#1123 Amazing Flame Fire Effects In This Huge Resin Tray And Coaster Set

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[Music] great guys welcome back look i'm going to do a huge project today my big um coaster and tray geode mold now i did one or it was a a long time ago now that i i did one um i had gold around the edges and then i had shades of blue it was gorgeous but today i want to try something a little bit different uh those of you that watch my acrylic pouring uh i did this i don't know if you can fit or fit all that in but i did this fire swipe acrylic pour a little while ago and i was wondering what it would look like uh in resin not the cells though just putting it away not the cells just the colors so what i thought i would do is black around the outside there's a head there's a hair in there black around the outside then red then orange then yellow in the middle and with the center first of all i was thinking like just black at the top and then the other colors but then it might look a bit odd so i'm going to go black around the outside then the red then the orange and then the yellow in the middle so we'll see how that goes let me get my other glove on now i've made up um that's my resin i've chosen a thicker resin today because i don't want the colors to blend as much now when i'm doing coasters i want the striations and i want them to blend so i use a thinner resin this one's quite thick like it leaves a little mound there and you can just feel the resistance when you're stirring it is thicker this one's the delcam crystal clear now the mold itself holds about 900 grams of mixed resin which is 30 ounces but i didn't want to mix up too much because i don't want it i don't want to risk it going off so i'd rather put say two-thirds in and then come back and do a clear coat which is what i'm going to do that way i don't risk um you know using too much resin so i've got um these are more pigment pastes i've got black red orange and yellow so that's what i'm going to do like so now let's put in the resin so i made up 300 grams of part a and 280 grams of pop b it's a one to one ratio the delcam not like my others which is um a two to one now these are pretty full cups so i'm hoping they're not going to go off maybe i should have put them in sort of wider open mouthed cups i'm just going to have to get a riddle on i think and i'm just going to divide them equally actually probably won't need as much for the black hey because it's going to be quite dominant i think we'll put the most of their yellow in i don't know whatever it wants to be i guess and i'm going to kind of swirl with my stick as well to kind of make flame flame pattern okay that's it there uh put you over here right okay i've got some sticks i've got some paste just got this sitting on a piece of um baking paper to catch up catch my drips all right here we go oh is it just gonna fit it's just going to fit um actually i might just i'll just pour it in actually might be a better option and you're not you haven't got much in you so i'll just put you upside down for a minute oh gosh that was quite a lot oh maybe that was too much it's a big cup of resin though like i could feel it's already going warm i have got my air conditioner on it's quite hot in queensland australia at the moment we're in the middle of summer let's pour some of the red in there probably didn't need so much of the orange hair you don't need much of the pigments i was forgetting that but it was quite a runny one that one like some of them are thinner than others that'll do yeah i think i put too much of the orange in oh i hope it still works are you supposed to put a little bit in hey i was doing what i would do if it was a mica powder i think over compensating and adding extra because it's a mica powder but it's not it's a paste all right just give me a minute to stir these up they stir in much easier than the mica powders hey because the powders you've got to be careful because the little bits get stuck on top i hope these colors are going to be nice together i had a look at my pigment pastes and thought what colors can i use but i think these ones look really pretty together nice and bright and opaque i wanted them opaque you know when i do my coasters i do them with the mica powders and i mean i do make them opaque but you get the beautiful striations and things but i didn't want that in this i just want block colors and then i'll swirl a little bit to get like you know fiery flamey effect let's see if i can get some out of this one oh you're quite runny too see some of them are quite runny there we go that should do clean up my mess i don't like mess oh it's getting warm i better get a wriggle on i think i put too much paste in never mind never mind it's done now you're only supposed to really use the tip of the stick aren't you but it's like it's a full cup and these hold like i think they're 225 ml so almost a cup a cup full all right so i think what i'll do is i'm going to start start at the very beginning a very good place to start right now i can't pinch these actually you might you know what i'm going to put them into other cups so i can pinch them that way also um hopefully they'll be you know less less resin so they shouldn't go oh my gosh oh god making a mess tipped it the wrong way oh my gosh this is what happens when you rush when you rush let me just clean up my mess help can someone jump down and help me i'm going into a big sticky mess now oh my gosh how am i gonna i want to pick that up i don't want to waste it all right i'll do that okay let me get myself cleaned up hang on oh big breath it's all right accidents happen just move on it will be fine we'll just clean it up like so it will be fine just trying to rush because i didn't want it to go off all right now let's put this back not to knock anything else over in my little restricted area here that i've got clean that up now i just have to dry it throw these ones in the bin all right here we go let's give it a press down with some paper towel because you don't want your mold wet in any way because the resin is not going to want to adhere okay oops i've missed a bit haven't i all right never mind it's all right it's okay ryder