Escaping The Dream SMP's Most Inescapable Prison (pandora's vault)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/fosi_huj ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] before haiti's vault before poseidon's fault there was another inescapable prison the og the blueprints the beginning to madness pandora's vault everyone already knows about pandora's fault it's the famous prison of the dream smp that houses dream himself it is incredibly secure and incredibly impressive for being built in survival by one man i mean look at this thing it is considered to be the foundation of inescapable prisons the baseline if you will it is notoriously difficult to escape from some people even say that it's impossible and those who do clearly have never met me now when i say that pandora's fault is the blueprints that does not mean that this prison is easy to break out of the absolute scale and ingenuity of this prison being built in survival by one man is absolutely astounding and i have to commend assam dunes galaxy brain that he used while constructing this although with all that being said i did find numerous ways to get out i'm not going to go through each one but pretty much all of them had to do with either dying or getting help from the outside but i want a challenge a good puzzle to work my way around let's say that i'm actually in a scenario where i'm on the server with this person i have one canon life left everyone on the server hates me i haven't been given time to prepare beforehand and i was captured and forced to come here so to make things harder for me to get out i'm gonna have these rules set up i can't kill myself or die to get out i can't smuggle any items in i can't use any visitor and i can't go between rooms even if i get out of one let me explain you see we don't have any world download of the dream smp prison in full so what people have done is made a replica based on the streams of the dream smp they put in all the redstone contraptions from the build except for the vanishing floor assam dude just has such a giga brain that the people couldn't figure out how to do it or maybe they were too lazy so they just use command blocks to make the floor disappear and reappear that's okay using even command blocks won't stop me but anyways using a replica based on what we see in the streams of course leaves some unexplored areas there are two unknown rooms in this prison we don't know what they are so i can't use them and also the space between the rooms is filled with an empty void surrounded by glowstone and animals for some reason either way if i got out of a room by the cell i could just walk over to the portal room and get in through the redstone lights so i'm just assuming the awesome dude has made barriers in between the rooms in the real prison also this is my cousin that i made cosplay as awesome dude for this video just for clarification so in my recent escape videos i always plan ahead and always have stuff ready but in this scenario just to make it extra difficult on me let's just say that for some reason i wasn't prepared for being put in prison and that i have been captured by the protagonists i have no time to prepare and if i die while inside the cell that counts as my last canon life so i must be extra careful not to make any mistakes with this set of obstacles for me to go over this escape plan is the most difficult and dangerous that i've ever had to do so now let me show you what i must overcome [Music] you start by going into a portal outside the prison and then going through the same portal from the nether and ending up in the main lobby area of the prison here the guard opens the lockers where you put in all your items and then he opens the first door to the prison this brings you to observation hallways this is one of the only times that you will be separated from the guard and this is to make sure that you don't have any items on you first you click this bed then you'll be trapped and then killed with harming potions after that you respawn in the next hallway ahead of you is the first lava chasm the guard raises the floors that you can walk over it and then once you do you come to this massive room which holds the epic 6x6 iron vault door guarding the entrance to the cells once the guard opens the vault door you are presented with the main holding cells these cells are for common criminals so they aren't the deepest in the prison but nonetheless they are still pretty inescapable seeing as how they are right next to a sheer drop into lava then the guard raises this walkway and you enter this room where you set spawn get manually searched for items and then move on to the next room which is this place here you get splashed with water breathing and poison so that you are only on half a heart and can be killed any time if the guard feels like you're trying something nefarious then you swim through a 1x1 waterway to the next room and this room has a whole host of controls it has a bed trap where you set your spawn and then you get splashed with fire resistance once you do that you then ride this honey block flying machine across the third lava chasm then you douse yourself in this water so that you don't burn go up these dramatic steps and enter the last bed respawn point where you set your spawn and then wait for the lava to lower and then finally you ride this flying machine to the cell it retracts and then the lava is sent back down this is for visitors but i'm guessing that they did the same thing for the prisoner as well except instead they built a little stairway up to the cell bed made them tap it and then covered it up with obsidian and the cell is arguably the most secure part of the prison it is surrounded by obsidian and then who knows how many hundreds of blocks of lava and then your bed is behind more obsidian when you die you respawn on a pressure plate that pushes you back down into the prison without you being able to punch anything and did i forget to mention that you have mining fatigue 3 yeah every prison has mining fatigue 3 now also i'm going to make sure that this prison is in maximum security mode for extra difficulty all doors locked all lava activated and all bridges deactivated since assam dude is the smartest man to ever live he made one-way doors that can only be opened from the outside so when they are locked the switches on the inside of the door do nothing all of these safety measures to make sure that i can't ever get out and yet they have already given me more than enough to escape [Music] this is the easiest stage i just need to do everything that the guard tells me to and come in peacefully i need to give the guard as much confidence in himself as possible