4:00 AM Prayer // March 9, 2021 II Pastor John F. Hannah

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foreign you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you check check hallelujah good morning everyone amen we're so excited about prayer and we thank god for those of you all that are few that are in the building and those of you that have logged on from wherever you are amen we want you to begin to share prayer wherever you are for those of you that are on facebook you can share youtube you can share wherever you are we want you to begin to share prayer don't forget that we are now allowed to allow few in the building so you can go online and register to see how you can get a pass to get either into prayer bible study or sunday services all right so let's talk about what we're going to pray about today so yesterday i had a situation and i was sitting in i want to say fear was not the word because we i believe the believers are quick to say i'm not fearful because we know the word says you know for god has not given us a spirit of fear so we easily rebuke fear but worry is another spirit so i looked up the difference between fear and worry listen to this to fear is a distressing emotion aroused by pending danger evil pain whether the threat is real or imagined the feeling or condition of being afraid not my situation but this is where i was yesterday listen to this worry to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts or frets so it comes with a thought and it begins to basically take you into anxiety or panic and there's a part of you that questions tomorrow wow especially with everything that is going on today so you worry about tomorrow i need everyone to say i will not worry about tomorrow i will not worry about tomorrow come on i need you to say that with confidence i will not worry about tomorrow come on type that on the screen i will not worry about tomorrow um some say easier said than done i agree but you got to get a scripture to spend on it so let's go bible matthew six matthew six three areas that we're gonna that we're gonna pray about when it comes to worry six and twenty five therefore i tell you do not worry about your life this bible ain't no joke therefore i tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat or drink or about your body what you will wear is not life more than food and the body worth more than clothes can you open yourself i will not worry about my daily necessities come on come on come on here i will not worry about my daily necessities come on i need you to say god's gonna take care of me hallelujah hallelujah slide down if you don't mind to the 26th verse look at the birds of the air do they not sow or reap or store away in bars and yet your heavenly father feeds them here's the line i want you to get are they not much more valuable are you not much more valuable than they are you not much more valuable than they i need you to open your mouth and say i am valuable [Music] come on here i need you to know your worth come on open your mouth forgiveness i am valuable hallelujah i am valuable can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life that's bible so when i worry i'm taking some hours from my life come on here i need to know my worth i need to know my value and then he's going to take care of me last scripture we're going to read ready 32 for the pagans run after these things and your heavenly father knows that you need them but seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness and all his other stuff all this other stuff will be given to you as well therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow we'll worry about itself i need to get this thing up all for us come on here come on three things that we're going to pray about you ready we're going to pray about your daily necessities your necessities can you open your my necessities are covered we're going to pray that you know your worth that you know your worth and that god's going to begin to take care of you even more because you are valuable to the kingdom you are valuable to the kingdom you are valuable to the kingdom and we're going to make sure that we keep you focused on your seek if i stay focused on my seek i won't worry about this other mess come on say god help me to stay focused on my seek all right so your necessities your worth and your seek your necessities your worth and your seek your necessities your worth your worth your worth your worth your worth i am valuable to the kingdom hallelujah there is need of me come on here there is need of me come on say there is need of me come on here and then we're going to pray about your sikh let's start out with adoration adoration we don't act for anything we just adore the lord come on let's begin to adore him hallelujah hallelujah wonderful god great god mighty god excellent one holy we call you perfect in all your ways hallelujah great is our god and greatly to be praised we lift you this morning we adore you this morning we exalt you this morning we exalt you this morning you god are the apple of our eye you are the reason of our heartbeat and we give you praise on this morning we are in love with you hallelujah we magnify you we magnify you we magnify you we don't magnify anything on this earth but god we blow you up you are bigger than a problem bigger than a burden bigger than a virus bigger than the government you god are worthy to be praised and we got up this morning to give you glory we rose to give you praise god because you are god you are our god you are a good shepherd hallelujah that begins to remove worry right there you are the good shepherd and we are the sheep of your pasture hallelujah you are the shepherd that goes ahead of us you are the shepherd that binds up the enemy you will not allow the enemy to devour us and for that god we give you glory for the devil desires he desires he desires he desires to