let's try this again so i've got two of those let's pour some of this in here just so that i don't have it so deep i don't want it to go off now those of you that have maybe used oh you're going off are you now sometimes you you use too much or you pour too much and your resin goes all hard and it starts smoking and all that you got to be careful hey don't don't put too much in your little containers all right let's let's go again now hopefully this will work do some [Music] yellow some yellow i can always come back and add some more and you're going to be in the middle there like so put some more in don't overfill the cups because i find it all kind of runs down the side there like that if you've over filled it okay so i'm not going to put all my color in just yet i'm going to just wait and i can always add more now the next one i want to do is the black just a little bit i don't think i need too much i don't want the black to take over i probably shouldn't be using my gloves for this whoa you've spread a lot oh that's because i put you across there and not in the corner oh never mind i was only supposed to do that one in the corner wasn't i get around here these things are in the way move the other way yeah i didn't think i wanted that yellow touching the black there i might try and move that yellow and green sorry yellow and black make this awful baby poo greenish sort of shade um i don't know what i was thinking there i don't think i was thinking i was flustered flustered i'd tell you okay let's just remove that put all my rubbish down on a piece of paper towel now i need another bit of paper towel just to kind of move that yellow oops tonight all right baby wipes it is it's easier with the baby wipe because they're wet it just seems to be better just they just work better just put your finger in it like that and you can just move it okay get that little bit of black out of there right that's better happier with that okay now next color oh i haven't finished my black yet let's put some more in here see i did those ones right it was just that one up there that i i didn't do properly i don't know why ah flustered big breath it's because you're all watching me can't make mistakes but look i'm only human i make mistakes i drop things and knock things over all right there's a bit of black left there's a hair in there if i can get it out i'm not gonna see it anyway underneath the black right got it okay next color orange a little bit of orange i may use a little bit more yellow we'll see and i can always come back and add more color because i'm going to blend these anyway a little bit more i thought they'd be really pretty you know dramatic in these colors let's leave that there um and now the i red know why it's just harder difficult to do a big project like this well it is for me anyway okay now the red let with you out the way here we go a bit of red i'll put you there i may still come back and put more black in see what happens how's it looking love these colors they're so dramatic aren't they so obviously when the you know you with this one the circles on the outside are bigger so you're gonna need more of that particular color because you've got bigger rings there that one will need more black because it's a bigger piece in comparison to these smaller ones so i don't think they need exactly the same amount it just depends on the size like obviously this one's only got i need more black on that one a bit more red there we go all right now i'm going to put a little bit more black all right which one needs some more let's sort of go [Music] around like that do that kind of a a thing like so and maybe put a little bit more here they don't all have to be exactly the same i do need them to be touching the edge though so i'd have to get my little stick later and kind of push the black in a little bit towards the edges how's that looking okay that's looking better just fill in these little gaps here my resin is getting thick you can see it's starting to get thick these look really pretty when they're apart and then you sort of you know you push them back together and to make the this pattern they look really pretty uh this mold is available in my ebay store if anybody wants it and i think for the month of february i will um do a 20 off hey just because i'm using it and if you guys want to grab one while it's on sale now would be a good time to do it right um let's put a little bit more yellow in and let that blend because the other colors are all quite dark so i think a little bit more yellow on each would be nice and i'm just sort of pouring it so hopefully it can sort of blend a little bit that's got quite a lot but yeah i want the colors to blend all right more orange put that across there and they'll hopefully just you know bleed into each other blend which is what i'm hoping so i thought i'd sort of do it in in two two kind of rounds put some in and then wait and then put some more in that way you can sort of fill in your gaps if you need to so i do need the moles to be a little bit more full okay that's that one oh what a mess are we still going are we still taping yes we are okay now the red let's do more red because it's been eaten up more red and hopefully that will kind of push the orange back again oops it's getting thick this is why i wanted to use this particular resin because it's more thick and you know i didn't want the colors to blend too much i didn't make up as much of the red did i i probably should have in hindsight because it's it's on the outside so it needs more like i said earlier it's got a bigger surface area to cover because it's on the outside i think i've got no i used up all my resin didn't i yep all right here we go a bit more red just gonna make sure i've got enough red here for this one and the one next to it and then we are good to go here we go this is the last of the red i haven't got much of this end for some reason i don't know why all right that's my red all done okay now i need another baby wipe righty oh uh what else do we need what else do we need um i might leave it like that just for now and um start giving a bit of a swirl before it all kind of kind of thickens up a little bit too much right this is going