The Complete Tomb of Horrors (Three Hour Supercut - No Ad Breaks)

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when i'm down here at my workbench doing my hobby thing i like to have something on in the background i may not even be actively listening just nice to have something on related to the hobby maybe you're like that too and isn't it annoying to have to get up and go click skip ad for the next video there's 10 videos in this series so here is one big almost three hour super cut of all 10 episodes for your enjoyment god knows which of you really could tolerate hearing my voice for three hours this is it go big or go home one of the most infamous modules in the history of dungeons and dragons the tomb of horrors one of my personal favorites and i'm sure it holds a special place in the heart of many an old school dm i've wanted to build it for a long time so today we get started i'm going to build the entrance hallway [Music] [Music] now i'm doing these with my one and a quarter inch grid approach and clip on features for walls low profile to allow for miniatures so let's go ahead and take a look at the map and remember that our sponsor is heroes hoard for you 3d printers out there excellent selection including all true tiles lines first up is the tile for the actual room now let's review the map here's the original but today we're just going to look at room three it is 130 feet long and 20 feet wide which means it's 26 spaces long and four spaces wide so on a one and a quarter inch grid the overall tile needs to be thirty two and a half by five inches now thirty two and a half inches is a large tile so i decided to break it into two sections 15 inches and 17 and a half inches chipboard for the bases this is graphics medium chipboard link in the description below if you want to buy some in bulk i love this stuff however these are 12 by 12 inch sheets so i had to join two sections together just with some scotch tape and then foam board this is the cheap stuff from dollar tree but any foam board will work you might just have to soak it in order to peel the paper off so the foam board slab is a half inch narrower to allow for the walls on each side and i just attached that to the chipboard with some white glue weighed it down with some books while it dried then with a cobblestone texture rolling pin i pressed in a texture this is subtle but that's okay i'm really just using this as a coloring guide for later on next up i scored out the grid again these are one and a quarter inch spaces first lightly with a knife and then chasing those lines with a ballpoint pen now this foam is very fragile easy to chip so this is normally where i would seal it with white pva glue however plaid recently sent me some mod podge and all the cool kids use it so i figured well maybe i ought to give it a shot and so i did i mixed up some gray paint also from plaid with a bit of flow aid and mostly mod podge and then two thin coats of this concoction worked real well it does have a different finish than white pva glue i know that question pops up occasionally i can tell you from experience now fingernail tests and everything the finish of mod podge is smoother and more durable also it doesn't reactivate when it gets wet so it doesn't get sticky not relevant for this project but if you were going to do a wash later on it would be so mod podge i finally get it i'm on board so now let's check back to the module and see what kind of details it has for the room room three bright brilliant colors are to be seen everywhere the stones and pigments undimmed by the passage of decades the floor is a corridor of colorful mosaic of stone with a distinct winding path of red tiles about two feet wide the line snakes its way south down the corridor easily visible to the onlooker okay so this doesn't need to be like an insert feature it can just be part of the tile it's easily available to the onlooker it doesn't need to be found also i'm not going to be afraid of color despite this being the tomb of horrors this room has apparently very vibrant color so i think the floor is going to be a lot of work make it a nice feature so it's just a matter of following that path on the tiles and painting those stones red i painted them red and then with a brighter kind of orangey red i painted half of each stone sort of at a slant and all of them in the same direction and on the same side to sort of hint at the light coming in from the hallway outside and i repeated that technique with the rest of the colors i did a purple blue green and a yellowish orange this was painful it took two hours it was not fun but it is done and then for posterity i applied one more thin coat of plain mod podge over top a few hours to let it all get bone dry and as expected they are warped pretty bad but i am unconcerned i've dealt with this many times before on the channel and my solution is the same now flip them over paint a healthy coat of mod podge on the back of course i used to use glue and that really contracts but let's see how mod podge does 24 hours later flat wonderful now as usual the walls are a quarter inch thick and i like to use double corrugated cardboard for that now lacking any sort of drawing or art ability like i can do architectural stuff but i cannot draw to save my life so let's look at what's going on with the wall no stonework can be seen on the walls or the ceiling for some sort of cement or plaster has been smoothed over those surfaces and then illustrated the scenes painted show fields of kind grazing and blah blah and a whole bunch of stuff so i went to google image search found a decent ancient looking fresco resized and desaturated it in photoshop and printed up a bunch of three-quarter inch wide strips print and paste is an awesome shortcut technique for very fine detail work that you're either incapable of or just don't want to do those i applied to the walls simply with glue stick and then hot glued the wall onto the tile now notice which way the corrugation is going the wall will be strongest this way also by pressing down this single large piece that runs the whole length of the tile it will help further eliminate any minor warp that's still going on because it introduces a second axis of rigidity then i just ripped some quarter inch strips of cardstock and hot glued them to cover up all the corrugation finished basing them in black and then with a kitchen sponge speckled on some dark gray and then some light gray instant decent looking stone texture no washes or dry time needed so these are the tiles they came out great i did consider doing a thin black wash over the entire ground but ultimately decided not to risk it the book does say that the colors are bright and brilliant so i'm just gonna let this be time to go construct the room features first up we're gonna do the misty archway let's see what it says the character stands next to the entrance way the base stones will glow yellow on the left orange on the right and the keystone glows blue there's a misty veil across the archway and nothing will cause the vapors to clear nor will any sort of magic allow sight into the area until the glowing stones are pressed in the proper sequence so i made this clip on as per usual it's two identical slabs of chipboard sandwiching a slab of double corrugated cardboard and then covering up the edge with some food box cardstock the result is that half inch cavity at the bottom which grabs onto the wall wherever you want to place it i've done lots of videos on clip-on features in the past i'll throw a playlist card on the screen in case you're interested anyway i then cut up some chunks of chipboard and attached them with white glue these are the stones that make up the archway itself from there i simply based with black sponged on the stone texture like earlier for the mist in the misty archway i used polyfill this is like three dollars for a bag i just attached a tuft of it with some white glue but i forgot perhaps the most important feature the glowing stones now normally i'd use my airbrush for this but i know many out there probably don't have one so just using a good old makeup brush i swirled on a dark version of the color and then a lighter version of the color keeping the brush stabs more in the center of the stone and finally kept to the very central portion with some plain white the result a decent looking glowing stone same principle for the orange and yellow ones okay now i can glue on the mist and that clip on is done next up the jackals for this one i lifted the artwork directly from the module sized it down printed it and cut it out i prepared a rectangular clip on as per usual gave it the stone treatment and then attached the jackals to one side with plain old white glue again print and paste now there's a trap here the most outstanding feature of this area is actually outstanding two jackal-headed human figures are painted so as to appear to be holding a real bronze chest so there's the box you can see it in the artwork so i just took metallic craft paint this is folk art treasure gold again made by plaid and carefully painted that box and this clip on is done next to that is the metal door with the clawed hands this area is where a torture chamber is painted and the wall hiding this passage shows a painting of the iron door which evidently confines some sort of horrid creature its talent hands grasp at the bars so i made this clip on base the size of a typical door and decided to try and freehand paint the side with the feature i used gunmetal to draw the bars and the rest of the door some brown for the crossbar and green and tan for the clawed fingers the last clip-on is of course the iconic green devil now this next part i thought i would try and use clay experiment with a new medium i've never used clay before i've never sculpted anything before i've never watched a youtube channel about how to get started in sculpting before and it went just about as good as you think it would i tried i really did this crayola air dry clay gets pretty good press i tried to start with the basic geometries and then carefully shape things up but it just was not good so i jumped ship to a medium i understand more foam board but i can't draw faces so back to the clay attempt but maybe i can mix media and use some beads for the eyes at least save me the hardest part of the face but still the rest of it was just an utter mess and the more i tried to improve it the worse it got so then i was like okay foundation of the face with foam board clay for minor features like the nose and the eyebrows but i couldn't even figure that out so final try foam board for the overall face beads for the eyes and a blob of hot glue for the nose which i shaped with the hot glue guns nozzle while it was semi-cool and still pliable for the horns i tapped into my warhammer 40k leftover tyranid bits chopped off the portion i needed and hot glued it in place at the end i was actually somewhat satisfied with this just good old-fashioned cobbling no clay so i'm glad i bought this anyway solid base coat with a good green paint followed by a green wash this is army painter quick shade green tone i think army painter makes the best washes on the market personally that's not a sponsored statement or anything so a heavy wash with that and then a dry brush with a lime green followed up by a dry brush with yellow the rest of the clip-on gets painted up as stone just as everything else all pits throughout the tomb are 10 feet deep and at the bottom of each pit are five iron spikes coated with poison okay so back to chipboard this is a two inch square base so that it'll fit on any two by two game space area wall adjacent or not and then toothpicks for the spikes the book says five so i cut out five and hot glued them on now this proved to be both pretty fragile and kind of boring looking i'd like to throw on some corpses or bones or something but i didn't have any so i just took a bunch of different wood products picks and sticks of different sizes snapped them into rough pieces and then i could put large blobs of hot glue at the base of each spike to make them much stronger and at the same time laid down some random beads and just drop this whole wood pile on there looks like a mess and that's the idea so once it cooled i'm gonna use these three shades first a rough base coat with the plain brown not gonna bother with a second coat don't care if it looks splotchy then with the tan cinnamonish color a heavy dry brush and then another lighter dry brush with the cream color tied it all together with a black wash this is just like one part black paint to 10 parts water and the spikes simply get a metallic gun metal and then some green on the tips to represent poison so yeah there's no match for this look like as described in the book i just wanted some junk down there so i will say i really like to look for dip for different application it's like busted up wood structure wherever there's ruins or something came out really nice and was easy to do so i've inadvertently stumbled across something i want to use in a future project doesn't really fit here but whatever the players will not complain everything is all done let's put it on the table and give a little tour with everything set up pits in place as if they'd already been exposed already been found by the player this one was a bit of a challenge they are bespoke tiles which is different than my usual approach right normally i'm all about the 2x2 form factor but in this case because of the nature of the ground and the uniqueness of the walls i just figured it's going to be easier to make these as one large tile we'll go on down the hallway get a look at our intrepid party here so i don't know is this what's in your mind's eye would you read through the tomb of horrors can't say it was a fun project again doing those stones was very painstaking but i experimented with lots of different ways to cheat i even tried using fruity pebbles mixed with white pva glue but ultimately there's no substitute for individual stones one by one now you should know if this is your first exposure to crafting for tabletop gaming there is a whole world of us out there go find us on facebook the tabletop crafters guild it's one of the many links in the video description below a lot of resources there for you and if you enjoyed this particular project here's two more that you may want to check out i think you'll enjoy them so until then i am wilak make things and play games and i'll see you next time [Music] it is the most iconic dungeon of all time its victims are countless and its cruelty boundless construction is well underway and now it is only a matter of time until a cerex influence is released upon my basement [Music] [Music] hello everyone wylock here thanks for joining me today we're going to continue our tomb of horrors build the whole thing no compromises so this is part two in the first part we did the entrance hallway the real entrance that is which is actually room three today we're going to step back take care of some odds and ends some house cleaning before we move on to the dungeon proper now in the first episode i was referring and reading out of the original uh actually it's the facsimile of the original but the original dungeon i'm gonna switch to referring to the fifth edition version from tales of the yawning portal honestly i don't think this matters structurally at all some of the mechanics are tweaked but whatever at least when i do cutaways like this you'll be looking at something other than black and white text and where appropriate i will still pull in artwork from the original module because it's just so charming and remember that our sponsor is heroes hoard for you 3d printers out there excellent selection including all true tiles lines i also need to make some aesthetic decisions right now that are going to affect the entire rest of the dungeon now the original module had no description of what the interior generally looks like and in fact neither does the fifth edition version but the third edition version does it talks about how generally unless otherwise noted everything is of smooth granite and doors are oak banded with iron let's talk doors so there's doors throughout the dungeon and as i go through i'm not gonna say how to build a door in every single episode i'll do it once right now and then i can just refer back to part two when i drop doors in in future episodes i previously did clip-on doors way back at the very beginning of my channel chiseling popsicle sticks and painting them up but that was six years ago and it's kind of a pain to do so i tried something new here two methods first method using these thin stirring sticks chopped them up to the desired height of the door i recommend about 50 millimeters and i also held on to the rounded ends then ripping a strip of cardstock pinning five of the sticks together and binding them with that card stock using hot glue top and bottom this is one side of the door and it gets hot glued to a smaller rectangle of double corrugated cardboard once both sides are on hot glue a strip of cardstock around the corrugation to cover it up glue on some of those rounded ends where the door pull would be and paint it up i've been doing wood the same way for six years now color wise so i thought i'd try some other approaches basing and dry brushing with different colors doing washes and i mean it looked okay considering that i can build and paint one start to finish in about eight minutes is fine but i wanted them to be a little bit special for this project so i remembered this mold that i made several months ago and i used some smooth cast 320 to make the doors this stuff is awesome it cures to a hard plastic in about 15 minutes and is quite paintable [Music] after that same approach really hot glued them to the center stock covered up the corrugation now i got a nice half inch cavity at the bottom which is what we'll grab onto the walls painted that up and maybe it's not exactly what you'd call banded with iron but whatever i have wood and iron present and they look good enough so unless otherwise noted all doors in the dungeon will look like this [Music] all right so again we did the real entrance but we skipped the two false entrances rooms one and two right so let's read what they say and get to building those the corridor before you was made of plain stone roughly worked and it is dark and full of cobwebs