435-Lb. Actress Strives for a BIG Change | Heavy (S1, E9) | Full Episode | Lifetime

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This weight, it is taking my organs, and it's squeezing them together. It's going to kill me. I have sleep apnea, acid reflux, a mild form of narcolepsy, borderline diabetic. This is my big bag of chips. I am 4' 2". I weigh approximately 238 pounds. This fat has become my identity. When you can't sleep in a bed, I definitely feel like I've hit rock bottom. [horn honks] [music playing] Who can fit in that booth? I can't even get my hip in that booth. Part of the reason why I can't find work is because I'm fat. If I don't wear this, I could die. Like, my heart could stop in my sleep. Every day that I go live with this massive girth on me is a day that I could have a heart attack. ADAM: Tim, what's up? There we go, round two. TRAINER: Let's go. Let's go. Come on. I'm going to be the man that I have to be. You, I'm done. I'm done. I don't know where to go from here. I mean, the things I do are not working. My wife's weight gain is definitely taking a toll on our relationship. I think this opportunity is going to bring my wife back. Let's bring the new, improved Stacia Kingston. [music playing] This is what I've got. This is a massive girth that I've got. My name is Tim. I am 4' 2". I have a type of dwarfism called achondroplasia. My torso is regular size. My limbs are shortened. With this mass of weight on my torso it is taking my organs, and it's squeezing them together. Basically it's going to kill me. I have sleep apnea, borderline diabetic. Could almost fall asleep anytime, anywhere-- is also a mild form of narcolepsy. My mother was everything to me. She was the rock that I had. And when she passed away, it all came crumbling down. My mother, my brother's girlfriend, and I, two months and a day before I turned 16, we were going to Columbus to pick up my brother from the airport when we hit-- when we got in an accident. And my mom died basically instantly. It was very hard. It was hard to lose my best friend. I sought comfort in food. When I lose this weight it's going to change my life tremendously, because I have been overweight for so long that this is the only life I've known. I'm proud of you. I just hope you go through with it. And then afterwards, then you got to stay with it. TIM: I know. MARY: Just think to yourself, my mom's up there watching me, and I'm going to make her proud. What do you want for breakfast? Do you want to do a pizza or-- I was thinking we could do some cereal and maybe the pizza. We can probably do some waffles while that's cooking. Where's the syrup? I only have two hands. [laughs] Day to day, being heavy just sucks. But I think I never grasped it because it just wasn't bad enough for whatever reason. But now my body is starting to tell me that it's time to change, or you're going to die. Thank you. You're welcome. My husband and I live together more like roommates or like brother and sister. This is a picture of me in high school. I can tell I feel good in this picture. I wasn't always heavy. I was pretty normal in the weight category up until about, I'd say, age 11 or 12. I think a lot of different situations have contributed to weight issues that I've had. I had a situation with a family member where I was sexually abused for about six years, starting at age six until I was about 12. And so I think more than anything that that is one of the big things that has contributed to a lot of the problems that I have. You want me to spread out the blankie? Please. I sleep in a chair because it is physically uncomfortable for me to sleep laying down right now. So we don't ever get any time where we get to really be physically close. We've been married for almost a year and a half now. And to not be able to be intimate with your wife, I just can't imagine, you know-- who would want to be in that situation? I definitely feel like my husband and I enable each other. Thank you. My wife's weight gain is definitely taking a toll on our relationship. I think this opportunity is going to bring my wife back. Theater is-- has to be the biggest passion in my life. And I miss participating in it in all levels. I miss performing and directing, but at this weight I can't even go to see shows because I usually don't fit in the seats. I think Stace is missing a lot by not having theater in her life. And I can tell Stace is really missing being on stage and being part of that whole community. I definitely feel like I've hit rock bottom. When you can't sleep in a