4.11.21 | Sunday Service | The Pursuit

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] really uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey good morning pursue good morning come on stand to your feet if you're able we're going to get started today i want to invite you to come down to the front join us in worship come on find your place in the sanctuary today it's a great day to serve god to worship him come on let's put our hands together one two let's do it [Music] nation i am a priestly king a chosen generation to bring my offering i'm calling out for mercy i'm crying out for praise oh god come heal the nations and come change everything let god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] declaration [Music] heights let god [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm a new creation i am a new creation a warrior clean and free my words and declarations shape worlds and destinies you cannot silence [Music] let god arise let god [Music] [Applause] all darkness [Music] you fight so valiantly [Music] [Applause] over this region [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you father [Music] thank you father you pray god you're worthy [Music] is [Music] i [Music] [Music] i worship [Music] i worship [Music] keeper light in the darkness oh my god that is oh my god that is [Music] you [Music] you [Music] i [Music] [Music] that is who you are [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's who you are [Music] yes we praise you for who you are cause you are constant [Music] this morning even when i don't [Music] you [Music] you never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on we're going to declare his name this morning come on we're going to declare in faith this morning that he is who he says he is he is faithful mama you lift your hands up this morning we're gonna sing that bridge together we're gonna clear that bridge together amen come on let's go here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh you are [Music] standing [Music] holding on [Music] oh [Music] [Music] out [Music] you've done [Music] forever you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] yes [Music] lock her the way [Music] the stronger the pain the stronger my faith [Music] the higher i'll reach the greater the cost the [Music] the stronger the cost the higher the knees [Music] i will praise you [Music] [Applause] me [Music] i will praise you [Music] is oh no rock's gonna cry out in my [Music] out place my place we will pray [Music] gonna cry oh in my [Music] my place i will [Music] praise crazy [Music] the longer the way the longer the stronger the pain the stronger my face [Music] the stronger [Music] the greater the cause and i is praise you [Music] i'm will please [Music] yes [Music] please [Music] only one word comes to mind only one word to [Music] describe [Music] [Music] oh [Music] it's only one word [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] our [Music] forever [Music] forever [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] come on as we worship jesus we're invoking and inviting his presence to do what only it can do in our lives and in a real sense this morning friend jesus is here not just in some sort of esoteric metaphysical sense but no jesus is here this morning and when jesus is here anything is possible in your life and so we confess this morning that for sickness we receive healing for anxiety we receive peace for depression we receive joy for dysfunction we receive function and a sound mind and today that's available to you and god's no respecter of persons [Music] you might have not lived a perfect life that's okay join the club but today we worship the one who did and i said this last week but it's as true today as it's ever been for the believer every sunday is resurrection sunday and because jesus conquered death hell in the grave those entities have lost their claim on you and so we celebrate a risen savior who at his right hand there is mercy and healing and joy evermore and so god today we receive from you we say let it be done unto us according to our faith and so we put our faith in the finished work of jesus christ who by his stripes we receive healing from our sickness and forgiveness from our sins and god today we say do that best work inside each and every one of us and god we we come to you today offering what little we have that mustard seed of faith but knowing that it can move a mountain and god we trust that you still today are in the business of miracles signs and wonders and so we declare over this house matthew 10 8 that the dead would raise that the lane would walk that the blind would see that the leper would be cleansed and that the demons would be cast out and so we lift high the name of jesus and at his name every other name bows its knee and confesses that he is lord and we confess the lordship of jesus in the northwest we confess the rulership of jesus christ in the northwest and we say god today do your best work inside of us and we'll give you all the praise and all the glory and all the honor both now and forever in jesus name come on all god's people said hey ben amen would you take a minute say hi to a friend on the way back to your seat man thanks so much for joining us for church [Music] [Music] good morning pursuit family whether you're joining us here in person or online welcome to service here are your morning announcements remember that there is no pursuit night this week these events are on the first and third monday of each month so our next pursuit night is april 19th at 6 pm our young adult gathering is this tuesday the 13th from 6 to 9 pm here at the church these