sift us as we he desires to take us out but god he shia you god will not allow the enemy to have his way and for that we give you praise on this morning those in the building you have to open your mouths we give you praise this morning for being a good shepherd my god you keep us you protect us you provide for us you look out for us and we don't take it for granted forgot every good and perfect gift comes from you hey my shot you are our source come on here you are i everything we are dependent upon you hey ma shaya we don't lean on the government we don't lean on man but we lean on you hallelujah our hope is in you my god our expectation is coming from you hallelujah you are the solid foundation you are a solid foundation our feet are on solid ground and for that god we say thank you there's no worry god we know that you are a very present help i wish i had somebody that felt like praying this morning you are a very present present help how that might shake you god you you you you're the god that come suddenly quickly immediately hallelujah you're the god hey shaya hey kanda bahaya that give your angels charge over us my god you god you see all you know all you're aware of all you alert you never sleep you never slumber hallelujah you are i'm the present god and for that we say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for just being god can we thank you that you're not like man can we thank you that you're not like us your ways are not our ways your thoughts and our thoughts god and for that we say thank you for god you are the god that said that you would never never never never never never never leave us the forsakens you are the god that said lord i am with you always and for that we say come on here thank you come on y'all i need to hear pray in the building for that we say thank you thank you for just being god you have always been faithful hiya this i recall to my mind therefore have a hope god you have done enough already to let me know that i am your favorite you have let me you have done enough already to let me know that i am special my god you have done enough to let me know that i have already been predestined you have done enough already to let me know that i have an expected ending i dare not doubt you now but i give you glory and i give you praise i give you praise i give you praise god i don't give you a complaint i don't murmur i don't grumble i will not be like the children of israel after you deliver them out of egypt hallelujah you told pharaoh set my people free so that they could worship me in the desert god you did not bring me out here to complain to murmur to grumble but you brought me out of here to give you worship and praise because i think about how i could have died in my egypt but you kept me alive can i thank you god that you still have me in the land of the living can i thank you god that you still have me in the land of the living can i thank you god that i am still in the land of the living and therefore i give you praise i do not want to disappoint you as the fig tree disappointed you but god i want to give you what you want from me i want to give you a hallelujah i'm going to give you a thank you jesus i'm going to give you a lord i love you i'm going to give you lord i need you i'm going to be dependent upon you i want to give you honor i'm going to give you praise i give you praise god i will not murmur god god god if i've let any words come out of my mouth that have disappointed you please forgive me but god let my praise outrun my complaint hey let my adoration hey shaya let my adoration outrun anything negative that i'll ever let come out of my mouth if it slipped out god forgive me i want to be a vessel of praise i want to be a vessel of honor i want to give you glory how you use my voice as an instrument to give you glory to give you praise to magnify your name god i want to give you glory because you've been good you've been good you've been good i dare not let today make me forget about yesterday i dare not let what i'm going through now make me forget about what you did back then come on here your word says god when the disciples were on the boat they remembered not the lows they forgot about the miracle you had just performed but god i do not want to forget about anything that you've previously done you've done something just recently hey you woke me up that's enough you gave me strength that's enough you gave me the activities of my limbs that's enough you gave me my right mind that's enough i give you glory yeah i don't want to forget about the lows i don't want to forget about the lows i don't want to forget about the laws god you've done miracle after miracle come on y'all i need you to have a flashback uh you've done miracle after miracle everyone that is listening god if they in the building of their own line god everybody we all think about something that we know beyond a shadow of a fact that you've done for us come on here we know we think about something this i recall this i recall this i recall to my mind therefore have i hope it is of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed great is great is great is great is great great great great great great great great great great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness you have been a faithful god you have been a faithful god when we were not faithful you have been faithful you have been consistent in all of your ways i find no fault in you you are perfect in all of your ways if there be any fault it is in us if there be any blame it is on us there is no fault in you you are holy in all of your ways yeah my side you are holy and all of your ways you are holy in all of your ways you are holy in all of your ways and you won't jeopardize your holiness messing around with me you are holy in all of your ways you are holy and all you are perfect and everything you do is perfect everything you do is