How to repair rusty cross members

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all right more work on the Bronco I'm underneath doing the bottom here now I'll bring it over Shawn we're going out here today you see this crossmember here I got one side repaired and put you come down here you can see this is all rusted out here we're going to repair that and replace what has to be replaced on us and make it I'm going to show you now how we're gonna do this today [Music] [Music] all right I got this all cleaned up I'm doing this different in my last video how to make patch panels with basic tools check it out if you haven't seen it I removed a piece from the truck and repaired it off the vehicle this was a bit different if I starts to remove this to try to make templates from it I know for a fact this is gonna fall apart of me now I'm gonna make two sides of this from this being mounted on the vehicle not going to make cowboy ten pick something I'm just gonna make an honest deal and then I'll make the third side one other thing I want to show you is that when you're making panels right here I got that piece of steel I got bent here and I got bent here just for to show you something here now and then I got it separated two pieces what I'm trying to show you is that two of them are the same okay but when you overlap them right they are the same as well this one sits on this one this one sits on this one and this one sits on this one so I could actually make a panel over the top of this and use these measurements these inside measurements or these outside measurements here to make my panel and when I caught this out it'll be the same as this here so I'll make this side and the top in one piece well it'd be made from two but I'll make this section here that will fit over here before I remove this so that way I got something to go by and then I'll make this sign over here separate and then when I lose I'll call it out and well this side I'm after the fact anyway let's go over to bench now and start to get some steel I'm gonna make a piece up put a ninety on it I'm just gonna get a rough piece showed you before I'm gonna cut this off roughly about here because this is pretty rough down here and I'm gonna make all this up down here so I'm just gonna take a piece of steel that was probably four or five inches high and put a ninety on it and then just come over and start fitting it up in marketing alright here's what I got I just roughly cut a piece out this is longer than it should be and it's wire than it should be and I got a mark this is about the width of the lead pilot this thing is about an inch and I just went over to mark the down I got America just come over here the breakdown and put it in the break and bein down out of 90 to get a status all right I got it laid in place with the vein in it the bend lines up there now down here down here you notice that it's on a bit of an angle what I need to do first is I got to get this here parallel to our rocker because I knows this is volume up here flush and I gonna work on getting this parallel to the lower rockers so I just put a straight edge across there in all America now you got a line that you can go off you know what this is the angle now gonna come right back to this agent little parallel that I learn to try to save as much as I can to cut that off I'll go over and cut that off then I went ahead and I caught a bunch of stuff off show you know I got to fit down inside the rocker and I gotta stay put it this is what I got done I just cut a notch here I marked it and I quote this also fit down past this so now I got my first point I can put a tab on this later and a tab on this numb right here this changes angles so I'm gonna have to move this in not worried about it right now but I got a setup so it's up here and it's pretty good so now an all around to the other side America so I get this out you can see what we got done I'm just gonna take America and just practicing on here to get this shape of this now you see the shape of the panel now there's a roll edge on these so I want to leave a bit on this here that I can roll over and trim it off after look again so all I'm gonna do is just take that I mark that on there and that's what I'll roll over on eh what's the same is the LAT in the last video I'll make it two sections [Music] all right I got a cut-off I've got the shape here's our line that I had no that's where the role was to so now I got a brought over to the other side now I want it under order to roll this edge over and all I'm gonna do that with home $80.00 um 8 that's just a bit of round stock around it out the edges and I welded to a piece flapper it's something that you clip it in your voice like so as you can see today's for old age on us okay now if you'll have a bit of a bold dismay they'll get that out kisses after stretching hearing now yeah just got test fit just two times for your happy with us so after a bit of dolly and tap-in you can see I got a fitna there's a bit up here we're gonna pop this off about here summer so everything's fine there everything fits down here make all these tabs can put on after now we got that piece made like that now you can start doing fine tuning it down here you look straight in just kicks in so I gotta cut this here and Bend this in so it goes flush through this here is these flood fear of what it's been an angle down here and then I gotta cut off the lantern up here to our land so I'm gonna go and cut all that up [Music] I got the piece here as you can see down here I got a vide I got a cut piece cut out of it this bead back so I can line up the panel here because if you look at it you'll see that there's a bit of an angle out us make up that piece dear and well that in and then what I'm gonna do after that's done I'm gonna go make the other side so then I got photo maze and I got to bore you with that one this is his exact same process as this just backwards on the other side all right I'm gonna go well that up there alright it's a piece of scrap ahead here was already close I just found a piece that fits in there so perfect if I was letting go oh well live in there now [Music] [Music] I got that little beach millville oh so now it's all one piece again now welded it on the back give it straightener burning so what you did is they're not knocked out the other side no I got to wait just a mirror image of each other hey that one fitted fit school is everything if you if you're interested it took me about 20 minutes to make that off-camera so I figured I just a few people after asked me about how long it takes me to make stuff with that piece deer took me about 20 minutes so now they got to go fit this on the car and set up the top T sound making up the top piece let's go have a look at that milk so there now we have both sides putting laid place clamp in place there as you can see now we just got to make the strip for up the middle and what I'll do is I'll make the strip but I'll join it onto this side here first because right now we're overlapped but when this hair moves over because when you caught this here and fought well this here is going to be moving over this here is going to be moving over still so the distance from here is only going to be this wide see so I'm gonna go make a strip down to go down through that the bendeth there's a tab down here inside here and I gotta figure something out for how to mount that but I'm gonna put the