4:00 AM Prayer // February 23, 2021 II Pastor John F. Hannah

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you praise the lord good morning everyone hallelujah hallelujah to the five of y'all in this building but open your mouth hallelujah amen we give god the glory and we are so grateful for prayer this morning amen it is a privilege and an honor to go before god in prayer amen um i woke up this morning and when i wake up for prayer i always pray about what to pray about wow i always pray about what to pray about and this is the scripture that came to mind um put this down put it on the screen psalms 138 and 8 psalms 130 8 and 8. just the first part of it this is all i heard this morning the lord will you should underline that part he will get this perfect that which concerneth me the lord will fix that thing come over here the lord will address that thing ah come on here the lord will finish what he started perfect that which was just concerning everybody take this person on me hallelujah holly this battle is not mine it's the lord's and the lord will address that which concerneth me so then here we go i have to seek the lord okay god where do we line this up with he gave me four areas that we're going to cover um we cannot here we go again we cannot avoid that there is a health issue in the land over 500 000 people have lost their lives due to covet i'll let you conspiracy people argue over the numbers i know that death is in the land come on here it is an issue so we're going to cover our health how many i want your health to be covered hallelujah hallelujah i want my body to be covered so this is the scripture that we're going to stand on when it comes to health um 3rd john 1 and 2 dear friend i pray that you may enjoy pay attention good health come on here i pray i pray that's key i pray that you may enjoy come on say enjoy come on here i need you to release that in this person i will enjoy good health and that's what we're gonna pray about the older i get the stronger i'mma get hallelujah i pray that we have amen a caleb anointed come over here that you be stronger even as you get older he said dear friend i pray that you may enjoy good health and that all his oh my god and that all may go well with you um that's your hell scripture right there and that all may go well with you even as your soul is getting along well my god i want to balance life i want my soul to be well and i want my body to be well all right so then we're going to cover your health we have to cover our social issues our social issues what do you mean by that socially this pandemic has affected people socially people are not getting along people are stressed out a lot of tension in the atmosphere carjacking's going up um stealing theft is going up um the violence in the land the racial divide all that needs to be covered in prayer all of that needs to be covered in prayer what's our scripture for that hebrews 12 14 make every effort to live in peace with everyone make every effort to live in peace with everyone so we're going to cover our social we'll cover our health we're going to cover our social say same with that scripture and then we'll go right into our spiritual the spiritual um standard of is kind of low right now people are seeking advice from psychics um seeking of the gods he says in the same scripture he says let's read it hope he says make every effort to live in peace with everyone and be holy be holy watch this without holiness no one will see the lord so god give me the ability to stay clean stay holy stay connected i mean i want your spiritual man to be connected come on wherever you are come on say god keep me come on touch my spirit let me stay on fire let me stay connected to you let me know not go after strange gods come on here and the last thing that we're going to pray about is the financial need there a lot of a lot of unemployment in the land philippians 4 19 and my god will meet all your needs come on say that all my needs who's gonna do it and my god will meet all your needs according to his riches come on here his riches of his glory let's go into adoration don't forget now what are the four errors are going to cover our health our social our spiritual and our financial let's go into adoration hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah wonderful god great god mighty god excellent god holy god great god we find no fault in you we lift you this morning we adore you this morning we give you glory for you are our god hallelujah and there is nobody like you you are great you are mighty you are strong we find no weakness in you you are a strong god hallelujah able to carry us able to shield us able to protect us able to provide for us you are god hallelujah you reign on the throne you are sovereign come on here you are sovereign in all your ways you reign god you rain god you reign god you reign over everything the earth is yours hallelujah and the fullness thereof hallelujah this earth does not belong to man but god the earth is yours and you are god for there is no other god but you you are the high god you are the lifted god you are the only god every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that you are god great is our god and greatly to be praised our search is over we have no need to search for another god for you are god you are the god that found us come on you are the god that found us and we give you praise this morning you found us polluted in our own blood you didn't turn your back on us you didn't walk away from