the ceiling overhead is obscured by hanging strands of webbing also information for the dm only there is a collapsing ceiling trap along with a pair of open doors at the end of the passageway which are fake and we'll activate that trap all right so this room already is an exception to the aesthetic that is going to be the norm worked stone mortared so i'm going to keep that in mind and i also think i want something to represent the falling rubble in the event that the ceiling does collapse and the trap is triggered by the way if you're brand new to me i do use a one and a quarter inch grid it was the very first episode i ever made on this channel making the case for it it's a terrible video it's really old i didn't know what i was doing but if you can suffer through it you'll see why one and a quarter inch grid is superior and it is what i'm using for this entire build room one is 20 by 30 feet so on a one and a quarter inch grid the total tile size needs to be five by seven and a half so i cut out what i call the tile foundation from chipboard this is graphics medium chipboard it's the stuff you find at the back of a legal pad but i love it i buy it in bulk and you can too there's links in the video description below the walls as always are three quarter inch high so chipboard strips to start and then some cheap white foam board peeled the paper from one side and textured it up for speed i chose to just use this texture rolling pin again the same one i used in part one and then glued that to the chipboard which in turn gets hot glued to the tile foundation now i'm double checking the interior dimensions so that i can cut out the foam for the floor which gets textured in the same way and then i apply the grid just as in part one lightly scoring out the one and a quarter inch grid and chasing the lines with a mechanical pencil or a ballpoint pen to widen the lines nice coat of pure matte mod podge to prime this foam [Music] and then a black base coat followed by a dark gray over brush this won't give full coverage but that's fine i'm really not too worried about this room the players if they even come across it will probably only spend three minutes in here anyway then a dry brush with a light gray [Music] and a subtle dry brush with white tying it all together with a black wash this is just very watered down black acrylic paint and the room description does include cobwebs so my first inclination was to use some poly fill dredge it in white pva glue and just stick it in some places along the wall but we can do better i remembered the duragar caravan i did a few months ago i loved how that webbing came out so i used it again here just dropping hot glue straight into a tub of water randomly to make a flat swirled up mess kinda looks like a cobweb and hardens instantly thanks to the water so i sliced up some pieces of that and hot glued them onto the tile like this [Music] if the trap is triggered in the ceiling collapses i want some scatter rubble to show that so i took this white expanded polystyrene often found in packaging and broke off some chunks [Music] hot glued them to some chipboard and gave them a coat of mod podge for strength then some white glue and sand to flock the base plus a few spots on the rocks themselves usual drill black base coat over brush dark gray dry brush light gray and white wash with black and i imagine that above the ceiling was earth so just to get some color in this room too i just nabbed these two scenic rubble tubs off the shelf and glued some into some random spots just to break up the gray fest that's going on here so that room is done i just used two of the clip-on doors to show the false double doors the webs look neat and nice i'm happy with this let's go check out room number two the corridor before you is made of plain stone roughly worked and mortared with a 10 foot high ceiling there are also two doors at the end of the passage which are both false and the sliding block trap aesthetically this room appears to be the same as the first one so i'm just going to reuse those same techniques construction here is identical to room one except that it's a longer room easy and the only other thing i need here is the massive sliding block so i hot glued some slabs of chipboard together to make a massive smooth block and just painted it up with some different shades of gray just to make it a little bit distinct from the tile it fits perfectly across the tile's interior width to demonstrate what's happened as described in the book and so with all that done let's get back on track and look at room 7 the forsaken prison this miserable cubicle appears to have absolutely no means of egress three iron levers each about one foot long protrude from the south wall of the chamber all right so here in the forsaken prison i'm actually going to use the normal aesthetic that granite that's going to appear throughout the rest of the dungeon this is a 10 by 10 room as simple as it gets that means the overall tile is two and a half inches square but subtracting the widths of the walls the foundation of the tile needs to be two inches so here it is using double corrugated cardboard and then i cut three quarter inch wide strips of the same stuff and hot glued it around the outside so you see why i had to reduce the size of the foundation such that the overall tile ends up being two and a half inches also hot glued on some corrugation cladding which is my patented term for thin cardstock black base coat and then my two main grays dark gray and gray first the dark gray applied by stippling on with a bit of kitchen sponge aiming for about fifty percent coverage and then the light gray same thing but a little less pressure aiming for maybe 25 percent coverage [Music] the spaces themselves are one and an eighth inch squares this is so that we have a small gap in between the spaces however whenever a space is up against a wall you need to chop away a little bit and in this case we have four corner spaces so all of them get trimmed down in both directions then i round off the corners put a random chip in one of them paint them up and hot glue them in for the levers in the wall i'll make a clip-on feature start with a clip-on blank whenever i say clip-on blank it simply means make a sandwich of two slabs of chipboard around double corrugated cardboard and then cover the corrugation so much like we did with the door a few minutes ago for the levers i punched holes injected with hot glue and stuck in some toothpicks easy enough [Music] so that's room seven and i ended up painting the levers with a copper color because the gunmetal was getting lost among all of that gray whatever now if anyone was unfortunate enough to end up in room seven the only way back is through this crawl space book says it's three feet wide i'm just gonna treat it as five feet one miniature as it were i need to think about how to execute this because it is a single wide hallway basically and it goes underneath another room i decided to do this straight 2d on chipboard so i measured out my one and a quarter inch grid and drew out the path per the map it's long so i did it over two pieces at first i thought i would try an earthen sort of tunnel like it had been dug out at least would give some color variety but it didn't turn out very good and besides this is an engineered crawl space so it should probably be stone so i re-blacked it and started over solid dark gray and then i made a stamp this is an old dm scotty trick so this is foam board peeled the paper from one side carved in my pattern including the grid and hot glued it to some double corrugated fur strength then i put a healthy coat of a light gray on there and quickly stamped it out so that did the trick and in fact this looks kind of cool almost like a cell shaded style i don't know i'm going to keep this on my notepad to explore it in a different project but this effect ended up really interesting looking so anyway i drew on the path of the tunnel and blacked out the exterior as expected these are pretty warped due to all that paint and the answer is simple butter the back so i painted it black on the other side and about two to three hours later voila perfectly flat i like this something different makes it stand out amongst all the other gray of the dungeon [Music] next up we'll knock out this little hallway that connects the entrance to room eight technique here is identical to what we did for room seven so this is ten by twenty which means the tile is two and a half by five inches reducing for wall space i made it two by four three quarters it's assembled and painted up in the same way and the idea is that the end without a wall connects to the door from room three and the wall at the far end provides the door for the players to encounter that's gonna take them to room eight what appeared to be a statue an instant ago comes to life before your eyes the creature flaps its wings and stares at you alright now room wise there doesn't appear to be anything special about this it's just a room the gargoyle is the feature so it should be pretty easy to do this room is 20 by 30 with a short 10-foot corridor to the east because that door already exists on the small hallway we built earlier i'm going to have no wall there the construction technique is identical to that for room 7 that we did a few minutes ago using double corrugated cardboard and hot gluing walls to the side of the foundation and reducing the foundation based on where the walls are going to be to make sure we preserve the underlying grid for the spaces i did reach a point where i thought to myself why am i doing it this way is there a way to do this and mass i mean that's going to become important especially when i get to room 25 later on oh god so many freaking squares so instead i glued them on raw and tried to paint them in place and it went almost perfectly the only downside is that the space edges are hard to get to and you can see some of them still have some raw spots poking through so maybe going forward i still have to baste them in black one by one by hand but then i can do all the sponging with them installed on the tile still a huge time savings as for the gargoyle itself it is a mutated gargoyle a modified version of the standard stat block from the monster manual but honestly these are supposed to be high level characters so i'm going to make a large two inch based miniature instead of a medium one inch one whatever so look at my leftover warhammer bits i found this old pewter body it had been thrown in with a used army that i bought some time ago and i have a bunch of other leftover tyranid bits so i just use those and cobbled together this creature super glue accelerant is a must instant extremely strong bond for the wings i used plastic coated paper clips as an armature cardstock for the skin and just hot glued that on and then lined it with hot glue to strengthen everything up and add some ribs also some leftover spikes from a trigon at the points outside for spray primer and then a base coat with a gray i was thinking this gargoyle is either gonna have a green or purple undertone and then i remembered how when i painted demogorgon a couple weeks ago i really like how that purple stone came out so i'm gonna go with what i know army painter purple wash all over it give it an hour to dry and it's still not quite there so i lightly dry brushed with some light gray and then hit it with a black wash army painter dark tone this gave me the result i was looking for it is a stone gargoyle but with hints and undertones of purple so that was a fun little kit bash it looks okay for 15 minutes of work it was the most fun 15 minutes i had making this video so we're going to linger on it for a little bit just cause i always do something with the base even if it's as simple as sand i don't care if they look out of place as a result [Music] and now let's go look at the story so far yeah i'm eventually going to need a bigger table sorry for the poor lighting conditions here it's hard to illuminate such a large area so the first false entrance easy enough they walk up the trap is sprung the block moves over and fits in revolutionary stuff it was the 70s and the other false entrance if placed correctly these two would be much further away from room three than they are but my table's just not wide enough and honestly after the players find the true entrance there's no reason to have these tiles on the table anymore anyways so whatever [Music] let's stroll on down the main entrance and as you can see this assumes the players have already found or tripped all six of the pit traps the last of which connects to that crawl space now the main reason i went 2d with this is that the tile for room 13 when i eventually get to it can just be set on top of it and we can accurately reproduce the map on the table i must say i was dreading this whole project at first but now that i've started and got some momentum i really don't want to stop the prospect of the entire dungeon is really exciting to me now backing up backing up through the painted plaster door the short connecting hallway and into the gargoyle's lair it is my intent to build every asset everything needed to run this dungeon without compromise and that includes the monsters and it'll all fit in a good sized cardboard box because it's 2.5 d so i can travel with it bring it to conventions etc all right i think that's enough for one night i'm so glad that you're taking this journey with me part three next time we're gonna do the secret door complex followed by room 10 the hall of spheres and if this whole concept of crafting for your tabletop gaming is new to you you should know that i am not alone there's a group of 33 000 strong and growing find us on facebook the tabletop crafters guild there's a link in the video description below plus links for a whole bunch of other resources that will help you out if you like this particular video today then here's two more that i think you'll really like and until i see you next time i'm weilock make things and play games in this episode i'm gonna make a boatload of clip-ons a really cool looking dance floor another gargoyle and i'm gonna revisit some progress that i've already made because hey i'm not applying six sigma here although that would make for riveting content applying six sigma to your dnd crafting where's my notebook [Music] hey everyone wylock here thanks for joining me part three today we continue our journey to build the entire tomb of horrors not a lot of preamble i'll just say i assume you've watched previous parts and i'll always make that assumption so i'm not gonna revisit like how i build tiles and how i paint them i've showed that already and i should be able to just say here's a room that i built only the new elements are what i'll dive into detail on so without further ado let's dive in and remember that our sponsor is heroes horde for you 3d printers out there excellent selection including all true tiles lines we left off in room 8 with the gargoyle so let's go to the text and check out room 9. the small room beyond the door is empty and appears to have no other exits so there's just a cluster of small rooms connected by a whole bunch of doors and some shenanigans going on with a bolt trap that doesn't need to be modeled okay a lot of grunt work to be done here with these many small rooms and secret doors but i am not going to abstract it i committed to do this thing no compromise as drawn as written what else can i say rip and tear until it is done first up good old-fashioned 45-minute blitz to get all these tiles built and painted and then for all those secret doors here's how i've decided to handle them i make a stand-alone small clip the body of which is only a quarter inch tall so this is a standard clip-on blank except it's just really really small and then the slab of wall that has moved out of the way is just some double corrugated cardboard hot glued on there notice the corrugation is running up and down that allows the hot glue to really seep into the bottom and make this a very strong connection i know it doesn't look like it but it really is here it is done painted up and you can see it is built to withstand some manhandling right it is very durable i'm going to clip it on here and i can actually hold up the tile by the secret door cool one other consideration for building the tiles now i had to account for the fact that the party could be coming from either direction it technically is possible to come through room 10 first and then into this series of secret rooms so i prepared for the worst case scenario first the inner cluster of four rooms let's assume that the outer rim hasn't been discovered yet so i built the tiles with walls such that those could be discovered independently then i took those away and assumed that the players were coming from room 8 so i designed and built enough tiles of the right shape with the right walls to wrap all the way around and get to room 10. then i imagine that they were coming from room 10 to room 8. so i rearranged those tiles and it turns out i only needed one extra hallway in order to be prepared for this scenario so i'm ready for any combination of those cases they can all be built independently and in fact here they are and this again demonstrates the power of the one and a quarter inch grid you can fit a one inch miniature on any of those game spaces the grid is preserved and not offset so now let's move on to something a little more fun right now the room i've been waiting for number 10 the great hall of spheres this area is similar to area 3 for the floor is of inlaid tiles similar to room 3 inlaid stones i i don't want to do this again this took like three hours and in the grand scheme of things as crafting goes that's not a long time but it was so tedious and i hate it and the reward is so there's got to be a better way i decided to go print and paste so there's a really cool site that i go to a lot called genetica or genetica i don't know how it's pronounced but it has tons of free textures you can download for your personal use so i found a cool one brought it into photoshop duplicated it rotated it randomly messed with the hue and gave it a bevel and emboss so this i printed up and applied with glue stick five minutes and it looks great at the south end of the room is this magic archway as you come close three stones in the archway in front of you begin to glow the