40 Facts and Lore on the Locations of Each Primarch in Warhammer 40K

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welcome back to another episode of 40 facts about the 40k universe I am your host Gershwin and you were watching when mine syndicate today we continue talking about the pry marks as we get into the whereabouts of each individual Primarch if you're new to the channel subscribe we post Warhammer 40k lore videos every single day and don't forget to hit the little bell notification icon to let you stay updated if you enjoy our content think our patrons on patreon it's because of them that we can do this link in the description if you guys want to support us but with that said let's get into 40 facts on the where above each primark Lyon L Johnson known as the lion was the prime mark of the first legion of space marines the Dark Angels following the events of the Horus heresy Johnson and his crusading fleet returned to his home world of Caliban inexplicably they were fired upon by their own Dark Angel forces garrisoned there under the command of his once trusted mentor and surrogate father Luthor who had been entrusted with a custodianship of Caliban in the lion's absence Oh Johnson then led his forces to the surface and assaulted the order's fortress monastery where he confronted Luthor and single combat Luthor transformed into a chaos champion by the powers of chaos was now evenly matched in strength with the enraged PI mark during his duel with Luther on Caliban lion el Johnson suffered a severe psychic blow which left it mortally wounded he was then briefly pulled into a raging warp vortex Luthor survived the contest but proved mentally unhinged and was taken prisoner by the Dark Angels he was placed into a stasis cell deep within the bowels of the rock to contemplate his crimes against the chapter's primark his continued existence a secret known only to each successive supreme grand master of the dark angels whose cell can only be accessed through the use of swords of Secrets the chapters artifact which is the mark of the supreme Grand Master's office the lion who had been briefly spirited away in the war during the destruction of Caliban eventually emerged and was taken into a hidden and unreachable chamber deep within the heart of the rock by the Watchers in the dark and placed into stasis to keep him alive this is a secret known only to the Emperor of mankind himself who despite his living death still sees all upon the golden throne even the supreme grandmaster of the chapter is not privy to this last and greatest secret of the Dark Angels some amongst the dark angels whisper that one day the lion will return to lead one final crusade intended to achieve the dark angels greatest victory for mankind and finally bring justice and redemption to the remaining fallen angels none know that this legend has more truth to it than they realize or that they're lost Prime our now sleeps peacefully at the heart of their own fortress monastery jacket icon known also as the Great Khan was the prime arc of the fifth Legion of space marines the white scars seven years after the end of the Horus heresy during the period called the Reformation when the Imperium was largely guided by the ultramarines Primark reboot Killam II the white scars adopted Gilman's codex Astarte and the fifth legion allowed itself to be grudgingly divided into several different successor chapters in order to contain the outlaws renegades and aliens that dwelt within the Maelstrom and had taken advantage of the disruption caused by the heresy to run amok in the Ultima segment ax reboot killerman ordered the surrounding star systems to be reinforced the white scars were tasked with a main responsibility of securing the area from their homeworld according to the writings of the Great Khan of Kwan's oh the white scars learned upon their return to chaga race following the end of the heresy that their homeworld and its people had been the target of numerous raids by the Dark Eldar to seize thousands of their people as slaves Jagat I swore many oaths against the Eldar because of this crime and fought them in many battles until peace had largely been restored amongst the Imperial worlds that were adjacent to the Maelstrom jagat I fought alongside his sons of the white scars for another seventy standard years following the end of the Horus heresy eventually disappearing when he traveled into the mail strim a large warp rift in the Ultima segment that is a somewhat smaller counterpart of the eye of terror Jagat eye is believed to have been in pursuit of the Dark Eldar who had savaged Mundus planas following the Battle of Korus l5 with the first Brotherhood when he went through a warp gate into the Dark Eldar portion of the web way ultimately vanishing forever Jagat I had been in pursuit of a mighty Dark Eldar Lord likely the Archon of the Cabal that had attacked chorus l5 and perhaps even Mundus planets itself none can say what befell the prime or if he was lost in the war or if he was slain or captured at the hands of an alien warlord but the white scars believe he still hunts across the galaxy and beyond in pursuit of his greatest foes the white scars believe he is still alive somewhere within the web way and will one day return to the chapter in the time of great need as a result of their prime Mark's disappearance the white scars hold a particular savage grudge against the Dark Eldar and will gladly seek out any opportunity to make war upon the savage and terrifying xenos the white scars thus continue to fight and jaga ties name destroying the enemies of the emperor in preparation for the day when the Great