john smith's camp meeting and the the writer of that song as a member of their church and uh he sang that song it's still the book we're all familiar with it i mean he had it just right hit every note just right i mean he helped the bike right moved it back and forth squinted his eyes just right shook the cord i mean he had it just right and when he got through the people of middle tennessee baptist church and by the way they know big woods from brush they know a saw log from a sapling and they said that's good amen and i started to the pulpit and i looked back towards the back and there was a trio of ladies who had come in early for a meeting we were going to begin on that monday and i said sister would you come up here and sing one before i preach they had no accompaniment faded out blue jean skirts with all due respect they're my very good friends but they just didn't look the part they stopped down there in front of the community table no microphones no pa system and mama and her two daughters addressed that crowd and sister patsy stepped up and said there's not a friend like the lowly jesus no not one no not one none else could heal all our souls diseases no not one no not one for jesus does all about our struggles he will god till the day is done there's not a friend like the lowly jesus no not one no not one and before they could finish the power of god fill in that place and what y'all call spontaneous altar calls i mean people just started coming to the altar no invitation was needed the difference was god was on it i believe god gives all of his men a degree of discernment and i looked over at that performer and it was as if he was scratching if i could have read his mind he's saying what's the difference what made the difference i'm going to tell you god was on i want god on my preaching i don't want word only preaching we got word paul paul warned i don't want word on i don't want just this this knowledge i won't i want oil on it i want god on my choir when they're saying i want god on the quartet when they say i want god on my three daughters i want god on my wife i want god's presence and power i want it i'm talking about i want god's blessing to be upon my sunday school teachers and my bus captains i want god on my deacons i want god on my personal soul in it but if it was easy everybody be doing it amen but this donkey exemplified a life with god on it jot it down i don't preach about two and a half hours on this subject how to get god on [Applause] it said but at number one jot her down there's life god don't get on their dead donkeys amen i don't see jesus telling the stoppers they go down there where two ways beat you go find an ass and a cold tide and you'll see that cold he's dead as a hammer and flies is blowing on him he's swole up he's about to bust the buzzards are sitting around picking his eyes out drag him up here because i want to ride him just get him by the halter and drag him back up in jerusalem i need that donkey now write her down good friend god don't get on dead donkeys where there's life i believe it starts with a redemptive life it's a picture of redemption amen good to be saved by by the way amen going to be passed from death unto life and regenerated a picture of redemption this firstling of an ass was to die with a broken neck the only way its life could be preserved was if it was redeemed good news 2 000 years ago a bad jesus christ died on a cross he paid our sin debt we should have been there hanging but jesus christ redeemed we've been bought with a price sweet is the song i'm singing today i'm redeemed i'm redeemed thank god for redemption it's a picture of a relationship that female if you find it in the synoptic count the mother of that cult that's called a genit that's a female the jack is the male when you breathe those together you get the coat the offspring of a relationship are y'all listening to me praise god i want to tell you life begins with a relationship i've been called a lot of things i i like the title daddy i like to come home i'll be home tomorrow night wait way late tomorrow night and and my youngest will say hey dead daddy's home i i like to come through the door and about my wife will holly youngins daddy's home i i like them to say hey daddy i like daddy i like babies sweetheart good looking that's what my wife calls me all that honk y'all know what i'm talking about i i like preacher but behold what manner of love the father bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god life's a picture of a relationship life is a reality i'm burdened today what i hear among our ranks of bible-believing baptist people this talk i was in a church service not long ago and and after the service had a fella come up to me he said boy i just thank god said i just found out i was saved said i've been saved for years just found out you i mean honest to god i was at a bible college you know i don't call any names or anything like that but i was at a bible college and they were enrolling the student what do you call it when they first start coming in registration and the holy ghost must've been the holy ghost prompted me to go ask this boy and he'd been 12 years in christian school and holy ghostbuster probably because i don't think