left hand based stone shines with an olive hue the one on the right with citron or citron i don't know how to pronounce that and the keystone seven feet overhead gives off russet light those are random color choices this misty archway is identical to the one from room three so i'm not going to go into detail on that only difference is the colors the olive citron and russet and i do spritz the polyfill pretty heavily with flat sealant to really crisp it up keep it in place make it durable and make it cuttable not a whole lot more to say about that i needed to build it i built it and it's done so the book talks about these vibrant colorful paintings of humanoid figures interacting with the colored spheres up on all the walls covering all the walls now i don't know how to draw i don't really want to hit google image search for this so what did i do magic the gathering cards yes perfect and it's pretty much the right scale too so i'm not burning uncommons or rares these are just commons i just cut out the artwork and i tried to pick pieces of art that showed it almost the full body as opposed to a close-up so i cut those out and simply glued them to a clip-on blank hand-painted all the spheres with my acrylic craft paints according to the description in the book and i also tried to pick art where it looks like a hand was open or they're like they're interacting with something and i would paint the sphere there i also hit these with some flat crystal clear sealant to kill that nasty gloss and also seal down that acrylic craft paint those dots will scrape right off so here's a bunch of them clipped on not in the correct order but just here for demonstration one thing i learned later on don't hot glue the magic cards to cardboard they're very slick and they'll pop off use white pva glue so it's about 45 minutes start to finish to make all 20 of those clip-ons all right so those came out pretty sweet i'm really happy with those next uh you know i was never happy with the walls of these the book talks about colorful paintings up on the wall of various scenes and i did these this black and white pattern that repeats itself i think i've stumbled upon a way to make that better and it's easy to retrofit so uh yeah i'm gonna go ahead and revisit that for room three so yeah again i just picked some evocative art that might be on the walls of a tomb of horrors and attached them over top the existing wall just using some glue stick yeah that is much more colorful i think it's much truer to what the book is talking about looks a little bit eclectic but i mean it's better than it was before so i'm happy nice all right that feels so much better now where were we room 10 although so now if the anubis things holding the box are in black and white that doesn't make sense because the walls are a vibrant color so i decided to go ahead and revisit this as well sort of consulting the 5th edition imagery to get a basic idea for what colors i'm going to go after and then i imported the original artwork to photoshop and just did some colorization there printed it out and glued it onto a clip-on blank just like the first one some of you noted that the brass box does protrude from the wall so this is an opportunity to do a little something extra i just made a ledge and a box out of some bits of chipboard stuck on some gems again kind of referring to the fifth edition artwork and painted it up bronze followed by a soft tone wash so here's the before and here's the after okay done now room 10 then i was never really happy with the green devil face either you recall i had a really hard time making it well i stumbled across something after breakfast the other day look at the top half of this egg carton kind of looks like mouths so i'm going to extract them and this is a very cheap fragile paper pulp so i'm going to slather it with a nice coat of mod podge to harden it up i'm doing this on my new sherbonder silicone mat love this thing saved my cutting mat and then i really like this image back from the original module artwork with that large gold copper wall behind it and that radiating pattern or whatever so i made a much larger clip-on blank for this one i cut out some holes for the eyes and hot glued in some beads behind it and again the nose i sculpted out of hot glue just like the original try and for that pattern on the wall i'm going to use food box cardstock i just measured out the shapes and cut them out with an exacto knife that i attached with glue stick and then hot glued on the face the large open areas at the top and bottom i just covered with some cardstock at this point just for good measure another nice layer of mod podge over everything including those horns which haven't been primed yet while i was at it i made the two other heads that are going to appear in room 25 much later on but while i'm doing this with the egg carton it's useful to production line things i'll set those aside we'll see them in a future video and from there i painted it up pretty much as i did the first time on the wall it's a metallic gold then a shade then a dry brush so here's the before and here is the after so here is room three revisited and isn't it so much cooler looking here it was at the end of part one and here it is now in part three actually now i'm kind of looking at the floors you know i must say i i like how this looks so much that it makes me wonder if i should revisit my tile for room three okay no more going backwards let's go look at the northwest corner of room 10. this small room holds what appears to be a statue of a gargoyle eight feet tall with four arms one of the arms is broken off and lies on the floor in front of the statue and it looks like it's connected to room 10 via a crawl way like a very small tunnel for these crawl ways i'm treating them differently than like hidden passages like the crawl space that we had in part two so these are gonna be i think naturally earthen dug tunnels just based on the way they're drawn on the map with the squiggly lines and all it also just give some aesthetic variety to everything on the table so the standard i had committed to is my one space wide hallways would be on just 2d chipboard so that's what i'm using first i measure out my one and a quarter inch grid pencil on where i know the path is going to go just to help me visualize it and to paint it's two coats of french vanilla to give a nice solid base coat and then with a cinnamon type of color or sienna kind of side strike at it to create streaks which sort of hint at where the pathway is going and then that exact same technique but with a dark brown actually it's not a brownie brown it's it's like a walnut very desaturated sort of dark brown and then lastly with a very rich chocolatey bark i think this is called bark brown watered it down a lot to a wash and applied that this will return some nice color some nice saturation and from there i just free handed blacked out the edges or the walls so that leads into this little 10 by 20 room pretty easy to do only difference with this one is i needed to leave a gap in the wall that's one inch where that crawl way ends and meets up with it for the gargoyle well i already built one of these for room eight i don't have that exact body again but i can make something that looks kind of close so that's what i did back to my leftover tearing in bits and kit bashed it together this one actually came out i like it a lot better i actually put horns on the head i think that's important for a gargoyle look and then the way those legs double back i forget what that's called that double jointed knees or whatever just makes it a little truer to the source artwork and you can see the broken off arm is lying there on the ground in front of it let us look at the entire dungeon so far with everything we've built except for the two false entrances i don't really feel the need to show those anymore quick note about room 10 it's a huge tile so i split it in two and this one is actually two equal halves and what that does is splits it in the middle of a ten foot space so that i could use clip-ons there because i knew there were going to be some to hold them together also this crawl way that goes underneath the room well it literally goes underneath the room because again i did those on 2d chipboard completely unnecessary but so is all of this i don't know why i'm doing this because it's fun i suppose and i've really been researching and practicing with my dslr camera here so hopefully you guys have noticed a difference lately trying to bring in much more beautiful video quality well i've said it before and i'll say it again when something is beyond your artistic reach print and paste is an awesome way to go and coming up here down the line is a couple of false doors they're actually trapped just using my normal doors that i covered in part two i know that what you're looking at this style is not for everyone it's not gritty or dusty or grimy at all totally get that but lately i've just been really interested in color what can i say it's my terrain and we'll get another close-up look at the gargoyle here by the way i've since looked it up and the correct term for those legs is digitigrade or it might be ungula grade it's one of those two man i am tempted to redo the gargoyle in room 8. i'm really worried i'm gonna do it there is this winding crawlway that leads to room 14 and there's another crawl away that i haven't made yet so you don't see it another quick look at room nine and i say good riddance to thee that was not necessarily fun to make but here it is rendered accurately and while we're at it one final look at room three following its makeover you know i might end up applying a brown wash to those walls just to dull them down a bit make it more ancient without losing the color and the wonder of it but yeah the single most exciting thing for me out of this session was the egg carton for the green devil face well this has been a very productive couple of nights here this project's coming along nicely i hope you're enjoying the series i'm trying to present the project as it unfolds so that means warts and all and if i go backwards i go backwards i'm just basically documenting everything that i'm doing as opposed to doing a tutorial and let's be honest i'm probably going to go back and revisit the gargoyle in room 8. as always tons of resources in the video description below especially if you're new to this whole thing and if you're not a member of the tabletop crafters guild on facebook i do hope that you'll come check us out and join us but until then if you're enjoying this series then here's two more videos that i think you'll like until i see you next time i'm weilock make things and play games oh we're starting to get close i can see the light at the end of the tunnel multiple rapid fire mini projects today in part four of my tomb of horrors build all crafting pure focus [Music] [Music] hey everyone wylock here thanks for joining me today welcome to part four of my complete tomb of horrors build today we only have two rooms on deck but they're both pretty densely packed with lots of features lots of mini projects to get through so let's hop over the table and get started and remember that our sponsor is heroes hoard for you 3d printers out there excellent selection including all true tiles lines so we've come to the end of a crawl away from room 10 the floor goes out or something like that it's explained in the text but then you get dumped into this room room 13 the chamber of three chests three large chests are affixed firmly to the floor one of them is gold and in there there's a swarm of poisonous snakes one is silver with a trap that doesn't need to be modeled and the last one is oak that causes a giant skeleton to teleport in let's start with the wooden chest pretty simple i took one of those jumbo sized popsicle sticks and cut off the two ends and then some of these small flat wooden picks i think toothpicks would work too but whatever small wood bits and just hot glue those around to form the outside i also hot glued in a glass bead to add some weight and the text also says it is bound with thick bronze bands so i'm just going to hot glue on some strips of card stock and paint those up accordingly now in the appendix it says that this giant skeleton is huge but even just looking at the map there wouldn't be room for a three by three square creature in here so i'm making an executive call i'm gonna put this on a two inch base and make it a large miniature this is simply a 3d printed miniature that i bought from fat dragon games and then scaled up and mounted to a two inch base not going to dive deep here on painting miniatures this was real simple block in colors and then washes the two metal chests i used double corrugated cardboard just cut some small bits hot glued two of them together and clad the outside with card stock also attached a slab of chipboard to the top for interest and a bit from my leftover costume jewelry drawer to form a clasp and then just paint it up one gold one silver easy enough all right let's see what's next oh no oh no do not do this do not do it it's unnecessary do not be jewel them do not bejewel them do not bejewel them they don't need gemstones they're perfectly fine they don't need gemstones just because it's fantasy scatter terrain stop don't do it don't do it yeah some of us have a tendency to be jewel things just because they're fantasy these look fine as is maybe they should be simpler let everything else be the statement in the room sometimes more is less and despite the fact that these just look like candy and they're just so fun to put on and make everything sparkle and be colorful they're just not always necessary so i resolved that i was not gonna i'm not gonna do that for these um i don't need to be jewel them that said i did go ahead and bejewel them because gemstones are freaking awesome and why wouldn't you use them so last is that swarm of poisonous snakes that comes out of the gold chest i used vinyl coated paper clips just bent a whole bunch of them into snake-like shapes super glued them to a one-inch base in a tangled manner and then i cut some little diamonds of cardstock and hot glued those to the end these are like the head of the asp if you will it looks silly up close but from like two feet away or further it looks like a tangle of snakes the snakes just get primed and then painted up with like a cayman green and then a light green for the heads no washers are highlighting not really concerned about that this will be fine from two feet away [Music] also the tunnel that goes from room seven to room three has a plug in its ceiling which is this room's floor so for that i just cut two circles of chipboard and i painted one to look like the tunnel below and then the other to look like the granite floor and hot glued it on so it looks like that plug was like picked up and moved out of the way so if the players come in that way or otherwise find that secret door i can just drop this in so that's room 13. room 14 the chapel of evil there's a whole lot going on in here i love this room and it could easily be tricked up by adding some combat on that note people sometimes you know complain or at least point out that this module isn't focused on combat it's about player knowledge as opposed to character knowledge and ability to solve puzzles and stuff but you could easily spruce this up it's basically a blank slate you could absolutely add monsters in anywhere you want and this room in particular has a lot of opportunity you see what is obviously some form of temple area there's paintings on the wall etc and there's a mosaic path leading between four rows of wooden pews that face the worship area in front of those is a wooden railing and in front of that is an altar in front of a tiered dice upon which there is a wooden chair now what about that mosaic path why isn't it in the tile right i did that like for room 3 in room 10. well the answer is these are a lot of work to make uh these being these halves i mean look at that can't even manage these it's a huge room it's a square uh and it's got walls on all four sides so i could use this in the future for like a big showdown put any kind of scattered terrain on it so i may want to use this outside of the tomb of horrors therefore it would be silly to hardcode its purpose just for putting that mosaic tile down so instead of making an integral to the spaces we're going to make a drop in or an overlay piece whatever you want to call it and in fact i reused that exact same photoshop that i did for room 10. and i used glue stick to attach it to chipboard so i wouldn't get too much warping and cut them out piece of cake so they drop right in [Music] the dice or maybe it's pronounced deus i'm sure someone will let me know but anyway that's just an arch so a quick tip if you ever want to cut something like an arch that's perfectly symmetric freehand draw one half of it trace it flip it over and trace it again that ensures that it's going to be mirror symmetric a lot easier than trying to freehand a true even curve anyway these are just two slabs of double corrugated cardboard and i glued those together covered the corrugation and painted them up with the i guess i'll call it the alternate gray scheme for this dungeon that i've been using the wooden pews were pretty easy i just took some jenga blocks actually this is a dollar store knockoff version of jenga and hot glued on some jumbo popsicle sticks clipped some corners and painted it up like wood and of course a happy little gem eight of those done and done the railings also kept this pretty simple because they're railings jumbo popsicle sticks for their base had to hot glue a couple together to make it long enough wooden dowels for the actual rail railing the posts and then coffee stirrer on top all right what else is in the room the chair is nicely carved and padded but seems unremarkable well in my last video i made a chair and it's kind of remarkable but if this has no mechanical purpose i'm just gonna use it so i'm not making a new one boom chair and then on each side of the dice are large brass candelabras each holding five white candles and then some white urns in the corners okay earns first because those are really easy just these common wooden bits you find at the craft store and glue on a bead prime it paint it up to match white urn with a brass stopper the candelabra is