40k Terrain Tutorial - Desert Wasteland fort for Orks, Diggas & Necromunda Ash Waste!!!

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hey guys welcome back to Eric's hobby workshop today I'm going to show you how I built this desert wasteland fort this is the biggest project on the channel yet and it's gonna be a good one let's get to it I begin this project but doing a quick sketch of the end result I want to achieve this will give me some guidance later in the process but is far from a formal blueprint that I will follow rigidly but I do know for sure is that I want a craggy outcropping of desert stone with a cave slash tunnel entrance cut in at ground level and a ramshackle outpost above with this plan sketched out I can begin building with a better idea of where I'm going I start by blocking out the main rock mass by using some pink EPS foam there's no need to be neat or precise here so I use a big kitchen knife not gonna lie it feels appropriate to be holding this big brutal choppa to make this or before I cut the rough shape of the tunnel and rock around it using this toy truck as a guide to make sure it's the right size this truck will eventually be converted into an orgy vehicle in the future so it makes sense that I'll use it I use a product called liquid nails to glue the layers of EPS together this stuff is alright I'm not sure I recommend it building with foam is easy because once you have your basic shape you can just trace that shape on to another layer and add height easily so I'm doing that here I also decided to use this large gang box as part of the structure as well as you can see I'm using all sorts of rough off cuts of foam it doesn't matter it's all going to get covered up later this is a good way to get rid of some scraps from previous projects once I have some nice dabs of liquid nails in between the foam I use some cocktail skewers to reinforce the structure stabbing down through the pieces of foam at various angles to prevent the layers from slipping and sliding on the glue as they dry once all my sticks are in I trim the ends flush so I can put a stack of books on top next I cut a base from a large piece of chipboard at this stage I realized how large this thing is gonna be I'm not really sure where I'm gonna store this thing but that's a problem for a future Eric anyways once my base is cut out I glue the piece down with liquid nails and hot glue for the rock texture I'm going to be using these bark chips that I came across when I was out for a walk I cut them on my kitchen knife to get a nice clean edge then glue them on the walls with hot glue trying to interlock the shapes and get his natural of pattern as possible I found these bark chips and massive quantity on the verge outside of an apartment building near my house I don't advocate stealing crafting materials so I asked the property manager if I could take some of them to use in my arts and crafts the guy was fairly taken aback and I had to explain what I wanted a few times before he understood but once he did understand he was happy to give them to me he seemed oddly relieved actually I kind of wonder what he thought I was asking at first he kind of had this look of you know surprise and terror in his eyes that I wasn't even asking him about them I probably came off as a little bit crazy or something but anyways if you are on the lookout for crafting materials like me all the time always ask before looting private property for bits and pieces people are usually receptive to part with a few sticks and stones if you're nice about it but don't just assume that they'll be okay with you helping yourself these pieces of bark have a great layered look that'll hopefully look like sedimentary stone when we're done I'm just kind of using my instincts from flying them wherever I think it'd be cool to have some exposed rock cooking at that nice piece of the doorway for example I'm pretty happy with how that turned out [Music] in some places I cut into the EPS foam in layers horizontal cuts to try to get a similar effect I also cut a slope and path into the stone at the back and to make a little spot for Sallyport at the stage of the building process you're just trying to make a rough block in of the shapes so it's okay to be improvisational and a little bit sloppy feel free to hack away and this is where the fun stuff happens you create little moments here and there of neat little areas that you might not have planned for using a few more scraps add some more height to the build once again stabbing them through with skewers after gluing them to keep them nice and secure there's a lot of bark to go on this thing it was pretty time-consuming but it's very gratifying to see the texture coming out so quickly I really like this method let's talk for a minute about terrain philosophy in my opinion good terrain not only has to look good as a whole but also has to have a lot of mini compositions within it that work on their own and what I mean by that is there have to be little areas that your models can stand at that look good when you're just focusing on an individual model improvisationally building really helps to create those things because maybe you have a piece of something that looks good when you put it down and it gives you an idea just kind of on the fly what I'm saying is give yourself the chance to improvise and to have some happy little accidents just come through from the materials themselves as you're building that's usually where for me the most colorful and interesting parts of a model actually happened in this case to work that to my benefit that I use scrap pieces of foam because there's all sorts of weird little shapes and cracks