us you did not condemn us but you spoke a word over us and your word cannot return unto you void you looked at us and told us to live and for that we give you glory we thank you that you are the god that called us out of darkness hallelujah you called us out of darkness we did not walk out on our own we didn't just come to our scissors and decide to come out but those that are yours know your voice and you called us out of darkness hallelujah into the marvelous light can we thank you god for the call yeah messiah can we thank you that you know us by name you know us by name you are the god that is into us you know us by name you know what we have need of before we ask you you know the number of hands on our head we are the apple of your eye and we got up this morning to give you glory we got up this morning to tell you thank you for just being god you've been a good god you've been a great god you've been a faithful god faithful is our god faithful is our god we can't trust in man but we can trust in you because you have proven yourself to be a faithful god you said that you would never leave us you said that you would never forsake us you say lo i am with you always can we thank you for being an always god hallelujah come on i need to hear worship in the building hallelujah heart outside we give you praise this morning god we give you praise this morning god we praise you for being just god hallelujah you've been gracious you've been kind you've been merciful you've been forgiving you've been loving god and we say thank you god we never want to appear as spoiled or entitled children but god we want to be grateful at all times god put a praise in on a lips put a praise in our belly god god give us the mind to always be grateful for everything that you've already done we do not want to be like the children of israel when you hold up some things we begin to think about our egypt we do not want to be like the children of israel when you hold up some things we begin to murmur and complain but god we want to always give you glory god even when things don't go the way that we feel that they should go we want to always give you glory we don't want to curse you like job's wife told him to curse you but god give us the mindset of job when he told his wife shall we accept the good and not the bad for god give us the ability that wherever we are and whatever we are going through to always give you glory hey you are the keeper of our soul and for that we say thank you thank you for keeping us god we do not keep ourselves but god you are the keeper of our soul you keep our mind you keep our body you keep our soul come on and we give you glory we thank you for being the keeper for god we are not even wise enough to keep ourselves uh for god there is no good thing in us for we are born in sin we are shaped in iniquity but god you hey you have all power in your hand and you are able to do exceedingly and abundantly above what we can ask or anything god god thank you for being a mind blower thank you for going beyond what we even asked for for god we could never thank you enough you've been good to us god the anniversary of covet is coming up yeah yeah jk hallelujah as the mind effect is already here we begin to hear about this last year around the same time and god hey we want to go on record that you are still god we want to go on record that you have carried us on eagles wings you have been a high tower you have been a hiding place you have been a foundation god yep some things have happened on the earth but you have remained the same god can i praise match what you've done can i praise god give us the ability to be faithful like you are faithful give us the ability god to give you glory for we want to bless the lord at all times god can we thank you that you have kept us since last year since february of last year you brought us into march and that is when the united states went on lockdown but god you locked us in to deal with us and you took care of us we made it out of march april may june july august september october november december we got to december the 31st ghana and you let us cross on over can we thank you god that we made it into 2021 and here we are god in the month of february hey giving you glory again god can we say thank you we didn't do this you did it we didn't do this you did it you've been faithful and god here we go again faithful is our god faithful is our god you've been faithful and we say thank you you delivered us like you delivered the children of israel out of egypt hallelujah you brought us across our red sea yes you did god you walked us through our wilderness and you provide it for us and we want to thank you god that the death angel didn't get us god everybody that's looking everybody that's listening we need to inhale and exhale that means that we're still in the land of the living and god we did not keep ourselves for god you have kept us alive for such a time as this we thank you god that we are light in the midst of darkness yep the earth is dark but the light is within us and we thank you god that when you lit the light you didn't put it on a table you didn't hide it but god you expect us to be light in the midst of darkness and god we thank you that you are the god that ignite us hallelujah we don't set ourselves aflame but god you are the god that set us on fire and for that we say thank you god we thank you for being the god of fire yay shaya messiah you are the god that answered by fire and we say thank you thank you for setting