events are monthly on every second tuesday of the month and they are for people ages 18 to 30. come enjoy a time to hang out worship together have some food and meet other young adults at pursuit this month the theme is 90s so come wearing your best 90s outfit see you there tuesday at 6 p.m if you call pursuit your home church and you would like to become a member you can go to the pursuit website and fill out our new membership form if you're interested in doing this don't wait our next membership sunday is may 2nd and we would love to include you in honoring our new members that day membership of pursuit means that you're joining yourself to the church family and committing to a healthy spirit-filled life alongside other believers if you have any questions you can visit the website and learn more we have finished construction on our new cry room located in the back of the sanctuary it is now open and available for parents with young children to use during any of our services this is one of the last sundays to register for pursuit conference 2021 tickets are expected to sell out so go to thepursuitnw.com right now and register this conference will have amazing speakers bill johnson benny perez and corey russell and will feature pursuit worship all weekend this is going to be a one-of-a-kind event and you don't want to miss it register at thepursuenw.com today as always we have youth this wednesday from 6 to 9 pm bring a couple of friends and come expecting games worship food and a word from pastor alex see you there that's all the announcements we have for you today as always if you're looking for ways to get involved text pursuit guest to 940-90 stay connected with us throughout the week on all of our social media platforms facebook instagram and youtube at thepursuenw and check us out online the pursuit thepursuenw.com [Music] [Music] it's not about displaying our significance it's about displaying the significance of the resurrection power of jesus because every miracle testifies of the resurrection every miracle proclaims he is a lie religion wants you to keep earning and deserving and god is saying would you come into my house and receive my grace and receive my mercy why it's the goodness of god that leads men and women to repentance i've got eternity the powers of the age to come dwelling in my spirit i have all life all love all power all wisdom oh goodness dwelling on the inside of me hey friends we want to say thank you again for joining us this sunday god has continually shown his faithfulness within our community and we wanted to extend an opportunity for you to partner in giving today there's a couple of ways that you can give on this screen here you can text to give through the new giving platform by texting pursuit 7797 you can give online through our website or you can come up to the front and put your tither offering in the bucket in a few moments the band will start to play and that will signify an opportunity for you to get up out of your seat and come forward to give thank you again for faithfully sowing into our church community and partnering with what god is doing here in the northwest we will see you next weekend welcome online campus we're so excited to have you joining us today my name is stephanie and i will be your online campus host i will be joining you in the chat to answer any questions or get any information that you might need take a moment and introduce yourself in the comments below we would love to hear from you thanks again for joining us for sunday service [Music] awesome hey thanks so much for uh joining us for my mic on awesome thanks guys hey thanks so much for joining us uh for church this morning uh we're kind of coming off the easter high of last week and i want to thank those of you who invited friends and family to be a part of our sunday service i think we had about 2 000 on sunday morning and uh people hearing the gospel and responding to jesus and and that's what this is all about and so thank you for being a part i know there's a lot of places that you could be but there's not a lot of places like pursuit so thank you for being here and being a part of the team hey this morning we're making an announcement in regards to pastors alex and brenna who have really faithfully served in our youth ministry uh over the last number of years i think two years ago they moved from texas uh to join us here in the northwest they're the only people i know who move from texas to the northwest everybody else is looking for any reason to move out of the northwest somewhere else so you know it had to be god because they left the nation of texas to be here and so uh alex and brenda have really faithfully served in uh our youth ministry uh over the last uh two years and just seen god really do some incredible things and if you are a parent of a youth who who attends on on wednesday night you know some of the quality work that they've been doing hey today we're we're uh making an announcement letting the church family know that alex and brent are really expanding their role here at pursuit and they're not going away because we won't let them but they're expanding their role here uh at uh pursued into a new a new role that we're calling generations pastors and what that means is that they're gonna help oversee kids ministry youth ministry and young adult ministry so that we really create a leadership and a discipleship pipeline from the earliest age all the way up into that young adult bracket and so they have faithfully served and scripture says to those who have been a given as they faithfully steward more is given and so this is the more that's been given they're