already in the foam that I can work with to make natural-looking rock forms so it worked out quite nicely you'll see as it takes shape next I'm going to build a little turret I start with a paper towel roll cut part of it out and place it where I want it using a ruler a compass and some chipboard I've got a platform a catwalk for the turret [Music] from there I reinforced it with little discs of EPS foam so it has a little bit more strength to the structure I cut out the catwalk in the platform do a little test looking good [Music] I glue the turret on with some hot glue I made this weird sub assembly that allowed me to ensure I was gluing this paper towel roll directly into the center of the platform and allowed me to adjust the height before finally gluing it weird little problems and solutions like this or what scratch-building is all about I wanted to give the impression that this rock is honeycombed with tunnels and entrances to do that I carve a doorway on the back from an already existing crack using miniature to make sure the size is okay it's fine if it's a little tight if anything that makes more sense for the front side I'm going to use an old plastic neck Raimondo bulkhead since it has this great detail a small ladder and a perfect door it's also an homage to the old corker Morka scenery which is big influence for this build I cut off the top take out a spot and glue it in the pop group I'm going to place in some post scale styrene stairs these look awesome at warhammer scale and also allow me to have multiple levels that are fairly flat and ideally suited for minis to stand up I'm also going to add a catwalk made from the set of dollhouse construction toys called ruminate have used these in a lot of my videos before I found a big bag at the thrift store for cheap they might not be the most affordable thing to craft fit if you don't get it cheap anyways I bang this on with some hot glue let's get started on the main gate I started with the basic design made from sandwiches of chipboard measuring and cutting precise things out of chipboard like this always makes me think of why locks are Marie why lock is one of the best terrain crafters on YouTube so you should check them out if you haven't heard of them I'll put a link in the bio then using some pieces of plastic yard tools that look like eye beams I block out a door frame I've used these little yard tools in several of my other previous videos but unfortunately the store I get them from stop selling them so this might be the last video they're in fingers crossed with that done it constructs some hinges for pieces of styrene tube and smaller gauge of styrene rods the idea here is to insert the thin rod into one of the pieces of tube and glue it there and then have the other piece of tube able to move around the outside as a hinge I glue that on with some hot glue I had never done this before but I have to say it worked really well sweet doing the hinges this way also meant that the doors are removable so I can paint them and assemble them separately I stand up the door frames on my base and glue them down with some hot glue then it's time to make some walls I decided to use foam board for the walls cutting all the panels to the same height but at various widths and then use some scrap pieces to make a pair of it at the same level of the gang boxes I continued the foam board wall on both sides of the gate when I got to the rock mass I made a retaining wall out of chipboard no need for pair of bits here the garrison can just stand on the rock shelf behind I also use some styrene eyebeams for the back Sally board and add some more stairs I used some scraps of chipboard to fill in the walls wherever it needs it on the gang box and anywhere else [Music] I had another platform on the back of the fort to add some more levels of structure for the supports I used a few pieces of Hot Wheels car elevator picked up a few months ago I built up some more rocks around the edges to sigh the structure in with the rest using a strip of foam board add some ramparts as usual my little model friend oversees the construction to make sure everything is at the right scale I keep moving around the structure adding bark and stairs where appropriate here's where I turned my mind with gameplay or at least thinking like a miniature how do I get up to this platform how do I get here I added a piece of a cho scale railroad track to the bottom of the turret catwalk to add a bit of rigidity and detail with that in place I cut a little divot for the catwalk to sit flush and I glue the piece in place I added some extra pieces of plastic toy to make a more interesting shape I then add a rampart by bending a piece of foamboard and hot gluing it down I decided to add another neck Rahman default in the courtyard only with the ladder on the right this time for some variation [Music] again I keep moving around the structure adding bark and stairs where appropriate trying to make sure there are no awkward areas that look unfinished and that the whole thing has a nice flow to it I deliberately didn't cover a few specific areas of foam with bark and the reason for that is I wanted those parts to have a machine-tooled appearance like they had been cut into the rock face to allow clearance for a pathway or something like that for the platform above the bulkhead here I use the piece of off cut train track from when I built the turret I always keep your bits always keep your off cuts you never know when they're going to be perfect I have to say there's something very satisfying about laying this bark down kind of feels like you're terraforming an alien world [Music] nice piece on top there beautiful [Music] next I