bed, when you can't-- there's just-- definitely hit rock bottom. [instrumental music] RECEPTIONIST: Hi. Welcome. My name is Tim. And I'm here to check in. Yep. In coming to Hilton Head Health, Tim and Stacia have taken that first step in moving towards a healthier direction. Hi there. Hey, guys. BEVERLY: Welcome. - Hey. - Hey. Nice to see you. Are you guys ready to go on a walk? - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, I am. Tim, I'm going to take you to your villa. Stacia, and I'm taking you. One of the real benefits of being in an environment that we provide here at Hilton Head Health is that it provides an opportunity to get away from the distractions and the challenges at home. We have three main components that we're working on. We have the nutritional component, the fitness component, and self component. What's the reason you really talked about like what you're here for? You said I'm here for the, you know. One second. [chuckles] Walking and talking is-- WOMAN: Yeah. --hard sometimes. [music playing] Hi. Hi. Stacia, how you doing? - Very good. - Good. As their health specialist, it's my job to take a look at what they've been doing up until this point and help them develop a plan to make the changes they need to make to get them where they want to be. We realize this isn't the most popular part of the process, but it's a good starting point. So let's go ahead and check things out here. [beeps] [beeps] Oh, wow. That's a little bit more than I thought it was going to be. It was not a fun thing to look at the scale and see that it said 435, I mean, at all. All right, just a little stick here. One of the first things we do when people arrive here is we run a series of baseline assessments to determine what their health status is. [pumping] I just don't care about myself the way that I should. OK. And I don't know why, you know, but I'd like to figure that out. OK. So it's not that you're lazy. No, not at all. I have a lot of energy, and I have a lot of ideas. And I just, you know-- just being tired just seems to like really just make me not really, you know, want to put forth a lot of effort. - Hey, Tim. - Hey. I'm Bob Wright. Hi, Bob. The first thing I'm thinking is, what's it going to say on there? I'm nervous. I'm scared. Why don't you come on up here and have a step on the scale here, see what we got here. [beeps] [beeps] Is that about what you expected it to be? Yes. BOB: OK, all right. Yeah, I actually expected more. BOB: Tim obviously has some physical issues that are unique. And so part of our job is to help move him in the direction of things that he can have success with. As a little person, the consequences and complications of obesity can be even more severe for Tim. [music playing] Ideally we'd like to see blood sugar below 100. Yeah. When it's above 125, we would consider that diabetic. Yeah. You're at a 220. Wow, that's a lot higher than I was before. BETH: When we get to your body mass index, we would like to see you to get out of the high-risk level below a 30. You're at a 68. Wow. Yeah. Same thing with your waist measurement. OK, we'd like to see you below a 40. Your waist is at a 61. Wow. What's scariest about this? I'm bigger round than I am tall. I am over 5 feet wide. BETH: Yeah. That's-- BETH: Yeah. --scary. BETH: Yeah. My weigh-in made me feel horrible. It made me realize the severity of why I'm here and why I have pushed myself. [music playing] Well, this first week is really going to be tough for Tim and Stacia. It's going to be a drastic change as they are following the meal plan and getting involved in a pretty vigorous exercise program. [music playing] I used to eat pizza, and the portions were humongous. ROBERT: Dude, you got to eat your vegetables. - I've been eating them. - [laughs] I see-- do you see that green pepper and that red pepper. See, I'm not a big pepper guy though. ROBERT: Have you tried a pepper lately? Not in a couple years, but-- It's a definite whirlwind change from what I'm used to. But I mean, in time I'll get used to it. I'll get over it. And you know, after this is over I won't want it. STACIA: So how many calories is this? ROBERT: 320. WOMAN: 320. Wow. Now, if I remember correctly, there were times when you ate how many? There was one day that I think I calculated I-- actually, I stopped counting after 10,000 calories for one day. Yeah, it's bad. My husband and I pretty much lived on a diet of either fast food, or eating out, or, you know, microwavable foods. So it's night and day. I mean, there's absolutely no processed foods here