48-54 Chevy truck rusty door repair

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hey if it's here back at the game i got a 48 to 54 chef door here and the bottom of it had rust on the inside of the door here plus the inner lip was bad on the inside but the outer skin was good stick around i'll show you how to repair [Music] this [Music] so here's what we got we got holes on the inner structure coming along here i noticed the lip is a bit bad as well along the section here and it's got a little bit of rust over and along here and stuff like that but the problem we got is the bottom of this door skin is mint the outer skin and this door is in really good shape so i don't want to get in and cut cutting the bottom off the door but i want to repair this in here so first thing i'm going to do now is i'm going to go and i'm going to clean all that up and see what i got so i've after giving it a quick clean up a lot of heavy painting along here all the way along of course we got holes there i have a pitting all the way on there so i'm going to replace this entire intersection here oh that's going to have to go and the lip itself as you can see is all full of surface rust as well and over here it's really bad flip is so i got to remove the lip so all i'm going to do is i'm not going to get into out here i'm just going to take a grinder out and grind the face of this off to separate the lip and then i'll re-weld right along that lip there again to put a new lift back on there and what i'm going to do is i'll remove the inner lip right here this section here i'm going to remove that first then i'm going to make a piece to fit in here that'll kick up like this here and then i'll cut this out and i'll weld that in along there and dress all it up and then i'll install a new lip to fill it over i'll use the big old grinder i'm just gonna lightly run across this here taking my time and you'll actually see it separate see it here now we're grinding it off just the inner skin in the middle is the the bottom panel and then there's the outer panel there and as you see as it goes across i'll just continue grinding this here until it's all like this here we have it all separated that are probably spot welded in certain spots so you're going to have to go back and move the eye those are possible oh [Music] [Music] oh there's that bottom lip removed right there as you can see it's pretty rusty now i'm left with the inner structure and the outer structure so i'm not even going to waste my time trying to see how bad this is i'm going to replace make a piece up to go to full length of this all the way along i'm going to do is i'm going to make up this piece first so lays on top of this here and falls down before i disturb this i won't remove this until i'm ready a lot of people like to cut rough starter cars and uh i don't agree with it i like to get everything made up all i choose what i have there to make all everything fit because if you're making it on top of this here the same size it's going to be the same size that was laid in place so you always got something to go but if i cut all this out i'd have nothing to go by so i'll bend it all up and i'll fit it in here so i'm happy with it i got that nice little roll on it and stuff like that and then when i'm happy with it to the point that i was okay that's going to fit in there nicely then i'm going to turn around and i'll start cutting it out but it's always good to leave the structure there no matter how rusty it is you've seen it in my past videos i usually don't cut stuff out until i got stuff made it's so much easier to make the pieces within there i got more of this stuff here i have a lot of this all this is all locker sections i picked up a load of them from a construction site years ago and i still got a lot of it around now this already got a 90 degree bend in it uh i'm going to use that bend so i haven't got a worm of bending this and i measured it off and you only need 32 and a quarter inches i'm going to bring it off from the bend i say i'll hold each quarter from there inch and three eighths a little bit more here's my little doorbottom piece now that was regular steel you just caught it with the lip on the bottom i got to trim some of that off i think it's only oh the lip is that not quite a half an inch so uh half an inch yes it is so i'll trim that off a half inch so it fits in there nicer and i'll get this all cleaned up and i'll cut this off [Music] i got that cut off and i went ahead and i cleaned it all up one of the advantages of using this uh steel that i got is the coating on the back side of it around it it's a powder coating on it what i'm going to do is i'm going to leave it on the inside and on the bottom here and uh but here i've got to clean it off because i've got a weld to it but anywhere i got a weld i'm going to uh clean it off but i'm going to leave this on it for protection so it's good like have you ever come across a bunch of steel that's got a coating on it and you can always leave the inside section of it alone and give it a bit of protection that way i'm going to paint it or anything like that right now the first thing i got to do is this here is not quite a 90 degree bend and when you lay it in place it's not right so i'm going to bend this up just by using the vice [Music] yeah i got that fitting better there now i got a little bit of a roll edge i got to put in here for this roll here so i'm going to put my tee dahlian device now and put a little bit of roll on the into that [Music] [Music] so [Music] so every now and again when your hammer metal and your palm like you lindsey you'll have a tendency to probably warp it this way or work with this flavor and a lot of times it's just a very subtle tweak in the voice something similar to that bring it back [Music] that's all i had to do bring that back because this here when i was hammering on it kind of kind of went like this on me so i had to bring it back around so i'm fit [Music] excuse me that's got to go the other way because they're a door shape so i'm just going to sit here now slowly tweak it that's warner now if you look down that you see he's got a little crown on just retweet the net there we go [Music] there is a slight concave that is here a little very slight one so you got to watch that and just by tweaking it that way like i see it there now if you look down us it's got a very slight crown on from look at this this here kind of like uh right there this here kind of does this now over exaggerating it that's what