the devil would have prompted me to do it and said and and i went over i said son tell me about when you got saved and he looked at his mom and said mama when did i get saved god help us hey it's pretty bad when you've got to ask your baby when you got saved where hey where there's life there's a realization of life you can't get resurrected from the dead look at me now quickened and made alive in christ jesus passed from death unto life hey and dwelt by the holy ghost baptized in the body by the holy ghost engaged to be married to jesus hey you can't get all that happen not know something happened to you have something wrong where there's life it'll be recognized those disciples do a dead donkey from a live one i had to know what i'll tell you they said well you use that born again alcohol time and you don't know much about when you was born i said well it was wrote down though it's wrote down there's record of it and besides that i said sir well how do you know he's born again if you go yeah i said well you know how do you know you're born i said well you're looking at 320 pounds of evidence [Applause] hey there ought to be some evidence you've been passed from death under life a man gets saved by the grace of god it's not the evidence that saves him but i'm telling you the evidence indicates the change therefore if anybody be in christ he's a new creature all things are passed away i have to hold all things have become new hey man god don't get old no dead donkeys your god on you you want god on your ministry look there's got to be life we're trying to live for god without the liver on the inside amen notice the text in verse number 20 30 the bible said loose him not only is her life but he had to be loosed god don't get an old bound donkey some of you tied to a hitching post and about three steps away about far as you're gonna go in the ropes just jerk you back i mean got it gonna get on oh donkey bound i know y'all ain't with me but by the time it's over with you gonna like me or hate me one let's go hey i'm telling you some of you've been tied and god ain't going to get on you till you jerk the rope there's a crowd in here it's tied to public evaluation or what will somebody think about me well if i identify with that ultra conservative right-wing militant fundamentalism at king james only sweat wiping slobber slinging high blood pressure bug-eyed gravy sopping biscuit eating hey man look up in her bus run running confrontational evangelist if i identify with that crowd what will they think about me paul said paul said we labor in corinthians 5 9. we labor whether absent or present and we may be accepted of him we're looking for the wrong approval i learned a long time ago most of the time people pat you on the back of wiping off a place to stab [Applause] amen amen they'll turn on you so quick but thank god god won't turn on you at the first accusation paul said no man stood with me but he said not with standing i feel pretty good about that he said not what standing praise god the lord stood with we're so worried about camaraderie approval of man a certain circle a certain periodical a certain college a certain group of brethren look up in here hey why don't you serve god for god paul said be a follower of me as i am a follower of christ [Applause] you're tied to public evaluation you tied to previous encounters you hitched well i remember that one time i at one time we used to have what i did then and it's all past tense you living in the past we used to have a bus ministry we used to have organized soul winning we used to have sunday night now we have small groups and sale groups yeah you keep them yourselves teachers that's what your problem is amen when the world is wisdom knew not god it pleased god through the foolish of preaching to save them that would believe somebody said why don't y'all have i want us because i want to preach on sunday morning i want to preach on sunday night and i want to preach on wednesday night bless god everybody we've substituted everything for preaching somehow it used to be we used to we used to i used to you're living in the past wouldn't it be something david if he had a if he had lived in the past if i hadn't been david i'd i've been here tonight somewhere during this service i said brother trevor could i say a word for the lord and you just said go ahead brother david and i said well praise god i want to say a word everybody don't remember that's right but y'all might have heard about it amen i praise god the valley of eva hey man hallelujah hallelujah to god i took five smooth stones and a slang y'all might have heard his name he's a goliath that's right hey i'd have been testified i've run out and stopped people on the road told about killing goliath but the only time david used his past was to motivate him i tell you what the past is doing us it's distracting us it's hindering our effectiveness living in the past i remember that one time when i remember we used to oh you're tied to previous encounters paul said not that i've apprehended he had a lot of previous encounters a lot of accomplishments but he said this one thing i do i forgive you don't say what you are behind i pressed forward and i reached for the prize at the high calling of