40 Facts and Lore on the Ork Clans in Warhammer 40K

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welcome back to another episode of 40 facts about the 40k universe I am your host Gershwin and today we're going to be talking about the orcs if you're new to the channel subscribe I post Warhammer 40k lore videos every single day if you have any suggestions please comment down below and don't forget to hit the little Bell notification icon to stay updated to see if we created a video based on your request and if you like our videos think our patrons on patreon it's because of them that we can do this link in the description if you guys want to support us but with that said let's get into 40 facts on the orc clans the basic orc fighting unit is a war band an organization roughly equivalent to a company in human military terms orbit is commanded by a large and aggressive or chieftain called a war boss the war band is split up into a number of moms with each mom usually led by an orc noble referred to as a boss or a nob war bands are usually part of a tribe but can be independent the tribe is ruled over by a powerful warlord usually the most dangerous and ambitious war boss who has fought his way to dominance over his kind a tribe could comprise anything from several hundred to more than a million orcs and will claim control of an entire continent or even a world more common a habitable or quarrel will sustain several orc tribes in a more or less perpetual state of war with each other until they join into a wall cutting across war bands and tribal boundaries are the orc clans the clans embody a philosophy among the orcs each clan emphasizes particular elements of the orc culture above others for example they are the goth who embrace aggression hardiness and hand-to-hand combat as true orc virtues while the evil sons clan is dedicated to speed lightning attacks and having the snazziest vehicles some orcs become obsessed with clan ideals this is the case the orc will seek out like-minded individuals and join with them to create a war ban which completely exemplifies the purest trait of their clan however most tribes are less dominated by the clan ideals clan values merely serve to instill a sense of unity and make a common enemy for tribes which are part of other clans there are seven clans that have spread from one side of the galaxy to the other those are the gods the snake bites the bad moons the blood axes the deaths caused the evil sons and the free Buddhas each has distinct cultural preferences and abilities perhaps engineered into the orcs by the brain boys these are the orc clans the bad moons are a powerful and very wealthy ork tribe or plan they are the riches of all the orc clans because their teeth grow faster than anyone elses meaning that even the lowliest bad moon ork has a steady supply of orc wealth the orcish economy is based on teeth which are literally orc teeth harvested from the living and dead orcs and orc teeth constantly grow and those that are lost are quickly replaced which means a nearly endless if slow producing supply of currency the bad moons essentially fulfill the role of a merchant cast in what passed for the orc society and have a reputation of showing off they are always continuously buying selling swapping and conning to get teeth other orcs do not see the bad moons natural gift as unfair because any orc big and ferocious enough can simply smash the teeth out of a bad moon head many orc warbles like to keep a mob of bad moons around for a steady supply of extra teeth it is often not a terrible deal for the bad moons either as any orc tough enough to beat their teeth out of them is usually one worth following into a fight the highest-ranking amongst this clan wears decorated war banners on their backs and the riches openly flaunt their wealth by wearing necklaces of orc teeth instead of rushing in to melee combat immediately like many of their brethren bad moons sometimes hang well back firing their deadly snazz guns into the fray while their mobs of Greczyn slaves wade into the enemy ranks to do the dirty work with tooth and claw some runt herders reckon that it might have been the bad moons that came up with the whole concept of orc teeth being used to buy things when the Klan figured out how quickly their teeth grow of course there are other run herders who said it is the other way around when teeth became or currency the bad moons made their teeth grow quicker so they would have most of it bad moons know the exact value of any item at a glance and with a quick study of an individual they can discern exactly how much that individual is willing to pay for something always eager to acquire new luxuries haggling bad moons are a fixture in any orc gathering where goods and services are being exchanged as gold is considered particularly worthless by most orcs being too soft to make a good weapon out of orcs are more than happy to trade it away too bad moons for the more valuable teeth which is why many bad moon vehicles are decorated with gold plating bad moons love gold more than any other metal and will commonly have a couple of glittering teeth in their grin if there is a downside to their wealth it is the fact that while they have access to more teeth and better loot more than the average orc it is also incredibly easy to separate them from said wealth bad moons carry a target on their back and I often smashed bad moon mobs are always well equipped at least by orc standards their knobs often support flashy back banners and massive