perfect i might not understand it but god you up to something and we walk by faith we walk by faith and not by sight and forgive us for walking by sight and not by faith forgive us for looking at stuff and whirring and panicking and stressing and fearing forgive us god for giving in to the lusts of the eye oh my god because all that is in the world is the lust of the adolescent of the flesh and the pride of life god can you forgive me for giving in to the lust of the eye can you forgive me for giving in to the lust of the flesh can you forgive me for having the pride of life god i repent of all of that yeah it's so me it's not on you it's on me it's not on you for god you already told me that i haven't expected anything and i give you praise in the middle of the story come on y'all come on i'll give you praise in the middle of the story this is a chapter in my life it's not the whole book and i give you praise can i give you praise in the chapter of life that i am going through right now can i give you praise in this chapter of my life i give you praise come on you better write a praise in this chapter you better open your mouth you better clap your hands you better give god glory come on here i need you to change the script right here i need you to change it i need you to go to another paragraph i need you to begin to say but god i thank you i give you honor and i give you praise and i glorify you and i know that you're up to something i trust you with everything that i have i trust the lord i trust the lord i trust the lord and i don't lean up to my own understanding can you forgive me for leaning can you forgive me for leaning can you forgive me for leaning and not standing i thought that behind cause i stand still and i see the salvation of the lord hold up head on my side come on forgive me forgive me for leaning to my own understanding forgive me for leaning to my own understanding when i'm supposed to stand still and see the salvation of the lord for this battle is not mine oh my under my sight this battle is not mine this battle is now come on say that this battle is not mine this battle is not mine this battle is not my my life don't even belong to me here's shaya you are the author and the finisher of my faith under the baha'i you are the god that has marked me you are the god that is predestined me and i give you glory i give you praise come on y'all for a few minutes open your mouth and release a praise right here i need to hear it in the building i'll come on those online come on whatever space you in i need you to begin to feel that space if you feel that space shy come on begin to feel that space begin to feel the atmosphere with glory and honor and adoration if you feel that space you'll drive out every negative force because these two cannot remain in the same presence come on here demons cannot remain in the atmosphere that you are giving god glory water can't come out of the same fountain i need you to begin to let sweet waters begin to come out of your mouth the out of your belly shall flow out of your belly shall flow floor holy ghost flow flow holy ghost flow flow holy ghost when we don't know what to pray for as we alter the spirit of the living god come on here come on say pray holy ghost pray pray holy ghost pray i open my mouth and i give you glory and i give you honor and i give you praise i magnify your name i trust you with everything that i have for you the god that never loses you're the god that never fell you're the god that always win and you're not gonna lose messing around with me you're not gonna lose messing around with me for i represent another victory for i represent another victory for i represent another victory every day you give me strength you give me victory i represent another outcome i represent another breakthrough i represent another healing i represent another miracle that i am a walking testimony of you god and i give you praise i give you glory i give you honor i magnify your name your name is above every name you've kept me i represent being kept i represent being provided for i represent being healed i represent being delivered i represent giving you glory and i give you praise for i am a representative of you god and i give you glory how dare how dare i doubt you now i give you praise open your mouth for what you've already done can i thank you for what you've already done can i thank you for what you did yesterday can i thank you for what you did last year can i thank you for what you did last month can i thank you for what you did the last hour yep yep yep yep yep yep you did something within the hour that deserves some praise oh my god you you you you you did something in the last 30 minutes that deserves some praise and we want to give it to you this morning we got up oh my god while the enemy is asleep we got up to give you glory before the earth begin to move and shake we got up to shout and sound the alarm that you are good that you are great that you are mighty that you are wonderful that you are excellent that you are holy that you are magnificent yep i got up to shout it in the atmosphere to lift up my voice like a trumpet in zion i represent your glory i represent your goodness i represent your mercy i represent your grace i represent your forgiving power i represent the resurrection power oh my god i give you they for the same spirit that quicken christ's mortal body has quickened me for i represent those that have been called out of darkness i represent those that the stone has been rolled away i represent those that came from the grave of sin but have been called into life and i oh my god they underneath no chains are holding me i represent those that can chains have been broken and we give you glory [Applause] come on i need you to represent i need you to represent i need you to represent i need your praise to represent your victory open your mouth come on here put some