40 Things You Didn't Know About the Furnace in Minecraft

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hey what's going on guys my name is anthony the intro never gets old i love it anyways today i bring you 40 things you didn't know about furnaces in minecraft like this video and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more of these videos also comments below which things you didn't know video i should do next anyways on with the video in the upcoming 1.17 caves and cliffs update furnaces can be crafted with the new cobbled deep slate block a wooden tool will burn exactly the same in a furnace regardless of its remaining durability but this means a used up wooden tool with low durability will be just as effective as a new wooden tool the four furnaces were added into minecraft items were smelted in a different way so in the early versions of minecraft in dev players could smelt ores by dropping the item on the ground and setting them on fire with a flint and steel definitely a very different way of smelting oars but hey at least it worked a lava bucket is the most effective furnace fuel to use in minecraft as it can smelt up to a whopping 100 items which is crazy in minecraft java edition if you break a furnace with your hand it takes exactly 17.5 seconds to destroy it with that said the furnace will not drop as an item so don't waste your time doing this like i did on minecraft bedrock edition however destroying a furnace with your hand again takes 17.5 seconds but the furnace will drop as an item back in the earlier days of minecraft in versions alpha and beta furnaces took a lot longer to destroy with a pickaxe on top of that in minecraft alpha and beta no matter which pickaxe you used it took the same amount of time to destroy the furnace so yeah breaking a furnace back then was just really painful the smelting time of each item in an active furnace is exactly eight seconds in the alpha versions of minecraft the top part of the furnace texture was made out of stone which looks like this this made the furnace a lot easier to hide from other players as you could blend the furnace in with regular stone which was pretty cool however in minecraft beta the top part of the furnace received its own texture the village structures that you find in snow biomes contain these snowy houses that look like this in said snowy house you can find a chest that has a 9.9 percent chance to have a furnace inside of it if you have tamed a cat in minecraft and have an active furnace going then be prepared as your cat will sit on the lit furnace to keep warm at some point in minecraft version ifdev a change was briefly made to where the furnaces no longer had a face and use the same texture all around yeah i'm not going to lie this does not look right at all but yeah this change was quickly reverted another change that was briefly made in the inf dev version of minecraft was the furnace smelt time so as mentioned before each item in minecraft takes eight seconds to smelt but in if dev a change was made to where items only took four seconds to smelt so yeah items smelted a lot quicker in inf dev but this change was quickly reverted smelting items in a furnace by using a block of coal is more efficient than using just the coal itself this is because one block of coal can smelt up to 80 items in a furnace whereas just using 9 coal in a furnace will only smelt up to 72 items in the early stages of minecraft alpha there used to be a really annoying bug in the game when it came to placing furnaces so in alpha when you placed a furnace it would always place facing away from the player which was really annoying when you wanted to place it in your house i hated this back in the day oh wait am i recording moving on cobblestone blackstone and cobble deepslate can all be combined with each other in a crafting table to create a furnace thank you for the assistance block facts no problem you can create an optical illusion in minecraft by using furnaces so if you place three furnaces in the corner like so then it gives off the illusion of looking at one weird looking furnace i'm not gonna lie this is very strange to look at so let's move on oh wait i'm supposed to say anyways moving on using the set block command in minecraft you can spawn in an already active furnace known as the lit furnace now this lit furnace is in the name as it will always stay lit as you can see even if there's nothing smelting in it which is kind of weird a 64 stack of coal blocks will smelt items in a furnace for a total of 14.2 hours which is equivalent to 42 minecraft days so yeah the coal blocks can smelt for quite a long time by default the gui of a furnace simply says well furnace however if you rename the furnace in an anvil then the gui name will change to whatever you renamed the furnace to which is pretty cool furnaces when active emit a light level of 13 which is slightly dimmer than a torch which gives off a light level of 14. furnaces will light up the blocks all around it despite it only being lit up from the front however during the snapshot phase of the 1.4 update an experimental change was made to the lighting of furnaces so in snapshot 12w39a a change was made to where the furnaces only lit up the blocks in front of them but then in a later 1.4 snapshot the change was reverted as apparently it was causing performance issues back in the earlier days of minecraft before the 1.9 combat update players could spawn in the lit furnace i mentioned earlier as an item so from version 1.3 to 1.7 the lit furnace item looked as it was supposed to look in the inventory however in version 1.8 a bug formed where the lit furnace item changed to have a missing texture in the inventory which looks like this this was strange because when you placed the lip furnace it looked normal but the item just looked all messed up but then in the 1.9 combat update it didn't matter anyway because the ability to spawn in the lit furnace as an item was removed from the game the minecart with furnace is a type of minecart in minecraft that is designed to push other minecarts to power it you just simply put coal in the minecart furnace wow just look at it go i am blown away now the minecart furnace is only exclusive to java edition and is crafted with one furnace and one minecart now the minecart furnace is considered to be one of the most useless features in the game and minecraft developer jeb even considered removing them but decided not to i dunno do you think minecart furnaces still belong in minecraft let me know below despite minecart furnaces being powered by coal you are not able to power them with blocks of coal which is a bit strange as you know in the minecraft 1.14 update all of the textures in the game were massively updated so before 1.14 furnaces originally looked like this in versions 1.14 and above the furnace looks like this which texture do you prefer the original one or the new one let me know in the comments below but anyways that just about concludes today's video on things you didn't know about the furnace so i really hope you all enjoyed it and all found it informative as i mentioned at the start be sure to like this video as it helps me out a lot and comment below what things you didn't know video i should do next but anyways everybody i am going to go now because it is 3am and i've been commentating for hours and my voice is starting to hurt so i'm going to bed so thanks for watching and goodbye if you made it this far then comment cake below because cake is awesome you
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 884,037
Rating: 4.9277959 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 40, things, you, didn't, know, about, furnaces, furnace, minecraft 40 things, 40 things you didn't know about minecraft, things you didn't know about minecraft, fact, facts, 40 things, 40 facts, minecraft things you didn't know, minecraft facts you didn't know, minecraft furnace facts, 40 Things You Didn't Know About Furnaces in Minecraft, feature, removed, update, block, item, changed, minecraft 1.17 update, caves & cliffs update, 40 Things You Didn't Know About the Furnace in Minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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