us on fire thank you god thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for giving us light thank you for bringing us out of darkness uh to god some of us can't even believe we made it out yay but god there's nothing too hot for you you have been the god that has brought us out hey everybody that got a pass i need you to begin to release the praise you are the god that delivered us out of the hand of the enemy yeah every yoke has been destroyed every chain has been broken yep god you are the god that delivered us out of prison hey the prison of sin and shame and for that we give you glory the same way that you delivered paul in silence you're the same god you're the god that shake foundations you're the god that opened up doors you're the god that break chains and we give you glory this morning we give you glory god for bringing us out hey you are the god of exit yay you are the god of an exit and we give you glory god that you brought us out and you kept us out yeah it is and you kept us out let's stop right there and you kept us out let's stop right there thank you that we have not backslidden thank you that we did not go back to the mess we were in thank you that we're not like the dog that returned to his own vomit thank you that when some went back you left the 99 and came after one thank you for being a god that's concerned about us thank you for not letting us go back and forth we give you glory thank you for not allowing us to become comfortable in our mess thank you for picking us up and consistently washing us hey consistently washing us yeah consistently washing us daily washing us and for that we give you praise washing us hey shia thank you there it is thank you that the blood still prevail thank you that the blood still got power thank you that the blood has washed my mind thank you that we don't think the way that we used to think thank you that we think on those things that are just those things that are pure those things that are lovely those things that are honest and those things that are of a good report thank you that we don't get depressed in our mind oh god we got up to give you glory for being the keeper of our mind let's go here yo god people are losing their mind but god you are the keeper of our mind can we thank you it's been rough but it didn't snap yay hallelujah i need everybody to know that god has been the keeper of your mind yeah let this mind be in you that was also in christ jesus and we thank you god that we have the mind of christ yay a mind to please you a mind to live for you a mind to get up at four o'clock in the morning and go to prayer a mind to be separated a mind to tell you yes a mind to give you praise god this ain't us this all you and we give you praise this morning for having your mind come on open your mouths in the building and where you are open your mouth and begin to release the praise for ponder being the keeper of your mind yay hallelujah god we thank you that the devil goes to and fro seeking whom he may devour and he want to devour our senses he want to devour our mind he want to devour our memory banker he want to devour our testimony but god you have been the keeper and for that we say thank you that you have kept our mind yep some got weak but you have been the rescuer you came just in the nick of time before we snap crackled or popped and god we say thank you thank you that you greatly receive that is within us that he that is in the world you are the keeper of our mind you better open your mouths wherever you are you are the keeper of our mind and for that we give you glory i say for that we give you glory you have kept our mind gone and for that we say thank you god there's somebody that is looking there's somebody that's listening that is in therapy right now there's somebody that's on medication but god in the midst of all of that hey hey hey hey in spite of the counselor in spite of the medication you are the keeper of our mind hey and if this is a part of our process we give you glory that you kept us in the process of knowing that all things are going to return yeah yeah hey and we're going to recover all that is and we give you glory that our minds are going to come back yep yep yep yep we give you glory god i need you to open your mouth wherever you are don't you thank god for no money don't you thank god for no material suffer i want you to thank god listen to this that you are in your right mind hey shout out to behind cause if the enemy gets your mind he got your body i need you to thank god for your right mind everybody right here open your mouth and begin to give god praise for your mind yay for your mind for your mind and we give you glory and we give you praise that you did not let us kill ourselves we give you glory that you give us the ability to snap back we give you the glory god we might have a down moment but not a down day and for that we say thank you we give you glory god for our mind oh my god for our mind great is our god and greatly to be praised great is our god and greatly to be praised great is our god and greatly to be praised you're the keeper of our mind you're the keeper of our body you are provider you are a source you are our source every good and perfect gift comes from you hate under the messiah it did not come from the white house god somebody sitting up waiting on a stimulus checker we don't wait on no checker we give you praise for god the heart of the king is in the lord's hand if they give it to us you made them give it to us so we give you