still going to serve with us obviously on wednesday nights but they're really going to be providing a high level of excellence and leadership in both kids ministry and young adult ministry as well and so i wanted to make that announcement to our church family and let you know about that change can we honor and thank pastor alex of britain for their service here thank you guys and i know what you're thinking well my children are angels on sunday and the kids ministry is so fortunate to have them but your children are fallen angels and we have to take care of them and so uh if you don't believe in original sin just have kids and you will and so uh anyways i heard somebody say amen i hope that wasn't my parents this ain't it a little loud [Applause] tell you what hey this morty uh we're continuing uh in our sermon series called the exodus and as you know exodus is more than a book in the old testament it's an event it's an event that helps describe and helps really provide a developmental construct for god's people god's people are always in the process of coming out of bondage coming out of addiction coming out of previous life previous mindset previous patterns into the fullness that christ offers us how many of you know this morning there is a difference between getting free and staying free i think a lot of times in church people get breakthrough at the altar but they never marry it to follow through in their life and so they have this dangerous cycle of always getting free but never staying free and so when we think about the exodus in the context of some of the passages that we'll share together this morning i want you to think about it in kind of that binary that we have both options available to us as believers not only are we set free by the spirit of god but we are made to continue to walk in that freedom as spirit-filled believers and so the spirit of god resides inside of me not just for moments of breakthrough but for daily developmental freedom that comes from christ alone and there is no freedom like the freedom that comes from jesus there just isn't and for us when we experience that freedom when we experience the presence of god made manifest even in our sunday morning services it is my hope that once you taste and see that the lord is good it creates an insatiable appetite inside of you never to return to just dry dead religious behavior modification but instead to drink deep of the river of god that's flowing here in the northwest fred i don't know if you know this but what we're doing is not normal and it's not because we're special it's because jesus is special and what he offers people in this environment is an opportunity to be developed into a lifelong pursuit of who he is by which they enjoy freedom and healing and resource and development and maturity like scripture says you have everything that you need pertaining to life and to godliness in fact every good and perfect gift come from the father above the father of light in him there is no shadow of turning and so we know that we are in the right place at the right time in the right season we're worshiping the right god it doesn't mean the road is easy for even jesus tells his disciples in this world you will have trouble but be of good cheer for i have overcome the world and can i tell you when you notice trouble or friction around you oftentimes it serves as a witness that you're pointed in the right direction and so for us as we are a part of christian community as we are continuing to engage with the work of god here both locally and regionally and even around the world we notice that sometimes it kicks up a little friction it it kicks up a little resistance but that serves as a witness that were pointed in the right direction and friend you were made for that in fact one of the ways that we grow as believers is through the construct of conflict or the construct of friction even in our own spiritual lives and so what we don't want to do is we don't just want to sit in a sunday morning service and be pastored to death but instead we want to be in living water environments where we are prophesied to life and so i'm telling you here today that you're going to get a little bit of both you're going to get a pastoral side you're going to get a little teaching side you're going to get a little prophetic side and the hope is that you would leave here today better than when you came in you know that you can be committed to church and not committed to christ but you can't be committed to christ and not be committed to church for the church is his bride and those aren't my words those are his and the words of the apostle paul as he describes the mystery of what it looks like to find ourselves ingratiated to the kingdom of god that is advancing all around us the kingdom of god is advancing the only question that we have to answer is are we advancing with it the kingdom of god is breaking out all across this region i really sincerely believe that we live in a time where we are scratching the surface of another great awakening here in our nation and it wouldn't surprise me if it's going to start in the northwest there is something stirring in the soil there is something stirring in the water i feel it when i walk this city i feel when i drive around this region what i am hearing is the voice of god saying you haven't seen nothing yet and so we are attaching ourselves to the increase of god's kingdom why because to the increase of his kingdom there is no end and some of us feel like we've graduated in our spiritual life like we don't need encouragement anymore we don't need discipleship anymore we don't need spiritual truth anymore