much more fun this is a modular like pipe straw toy that i found on amazon actually a lot of people use it on these crafting channels so i cut one in half and then hot glued it to a one inch base along with a wooden dowel in the middle there that's going to be the main post and then i punched out some chipboard circles with a hole punch five of them to be exact and then i'm gonna use hot glue on a toothpick this is the typical dm scotty method for candles just leave the last few millimeters of the tip there uncoated chop it off and then hot glue it onto those platters or whatever they are vinyl coated paper clip i unbent it and then lately again i've been obsessed with this gel control super glue and accelerant so i used that old trick to get a nice instant hard connection there yep love that it does saturate the chipboard a bit but if you let it dry it's no problem [Music] and i attach those to the main post in the same way here it is before priming and here it is afterwards i used my airbrush to apply a nice smooth coat of bronze and then wash it with some army paint or soft tone to give it character paint up the candles with a beige and then yellow and orange at the tips and here it is all done it is much stronger than it looks i accidentally dropped it once or twice sprawled on the floor near the west wall is a skeleton who is sort of pointing towards an archway in the wall that's filled with an opaque bright orange vapor the archway i'm so freaking tired of making these i made it exactly as i did the first two so i'm not going to revisit that the only difference here is none of the stones are glowing the mist is glowing though so after giving it the sealant to crisp it up i airbrushed it with a bright orange the skeleton on the ground is just a miniature that i already had i think it was 3d printed so i cut off its base and just laid it down there so there he is on the ground pointing to the archway and that brings us finally to the altar the centerpiece of this chapel is a block of strange material that glows with an inner light of opalescent blue if it's touched then it triggers a lightning bolt and then it starts to glow with a fiery blue red and then there's a second stage to the trap i'm gonna use this hard plastic it's about a millimeter thick i bought it online it's different than packaging like from a product that's really flimsy stuff uh you could use that you could get away with it but i had this lying around from another project so i chopped up the rectangles that i needed to put a box together and then put the box together with thin beads of hot glue on a low temperature and then i use this stained glass paint also from the other project that's forthcoming works really well i had some dust on there and you can see it it actually created some cool texture but you want to make sure the surface is clean before you use that stuff i'm going to stuff this with poly fill to make it look opalescent uh sort of cloud it a little bit and then i'm putting together a circuit with two red leds on circuits a lot in the past i'll throw a card on the screen in case you want to look at the basics i'm not going to revisit it all here the foundation is just double corrugated cardboard with the corrugation covered up and then i excavated some of it out of the bottom to have room for the circuit and here we are testing it it's not pretty but it doesn't need to be good to go and then i painted that up with the the alternate stone colors that i've been using and then the box just gets glued on top of that so here it is and uh in this particular rotation here it doesn't really show up nor i mean that doesn't look like much at all but on the table the red light really does show up when the trap goes off so here's the story so far let's go down to room 10 and then take the secret passageway over to room 13. this is where the three chests are as well as that plug to the passageway underneath we'll just pan around here for a moment take a look and once again with the one and a quarter inch grid and no wall offsets this can be built exactly as drawn in the map so it's placed on top of that passageway from room three exactly as drawn and now from above let's go back to room 10 and make our way over to room 14 through that secret passageway and our intrepid party is in here they're about to get to the secret door and the first thing they see is that mosaic pathway which drops in quite nicely sometimes you get lucky i think i'm going to get a lot of mileage out of this particular photoshop tile set print and paste is becoming more and more attractive to me honestly i thought about putting padding on the wooden pews to match the chair in the front but i never know if i want to use these in some other temple so wood just plain wood looks good in good or evil or whatever color scheme i just left it as is orange mist the cheetos archway if you will crazy stuff happens if you walk through that railing's kind of large i've never really cared much about scale though [Music] and then that chair from the video i did last week now someone did comment oh are you gonna use that in tomb of horrors i said yes they said awesome they'll make a great throne for the throne room and i realized yeah there is a throne room later on so i'll use it for that and i'll come back and make a new chair for this room so the non-mechanical stuff in this room the urns the candelabras the chair that's where i think it's rife to introduce your home brewed ideas if you're going to go to the trouble of making this stuff home brew something to go with it and make the terrain matter all alright coming along nicely again if this whole thing is exciting to you you should check out the tabletop crafters guild on facebook huge group 33 000 members strong and growing and if you liked today's video of course you're going to enjoy the other parts in the series but here's two other videos that i think you'll also enjoy so till i see you next time i'm weilock make things and play games how to youtube step one do a cold open stating what the video is about giving the audience the exact same information they already had by reading the title of the video in this video i will continue my tomb of horrors build [Music] [Music] step nine upload with frequency and do not disappear for six weeks at a time hello everyone wylock here thanks for joining me today got a bunch of different tips and tricks and micro projects to bring at you as we delve further into the tomb of horrors as always this video presupposes that you've seen the previous four so i won't retread covered ground step 12 when you're done kicking off shove something in front of the camera which could be your face [Music] alright here we go and remember that our sponsor is heroes hoard for you 3d printers out there excellent selection including all true tiles lines we last left off in room 14. there's a secret block in the east wall and a whole bunch of verbiage to talk about it but honestly it's not worth my time it's a secret passageway so i just made another one of those 2d crawl spaces beyond that the corridor widens to 10 feet and turns southward where steps lead steeply downward to a corridor that goes west now steps long long time ago i did stairs on this channel and showed how i would make inserts for my tiles but in hindsight i don't think they were the best approach so i tried something new here to make an insert illustrating steps i took chipboard rectangles and then painted them up exactly as my dungeon so solid black base coat sponge on a good layer of dark gray and then lightly sponge on a layer of light gray the difference is i also sponged on a very subtle amount of white the reason why i'll be clear in a moment then i marked off my steps i think i did 3 8 of an inch or something like that just some subtle pencil marks and then with some cardstock as a mask i used pure black in my airbrush and created some gradients so this imagines that the light is at the top of the hallway going down catching the lip of each tread and not illuminating that like inner corner once all those are done just sort of freehand i did some triangular shadows so it's narrowest at the bottom and there's no shadow at the top so it's like two triangular areas on each side yeah that illustrates and it's a 2d way to sort of hint at stairs without having to actually make 3d tiles oh and this is why i speckled on some white airbrushing black really dulled everything down even the spots i didn't intend to hit so starting with a bolder contrast let the overall stone look match my tiles in the end all right so back to the map this hallway goes west and then long story short there are three doors in a row each with a pit trap after them now the module says that all the pit traps in the dungeon are the same they have five iron spikes that are poisoned you might recall that i made the first six pit traps for the entrance hallway back in the first episode of this series but looking back i'm not quite happy with them so it's time to revisit so a two inch square of chipboard then a thin frame of chipboard about a quarter inch wide glued around the perimeter then i poked holes in the bottom with an awl and inserted toothpick tips and glued them in place hot glue worked but i did eventually switch to white glue so super easy but a little more modular they look like they would fit in place in any sort of dungeon that i'm likely to come up with as compared to the old traps which were filled with rubble now on that note i'm gonna do something while we're here uh here's one of those old pit traps i'm gonna tear the spikes out and then with some kitchen shears cut this square into just sort of a rough shape and now it's rubble scatter terrain perfect no extra work needed that's going to come in handy later on at the end of this video step 18 add brief digital close-ups during pauses as this suggests that this is an edgy presentation and will instruct the audience to realize that this is a humorous moment step 19 ask a completely banal question that you don't actually care to hear the answer to but ask the audience to leave a comment below in order to drive metrics so you guys like these new pit traps or you like the old pit traps leave a comment moving on up this hallway runs unnecessarily long northward and it ends at a locked open door and there's some details that have nothing to do with modeling and what else do we see here as the door falls away blah blah the walls of the passage ahead of you are of smooth white alabaster and the floor is highly polished smoke grey marble so the foundation of this tile was built like any other hallway tile i just didn't put the squares down then i primed it with a light gray and i tried to mix some pearlizing medium with white to try and get that alabaster look for the floor i went to simple print and paste because i thought this will pop nicely it contrasts with the rest of the hallways it'll look nice on the table doesn't need to have a grid whatever and those walls did not come out good at all so i also got some textures for that and print and pasted those then there's a whole lot more needless detail about how to run this trap but basically it ends at a lava pit so for this lava pit i cut the foundation out of double corrugated cardboard as usual for the walls i imagined them as a natural cave area so i took aluminum foil rolled it up into sticks that are about a quarter inch wide and hot glued those around the perimeter so a stack of two of them gave me a height of three quarters of an inch just like all the other tiles then i crinkled up and de-crinkled another sheet of aluminum foil and covered the walls including wrapping to the underside it's helpful to apply some white glue on the underside to seal those edges down for the surface of the lava itself i used hot glue just teased it around with the nozzle of the hot glue gun a whole bunch and as a side note that seals down the other edges of that aluminum foil and after priming it with a nice gray i painted the walls first with a dark brown then a beige-ish tannish highlight really doesn't matter too much just a simple dry brush and finally yellow orange red in that order in the airbrush solid yellow first everywhere and then more toward the periphery the orange and at the very periphery the red by the way if you like this result make sure you check out my volcano video from a few months back i'll put a card on the screen now the third pit trap has a secret door in its south wall so i'll just use my normal secret door clip-on to represent that and there's another short 10-foot crawl space so once again just one of those 2d crawl spaces and moving on stairs descend to the west and the corridor that extends beyond the bottom of the steps is slightly cloudy with fear gas i'm going to do this as an insert to show the foggy hallway i just took some product packaging this is the clear plastic from you know the front of a toy or something like that i cut out the rectangle so it would insert into the hallway airbrushed some light gray onto it just some swirls and not shown here but i did take it outside and seal it with some matte clear spray once the south door in that hallway is opened we come to 18a the false crypt beyond the door a stairway leads down the whey is blocked by thick webbing that fills the area from steps to ceiling for the spider webs i've previously done this into water but it works on this silicone mat too so i just drizzle hot glue all over the place give it a minute to cool then it peels right off and i can cut out the rectangle i need to insert into the hallway [Music] so they clear the webs and move on and lying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs is an iron mace inlaid with silver that's just an item i'm not going to model that south of this location is a modest sized room filled with rotting and decaying furnishings well to represent that i'm just going to use the rubble piles that i made out of my old pit traps from earlier now characters who enter the room will see a solid gold couch along the back wall a skeletal figure that resembles a lich wearing a crown on its head rises slowly from the couch this is actually just a greater zombie but the trick is to make the party think that it's actually a sarah rack the miniature for my greater mummy the fake asira rack is just a 3d printed model from miguel zavala he's the guy who made all of the dnd monsters for free you can download the stls and print them i actually met him at mace this year great guy check out his collection check out his patreon now let's look back at some of the artwork from the original first edition module to get some inspiration for the gold couch huh well i see those circular bloom things on either side and i remember my beads been these look kind of similar to the picture so i took some toothpicks and white glued them on about an inch apart made two of those and white glued them to a base of chipboard just a small rectangle and on the bottom gluing on four beads of the same size and shape primed it with gray and then used this plaid treasure gold i love this paint plaid is a friend to the channel and to our community and this is an excellent metallic gold so there it is and for reference here was my first attempt at the couch when i wasn't really trying so i'm glad i went back if the characters investigate the room's contents they can see a jade coffer the dead monster's fallen crown and a fine leather bag now the coffer might be worth modeling so let's do that the jade coffer i built exactly as for the chests back in room 13 to paint it i just painted it with a jade green that's convenient then i gave it a green wash nicked the edges with the original jade and attached some bit for my costume jewelry leftovers [Music] now i know this wasn't the most exciting of entries a lot of hallways today and honestly that took a lot of my actual construction time but hopefully amongst all those miniature projects you found something that was helpful or that you like recently something came up in my youtube suggestions it was a video talking about how this isn't a good dungeon and in fact is a terrible dungeon is unfun it's because it's unfair and it relies on player ability rather than character ability i can't argue any of that but as i've said before it doesn't mean you have to run it exactly as written of course that calls into question do you really need to model it as written so uh well i forgot where i was going with that but anyways no matter which way you look at it this is an iconic dungeon my plan is to basically take it with me to gaming conventions and set it up for display i like intriguing stories and interesting characters but i've never been particularly good at coming up with them or you know acting or role-playing so i tend to gravitate toward old-school dungeon crawls like this one my favorite module of all time is the labyrinth of madness which is a second edition module and was sort of intended as a spiritual successor to this one worth checking out if you love the tomb of horrors i also know my upload frequency has been great lately take comfort in knowing that i've actually gotten ahead on construction of this thing so some of the larger rooms later on have actually already been constructed now i'm just working on the details you know the little features of the room that make it interesting well we're about halfway through this beast and i'm enjoying making it i hope you're enjoying watching it if the idea of crafting for your tabletop games is new to you you should know i'm not alone find us on facebook the tabletop crafters guild 35 000 members strong and growing and if you enjoyed this particular video then here's two other similar ones that i think you'll like also till i see you next time i'm weilock thanks for joining me make things and play games what i have for you today are two new rooms some trap inserts some new clip-ons and even a scratch made miniature on part six of my no compromise tomb of horrors build [Music] part six let's keep the momentum going glue guns on brush is up all cannons to bear let's craft some tomb of horrors and remember that our sponsor is heroes horde for you 3d printers out there excellent selection including all true tiles lines room 19 the laboratory and mummy preparation room all the walls are lined with shelves and upon that are old jars and ingredients there's a desk two work benches and two mummy preparation tables