#498 Spinner & Pool Set-up Video

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hey everybody kathy here with paint pouring by kathleen miller today we are not painting people we are going to show you how to set up the puppy pool and the cake spinner i've been getting a lot of comments on how do you do your pool how do you do your cake spinner what do you wrap it in do you put it in a shower cap no i don't do any of that so to start out i have my training puppy pads that is what i use in my small pool if you are using the large pool which is back here and this pool folds up just like that no matter how big it is this little one folds up exactly you don't need a lot of space for that and for the large pool i use my plastic tablecloth because it's just easier you would really use you can use these puppy pads but it would take too many next i use frog tape i use that for a lot of things next is my press and seal and you will see what i use all this stuff for next are my sticks [Music] that is in my amazon shop the sticks the frog tape the pools the puppy pads uh the cake spinner the level that you'll see what we're going to use the sticks are in there so while you can get everything they need through the amazon shop okay okay so this is what we're going to do so kathy has completed most of the lining of this small pool and she's going to continue on to finish that while she's doing that i do want to mention uh that this small pool is basically a four foot by three foot area is what you need for the small pool so a lot i know a lot of you don't have a large area to do you're painting or spinning but you don't really need that big of an area so if you have a four foot by three foot area that's enough to hold the pool and some supplies while you do your painting and so forth and i just want to tell you when you put these puppy pads in or your tablecloth you want this to be up against the end the inside your puppy pull so that your spinner doesn't catch it yeah if you don't uh do that what kathy just said it pulls in the sides and they can catch the spinning painting and so forth now this small puppy pool is 32 inches across and eight inches deep and the large pool that you can use for larger projects is 47 inches wide across and 11.7 inches deep so kathy of course uses mostly the small pool and i think most people would do that too but the other day she did a 36 inch long canvas and she used her large pool for that particular project now the nice thing about the pools is as you can see they do fold up very easily into a very small spot a space i should say and therefore you don't have to have a large space to keep the pool um unfolded i guess you would say another thing about the pools is uh the small pool is eight inches deep and she's going to show you in a minute or two her cake spinner and that is below the top of the edge so whatever you use as your setup you want your spinner to be below the top of the edge of course because you don't want paint spinning out and you want to make sure you have your pool covered totally you don't want to have a piece of it showing because it'll be full of paint and i use the puppy pads only strictly because i do so many paintings that the plastic just doesn't hold the paint for me that's why i don't use the plastic tablecloth in this and when i use the large puppy pool i usually only do a couple paintings at a time with that so but this there's it can get really really heavy well the plastic is nice if you if you know you're just going to do one or two projects you want to quick set up and take down and just use the the plastic tablecloth cover as the liner and you can actually let it set for a while and you'll have some wonderful paint skins to use if you're into that sort of a thing yeah because you can just pull them right off right now i always tape it so it doesn't move the ends it kind of keeps it just a little bit closer in but yeah so many people have been asking i said you know it's about time i clean my puppy pool anyways so i thought this would be a great opportunity to show everybody well we had a spinner and a pool setup video but it it didn't show enough of your spinner how you actually uh do your spinner and attach the the wood to it and so forth so this this video will go into detail on not only lining your pool but setting up the spinner and this is it voila okay so as you can see kathy tries to have all the sides very sort of tightly against the rim around the pool and i know front and back because this is my lean in section okay okay now for the spinner okay so i take my saran wrap well can you take the saran wrap off it at this point no you can't i don't want to take it off well all right so there is the spinner and it is in the amazon shop and it's heavy it's a cake spinner it spins very easily but you want a heavy base a heavy spinner for uh your projects and the other nice thing about the cake spinner is it's raised up i don't know about six inches off the bottom and that gives you some area to tilt with if you need to do a little tipping or tilting besides spinning okay so i have my press and seal on now you're doing that you could clean correct yes if you don't want to put this on use a shower cap it doesn't matter just so you have your cake spinner covered and you want it to spin you don't want to put your press and seal so it doesn't spin then what i do to keep that on take my frog tape tape it underneath as you can see my press and seal keeps my cake spinner very very clean now do you put any crescent seal on this base that's press and seal it already has it on there i'm sorry i couldn't see i'm going to hold it upside camera okay yeah that's keeps the bottom clean and the reason you want to do that is not only just to keep it really nice but to be able to keep it nice and level because you don't want a lot of paint caked on the bottom so it's uh hard to level so as you can see i have my press and seal wrapped around it oh there we go okay i can see that now that is done you only need two sheets of press and seal for this cake spinner now we're going to do this now one thing i want are my no go ahead go ahead and i'll i want to mention something you have to use say what you want to say these are my 21 inch sticks that i attached to my spinner so they look just about even and what i was going to mention is you want try to get the same amount overhanging on each edge okay now it looks to me that they're a little wider by me than they are by you i don't know if that makes a difference to you or not okay all right you can put them on it you can put them real close or you can take doesn't really matter i mean if you want to be exact you can measure well that's fine i think that's close enough it just seems a little bit maybe it's just the view through the camera that looked a little weird so again kathy is using the frog tape which is just wonderful for this uh type of project because it's strong enough to hold things very nicely but you can get it apart too if you need to you want to make sure that you push your frog tape right next to the stick ah come on a little bugger because these sticks will go nowhere and i don't cover them i don't cover them with anything as you can see yeah they're