#543 The LARGEST Swipe I've Ever Done in my Humongous Pool

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hey everybody kathy here with pain pouring by kathleen miller welcome back to our channel today i have the big puppy pool out and i thought as long as i have this out i'm going to do another challenging experience for myself this is going to be a swipe but i'm doing it on a 12 by 36. biggest swipe i've ever done i thought go big or go home as long as i have this big thing out i'm going all the way because once it's down it's down so this is our big pool which is um i think it's 47 inches i think it's like 44 47 with an 84 inch um plastic tablecloth and i have my base down which is color place from walmart um white ready to use parentheses satin no silicone no water no glue took quite a bit of paint for this 12 by 36 but that's okay as long as we got it covered we got it covered so on with my colors i have 11 colors that i'm putting on this today it's a big canvas so i need a lot of paint the first one is bolivian blue by primary elements this low piggy harvest gold carmen primary elements sunburst primary elements marigold primary elements watermelon mist primary elements voom red primary elements this little piggy lily pad sky blue primary elements this little piggy golden peach and teal zircon by primary elements um of course everybody knows my black magic is my cell activator that i'm using today which is what floetrol and black oxide and amsterdam paint okay very good three to one and that is in video 478. all of my mixtures are in video 478 for my swipes my blooms and my what was the other one swipes drizzles drizzles and you know which is like stained glass and so forth now i just want to mention real quick video 478 is a nice video because it talks about how kathy does her base how she does her pouring mediums and how she does her cell activator okay elastic elastic elastic so anyways we're going to get started here um i'm leaning in here because i can't really reach this uh yeah this is it's big so just bear with me because i'm gonna have to switch some things around it in a little bit but i'm starting out with my bolivian blue oh this is long and i mean long phil you've done some long ones before but i'm not sure quite this long not this long no okay this is this little piggy harvest gold i'm gonna kind of come off to the side here get a little closer look i can't hardly get the whole canvas in the picture i can't hardly reach it off to carmen primary elements sunburst primary element this is marigold by primarily so i just have to see if this is in the center it looks short that's marigold this is marigold hope everybody's having a good day today this is watermelon mist we have a pretty good day yes oh by the way this large pool there's also a smaller pool the cake spinner and the liners are all in kathy's amazon shop this is vavoom red i made up all these colors yesterday so they've been sitting this is this little piggy lily pad yeah you you like to let them sit a day or so get the bubbles out and so forth okay and i had to think what i wanted to use this is sky blue yeah i wanted to do all the uh all pigments today on this yeah a lot of beautiful pigments wonderful rich colors so i can't wait to see what happens this is golden peach yeah this this pool is a big mama well if we get a bigger one you could even sit in it and do this yeah and be awful of paint like i usually am oh geez okay we got our paints down people oh that was a job really was doesn't look like much but it was a job i just got to find my little stick here you got some bubbles i have a few i can see kathy does have a facebook group uh called paint pouring by kathleen miller she'd love to have you join it's a wonderful group you can post your creations ask questions make comments it's a fun group so okay there's a link in the description box to join paint boring by kathleen miller facebook group all right let's move some of this stuff out of the way because i have to do it from over here so i can reach it and normally we don't have a space problem but when kathy uses the big pool when she brings out the big guns then we've got to do a little rearranging to get everything where she needs it yeah this isn't the ideal situation here but it's the only way i can reach that the nice thing about these pools is they fold up into just a very small uh yeah this folds up really nice really small which is great because it doesn't take up that much room no you just have to remember where you put it well you had to bring that up yeah okay everybody we're gonna do a little swiping here now with my black magic okay and see what happens okay i'm gonna start here i'm gonna have to get off to the side again so i can get close enough to see show everybody okay maybe i should do a long swipe hey are you making fun of me for those of you who don't know i tried doing this and i swiped way too far with each swipe and that that does not work i can tell you that right now no as you can see kathy swipes have picked up the colors and starting to make the cells now what kathy's doing today is not so much um to get a lot of cells although you will get some cell activity it's more in the design and composition that she's cares more about on this particular painting but as you can see she's getting some nice cells beautiful colors i gotta when i do this after i'm gonna have to uh hold that back all right because it's and the reason kathy says you cannot make long swipes is that you just run out of cell activator if she makes a long swipe now here you can see there's lots of cells all the way through if you go too far there's not enough cell activator to create any cells and i'm not going to demonstrate that now i do have to say that perhaps you want the cells to slowly get less and less and disappear in your swipe which is fine yeah that can create a nice effect also yeah well i mean there's nothing against it you don't you don't have to do it like i do it you can do your long swipes which is fine that's just my