Khan completes his consummate hunt and returns to once again lead his chosen warriors and begin the next great crusade to unify the galaxy Leeman trois also known as the wolf king is the prime mark of the space wolves chapter of space marines no one knows what happened to Lehman Rus some say he disappeared in the eye of terror while searching for his old friend and rival that Archangels prime our lion el Johnson others say that to this day he walks disguised amongst mankind watching over the people of his Emperor and guarding them from the power of chaos all that is known for sure is that Lehman Rus vanished nearly two centuries after the emperor was entombed upon the golden throne all of the space warriors and their wolf Lords including the great wolf himself was gathered for a feast on Fenris the holiday known as the feast of the Emperor's ascension it commemorated the day the emperor defeated horus and ascended back into the immaterial after being entombed upon the golden throne on this occasion Lehmann Russ quieted the Great Hall of his warriors to speak but then froze in place as his eyes glazed over as if seeing a vision the assembled space walls looked on in horror as their prime Ark fell to his knees and called for his wolf guard and closest retainers to attend to him all except the youngest beyond the fell handed giving his closest companions his instructions Russ turned and left the Great Hall with his bodyguard in tow leaving only bjorn behind the tale of his disappearance is retold every thousand standard years by the dread-nots beyond the fell handed the oldest Astarte dreadnought still in service in the entire Imperium it is believed by some authorities amongst the space wolves that Russ left Fenris and journeyed into the eye of Terror to find the fabled Tree of Life a font of uncorrupted warp energy hidden somewhere within the immaterial that bears fruit that is said to be able to heal the emperor and restore him to full life every standard year after his disappearance Russ's place was laid out at the same feast every year his drinking horn was filled should he return for seven long painful Terran years the space wolves waited patiently for their wolf king to return but when he failed to do so Bjorn was elected the new Great Wolf and led the chapter on their first great hunt to search for Russ the great companies took to their voyage hips and sailed in separate directions across the sea of stars they sought their Lord on many worlds and in many places they fought battles and overcame monsters and the tales of their deeds too long to be recounted except for the all winter's eye when the room priests gathered to chant the sagas the space wolf sought and they saw and borne eventually took his search to the eye of Terror itself there bjorn was mortally wounded and in within the adamantium sarcophagus of a dreadnought of Rus they found no sign of entually they were recalled to Fenris bearing not but a few dismal prophecies and the tales of their adventures thus the first great hunt ended in failure and in sadness the second great hunt led to the recovery of Russ's Armour from the temple of horus on the world of rudra on the edge of the eye of terror over the various great hunts in the millenia since many glorious victories have been won each hunt beginning when Rus speaks through visions into the minds of the chapters rune priests granting his sons his wisdom from time to time and sending them on their new quest none have succeeded in the final goal of recovering their Jain father but Rus has assured his sons with his final words that he will return to them in the time of the final battle of the Imperium against the forces of chaos a period he called the wolf time many space wolves believe that that time will soon be upon them as many forces all seeking the destruction of mankind begin their final assault upon humanity Rogal d'Or known as the vigilant was the prime mark of the Imperial Fitz Space Marine Legion it is generally believed that Dorn fell in battle against the forces of chaos while resisting a large chaos fleet during the first Black Crusade one of the periodic and devastating incursions by the traitor legions from their hellish sanctuary worlds within the eye of Terror commanded by the return of Abaddon the Despoiler the chaos fleet vastly outnumbered the Imperial force seeing the importance of attacking the enemy fleet while they were still preparing to invade imperial space Dorne relied on hit-and-run attacks until his reinforcements could arrive Dorne and three companies of the Imperial fist mounted a masterful series of boarding actions against the Crusades warships crippling drives and life-support systems and even capturing weapon batteries and turning them against other chaos vessels eventually however the enemy cornered Dorne and his warriors as he launched a final attack on the bridge of the chaos flagship that a spoiler class battleship sword of sacrilege none survived to tell the glorious tale of the pry marks last and it is here that the imperial records are conflicting one account states of the chapters chief librarian found his pry marks body on the bridge and a chilling reprise of Dorn's discovery of the wounded Emperor and bore him away before the stricken flagship escaped back to the infernal depths of the eye of Terror how much older account states that the only trace of the missing primark uncovered by the Imperial fist subsequent search was a single fist Dorne skeletal hand was returned to the Phalanx were over the years it has been scrimshawed the bones intricately engraved with the heraldry of all the Imperial fist chapters previous chapter