praise in your atmosphere i need your praise to represent your deliverance for your word says god but jonah was in the belly he began to give you glory and you caused the fish to vomit up jonah for god i represent those that have been thrown up i represent pals that have been regurgitated i represent those that have been called out of bondage i represent those that you've kept oh my god here but we don't keep ourselves god you have you are the keeper of our souls you are the keeper you are the keeper you are the keeper you are the keeper oh my god come on come on come on represent represent everybody that's represent i need you to speak from your witness stand open your mouth i feel you you laying in bed but while you lay there you open your mouth and you give god glory i need you to give her i need it to be a sound on the earth there's a sound on the earth there's a sound under here tell my shot he called it a bishop i need the sound of worship and praise to be released off this earth come on here i hear the lord say there's a lot of grumbling on the earth i need to hear worship i need to hear praise because then i complaining i need to hear worship i need to hear praise i needed to hear i need to hear it coming from those that i have redeemed i need to hear it from those who've been washing the blood i need to i need to hear from those who know that the enemy had you but i freed you i need to hear i need to hear that i need to hear it coming from that for you are the light in the midst of darkness for you are the sun of the earth but [Music] come on a few moments push push push we're not asking for anything yet we're representing we're not asking for anything yet we're representing what you've already done my gosh come on you modern day jobs open your mouth for the enemy thought that you would curse god ah i need you to disappoint every demon in hell i needed the demon to go back and make a report they still giving god glory i [Music] oh my god i give you praise i give you praise i give you praise in the first quarter of the year yes hey yay hey sire glory glory to god oh my hey come on we're gonna move [Music] thunder [Music] hey oh yeah let me always represent yeah i dare not worry come on say i dare not worry i dare not worry messiah come on everybody say i dare not worry i dare i push back darkness of worry i fight it for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but this is a spirit of principality it's trying to get me to wrestle in my mind hey shia i dare not worry you got me come on everybody say you got us you got us come on come on i need you i need you to say this for confidence come on come on every single person every married person i need you to lift your hands and close your eyes and worship the god that got you see you got my future you got my tomorrow you got my tomorrow yeah you already ahead of me yeah you're already ahead of me you're already into tomorrow but today hey my shot today come on y'all you ready um come on we bout to cover your necessities i'm not worried about my necessities i'm not i don't care about no unemployment rate i'm not worried about my necessities you got me come on come on jerome i want you to pray about these necessities i need everybody to say rent paid mortgage paid like pay gas paid copy every bill you got to do i need you to stay paid come on say it come on say pay pay come on your necessities come on i need you to call your children name and say everything's taken care of everything i'm not going to worry about it i can't worry i cannot i cannot be tormented ah my shot come on everything we pray about there's a spirit of torment that's about to be ripped from you my god okay come on here no more tormenting no more tormenting no more torment no more torment i need you to begin to give god a praise that he's about to get this thing apart from you some of y'all are up because you've been worrying but god got you tuned into this prayer you will not be tormented you will not be tormented i hate the devil god i hate you satan ah i hate every demonic spirit that come to disrupt the kingdom of god and i hear the lord say i am ready to deliver from the spirit of worry hey my shia let's go your necessities your no necessities take no thought of what you show or what you gonna drink don't even worry about it i've already prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemy they think you're gonna starve but i've already prepared your plate lift your hands where you are begin to worship god that's your daily necessities are about to be met pray father in the name of jesus we thank you god that our necessities are being met father we thank you lord god because every need that we have god we thank you that you take care of us we thank you lord god that we do not live in lack or go lacking father anything god that concerns us concerns you so father in the name of jesus first and foremost we repent god for taking the weight of this world you told us god to cast our cares on you for you careth for them so father in the name of jesus you also told us god to trust in you with all of thine heart and lean not to our own understanding but in all of our ways acknowledge you and you will direct our path so father in the name of jesus we pray god that every single necessity every single need father god that we have god will be met father i pray in the name of jesus that we do not pay attention to the things that we lack but we do not pay attention to the things that we need father because we know that all things work together for the good of those that love you and those that are called according to your purpose so father in the name of jesus we god we we we cast our cares on you in the name of jesus god every bill in the name of jesus god will be paid in the name of jesus god every single collective god our tuition god will be paid student loans will be paid father god even the weight that