god hey you better forget about yesterday you want god on you can't live back yonder personal entanglements you better pull the rope on personal entanglements i wish i could say i'd never made a mistake my wife thinks i hate and don't tell her any different amen i wish i could say i never messed up some of you are living tonight with entanglements of the past and you get about three steps out of the chute and that lead road catches you you'll never do anything for god because of this you'll never be affected because i know there's guidelines and god's put some limitations hey on god called me in and i know that the scars of seeing hey do remain in this life but hey god doesn't always call the fit but he always spits the call and god can draw a straight line with a crooked stick if he's looking for perfection he'll not find anybody but he can perfect the saints amen i'm talking about god getting on here you'll have to be life has to be pray you have to be loosed i read on the bible said they brought him to jesus you got to be led some of you can't be led let me say something to church members i know this is a groom full of preachers look up here church members god ain't gonna get on you you can be led and look up here housewife god ain't gonna get on you you'll be led rebellions as the sin of witchcraft for you to back talk your husband ma'am you might as well come in here riding a broom with a black cat on an award on your nose it's equivalent to witchcraft and you're going to reap ma'am what you sow what you sow at home your children are going to give back to you you say why did my children treat with such disrespect how do you talk to your husband [Music] don't bow your head i'm not ready to pray yet i'm just getting kind of warmed up this is introduction amen i'm going for the juggler in a minute i'm going to see how y'all can handle this praise god god don't get old nobody won't be late now notice the text never a man set on him he was untamed but he wasn't unwilling god can do something with an untamed but he can't do nothing with a will that won't submit you study the worship in psalms the majority of the psalmists that write they say i will it always precedes worship it's an act of the will what you do for god not many things god makes us do it's on our own prerogative what we do amen he gives us opportunity to do hey this untaped no wool ye hall come up back up but he submitted to the will of god i tell you a good move for you god on your life hey go even when you think you're unworthy you go anyway you just oh when god opens the door you be willing to go through hey you'll be amazed what god will do with a yielded life for all of my life i heard it the best ability is dependability the best abilities dependability but really that's that's not true the best abilities availability it doesn't matter how dependable you are god can't use you if god can't get his hand on you he wants servants that he can get his hand on now he wants a donkey he can ride hey not one running out in the pasture it don't matter how smooth the gate you got it don't matter how high you hold your head hey if god can't get a saddle on you hey fred it's no use to him he was untamed but he was led he was unaccompanied but he was led y'all see it he had to leave his mama the other synoptic accounts say you'll find an ass and a cold tight there was a pear there but don't bring anything but that coat that never man said i'm bringing by itself i'm so independent baptist that the termites in my church don't fellowship with termites in church down the road y'all understand god deliver us from this bunch you gotta have somebody to lean on all the time let me tell you until you learn to walk alone you won't walk for long i got them in our church they buddy up all the time and then when one gets bad they get mad with them their buddy then when they leave they take them with them and another family with them y'all know what i'm talking about and i don't run a thing that goes on in my my church's home i don't run anything about a church member's home and you sir whether you know it or not you don't either but i i do control what goes on that platform it wasn't too long ago i saw a pair of girls sitting over here just gossiping all the time running down the preaching the preacher's wife and the undermining and on that facebook and i've lost all authority and i've lost all confidence and authority but they wouldn't call any names you're you know what you're you're a coward talking on facebook [Applause] all that stuff and i want you to say it you done said it i'd rather just talk bad about somebody on the phone at least i can take it back and say i lied [Applause] i lied about it and said i didn't say it you know what i mean but god help you type it on it's there for the rest of your life say amen but your internet bunch everybody listening to me texted and they all time and i i said uh and i knew i knew where they said i said ma'am tonight you sit over here she said i sang tenor sound like a country song dude this thing please well and i i said i said no you you ain't singing tenor tonight you are you're gonna sing it over here in this section y'all listen hey be careful got it gotta have that best friend i don't like to