masters only the current Imperial fist chapter master has the right to engrave his name upon the bones even with minuscule scripts 10,000 standard years of history have left the bones covered with names giving a list of the Imperium greatest heroes each bone corresponds to former commanders of the chapter for instance the left hand first metacarpal contains the name of the chapter master Brown when a berm or maximum Thane kalman floods buck and many others while the first failing of the thumb bears the name Ambrosian Specter and so forth the hand of Dorne is the Imperial fist holiest icon and it serves as a reminder of sacrifice and commitment so it was that throughout the Imperial fist history from the or consulate of the 32nd millennia to the 13th black crusade they have drawn inspiration from their prime marks remains and resolved to defeat their foes or die in the attempt whether the fist actually belongs to Rogal Dorne or his remains lie elsewhere it is unknown it is even possible that Dorne survived the assault upon the sword of sacrilege whatever his faith its truth is known only by the Emperor at present sanguinis also known as the great angel and the brightest one during his lifetime was the prime mark of the blood angles legion during the Battle of Tara sanguinis was the first to confront his brother Horus an evil cunning the warmest offered sanguinis one final chance to renounce the emperor to join with horus in the inevitable victory of the forces of chaos yet the primarch of the blood angels' held true and refused rejected horus flew into a rage and attacked although bearing the wounds of his earlier actions and knowing it would almost certainly spell his doom sanguinis immediately attacked the corrupted war master horus took the life of his once beloved brother the body of sanguinis was taken by the imperial forces as they retreated from horses crippled flagship back to Terra his body was then borne away by the blood 'angels to their homeworld of bow where he was buried deep within the vast tomb beneath the blood 'angels main chapel the doors to his tomb were topped with massive angelic effigies in honor of their fallen Primark today nearly 10 millennia later sanguinis is one of the most venerated of all the loyalist prime marks by the teeming masses of the Imperium he is commonly held in the highest honor due to his noble sacrifice which allowed the beloved Emperor to defeat the Ark trader Horus the name sanguinis is cherished throughout the Imperium by the common citizenry chapels devoted to sanguinis have been erected alongside the temples dedicated to the emperor the prime mark is even commemorated on his own sacred day of celebration called sanguine Ella where the Imperial adepts across the galaxy where the Red Badge of sanguine ia's on their breastplates to commemorate his sacrifice Varys Menace also known as the Gorgon was the prime mark of the iron hand Space Marine Legion after Horace's announced betrayal Faris gratefully received the Emperor's order through his brother Rogal door to confront Horus and his lieutenants on the world of istván five this is where feriss manis met fulcrum in battle the to pry marks traded terrible blows wounding one another deeply during the fierce struggle as Faris pushed himself to his feet and staggered towards the wounded fulcrum he cried out as he brought the flaming blade towards his brother's neck but fulcrum lashed out as he drew the single edge demonically possessed sword he had taken from lair temple and blocked the descending weapon with the powers of chaos streaming from the blade diabolical strength flooded fulcrums limbs as he pushed against the power of Faris Manas feeling his brother surprised at his resistance fogger managed the surge to his feet and lash out his silver blade biting deep into the breastplate of ferrous his armor and the Primarch of the iron hands cried out falling to his knees his weapon slid from his grasp as he gasped in fierce tagging II as fulcrum raised the silver sword and preparation for delivering the death blow to ferrous Manas he found that he did not possess the fortitude to deliver the killing blow in an instant he saw what he had become and what monstrous betrayal he had allowed himself to be a party to he knew in that eternal moment that he had made a terrible mistake in drawing the sword from the temple and he fought to release the damn blade that had brought him so low his grip was locked unto the weapon and even as he recognized how far he had fallen he knew that he had come too far to stop the realisation coupled with the knowledge that everything he had striven for had been a lie as though moving in slow motion fulgrim saw ferrous Menace reaching for his fallen sword his fingers closing around the wired grip the flame leaping once more to the blade at its creators touch fulcrums blade seemed to move with a life of its own as he swung the blade of his own volition fulcrum tried desperately to pull the blow but his muscles were no longer in control the demonic blade sliced through the genetically enhanced flesh and bone of one of the Emperor's the Iron Hands Primark fell to the ground his head decapitated Faris Manus was dead by his brother's own hands and his legion was never given the chance to recover his body the fate of their Primark was a mystery to the Legion as his last known position was overrun by hordes of screaming enemy warriors what became of the great Primark Faris madness would remain a mystery to the astir DS of the 10th Legion one particular imperial legend tells that his wrecked body was rescued and restored and that he took refuge on mars where he resides