we carry are trying to pay our children's tuition and put them through college father we pray in the name of jesus hallelujah because we are your children we are of a royal priesthood father i pray god that we do not live under the world system father show us god that we live in the kingdom-minded citizen god we live in a kingdom system god we are kingdom-minded citizens god father god i pray in the name of jesus father god that we do not un some come up under the law of the land as it concerns to money we rebuke the law of gravity the law of gravity says whatever goes up must come down in the name of jesus father you said in your word god that when you met the woman at the well you set god in your will and your word you said hey listen if you drink from this well you're going to always be thirsty but if you drink from the world that does not run dry you said that your will will spring forth so god we will never have to lower our standard to go to another well to get fuller you said god that your will will spring forth so father we drink from your will the well of life the world of strength the will of prosperity the will of wisdom the world of knowledge the world of understanding the world hallelujah of identity it's in the name of jesus oh god i pray that we break up out of the shell of being mediocre god i pray god a spirit of of excelling god fall upon your church like never before god i pray hallelujah the hallelujah god that you will allow us to see god what's in our own houses god just like the woman that had empty giants god i pray god that we always have entrepreneurship hallelujah in our house father i pray god that you will give us ideas that you will give us strategies that you will give us downloads god in the name of jesus i pray lord god hallelujah that the empty church with your word will become full of oil i pray lord god in the name of jesus that we are not hallelujah what the world says that our situation is not hallelujah what the world make it seem like it is father you have always given us a way of escape so father we pray god hallelujah that you have your will in our life for god we pray lord god that we walk up right before you we pray lord god that we take the path that you have for us to take god i pray lord gather every necessity god hallelujah will be met in the name of jesus and we repent god for paying attention to the low things to the small things to the crumbs that fall upon the table now i pray lord god that we be focused on you on your word on what you say to god you said that we're the head and not tail above only and not beneath hallelujah bless going in and blessed coming out i rebuke the law of gravity in the name of jesus hallelujah go hop and go higher hallelujah from glory to glory from anointing to anointing hallelujah from dimension to dimension hallelujah i pray in the name of jesus that you will begin to create the power of creativity i pray god that they will begin to create hallelujah out of your spirit for you have given us life and life more abundantly i pray lord god that they will live and not die i pray god that they will see the salvation of the lord hallelujah old man dreams hallelujah but the young man is going to see her old man is going to dream but the young man is going to see her we're going to see what our grandfather's only dreamed i pray god in the name of jesus that you rest heavy on us and we promise to give you the glory to give you the honor and to give you the praise and we repent god hallelujah for making a bill as big as you in the name of jesus you are the lord of lords and the king of kings you are the great i am you are the holy one you are the ancient of days come on you are the lion of the tribe can't nobody do what you can do so we give it to you in the name of jesus we pray amen hallelujah come on begin to say all of my needs are met for my god shall supply all of my needs according come on y'all better quote the bible according to his riches according to his riches and all of my necessities will be met come on say it and all of my necessities will be met and all of my necessities will be met for i will lack nothing for i will lack nothing i decree and i declare that i will lack nothing for i live in overflow i will not suffer as the world suffer come on y'all i need you to say what i say i will not suffer like the world suffer hallelujah because i am in the world but i am not of the world for i take my seat in heavenly places hallelujah and if i sit in heavenly places he gives his angels charge to bring me what i need yeah shia yeah all of my needs are being met all of my needs are being met all of my needs are being met all of my needs are being met all of my needs are being met i call my blessings to come in my direction all of my needs are being met not just the financial but the mental the emotional the spiritual for i will be made whole this is bigger than a bill all of my needs will be met and i would know my worth and i will know my worth and i will know my worth that i won't send back the blessing saying that i'm not worthy come on here but i will know my worth look at the birds that they have do they not sow or reap or soar away in bonds yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not much more valuable valuable valuable valuable and i will know my worth i would not talk myself out of my blessing but i would i would know my worth and i will say that i call him i'm a father and i am a king's kid and certain things belong to me i accept the benefits of royalty and i would know my value let's go father in the name of jesus this morning we thank you god you are putting in our spirit god to know our value to know our worth we thank you god that we are of a holy nation we are a peculiar people we belong to you uh we've not received the spirit of fear but we receive the spirit whereby we cry abba father daddy god and we thank you god this morning