glory hate chanting we give you praise we give you praise for those that have jobs we give you praise for those that don't have jobs for god you take care of your own you have never abandoned us you have never forsaken us you have never neglected us you have been faithful faithful in all your ways god you are better than us we have not been faithful but you have been faithful we have not been consistent but you have been consistent and god we thank you that your ways are not our ways and that your talks are not our thoughts for god we thank you it is for just being god hey chandra behind we are not gods they are yeshe we are not gods hallelujah we are created in your likeness and in your image but we are not gods we are the sheep of your pasture and you are the good shepherd orbit your mouths wherever you are we rebuke this mentality of man thinking that they are equal to you the devil is a liar we are not gods and we don't look to man to be our god you are the only grisen god you are the only risen savior you are the one that caused the veil to be ripped from the top to the bottom you are the one that gave us access and we give you glory we put man back in his place which is under you hey and you rain i said you rain you rain god you rain god hey hi ah god you reign you are god our preachers are not gods our prophets are not gods for god we put our trust in you you will never leave us you will never forsake us god can we repent for thinking that we were gods can we repent for putting man above you can we repent for making our children god our marriage is god's our church's gods our degrees god's our education gods are our politicians because we repent for making our stuff god the god that will pass away but you told that behind you will always remain and for that we give you glory i need you to release a praise in the building and the view watching me online i need a worship and a praise to come out of your mouth and i need you to give it to your god we give you glory you are god you are god come on come over here you never got off the throne we took you off oh but you rain you rain you rain you rain you reign you are priority you are number one you are a jealous god you say we should have no other god before you for i the lord that god am a jealous god god forgive us for making you jealous oh my god forgive us for putting something in front of you forgive us for putting something ahead of you forgive us for depending on something above you forgive us for looking to someone and not looking to you but god we want to thank you for being who you are you are holy you are mighty you are wonderful you are excellent you are great you are magnificent you are strong there's no weakness in you you are god you are god you are the keeper of our soul you are strong in all your ways and we say thank you you are forgiving god you are a loving god you are a kind god you are merciful in all your ways we don't deserve it but god you keep coming after us you keep loving us you keep blessing us over and over and over and over and over and over oh god and we pray thank you and we say thank you and we say thank you and we say thank you come on y'all lift your hands wherever you are open your mouth and pour your love on the lord and poor and we pour our love on you and we pour our love on you and we pour our love on you and we pour our love on you and we pour our love on you we direct our praise to you we open up our alabaster box and we give you glory we open up our souls and we give you glory we open up to you oh god you are god you are god you are god [Music] yay god you are god you are god you are god you are god you are god you are god you are my god you are my god come on make it personal everybody begin to say you are my god i choose you they don't know about sight because you chose me yay hold on messiah you are the keeper you are the keeper you are the keeper you are the keeper you are the keeper you are the keeper you are the keeper you are the keeper you are the keeper then you are god you are god everybody wherever you are open your mouth and just begin to point your praise to god all things work together all things work together you're the god that fix the puzzle you are the god that has the expected ending and we give you glory and we give you glory you are the god that has an expected ending you are the god to give us an expected ending and we give you glory in the midst of where we're going hallelujah for our sips are being ordered by you but our sips are being ordered by you for our steps are being ordered by you you are the god that go ahead of us you're the god that level mountains you're the god that bring up valleys you're the god that break down doors and gates you're the god that escort us in you're the god that bring us out you are god and we give you praise this morning we give you glory this morning we give you honor this morning we want to make sure god before we ask you for anything that we thank you for what you've already done you've done enough you've done enough you've done enough you've done enough you've done enough you've done enough you've done enough you've done more than enough god and we are grateful and we are grateful and we are grateful and we are grateful and we are great foe yes sire can we be like the one that came back to tell you thank you we don't want to be like the nine that kept it moving but god [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you we don't deserve it but thank you thank you we don't deserve it but thank you