still though this is violently refuted by the Iron Hands themselves other more realistic accounts tell that Faris manases body was burned along with the rest of his Legion his head was collected from the dead of the drop site Massacre and presented to Horace loop recalled who was said to speak to the skull of his former brother as if he was alive the skull was later under the possession of Abaddon the Despoiler and is rumored to remain on his flagship reboot Gilly sometimes referred to as the avenging son is the Primarch of the ultramarine space marine legion following the great scouring Gilman and his ultramarines met the emperor's children trader Legion at the Battle of Thessaly where his corrupted brother Fabra mortally wounded him with a slice to the neck by the demon prime Marx chaos tainted blade so it was the dying ruble Guillemette who was put into a temporal stasis on the verge of death his body placed upon the throne that lay in the temple of correction on the ultramarines homeworld of macragge the primarch was resurrected during the ultra Mar campaign of the 13th black crew saved by the technical prowess of Ark Magos Dominus Belisarius call and the power of the old re God of the Dead in yet soon after Gillman launched the Terran Crusade from a crack through the growing warp instability of the galaxy as the power of chaos waxed mighty once more with the birth of the great rift after nearly being in prison for eternity in the maelstrom and almost slain by his brother the demon Primark Magnus Toretto nuna Gilliam and finally arrived on holy Tara there he spoke to the Emperor became Lord Commander of the Imperium the first among equals on the sanitorium Imperialis and the de facto ruler of the Imperium he led the Imperial defenders including the sisters of silence and the adapt discussed ODEs in throwing back the howling servants of the blood God that attacked Tara and came out victorious in the wake of the Second Battle of Tara Gilman launched his massive indominus crusade out into the void determined to throw back the forces of chaos and the xenos wherever they threatened the worlds of humanity the indominus crusade would reach its end over a century later at the Battle of Rochus afterwards Gilman would turn his attention to helping his realm of ultra more defeat the forces of the death card trader Legion and the servants of Nergal in the plague wars driving his traitorous brother Mort Aryan and the death guard trader legions from his region Vulcan was the prime mark of the salamander Space Marine Legion the ultimate fate of the salamanders primark is a matter of much conjecture for he disappeared many years after the Horus heresy some sources state that Vulcan but his chapter for three entire millennia before he departed on some mission he never declared to the Imperium at large they'll scant evidence of any of his deeds throughout that age remain the tale has made all the more mysterious when the fact that Vulcan appeared to have left behind attacks called the tomah fire within which he locked the nature and location of nine artifacts that the Primarch willed his chapter it is said that over 1,000 standard years after the events of the Horus heresy Vulcan hid these nine artifacts around the galaxy for his chapter to find as a test to see if they were worthy of his leadership of these nine relics five had been recovered three of which the spear of Vulcan khazars mantle and the gauntlet of the forge are wielded by the chapters bored father Vulcan pissed an to the chalice of fire in the eye of Vulcan remain on the Nocturne Ian moon of Prometheus in the chapters fortress monastery while the last four artifacts the engine of woes the Obsidian chariot the unbound flame and the Sun of entropy have yet to be discovered the tome of fire claims that only when all of these artifacts are recovered by the Forge father of the salamanders as five now have been well Vulcan judge the salamanders sufficiently tempered to have passed the ultimate contest then so the legend states shall return to lead the salamanders in the final war against the enemies of humanity in accordance with the prophecies written within the chapters most sacred tome Corvus corax also known as the raven lord was the prime AR of the raven guard legion after the Horus heresy corax remained unable to forget the growling monstrous aberrations of humanity that he had personally created when corax finally managed to rebuild his Legion to anywhere near its pre heresy strength the Horus heresy had ended and robot kill amends Codex Astarte etics required that the Legion be split into smaller more flexible 1,000 man units known as chapters never again would one man wield a power of an entire space marine Legion knowing that Gila man's vision was true corax grudgingly split his remaining forces into the new second founding successor chapters but after pondering for hours as to what should be done to atone for his sins he decided to administer the emperor's peace the remaining aberrant Raven guard mutants praying for both their souls and his wracked with guilt following the execution corax locked himself in his personal chambers in the Raven spire the Ravens tower begging for the recently ascended Emperor's mercy nobody knows if corax received the absolution he prayed for but a year to the day after he had locked himself into the Raven spire he left the tower and the world of deliverance itself and of course toward the eye of Terror never to be seen again his last words or Nevermore fulcrum was the Primark of the emperor's children traitor legion following the Horus heresy fulcrum was last seen in real space fighting gilliam in