he probably knows about my past of smuggling items into prisons to break free so he will be extra thorough in checking that i have none i go through the motions set my spawn get killed go across the bridge go through the vault set my spawn get manually checked get poisoned swim through the waterway set my spawn get fire resistance go through the lava extinguish myself set my spawn here wait for the lava to drain and then tap on the bed in the bed trap if the guard has opened a tunnel to do it all i do then is get out of the bed and then i will be trapped inside the cell surrounded by a wall of lava now the guard left me with a chest full of books and quills to write various things like journals and diaries and suicide notes in the chest over here and they may seem useless at first glance but they will be the key to getting me out of here unnoticed also i'm going to have mining fatigue one this escape plan is still possible with mining fatigue 3. i just nearly use it so that this video isn't 7 hours long now obviously there's only one guard in this prison awesome dude he has his reasons for being the only one there are some advantages but there are also some advantages for me the prisoner as well you see no matter how long assam dude stays online he's going to need sleep every once in a while and he can't play minecraft forever so what i will do is for the next day to a week however long i want to be in here i write down the times that he logs off the server and back on again in these books for how long he has gone this will help me calculate the best time to make my move and how long i will have to perform it before awesome dude comes back online so yes we need to memorize his sleep schedule or at least his computer usage schedule [Music] it's been 30 minutes since the guard has logged off he should hopefully be getting to rem sleep if i'm ever gonna get out it's now i have a few hours to myself before he comes back my first move is to immediately jump into the lava you might think that i'm incredibly stupid for ending my last canon life and you are right i am stupid but you're wrong about me ending my life because i can get to the other side of this lava wall without dying i need to exit out of the world rejoin swim for a second or two and then repeat that over and over until i get to the other side because when you join a minecraft world you are impervious to damage for three seconds unless it's voice damage this means that with enough patience and timing i can get across to the other side now i douse myself in the water at the bottom of the stairs and then i go back to grab the bed from the room and then move on i forgot to mention this but i'm also going to be taking this clock so that i know when it's nighttime this will come in handy later now there is another lava tunnel this one is different because there is a guard tunnel to the right and if we break in like this we can get through it and this room right here is the jackpot because assam dude decided to light it with shroom lights which conveniently can be broken and picked up with your fist unlike a glowstone sea lantern or redstone lamp so i'm just gonna take all of these with me they will be useful later i'm also going to disable the bed trap and get the bed from this corner and then swim through the water gate now i end up in this small room i am blocked by a piston door that is locked from the outside thankfully though i can tamper with the redstone to make one of the halves open i break the stream light and then break this tiny bit of redstone right here this opens the bottom of the piston door i then use the shroom lights to shape the water sculpt it into the form that i want it to be and then use it to swim under the door although now i'm in another room guarded by another piston door locked from the outside this time it will be a bit harder to tamper with the redstone but we can still do it we just need to stack up to this redstone lamp break it and break the redstone block place the bed against this block sleep in the bed and then get out and we are on top of the room this is what i was talking about when i said that you were able to get out of the rooms so just imagine there's walls here it would take me ages to try and break out of the walls so instead i break this piece of redstone and go back into the room remembering to collect all the shroom lights and beds i now got this side of the door to open but here comes the most daunting part of the challenge yet the lava chasm [Music] there's no floor and the only way it can be activated is from the other side so i'm gonna have to get across another way [Applause] so [Applause] good thing awesome dude gave me enough of those streamlights anyways now comes the vault door this thing was one of the biggest challenges to try and beat because it is five blocks thick it's all iron surrounded by obsidian and it would take way too long to mine but this problem can be solved just like any other with patience and focus you see i learn a lot from the captors that imprison me over and over again and one thing that i have picked up from all the bed respawn traps was how they use the beds what i do is break the stream light break this redstone and build back up now i will use the guard's bed trap trick as a means to escape the very thing that they thought to stop me i place the bed here sleep and wake up i'm inside the door now i place a shroom light here place a bed here and do the exact same thing and i am through without a scratch on it from this side now this lava chasm can be opened by a button here so thankfully we don't have to parkour over it now thankfully the door to the guard area is opened by pressure plates on this side so i can walk through and face the last door that i must break but i'm gonna have to use good old-fashioned punching to get through this one it's just one though it's only blackstone it'll take a while with mining fatigue three but i can still do it then i place the bed here and sleep in it once again i now have access to the main control panel now i must turn on the portal and then open my under chest i don't know about you but i always keep tnt obsidian and flint and steel in my under chest just in case i need to make another portal in the nether all i need to do is enter the portal like the tnt just as i'm about to be teleported and just like that i've escaped the dream smp's most inescapable prison still holding my last cat in life [Music] you
Channel: MythrodakTV
Views: 1,381,358
Rating: 4.9540119 out of 5
Keywords: Dream SMP, Dream, Minecraft, Inescapable Prison, Prison
Id: 6hH7LWU90Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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