that we are your children and we belong to you uh we are fearfully and wonderfully made we thank you god that we are unique we thank you god that we are created in your image after your likeness and we come against every foul spirit that will come against our minds to make us think that we are less than we are we are not what we did god we belong to you and we prayed this morning god that you would help us to know our worth know that we're your sons know that we're your daughters know that we're your children know god that we wear a crown in the name of jesus we are named by your father in the name of jesus help us to not be small in our own eyes come the devil tries to make us think less of ourselves than we are but god we thank you this morning that we are the redeemed and you said in your word let the redeemed of the lord say so we declare that we belong to you we declare god that you found us polluted in our own blood and you cleaned us up we thank you this morning god that we god are seated in heavenly places with christ jesus we know our value we know our worth but you have said god that we have a treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency and the power may be of you uh you are on the inside of us our bodies are the temple of the holy ghost we thank you that we have value we thank you that we have worth we have so much value god so much worse than you god you sent your only son that whosoever shall believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life oh god we have so much worth that jesus you gave your life for us you we have so much worth come on that jesus you allowed yourself to have a crown of thorns placed on your head you allowed yourself to be pissed in the oh you stayed there on the crosser you didn't get down because we have worth it it was your blood we're worth your blood oh my god and that blood still reaches uh to the highest mountain come on that blood still flows to the lowest valley we thank you that your blood still prevails we are blood broader we are blood washed up we belong to you we are kings we are priests and we have values thank you god that you are with us and you will never never never leave us nor forsake us the fact that you are with us means that we have so much value you are your partner yeah god we are declared and you are making us you are molding us up god in the name of jesus let us never look at ourselves as less then never let us look at look at ourselves that like we're not sons and daughters god i pray this morning that you will shift how we see ourselves we pray this morning allow us to see ourselves like you see you see oh god allow us to see ourselves through your eyes we thank you god that before before we were in our mother's womb come on you knew us before our lord we were in our mother's womb you knew us god you sanctified us you called us you did it ah you did it god you made us up you did it you placed value on us god you did it you called us god sons and daughters you did it you said that we're valuable and we god aligned with you uh cause us god to hear your loving kindness in the morning god calls us to know the way that we should go father we have so much value that every place that we walk god it belongs to us come on we have so much value god that we can say lord god the lord god earth give and the earth has to give we have so much value god that even our voice god has a value that we can speak to the mountain it's like i removed us and be cast into the sea we have so much value that you have given us power of attorney to use the name of jesus we have so much value that every demon must bow and every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that jesus has lord we have so much value god that you take care of us come on we have so much value god that you keep us up in your arms we have so much value god that you have prepared a place for us that's how much value we have you already prepared a place for us we have so much value god that lord god even at the presence of our enemies god you allow us to center in peace come we have so much value god and even when we mess up god you are still just and you are still good cause us this morning god to understand our value in jesus name come on lift your hands and say i'm a vessel of honor shout out come on lift your hands hopefully your mom say i am a vessel of honor i am a vessel of honor i need those words to come out of your mouth i am a vessel of honor and i i i am the beneficiary yeah my name is in the wheel yeah i am the beneficiary of the things of god lift your hands and begin to worship god and know your worth you are more valuable you are more valuable you are more valuable i call you to know your worth hey shaykh and you are a vessel of honor you are not what you did open your mouths you are not what you were birthed in you are not what you slept with you are not what you did you are a vessel of honor i found you polluted in your own blood and i washed you and i clean you up and i dress you you are not who you used to be if any man be in christ he is a new creature and i need you to know your new worth you are valuable to the kingdom of god open your mouth and worship him right here i will not worry about my necessities and i will not worry about my worth so now keep me focused keep me focused keep me focused come on y'all come on let's pray this prayer keep me focus keep god please please help me to stay focused hey come on seek ye first first god keep me focused um hey come on come on keep me god let me lift up my eyes to the heels and with cometh my help and my help come from you god i want to seek your kingdom and your righteousness i want to seek your kingdom i want to seek your kingdom i want to seek your kingdom i want to know your will help me to seek your will more than i seek stuff yay come on y'all please help me to seek your will your kingdom your kingdom your kingdom more than