preference okay can i ask a question yeah were you planning on doing any swipes that cross well i'm leaving these here okay because then i'll come back over all right and what i'm asking about is i one of my favorite things is when you swipe and then you take another swipe and cross over through an existing swatch which is like this now that's yes that's what he means that's what i mean now the only problem with that is you get a lot of whites oh yeah kathy went too far with it to have colored cells all the way through but that's fine i mean that that's actually fine too because it turns out kind of pretty with some white negative space in it it does so i mean it really doesn't matter there's no right or wrong way to do it no it's whatever suits your eye and your artistic you know view of what you want to accomplish right you can do whatever you want it's so hard to keep this when i get the whole painting in the picture you really can't see the detail at this i'll be coming in and showing more detail and kind of going out and showing the overall effect at times i want to just show some of the cell activity at this point just don't make people dizzy i know i've got to be careful not going in and out because that does make it kind of seasick yeah yeah so phil and i are having fun today figured out why not we got the big gun out let's just do something wild that's true it's kind of a dreary day here in arizona we don't get very many of those that's for sure so it's a good day to be inside that's that's what we're going to do hey i'm going for a walk after this well between the raindrops i don't think it's raining yet i do want to mention about uh the description box of all our videos there's lots of great information in every description box it has uh discounts from the affiliates that kathy has so you can get some very nice products with some really nice discounts um it also has links to kathy's preferred products which is uh you know all the different things that she uses in her poor painting that she prefers uh there are links to her amazon shop her etsy shop and her redbubble shop and also of course all the colors kathy is using uh in each video are listed in the description box also so lots of good stuff uh in the description box good information savings on different products so check that out okay this is starting to take shape yes it is ah almost got that on me i'm going backwards here with my hand we had some questions recently about drying the paintings and how do we avoid cracking and so forth uh kathy does put her paintings under a box and he works from three to seven days she wants to slow down the drying process because that helps reduce and hopefully try to eliminate you know any cracking that might might occur so that's how she kind of addresses any problems with cracking i don't know it was this 12 by 36 we don't have a box big enough we'll have to go find something yeah improvise with this one that's for sure because we will have to go find something because this is a big one because when i thought about this i said to phil what are we gonna do how are we gonna keep this from cracking we don't even have a box big enough well we can like glue two together or something yeah that's what we'll have to do but that's okay we can do that also kathy does finish her paintings with either resin or varnish and we have a nice uh resin and varnish tip video that you can watch i'll have a pop up on the screen and a link directly to that in a description box and it shows you exactly how kathy resins and or well not and or resins or varnishes uh her creations yeah and when you um varnish i always use uh a sponge brush that's my preference it's a sponge brush and i put three coats of varnish it'll show all that in that video yeah oh this is gonna be cool yes i love this it's really starting to take shape phil it is i'm getting excited you're getting the basically the the backbone of this thing done and when you do your other techniques on it it should come out very nicely hopefully i'm just getting excited closer look again at where what's happening here picking up the colors picking up a lot of pretty colors okay get away this is this is one reason why i use puppy pads people it's you can use whatever you want puppy pads do not come away from the sides of the pool like this plastic does well the plastic wouldn't if we kind of put it on very quickly without a lot of tape you know tape and so forth so it would have been fine if we would have kind of put it on properly oh this is gonna be cool i can see it already oh my goodness i'm having so much fun here phil yeah i know you always have fun doing these i do that i do i love this i'm getting so excited kathy does have over 450 plus videos on her channel um we've done a lot of she's done a lot of different types of paint pouring projects and take advantage look at look at some of those we had a lot of fun doing them and we have them on blooms and swipes and stained glass and flip cups and all kinds of different types of pores check those out okay i think i just want one more over there then we're gonna do a little reckon okay we'll see what happens oh pretty pretty pretty okay now get my black cell activator back in it's a little hobby house there we go my cover good i'll try to give you a feeling for the the size of this project yeah it's a big one but it's fun yes so if you want to be challenged people and have some fun pull out the big dogs don't let them scare you yeah they think they can intimidate you they can't intimidate you so that's true okay i think you enjoy these bigger challenges uh more than doing the small stuff well i do because i mean it's it's very very challenging it can be very frustrating kathy's going to do some wrecking at the moment she's using the larger end of her stick to get some larger wrecking lines and what we feel that does is it ties some of the different areas together and adds some interest to the poured paint you just don't want to drag your stick over where you wrecked it because it'll give