start building some ramshackle structures and roof lines that have bits of chipboard and foam board I'm looking for a scrappy rough improvised style of building here in my mind this fortress has been repaired and expanded with improvised materials from crashed ships destroyed vehicles or leftover junk metal over the years stylistically I know I'm gonna want a lot of slanted corrugated metal roofs I've just always thought they look really cool using a piece of cocktail sticks and some toys and make a little aerial apparatus to go on the top next add some spackle through the cracks and transitions to fill gaps and to make a more natural-looking transition between the Barbican phone I use an old paintbrush my finger and a cocktail stick to mimic the horizontal sediment layers I'm going for the Spock will goes on pink but it actually dries white not that it matters I mean the foam is pink it's all going to be painted eventually just thought I'd mention that stuff is not the easiest to work with it's very sticky if you want it to stick a little bit less you can wet your fingers wetting your fingers allows you to make a nice smooth texture like I'm doing over here but mostly just have to play around with it to get the hang of it [Music] it's also worth mentioning that it does contract when it dries a little bit so it will warp the chipboard if you haven't already glued 100 pounds of bark to it if you hear some sirens going by in the distance while I'm narrating I apologize for that there's really not much I can do about it they go by so often these days I live in New York City and if you follow the news at all you know it's a little crazy here right now but my wife and I are safe and healthy thankfully and I really appreciate everybody who's messaged me reaching out to me to check on me that means a lot and I hope that all you guys are doing well and taking care of yourselves in this time as well one of the positives about being on lockdown is that I've had a little bit more time than normal to work on this massive fort so hopefully you guys like it time to add a bunch of scraps to really sell the rundown and improvised style of this fort it's careful to cut fairly regular pieces a lot of time or courts in particular are covered in crooked triangular shapes and sometimes it can look childish in my opinion it reminds me a little bit sometimes of Looney Tunes cartoons where wily coyote gets the giant electromagnet and it just kind of pulls everything for a mile around up to him and makes a giant pile of scrap don't get me wrong that can be really cool but that's not what I'm going for it is build I'm trying to find a middle ground here so that the space can conceivably be a human outpost as well as a digger or orc for it I start with chipboard but you just do foam sheets to make the curved pieces on the tower as well I'll put links in the description for all the materials I use for this project that's a good way to support the channel using those Amazon affiliate links gives me a little kickback and you get the stuff you need next I do a pass with some pieces of corrugated paper as I was mentioning before this corrugated metal look really brings home the scrappy rusty shanty town look that I'm going for it's also nice and flexible which is handy this is a really great time to use up some of the scraps that have built up from other projects luckily I have lots of scraps of this plastic diamond plating this is a scale modelling material that I'll put a link for in the bio that adds a lot of detail and is really cool maybe this outpost once looked new and respectable but after many battles bullet holes blaze burns and things like that it's now been patched up with all sorts of materials as a ramshackle look I also had a few plastic bits that were kicking around my bits box at this stage to add some variety as weird as this is for me to say my bits boxes are actually seeming to be running kind of below after all these builds that we're doing I really haven't been able to go to thrift store recently and restock them for obvious reasons next I had a few ladders made from this plastic sports racket these go anywhere that's not as accessible by stairs using my bare hands like an absolute animal I spread some spackle in the interior courtyard I roll a wheel from the toy car held between my thumb and forefinger to put some wheel tracks in the wet spackle I also made some wheel grooves with the cocktail stick just to reinforce the directionality of what I was going for the wheel was a little bit hard to grab onto to add some more detail I cut little slices off a styrene rod and super glue them to the edge of some panels to look like rivets I was pretty sparing with this because to be honest I'm not sure how much I like to look at his roots [Music] all right the main structure of the build is done I cannot wait to get some paint on this thing tie all the colors together get this thing ready for the table anyways time to start sealing the model I use a mix of black acrylic paint and Mod Podge I apply this mixture very generously to help it seep into the cracks then use the brush to brush away the excess to make sure the details of the bark beetles are preserved my intention is to paint the stone a desert a sandstone color but this gray looks pretty good and I'll have to keep that in mind for future projects maybe in a more temperate clime [Music] [Music] I apply some white glue and then sprinkle on some coarse sand to add some texture to the transitions and then do another pass with fine sand I got sand everywhere dude I don't like sand it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere once the sand is down I apply another layer of paint and