to be fun now i need a do i need a clean paper towel i'm not sure just wipe that off there so they're not full yet and i guess the good thing about doing this is um if there's a bit of yellow there you know if one is fuller than the other with color at this stage it doesn't matter because you're going to do your top coat anyway i wonder if i should just go right off the top like that and that's just going to make a mess isn't it look you guys i'm doing it wow i'll just go over the top it'll be easy enough to just pull out there and some of them i won't go like right from the yellow they don't all need to go from the yellow just some of them the other color like that you know just give it a bit of a wiggle oh that looks so good that's so pretty i'm glad it's working oh okay let's go i'll keep going so you've got to wipe it because otherwise you're putting black back into your yellow hey i know we could do like a thicker one maybe on some of them like that oh that looks pretty because look that you've got a two tone there the orange inside the yellow so now i'm thinking i've got too much yellow but what happens if you come back a bit you come back a bit with them or not like like that with the black or not so much i will anyway just to add a little bit of contrast back into the the red i don't know does that look does that look alright or does it know it's better the other way because then you've got these little wispy bits here i don't know you guys i don't know see there you've i've ended it like that and maybe it's not such a good idea and now let's just do this way i better get a wriggle on before my resin sets up hey so i'll do some from the yellow and then some from the orange just so that they're not all starting from the the yellow maybe some a little bit wider as well just for a different look okay so this one here i'm going to have to go all the way around well i'm not going to be careful i don't go into the yellow there making a mess that's for sure i think i'll move all these i don't think i'm going to need any more color at this stage am i i think i'm pretty much done i'm going to need lots of paper towel though because i don't want to bring the black back into the yellow so i just got to be careful about that it's trickier than you think over here i might actually start bringing it back a little bit like that i think that looks prettier like that do you think just that little bit of color i think it'll blender i'm not sure if it will blend or not maybe if i just bring the red in rather than just instead of the black what do you think bring some of that red down into the the yellow oops we're starting to get pretty thick now i better get a a wriggle on here i didn't wipe that one properly see i brought the black in introduced the black let's go the other way as well because there's a lot of yellow in the middle so i think just uh don't know what do you think do you like those in there or not so much this one hasn't got that much red on it you see i need to i think i need to sort of incorporate the red coming down a little bit more because i haven't got much red in this one for some reason i'm not sure why and then i need to make like flames i need to bring that black down because it has really stayed separate like it hasn't blended a lot which is what i wanted but now i do want it to blend a little bit grab some of that red going through a lot of paper towel here yeah i think the center one's got a little bit too much yellow in it you know in the middle i'm just going to drag some of those other colors through make some little flames here just by dragging that orange through the the yellow doesn't have to go all the way through you can just you know drag some of the orange or just the red through like that just gonna make sure i don't get it into the next door neighbors there they wouldn't be happy so yeah i don't really don't know i'm just just playing i have no idea i'm just doing what i think looks pretty at the time we'll try and just break up some of this color in the center here just kind of blend it a little bit just so it's not too sort of swirly in the center just sort of blend it a bit and i don't want each little point to look the same like i want some wider and some narrower i want it all looking exactly the same how do you think what do you think is it looking pretty or better get down here haven't i before i this one sets up and i lose it use it or lose it i'm trying i must have obviously spilt something there i'll have to try and pick that up a little bit and then drag that red back into the yellow a little bit okay i need another wipe you're still with me or are you bored and fast forwarded i'll never know pick up that red and take it back a little bit there as well a little bit there just to break up that orange ever so slightly and then we'll drag just the orange through or just a bit of red through just for a little bit of contrast there's some red there let's grab some of that and a bit of orange there whoops going right over over and out what do you think you guys is it looking good from where you are i hope i haven't overdone my flames i don't like that black through there let's move that away and that as well so if you don't like something you can go over it just got to be careful it is starting to get quite sticky now tacky just want some thicker pieces so those are all quite thin and spiky there let's see if we can just thicken a few of those just so that it's not all exactly the same look some can be thicker some can be thinner and maybe some going like in the opposite direction like that it's probably what i need to do opposite directions as well would be good because flames do that they don't all go in the same direction do they so change it up a little bit um some sort of cross over others helps to give it that sort of three-dimensional kind of look but you don't want them all going the same direction i don't think and then kind of cross over a little bit oops gone over the top just whatever you feel like really i'm just as i said i'm trying to give it a little bit of movement a little bit of natural look to it by not having them all going exactly the same direction because flames don't do that do they i