come on open your mouth i beg you i beg you be grateful i beg you be grateful i beg you be grateful that in spite of what is going on we are grateful [Music] thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus come on we're going to move thank you i need you to be grateful i need you to be grateful i need you to be grateful i need you to be grateful i need you to be grateful i need you to be grateful not spoiled i need you to be grateful not entitled i need you to be grateful he's done too much for you to doubt god now i need you to be thankful for everything that he has done come on open your mouth for a few moments and you keep giving you're the god that keep on giving you're the god that keep on giving you're the god they keep on being concerned you're the god that keep on wanting to bless your people you're the god that keep on wanting to take care of your people and we give you glory and we give you glory and we give you glory and look at your god and you keep on giving and look at your god and you keep on being merciful and look at your god and you keep on being gracious and look at you god you keep pouring and for that we say thank you thank you thank you thank you for not being like us thank you thank you thank you for not being like us your anger is only for a moment your anger is only for a moment and then we thank you that we made it out of that moment and we thank you that we made it out of that moment and we thank you that you made we made it out of the moment so now we humble ourselves and we admit we can't do this thing called life without you we cannot do this thing called life without you we cannot do this thing called life without you we cannot do this thing called life without you we cannot make it on this earth without you we cannot go a day without you we are totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally depended upon you we cannot make it without you we cannot inhale and exhale without you we can't go a second without you as the dear pets after the water broke our souls god are coming after you we're hungry for you we're thirsty for you we desire you we depend upon you we need you we need you we need you we need you you are a very very very present help you are a very very very present help regardless of what we feel we are not going based upon our feeling for god we walk by faith hectare we walk by faith and he that cometh to god must believe that he is and god we believe that you are able to do anything you have all power in your hand you have all power in your hand we you have all power in your hand and we come to you by faith we do not come to you with our hands down but god we come with praise already on our lips we come with the spirit of expectation that our god is able that our god is able that you are able to do anything that you are able to do anything that you are able to do anything we have faith in you we have faith in you we have faith in you we do not waver we are not double-minded for a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways but we stand on the side of the lord and we believe that you are able to do exceedingly we believe that you are able to do anything god we have faith we come to you with faith saying that you are able to do it yeah and you're ready and you're ready to do it you're not just able but you're ready to do it what father would deny his children what father would turn his back on his children what father would walk away from his own god you would never be charged with neglect yes under the baha'i but you are there you are here you are now you are there you are here and you are now you are there you are here and you are now you are there you are here and you are now oh my god you were there you were there you were there you were there and you are here hey shannon and you are now the same god that did it then you're gonna do it again and you're gonna do it now and we give you glory i need to hear worship in the building i need to hear praise in the building god god god god look at you look at you look at you look at you look at you look at you look at you we wake up this morning and you say you say you say you say you say that you want to perfect those things that concerneth us oh my god you say you speak to your word and you say that you want to fix those things that concern us look at you look at you look at you you're concerned about my concerns oh my god you're concerned about my that you're concerned about what concerns me so all i got to do is bring my concerns to you all we have to do is bring our concerns to you we can't carry it that's why you say cast you say cast you say cast i chaos so that's why we're here now here we go you hear and you answer you hear and you answer you hear and you answer your ear is not too heavy your ear is not too heavy your ear is not too heavy your ear is not too heavy your ear is not too heavy that it cannot hear us and your hand is not too short that it cannot save us so here we are here we are you said we could come boldly here we are we came with a praise we came with a thank you we came with adoration now here are the things that concerneth us [Music] this is what concerns us god this is what concerns us our health hmm our health this is what concerns us this is what concerns us yep we're coming back with the same thing yup yup it's still here it's still here so we gonna keep coming to you as long as it's here we're gonna bring it to you it's here and so are you it's here and so are you it's here and so are you it's here and so