#197 All My "SECRET" RECIPES - Follow them for Fantastic Results

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hey everybody Kathy here with pain point by Kathleen Miller I've been getting some comments that people want to know my mixing recipes for different paintings that I do in my creations so I thought okay as long as I have a little bit of free time today I'm going to show you exactly what I use and what I do with my painting so I have this set out for my glue and water recipe this is set out for my floral paint and water recipe here's my handy dandy little scale so let's get started I already have my glue poured out and my water just to save a little bit of time but you always want to use the armors glue all you don't want to use the school glue you want to use this one distilled water correct distilled water so what I do is I turn on my scale I have it on my MLS put that on when I got to put it back to zero no this is gonna be your 70/30 correct and glue recipe okay my pouring medium for my paint which is the 70/30 so I'm going to go 70 with my glue first and this goes pretty fast so you don't have to be exact exact but try to be the closest that you are because otherwise it won't mix right come on okay we did 71 that's okay it's a little bit over but it's fine okay so no then you reset your skate oh you reset it wrong to zero now I'm gonna pour in my thirty of my water and like I said it goes pretty fast 30.3 that's just fine okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to stir this up cuz this is you're pouring medium now when I do this for Kathy she likes to make big quantities so I double and triple it instead of 70/30 it all use 140 or 60 or 210 and 90 and that's the same ratio it's just you can make bigger batches quicker that way yeah it's a lot easier a lot easier okay so this is my pouring medium now so now and you can see it's really really runny that's what you want because this um you can either make it thinner with your paint or you can make it thicker and I'm going to show you what I do next so I take a cup like this okay you for a medium now you're going to mix it with your paint correct okay so what I'm gonna do is I usually start out with probably 40 you use your scale for this yes okay 40 MLS I mean you can even go fit I will go 50 doesn't really matter cuz you'll cook get it to your right consistency that you want and I'll show you the consistency that I like one more drop come on oh come on Oh was it exact see I usually don't I can just eyeball it now so this is so fun because I don't really measure exact okay now I have fifty point two of my pouring mixture which is my glue and my water now I have my paint which is you can use any of your paints it doesn't matter right I'm just picking one color that I don't have made up I'm going to go that's fifty I'm gonna start out probably with 35 because this is a thicker paint yeah because different paints have different thicknesses and so forth you can't always use the exact same format every time this is sort of a guideline and and I think you make your final decision after you read the paint and stir it I know on the consistency that you okay yeah we're gonna stir this and I'll show you if it's a little bit too thick or if it's a little bit too thin what you can do but now I go by the consistency that I like you might want yours a little bit thicker or a little bit thinner that's totally up to you but this is how I like my paints now if you do a swipe you want your paint a little bit thicker than thinner not much but that's another thing you I just eyeball mine so I can't give you the exact amount that I do well this is your starting point I just go from there and sometimes actually once you put the paint on the canvas you you realize that it was either too thick sometimes I mean it's not an exact science and and now with the 70 and the 30 I always use a cell activator and that I either put in one two or three drops it's totally up to you if you don't want a lot of cells don't put in a lotta so you can after you show some of these other things you'll show a little bit of on the cell activator then - well you just add it I see I like the silicone like hell Mehran sahami silicon oh hell murder the time Joe yes okay or you know the coconut oil I see any of these you can use the coconut milk um the helmers you can use the spot-on treadmill I see so that sound this is the consistency that I like my paint it leaves a mound but it disappears so that was 50 of the glue and water and 35 of the paint now that's the Amsterdam paint a lot of times your own golden paints are a little bit thicker so you might have to thin it with more of your pouring medium of the glue and the water combination but this is exactly how I like these so can you see that really dope felt yeah you can see that you can see how it hits the surface stays just for low material you then it appears strips off here just like honey okay so that is the one pouring medium that I do with the paint's okay where am I gonna put this I know ah it's my allergies okay now we're gonna go to the floral mixture I cannot stress enough have your little strainer and strain your floral because if you don't you're gonna get little grubbies and little boogers and it's amazing the stuff that you get in it right Philip yeah you wouldn't think and make sure you shake it first I already strange at my flow trough so everyone would know I always use the artist loft flow acrylic white paint in this my base paint that I use on my canvases is the same mixture as I mix with my colored paints so this is my base paint and I always mix up a bunch of this and put them in here because that way I can just dump it right on my canvases so I mixed your mix you my paint my floor all my paint and my water so I'm gonna do that and show you now how I'm gonna do this so this is no okay so no this is the MLS again I'm taking 80 ml of flow at all okay so this is the 80 40 30 mixture you mentioned sometimes correct okay so I start out with 80 ml milliliters of draw correctly that's American flaw chalk okay so right on the money almost eighty point one okay we go back to zero now we add our 40 MLS of our paint and