hear a bunch of church members my got to eat with the same family all the time gotta go out with us you gotta go on vacation with the same family all the time y'all listening gotta have a crack god don't get on that kind of crowd depending on others you listen to me that old boy been working for years he plowed him feels that mule he's retired he's this his last crop he's over in the mountains raising the backer he's the last crop of the backer and he he put on the cork board at the co-op said good mule for sale broke knows it all said i'm retiring some young farmer saw it and took the number down called that farmer said listen said i i want to come see you mule i'm interested in you but said i ain't gonna buy nothing i don't see hitched i don't see him hitched farmer said that's fine said in the morning i'm fixing to bust the middles i'm going to lay by this crop and i'm i'm through i'm retiring as if you don't see him hitch bill here in the morning sure enough in the morning he put the harness on him and he called on that music come up here bob come up here jim come to the end of the road so whoop hey come around here come up bob come up jim come up whoop oh come around here that boy said i bother you i see he's broke he said but i don't understand when you you keep saying come up bob come up jim said what's that mule's name he said well his name's bob but if he thinks he's the only mule in the field he won't plow a lick bless god yeah we got a lot of bad just like that are you gonna go well what do you think about the preacher he he's preaching hard and why do you go are you going are you not going are you going to revival but what about those stairs what are you gonna do and you preachers ain't no better you got to call somebody check the wind and see which way the wind's blowing a bunch of politics makes me want to vomit amen friend a bunch of politicians y'all to call you senators to the pastor say amen hey gotta have a crowd well i'm telling you jesus don't get on that kind of donkey you want the pair of donkeys it was just one that man is unaccustomed he was led to a atmosphere he was unaccustomed to and i know this ain't popular with everybody but hey i come in here riding this horse i'm going to cluck to it while i'm here he didn't take him to some dead something another he didn't leave that dog we're king james everybody near king james if you ain't you come to the wrong place bless god he didn't lead you to some dead vespers service you don't have to like this you can lump it bump it fall over i'm in such pain right now don't don't better be what you think look up in here if you only knew look up in here hey i'm trying to help you a little bit is everybody listening he brought that donkey to an atmosphere that he was unaccustomed to brought him to a shouting baptist crowd [Applause] let me just say worship ought to be loud part of worship ought to be loud they shouted with a loud voice worship ought to be long and worship ought to be with the lips it's the sacrifice of the lips stay in there bless god i got bible for what i believe you give me what you believe in a minute hey i'm talking about they led him to an old camp meetings what he led him to we've got so apologetic now about that well they're that uh they're those other kind of baptists what what many years ago lord began to open doors for me and two of the leaders in our movement i call their names you'd know them and they met with me after a conference i'd preached it and they they took me in the back room and they said we want to talk to you now listen said you've got great structure and content in your outlines i said what about that and and they said we really and and your delivery is unique and this is what they told me if you could just tone it down a little bit if you could just tone it down we could use you in some of our conferences and they said that crowd you attract you you attract a fringe that's so vocal i said you mean like let the redeemed of the lord say so you know like that crowd are y'all listening to me i've watched them tone down until they set up like concrete look up in here hey and dead as a hammer thrice dead and plucked up by the roots i'm going to tell you y'all said just king james he brought that donkey to a crowd of the computer hey an atmosphere of worship [Applause] amen i can almost see them now there's always some pharisees hanging around can you see him brother here comes that donkey riding and jesus sitting up on him and there there's oh mary and martha over there i can see them whoa whoa whoa blessed is he that coming whoop hosanna whoa hallelujah to god hosanna blessed and seated emphasis shut up over there oh you must not have been there you must not have been there were you there it was not long ago my brother was in a tomb he died he'd been dead for four days and said you see that man on that donkey over you see a man on that donkey you see him and he come up he walked up to that grave and said last night's comfort oh they said hallelujah hallelujah i can see a fellow down there below them saying oh glory to god happened to god and pharisees shut up what are you doing shut up he said you see them ladies over there well they were shout while ago and then first he said yeah we tried