are you it's here and so are you and you are the god that is able to turn it off he is your will that we live in perfect health it is your will that we be healed that's why your word says that by your stripes it is your will it is your will it is your will it is your will that we walk in health hmm it is your will that we be strong how can we fight if we're weak you're bigger than covet you're bigger than covet you're bigger than any virus you allowed it you know exactly what is going on and god we come to you and we ask you god send healing in the land yups and healing in the land god we're not just praying for the united states the whole earth needs to be healed we're praying for poor countries we're praying for countries that don't have resources god we need you to reverse this thing we need you to turn this thing and get it off the earth in the name of jesus come on you people of faith i need you to begin to pray i need you to pray like covert is at your door i need you to travail i need you to cry out like something's hanging over you i need you to believe that god is able to do anything god we come to you and we ask for healing to be released in the land come on a few more minutes come on a few more minutes we pray for our health god your word says i pray that you may enjoy good health so god let good be added to health let good be added to health let good be added to health let enjoyment let us get enjoyment in our health being good and look we come against every form of sickness you're bigger than cancer yeah we hate cancer we hate cancer we hate cancer we hate cancer higher you're bigger than diabetes yeah shaykh you made the body when moses complained about his speech you asked moses who made the body god youth can fix anything and everything god we declare we decree and we declare that we are healed and that we walk in health from the top of our head to the soul of our feet we are not just healthy physically but god we are healthy mentally in the name of jesus we pray for healing and i will live a long healthy anointed prosperous life and i will live a long healthy anointing prosperous life and i will live a long healthy anointing prosperous life and i will live a long healthy anointed prosperous life you told moses go back and tell the children of israel that i am going to give them exactly what i heard them say so god hear us clearly we will live a long healthy anointed prosperous life anything that was going wrong in our body is being fixed right now is being fixed right now it's being fixed right now do me a favor if you've been sick in your body i need you to get up and begin to walk and i need you to begin to say i'm walking i am healthy and i am stronger i am walking and i am healthy and i am strong i am walking in the health and in my healing i am walking in my healing i am walking in my healing and there is no sickness in my body i walk by faith and not by sight i do not walk based on what i feel because my feelings are temporary but my god is permanent okay i walk by faith and i walk in my health and i walk in my healing i walk in my health and i walk in my healing i walk in my health and i walk in my healing and i'm going to have good health and i'm going to enjoy good health and i'm going to enjoy good health i'm going to live hey come on lay hands on your head and we are healed from the top of our head to the soul of our feet there's no sickness in our body come on say it there's no sickness in our body i come against every lump hey no cancer is in our body no diabetes is in our body come on here i am strong and i am healthy i am strong and i am healthy and my body is falling in line with his word and my body is aligning itself with his word oh my god [Music] and you will perfect those things that concerns me and you will perfect those things that concerns me and you will perfect those things that concerns me my health would not be my issue my health would not be my issue my health would not be my issue my health would not be my issue come on you better open your mouth and say this you better open your mouth i don't care if you sick right now you better open you up and speak those things and be not as though they were and my health will not be my issue i am healed i am healed take up your bed and walk take up your bed and walk take up your bed and walk you don't stand still you walk you walk by faith and you will perfect those things that concerning me and you will perfect those things that concerning me you're perfecting my health and you're perfecting my social and you're perfecting my social and you're perfecting oh my god come on everybody i need you to follow my lead please please i beg you and you're perfecting and you're perfecting my social whatever city you in say it out loud chicago you're perfecting my social every spirit gonna come subject every spirit is gonna come subject cause spirits are regional come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on and you're perfecting those things that concerned with me i'm not going to live in this city and be scared hold up i come against carjackings i rebuke violence god said come on i need intercessors i don't want to feel like i'm right here by myself come on i need back up in the spirit realm come on eat back up in the spirit round i don't need you to pray once violence hit your door now you want to pray i want you to pray that violence never hit your door come on here i need you to cover your sons i cover your social come on let's go come on we cover our social we cover