at all. Are you actually done? Are you full? I am pretty full. Wow. [music playing] We're going to get some strength and some cardio in here. Right now you're at 0.9. Oh, that's actually better than I usually am. That's at 1 right now. That's 1 mile an hour. Can you hit the incline? See if you can bring the incline up a little bit. My biggest challenge personally with Tim is that he has two unusual conditions. He has short extremities in addition to being morbidly obese. You got to stop? TIM: Yeah. OK. [pants] That's getting a little on my knees. I'm not sure how much weight Tim's going to lose because of his size and his mobility factor for him. He's not able because of the length of his extremities to move as far, as fast as some people. [music playing] There you go. This is the pace, right here. Slower, yeah. - OK. Slower's better. Nice. The exercise portion is a little scary to me just because I haven't been active in so long. Bigger breath, lots of volume. And that's really the key right now, get as much volume in as you can. So I'm just trying to take it day by day. I think a lot of the limits are in my mind. Tim, let's get this. Come on. STACIA: You can do it, Tim. One of my first impressions of Stacia is she's very eager to get going on the exercise. Stacia is going to be a great partner for Tim. She's there to encourage him. She's going to push him through the hard times when he wants to quit. Tim, you all right? Come on. [claps] Tim, what's up? All right, we got round two, second set. Let's do it, buddy. Come on. [pants] ADAM: What's wrong? [inaudible] You got to talk to me. Tell me what's wrong first. Knees are like-- well, you know how inflamed my knees are, don't you? ADAM: Are they bothering you? Oh, they've been bothering me for the past few days. With my short stature, I'm going to have limitations on what I can do and what kind of exercise I can do. [music playing] - Morning, Stacia. - Morning. - How are you? - Good. How are you? - You look bright today. - Thank you. - Ready to weigh in? STACIA: Yes, definitely. - One week down. Let's see it. [beeps] [beeps] That's 10 pounds. That's great. That's exciting. I am so excited. Today was my first weigh-in since I got here. And it's been one week, and I have lost 10 pounds already. Good. I'm going to class. This is by far the best I have felt since I've been here. [music playing] ADAM: Tim. - What's up, Adam? Good morning. How are you doing today? I'm doing good. Ready to weigh in? - I am. - All right, man. Let's see what it is. - I'm nervous, a little excited. A little nervous? Yeah. OK. [beeps] [beeps] Wow. You know how much that is? That's 12 pounds. That's 12 pounds. All right. When I went on that scale, it said I lost 12 pounds. That shocked me. That's awesome, man. [laughs] Now I just got to push on and hope that I can lose more. I'm ready for it. I'm ready for anything. [music playing] Exhale. Exhale. Tim and Stacia should be really proud of this week one weight loss. But I think one of the challenges is once they get through these first couple weeks and some of the hype has subsided about their arrival that things are going to get harder. Isn't part of our body image genetic? OK. So for example-- [snores] Oh, should we wake him up? TIM: Sorry. That's all right, my dear. I see-- Snore sometimes. You'll be sorry that you sat here, because I'll knock him over the head. [laughter] I sort of have a tendency of falling asleep almost anywhere. When you're up at 7 o'clock in the morning or 6:30 in the morning and you're ready to go, your body tends to-- tends to get tired after, you know, 10-hour days, 10-hour days. Exercising all week long sort of takes a lot of out you. Tim has a tendency to fall asleep often and really almost anywhere. People don't become automatically motivated because they're here. They get motivated because they think about why it's important to them, and we have to help take advantage of that and make sure he's, you know, showing up and, you know, participating. [music playing] What role do you feel like the food really serves for you? It's, you know, put my life on hold for a long time. So it's not a small thing. BETH: What's going on emotionally? What are you thinking about? That maybe I'm not attractive. I just feel like maybe I'm damaged. BETH: And if you're damaged, what does that mean about taking care of yourself? STACIA: Maybe I don't deserve it. BETH: Yeah, that's what I was listening for. For Stacia, being able to take a look at what is it that makes it hard to take care of herself, I think that's really going