good i don't cover them they just get full of paint reusing these and you've used them many times these same sticks i mean if you want to cover the the middle of it i'll show you that too because you can cover this middle if you don't want to have as big of a mess on your sticks and stuff you might as well show that as long as we're doing the video might as well okay now okay this press and seal really can tick me off some days let me tell you because it gets stuck and it just really wants to aggravate me it knows i'm videoing so it's being nice to me sometimes if i have a small canvas what i do is i just put this you can i mean you can even leave this on if you want i put this over it and if you have a small canvas you won't have any paint on the outside but if you want to leave this on there that's up to you i don't leave it on so what you do now is now you take your level first of all you got to see if it spins doesn't hit anything voila that means it's in the center it's pretty darn good so you take your level look at that yeah very nice level so now if it isn't level you take your sticks say it's up on one end okay you just take your stick put it there now it's not level okay so what we're going to do is we're going to take a stick on the other side and make it level there you go so that's how easy it is to level it yes that's very simple but if it's already level you don't need to do that and mine is level so that's all i have to say with this puppy pool setup um it's oh i know one more thing okay how do i secure my canvas to the puppy pool okay well i'm going to show you this because this is dry it's ready to be resin take my frog tape walla make it double sided stick it one end i'll stick it on this end spin it and it's not going anywhere that's all there is to it and the nice thing about that is just having the two uh diagonal edges frog taped is plenty uh enough to keep it from flying off right but if you need to lift it to tip it for whatever reason it's very easy to do it's not stuck on there no another thing you can do is you can actually tilt it with the sticks when it uh oh you can yeah you can just lift i do that a lot of times yeah you can lift it by the sticks they're on plenty tight enough you can lift the whole uh cake spinner the whole cake spinner and everything buy the sticks if you need to and so right okay but you want to get longer sticks like i have you don't want short sticks because you won't be able to uh and some people what they do is i i always stop it by these but you can stick a stick here to stop it but when you go to spin for instance if you spin it like this and you stop it like that your paint is going to just stop right and it's not going to go anywhere so what you want to do is you want to start out slow that's even a little fast sometimes slow yes there we go stop because that'll level and even out your paint but if you just whipping the heck out of it and stop it fast your paint it's it's going to be wrapped yeah it's like when you're in a car and it stops real fast and you kind of get thrown forward on an abrupt stop that's exactly what it'll do to your paint if you stop it abruptly the paint is going to be jerked to one side because of the inertia from the spinning and so forth so it's very important to spin it at the right speed and try to stop it in a more gradual manner than than an abrupt stop i do want to mention another thing about uh long bigger canvases when you put the canvases on there you do want to have just like with the sticks you want to have the same amount of canvas hanging over on each side kathy is getting a larger canvas to kind of demonstrate that because again this is an important concept with spinning okay now with a bigger one you can either go this way sure or you can do it this way sure you have more stick to stop it either way it's going to be fine and what i'm mentioning is but you want to have it even okay show it uh there we go like that you want to have the same stick of stick on each side because that means your canvas is centered if the canvas is is not centered uh the spinning is going to uh do different things to the paint uh on the longer end then the more central end and so forth so you've got to have make sure it's level yeah you can even reload see this is level after you put the canvas on certainly you want to make sure it's level because if you do a bloom i'm telling you your bloom's going to be off kilter and that's happened to me and then i have to take my cake thing and do this do this and it's really a pain so you want to really this is really an important one really an important thing that you need to level your canvas especially with blooms because you want your bloom puddles to stay where you put them without sliding back and forth so i just want to reiterate on the spinning start slow in one direction and stop it slowly if you can see where your paint is at then go in the other direction slowly if you need to um if you the pain is a little thicker of course you're going to have to spin a little more and just do a few spins and judge where your composition is at and go from there awesome okay i hope everybody learned something from this pool setup it's not difficult to do um if you want to use the same stuff i get you can get it at the amazon shop our amazon shop uh press and seal you can get at the dollar store uh frog tape you can get that all over as well well that's in our amazon but that is too i know but they can get it oh they can get it anywhere um these you can get at the dollar store these are the plastic tablecloths okay um or you can get them in our amazon shop the training puppy pads you can get them all over you can also get them in our amazon shop it doesn't matter where you get this whatever you want to use for your pool it's totally up to you so i hope you enjoyed this video um it's not one of my fun things to do because it's like oh i gotta do the puppy pool again but when it looks so nice like this and then i hate to put my first creation because it's like oh no it's gonna be all bad but anyways if you enjoyed it give me a thumbs up that's really important um subscribe to our channel we'd love to have you join our family please go to our facebook page paint point by kathleen miller join our group there it's a fun group and if we have a fun channel as well so i hope all of you have enjoyed this and i hope you learned something and um leave me a comment i appreciate nice comments and uh i'll see you all later bye alligators and no paint i have no paint on me today people you
Channel: Paint Pouring by Kathleen Miller
Views: 14,225
Rating: 4.9612336 out of 5
Keywords: floetrol, arteza, silicone, swipe, acrylic, coasters, pigments, bloom pour, pouring medium, amsterdam, acrylic pour, shelee art, pebeo, paint pouring, pour painting, acrylic art, fluid art, pour art, dutch pour, fluid painting, kathleen miller, artist loft, cell activator, colour arte, resin, deco art, ks resin, flip cup, acrylic swipe, bloom technique, acrylic painting, pseudo swipe, drizzle pour, paint pouring by kathleen miller, drizzle, redbubble, radial pour, kathy miller
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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