because i've been there done that bought the t-shirt returned the t-shirt bought it again i've done everything that there is to be done but friend there's more for you and there's more for us as a community and if good little soft sunday morning services could have saved america we'd done didn't already be saved and yet we're not which tells me there is something more and so we love sundays and we stir people to be a part of community not just as a consumer but as a contributor but i'm here to tell you today friend there is something more for you in your life and your best days are not behind you they're ahead of you yeah you know this week i i i it was it was on a monday i was sitting in my office and all of a sudden my phone began to just blow up and just ring off the hook and different notifications and comments and emails and text messages and all sorts of things and i and anytime that happens i think one of two things like either the church is on fire or something of breaking news happened and i missed it and people are just letting me know and so i picked up my photo and i saw all these notifications and it was because one of the largest national atheist blogs picked up our covet video and sent it out to all of their members saying how stupid and crazy and wild is this church in this little town of snohomish and i just thought to myself oh boy here we go it gets me going in the morning it just makes makes life a little fun but i started to think in my office it's just interesting to me how much time people who don't believe in god dedicate to talking about god it'd be like if i ran an anti-santa claus blog and just talked about it day in and day out well i don't believe in it but i'm really mad about it so let me dedicate a large portion of my life to talking about it and what i discovered is that there are very very very few true atheists in our world today but there's a lot of wounded christians there's a lot of wounded backslidden prodigals who've been hurt by church hurt by a pastor hurt by a parent hurt by another christian who have now decided that they have some sort of antithetical position towards christ because of woundedness they've received in community and it just reminded me how important it is to be a part of a lifelong process by which you can process your pain with god get healing and move on and sometimes people stay stuck in their pain and when they stay stuck in their pain they inevitably build an idol to what hurt them and when you build an idol to what hurts you it cannot see it cannot hear and you become like the things that you worship and all of a sudden people can't see they can't hear they don't know god they don't know other believers and they develop all these positions and anger and animosity towards the things of god but as i was sitting in my office i kind of got this image in my head and and and uh for a moment this morning i want you to go with me here and and pretend that you and me were driving a car together and we got this steering wheel and we're on the freeway and and as we're driving uh on the freeway we're noticing that there are critics and cynics and pessimists and nihilists standing on the side shouting all sorts of opinions about the type of car that we're driving or the manner in which we drive and as we're driving we've got a decision that everyone in this room must make and if you don't have to make it now you will have to make it at some point in your life will you allow sidewalk critics to distract the vision and mission of the car that you're in and sometimes because we haven't crucified yet the fear of man in our own heart we are so drawn to the approval and the affirmation of the crowd can i tell you it has never been more important for you to crucify your need to be liked and affirmed by people who don't share your values and i just really wish people would be a lot nicer and kinder and really supportive and maybe if i just pull the car off the road and stop my movement altogether then some way or somehow i could gain their trust or their likability or or their affirmation and then in doing so feel really good about the journey that i'm on and until we live for the attention and the affirmation of one voice we'll we will sacrifice our destiny for many voices and you and i were we're in this car together and we're driving on a highway of vision and of destiny our eyes on the prize the author and the finisher of of of our faith i don't know if you've ever seen a news station pick up a story of the president driving in a limo around town and always he's got people who cheer him on and you got a lot of people who don't like him and hold up all sorts of signs saying all sorts of things but i've never once seen the presidential limo pull over for a president to engage with dialogue with people who are committed to misunderstanding him and i think sometimes for us we just need a little courage from the lord to keep on going you know the crowds are some of the most unfaithful people you'll ever meet they shouted hosanna when jesus rode into jerusalem on the back of a donkey only to three days later say give us barabbas and crucify this man the crowds wanted barabbas not because they thought he was innocent but because they hated the truth and for us as we begin to break our addiction and our need to be affirmed and liked by everyone around us it gives us permission to keep on going now you need people in your car who can remind you and operate as kind of your side view mirrors and let you know when to merge and when not to merge i'm not saying there isn't safety in council there for sure is but you ought to pick in this season and be