the Primark of the ultramarines chapter and its successors during this great duel fulcrum proved too crafty and Gilfoyle sliding Gilman's throat with his toxic chaos sword that had nearly slain Horus himself without the intervention of the chaos gods to heal him Gillman was placed within a stasis field and returned to the ultramarines homeworld macragge where his body became a focus of devotion of countless generations of Imperial pilgrims while fulcrum retreated into the warp perhaps the greatest mystery surrounds the fate of the Primarch fulcrum for it appears that he disappeared entirely some say that a Dark Prince of chaos granted him apophysis and he assumed the mantle of a demon prime or his mortal shape transformed into a serpentine form with four arms very similar to the appearance of the layers II knows that fulcrum and his legion had exterminated when he began his fault chaos there are those that claim that fulcrum has retreated to some demon world of his own creation and rules they're still overseeing such to base extremes of sensation and experiences as no mortal man can imagine some of those who revere Sloane Ashe regard this mythical place as the holy of holies and spend entire lifetimes obsessively questing after it to this day many of the scattered surviving war bands of the Emperor's children and the agents of the Inquisition zorda malleus seek the location of this world but none have yet returned with that information / - ABBA sometimes called the Lord of iron is the prime arc of the iron Warriors trader agent after fleeing Terra along with the other traitor legions following horses death / Chavo took the opportunity to take engines on the imperial fists with a specially designed trap on the world of sebast is for the trap was known as the eternal fortress a massive keep centered within 20 square miles of bunkers towers minefields trenches tank traps and rebound that were intentionally shaped to look like an eight-pointed star of chaos upon hearing of the existence of this supposedly impregnable fortress by his legions hated rivals Rogal dawn publicly declared that he would dig / travel out of his hole and bring him back to Terra an iron cage Robo Doren expected an honorable battle but this was not to be beginning by isolating the four companies of the Imperial fist that arrived to do battle from their orbital support / - Robin began to carefully divide his enemies and destroy them piece by piece some Imperial fists managed to penetrate the defenses and reach the center of the eternal fortress only to find there was no central keep simply in open space watched by yet more defenses the fortress was a decoy of no real value surrounded by 20 miles of killing ground by the 6th day of the siege Imperial fist Space Marines were fighting individually without support using the bodies of their own battle brothers for cover the siege of the eternal fortress later referred to in Imperial histories simply as the Battle of the iron cage lasted for a further three weeks relief came in the form of Guillemette and his ultramarines who drove off the iron warriors but the siege left Robo Dorne a broken man and rendered the Imperial fist chapter unable to fight for 19 standard years wow they rebuilt their forces the genes heat of over 400 Imperial fists was captured by the iron warriors in the iron cage and later sacrificed to the nefarious purposes of the Dark Gods an accomplishment of which portrayal was also finally elevated to the rank of demon Prince of chaos undivided the rare acclamations of the in its powers following this victory the iron warriors fled to the eye of terror alongside their fellow trader Marines and secured a new demon world named Metro guard crafting a terrible demonic fortress where his sons ruled a miserable slave population from vast Citadel's of iron and stone today portrayal has become a giant of terrible rages and spontaneous violence despite appearing at ease around his subordinates those who knew him best saw the underlining simmering tensions in the pry marks body like a taunt cable at the very limit of its tensile strength ready to strike at a moment's notice conrad kurz better known as the night hunter was the commander of the traitor legion of chaos space marines known as the knight Lords after the invasion of terra by the forces of chaos and the death of horus at the hands of the emperor the night Lord did not splinter and flee into the eye of terror like the rest of the trader legions instead they continued to attack the Imperium in its eastern fringes however their tactics seemed to change betraying a self-destructive desperation the Emperor himself wishing to disband the night Lords forever dispatched half of the Khaleda stemple of assassins to terminate the renegade Primark legend has it that a lone agent named mission was purposefully allowed to infiltrate the legions lair and confront the fallen Primark now a naked and hunched monster before his death machines video log recorded the night hunters enigmatic last words your presence does not surprise me assassin I have known of you ever since your craft entered the eastern fringes why did I not have you killed because your mission and the act you're about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done I merely punish those who have wronged just as your false emperor now seeks to punish me death is nothing compared to fin diction the final remembrance of Conrad Kurds is of mad black eyes and a cruel lipless smile aware that his horrific vision had all come to pass the video log of the event then shows mission leap forward at the prime or however the kill was never confirmed as the