customized weapons and are followed by an entourage of Scudder in graz servants loaded down with ammunition and chests of teeth the ornamentation is simply to show the orcs just what a big deal of the bad moons are this could include huge colorful totems above their wagons bearing grinning orc faces or Ted luring statues of Gork or mark the wealthiest ban moons become flash kits though they are not unique to this clan many ban moons aspire to such or key indulgences and these orcs possess more teeth than sense and are absolutely addicted to loud fleshly high customized weapons strutting around with expensive snazz guns and custom shooters flash kids tend to have a style over substance mindset that appeals to the greedy bad moons a mob of bad moon knobs on foot will be covered in personalized combi weapons and gold-plated def guns sauntering into battle with firepower enough to slaughter whole platoons of enemies these heavily armored braggers think it is a blast to wipe out an enemy unit just as a rival or clan is about to engage them in melee the bad moons have a reputation for knowing things most orcs see no particular use for this clan also tends to have a lot of weird boys who use their wealth to dress flamboyantly unfortunately for them they often end up being dragged off to battle and used against the enemy like any other weapon bad moons are more likely to engage their foes at range more than other orcs bad moons will go so far to attain wealth that they will engage in highly secret deals with other alien races to gain access to technology and war gear unavailable to other orcs they also love to spend their teeth on food which means many bad moons are a bit stout around the belt bad moons place a heavy emphasis on yellow gold and red as their planned colors and they have more jewelry and piercings than any other or clan the bad moon clan symbol is a snarling yellow crescent moon over a black sunburst on a yellow banner their banners are often chased with black and white checks embroidered with threads of gold and encrusted with glittering shiny bits Nazz Drake a bad moons warlord noted for his wealth and flair bullies his mechs into performing ever more progressive and bizarre experiments despite some nasty setbacks ranging from spontaneous combustion sporadic gravity reversal Nazz dregs mechs perfect their teleporter design the warlord barters his new technology with got school in exchange for an alliance wha as Daka rampages through the hell shrieks system millions of works led by the legendary bad moon bosses of bosses Oz Dhaka entire worlds were smashed and enslaved during wah Oz Dhaka the destruction was so great that the Adept astera dispatched of indycar assassin to take out Oz Dhaka and his most powerful knobs brutally effective the nameless assassin stalks the battlefields of Hell shriek sniping orcs from the shadows and taking a terrible toll on Oz daka's bosses in a fit of rage the war boss offers a hundred teeth for the head of the unseen killer as word spread of the bounty even more orcs flock to Oz daka's banner and his wah swelled until it was larger than ever unfortunately the war boss does not live long enough to enjoy the destruction he brought upon the house shriek sector as the assassins final shot take as daka's head from his shoulder as the shot goes off the Imperial agent is overwhelmed by a mob of bad moons intent on claiming the immense prize an infamous big mech of the split grin bad moon's tribe it was mongrel who first convinced grukk to look beyond conquering one planet and to launch his red wah into the Stars big mech mo croc was a know-it-all get through and through he was the kind of orc who would rather build a giant war engine covered in deca guns than run towards the enemy though he was often accused of not being one of the boys mo grog is so good at creating big impressive war machines that not even grukk himself was dumb enough to refuse him a place in the upper echelons of the tribe though none of the would-be work warlords of the wah like to admit it mo grok had been the power behind the throne for quite some time always close at hand mo grok made sure grukk was attacking the best worlds and keeping the tribe in line filled with all kinds of technological inspiration Mogra always seemed to have another trick in his bag often pulling something out at the last minute to turn the tide in the favor of grok and his boys during the Battle of bone wash crocs skull crackers were ambushed by rebel growths of the red toh tribe it was ma Grox shock tractor truck that sucked up the diminutive warriors and sprayed them across the desert like green and red confetti Nazz drag was a large and cunning orc warlord of the bad moons clan his personal space hulk crash-landed on the doom world of medusa 5 and he and his or kua participated in the great battle known in Imperium records as the fall of Medusa 5 campaign even though the Battle of Medusa 5 ultimately led to another defeat for the orcs Nazz drag and many of his boys managed to get off the planet alive after learning that the Imperial forces had damaged his Space Hulk beyond any hope of repair Nash dragged came up with a truly brilliant escape Nazz dread is an exception amongst the brutish orcs and demonstrates a measure of both intelligence and patience he speaks excellent Imperial low gothic and understands the carrot-and-stick approach of reward and punishments to boost the productivity of his hapless humans and Gretchen slaves let's get into some bonus facts about the bad moons all bad