to help her succeed long term. Why don't you, Tim, come on over here so you can get a good look. [music playing] As you look at this, is there anything that's speaking to you? TIM: Junk. Junk, huh? In the past, what might have caught your eye? Pizza. JOHANNA: Pizza. TIM: The Texas garlic bread here. There's ice cream, candy, everything that I love that I can't eat. JOHANNA: So just take two scoops. We're taught from a very early age to associate food with good times, with bad times. And I just want to help them make that connection and then when they do make a connection know that that is an emotional process. All right, as you throw it in, I want you to tell me how you're feeling, OK? Squish it. This is killing me, and I'm not going to have you anymore. No more. I'm going to be the man that I have to be. Never again. It was heart-wrenching to see. And it was astounding because I would just see how much I was killing myself with everything I was eating. And I'll never do that again. STACIA: I feel disgusted that I put this in my body, that I did this to myself. Nobody else did that to me. I did it to myself. TIM: [inaudible] ourselves. I had, you know, some traumatic things happen to me in my childhood. And for me, the food burial, it wasn't the food. It was kind of a burial of the child that was lost, the innocence that was lost. You, I'm done. I'm done. I think the physical act of throwing the food was what really got to the anger in me. I just feel like I let go of a lot of stuff, stuff that I've been holding on to, the things that happened to me that I haven't been in control of for a long time because this person is dead. I'm angry. JOHANNA: Angry. This person that I'm talking about, I've done everything. I've written them a letter. I've-- I've went to their grave and talked to them. I've spit on their grave. I've done everything that you're supposed to do to try to get over something, and I'm just so pissed. It's such a [bleep] waste. I'm sorry. It's just a waste of life. And I'm not one to waste time anymore. I'm 36 years old, and I've wasted 20 years. I've wasted 20 years on somebody that isn't worth crap. [sniffs] [music playing] One more. 13, 14. Good job. 1. Tim and Stacia are halfway through their six-month weight loss journey. The biggest change that I've seen since I got here is that I'm starting to move around a lot more quickly. And I just feel a lot more energized and just generally more happy. It feels amazing. To be able to do what I can do now is the greatest feeling that I've ever had. I can walk a lot more. I don't run out of breath as easy. I'm not getting as tired as quickly. And I'm feeling a lot better. [grunts] [music playing] - Hey. - Morning, Stacia. It's good. How are you doing? Great. How are you? I'm ready. [beeps] [beeps] ADAM: That is awesome. Whoa. ADAM: All right. STACIA: I am under 400 pounds for the first time in like two years. I'm never going to see it again. I'm so excited. Yes, good job. Next week, next week. Thank you so much. Oh, yeah. STACIA: I just feel so different already and so happy that I'm here. Just going to keep on pushing and doing the best that I can because I know now that I deserve to be here and that I deserve it. I deserve to be happy. [music playing] - Tim. - 'Sup, brother? - What's going on, bud? - Not much. How you doing? I am-- I'm ready for this. You ready? Yeah. If I lose something, I lose something. If I don't, I don't. I hear you, man. All right, go ahead, hop up there. [beeps] [beeps] Nice. TIM: Wow. ADAM: So you're at 216.4. All right. ADAM: How do you feel? That makes me feel awesome. [music playing] BETH: So your husband's coming to visit. STACIA: Yeah, he'll be here today. BETH: Have you all talked about the visit a little bit? We have. I mean, I kind of broached the subject of being nervous about it, you know. My husband David is coming to visit me, and I'm really nervous about seeing him because we had kind of a strained relationship before I left. I've changed so much, you know, in the last couple months. And I-- I just don't want to go back to some of the old behavior patterns that we had. We've been talking every day since I've been gone, but I'm making so many changes, you know, personally while I'm here. I don't know what our relationship is going to be like. I'm nervous, just overwhelmed with emotions, and just can't wait to see her. [knocking] BOTH: Hey. Well, you look great. Hey. You know, when you've been separated from someone that long and you've been physically separated in your marriage before you even-- you know, before I even arrived here, I didn't know what to do with myself. This is the bed that I've been sleeping in. We moved to this one. - You've been sleeping in a bed? Yeah. DAVID: I'm just amazed. It's like a transformation. I just see it in her body, in her face. She's so much thinner now. It's pretty amazing to be sleeping in a bed instead of, you know, in a chair. [music playing] TIM: That's nice. I like this. BEVERLY: So have you been into a pool before? Oh, yeah, I've been in pools before. OK. It's just, you know, the whole getting in over my head thing. Yeah, I can understand. 