video feed cuts out right before the fight ensued it is believed that the night hunter allowed himself to be killed he saw himself as a murderous and corrupt villain the very thing he sought to destroy regardless his final words are considered one of the greatest enigmas in the Imperium history anger on sometimes called the Red Angel is the prime owner of the world leaders and grande sightings in the material have been mercifully rare in the millenia after the Horus heresy since it appears that the demon primer is busy either prosecuting his patron wars with the other forces of chaos or ruling his personal demon world within the eye of Terror there are however two well-documented occasions after the end of the Horus heresy when angren himself led the blood gods forces against the Imperium in the mid 38 millennium Angra in 50,000 chaos space marines and troops drawn from other forces of chaos slaughtered their way through a large swathes of Imperial space for over two centuries they took control of over 70 sectors in response a combined force of four Space Marine chapters to Titan legions and more than thirty imperial guard regiments participated as part of a massive Imperial crusade to retake what the Imperium had lost to the Red Angels assault 90% of the territory that had been lost to an grens forces was eventually recovered by the Imperials defenders this protracted campaign is known in Imperial archives as the Dominion of fire and Ron had spent much of the 10 millennia following the Horus heresy attempting to restore some level of unity amongst the divided war bands of what had once been his legion then the emergence of the devourer of stars a massive space Hall into orbit around an grunts demon world provided just the opportunity he had been looking for to recreate some semblance of common purpose for his scattered Legion the space heart proves sufficiently large enough to carry large numbers of chaotic troops into real space this is how the forces of chaos unexpectedly emerge from the war aboard the space Hawk in the Armageddon system the arrival of angren at Armageddon probably had nothing to do with anger ons own desires rather the location was determined by the chaotic currents of the war which said his space halt Armageddon possibly at the whim of corn if there was any intent behind the Hulk's course at all busy containing an already big rebellion the Imperial forces were caught by surprise when a space halt the devourer of stars suddenly emerged from the war in the Armageddon system on board the devourer of stars the demon Primark Angra led millions of chaos cultists known as the children of the sanguinary and holiness and the twelve the crore Praetorians the twelve strongest demons of corn whose lives and deeds most pleased their wretched blood god chaos space marines from the world leaders legion and hordes of other demonic creatures dedicated to the blood god also poured from the space onto the surface of armageddon and swept across the land unknown to the forces of chaos the great company of space wolf estar DS led by the chapters great wolf logan grim nar had been assigned to the defense of this sector of the Imperium and they moved quickly to provide aid to the beleaguered defenders as soon as they receive the astral Pathak distress message from Armageddon describing the chaotic invasion of the hive world huge battles erupted many of which led by anger on himself but ultimately reinforcements from the grey knights were able to defeat the demon prince hurling his spirit back into the warp from where he could not return for over 100 Terran years more tario also known as the death Lord was the prime arc of a death card Space Marine Legion within the eye of terror more Tyrion was elevated to become a demon Prince by Nergal and given control of a demon world now known as the plague planet which he molded into a new and despicable form making it a virtual copy of barbarous placing himself in his adoptive father's position as its chief tyrant more tyrion descends upon the battlefield on of tethered leather diseased and corrupted made monstrous informed by the warping powers of chaos Mort Ariane is a twisted Angel of Death driven by hatred and bitterness he brings decay sickness despair and fear to all those who witness his dark magistrate during the battle of Canova Mort Ariane slew her own attain the supreme grand master of the gray Knights chapter in his place the gray Knights elevated the hero Kaldor Drago amidst the din of the battlefield and ragle immediately vowed vengeance against the demon primark lone and unaided Drago's smashed his way through more Tyrion's bodyguards of plague marines struck the ancient prime ark to the ground and carved corona Tain's name on the demon prince's diseased heart though Mort Ariane ultimately escaped it would be many long Terran years before he could enter the mortal realm once more Drago's insult would not soon be forgotten as the demon Primarch vowed his vengeance against the upstart mortal in the year 999 of the 41st millennia upon a far-flung hellworld Mort Ariane received word that his brother Gillman had awakened more Thierry enraged a cold and virulent storm of anger whirling around him until its echoes in real space seated seven new and terrible plagues upon the luckless imperial worlds mirrored amid plans that were nearing fruition the demon Primarch of the death guard could not yet act to strike at Guillemette instead as he stared with glowing eyes across the mist parade grounds of his plague planning and the massed ranks of death guards that assembled more tario vowed that he would render Gilman and his empire to rot soon