Mod Podge to seal that interview all right time to prime hold this thing inside to apply some black spray paint this is the moment when it truly dawned on me how large and happy this thing is I must have used 30 hot glue sticks putting the bark on and you can tell if you're wondering what black spray-paint I used it's a mix of rust-oleum flat Kryolan satin and Kryolan texture all three cans are almost out and I use them interchangeably it really doesn't matter that much [Music] anyways once the black is dry I use liquitex low odor burnt umber and applied a nice coat of that this is always one of my favorite stages of painting is when all the multicolored pieces I've built come together with the first base coat I love it I'll haul this bad boy inside and start a painting first I heavily over brushed the rocks with raw Sienna leaving the burnt umber and only the deepest recesses as I was doing this I couldn't help but think the rocks are starting to look like chicken nuggets I haven't been to McDonald's since the quarantine started but that's probably for the best [Music] it's nice to use a big brush the long handle for something like this because there's some hard-to-reach spots don't worry too much about getting some paint on them but it's going to be the metal areas because it'll just look like rust later next hit all the metal areas with a heavy dry brush of cheap acrylic silver this paint actually dries more transparent than it goes on as the medium turns from opaque to clear so I apply it generously but I do try not to get any on the rocks [Music] I love the stage it's amazing to see the colors start to pop out it starts to look real [Music] the vision is coming together all the hard work has paid off next I mix in some unbleached titanium paint with the raw Sienna and then I hit the rocks to the dry brush focusing on the areas for the catch light this really brings out the texture and adds a nice desert deep dustiness sometimes the dusty looks the downside of dry brushing but in this case perfect so really scrub the brush in to get that nice dry layered look [Music] [Music] the last step here I'm gonna hit the metal areas for the black Walsh made from black paint black ink water and a drop of dish liquid it goes on thick and slides around as it dries to our mindful of making sure it doesn't pool in weird ways and stipple the paintbrush to avoid any obvious brush strokes [Music] and let's call that done for today that simple paint job is things looking really great in another video I'm gonna come back and add some modular details as I discussed previously I want this fort to be versatile enough stylistically to be usable for many different forces one idea I had was to make some or key pieces to clip on in various locations such as over the gate so when it's used as an orc fort it has that extra or penis to it but it's still pretty good for orcs as it as you may have noticed I'm a big fan of very simple paint schemes when it comes to terrain one of the reasons for this that I want the models themselves to be the highlight so let's get some models on here to see how they look first up these guys are my biggest biggest are the human inhabitants of the work planet of Porco Morka they worship orcs and orc technology and they live underground so this fort is perfect [Music] so one thing I love to incorporate into my terrain is modularity but here's something that I didn't plan for and probably could have never anticipated if I take a GW out my stack set like this one here you can put it here and here and make it sort of more of a desert refinery type thing and what really blows my mind is how well this fits in right on this top of this thing here if I had tried to make it fit it wouldn't have been this this good like this is like pursuing machine within a millimeter tolerance fit on this thing here and I just I can't believe it sometimes things just work out sometimes you just get lucky what can I say I mean you guys saw the video I literally just took a piece of foamboard and bent it and glued it down and it happens to be the exact diameter of this alcomate stack this look would be perfect for a neck rememba ash waist table forks in particular look really good on this piece there's something about the way the green skin contrasts with the orange stone and the rusty metal just gives me those classic work lights [Music] I want to take a moment to thank my patreon supporters your guys support means so much to me so I really appreciate that thank you sucks daniela wrote arrow [Music] Wendy Francis midwinter minis [Music] Kim Carter fog Joel Mullins the Cornelius Perkins thank you guys so much I really appreciate your support means the world to me [Music] I can't wait to try this piece out in a real battle obviously I don't have any contact the guys are usually game with right now but I've been working on my wife and if I can convince her to bother me for that would be a huge victory I might even make a battle report of it put it on the champ that could be really cool so we should be left so I hope you liked that video if you did please like comment subscribe share with your friends and consider supporting us on patreon that would really be a big help and contribute to our ability to produce these videos I say are it's just me if they excel we work shop there's just a Herrick yeah but yeah yeah yeah yeah pick me up in the links below and thanks for tuning in and we'll see you next time
Channel: Eric's Hobby Workshop
Views: 285,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, ork terrain, 40k orks, 40k terrain
Id: kTAavJ7M_aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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