he i'm the one there's talking about [Applause] i see a little boy with his basket of fragments 12 of them i can see you munching on a fish sandwich you see that man over there has it been so long ago that you forgot where you were has it been so long ago hey have you been thoughts of any wet blankets on your enthusiasm hey have we rationalized it so far that we've justified our silence i tell you i got something to shout about i got past some death of my life i got regenerated i got saved by the grace of god and it led him to a crowd that he had to hey he had to get accustomed to it and by the way you ever get to drink it from as well you'll like it don't knock it till you tried it amen i raised mules i've got some big perching bears and a black jack it's interesting when you cross that jack with the mire to get the mule most of the characteristics that that offspring bear are like the mayor the horse the mule may have a smaller hoof than the horse but the predominant i'm talking about the real exaggerated characteristic that you notice the most is what you know why it's a beast a burden its sole purpose in life is to labor and and the success of the servant is contingent upon the voice of the master why those ears are so long they got to know whoa god don't get on no donkey won't listen to him unique voice of god undeniable voice of god unchanging voice of god he's an immutable god whatever said he always still means he's a yesterday today and forever the same god malachi 3 6 and i'm the lord and i change not therefore you sons of jacob are not consumed hey i want to tell you something he's always the same god he's a steadfast god he's an ever-changing god my friend wasn't long ago me and troy i got a pair of mules oh maggie and molly and my son troy he helps me on the farm when he's not playing football and sports he'd eat up with sports everything sports but when i can get him to the farm he let me on the farm we grew a patch of sweet corn and we put some of it up and sold some of it and i went in there and i thought if we could get it dissed in time we could put in another crop get some at 90 day corn maybe before the frost hit it we could have another crop so i said get in there and diss that up troy he hitched old maggie and molly they started working that patch and after about four or five passes oh maggie molly got far in the field they just stopped hung the head i mean you see the sides just heaving a little and i heard troy saying get up come up mate come up come up then i peek my head out of the barn door and he's shaking the lines come up they're just standing there i mean they've gone out man they were zoned out in a minute troy said daddy i stepped out from behind the anvil in the hallway of the barn and i said come up here mag come up here molly and as soon as i said their heads went up in there like tennessee walking horses they whooped around there yet around he never touched the lines again they finished the rest of that field and come to the barn when they got through you know the difference they identified the voice god don't get on a crowd ain't listening to him i could say much more god god god god don't get a credit can't take a load he was loaded he's a young colt some of you can't take the pressure god ain't gonna get on crowd can't take some pressure it's so hard everything served the lord and all these all these muslims and everything all these bunch of carpet riders everybody okay all these muscles everything so hard and everything and you know servant lord everything in the economy and everything like god's dead [Applause] after you've suffered a while he'll establish industry we want something for nothing we won't try to do everything the easy way hey man i used to bother i hated it in high school we used to have two a days in the summertime football practice before school still had two a day we practiced more but and we always said we won't we won't we won't if you couldn't take it we wanted you to quit they'd be running we'd be running laps and they said oh my side's hurt my tires are i'm thirsty and this is before i don't we never had anybody die heat exhaustion they wouldn't let us have water how many remember that hey they we they thought she was a if you drank water we wouldn't even no water break my diet shut up you quit they start that jungle seniors you get around say quit them boy might say so hardy and i'm thirsty he said well look up in here blow up get up shut up [Applause] god ain't getting on a bunch of wine and crowd i have nothing to complain about [Applause] the worst day of my life's been the greatest thing since i got saved say amen i have no complaints about serving god it's all good to me nothing but good i've got nothing but good to say hey i have nothing but good to say [Applause] but here's what i come to preach that's our introduction god was on it don't you how many believe god was on it donkey because he had life he'd been loosed he was led he's listening he's loaded come here donkey right here i need you to get down whoop easy for everything is different now i'm not the same anymore no no no no your [Music] sound like a mexican elvis but only today to put me down whoa i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell you what's killing us by god's presence i believe it is a scriptural basis pride's about to kill us i'll tell you what god got on that donkey but he was lowly well you say prove it well he was unlikely if somebody asked you to go get something for jesus to ride i was picked up today in a lexus and i surely ain't jesus alexis blackham if edda said brother tony go get something for jesus right i went to shelbyville tennessee that's the home of the tennessee walking horse i'd have got the world grand champion tennessee walking horse they step up about that high off the ground and that their back legs just drag the ground a tail just drags in the mud and they their heads stick up but i'm talking about that's unreal they just walk it gives me cold chills think about i'd have got the world grand champion staggering and i'd have brought him to jesus jesus i got you something geez i got you something to ride look here jesus i got you something to ride into jerusalem look at him jesus big old stallions down there 16 hands bowed up a muscle but then the eyes would have been on the steed and not the savior so he's chosen the weak things to confound the mighty unlikely you know i've learned the crowd that really wants there's a there's there's a difference between desire and egos you understand there's a difference between a desire and an ego there's a bunch of ego being propagated as desire around here and god ain't within 10 000 miles of it [Music] why is god using somebody like sewing so it won't use me because the way you act that statement right there reveals a lot about your insides well i've got a degree well well i've gotten it well i'm good looking well that's probably the reason god ain't using you stay with me he was unlikely choice he was an unseen choice the bible said they put their garments on him let me see a garment i need a garment that's plural garments that'll do right there they place their garments on him i can i could almost hear the mind of that donkey can y'all hear that donkey now wait a minute hold up i'm a red sorrel i'm pretty i'm out of the state champion jennick by the state champion jack go get me a pretty saddle go get me roy rogers just saddle with all that glitter all that uh silver on it go get me a pretty saddle get me a pretty bribal go hold on go get my potbos show harness with the brass knobs on the hangs and and the little tonsils on the side of the bride go give me that go give me that show harness no but god was setting a precedent he said i'm gonna let this donkey exalt me this trip but from now on i'm gonna use people he put people clothes on because from now on i'm gonna use people to exhaust me this will be the last time i ride a donkey in but i'm going to use people from now on hey don't get excited but god wants to use you but he's not going to use anybody that don't recognize god wants you he don't get on that kind of crowd he was unlikely he was unseen he was unremembered now you see prove that when i'm going to i'm mainly king james somebody say amen well he's in the bible and everything i know jesus remembered him but it's obvious that the entrepreneurs of that modern era didn't remember him because if i hadn't been there when jesus got through right that donkey i said jesus come here a minute how much you take that donkey gee how much you take for them you know they cheap right now i'd have bought him and i'd have raised coats out of him and i'd have said come ride a donkey buy the donkey out of the donkey that jesus rode i mean elvis presley's cadillac sold for two million dollars somebody say man get me a donkey jesus could ride on it'll bring some money you find the offspring of that donkey trace it back that's one gee that's one of the line that jesus wrote hey it would have been a valuable thing but man thought nothing of the donkey's efforts man didn't chalk it up to the donkey they said i don't care who gets the donkey let me tell you man may not be counting but god's counting man may not be keeping accurate score but good friend of mine god almighty he's in the business of knowing what's done and the secret as well as in the open god's keeping score my friend god was on that donkey i desire that but if it was easy everybody'd be doing it i don't think you'd be at this meeting tonight if you had not that desire in your heart the good news is that god knows even the intents of man i'm not saying i got god on my ministry but i want it on my ministry i'm not saying god's on my choir when they're saying but i want it on my choir i'm not saying god's on my preaching but i want god on my preaching but i believe it starts with that want to as we stand together heads about and eyes are closed the bible said blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled i believe you really want it god will give it to you
Channel: stillamazed27
Views: 2,505
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Tony Hutson, Tony Hutson, Dr. Tony Hutson, Middle Tennessee Baptist Church, North Valley Baptist Church, How to Get God On You, Luke 19, preaching, King James Bible
Id: sh11WqpJGsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 24sec (3144 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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