our interactions get ready to pray make every effort to live in peace make every effort to live in peace they shall word god make every effort to live in peace to follow peace with all men and we pray for our social we come against conflict we rebuke arguing and cursing we rebuke these angry demons they come to interrupt our peace for we wrestle not against flesh and blood god we understand that we have been under attack but god your word says that you give your angels charge of us so god we need you to release angels cover our neighborhoods cover our cars cover our daughters cover our sons we cover the social realm we cover the political realm the devil is a liar we come against racial tension that devil is a liar we cover the social atmosphere come on i need you to begin to move your hands around god we cover the atmosphere we pray god that you begin to release angels in the atmosphere calmness mess down hey we pray god that you release respect in the land hold on we come against the spirit of disrespect god we ask that you release honor in the land we pray that children begin to respect parents and we pray that parents begin to respect and raise their children god can you send a parental anointing in the land yay come on let's go yeah ma raise the fathers in the spirit not molesters yay s we pray for the social we come against women coming against women we come against race coming against this same race we come against black on black crime we come against suspending on dismantling crime we come against white or white crime we come against the spirit of crime that is in the land we pray for the social come out here oh my we bind the spirit of entitlement people think that they could take your stuff cause they want it no no no god we cover the social yeah masha we want to live in peace huh come on i'ma shift to real get ready i'm gonna need you to pray for the spiritual in my shot uh we gonna be healthy and we're gonna live in peace come on say i'm gonna be healthy and we're gonna live in peace i come against the spirit of abuse we bind anger we bind anger god the world is angry ah tension can you breathe on us come whatever i say breathe god breathe breathe come on here come on here i need the i need god to breathe i need him to breathe hey shakey come on here hey may it make everybody live in peace without with everyone here it is and be holy check your spirit man check your spirit man check your spirit man come on check your spirit man come on check everybody lift your hands i'm going to be right i want to be right come on pray for the spirit man god in the name of jesus here we are thanking you god for the spirit amen perfect you perfect those things god that concern us and even as we are praying god for the world god we want our prayers god to impact our own lives we don't want to pray for the world god but we be lost god we don't want to minister to the world god but we be lost you said god work out our own soul salvation with fear and trembling so this morning god we are asking you to work on us in the name of jesus you said god be holier and we pray god that you would help us in the name of jesus help us to bring our flesh under subjection to the things of god in the name of jesus god we humble ourselves under your mighty hand this morning and we say help us in the name of jesus right is still right wrong [Music] [Music] we are your children god you have called us to a higher standard you have called us to a higher way of living god in the name of jesus but we say help god in the name of jesus father we thank you god that you are able god to keep us up for you are a keeper in the name of jesus and even those god that have slipped away those god we are praying this morning god pull us back bring us back home pull us back in the name of jesus let us humble ourselves before you have to humble us in the name of jesus and check god before you have to get us and check god father we pray out this morning god help us help you god we don't want to minister to the world and be like the one world and live another thing but god we need your help help us in the morning help our minds god in the name of jesus to be focused on you help us god to be renewed father in the name of jesus help us god to even lord god be uncomfortable yes in the name of jesus yes god want to takes work it takes effort yes god sacrifice yes god god is the name of jesus are jesus crying out to you uh but you said if your people who are called by your name will humble themselves and seek your face and turn them turn turn turn turn god turn wicked to make a turn we give you glory for the opportunity in the name of but it's by your spirit father thank you lord that even as we are in prayer god you're not just changing things but you're changing oh god prayer praise whatever evil is in us god we're asking you god to purge us we're asking you god to cleanse us cleanse us ask you god to help us help us give us power to walk right there yes god it's power to talk right yes god god's power to do the right thing yes god give us power to pray yes god's power to live holy yes god's power to be honest god's power to be we want upright not to impress others the power to change we want to be real we want to be right we want to be holy but we need your help god never let us think that it's okay god to be wrong yes god let us take your mercy never let us take your grace for granted never let us take your love for granted for you our god yes god chastise those [Music] ignite our fires ignite our fires ignite