it's doing now when you look down across it okay and all i've done that with is the device just tweaked it along the edge of the voice like that [Music] and added to it as i was going along so i got that fitting in there now now it's time to start trimming this okay what i did is i fit this on here and i trimmed it to length i cut off one end of it because it was a little bit too long and i had cut down a small bit of an angle because if you look this is not perfectly straight then what i went and did is i marked the ends of it with a marker you can see it turns to describe mark going along here what i did as i fit this in place right there like that clamped it placed and described it so what i'm going to do now is i got to cut right along this line here and cut this out along here now up here i'm going to leave it alone and hold it back a bit of an angle here and i'm just going to chop it off here you can see what american americans do going along there right all i'm going to do is i'm going to cut this off here because i'm going to cut that off and cut and buff that after but i want something to lay on now the problem you got is right here if you look on the inside here i've got to cut this bottom lip off as well right now the easiest way to do this is just cut right on through this here right onto his outer panel don't worry about trying to trim this up and get this fitting in here right and everything i'll show you here right there look trying to cut this lip in here you could probably cut this off and get a hacksaw blade and you might be able to try and do it like that uh yeah but the problem you got is making this whole entire cut so it's a lot easier just to use this here cut straight in through here and cut all this out of the way you can take your time do it the other way probably you know file it and fit it and file it and fit it but to me i just find that when it comes to doing a lot of this work if you're restoring all car an hour saved here in an hour saved there is two more hours you got to spend on something else on the car so that's just my logic behind it so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to trim this up cut this down through here and get this piece and get this section out of the way so i can fit this in place so i got the piece cut out section there now this is how i cut it out you see i cut it in through here i cut it back to my line and i cut it off i went a little bit far here i went even farther over here a little bit too far over here but i don't want that that can be welded up you can see where i cut this on an angle here because i want this corner here to fit properly on this piece here in this corner because if i went to weld this corner here now and had this tab sticking down to here going across here i'll be welding this tab back to the solder again at least when i remove the corner now it's out of my way so what i'm going to do now is i've got to go in here and i can clean all this up here and i'm going to paint all this hair and get it ready and paint the other side of this well i got that coating on that so i'm not going to worry about that that's already painted but that's how i'm going to clean this up and then i'm going to start fitting it in there and start welding the ends on it and then i'm going to go back and then do the cotton ball on this up here so i'll get that cleaned up and painted now okay got that all cleaned up inside got it all primed ready to go so now i'm going to fit it in place i'm going to start welding the the ends here and then i'm going to cut and bottom up here let's go well that now [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] all right got it all cut and bought everything's tacked in place i've got a bit much off that corner look ooh made mistakes tony don't make mistakes yeah whatever only knows what i know because i made lots of mistakes anyway there's a piece i cut out took it out from inside so that's been removed so now all i got left to do now is go back and just weld all this up solid and grind dress it but what i'm going to do first here now is i'm going to cut the bottom off i want to get everything made up put in place and get the bottom lip and everything put in before i batter as well all that so i'll be all done when it when it's done so what i'm going to do is i'm going to change position to the door now and so i can cut this off i'm going to use this here lip as a guide to cut that lip off got the door set up on his end now you can see where i got down here so now all i'm going to do is i'm going to come in here with the grinder and use this as a guide and go along here cut that bottom lip section after because it was too wide on the bottom so all my foot is a small section i'll go ahead now cut that off [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right i got that trimmed off i got a prop back up again now what i went and did and i grinded off or welded these solid on the ends and cleaned all this up here so it's all flush mounted and i cleaned up all the edge along here done the same thing over here now this is the piece i just cut off i think it's going to work out perfect it is a bit short but i'm going to add a small little short piece in here at the end because this is on the inside edge of the door it's no big deal i'm not going to cut up a full sheet of steel just for that that lip because all i'm going to do now is i'm going to clamp that there like so and i'm going to weld that along the edge do not be afraid of welding edges like this here like people would try to do this fold in over and stuff like that i find a lot of times if you just weld the edge up like i'm doing here now make all the lips up uh you get a lot nicer finish along the the side edge here and sometimes your shapes like if you've got a door edge that's got a sort of a contour or something it's better to make it in three sections than it is to uh to do with like try to fold it in around you get a lot sharper edge so i'm gonna go ahead and attack that in now i just got this clamped in place here held nice and tight now the problem you look at it there is a bit of a gap there bringing together all i'm going to do is i'm going to work my way along where i'm going to spot weld it i got the voice grip set up so they'll just go snug on me and i'll pull it in tight weld it pull it in tight and weld it pull it in tight and weld it that's all i'm going to do all the way along you can see the difference that it makes here just by letting it go see so i'll just pull that tight