enough with the blackness of the nakta Saturn descended more Terry on he led his army into the fabled realm of ultra Mar his meticulously planned seven part campaign would bring untold ruination to all of ultra mark while Guillemette was away on his crusade when Gillman returned from his galaxy spanning and ominous crusade tactically Mort Ariane and his fellow commanders now found themselves evenly matched they were offensives blocked at every turn by the ultramarines and their pry marks precise counters a new stage of the war began Primark met Primark as Gilman confronted more tarea the two brothers fighting to a deadlock before the chaos forces mysteriously withdrew under cover of a virus PAH and that was the last time killerman saw more Thierry on Magnus the read known as the red Cyclops was the prime mark of a thousand suns traitor legion after the Emperor defeated Horace on his flagship the vengeful spirit at the end of the battle of Terra and the traitor legions fled from Terra Magnus and the thousand sons returned to the demon world that zj-- had prepared for them within the eye of Terror they called it the planet of the sorcerers during the thirty-second millennia Magnus the red was determined to have his revenge for the devastation of his homeworld of Prospero at the hands of his former brother prime or Lehmann rust and his legion he devised a cunning plan to lure the space wolves into a trap what became known as the Battle of the feint this was in order to enact his final vengeance against them Magnus was bailed to trick the space wolves into attacking the planet of gangabai and while busy fighting a strong garrison of Magnus allies the Legion fleet of the thousand suns and their chaotic levies appeared in orbit over Fenris the bulk of the thousand suns were prepared to descend upon the space wolves homeworld and level the thing itself the real reason behind the retaliation strike was not simply to strike at the space wolves out of revenge although most of Magnus is legion were led to believe this but to prevent the space flows from successfully creating any successor chapters to the demon prime mark preventing the creation of a new successor of Liman Rus was a goal without prize and so what remained of his thousand suns legion would be sacrificed if need be to put an end to the space wolf stream overcome with fury and shame at his folly the great wolf Herrick iron hell immediately took ships to Fenris bringing the might of the space wolves with him finally on the upper slopes of the thing itself the Great Wolf met Magnus in battle on the final day of the the great wolf pummeled the injured demon Primark with his power fist hitting him again and again smashing him against the rocks of the fangs flanks Magnus cried out a cry of pain that had not been heard since Lehman Russ had mortally wounded his first body on Prospero a thousand years before for a moment it looked like Magnus had lost the will to fight he absorbed the punishment his back arching against the cliff but then he began to remember himself even now even after enduring so much having absorbed so much pain his essential strength the core of fired that fuelled him remained invalid the great wolf was driven back towards the edge and beaten down to his knees the demon Primark had proved to be too powerful for him at Magnus slew Herrick but not before taking a terrible wound himself Magnus took some small consolidation in his legions defeat for ultimately he had achieved his primary objective Magnus the red personally destroyed the space wolves gene laboratories within the Fang years later Magnus was made aware of the resurrection of his brother Guillemette and contrary to more Terry on Magnus gave a blooming laugh of utter delight like a fortune teller who flips the final tarot card and gained sudden inside the Crimson Knight saw now before him a path of glorious fate where before he had seen a wilderness of confusion Magnus the red caught killerman and his army on their way to Terra and with a booming incantation Magnus enacted a well prepared spell etheric tendrils clamped tight around the starships of the Terran Crusade and with a vast convulsion wreck dragged them deep within the raging heart of the Maelstrom chaos forces successfully assaulted the Terran Crusade fleet inside the warp ultimately forcing the Imperials to surrender Gillman and his forces or in prison aboard the black stone fortress but the Imperials were freed from their cells aboard the massive alien star fort by the intervention of the Harlequin shadows here slime three vile Walker and the fallen angels in return for gilliam UNS promised to allow cypher an audience before the Emperor but this was Magnus's plan all alone he knew Gila Minh once freed would travel to taro via the long-forgotten web way portal that led directly to the Imperial Palace Magnus would travel with them and attack the Imperium at its core luckily Gillman realized his brother's plot and instead used another path that led to Luna Terra's only natural moon on Luna Magnus the red battled Guillemette and his forces but ultimately was bested by the combined force of Gillman the sisters of silence and the Harlequins Magnus was not slain he now quietly builds up his forces on the planet of sorcerers which is now restored to real space the Crimson King knows that he will soon have another opportunity to lay low the Imperial that had betrayed him and destroyed all he once loved Horus lupica was the prime mark of the Luna woofs Legion the tragic tale of Horus does not end with his death aboard the ventral spirit his body was enshrined on the demon world of malian that the sons