all over there's pots urns ointments oils linen wrappings and all kinds of other junk so there's a lot of flavor in that description i don't think it's worth modeling all of it to a tea i'm gonna make enough little stuff to make the room look chaotic make it feel like a laboratory work smart not hard jars and bottles on the shelves i'm going to tap all the way back to i think it's episode 7 the potion vendor and just make a bunch of those so i've got these rainbow beads and then these much smaller toho seed beads i simply attach two of them together with some super glue and accelerant and then super glue that potion onto a shelf which is just a popsicle stick painted brown and hot glued onto a normal clip-on again we've covered clip-ons before so i won't go into detail here although the whole room is lined with shelves i'm only going to make four of these and scatter them randomly that's enough to give the idea and trick the eye into thinking that there's a lot of chaos in the room i think for a mummy preparation chamber it is important that i hone in on the linens and for some reason i can't shake the image of those uh parchment rolls from skyrim you know what i'm talking about well if you don't here's what they look like anyway i took some beige cardstock this is thin 30 pound card stock a manila folder would work fine too and i just manually ripped it so i have crude rough edges strips that are about i don't know half inch to three quarters of an inch wide then i mixed up some white pva glue such as elmer's with a dab of brown paint and some water to thin it and just mix that up into a slurry then douse the strip with it and roll it up should only take a few minutes to dry and then they can be attached these tables are just more wood grain done the same way that i do my doors and here's an example of one where i'm actually having it drape like it's unrolled and it's sort of hanging off of the table you'd be surprised how little effects like that help to sort of sell the overall final result some of these i stacked into piles and i have a bunch of these left over i made a ton so real quick i cut out some chipboard bases and painted those up with my dungeon scheme black dark gray gray and glued on some more potions and linens and a couple of the random things i found in my bits bin that have been sitting there for a few years these can be placed anywhere around the room to again help create the illusion of chaos and really sell it as a laboratory in the south part of the room are three large vats that contain murky liquids the western one has dirty water the middle one has a slow acting acid and the last one is filled with a grayish substance for the vats let's take a quick look at the original first edition module artwork for inspiration okay so i see the general shape it's got a big decorative skull on it i'm gonna use prescription bottle caps and then this is a fairy garden fence that i got from the crafting store i had intended to use it for some gothic building years ago it's been sitting there ever since but i chopped some short lengths so just the spikes and hot glued them on around the cap and here's one of those plastic halloween rings got a nice skull on it just chopped off the ring portion and hot glued that onto one of the legs from there this has some smooth plastic so it's primer then base it in black and then dry brush it with a metallic any metallic will do i really like this treasure gold from plaid plaid continues to be a great friend to the channel and our community but just a good dry brush over black creates an instant illusion of shadow an ancient texture nice to do the vat with the dirty water i simply took the clear resin that i like to use mixed up a batch and mixed in a drop of dark green wash this is i think ethonian camo shade from games workshop not much just a drop and then worked it in there yeah that's gonna look good for the one containing the acid again that same resin but i mixed it with a very intense light green poured that and then took another intense light green slightly different put in a couple drops and sort of tweaked it swirled it around a little bit just to give it a little something extra and for the vat with the gray substance i have these silver hot glue sticks courtesy of sherbonder so i got the glue gun piping hot and just started to inject it in there it doesn't mix uniformly it's kind of got these swirls in it which i'm guessing is like the exteriors coating that has oil on it or something but looks pretty cool i like it and also super easy to do i am awfully happy with how these came out so i'll pause and show them off and take the opportunity to thank all of my patrons [Music] now that last fat is actually a gray ooze so i use the same hot glue to make a miniature the vat with the grayish substance is actually uh oh an ochre jelly i assume that this was a gray ooze because the vat was filled with a grayish substance and i glossed over that i'm sitting here recording this doing the final edit of the video and i realized it's an ochre jelly so let's go make an ochre jelly well i already made the gray ooh so i might as well show you that real simple just a triangle of chipboard that i sort of induced a curve into hot glued that to a base and then carefully covered this thing with that silver hot glue and painted the base black super easy super effective yeah it looks just like the t-1000 awesome the ochre jelly is large not medium so this is a larger base i super glued down two paper clips and bent them sort of into tentacles then some blobs of hot glue and these bubble-shaped hemispheres that i found at the dollar store stuck a couple of those in while the glue is still hot prime that up base coated it with the airbrush and painted it from there ochre jelly which is apparently gray here's the artwork from the book by the way in the corner of the screen i think i nailed it note that i did use three shades of gold and yellow to highlight this guy so that's not the light acting off of it you see that is a gradient of different shades of yellow or ochre these mummies are just 3d printed i found them on thingiverse and i'll put a link in the video description below printed painted shaded glued 20 huge pit filled with spikes this is a 10 foot deep and 20 foot wide pit it's got a pressure plate in it that causes spikes to shoot up amazing groundbreaking stuff it was the 70s moving on to room 21 the agitated chamber this room is filled with funerary offerings and furniture there's rotting sofas there's chairs jumble of stands and small tables stuff is dented shipped and broken there's some tapestries hanging on the east and west walls and among the general havoc are scattered several large trunks and a number of coffers okay for all that trash in the room i'm just going to represent it with a couple of these wreckage tokens that are the reappropriated pit traps which we covered earlier and also whipped up a couple chests i've covered these before earlier in this mini series and earlier on the channel i'll throw cards on the screen these wall hangings which depict weed grown rocks and green and gold tan scenes of underwater sea life are special anti-magic treated creations of green slime and brown mold once again i'm going to print and paste onto some rather large clip-ons these are going to be about 20 feet long in-game i just use google image search and then photoshop to sort of tweak the image into only having brown and green this is actually a really cool trap i love this basically to put it very very short if the tapestry is yanked down it turns into a green slime and if it's burned it turns into a brown mold the clues are there in the picture because the picture only has tones of green and brown in it for the patches of brown mold i simply cut a rectangle out of chipboard painted it up with a couple shades of brown some white glue and then flocked it with this battlefield dust stuff from army painter as well as a couple tufts of very dark grass made two of them to be prepared for the possibility that the players try and burn both tapestries green slimes similar chipboard rectangle cut into an ooze sort of shape then cover it with hot glue and tease it all around make it look chaotic and paint it green also finished off the green slimes with a gloss varnish again two of them and now let's fly through all of it in context we picked up last time at the false crypt so we'll go backwards up those stairs and then down the cloudy hallway up some more stairs to a nondescript secret door which is like on the landing sort of easy to miss anyway it goes through this passage through a door and into the mummy preparation room i really love the dungeon clutter scatter pieces those were kind of spur of the moment they'd make good treasure tokens for frost grave or something but the possibilities are endless whenever you over make stuff just glue it to a slab and now it's scatter terrain personally my biggest happiest spot from this whole video the linen wraps got lucky on that one but they look perfect one thing to note if you use that particular brand of resin it's in my amazon storefront but if you use that brand it does take a day maybe two to cure totally despite what the bottle says but it will get there so don't risk trying to touch it at six hours in or whatever because you'll leave a fingerprint moving on through the west of that room there's another stairway the ingenious pit trap and then another secret door to a regular door and then into the room with all the clutter in it and obviously these inserts wouldn't be there to start with but once triggered i just drop them in as needed and for the false trap door in the corner over there i just use another standard door clip-on misleading for the players in the meta sense alright fine people stick with me because the best rooms are coming up if you like this video and or series feel free to subscribe and if the idea of crafting for your tabletop games is new to you you should know i'm not alone check us out on facebook tabletop crafters guild over 30 000 members by the way here's two other videos that i think you'll enjoy i am weilock make things and play games today we will build one of the most infamous pc killers of all time if you've been crushed by it you know the one that i'm talking about it's halloween season baby you gotta get out to the craft store skulls and bones galore and also i build a huge new cavern tile and try my hand at some new techniques to build a grotto for a possible ally in the tomb of horrors let's get on with it [Music] hello everyone wylock here thank you for joining me once again for our no compromise tomb of horrors build this is part seven presumably you know the drill by now so i'm going to take you right to the crafting table but hey real quick if you're really digging this series please feel free to share it on the social media platforms i am 35 years old i don't have the time or interest to learn all of them and on that note if i don't reply to you that's why it's nothing personal okay let's go and remember that our sponsor is heroes hoard for you 3d printers out there excellent selection including all true tiles lines we left off here in room 21 so going behind the tapestry through the secret door and then there's some hallways here with some tricks and traps not worth going into gonna jump right over this big cavern room 22 the cavern of gold and silver mists a thick silver mist shot through with delicate streamers of gold partially blocks your view of the area that lies ahead okay i'm not going to model mist but at the center of the cavern is a small grotto in which dwells the fey being siren so here i've drawn out a 6x6 grid on some good stock of double corrugated this is from tv that i bought i'm going to freehand draw on the shape of the cavern and then cut that bad boy out this is going to be one of the larger tiles i think i've ever made for the walls i was originally going to do more of the tin foil rolled up and stacked but i thought back to the underdark tiles i did last year i was really happy with how those came out and they're a lot easier to do so i figured i'd try that here cutting out half inch wide strips of more double corrugated cardboard and then laying a thick bead of hot glue around the perimeter and putting those strips on notice the way that i cut it so that the corrugation is open it can drink in all that hot glue and just kind of bend it force it bend it to your wheel so that it sticks around the perimeter there this is some old school dmg info style right here love it and now again repeating that technique from the underdark tiles laying a thick bead of hot glue along the bottom of the wall and then teasing it upward with the nozzle of the hot glue gun kind of giving the illusion of stalactites or stalagmites whichever one comes from the ground [Music] so the walls all textured up with hot glue got this quarter inch thick cork sheeting and i'm just gonna hand break pieces that are about one and a quarter inch square i want them to be irregular not square and i've got that grid that i pre-drew on so it should be very easy to hot glue these down and introduce a little chaos by deliberately having some of them overlap their grid line and others undershoot makes it look a little more like a craggy cavern floor while still giving you a grid to work with while i'm at it i started the grotto so chipboard this is graphics medium chipboard love this stuff if you've been watching this series you know what it is links are in the video description below but i cut out a rough shape as the base and then started stacking hand broken pieces of cork sheeting around the perimeter different sizes different shapes offsetting each other sort of like subway bricks and just building up a grotto having some fun with it now this assembly is very fragile very weak so i slathered it with neat white glue not diluted although a soaked wet brush will help to dilute the glue on the piece and sort of help it get into all the crevices but i just slathered that full of white glue and set it overnight to dry and while that was going on i went about making my hallways so many hallways this certainly was in the early days of inefficient dungeon design always for hallways sake god these are annoying and there's so little reward but two hour hack session later i had all the hallways for this section done next day the grotto is good to go hard as a rock so i based it in black over brushed with a dark gray and dry brushed with a light gray [Music] now at this point i realized this isn't a modular piece it doesn't need to agree with any of the other stuff in my collection therefore it's an opportunity to experiment with some stuff because normally i would stop here so i took this homemade dark brown wash and just slathered it all over and then took some blue wash and dabbed on a few spots this looked really cool while it was wet and i had high hopes but then when it dried it was just dark i may as well have not done anything so i brought it back up with a little bit of that dark gray and moved on actually as i'm sitting here editing this that looks pretty darn good actually it doesn't look that good in person oh well laid down a very light gray base coat because i ran out of white paint and then hit it with this vallejo magic blue color love it it's a vivid blue and then some dark scurvy green and some patches to indicate depth and i'm not worried about overspray onto the rock here in fact that's kind of the idea this is like a magical grotto and maybe it's the water is glowing a little bit up onto the surfaces of the rock i also went with some plain green and did some random patches and found that this complemented the blue really well so i put some random spots on the walls as well [Music] a bunch of these army painter tufts let's see um those are from my orc army so i think i'm gonna go with these light green ones they're the only other ones i have pick a few spots some of them in the water some of them creeping out of rocks and now some clear resin i love this stuff 50 50 and then a few drops of green wash this is army painter green tone it ended up being three drops total mix that up really good and poured so here's the grotto all done with siren in place the end result is a little bit disjointed it doesn't quite click i'm not sure what it is if you have tips feel free to leave a comment below i think it has to do with contrast and not having a bright blue in the mix somewhere or maybe those tufts are just really out of place but this was a good little opportunity to try something new and learn things not to do so good giving back to the big cavern tile itself after basing it in black i just over brushed with a large brush a very dark muted brown followed by a heavy dry brush with a rich chocolaty sort of brown then a dry brush with sort of a cinnamon color [Music] and finally a very light touch with this vanilla that i mixed in with the cinnamon and you can see with a very light touch it really only catches the edge of the squares and sort of does edge highlighting for you it's a really nice easy effect takes a little bit of a knack but in a matter of seconds you'll master it nice dig it so going up the hallways we go north there's some more tricks and traps i'm not going to go into in this video we've made doors and pit traps before but we come up to room 23. when the doors to the north are opened sleep gas bill is forced from the other side and then a stone juggernaut rather like a steamroller comes out of the 20-foot square room in the north and rolls south everything that rolls over is squashed to a pulp and there is no appeal juggernaut okay let's look at the original module for some artwork inspiration and that's an elephant i'm not crazy about that i don't know how to craft an elephant you know what skulls are badass skulls always work so look at this this is table scatter for like a halloween party i got this at michael's it's got some skulls and some bones in it and i've got these two gatorade caps and a cardboard tube which i cut to length and hot glued the caps onto then a strip of card stock around the outside to sort of smooth things out give it a little bit more depth for the back wheel i just imagine it is like a stabilizer so two standard bottle caps hot glued together and then hot glued to the big roller just like this [Music] for good measure super glue on some gears here and using some