Jet Engine Motorcycle Build (GTA 5 OPPRESSOR IN REAL LIFE???)

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It's slightly terrifying On this episode Make It Real we're going to slap a jet engine onto the back of a motorcycle and all this because we had the dumb idea to do so a few weeks ago So to fill you guys in, Ian was an avid motorcycle rider I bought a motorcycle when I was 16 topped out at 220 kilometers an hour and I had a tendency to take it that fast daily I got some speeding tickets so many in fact that he lost the motorcycle and he feels like maybe he's mature enough to own a motorcycle Well we bought a very small motorcycle that I could be mature enough for Yeah, it's a CVR 250 It doesn't speed It can't go that fast, but obviously if it doesn't go that fast it's also not that fun so we've decided to strap a jet engine to the back What's in the box What's in the box When are we gonna make a video of this? Ya we really should Why don't we do it now? No! Now as you can imagine jet engines aren't cheap In fact one of these babies is worth about $5,000 Which is why we're super excited to announce this video's sponsor World of Warships Blitz Who have helped us pay for a second jet engine which we just ordered That's right when we get it we might put two jet engines on the bike Maybe But I do know for sure we're gonna be putting both of them on the spy car as well and we'll actually have them raise out of the trunk oh and with two we'll also be able to try slapping one on each arm and flying like Iron Man or Richard Browning the real-life Iron Man Anyway this is why sponsors are so important because without them we really couldn't be doing any of these projects YouTube ad revenue isn't even enough to cover our normal expenses of running the shop let alone these engineering projects I wish it was but YouTube seems to prefer promoting life hack videos and other- So, if you guys want to support the channel and help ensure we keep making cool projects try World of Warships Blitz today It's a tactical 7v7 player-versus-player game with great graphics and a huge variety of ships with constant updates and new features it is a ton of fun When I was young I used to love reading about naval warfare My favorite book series was actually Horatio Hornblower and now thanks the World of Warships Blitz I can live out my naval conquests in the game It's fantastic Plus if you use my link below to download it and then get to level 5 you'll be automatically entered into my giveaway to win some awesome Hacksmith swag Full contest details are in the description below Now back to the jet bike So we'll put a bracket on here that then extends out and put your controls there If you guys are curious about how the circuit actually works check out the circuit diagram at Maker.IO So before we strap the jet engine to the bike we have to make sure that it runs safely and reliably In order to do this, we're going to attach it to our thrust tester rig that we built for flying like Iron Man and get some data out of it We also have to make sure that our control circuit works reliably and is easy to use because we don't want Ian fiddling around with it at 200 miles an hour All right you guys ready This is main power this switch will cause the jet engine to start idling and this switch is a 100% power so for the jet powered motorcycle it is on or off there is no ramp up it is just go I'm doing it! It's unplugged It's not plugged in Alright I think Ian's good for the jet bike Alright so 75 pounds of thrust might not seem like that much power, though 75 pound impact from Thor's heaviest hammer Does a lot of damage Now the beauty with a jet engine is it's actually continually applying 75 pounds of thrust whereas that was an impulse load of 75 pounds To give you another example we're gonna have Jordie shoulder check me to represent a 75 pound impulse force I heard something pop Now if someone applies 75 pounds of constant force like Dave I can resist it first but then I'm going off the screen, that's how a jet engine works So when we slap that jet engine on the back of Ian's bike It's gonna get him going pretty fast Is that going to be strong enough? We'll find out Well good thing you're riding All right it's ready! Test it okay it's the ultimate blow-dryer I could have hair like Captain America Alright so to demonstrate the destructive and awesome power of a jet engine we're going to be putting various things behind the jet engine Which will also illustrate why we should never use this on a public road because anyone who tailgates us will get burnt So let's start it up we'll start with a Styrofoam head and the new Hacksmith hat links in the description below if you want to buy one but not this one it's gonna not look good Alright so we've got the jet engine mounted to the bike and we have the control circuitry also mounted And we've got the display nice and visible on the handlebars and we managed to jam almost everything Underneath the seat which is missing Let's do the startup sequence Alright we're holding the bike back My crotch Is this a bad idea? It's only 75 pounds of thrust Hearing protection Hearing protection people! Full power! You're connected to the fuel tank Stop moving Full throttle! Alright clear the runway! Go! This thing drinks a liter of gas every minute Alright now we just have to take this to a drag strip It's not a ton of power but it will accelerate Power is the wrong word here Yeah it's gonna be slow acceleration but once you start getting up there it's just gonna It think it's gonna get going pretty fast You excited? Oh yeah Until next time subscribe now because we're testing next video It's slightly terrifying for a number of reasons first it's right behind you and you can't see it so if something's going wrong it could be on fire and you've got no idea We'll probably have to wear some good motorcycle gear flame retardant So then if you're at speed and there's just thing on fire behind you So you're saying it's a death trap Maybe but the real question is do you think you can get a speeding ticket now This is gonna be really fun to test obviously we're gonna actually have to find a track or a drag strip to test this because there's no way driving with a jet engine is legal by any means it's definitely not covered by our insurance policy so if anything did happen we'd be screwed but I feel like anything that we do isn't covered by insurance so you know Whatever pretty toasty Alright I don't know about you guys but I am really excited to see how this bike performs on the track Now unfortunately it is gonna take a little bit of time for us to arrange a track meet to actually be able to take this bike and safely test it Especially because I don't really know where we're going to get insurance for this so we're gonna figure that out but in the meantime make sure you subscribe and get that notification bell rung because you're not gonna want to miss this
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 1,663,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thehacksmith, hacksmith, motorcycle, jet engine bike, jet engine bike race, colin furze, jet engine motorcycle, jet engine, gta jet engine, gta 5, iron man flight project, jet bike, jet engines, afterburner, iron man flight, richard browning iron man, mini jet engine, jet engine versus face, jet bike gta, opressor mk 2, opressor, real life opressor, real life opressor mk2, gta oppressor mk ii, gta oppressor, gta 5 oppressor, flying jet bike, jet bikes, kingtech turbine
Id: ljvxwd2fO34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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