once you get the hang of this it's it's very very easy even somebody like me can do it so usually does a lot of my own base mixtures and stuff because it it takes so much time that he has more time to do that than I do because I mix all my other stuff now I have 30ml of my distilled water got 32 but then okay okay so now we're gonna mix this up and this is all that that's really to it this is your base for your canvases if you want to do a different color for your base just replace the 40 MLS of the white with your choice of colors oh I see you can we have a black base gold base so any color that you want that can be your base but use the same mixture you're replacing this this flow acrylic is that what you're saying yes oh I see which is white and if you want to colored you just use okay now what I do with my paint is I either mix them in a cup or I mix them in here so what we're gonna do is we're gonna mix up another one but I'll show you this cuz I can pour this in my cup yes this one is also very runny you want it runny for your base this actually looks a little more runny than your other Nicollet combination yes okay different types of bases that we call them that's a baby oh it's a pouring media pouring on through oh I'm sorry pouring medium correct but this is your base with this one that is not your base okay that's your pouring media for your color I don't want to get people mixed up I'm trying to understand this myself so a people care if you won't correct me yes okay now I'm going to show you how to mix the colors okay you're gonna mix them exactly the same way so we're gonna go 80 of our floral ah and I like to pour my floral into like this cup because even if I don't use all of it I can dump up right back in okay now I'm gonna take my turquoise blue I'm gonna go for it so I don't want to confuse people but now this is a colored pouring medium you're making no oh no let me explain this when we're done well now I'm going to water know what you're making while you're making it but okay okay it's the same thing as my base only it's with my colors you mix this up same thing and you can see Oh Phil can show you all my containers over there all the colors it's the same thing okay oh that goes in here okay oh I see all right okay now I'm I'm understanding yeah first it's the actual paint you use pink colors that you use out of those bottles correct and you can do it as your Dutch poor you can do it you can use that in so many things it does not work well with a swipe because it's too thin okay but if you want to do your Dutch pours and blow them out with your dryer and stuff this is perfect so what I usually do after this I usually put him in here and shake it put the lid on and away you go if you don't have these bottles you can leave it in your cup and then just cover with um some cellophane it'll be absolutely fine you can also put silicone in this if you want but the flow drawl will produce cells you do not need to put any silicone in here if you don't want to taste a little question oh no not really okay I've been writing a hundred percent of the time so far so we'll see what though what's next okay so we're finished with this okay so well you've done is you've made pouring mediums two types of pouring mediums right yes I mean you made paint around okay all right correct we don't need our water anymore don't really need this cuz I'm trying get rid of this stuff over here so I can bring up my next batch of stuff and show everyone what we're going to do next because the next thing we're gonna do is this is for just your regular pours for pouring medium this is your regular regular pours the next thing we're going to do is we're going to bring up our pouring stuff for our base on our paints for the bloom technique you it's a Schiele art bloom technique that we're doing next so I will bring these up and show you what I use okay this now I have a whole bunch of things to show everyone here this can go over here we don't need this I need this to show you gotta help this all right now what I use on my base for my bloom technique is the color art or the color place paint from Walmart I change off I like the satin and I also like the semi-gloss it's your choice if you don't use what I'm telling you that I use you're not gonna get the same thing that I get if you use what I use and have my consistency you will get the same result I get so for my pigment what I do is I take and this does not go on the scale so I'll just put that inside I use my 15 ml spoon and my tea spoon of 5 MLS what I do is I'm just gonna demonstrate right on this you know this install yeah okay so I'm going to take my choice that I use 99% of the time is 15 MLS of rust-oleum and 15 MLS of the vivid enamel and the vivid enamel you can only get through a color art so where's my okay so notice find out of the can right out of the can okay so that's my 15 MLS of my rust-oleum Castilian triple thick polyurethane I'm correct and I just put that into this little blue hanky cup then I take my vivid enamel and I have 15 MLS of that that cup is a by the way the cup is a three and a quarter ounce cup but you don't know you don't need you don't need that size cup if you don't want it you can mix this in any anything well I know but but that's convenient if that's all the paint you're gonna be using it's a nice size ya know some people just put them in the Little Dixie paper cups so that they can I don't know throw them away but with this the reason I like to put them in here is because once your pigments are gone all you have to do is put your stick in and leave it uncovered and it'll pull right out I have I have one over there I'll show you after I mix this so what I do is I mix this now because those are the two ingredients given an animal and rust-oleum for the pigments okay so you know first now I'll probably get some feedback because I don't use a respirator to mix my pigments feel free to use a respirator they say that you should use a respirator I do not but that's just my preference okay now I have this little dinky spoon what I do is now this is the new color art bling it and this is the extreme pastel light this color is Firefly and when you see