our fires ignite our fires ignite our fires ignite our fires we call on the god that is above fire we build you an altar and we present our bodies as a living sacrifice [Music] we will walk in health we will live in peace and we will be holy yo yo no losing we will walk [Music] and we will be holy you'll see under we will be clean we will be washed we will stay clean [Music] come on we almost done we got about three more minutes lift your hands and begin to worship god for your health for he will perfect those things that concern of you worship god that you will live in peace no violence will come near my door there will be no such thing as a tragedy there will be no such thing as a tragedy there will be no such thing as a tragedy i would never face a tragedy and you're the keeper of my soul i will never backslide i will live holy i will spend my life with you i will always long for you and i would never have a need because all of my needs will be met and all of my needs will be met and all of my needs will be met come on say that and all of my needs will be met forgot there are people that are listening that have needs god they have financial needs bills are due they need jobs and the earth is yours so let the earth yield what belongs to us let the earth heal what belongs to us meet the need meet the need god god open the windows of heaven open we quote your word open the windows of heaven and pour out let it be supernatural let it not be pointed to man but pointed to you in the name of jesus let all of our needs be met in the name of jesus god i need names called i need resumes pulled i need opportunities granted i need favor to be released i need the earth to yield what belongs to your sheep in the name of jesus but we are the head god i need people to be removed from the back of the line to the front of the line i need you to walk to me and like you walk saul in and set them at the head of the table god i need you to let us cast our nets and let us let there be a great catch that the nets break let all of our needs be met we come against worry we will not worry i come against any kind of stress when people are stressed about stuff no no no my god shall supply all of my needs according to his riches for i have never seen the righteous forsaken i have never seen the righteous forsaken i have never seen the righteous forsaken you will not forsake us even if there's a drought there's a brook even if there's a drought there's a brook even if there's a drought there's a provider you come on come on come on i need you to see it regardless of what the earth is going on there's a god there's a drought but there's a brook and you led the prophet to the brook while everybody else was having a drought come on i need you to say although there's a drought there's a brook what are my steps so i can drink what i need for that we give you glory and he will perfect those things that concerneth you and he will perfect those things that concerneth you lift your hands close your eyes wherever you are and when i call this out i need you to worship god for it i need you to worship god that healing is in the land hear that come on few seconds healing is in the land you are not going to be sick come on come on here you will not get covered you're not dying you're living the older you get the stronger you get the older you get the healthier you get come on here i need you to worship god that your social is being cleared your social is being cleared angels have been released to your environment angels have been released to your city come a few more seconds worship god for your spirit man you know she i'll never backslide i'll never be caught in mess i would never cast my pearl of swine i would never be caught in a pit i would not be the prodigal son that left and i won't be like the one that stayed and all of my needs will be met when all of my needs will be made worship god like a window just open over your head worship god like a window just open over your head and i will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out blessings worship god like you in overflow and pull you out blessings that you don't even have room enough you don't even have room pay attention to that you don't even have room enough to receive it which means it is too much coming out of you come on here i need you to begin to worship god that you are in overflow come on few more seconds come on here i need you to worship god that the seasons are about to change i need you to worship god right there he should and it is and it is so and it is and we thank you and we honor you that you are the god that here and you are the god that answers and we thank you oh my god come on i know we're five or four we gotta go and we thank you oh what up baba 8 o'clock for the globe i'll be back thursday for bible study and we thank you what i'm [Music] and i will perfect those things that concerning you and i will and i will come on hear the word of the lord and i will and i will and i will that is a promise that is a promise he cannot lie and i will perfect address deal with handle those things that concerneth you god bless you post this prayer on your page send this prayer to someone that you know don't share gossip share prayer god bless you you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 21,669
Rating: 4.9402242 out of 5
Id: k8zeL8kEC9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 59sec (4019 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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