i seek validation of man help me to seek your kingdom your kingdom god what do you have me on this earth to do help me to find your will in my life open your mouth and say help me god help me to keep my seek keep my seek for we go from glory to glory don't let me get comfortable on one level of glory when there's another level of waiting on me help me to keep my seat help me to keep my seat help me not to get stuck help me not to get complacent help me not to depend on man help me [Music] y'all better pray up in here y'all better pray online help me help me god help me help me to find your kingdom thy kingdom come yeah thy kingdom come die god let there be a shift yeah shia out of the natural thy kingdom come thy will be done help me to seek righteousness i don't want to be wrong come on i want to be found in your righteousness for there's no good thing in me if i was born in sin and shaped an iniquity god but if i am in you hide me in you y'all better pray up in here hide me in you hey cause if any man be in christ i need to be in you crucify my flesh ah crucify my ego crucify my will [Music] come on y'all i want you to win i want to lose i want you to win i'm going to lose hey you win you win god i lose let my flesh die daily y'all ain't praying whatever i want you don't want me to have don't give it to me y'all ain't praying if it's gonna get me off keep it away from me if it's gonna make me not love you the way i'm supposed to love you don't even let me see it anoint my seek annoy my seek anoint my seek put us keep us seeking me keep us seeking me lift your hands i ain't got time to worry i'm seeking i don't have time to worry i'm seeking i'm seeking your kingdom i'm seeking your righteousness i'm going to be pleasing in your eyesight come on lift your hands and say god put a seek in me please i don't want to seek fame i don't want to seek fortune i don't want to seek stuff i don't want to seek your hand and ignore your face draw me keep me close keep me close those that want to be close to god lift your hands and say keep me close whatever's going on in this world god just keep me close keep me let there be no distance between me and you keep me keep me keep me keep me keep me keep me close let there be no distance yay i don't want to be like samson he knew not that the lord had departed god if you back up i back up keep me close lift your hands wherever you are and let god know that you desire him above anything and everything you are my number one desire god don't let nothing take your place don't let nothing take your place please don't let nothing take your place don't let nothing take your place don't let nobody sit in your seat not in my life not in my life don't let nobody sit in your seat come on y'all not in my life not in my life god stay number one stay number one stay number one stay number one stay number one stay i will not build a golden calf i will not build a golden calf i would not make a god out of man i would not make a god out of stuff i would not even let the church be my god how dare i let the bride become the groom no no no no i won't fall in love with myself like that no come on lift your hands keep my seat send me i don't have a seat then ask god give me a seat a seek in my spirit never let me get comfortable never let me get complacent let me never let me get you relaxing you then i can't seek you make my spirit sensitive make my spirit sensitive keep me sensitive keep me in touch come on come on come on come on never let me be out of touch never never let me miss the wave never let me miss the move wherever you are is where i want to be whatever you're doing i won't end i won't in i'm on in i won't end i'm only in i want don't leave me out don't leave me out don't leave me out come on y'all come on come on seek seek seek seek don't let me preach to others that i'll be a cast away don't let me usher up don't let me usher people in but i'd be out no no i won't end come on tell the lord i'm on here yay always let my voice be sensitive to you see me hear me see me hear me see me and hear me god could come on a few more seconds lift your hands okay uh left come on back hey come on you better tell the lord don't let me get caught up don't let me get caught up in this mess don't let me get caught up in this world don't let me get caught up in this world don't let me get caught up in this mess keep me keep me close keep me close keep me sensitive to the spirit if i worry about my necessities and i will know my value and i will keep my seek if i will not worry about my necessities i will know my value and i will keep my seat for i will not worry about my necessities i will know my value and i will keep my seat that is my prayer today that i would not worry that i would not worry that i would not worry that i would not worry that i would not worry about my necessities but i would know my value and i will keep my [Music] that i would not worry about my necessities i would know my worth and i will keep my seek that is my prayer at four o'clock in the morning yay and i thank you and i honor you and i magnify you clap your hands until the lord thank you tuesday today later on pastor jamon i have bible study thursday i'll be back for bible study forgive me i'm gone oh i will not worry come on we're going to go off the air i need to go off with you sentence i will not worry about tomorrow i would know my worth today and i will keep my seat forever i will not worry about tomorrow i would know my worth today and i will seek you i hear the holy ghost i hear the lord say i am pleased take us off take us off bye bye you you you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 18,214
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Id: huapIt5R90c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 15sec (4875 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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