accelerant spray to stick them on quick so i can move on with the project from there with a combination of hot glue and super glue and super glue accelerant i built up a structure with the bones to kind of tie those two rollers together and give a mounting point for one of these skulls because i think if something's rolling down the hallway and it's going to crush you a giant skull is better than an elephant at least that's the way i'd prefer to go [Music] outside for a good spray primer and then i base coated with a bone color the rollers i based in a goblin green this is a lighter green because i intend to use a wash remember if you're going to wash make sure your base coat is a much brighter color than you think appropriate because here we go i'll apply the green wash and it really dampens it down nicely also flesh wash you could use agrax or shade strong tone whatever some sort of dirty wash over all the bones painted the big steamroller portion metal glued in some flat back gemstones to the eyes and stippled on some vallejo gory red as blood from past victims yes here is the juggernaut completed now that is a device i wouldn't mind dying to elephant what were they thinking so yeah i took a liberty here i know this is supposed to be the no compromise tomb of horrors build but yeah whatever this little package of scatter was two dollars so i'm pretty happy with this little thing so as always let's do a partial setup of our progress so far we left off in room 21 with the tapestries that turn into green slimes and brown molds we go through the secret door we do some other stuff we go down the stairs that many of you really seem to geek out on here's our intrepid party and there's a pit trap in the middle of this crossroads down at the south end there's a trick door uh a very cute kind of just filler here's a phasing trap i don't really know what that means we go down the hallway and here is our cavern tile with the grotto in it and siren in her grotto i love the fact that these two don't match that they don't look alike long time viewers will know that my goal has never really been realism my goal is spectacle and the more color contrast there is between this room and this feature the more it calls the player's attention to the feature itself plus i just wanted to experiment with a new color scheme for a possible future set of new cavern tiles anyway we'll come out of there we go down the hallway blah blah through a secret door up here and finally we come to mr tons of fun himself now the front roller is exactly two inches wide that was deliberate so that it can fit in the hallway play it model it as written and it's right at this point where you say to yourself mondays so there you have it folks it is really starting to come together now i want to thank you for continuing to take this journey with me that's another chapter for the books if you haven't already make sure you come and find us on facebook the tabletop crafters guild over 35 000 members strong and growing also to all of you who keep giving me suggestions about which iconic module to model next stop it i am never doing anything like this project again here's some other videos that you might like i'm weilock make things and play games [Music] [Music] uh [Music] hello everyone wylock here thanks for joining me for part eight of the tomb of horrors build largest room of the dungeon today and i had a couple of mishaps but this ended up being a lesson in perseverance so i'm going to show it to you as it happened and remember that our sponsor is heroes hoard for you 3d printers out there excellent selection including all true tiles lines first thing to get out of the way is this 10 square long single space wide corridor or tunnel so that's made the exact same way as i've done before gets the dark gray then the stamp and then blacked out i also connected these pieces together with tape so that they'd swivel easier for storage and for keeping track of one piece instead of three now here's the hallway segment that leads up to the big room 25 and notice i've got this mounting point here that's set a quarter inch in from where the wall normally would be that is to allow room for the adamantine block this block is a double clip on so the players will approach it first and i can clip it on at that time but then later it is able to connect this hallway to the big room on the other side as well as joining two of the quarters of that big room on the other side you'll see what i mean in a moment so having this double clip on really helps everything from a practical technical standpoint on the table 25 the pillared throne room you look upon an enormous chamber colored in pastels a forest of massive many hued columns support the ceiling pastels this room is a massive room i am not going to do it in one tile i divided it into fourths so i'm using double corrugated cardboard as usual attaching on my walls which are three quarter of an inch tall i'm also attaching those three small rooms in the north side i'm gonna make those part of the tile rather than like an insert it's just gonna be easier for later on then i set about the chipboard squares a lot and i mean a lot of squares over 400 for this room alone but i kept at it um about six months and some carpal tunnel lit i'm just kidding it was like two hours to do all this but my wrist was killing me got them all done cut the chips in 25 of them or so and then drew a grid on the tile to help myself make sure it was all aligned when they're hot glued on and here we go i go to hot glue it and oh no my hot glue gun is broken i can feel something giving way in the trigger see it's it's moving but it's not pushing hot glue and i've taken this model apart before it's not easy to put back together so i'm thinking this one is probably toast but not to worry boom the sherbonder 100 watt hot glue gun this has been sitting in my cabinet for some time perfect opportunity to check it out look how much bigger it is this thing is awesome so while this is plugged in and heating up i'm just going to take a moment let's review its features this is the pro 2 tac 100 100 watt high output professional hot glue gun it has safety features oh with an asterisk and no corresponding asterisk so that concerns me a little but whatever interchangeable nozzle standard fare got a trigger oh and an on off switch an on off switch which seems to be presented on the front of the box like a feature what a novel idea for an electronic device to have an on off switch heavy duty uh one one and a half pounds of glue per hour uh don't measure in sticks measure in pounds and two and a half times more power than than something it's just got more power rocking well i'm excited to try it real quick here it is in the lineup the one in the middle is the one that's about to be retired i've got my detail one on the other side and then this bad boy it is a monster and it feels like butter you just breathe on the trigger and it chews through this 7 16 inch hot glue gun stick it is amazing and the power isn't is intoxicating i won't lie it is fun to use in fact it's almost unwieldy you could not use this for doing detail work like i do on some of my other projects i'm going to still use the small glue gun but look at that and and i did a test with a stick this thing never loses heat it will chew through a stick completely so do we need 100 watts in our hobby no should you buy this over the cheaper options no but really should you buy this over the cheaper options oh yes i like to embrace my inner tim allen good stuff thank you surebonder alright so i got the four quarters of the tile built checking to make sure that they line up nice and of course they do then i've got my primer primer's not necessary because this is all chipboard and cardboard but it's a lot faster and it's a light color so i hate brushing on light colors these little foam cylinders someone recommended to me i can't remember who it was i'm sorry leave a comment if it was you but anyway i bought some and these are going to be my columns for room 25. so i simply hot glued two of them together they stick together really well and i made 100 of those you need a little less than 100 for the room here it is ready to go so i'm gonna start painting i joined them all together because i want whatever pattern i paint to carry over across the tile so it looks seamless and i'm gonna use these four pastel colors right you're greeted by a room full of pastels so i picked these out and i'm gonna shield and airbrush some random streaks on there try and get a cool look i think it's gonna look neat do some blue and another one and i'm trying to aim for full coverage at least you'll you'll see that's what i was trying to do and that's why i based it with white because you get much better response from bright colors by basing with white instead of black i also tried to do half of the pillars with blue but you can see it's not really going well there's a lot more air pressure there than i realize these are not very heavy but whatever i moved on let's do pink and i'm spattering all over the place some has spilled out i'm trying oh my god i remember this oh why did i continue so at this point i kept going i tried the yellow and we'll do some more yellow in there because why not okay uh and and then finishing with this sickly green it's called library green but really it's a hideous color i hate it and so i thought this would look awesome this did not turn out like i hoped that it would yeah so i've got a bit of a disaster on my hands but it's important not to give up this cannot be for nothing after all i just put an hour of my time into this and probably ten dollars worth of good miniature paints and what did i get for it the god i'm opening credits to save by the bell looks like the coming up next transition between rugrats and doug looks like the rejected first draft of the bag art for marshmallow flavored doritos looks like someone slit the throats of four furby families it looks like the sidewalk chalk art of my six-year-old when he was three looks like an easter morning miracle by miracle we mean massacre look like a prismatic thing that's not good just use one of those hey i got an idea you could chime in roast this result put a comment below whichever one i think is the funniest after two weeks will win a free set of wilac's armory dice okay let's figure out what we're gonna do i saw the word pastels and my brain defaulted to like you know bright colors but pastels could be dark as well so here's five colors i've chosen that are a much more muted pastel and i need more coverage in general so i decided to make a stamp i got some double corrugated cardboard i'm gonna chop up some chipboard make some bricks and because i have five colors i'm gonna cover about 20 percent of this thing with bricks then i'll try and coat it with the paint just slather it on there and we're going to give it a test run and what you're about to see is it doesn't go well that chipboard just drinks in the paint which is one of the qualities i'm always touting about it so it makes sense but that's not going to work you can see the paint's just drying too fast so i'm going to go old school dm scotty here dollar store foam board with the paper peeled off of both sides and those will be my bricks this has a very slick finish the paint does not dry fast at all so we'll see how this goes and much better i need to add a few more bricks okay so i'm going to do that i'm going to add a few more bricks but the coverage is there so first color up will be the yellow here we go and moment of truth obviously i've re-primed this thing in black and let's see how it goes yep that'll work now i'm turning the stamp and doing different placements different turns with each color to make sure that i don't overlap the bricks right because then they'll just cut the colors will cover each other up that defeats the whole point so here i'm going to turn it a different direction and i've found that i can usually get two maybe three stamps between paint reloads and it only took about 30 seconds per color per tile so this whole process went pretty quick and now the blue get that on there double checking to make sure i'm not repeating a pattern now at this moment is when i started to get excited it was like yeah this is starting to look like a colored pastel floor but it's faded with age it's ancient and i didn't film the tan color but i did that and finally here's the sweet potato color yeah so there it is all done a room full of pastels but still ancient and foreboding looking like you'd see in the tomb of horrors up close you can see the stamp texture a bit but from even 12 inches away oh man it's so good i am so happy with how this came out so persevere if you don't succeed at first try again those foam columns take paint really well so i just did a fifth of them in each color and i made 100 columns total so that's 20 in each color those are just attached the tiles with a healthy blob of hot glue and i attempt to never have the same color next to itself and since i have five colors that should always be possible [Music] now let's consider the features of the room in the north wall there are two more devil faces just like from the entrance hallway the one in the northwest is green but the one in the northeast is blue and they're about 24 feet off the floor so i made these exactly as described back in part three of this series and i just put them on a very tall clip on feature the two outer small rooms along the north wall are actually a different room number 26 small room of the door of electric blue the doors sort of shimmer with a faint blue light and similarly the door in the center leading to room 27 radiates a violet light this is easy i've got my usual doors painted up exactly the same way but now i'm going to add on a dry brush of white then a dry brush of blue the white is just to make the blue pop stronger and then intensify it in the middle with blue just a little bit to sort of hint it glowing the door in the middle is violet and that one was done up the exact same way dry brushing and then a bit of focusing in the center to make it bloom and look like it's scintillating violet now the west chamber is empty it's just got dust but the eastern door has a low stone table with a wooden sarcophagus loaded with a mummy first up the stone slab dollar store foam board peel the paper off both sides chip it a little bit with the knife beat it with some balled up tin foil for texture and there we go stone texture strengthened it up with a thick layer of mod podge and then i painted it like all my other dungeon gray for the sarcophagus itself i decided to just use chipboard hot glue it together paint it with brown dry brush it nothing fancy here glue the two together and i've got my nice insert there the mummy itself is a 3d printed model i printed it primed it painted it and washed it and before it was even dry here i am gluing it in nice so that's about 10 minutes of effort for that little feature right there and if it does come to life it becomes a mummy lord so i've got a miniature for that too charred remains strewed near the southeast corner is a heap of charred bones and skulls plus some other garbage with frightening sight and a character who comes close enough will find a huge glowing orange gem at the center of the destruction it is a cursed gem jumping again to the 3d printer because i don't have a collection of small bones bits and i don't really want to craft anything so this was easy base it up paint it with a skeleton bone color wash it with brown a little bit of a dry brush afterwards to help bring things back up a little bit and then that cursed orange gemstone just a flat back gemstone glue down there with white glue but then i had a thought it'd be really neat if this were actually buried and hidden in the wreckage just like the book says so here is some paper towel this is a mixture of beige and white glue i'm just painting it on there and then giving it a few hours to dry and crisp up it is very durable that way and then hand tearing some bits and i'm gonna cover up just a little bit so you can see i put some white glue to make like a hinge almost the rest of it is not glued down and this way the flap can come up and the players at the table can actually discover the orange gemstone the way that it's written so here's two directly related thoughts number one it took me three hours to fall asleep after i thought of this idea and number two i'm lucky i met a woman early in life south end of the chamber contrasting with the pastel colors of the floor and pillars of the hall is the stark blackness of the huge dyes on the south wall a top which sits an obsidian throne inlaid with silver and ivory skulls upon the throne rest a crown made of gold and a scepter made of electrum with a gold knob on one end and a silver cap on the other bag of wooden shapes here from the craft store i'm going to start with this one teardrop shape and then cut a trapezoid of xps foam hot glue it on there and we have our foundation gw skulls i bought this way back when they very first came out and it's been sitting on my shelf ever since time to finally use them there's a lot of cool stuff in here a lot of different species and sizes for 20 bucks it's a pretty good deal also tyranid bits i love using tyranid bits to evil stuff up if you will so here's some arms with claws and i'm going to cut those claws off use them as arm rests i also have these wooden i don't think they're crafting picks but they're just picks they have sort of a point on one end round on the other i'm just brainstorming here ended up gluing on three as you see to make mounting points for the skulls and then you super glue an accelerant to attach the skulls here's three more got the arms on there so this is it before priming and painting nice i also mounted a glass bead in the bottom for weight because it was back heavy outside that goes for some spray primer and while the spray primer is drying i went about making the dyes or deus dyes day i think we've been through this before anyway just cascading sizes of this shape stacked up double corrugated cardboard hot glue blah blah all the usual hits i also made this a clip-on because the back side of it is up against the wall and it's centered so this can help hold the room together remember i have it in quarters so this will grab onto both walls and keep it together at the game table painted