of Horus claimed for their own within the eye of terror after they fled Terah at the end of the heresy Horace's corpse resided there for several hundred years in the early 31st millennium before the body was stolen by the corrupt apothecary fabious pile and the emperor's children traitor legion during the slave wars they wanted to clone the body of the war master to bring horus back to life so that he might lead the trader legions once more in an attempt to conquer the EMP Aria but Abaddon the former first captain of the 16th Legion reasserted his control over the entire Legion proclaiming himself Horace's successor he led an assault upon the Emperor childrens fortress and believing that the continued worship of their legions dead primer had trapped the traitor Legion and led them to the brink of destruction Abaddon utterly destroyed Horace's corpse and claimed the war masters power cloth the Talon of Horus as his own as well as the title of war master of chaos lor gar irelia was the my mark of the word bearish traitor legion eventually the atrocities committed by the word bearers allowed for lore gars ascension to demon hood becoming the equal of a God in the eyes of his legion it is said that his birth screen as a demon Prince of chaos undivided echoed across the Imperium with triumphant vindication his faith and devotion to chaos rewarded with immortality and unbridled power he has since isolated himself within the temple and VCO of the demon world of Sakura's where he has remained for thousands of years forbidding anyone to interrupt his meditation thus allowing the word bearers to be taken over by a Dark Council of the legions most powerful dark apostles how various Omega also known as the Hydra was actually two twin prime marks that led the Alpha Legion during the Horus heresy how furious Omega appeared to be more interested in proving his own legions worth by fighting the best of the loyalist legions that became his downfall when our farías encounter Drogo dawn during the battle of pluto the to pry marks fought one another in an epic life-or-death duel nor Dorne finished off off areas with a deadly chop of his mighty chain sword into the top of his skull with the death of their prime mark the Alpha Legion fleet withdrew and retreated from Pluto at the moment of his twin prime marks death Omega since the death of a sibling and like he had done so many times before Omegan immediately took upon himself his brother's name and permanently assumed the mantle of the prime arc of the 20th Legion in the aftermath of the Horus heresy the Alpha Legion did not retreat to the eye of Terror like the other trader leads instead they moved on to the Galactic East following new objectives for their own plot whether or not being brought to battle with the ultramarines was one of these objectives is unknown but it occurred all the same it was on the world known as escrowed or that Alf arias and Gilliam and would meet for the last time believing that gila men would adopt his standard deployment procedure as later outlined in the Codex Astarte now farías was surprised by the Ultramarines a splinter force including their Primark made a quick strike at the Alpha legions headquarters Alf arias was reportedly happy with such a development as it allowed him to demonstrate the superiority of his flexible and unexpected military strategies over the notoriously precise methodical and perhaps even tactical ultramarines both pry marks met in combat and how furious was killed believing the combat over for what a starting Legion could ever survive the loss of their Primark in battle the ultra Marines were taken by surprise by the remaining elements of the Alpha Legion when they struck back a day later Ultra Marines who had launched the assault on the trader legions headquarters were attacked so mercilessly that by the time they had returned to the main body of the ultra marine force their casualties were almost total after a week of constant fighting and heavy losses the ultra marine strike force managed to reunite with their main elements and quickly evacuated the planet even though they had lost their prime or the Alpha Legion had soundly beaten the Ultra Marines who proceeded to bombard their foes position from Arbit it should be noted however that how various anime guns death is still considered suspect even by the ultra Marines and one or both pry marks may still be at large and those were 40 facts on the whereabouts of each Primark I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did think our patrons on patreon it's because of them that we can do this link in the description if you guys want to support us now this is another video of one of the videos that we're kind of putting together to make longer videos for you guys to watch while you paint that way you don't have to switch through different videos or go to different playlists you just have one video you could sit there and then watch it and and paint your minis while you while you listen so I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you guys have any questions about the pry marks any any anything that you guys would like us to create a video about regarding the pry marks comment down in the comment section below and yeah talk to you guys tomorrow this is Gershwin with one main syndicate signing out [Music] [Music]
Channel: OneMindSyndicate
Views: 211,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k lore, one mind syndicate, primarchs, primarch
Id: QU2b5SRo5Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 8sec (2948 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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