intentional and strategic about the people that you allow in the vehicle that you're driving and for us what we recognize is that even as scripture says it says bad company corrupts moral character and some of us haven't yet made decisions about the type of company that we keep and then we get we end up getting upset at god that we haven't reached our our destination and i want to let you know that as a community we're living for the affirmation of one we're living for one statement well done good and faithful that's what we're living for that's the goal well done good and faithful and so for you and i is we're kind of heading in that direction as we're believing the report of the lord as we're confessing what is true not only about him but about us it helps us stay driven in the direction that we would never depart from it this morning we'll read out of the book of numbers in chapter 13 and i'm going to share with you a conversation that the lord has with moses remember moses talks with god as a man talks with his friend which is by the way how to make prayer the most natural conversation in your life i would encourage you to talk to god as you would speak with a friend it doesn't have to be in king james version language it doesn't have to be all flowerly because god doesn't care about that stuff anyways you don't have to pronounce the original hebrew because you just look goofy just have a conversation with god who reveals himself as both father and friend remember jesus speaks to his disciples he says i no longer call you servants but i call you friends why because friends know the master's business and the reason why god shares with you the master's business is so that you and i together would be invited into the co-laboring and co-airing with god which is in christ jesus you've been invited not just to view not just to observe but to participate in the building of god's kingdom there has never been an invitation that's as good as that and in numbers 13 god is speaking to moses and the bible says this the lord said to moses send some men to explore the land of canaan which i am giving to the israelites from each ancestral tribe send one of its leaders and and when moses sent them to explore canaan he said see what the land is like and whether the people who live there are are strong or weak few or many what kind of land do they live and is it good or bad what kind of towns do they live in are they unwalled or fortified how is the soil is it fertile or poor they're treason it or not do your best to bring back some of the fruit of the land it's interesting that god tells moses send some men to explore the land which i am already giving to the israelites god never invites you to gaze on something that he hasn't already purposed in his heart to give you and i think sometimes we think about vision from the lord like the carrot on the stick like somehow god is giving me a picture of what life could look like in order to kind of motivate my behaviors and the scripture says that the one who promises is just as faithful to perform that promise in your life that's why david says things like this i would have lost heart unless i believe that i would see the goodness of god in the land of the living scripture says that without vision without the ability to see people cast off constraint or some translation say this people perish and the reason why it's so important that you capture a god-sized vision for your life is because image creates desire and do you know that just today on average as an american who's connected to the internet you will be hit with 10 000 advertisements connected to images just today in fact sometimes people are advertising things to you and you don't even realize they are it's subliminal but just on average the average american consumer sees 10 000 images connected to products each day with the hope that it plants a seed of desire in your heart and you go out and you purchase that product but in similar fashion god gives us a picture of things that are to come he says i am giving you the land but there's still work to do in that land and i think for us we would love for god to not only give us a vision but to accomplish all that vision without our participation but that's just not how it works god was preparing to give this land to the israelites but he still invited them to scope it out to see it and to see what type of report they would bring back god was inviting the israelites to see things from his perspective a land that he was already preparing to give to his people now watch what scripture says in verse 26 then they came back to moses and aaron and the whole israelite community and they reported to them in the whole assembly and showed them the fruit of the land and they gave moses this account we went into the land which you sent us it does flow with milk and honey here is its fruit but the people who live there are powerful the cities are fortified and very large then caleb silenced the people before moses and said we should go up and take possession of the land for we can certainly do it but the men who had gone up with him said we can't attack those people they are stronger than we are watch and they spread among the israelites a bad report about the land that they had explored hear me very carefully this morning a bad report spread by well-intentioned people without vision will do more damage in a community than satan could ever dream who has believed the report of the lord moses nominates a a leader from each tribe 12 tribes 12 leaders to go and spy out the land and although joshua and caleb came back with a good report this is it this is what god has promised us we