tab on it anyway and have that done so let's go make that no all right wait so my little pile of pieces of Steel I found a piece here that's wide enough from lime mortar long I got this piece here analysis to the bottom section for that side as you can see it gets wired or is it going to bomb first thing I do is make this nice and straight so I'm gonna trim this off now so it's nice and straight I will do that late late here I got that edge cleaned up pretty good nice straights a lot here I'll lay this up against this little piece angle or not I'll attack well them a lot of there keep an eye on it cuz you got a bandit up here to make sure that you've been set forward you're gonna be able to reach stab it's not going off on an angle I'm doing so [Music] never be concerned again about lint I thought it said a lot easier to have a to log and cut it off than it is to try to make it perfect to fit on you can always call it the fifth to making a lot of a circuit so it may seem like a rough way of doing it boss nears at this here I realized that it's better to have too much than not enough [Music] case it is here it's overlapping so now I'll take a zip wheel and [Music] [Music] [Music] now I got that all tackle in place the packing with the face it's on a 90 degree angle here we didn't open at it see small bit and all well all this up and inside now and I'll grind all this up and I'll show you that there you have it they rolled edge on it open the edge of it there see right down laga it's got a nice aged insides been welded I know pottery doing that that leave is much strength in there as I can there's nothing looks good out here is not matters right no I trim this up on the top around a bottle leave top alone for now got a straight edge going across here and fit it on the back on the truck in Americus side here so I get how wide is going to be all right I got a trim back turn the back on the back side let this test fitting in place again again like a stain is sticking out up here on top and whatnot so I can trim it back still a bit more so I'm gonna mark that exceed a bit of overhang as in there I can come into about here on that roll so I'm gonna take off that much more gained off this here and I'll show you after test fit and trimming it a few times now you can see I'm on the rolled edge of this panel here I lay up against it now this is got to go over this way more and you'll end up trimming this off both the key to this is it's this panel here now is to shape of this here this gets wider as it goes down the bottom so now when I start shortening this up all I'll do is take parallel lines off of this here when I puts the pieces together so then I know at the bottom width is going to be the right width compared to the top mr. beat I have nothing to go by down here when I cut the inside off which is how I'm going to do next so right now what I'm gonna go away in America here and I'm going to come down about the half inch and call it everything off clean everything up down around here and get it all ready for the final assembly on this here after getting a guy all that cleaned up I found this was weak here so I think that's the floor section in it I kind of figured it was bad you ready because I'd do the other side as well so I caught that out of the way and I can get that from the top sides which is a bonus because now I can do them spot welds like same as the other side I can come in through here with leather on well them off but then what I end up doing then I trimmed yourself I got this fitting pretty good they're gonna cut the top off it and then a tense minute the tweak didn't I tweaked it and now I got it from the point where I think worse - it's fitting good there now that's where I wants to have it is about there again that I got a set up to put the tabs on but first thing I got to do now is I got to bulk weld it here I'm not bought well it caught the ball here now this is gonna have to be cost and thin as it is okay now here's what here's how I does it being old it's kinda hard to see things all I end up doing I'll take a black marker I'll mark that they're like so they don't go back and I'll call her in out of these like so the blacker this done you lay it back to face again where I wants it and then I'll get my scribe and now I'll Scribus [Music] as you can see I love you to see that there you can see the lines really good now because we're scribed into the black so now I got a nice line that I can cut off to I know if that's where it's got a name so I believe no and I'll cut all this off all right I got that trimmed up as you can see now it's the same how you just a peat panel in front and then I went around I'm doing America thing inscribed it don't you already see it there it's hard to see what a scroll I didn't know how to cut that off okay no you had patience for this because there's a lot of fitting and trimming and fitting anyway I got this fitting up here and this sunk back down know what I did is a turnaround I lay this piece over got it roughly where it can be line up in front and then I scribe this here you see the scribe line they got thinner I'm gonna trim that off now this here should book or should walk right up against this now when that streaming off and if that's the case I'll tack weld it so this here is right and then I'll weld it all up and have that done I trimmed off piece off of that there is there now all I'm going to do is they're going to put this steer and I'm gonna tack without hair and tack well let here test fit it to see if this here is close [Music] now for the test field honest I'm gonna stand still stuck out of it it looks to be about the thickness of the blade so I'll cut this again and move it into thickness of the blade and try it again trial there guy patience with this you know what you're looking for a good job be prepared that it puts time into us [Music] there you go I will up grind it up weld it up inside all I got left to do now is put a few tabs and above this so I'll do that now then we can style this puppy [Music] [Music] it's pretty good there I got to wanna start wellness all in now and what I'm gonna do I'm just going to go ahead and I'm gonna weld all that up and then I'm gonna dress it all up and then you're gonna see what it looks like okay all welded in I like I do now is dress the doll oh I want to point something else when welding like sheet metal I find it better to have a lot of heat and pulled swelled and like spot well as you're gaunt and is to have it turned down so you can draw beads if yeah I just find you look at the penetration just the little tiny spot welds with a lot of heaters like if I had to start to run a bead it'll blow holes but I had that one sheet so now it's had to burn through the other side and it's just a quick little tip and you know grind it up there there you have it all done finished take your time with us when you're welded up you may come across spots that they're law when just reweld them again rewind them again you're just trying to make a look good to some but this is as you can see making it out of multiple pieces comes out a lot nicer dude I understand anyway it's another one hopefully it was helpful tips remote and until next time you
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 294,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CeVcNWuoM04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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