like those ones they can stay surprised i'm still working with this i would have thought it would have gone gone sticky by now i mean it is pretty sticky but not too bad where i've made them thicker they've thinned themselves out i'm sure i had these thicker they're kind of thinning themselves out didn't i i thought i did it's gonna be careful not to overdo things hey and um yeah just gotta be careful because i tend to tend to overdo things all right oh love it love it wow just going to take a little bit of this orange through there just to leave it as a little kind of a point in a couple of areas just for a little bit more depth just like so so that the yellow isn't just that block of yellow it's got a little bit more movement to it you know okay i think that's pretty good pretty good there's a bit of black in there well i hope i haven't bored you with this i know it was a long one um i think now i've got more yellow down this ender it doesn't i guess it doesn't really matter does it more yellow down that end for some reason so bring my yellow up a little bit there it's hard to do these these bits here because i don't have much to move i haven't got much to move there so it's a little bit trickier okay i think i better leave it let's just leave it put put everything down woman oh my gosh i'm a big sticky mess let me just actually i'll just take these off huh are we still taping sorry if it's very long video what are we up to 37 minutes or is this the first part i don't know all right now i've got some bubbles um i'm going to uh yeah i don't know if this will work because it's quite a thick mix already the isopropyl um once it starts thickening up it's a little bit more difficult to um get the alcohol to pop the bubbles but i'm just going to give it a bit of a a spray there that seems to have worked all right let me get you down for a close-up i hope it's all right i hope it's okay hang on i'm gonna take you down okay my mold's a bit of a mess but that'll just all get picked off it'll be fine so i really like how these colors have blended nicely see the flames have got other colors in them still got that yellow down the bottom which is what i wanted and then the flames that are licking up against the night sky they've got different colors in them now i guess it's not really going to stay like this because resin does its own thing and oh i've dragged a bit of cross there i'm gonna have to fix that you know resin does its own thing it'll it'll change very reflective poor camera doesn't know what to focus on so anyway that was that was hard work got it done just in time though before it all sets up i don't know if that's the alcohol that's done that made those kind of blobbies i don't know i haven't really used alcohol a lot to pop bubbles but it looks as if it might have made it a little bit blurry not sure anyway um thanks for being with me thanks for sharing this huge project with me i will be back tomorrow and um actually no i'm gonna do a top coat aren't i i'm gonna do a top coat um i'll be back when i do that see you soon hey guys i'm back and this is set i i went and i was trying to get like thicker flames on the edge as you saw i brought the stick through and they looked thick at the time but then as the resin sort of shrunk from the outside in you know how it sort of wants to come in from the outside in it's made them all thinner like quite wispy it's really pretty though i'm happy with it so i've got some more resin here made up another cup full and we're going to do a top coat i've got my handles just plain black ones i think i'll where will i put them i might work out where i want to put them first and then just pour the resin on try and make sure they're kind of evenly spaced two centimeters two and a half move you up a touch two point two 2.2 2.2 2.2 okay that's good i just give it a little press down i don't know if it'll push down at all but because the one underneath the top layer i mean it's pretty pretty hard now okay so here we go here we go it's really hard for me to try and cover this with something like to stop hair and fluff and things flying in because my drawer my plastic drawer isn't big enough you can use a food net and that stops hairs but it doesn't stop dust so just going to put a little bit in each first make sure i've got enough to go around and then i can just sort of help it level a bit if it needs a hand i'm going to make sure the middle one's got enough to actually secure these handles in so i'll make sure this one's got plenty first this is going to take me a little while to spread out it's going to make sure that everybody's got enough i'll leave that tiny little bit in there just just for oh for later just to make sure i've got enough now i'm going to use this little palette knife just to it's just easier than using a stick a pop stick because this is flat and i just have to push it along because i've still got quite a bit of space there that i can use you know to fill up because i only filled them up probably maybe two-thirds full so now i'm just adding the extra third this is the same resin it's a it's a bit thicker the thicker resins it's not so easy for the bubbles to disperse sometimes you just have a job where you need a thicker resin where you don't want your colors to blend like these flame colors i didn't want them blending so a thicker resin was good there but it's a little bit more tricky when it comes to filling in because it doesn't flow as easily as the thin resins the thin resins would have just flow flown um flooded the area and gone into all these little nooks and crevices and things whereas the thicker one i need to just push it in a little bit tricky getting in here behind the handle and just use the point there you've got to be really careful that you filled in all your little areas and you haven't missed anything so just go around and push all the resin in make sure you haven't missed any areas all right i think that one's oh there so there's a bit of mist it's hard to tell whether it's a shadow or whether it's a a bit that you've missed alrighty um i'm just going to do the rest you don't need to watch me i'm just going to put you on pause i'm going to finish the rest um and then i'll come