can certainly do it there were 10 others whose message spread like a disease in that community and in doing so fear had melted the hearts of the people and they refused to believe that god is as good as scripture says he is and can do everything scripture says he can do the greatest epidemic that the church faces today is the epidemic of fear and scripture says god has not given us a spirit of what fear but power love and of a sound mind and this is why the apostle paul specifically points out that statement to timothy as he pastors a church in the city of ephesus he said timothy whatever you do don't be given over to the territorial spirit of fear and just turning on the news on on a daily basis is like an exercise in collective trauma by the time you watch it for five to seven minutes you walk away and you feel anxious and hopeless and down and depressed and fearful and for us as believers it is so important that we check what we see and what we hear because it impacts the spirit that we carry and i want you to see that there were 10 leaders with a bad report who kept 3 million people out of their inheritance for 40 years don't tell me that words don't have power the power of life and death is in the tongue and when you begin to agree with what god confesses not just about where you're at now but where you're going that agreement creates the participation that god is looking for to manifest the miracle in your life do you know that the word of god in your mouth is just as powerful as the word of god in his when you come into agreement with what god is saying about your circumstance and your future what it sets off as a domino effect a re-creative miracle by which what is true above becomes true below and see that's why when the disciples asked jesus to teach us to pray one of the things that jesus focuses on is your kingdom come your will be done on earth watch as it's already being done in heaven do you know that god already knows what the next step is for this church he already knows what the next step is for your family he already knows what the next resource the next provision the next healing the next miracle it's already been established in heavenly places and so what we do as people of faith is we declare things that aren't as if they are and in doing so come into agreement with god's opinion about the circumstances of my life and can i be honest with you yeah there's some giants and there's some fortified cities and there's some real rough days weeks or months that you might have to face as an individual but together if we could believe that greater is he who is in me than he that is in the world it gives us the necessary courage to take the land we need a spirit of courage in the body of christ and that's what it means to encourage one another it means to lend out of the abundance of courage that god has placed in your heart and in your life as we look in numbers 13 it was fear and timidity and cowardness and anxiety that spread like cancer in a community and caused people to disbelieve the report of the lord friend the greatest sin facing the american church is not sexual sin it is not materialism it's not divorce it's not addiction it's unbelief if you don't believe you're forgiven you won't act like it if you don't believe you're accepted you won't act like it if you don't believe you're healed you won't act like it if you don't believe you're redeemed you won't act like it everything hinges on who you believe god to be and what you believe to be his word over your life that's why jesus turns to his disciples and he says who do men say that i am and they give a bunch of random answers and he says but who do you say that i am and peter responds and jesus says that's what i've been looking for in fact i will build my church on that revelation because finally you get it and when you come into agreement with god's word it does a foundational work in your life that you can build off of and so for us we make a decision we're going to believe the report of the lord matthew 9 and verse 29 scripture says this let it be done unto you according to your faith or your belief john 5 and 38 you do not have his word abiding in you for you do not believe hebrews 11 and 6. and without faith it's impossible to please god john 3 18 he who believes in him is not judged but he who does not believe has been judged already friend hear this this morning moses believed aaron believed joshua believed caleb believed but it wasn't enough because a bad report had already spread in the community and advancing church isn't the result of a believing pastor it's the result of a believing people if this church only rises and falls on the belief of a select few who stand on stage then we are not even tapping into the type of church that god desires us to be when i tell you that this is a participatory church what i'm saying is we are giving you an opportunity to believe one with the other that together what we will see is exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever ask or think and i think maybe one of the primary differences between a dead church and an alive church is that a dead church comes to see the pastor perform but at a live church says i have a part to play i have something to give i have an area that i can invest in and i'm gonna believe right alongside the staff and the pastors that god can do anything and when you get in this environment i hope something grips your heart i really do i hope when you leave this place on a sunday morning you are stirred in your innermost god can do anything i'm telling you friend what is coming next for this church and this community is nothing short of an