you like little strands like this yeah be careful and you don't want to do that yeah i learned the hard way after kathy rex she lifts it away from the canvas and like she said she learned the hard way that if you get drips on there that can kind of ruin an area of the canvas yeah well and that's that's when you do get a little disappointed and and have a few choice words i have many choice words that first time when that happened to me it's like oh i just wrecked it i think you did it sort of on the last it did the wrecking line too and it just went right right through the whole middle of the candle did i was so upset because it was so pretty it was a nice one too and we couldn't really repair it nope you can see those are the wrecking lines and you just oh i love that coloration right there that's a real nice group of cells so yeah you want to be really careful with this wrecking so you don't drag your paint because it's not fun when you go through all that work and then all of a sudden it's wrecked with this technique kathy also likes to have the negative areas all throughout the canvas too because that does help set off the colors and the character of the painting okay we're almost done now we're going to see what this looks like phil okay a long view if i can here i am you're going to fall face first into this painting we have tarps on the floor of course to cover the wood floors and some carpeting that we have or a rug and i'm always getting my feet caught in it and i got to be careful i'll be laying on the floor and we'll be videotaping the ceiling okay pretty cool okay now i'm going to spin this i'm going to get back position so i can get a little closer view here okay okay okay here we go going the opposite way now okay you can really hear the paint coming off yeah i think i got some in my mouth oh is this going to be pretty yes holy man what way did i just go that way i think i went this way yes i went this way no or this way this way do you go that way go that way the way you just had it go just go any old way you want okay whatever way you think is the best way to go go i don't think it makes you try not to that was a way you were gonna yeah you can hear that paint coming off i don't know you might want to do one more from the other way oh oh wow this way i can't remember phil geez i'm holding this there's only two i just i can't remember oh my gosh you can do a painting but you can't remember what direction oh wow oh it's this pretty oh is this pretty look at that yummy look at those cells how colored they are yummy that has to kind of come towards me i can't reach that far i'm just popping some of these little bubbles i'll bring it over to you this is gorgeous yes oh is this pretty people pretty there look at all the beautiful blue and red cells oh is this pretty oh my i love this area here that's pretty cool this this is so pretty i'm in love i mean yeah lovely kind of long way if you're done i'm just looking for bubbles okay you want the long way towards you right there i'm going to take a tour across the whole thing across the bridge that's right then kind of come out and see the overall effect of it this is really pretty yeah it's really oh my goodness these colors are amazing really really pretty holy cow it's just a shame it's hard to get the whole thing the whole effect well it's so big maybe if you stood on a step stool then i would be falling in the pool probably and it's in being inside this pool it's dark so you're really they can't really see the color vibrant the colors are they are they're beautiful very vibrant but because it's cloudy here we're not getting a lot of light in the room and it's tucked into this pool so you're not getting a lot of light on it either so i think we have to invest in some lights what do you think i think we're going to have to do that i think so because then they would really be able to see how beautiful this is because these pigments are just stunning on this they're beautiful it reminds me of peacock colors in their um parrots the beautiful pears in the islands and everything that's what this reminds me of yes they're really pretty so if you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up i mean i had a lot of fun making this it was a challenge for me because i'm little and i have a hard time reaching into it i just i i just pray to god that i don't fall into it in the paints yesterday i was so full of paint i didn't even have my watch on today because my poor watch was just totally covered i wouldn't even be able to tell time so i said to phil you know what i'm taking off the watch he goes well i hope you're not taking off anything else i said no i should be in my bathing suit no because then if i fell in the pool i could just wash myself off but if you liked it give me a thumbs up share it everybody thank you for uh subscribing and supporting phil and i we love all of you um i love your comments and you all mean the world to to fill an eye we have a lot of fun here we joke around a lot don't take us serious because that's we're not serious so um please subscribe to our channel and like phil said please go to facebook paint point by kathleen miller and join our facebook group ask questions show your creations and i hope everybody stays well stay healthy and remember this is only paint so i'll see you all later alligators bye you
Channel: Paint Pouring by Kathleen Miller
Views: 3,067
Rating: 4.9674797 out of 5
Keywords: floetrol, arteza, silicone, swipe, acrylic, coasters, pigments, bloom pour, pouring medium, amsterdam, acrylic pour, shelee art, pebeo, paint pouring, pour painting, acrylic art, fluid art, pour art, dutch pour, fluid painting, kathleen miller, artist loft, cell activator, colour arte, resin, deco art, ks resin, flip cup, acrylic swipe, bloom technique, acrylic painting, pseudo swipe, drizzle pour, paint pouring by kathleen miller, drizzle, redbubble, radial pour, kathy miller
Id: sbCq32XbgJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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