17 years ago today, my mom died in a car accident. So to honor her memory, I tried to learn how to swim today. BEVERLY: Give me your hand. OK. BEVERLY: Tim asked me if I would teach him how to swim because that's something he's never been able to do, and he said he thinks his mother would be so proud of him for doing that. That just touches me, you know. That's just-- you know, that somebody would ask me to help them during such an important day in their lives. We're going to go over to the rail, OK? Yeah. OK. You want to go fast? Sort of. But do you notice nothing's happening to you? I know. I know. I just-- You're doing great. It's just this whole-- yeah. It's going to get easier every day. I know. BEVERLY: He has a fear of getting in the pool, and he has a fear of water. And we're going to work on that. And I think for Tim it's going to be these little baby steps, these little physical challenges that he gets over that's going to maybe motivate him on to realizing there's a lot of emotional and mental stuff he needs to go through too. Can you touch? No, barely. Oh, no, not yet. Beverly, she made me feel at ease. I was a little scared. I didn't really want to leave the side of the wall too much. You know, I saw the fear totally-- you forgot you were afraid. Yeah, for a second. BEVERLY: Do you know that? For a second. BEVERLY: Yes. You forgot you were afraid. Yeah. BEVERLY: And then it came back. I know. Nothing's going to happen. [exhales] I feel excellent, and I know that my mom would be proud of me too. BEVERLY: Tim, awesome. [laughs] [music playing] ADAM: Hey. How's it going? I'm Adam. - David. - David, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. You guys ready to work out today? - Yeah. - I'm ready. STACIA: I'm really excited about the physical training session that David and I have set up with Adam. It's going to give me a chance to demonstrate how strong I've become over the last couple months and just how dedicated I am to continuing, you know, physical exercise as a huge part of my lifestyle when I leave here. 3, 2, 1. OK, that was our warm-up for the abs. [groans] I want our incline all the way up to 10. So take the incline up to 10. Breaths, big, deep breaths. Step to the side. Good. Good work. Catch your breath. Deep breaths. Stay right over here next to her. Face me. There you go. You guys are going to get a little squat in. Show him a good squat, Stacia. Let's see it. Perfect. Oh my god. ADAM: Stand all the way up. You OK? My heart is beating pretty fast. ADAM: Good. Eight more. 8, 7. From having to do these squats, and things on the treadmill, and lifts, and things like that, it's really hard. And it got to the point where I just-- I physically was about to throw up. I felt bad. I didn't want him to have a bad experience with the personal training. I just wanted him to kind of get a taste of what I do every day and to see how much stronger I've gotten. ADAM: Are you really going to get sick? DAVID: I think so. You OK? Oh, man. ADAM: Breathe, deep breaths. DAVID: [inhales and exhales] ADAM: You gotta be pretty proud of her. Are you proud of her? She made it through-- Yeah. ADAM: --all these weeks of this. Like, unbelievable. I was just amazed at how in shape she is, because it took-- it did a number on me. Just relax. STACIA: This is what theoretically we're going to be doing when I get home. Not going to be going back to anything else. So I worry about his commitment level. Wow, every day. Isn't that amazing? Yeah, it's fun. It's fun. It gets fun. [laughter] Unbelievable. I mean, just imagine three more months of her doing this. She's going to be running circles around you if you don't prep for her. [laughter] That's true. [music playing] With a month left, I'm taking every opportunity to just suck in everything I can in this place and just absorb it in my mind. I made a promise to my parents that I was going to push myself harder and better. And I do believe that I have pushed myself more. [music