and weld it and i'll move on down here and do the same thing again all right so i got that all welded on as you can see there go right across i got the piece put in over here a little tiny short section i went and butt welded it here and then i grinded it off after to go over the end of it and you can see now the way i got it all well together there and if you're looking at across this way here you see a nice little lip going right across it now again so what i'm going to do now i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to weld all this up up along here and in here only weld it all up and then when you see it again this will be all one piece so here it is all welded up solid welded all the way up along there right along that lip nothing pretty what i'm gonna have to do now is gotta go back and i'm gonna grind all this off nice and smooth now what i'll do here is i'll grind it this way and i'll grind it on the inside and then i'll start leveling out the top side again make it like a square edge out of it and i'll just roll it over um you're probably going to have to re-weld it a few times some people were saying well tony would have been easier if you just had to fold the lip over and whatnot but i'm trying to save this panel right because i got these holes and that most times fellas would you put these panels in them and you just eliminate all that but these the bottomless doors in good shape right so all i want to do is replace the inner section and the inner lip was bad so it's not always that you're putting the bottom of the door that you got to cut the whole bottom off the door in the case of this one here all i had to do was repair the rust on the inside door which is rare but still now you do come across it so this is how you go about it you see the little lip going around the bottom side there i always enjoy them lips i like them lips uh some fellas are just well they'll let up solid and seam seal it and you won't see it or fill it or whatnot no i don't like that i like when you look at a door and you see all the factory seams when you open the door there's one way i used to tell when i go looking at cars to see how much body work's been done let's just open up the doors and look at the inside edge to the bottom corners of the doors right here that'll tell you right off the bat if you've got a body line seam here that disappears as it goes down you know there's filler in the bottom of the door it was filling the bottom of the door there's probably rust in the bottom of the door inside the doors are probably gone which runs into bottom of the quarter panels are bad rockers could be bad bottom defenders are bad it just all adds up so i always made it a point that anytime i do any door bottoms to try to do it back to original as i can okay i got it all grinded out for the first time you can still see there's a few spots on here and there they've got to be re-welded up again now grinding this edge i got this grinded here now but you can look at it you can see it's still not what you call 100 but when i'm grinding these edges i grind it here and i grind it here and i grind it here i grind it in that manner i don't round out my edges and work on all that you're going to lose it what you got to do is get this top edge here flash so then when you look down you got a decent edge going along us okay that's what you got to work on getting that straightened away then you come across and you see this stuff here okay i stopped right here because i'm going to have to re-weld up these few spots right here now before it does now this looks pretty wide here now but when this rolls over it'll all come together but what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to get a nice straight edge along here first so like i grind this side here flush and i grind this side here flush and grind the top flush this way here i'm not worried about rolling it yet so i'll come back now and i'll go back and i'll weld these few small spots that i got on this here and i'll weld these shoe here and then i'll re-grind it again and when i'm happy with this top edge then i'll round it off now i've after going back and i've have to re-weld in all the spots again on it about to re-weld this top edge and then what i'm gonna do and go back down and grind all this flush nice and smooth and uh before i round it off i'll show you that and i'll grind this down and get that prepped so i'll get this ready here now i'll just show you before it rolls the edge on it now i went ahead and i got that all grounded up again in there i'm happy with that there so now i'm going to go i'm just going to show you the process just watch the grinder motion of what i'm doing [Music] as you can see i kept the grinder flat this way then i kept it flat this way and then i kept it flat this way so now i got a sharp edge there now that i got a sharp edge here now i can go back down i can start rolling this edge out it looks good down across the edge of it there uh you can see that now like it's kind of hard when you got a rolled edge because it'll probably end up going up and down if you're not looking at it but if you've got a straight edge like this here and you look down across it this way this way here you'll get an idea of how straight it is and it's pretty good there right there's a couple of high spots here and there i can work with that yeah so now what i'm going to do i'm going to take i'll use the stone on that the effects cut wheel on that now i'm going to change over to the disc and round out that all i'm going to do now is i'm going to come at this on a 45 here 45 here [Music] [Music] wow [Music] and there you have a nice little lip right along there look now after you grind it and roll it over you may see a few scattered spots like i did i re-welded them and i turned around and uh re-grinded them again but i have a nice little lip there now you're looking along here and they slipped edge going along got the piece put in there all that's been caught and boss but this uh a bit of a complicated spot to try to do when you're trying to save the outer door skin but and that's how i do it people do it a lot different but she still retains the original door skin and the outside edge all i do is replace the lower lip anyway that's it for that one hope the tips are good and until next time you
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 60,753
Rating: 4.9679279 out of 5
Id: lIzQYVi5Nis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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