black over brushed with purple and dry brushed with a light gray i don't know if this accurately renders obsidian but i just didn't want a hunk of jet black cardboard sitting there i wanted to do something with it so here we go the throne got the same treatment the over brush with purple and i edge highlighted with light gray i don't often edge highlight on the channel because i hate doing it i'm not patient and i don't like it and i'm not very good at it but nonetheless it it gives incredible results so edge highlighted this and now let's work on the crown inceptor for the crown look at this little bit of costume jewelry looks like it's a good crown scaled for a 28 millimeter miniature use a nail set and a hammer to liberate the cubic zirconia cut off those loops and wham gold crown ready for gluing for the scepter i continue to raid the costume jewelry bin and i found this little bit here we're going to use this along with one of these gold toho seed beads this is what i usually use for the caps of my potions so a bit of super glue on there and then quickly some accelerant to set it in place and i've got a scepter no paint required okay i'll be back in 15 seconds you guys just enjoy this final version of the throne i'm gonna go set up the final tour [Music] and here it is this did prove difficult to capture on video i don't know if it's the color palette or what but it just doesn't look as good as it does in real life anyway here's that adamantine block it's a double clip on doing its job holding everything together also this points out a design choice i made you'll notice the big room is split into four specifically so that there are no pillars on the seams this is why i was able to attach them permanently and not have to worry about them hanging over the edge three doors along the north glowing nice probably could have done something on these pillars maybe a dry brush with a lighter color edge highlight the top of the cylinder and not worth it and the devil heads i actually made months ago when i actually put out episode three i made these at the same time for efficiency and nothing will compare to the rotating shot you just got but here again is the throne on its deus dice nice large view there our wide view and a character level view look on over here another look at the throne boy that's harsh lighting and then here's the chard remains piled one more time for posterity take a look in there and find the cursed orange gem this module is really fixated on colors i noticed particularly today it it's really specific about what color everything is it's kind of unusual maybe it's intended to be a red herring for the players or something like that well i hope you've had fun with me today all the ways to support are in the links in the video description below my longtime viewers will know that i like to bounce around from project to project just whatever interests me at the time i'm a little burned out on the tumor horrors right now so it may be a month or two before i get back to it but rest assured we're gonna have a big finish remember if you haven't already joined the tabletop crafters guild on facebook 35 000 members strong and growing and here's a couple other videos that i think will interest you based on today's topic i am weilock make things and play games [Music] hello everyone wylock here thanks for joining me welcome to part nine of the tomb of horrors build the penultimate episode got several rooms for you today and even if you're not building the tomb of horrors hopefully you'll have some techniques that you get from this that you can take away and apply to your own projects one of which i'm particularly proud of and remember that our sponsor is heroes hoard for you 3d printers out there excellent selection including all true tiles lines note at the very last moment of editing this video i called a massive audible be sure and watch till the very end 27a why do they do that why isn't it just 28 27a chamber of hopelessness there are glowing letters magically written on the north wall that state blah blah i'm not going to say it all also there's a fountain in the room water streams out of the wall again we'll look at the artwork from the original module now i am no calligraphist calligraphy a person who does calligraphy so i photoshop printed and painted the words that are on the wall gave them a glow and just put that on a big clip-on so that'll go in this room of despair yeah it came out nice tip whenever you're trying to do a glow make sure it's white in the middle not a bright version of the color that you want but white and then the aura around it is the color that you want that's what'll make it look really electric and powerful and this fountain you know the artwork has a fish there i'm gonna take some liberty here though this is one of those halloween rings so i push it really hard to flatten it out with hot glue against the this back piece and use that so the water will come out of its eyes a little more imposing so this is a clip-on fountain for the room i mix up my favorite clear resin with a drop of brown and green ink in there because water is not blue give that a stir drizzle along the eyes and pour and there we go fountain done now supposing we escape let's go back south we resume in room 27 the portal of scintillating violet there's a bear chamber with a small door in the north wall and pairs of swords crossed behind shields hung upon the walls three sets on each of the side walls and two more flanking that door long story short these are flying swords that will attack in a trap-like manner let's get a look at some of the artwork from the original module just to get a taste all right wooden matchsticks and i think i actually changed to toothpicks but either way using those with some chipboard for the shields and painting them up and there we go one on each side of the door and three on each of the side walls just like the module says so these are three clip-on features for that little room room 28 the wondrous foyer the walls of the area ahead are untarnished and gleaming copper panels with some wood the ceiling is silver i don't have ceilings the chamber widens to the south where a set of gently sloping steps leads upward these six steps from nearest to farthest are made of onyx pink marble lapis black marble yellow serpentine and malachite again quick look at the artwork okay look at this room yes love it recreational trigonometry the best kind i spent like an hour on this room i didn't need to i just chose to took a nice measured approach because i love doing trigonometry so here's the inserts cascading and decreasing in size these are the six steps called out in the module and these are painted up six different ways to the best of my ability which is amateur to journeyman at best i google image searched what each of these materials are in order to be able to paint them so there we go and notice that three inch wide bump on the back wall that's to give something to clip onto for the mithril doors that we're doing in the next section i thought ahead and added that because i knew that the stairs were gonna be at the height of my wall location 29 the valves of mithral the doors at the top of the stairs are really big and made of solid mithral three feet thick and magic proof sure why not there's also a blood trap if it's attacked it will not budge but if damaged it will begin to bleed all the blood of those who have died in the tomb before and then in the next column you can see there's some what-ifs and it is possible for this to animate into a huge red ochre jelly okay mithril is a very bluish gleaming silvery material to the best of my understanding so i didn't put a lot of effort into these they're silver doors but let's talk about the traps in the room so this giant blood ooze i looked through my bases and found a massive base that i don't plan on ever using again it'll work for huge and then the method is identical to the ochre jelly from earlier in the module so some paper clip armatures as tendrils reaching out these hemispherical beads as bubbles drizzling lots of hot glue to fill in and form the ooze body and then painting it is just airbrushed with red after priming it of course but i'm not doing any wash or different shades this is supposed to be blood um i'm not going to apply a gloss varnish because that films horribly and also because i generally just don't like to use a gloss varnish but uh yeah blood ooze so there it is now for all these weird what ifs i don't know why you would ever try to cast polymorph on a blood ooze but if you do it changes into the seven whites and i bought these miniatures from roon wars really i just bought the box because it came with a whole bunch of miniatures it was a good bang for your buck and these are great miniatures here's an up close look at one now this is a skeleton not a white but hey i've got seven of them it's economical it's undead and from three feet away it's gonna be painted solid red so whatever it's just an amorphous humanoid red undead thing so i primed those and painted those up in the exact same way now i'm ready for this encounter as written however it might go down room 30 the false treasure room this chamber has ivory walls a floor of polished agate that'll be tricky and in each corner stands a statue of black iron easily nine feet tall and it tells you that each one has a different weapon type near the center of the room is a large bronze urn filigreed in gold a thin stream of smoke issues from a tiny vent in its brass stopper and on the southern wall stands a granite sarcophagus damaged and flanked by two large iron chests i went after the statues first i thought chaos space marines if done right and with the high tech parts clip clipped off modified that they would make a pretty good substitute for these four statues so i found the weapons that are described in the module kit bashed put together what you see here primed them up and then painted so the painting was actually very simple solid black base coat although you can see in this one i missed some of the gold under there from underneath but solid black base coat and then an over brush with gunmetal and that's it black metal easy pretty much looks the part no one is gonna care from three feet away anyways so good for the floor itself it is polished agate i went to google image search i found some polished agate and i thought i would do print and paste that's what i tried it first painted the walls white glued in the floor here we go and this just didn't look right partially because it's way out of scale relative to 28 millimeter miniatures and also it just i wasn't happy with it so i walked away for four months now i'm back and i wash the walls because they are made of ivory which is actually not white it's a little bit beige-ish it's like the tusks of elephants right so uh i made that a little more interesting than flat white then i took some chipboard gave it a solid base coat with this light blue and this would work for any color of course but the very lightest color of whatever you're doing now to create the agate effect it's not really mixed together there are discrete bands of color in agate so i took multiple paint brushes of different types and used different colors paint of paint uh different shades of blue and like you can see here drew them along and and sort of created an agate effect now i think some of the keys are you don't want to have lots of overlap they can end at each other like this if that makes sense but you can see here with the second color i'm sort of chasing along with the previous color that's sort of how agate looks i eventually lose that discipline and you'll see i start doing all sorts of crossed over and chaotic stuff which doesn't it sort of doesn't look the part anymore so that's a lesson learned luckily i get away with it in this project because i'm about to cut this thing up into many little squares but if you're trying to do an agate effect like a veiny gemstone i think this is a pretty cool approach so there's the square all done up and i gave it an hour to dry because even though it feels dry it's still seeping into that chipboard and it any warping that's going to happen will take place over the next few hours but once that's done cutting it up into one and a quarter inch squares and hot gluing them in yes uh hot gluing the squares in this was so so satisfying i i've never done drugs but i can't imagine i'll ever need to because this has to be what it feels like yes oh man so good so yeah google image search polished agate and you'll see that this is kind of what it looks like after cutting up these squares i just sort of mixed them and tossed them in a big pile like a kid shuffles a deck of cards to make sure i got good randomness and so you know i always do the self-deprecating thing and the critiquing but that is an awesome i have no words for how happy i am with how this turned out one thing that might have helped a little bit finishing the newly exposed edges on the square that i've just cut with a sharpie or something but i don't have that kind of time and from three feet away you're not gonna see it anyway i know you sort of can in the video but at the table it's it's fine so a couple finishing touches we have that granite sarcophagus on the southern wall just made that out of foam dinged it up real good hit it with mod podge for strength and then painted it gray didn't put a whole lot effort into it you know i i could do an entire episode on making a granite sarcophagus and you know spend 10 minutes talking about how to make it look awesome this took me like five minutes to make it's one tiny piece of a much larger project it's really not worth focusing on if you have something that you're going to reuse a lot sure put the time and energy into it but for something like this i don't have time to make every single piece of work of art so you'll see that i've done in my job we call it value based maintenance but value-based crafting don't put a lot of energy into something that is a very boutique application flanking the sarcophagus are two iron chests these are simply chipboard boxes that i threw together a couple of these like pointy bead things that i just found in my collection bentom and they look like good clasps gave it a dark wash and then a you know a silver dry brush standard stuff and i attached all three to a clip-on since they are along the southern wall and they are attached i thought that made sense it'll be easier for storage because it is at this point in the project that i'm starting to think about and realize that long-term storage is going to be an issue and lastly near the center of the room is that large bronze urn filigreed in gold this is one of those cylindrical wooden bits that you've probably seen at crafting store painted it bronze and painted the caps in gold for the wisp of smoke coming out i took a q-tip teased it out a bit drenched it in white pva glue and hot glued the stick into the center of the piece pretty easy so that does it for room 30 and in fact that's everything we're going to build for today so let's do a partial setup on the table and fly through it showing room 25 and here in the north end the portal of scintillating violet remember value-based crafting it doesn't always have to be a work of art simple swords and shields especially since honestly the miniatures are probably not even going to stand in that room this room of despair cool concept i like it give them just enough water to keep them alive and starving to death these skeletons were just 3d printed painted and washed enormous thank you as always to all my patreon patrons much appreciated let's go back across to the south under the throne through the secret chamber here's all those blood miniatures in reserve just in case they're needed i would have them off the side of the table and the grand foyer now the mithril doors i confess they stick out like a sore thumb i need to do more to those i've been keeping a running punch list of final two do's before i get to sarah rx tomb and those are on them so i'll be redoing those in the next episode this room came out nice dungeons don't always have to be dark this is after all the false treasure room false throne room so this module has not one but two final encounter fake outs once again before i hear anything about it i'm not putting gloss varnish on that floor doesn't look good say what you will about the quality of the tomb of horrors as a module but it does not shy away from color i'll give it that it is a fabulous dungeon all right thank you so much for watching all that's left is to construct a cererax tomb wait it's 11 45 at night i was just about to click render and then go to bed for the night to have the video done and ready to upload tomorrow this just doesn't look right the easy critique is it's too colorful but i haven't had any qualms with that in the series so far it just so doesn't jive with the pastels of the room next to it maybe that's accurate or intended i i'm kind of terrified to do this but i am going to risk just doing a few easy techniques to make this look darker more weathered jiving with the rest of the tiles like it's an ancient tomb and not something that's perfectly fresh from hgtv all right saddle up and get her done i laid out some tiles from earlier in the dungeon with that had color in them to see what the issue was just for contrast those didn't stick out like a sore thumb so what exactly is it it might be as simple as weathering and aging so that's where i started black wash 10 parts water to one part black acrylic craft paint and it terrified me to do this but i did it because i love that floor but i did it it will dry much lighter than it goes on wet so that's not a concern nonetheless i really just want to dull this down i don't want to add any texture per se so i dabbed away a lot of the excess with a paper towel after about a minute this chipboard even though it's been painted with all that blue is still very absorbent and so after about a minute you'll see that it's pretty much on its way to being set i also applied the wash to the walls which would include the clip-on which has been painted to match two types of wash generally adds some nice complexity it doesn't look anything like ivory anymore but whatever artistic license here's an earring from my costume jewelry collection just glued that onto the sarcophagus little something extra like a magic