playing] CHELS: Good morning, Tim. - Good morning, Chels. How's it going? Awesome, awesome. How are you? TIM: I'm doing well. CHELS: All right, let's see what we got. [beeps] [beeps] 178.4. Oh, wow. You lost 1.9 pounds this week. All right. Woo-hoo. CHELS: Whoo! Good morning. Good morning. How we doing? - Good. How are you? Doing awesome. You ready? I'm a little nervous. [exhales] Deep breath. [beeps] [beeps] [shouting] That's awesome. [music playing] After my husband David left, I've just been thinking a lot about it. And it's not that David hasn't loved me. It's just that the longer I'm here and the better I'm taking care of myself and I'm starting to feel, I'm just-- I want more. [music playing] As you head down the homestretch here and you're getting ready to go home, tell me a little bit about where you are now. Tell me a little bit about the progress you feel like you've made. What's changed for you, Stacia? I just feel a lot more confident in myself. I just didn't have any kind of self-esteem when I got here. I knew somewhere deep down in me that I had a lot of potential, but I think I had lost hope at that point. So I feel like I have more hope about myself and about everything that's in front of me, I think, knowing that I'm going to have a fruitful and long life. It's a new feeling for me, because I've most often throughout my life been kind of more tuned into the things that were going wrong. So just being able to focus on all the good things is a really big change for me. I really feel I'm back to me. [piano playing] I'm confident I'm going to be moving forward in my life, whether that be in a marriage with David, or that might mean that, you know, we may not be together. But I know I'm going to be fine. [piano playing] [music playing] ADAM: All right, legs out nice and wide. Lean to the right. We're getting warmed up really well because we're going to work out hard today, guys. Today, I'll be doing a beach boot camp with Tim and Stacia. When Tim first got here, he could barely get up into a chair. He had a hard time walking the length of a hallway. He simply couldn't even get onto some of the machines. Now Tim is going to be doing a beach boot camp. It's incredible. TRAINER: 3, 2, 1. Nice, Tim, nice! [grunts] Right leg out. Good job, Tim. Stacia's journey has been remarkable. It's been amazing to see her progress from where she kind of hobbled along at the beginning to the new Stacia, I mean, not only physically, but mentally. Her fitness has drastically improved. It's really incredible. - Come on. High five. [music playing] STACIA: Going into my final weigh-in, I'm excited that I'm getting ready to go home. Regardless of what the scale says today, I'm going to feel great about the things that I've done here. BOTH: Good morning. How are you? Good. How are you this morning? I'm good. You're looking bright and shiny. - Thank you. - Doing well? - I am. I feel good. - All right. STACIA: OK. - All right. Let's step on here. Stacia, your starting weight is 435.2 pounds. [beeps] [beeps] 286.4. Close. 148.8 pounds. Oh my god. [laughs] [bright music] Well, it's a little surreal. [laughs] I mean, it's exciting, and it's just-- it's such a huge number that it's hard to wrap my head around it. And it's taken a lot of hard work. It hasn't been easy, but it's been very rewarding to do the work on myself and to do the stuff that you have to do in order for the weight to stay away. It's just been really worth it. Going into my final weigh-in, this is like graduation almost. Hey. What's happening, man? How are you? I'm good. Great. It's time to remove the boy, and here lies the man. BOB: All right, step up there, buddy. Tim, your starting weight is 240.2 pounds. [beeps] [beeps] It's 173.4. That's a total of 66.8 pounds. OK. That's an impressive loss there, buddy. That is. BOB: Are you feeling it in your joints? I do. BOB: You feeling stronger, feeling thinner? I feel amazing. All right, good, good. All right. - Thank you, Bob. Way to go, buddy. I have lost 68 total pounds. That is a huge accomplishment for me, and I'm proud of that number. I'm going to take what I've learned here, and I'm just going to use it. And I'm going to lose another 70 pounds. You know, by next summer I'm going to look like a god, like a mini god. Rrr! [music playing] Yeah, the first day I had to walk back to my villa with just one suitcase-- That's amazing. --it was awful. I've lost a lot of weight while I've been here, but I really feel that it's a byproduct of all of the emotional breakthroughs that I've had while I've been here. I don't