40,000V TASER POTATO (World's Worst Party Game)

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Hey guys, so we have a little interesting project this week sometimes we do things just for fun and we don't always make videos about it but, after Riley made this taser potato we knew we had to make a video and share it with you guys it's... shocking to say the least This is, one of my better ideas, it's effectively hot potato but the penalty is you get hurt about twenty thousand volts through your fingers so like if you were to connect these two contacts which I'm gonna do now through the power of not touching anything except I'm still gonna get zapped watch it's not that aggressive right now but it'll still hurt like hell and every single one of these contacts if you connect basically any two of them it will zap you and the more you touch the less it hurts because it splits through channels in your hand but if you're only touching between like two contacts it's gonna hurt a lot more because it's all the electricity through the single connection Want the death potato? No Hey Ian! Touch it Ian: Yeah, some of them don't I think I touched like these two initially Riley: Yeah that's fine it's that's fine but yet yeah oh so they're round rails so these four are connected these four are connected so you have to short between those Ian: I thought we were gonna have like a timer that it Riley: that's what Bogdan was gonna do right Right now its just on, you turn it on and you're screwed James: Is this the powerful one now? Riley: It's not that powerful it's the powerful one but it's been dropping we neutered it are you ready yeah okay this is only a temporary seal *Girlish scream* This is only a temporary seal because I just wanted to play with it right now because we need to put the Arduino in and the charging port yeah I didn't put either of those in I just put a power button James: Yeah, I think it'll be a lot better once it's random because it'll be a surprise as opposed to yeah I know it's gonna shock me when I grab it right it's a lot much more let me throw it to you you stand here It's so menacing too James: We need to go outside, stand in a circle and actually toss it Riley: No no we need the circuit Before we test it we need to add the randomizer circuit because with it always on you just don't even want to catch it which kind of ruins the fun of the game so Bogdan is gonna wire up a new circuit for us to turn this into taser potato So basically at the heart of the tazer potato is a forty thousand volt zero voltage switching taser module which is powered by an 18650 3.7V lithium-ion battery in order to control when the Taser module turns on and off we're using an Arduino along with a logic level MOSFET to control the power of going to the Taser module with a little bit of basic arduino code we're able to make it turn on and off at random intervals and shock who ever is touching it for more information on how electronics works please check out our circuit diagram at maker.io there are links in the description below Hey so I came up with a really good idea because originally we were gonna try to do printed tabs here and the issue is that 3d printing the layers kind of like to separate when you put too much force on them so they all snapped off I just sand it all down and said okay we're gonna figure something else out so what I came up with was using these little metal metal plates they're plates that will sit like so and then they go through the center section and into the other shell and they all connect and what I was gonna do was I was gonna heat shrink these entire things but then I thought hey what if I use these as my conduits which means even the attachment pins for these will also be electrified so it's even more dangerous and has more contacts than the original prototype version one and they are bigger and wider for you know higher probability of you're gonna get zapped It's really not that bad the nice thing is now it's random so like you can catch Miranda: I told Riley I'd play if it was random all right yeah Riley: so basically these are all electrical contacts hooked up to each other and there's a power button here and there's an Arduino inside of this that randomizes when it turns on and when it will shock you so there's no real way of knowing when it's gonna shock you and you just gotta pass around and you'll find out who gets out and you have yet to play with one hand, because if you play with two you can get shocked through the heart and it's bad power is on the randomizer circuit is it's five to nine seconds between each on or off and it turns on for either a hundred to four hundred milliseconds Did you want to go change the circuit? All right so for our final test Bogdan's changed the programming and now not only does it shock stronger but it shocks more often because what we found was we were passing around quite a bit and people weren't getting shocked that often so it's gonna be a bit worse now let's see what happens So the interesting thing is if you it's difficult to press the button when you know it's going to shock you immediately but if it's going to shock you randomly it's a little bit easier to is it on sure Riley: It's got a 5 or 8 second waiting period so Ian: I've got sweaty hands When's it gonna go? Riley: Oh god I shouldn't use two hands *Titanic theme plays* Alright so that worked pretty good but let's assemble the whole team and have some company bonding all right so be doing standard hot potato rules if you drop it you're out and the circle gets smaller and smaller and smaller until there's only two people left once there's two people left we will do this whoever holds on longest wins if you get shocked but you manage to pass it to someone you're not out shall we begin it's our week we go in a little closer this is good okay it's definitely on it actually makes noise every time is it so if we hear that noises is it coming towards us gotta catch it or you're out alright toss it AGH I think because I suppose we have so many contacts yeah it's being spread of so we just do hot potato he just pawns the head nice all right so that was a really fun project I hope you guys enjoyed it we might bring it with us to future conventions but I don't think legally we'll be able to let you guys touch it but I'm not too sure why you'd even want to but speaking of that we actually got invited to Fan Expo in Toronto end of August which is one of the biggest comic conventions or fan conventions in Toronto and it's awesome that we're gonna go and I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys there so there's a link in the description below to check out Fan Expo
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 2,454,504
Rating: 4.9315915 out of 5
Keywords: hot potato, hacksmith, hot potato game, taser potato, hot potato taser, diy taser, shocking video, playing with electricity, high voltage, make it real, shocked, getting shocked, high voltage fun, thehacksmith, extreme hot potato game, zapper, getting zapped, playing hot potato with electricity, bad ideas, bad idea, shock, electricity, engineering, mehdi sadaghdar, zap, alternating current, mehdi, electrical engineering, discharge, capacitor, electronics, amps, generator
Id: vXQlkAgEiqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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