the colors a lot of times they don't look like the container so it's a good idea maybe to mix it and then dab your finger in it and put it on the top so you know exactly what color it is I don't want to be careful because this is brand-new okay this is what the pigments look like I take I like a lot of color in my pigments so what I do is make you some pretty good hefty amount about three-quarters yeah more than three-quarters of the spoon okay [Applause] and then what I do is I stand back and I just kind of like get it all covered up and then I start mixing very slowly then I go a little bit faster and those are my colors that I mixed up yesterday Phil can show you right there on the table after yeah that that's actually for those pigments for the wine rack coming up are you giving them a hint which one one no no well that's a good thing because those are the colors so I'm sure who is ever watching this has a pretty good idea what color one no okay so as you can see this is called Firefly and then look at the color sorry about cold or something yeah okay so this is the consistency that you want now do you like to make those up a day ahead of time I make them up day ahead of time a week ahead of time okay when you try to make them up a little bit ahead of time correct four four bubbles and stuff maybe I don't know yeah you can it's better if you make them up like the day before okay I don't always have the patience to wait because so that's all you have to do to make your different colored pigments that you use correct so yeah that's what that's my consistency and what I use 99% of the time if you you I can give you other options like another option is you can use the deep base paint three ounces of the un-- tinted deep base paint and I got this at Walmart and then you can use one part of your polycrylic clear gloss you can mix that into a cup like this put the same amount of pigment that I showed you on my spoon mix it up and that is your pigment mixture now if you want to use the same pouring medium that I just used of my vivid enamel and my rust-oleum all you have to do is I don't know if I have enough of this out but I'll show them with the paint okay we're gonna use the 15 MLS again of the rust-oleum so this is gonna be for the paint mixture that you well the other one I just did it was the place for the pigments okay no but I can use the same hoary medium for paints and you can mix your pigments and you can mix your paint with the Schiele art it might not have enough evidence well what's the demonstration so just I know I gotta get this yes I don't you have enough okay well sometimes just keep get stuck too okay so now we're just gonna get 15 ml's of this is remember we have the 15 MLS of the rust-oleum now we're gonna have the 15 MLS of the vivid now we're gonna mix these two together and you don't want to get mixed up with the pigments the the bloom technique with the regular because the MLS are the spoons not the scale or you'll have so much going on you're gonna go oh that didn't work okay so that is that 15 and 15 for your paints so then you put the painting right well no what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna stir this first see I usually don't stir this because I put the pain and mix it all so no I have to be exact because this is how you're really supposed to do it yeah don't cut any corners here honest can't cut any corners okay now I'm gonna take my paint and I'm going to color do I have here oh I don't there's a matter no I don't want to do that color this is usually what I do with these paints so I'm gonna take like a little pea-sized one and two of those if you want to add any type of an iridescent you can get this at Michael's its artist loft and it's um the iridescent just okay so you put the two little piece sizes of paint now if you want it yet you're distant medium how much is the besides just one more piece size or you can just do one of the paint and one of the pea size iridescent okay okay so now you can see okay I'm gonna show you this is this is our pigment that's the pigment okay okay see how it just mm-hmm that's the consistency that you want it disappears okay that's your pigment now you're gonna see a difference in your paint see how thick it is yes it's a lot thicker so what you do you take your Jo sauna varnish use the same pouring medium as your pigments only to thin your paint put some Jo sauna varnish in it couple drops a couple drops to your consistency that you wanna see so that's the only difference you know I was always wondering why you had a debt to the paint thinners okay alright and you know you can you can keep adding more and more that's how you only add a little bit at a time but you can see already that is starting yes appear starting to look more like the consistency of the pigments okay okay that is my pigments and my feet demonstration next we're going to do our cell activator and what that you is I gotta wipe this out because this is a whole different thing again with this you use your um I have so many recipes it's not even funny oh my gosh okay for myself activate here I use one ounce of the American float roll so I'm gonna put that on a scale so everybody can see it yeah okay I'll get my scale here turn it on go all the way to my ounces okay okay so this is so you're working on the solo this is my cell activator okay and you're putting on what are you putting in there now this is my American float trip okay and how much one one ounce of American float roll okay huh okay now I take my teaspoon and I do one teaspoon and I use the oxide black you can use a carbon black by golden you can use the lamp black by Amsterdam at your any of your choice and you can mix this color into this as well if you want to do a different color activator right so this is your black cell activator that you're doing at the Moret with the American slow drop all right and this is something it seems like I could be wrong on this but the fresher you make it or you you know you if you use it sooner rather than later it seems to work better yeah I usually make mine up only a couple days ahead at the most and this is your cell activator everybody asked me oh what's that