back to you right all done i just have to pop some bubbles now that took a bit of time getting had to push all the resin into all those little uh geode shapes there but i think i've got it all like i said if the resin was a really thin resin it would have just flowed out into those really easily but because it was so thick i really had to push it in so i guess i could have used a thinner resin i'm just using my really tiny little u-butter heat gun here i'm just hitting the top of the the resin i'm not touching the side of the mold just real quick and then i'll wait for the bubbles to maybe come up again and then i'll go over it again if you're using a thin resin you can spritz it with alcohol and that works better but because this is quite a thick resin it's a high vis well it's probably a medium viscosity but it sets up pretty quick so it starts getting thick really quickly and then it's a little bit more difficult for the bubbles to be released okay when i look across the top like that i can still see some bubbles so i'll go again just gently it's only a little heat gun you can possibly use the um embossing tools but i find that in my experience when i've used them it just kind of blows the resin around it doesn't actually pop the bubbles so i'm just going over real quick all right turn off turn off why won't you turn off turn off oh my gosh all right so there it is oh it's looking so pretty there's a few more bubbles just there so anyway i'll give it a few minutes i'll wait for some more bubbles to rise it's not filled totally totally to the top um because i only made what the first layer was um what did i do 580 for the first layer and then i made 240 for the second layer so what's that five seven eight probably could have done like an extra little bit probably an extra hundred mils an extra three ounces just to fill it up to the top but i wasn't quite sure how much i needed so um yeah do you want to come down and have a little close-up or yes you're good from up there it's not much more to see from down here i guess um i'll take you down though hang on one sec okay so i don't know that there's much more for you to see see if i can pick up any bubbles on the surface i'm looking across the top like that if you look at it into a light you can usually tell if there's any hairs or bubbles or anything like that but it's looking so good nice and shiny there's the handles they will just get they'll just stick in as the resin dries you can put them in on your first layer if you want to but it just sinks them down a little bit more so there we go there it is okay i will look forward to unmolding this baby in the morning see you then good morning everyone guess what it's time to unmold yay i did leave it sitting uh for two nights just because otherwise i find that the trays sometimes sort of warp a little bit so leave them in as long as you can and then also try and weight it down maybe for another few days but let's just pop it out should come out nice and easily they do look at that beautiful i can't decide if i want to try to get the the top can we see the top look at that look at the shine on that i'm trying to decide if i want to do um gold along the edges or just leave them not sure what i want to do there's the bag exactly how i poured it without the flames though right let's get them all out just pop out really easily oh there we go look at that you can see the shine reflecting outside i love it i'll get them all out and then i'll set them up on my little table here i have got really beautiful points on the end of these you know using the thicker resin and as it sort of thickened over time you know i went in and i drew more little petals not petals flowers on the mind flames and to try and keep those flames from um like dispersing got to keep doing it as the resin thickens really to keep your flame shape oh look how easily they pop out a little tiny bit of sanding on this one here i mustn't have filled that one as much as the others but actually isn't really not much at all to sand on them really pretty i'll leave the biggest one for last hey look at that they just pop out so easily not much to see on the back right should we do the big one let's do it pop it out yay look at that beautiful love it all right let me just move everything now i'll put that put that down for a sec i'll just move all this and get my gorgeous huge mold out of the way it is huge all right here we go pop that down there hope we can see and i don't remember where everything was but i don't remember where it was i don't think it matters really you're supposed to have a little bit of a gap between we're going over the edge down here okay and it just fits where's that one go there maybe i don't know if i've got them in the right no that one's not right where's that one go that one must go up there it's like a little bit of a jigsaw puzzle sometimes putting them back together yep that looks right doesn't it does that look right i don't know let's see i think that's about right look at that clip clip clip just snap into place beautiful that's it i think i've got it what do you think do you like it i love it really happy with the way it's turned out look at it from down here so you can see the handles beautiful and shimmery and shiny surface i did that top coat that's the other handle there it is look at that i really love it so there we go that's it um i'll take a photo of it outside in the sun anyway and show it to you when it's all done so hope you've enjoyed that feel free to buy one of my gorgeous geode tray and coaster sets a seven piece set they are in my ebay store and they are on special at the moment 20 off the link is in the description below right i'll see you all soon for the next video love you all bye for now so you
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 265,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #resincoasters, #geodesiliconemold, #geoderesincoasters, #redandblackresincoasters, #fireresincoasters, #rockedgecoastermold, #flameresincoasters, #resincoasterandtrayset, #traysiliconemold, #coastersiliconemold, #resintray
Id: tMXCMosy4TE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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