awakening like we have never seen before we are just now opening the first pages of a story that god is going to write about this region and it's going to be greater and bigger and grander than we could ever imagine not for our glory but for his but what it requires is not the belief of me but the belief of us watch one puts a thousand to flight but two puts ten thousand and a threefold court is not easily broken but what happens if a couple thousand people in a little small city that nobody can pronounce begin to add their faith together that this type of god can do this type of work in this type of city what happens when god's people believe they have an inheritance like you've never seen now watch three million people three billion people just between seattle and snohomish up and down the i-5 corridor is about 3 million people as we're reading numbers 13 i'm struck by this idea right now there are people who are waiting on the other side of our obedience and our faith could you maybe understand or believe this morning that as i come alive to who god has created me to be not only does it enable me to see my promise but it enables a nation that i might not even be aware of to receive their promises well what if what unlocks the next season of renewal for our nation is a couple believing churches who just dare themselves to think that god can do whatever god desires in his heart to do what if today it was the faith of just a few houses in the northwest that said this type of god can do anything and it unlocked an inheritance for three million fred for you and and and for me for you and for me this is the type of thing that we're that that we're going after it's not just a nice little sunday morning service and that's why not everybody can hang in this environment because that's what they're used to i'm inviting you to be a part of building uh uh the kingdom of god in the northwest to be a part of an army that is rising up in this region to come out of just conformity and kind of dry dead religiosity into being fully alive to who god has asked us to be in this hour it's the invitation of the ages and for us as we respond to that type of thing this type of faith begins to be stirred in our hearts let me end here numbers 14 the lord said to moses how long will these people treat me with contempt how long will they refuse to believe in spite of all the signs i've performed among them not one of those who saw my glory and the signs i performed in egypt and in the wilderness who disobeyed me and tested me ten times not one of them will ever see the land i promised but because my servant caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly i will bring him into the land that he went to and his descendants will inherit it let me in here friend it takes a different spirit to see a different reality the bible says of caleb he was unlike the other leaders of the other tribes for he had a different spirit and that's what we're stirring here in this place not a common spirit not a same old same old spirit not i'm bored with god spirit not i'm bored in my faith spirit but a different type of spirit a spirit that says we can take another mountain we could take another city we could take another land even if it's difficult we can rise to the occasion for more challenges because our god has proved himself faithful and god is looking for those type of people in this type of hour and i'm here to tell you today the pursuit will be that church in this region come on would you stand with me as we close come on let me pray for you fred [Music] father the body name of jesus we ask you today to do your best work inside of us for discouragement we speak courage for depression and anxiety and stress we speak joy in the holy ghost father we thank you in this hour we are seeing you work in ways that we have only ever prayed for and dreamed about and we thank you god that you are giving us the territory you are giving us the land you are performing every word that you've promised but god i pray that you would find in this house people of a different spirit people who are daring themselves to believe the goodness of god people who are daring themselves to believe that even in the midst of fortified cities and giants laid all around our god is able our god is strong our god is mighty and so god today we count you faithful we remind you of your faithfulness to the generations that came before us and now we ask the god of faithfulness the god of abraham isaac and jacob to demonstrate his faithfulness to his house in the northwest and so god today forgive us of the places of unbelief and instead stir in us a courage to believe that our god is mighty our god is able and god will give you all the praise and all the glory and all the honor in jesus day come on all god's people said amen amen hey friend if you're here today and you want prayer before you leave we've got some prayer leaders here up in front and i'm going to invite you forward and uh uh to to receive prayer oftentimes in prayer what we do is we add our faith one to another we believe for a miracle or a breakthrough in your life so if that's you and here today you want prayer before you leave why don't you make your way to the altar let's pray together if not god bless we'll see a lot of you guys next week invite a friend let's build the house of god together god bless [Music] you you [Music] you
Channel: The Pursuit NW
Views: 581
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: dPP9wXjdfsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 26sec (6026 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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