think that I would have been able to make the same progress as far as weight loss without going through those emotional things. You take care. You take care of yourself, girl. Look at this. We can get a face-to-face one now. We can, a face-to-face goodbye. All right, man. TIM: I can't wait for my family and friends to see what I've accomplished. I want them to have the confidence in me like I do myself. I lost a lot of my independence when I got so heavy and became dependent on David for a lot of things. So there's still a lot of question marks for David and I. And he and I have been in constant communication, but we're both aware that we have a lot of, you know, work to do to figure out what's next for us. [music playing] [music playing] I'm about to walk into my house and see my family. And when I last saw them, I was almost 70 pounds heavier. I'm anxious to see him. He's come a long ways, we're hoping. MAN: Hey. There's somebody opening this door. [exclaiming] When Tim walked through the door, I couldn't believe it. I mean, he was so heavy when he started the program that it was actually like a different person. GARY: So how much did you lose now? 68 pounds. Wonderful. That's good. [clapping] Yeah, 68. When I first walked into H3 six months ago, breathing was a big chore for me. And now I can walk an hour and still keep going. I feel like I'm coming home, and I'm starting fresh. This is where I end my old life and start my new life. MAN: Take 'em out! Take 'em out! [shouting] TIM: The reaction from my family was more than I thought it would be. It was a lot of happiness, a lot of pride. The next thing for me, myself, and I is finding a good job. I've got my health in order. I feel great. I look great. And now I'm ready to conquer the world. MAN: Straight in! Yeah! [music playing] Here at the salon this morning, I'm going to try to figure out what my new look is going to be. Going to do something really cool with the hair and get made up. I've got my big reveal this evening. My friends and family haven't seen me for six months, so I'm really excited to look cute and have them see like this huge transformation that I've made. SPENCER: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. [cheering and applause] Well, thank you. [chuckles] I want to thank all of you for coming here to the beautiful Aurora Theater. Let's bring the new, improved, fabulous Stacia "Stace" Kingston. [piano playing] [cheering and applause] (SINGING) I hate to see the evening sun go down. Being in front of my friends and family, I feel whole again. It really is like full circle for me. Thank you. Thank you so much for being here. [laughs] [cheering and applause] Thank you so much, everyone, that's come here tonight just to show support for me. Six months ago I started on a fantastic journey, and I've far exceeded anything that I ever would have expected that I could do. I'm on the right path, and it's nothing but up from here. [applause] I'm very proud. I'm very proud. I'm proud of the job that she did, and she stuck with it, and, you know, very, very happy about it. STACIA: Hey. I'm proud of you. Thank you. Stacia was phenomenal. I almost broke down. I'm just so mesmerized by the transformation and just feel blessed. Look a little different? [laughs] You look beautiful. STACIA: Thank you. Six months ago, I was a miserable girl who worried every day about dying and hated waking up every day to the same miserable life. And now I wake up every day, and I'm ready to like start exercising. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm excited about what life has to offer, what life has in store. Instead of thinking about, you know, all the negative things about what's not going right, I'm looking forward to see all the possibilities. [music playing]
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 178,748
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Keywords: mylifetime, lifetime channel, lifetime full episode, personal fitness, fit 2 fat 2 fit, fit to fat to fit, workout, working out, season 1, episode 9, Heavy, watch Heavy online free, Heavy streaming, Heavy full episodes, Heavy episodes, Heavy scenes, Heavy clips, Heavy Lifetime, weight loss, weight loss shows, weight loss journey, Stacia/Tim, Stacia, Tim, fitness, fitness journey, health, health journey, diet, exercise, fit, full episode, heavy full episode, heavy full show
Id: sN5vMJ6t6Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 7sec (2587 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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