symbol something foreboding all right so that piece looks a little more complexified i like it now the floor has lost its luster well not luster but it's just the color vibrance which is i don't know what i expected i mean that's exactly what i thought would happen to bring back some of that vibrance i thought i would try some high gloss varnish yes one thick coat hour to dry and then a second thick coat and you can see here in real time the effect it just makes the color pop more because of the way that the light plays off of it and i did the same thing to the wondrous foyer steps which i had also given that light black wash and dabbing technique but with that done this floor looks awesome and it's like i've always said never be afraid to use high gloss varnish it can really make a project stand out all right what else we got let's talk about the urn a little bit of black wash on that as well and then dry brushing a light gray on the plume to make it a little more smoke-like two dead simple things with a lot of return on investment looks much better a little bit more complex and here it is in context and having used that same wash just looks like it's suspect to the same ages of grime nice spider webs never hurt they you can add them in to age something up and make it seem ancient so this is a dish of water drizzle hot glue in it and it cuts very easily with scissors and i took a few snippets and glued them in a couple spots around the room now the mithril doors here we go once more with feeling this is a necklace from my costume jewelry bin again i'm going to attach it to a wooden dowel with super glue and then put a length on the door with a gear between two of them and the idea is that these ratcheted poles get moved by the gear so as the gear rotates one pole comes up and one goes down these are going into the floor and ceiling and that's what's locked these these doors shut the valves of mithril right so as the gear turns when the players put in the right key those retract and now the doors can be opened so those are painted up with that same brilliant silver i was using some copper on the gear works washing those with like a uh a flesh wash or agrax or something doesn't really matter give them a little bit of depth and then mithril is defined as a brilliant bluish silvery metal at least that's what's on the wikipedia so i took some army painter blue wash and tried a little bit of dabbing worked it around blotted some off but this dries really quite dull this didn't give me the effect i was hoping for then i remembered i have some goldman blue left over this is out of production now it's a glaze not a wash not a paint a glaze and it has very high pigment it is a brilliant brilliant blue so i went over the spots doing the exact same technique trying to get a little bit of blue luminescence uh make this look like mithril and i spend so much time on it because i need to define what mithra looks like a cereal rex tomb is a vault of mithril that's going to be in the next episode so whatever i do for mithril now i'm gonna do then and it has to be sustainable so here the original doors and the new doors so much better and it's like i've always said you need to put your heart and soul into every piece don't cut corners everything needs to be a work of art okay let's try this again in context from afar it looks much better dulled down it blends in with the rest of the dungeon aesthetically love it and we've got our intrepid party we've been following that's going through the dungeon we'll get down to a party's eye view looking up at the valves of mithril across the wondrous foyer nice yeah all right i'll just be quiet for about a minute here and let you enjoy the close-ups all right thank you so much for watching all that's left is to construct a cererax tomb and then to put the entire dungeon together without compromise and do a grand tour all of that will be in the 10th and final episode of this series till then i'm weilock make things and play games so [Music] hello everyone wylock here welcome back we've done it welcome to part 10 the finale of the tomb of horrors build we have made it to the end today we will build a cerex actual tomb then i will lay out the entire dungeon in all its glory without compromise 100 so without any ado let's dive into our hobby and start crafting and remember that our sponsor is heroes horde for you 3d printers out there excellent selection including all true tiles lines room 33 the crypt of esirac demi lich beyond the door is a smallish rectangular chamber and as you finish doing some stuff the floor begins to tremble long story short there's a trap that causes the floor to rapidly rise toward the ceiling potentially crushing and killing some of the players and once the floor is risen you realize that it's actually a mithril vault with a door in the center of it and a ring set into that now for the first time ever i am cheating this tile does not conform to my standards the interior play space measures five by two and a half inches with the walls on the outside i did this because this room has no adjoining walls so it's okay and i wanted max play space for the minis this is the final showdown and it so happens to be in a very small room anyway i'm gonna do the vault as an insert so i measured out a rectangle of graphics medium chipboard a few millimeters shorter in both directions than needed you'll see why in a sec and this will be the floor of the mithril vault this decoart americana gloss silver is fantastic it is the best metallic silver i've ever seen one coat coverage i mean you can see it here in real time it is a gorgeous silver the front and back of the vault i'm going to do in an arched manner now i know that makes no sense since the whole thing was a trap and the the roof of the vault you know crushed the players against the ceiling whatever i'm taking some artistic license here because i don't just want to make another box i want to give you something to watch the trick to making a perfect arch is to draw only one half of it and then trace it twice so here you can see i'm freehand drawing the arch on one side and then i'll cut it out mark it so that i know it's the master copy and then trace it flip it over to get a mirror image and trace it again and now i have a perfectly symmetric arch for the main walls same material more chipboard bending it a little bit inducing a curve to help with the gluing that's about to happen and i did use hot glue to set these because i love using hot glue wherever possible in the interest of speed now those end joints are a little bit rough so here is some food box grade cardstock it's much thinner it has a negligible thickness so i trace this on cut it out and hot glue it onto the short ends this covers up those ugly seams likewise for the roof line i'm going to use some white glue so they won't bulge out like hot glue and take just a wooden dowel or a kebab skewer cut it to length and set it in there it's unintentional but i'm realizing this kind of makes for good elven architecture so i'm gonna remember how this turned out for future projects skulls this is an evil vault thing so gotta have a skull found a skull from the gw skulls kit mounted it on the corner also got these picks they have a spiked end so i cut some of those and oh this is a deep cut kids who remembers the gothic buildings from like two or maybe three years ago well i was looking through my bin of leftovers and i found the window cutouts that i had saved now that is proof positive that you should never throw anything away this is a perfect door the whole thing gets painted up with that beautiful silver paint and then i just found a cool looking ornate bead to hot glue to the center of the door off camera i did attempt to do some recess shading and i tried some other stuff i didn't like any result as good as i liked the plain old silver with nothing else to it so that's what you see here and that's what i'm going with mithril vault inside there is a low dust covered bench near the back wall of the vault on and around it are an abundance of items resting on one end of it is a human skull let's take a look at the artwork from the original printing of the module okay so there's the skull that's the skull of a cereal rack it's got the rubies and the eye sockets and those gemstone teeth and how about the artwork from the fifth edition tales of the awning portal yeah very similar but as far as the overall look of the room i have a lot more to go on here i'm going to attempt to sort of recreate the spirit of this artwork the bench appears to be wood and i thought i'd take a little different approach than my usual popsicle sticks with chisel i'm going to try xps foam let's cut a hunk of it and then with a wire brush texturize it to put in the wood grain i must admit it is nice seeing it more properly to scale and it's certainly easier to pull off i don't know about the final look we'll see then i've got some thin thin cardstock this actually it's basically paper it's 30 pound card stock but it might as well be a heavy printer paper cut some strips and then score them and fold them lengthwise and glue them on with white glue this is like a metal banding painting keeping it simple solid base coat of a dark umber then a dry brush with a cinnamon type of brown for better or worse i'd try to avoid washes wherever i can so that's it the banding on all the corners gets a simple gray gun metal and then a shading with agrax earth shade now for a cerex skull itself again back to the gw skulls collection i found a good one that appears to be human-like and of a proper scale to my other 28 millimeter miniatures quick drilling of the hole and super glue a paper clip to make this easier to paint make a little temporary handle on it painting is easy it's a skeleton bone cream color and then a wash with agrax earth shade and finally with an insane detail brush getting some red into the eyes to illustrate the ruby gemstones since the bench is foam i can just impale this down in there so i cut a length of it stuck it in and a little bit of white glue good to go a cerex skull done now what else do we have there's some potions on there next to it so go back to my usual rainbow beads with toho seed beads for the stoppers connecting them together with super glue made just a few of those clustered them together on the bench along with the skull and now it's time to attach the bench to the floor for good it's all starting to come together now i'm liking it this is a leftover missouri accordia bit from a warhammer 40k adeptus custodies model as you can see i have already painted it mounted it on a paperclip and it too can impale directly into the foam although the floor just looks a little bit unfinished so i tried to weather it up with a simple black wash then for the copious amounts of gold and treasure around i started with a blob of hot glue to create the bulk of the pile of the coins and it's a treasure pile oh you know what that means yes be jeweling and it's appropriate too it's my lucky day anyways bejeweling and i've got some gold glitter here that i wanted to try it's a big chunky glitter kinda looks like coins a little bit large but i figured i'd try it also once again raiding my costume jewelry bin looking for things that would pass as treasures and here it is at the i think i'm done point now i've talked about this before when you think you're done you're really not and something about this just isn't tied together for me i narrowed it down to a few things and here's what i did first of all the skull is tiny and it is technically the final boss i hate to use that word but it's the big bad of the dungeon technically it's to scale but i would just like it to be more prominent and i really want to use real gemstones in the eyes so i have this halloween bead i don't remember where it came from it's way too big but again i'm going to take some artistic license yep that's what i'm gonna do that gold glitter is actually multicolored depending on what angle you're looking at it so it doesn't come off as gold coins it it's really cool looking but i just don't want to use it here so i covered that with white glue and then hit it with a genuine very fine gold glitter this stuff's expensive so i hoard it this larger replacement skull gets the exact same paint job as before now for the eyes oh boy if i thought i had done detail work before these are i think two millimeter flat back gemstones and if i like tear open this package the plastic is gonna spring and these are gonna rain all over the room and i'll never find them again so i had to extract them from the package with a surgical precision and to really think about it yes and there they are the two that will be used as the eyes and you can see how big they are relative to my tweezers and fingernails they are set into the eye sockets with simple white glue tearing out the old skull and putting in the new one this can be seen from three feet away the eyes glint very nicely and we'll get a beautiful close-up of this in just a minute going to the floor again i know it's mithral but maybe the floor isn't again artistic license painted it with a dark gray and then with a light gray painted on some uh cobblestone flagstone offs i don't know what it's called it's like this some random stone blocks and then once that's dry the same plain old 10 to one black paint wash played around with it tried some texturing ended up dabbing it and that's just going to be much more interesting to look at so let's look at it yes so you can see the shell fits around that floor insert and the shell itself is sized exactly so that it fits in the tile and there's room for all the miniatures as normal perfect so let's go ahead and take the shell off take a look at what's inside shazam folks there it is let's get another look at the inspirational image from the fifth edition tales of the yawning portal and look at them side by side honestly i i think i nailed it i think this is pretty awesome yes you can see some bits of glue remember my camera is zoomed in all the way you are seeing sins that you would never see with the human eye at the table this thing truly came out awesomely i i could not be happier with a crx final vault and now the entire tomb of horrors had a little problem the footprint of the entire dungeon is almost seven feet by almost nine feet too big for a table i want it to be on a surface that's got a single neutral color so wood grain doesn't work floors don't work carpet the pieces won't stay together correctly nor will they on a sheet eventually i came to the conclusion that i need to paint my garage floor so i did i painted my garage floor for this project a decision that will age horribly as you can already see where the other car normally sits and the tires have already peeled up some of the paint but in front of the other car for this one shining moment it is fresh and pure and exactly what i need as i was setting it up it was sort of like a construction zone with the flood lights my wife walked out at one point and took this picture a lot of you had a little bit of fun with that on facebook i was particularly amused at one comment that said this perfectly encapsulates both victory and defeat at the same time but i was not defeated i was just tired it took an hour and 10 minutes to set this up in my 90 degree high humidity garage and when it was done foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] a few quick notes about the practical reality of a project like this organization is key there's almost 100 tiles and all of them are labeled on the underside some of these are multiple tiles broken into one like hallway 15 for example so number x of y also goes on the back if you're gonna undertake a project like this make sure you do that as you go don't leave it for later hey here's a question for you have you ever used so much small scatter terrain in one sitting that you literally needed a broom to sweep it all up afterwards i have and let this be a testament to the durability of my construction methods look at all those chipboard clip-ons perfectly fine not a one was damaged in this cleanup effort nice and now a trigger warning for those of you who are aroused by tetris for now there are two large cardboard boxes that all of this fits into but i'll eventually move it over to one big plastic tote smart way to pack is the big stuff first the things that are your constraints so the largest tiles go in first and also anything that's going to go the full length or width of the box that should also go in first i did permanently hot glue some of the scattered terrain to the tiles the stuff that's flat and unlikely to be knocked off but those tiles i try and put towards the top so that there's less weight on them after all really the only reason for this thing's existence is to take to conventions and set up on display i don't intend to ever actually run it so there you have it the most infamous module of all time rendered without compromise hey if you're interested in good dungeons and dragons modules why not check out my etsy store i've published three of them and they're real cheap i'm also on patreon but most importantly come find us on facebook the tabletop crafters guild over 30 000 members making great stuff for their table top gaming okay now i'm not reading from a script so this will be a little disjointed uh just sort of stream of consciousness i know it's annoying to listen to that kind of thing but uh thank you to everyone for the support getting through this project it's not like it was a hardship for me or anything it was an epic undertaking what i'm really referring to is the hiatus i took toward the end of last year thank you for the words of encouragement my hope is that this series of 10 videos stands as a legacy forever as a love letter from me to a hobby that has treated me so greatly and keeps swinging me perpetual ad revenue man i feel good uh for some reason though it just doesn't quite feel like the end of the journey why is that [Music] i'm wilak see you next time make things and play games [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Wyloch's Armory
Views: 121,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeons and dragons, tomb of horrors, gygax
Id: c_kk0GMloxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 11sec (9971 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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