special black that you use this is what we do and this is for your blue and you that you have to stir and stir and stir this and make sure you get your sides but stir stir stir stir stir um I hope I explained this pretty well one more question I have know if it was the white cell activator you simply use titanium white correct if you want a gold who use a gold color okay if you want burgundy yes and burgundy yeah I think you've uh I know I've learned some things while you've done this even though I've watched you hundreds of times doing this stuff I've never really watched you make a lot of this stuff to prepare a lot of this stuff so this is why I'm up in my room different doors okay I'm gonna show everybody this uh now watch it's like elastic it's it's hard to see cuz you have black on oh here yeah but see I have to just keep using this because I know if you have an elastic yes you have the right consistency if a doesn't snap back to your liking keep stirring because you have to stir this really really well and like I said you can use you know the white titanium white as well so with these formulas or recipes I guess you'd call them people can do pretty much anything with the paint pouring using these different recipes correct you can do your 70/30 with your swipes just get your consistencies you know thicker for your swipes thinner for others that you want to do like a pore or something the 80 40 30 of the flow trawl the paint you can use that for numerous numerous things so I hope everybody has enjoyed this video I've been waiting to do it and I'm glad I did it for everyone now so Phil will upload this and feel free to ask me questions if you did get something but it should be all a black and white now so until the next video please subscribe to our channel we have new things going on all the time and I hope everybody has a wonderful day bye you hey everybody Kathy here with pain point by Kathleen Miller today I want to explain to everyone how I do my color art primary element pigment I'm going to tell you exactly the ingredients and the products that I use for my blue and my drizzle technique creations first of all my base is color place I get this at Walmart it's the interior white with the satin this goes on your base which is your canvas first now the products I use to make my color art primary element pigment are 15 MLS of the rust-oleum triple thick polyurethane rust-oleum 15 MLS of the vivid enamel which is from color art you need to get this at color art so what I do is I have my one tablespoon which is 15 MLS I fill that up and that's a cup of the rust-oleum product correct this is not a cup this is just a row and then that's what's in the cup well what's what's in that Cup was they were stolen correct in the spoon it's going into the cup very simple recipe this is going to be the 15 MLS of the vivid enamel - some people are getting confused about this so and I'm going to show you exactly how I mix the color art primary element pigments anyone see and when Kathy says some people are confused that includes me so yeah her to do a special video showing how she prepares her color art pigment okay recipes so now you have those two in this cup you stir them up mister William and vivid an animal alright and any of the color art primary elements the vivid enamel just go to their website which is color art.com and I also have a 20% off coupon for your entire purchase it doesn't matter if you have one purchase or 15 purchases you get 20% off your entire purchase and my coupon code is Kathy Miller all in small letters 520 all together I'll have that link in the description of this video so now know I use color I use a little bit more pigment than you should because I like mine to be a little bit vivid so I put it in the cup close it back up this is starburst which is beautiful there isn't any color that I don't like they're all beautiful you just stir this up now you should probably put a respirator on or mask to be safe I do not do that but that's just that's just me but to be safe you probably should do that so we just stir this up and stir stir stir stir stir until it's all together keep wiping the sides of your cup wipe off your stirrer go back stir stir stir gives you this consistency where it dissolves it just goes away now if you have these pigments made up and they get thick if you don't use them right away just add a little bit of water not much to the consistency that you want so that is all I do for my color art primary element pigment is never going to change okay every pigment that I make from color art primary elements is this consistency the rust-oleum and the vivid enamel and that's for your blooms and drizzles yes okay yes and you only use this technique and these this recipe for the blooms and the drizzle on your house paint only so I hope everybody understands this a little bit better including your question yes you try to make your pigments fresh I get one a day just a day or two before I don't you use them I do very good okay and you just don't have to stick to one pigment I I incorporate like maybe five pigments in one cup to get all different ideas so you can mix them up to whatever you like but that's the way my recipe is if you follow my recipe you are going to get what I get so once again these are color art pigments binary elements correct okay and there will be a link to color art calm and you can use that 20% discount correct okay so until the next time ie
Channel: Paint Pouring by Kathleen Miller
Views: 20,348
Rating: 4.9071493 out of 5
Keywords: floetrol, flipcup, arteza, silicone, swipe, acrylic, coasters, pigments, bloom pour, pouring medium, amsterdam, acrylic pour, kr resin, shelee art, pebeo, paint pouring, pour painting, acrylic art, fluid art, pour art, dutch pour, fluid painting, kathleen miller, artist loft, cell activator, colour arte, resin, deco art, ks resin, flip cup, helmar silicone oil, acrylic swipe, bloom technique, acrylic painting, acrylic paint, spin pour, pseudo swipe, drizzle pour
Id: EERnuN9qKbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 35sec (2675 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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