moon orcs have a well deserved reputation for being as proud of their loot as their prowess in battle but the split grin tribe are among the worst of their kind and have amassed piles of teeth in recent years four years the split grin bad moon scrapped out an existence on Iraq skirmishing with their rivals the Goths of the skull cracker tribe their war boss scag fing was content to lead his boys in a brawl with the Goths and make some teeth in the process trading with freebooters for shiny stuff the split grin tribe might not have been huge but they had the best leat and the biggest guns to keep the other orcs from getting their hands on it scag fing liked to make jokes about the poor crog the tyrant who couldn't afford a good shooter this all changed when grok met mo grok and decided to take control of all the planets orcs scag finn had only recently heard about his rivals death when grok and his lad smashed their way into the bad moon camp the goth warlord sacrificing loads of boys as he charged in to Pinsk angriff down stand on his chest and rip his face from his skull the split grin tribe became inferior to the skull crackers and grok was given access to sanctum reach sub-sectors freebooters this meant grukk could leave the planet and the bad moons of the split current tribe were promised fortune outside of the planet more bad moons flocked to the new war banner happy to be part of the red wall the death skulls are an orc tribe or clan that has a reputation as looters scavengers and borrowers the orcs of the death skull clan have a well deserved reputation as thieves never once to pay for their fair share or spend teeth when an item has been spirited away the deaths caused are nearly as mistrusted among fellow orbs as their cousins the blood axes the deaths caused are plunderers without equal given their ingenuity most death skulls would be capable scientists and excellent engineers if their fascination of new things lasted longer than the time it took them to steal them the death skulls sea battles as a two-stage process often hurrying the killing part in an effort to speed along the scavenging spree that follows after the battle the boys really go to work feverishly stripping the corpses of the fallen of everything from you nishan to bootlaces many death skulls will take grizzly trophies such as the victims scalps or skulls into the bargain only when the loot is returned to the camp does the inevitable fighting break out as the death skulls trade barter and auction off their ill-gotten gains other orcs are drawn to the death skull camps in search of these stolen goods looking for a specific bit of kit or even something taken from them in the first place usually they leave with less than they came with as the death skulls have an uncanny ability to knock another orc around the head while going through their pockets at the same time death skulls do not limit their plundering to enemy corpses and anything that can be taken probably will wrecked vehicles are especially popular for this as the burnt-out halls of the battle tanks armored transports or even fliers are all fair game dragged off the battlefield they can either be broken down for bits or taken to a mech who will beat some life back into them it is not a rare occurrence to see or armored columns composed not only of trucks and battle wagons but of looted liman rust tanks rhino armored personnel carriers and other armored fighting vehicles with numerous orcish improvements bolted and slathered in a barbarous paint scheme and iconography in longer engagements band blades the remains of heavy elder gravity tanks and even the occasional Titan has been seen wearing the horned skull of the death skulls only the evil sons enjoy using fighting vehicles more than the death skulls who love modifying vehicles and stealing the great war machines whenever possible once they have stolen something they personalize it to establish ownership once and for all this often involves painting it blue the colour which they believe attracts the eye of their gods and protects them from harm the superstitious death skulls even use blue war paint sometimes going as far as painting themselves blue from head to toe the night before a battle they believe the color blue is lucky and that it attracts the attention in favor of the or gun work and more and thus brings them better fortune on the field of plunder given the deaths cause broad definition of what constitutes personal property it is little wonder that their clan produces a large number of ludas the looters from other clans are welcomed with open arms by the death skulls as brothers and arms most orcs see death skulls and ludas as one in the same both a bunch of thieving gits one would do well to keep a constant eye on ludis are compulsive scavengers who also have a weakness for large guns they seek out the biggest and best weapons they can carry often getting mechs to cobble them together into bigger guns so heavy that they have to balance them on their meaty shoulders these deaf guns as they are dubbed are among the deadliest weapons an orca can wield and in the battle they make a tremendous racket as they tear apart the enemy with bullets blasts and bolts despite their flighty scheming nature the deaths caused do not turn out a large number of mech boys from their ranks as their obsession with the object typically expires the moment it is within their possession however mechs hold a high status among the clan as it is these canny orcs who dodge together copious amounts of scraps and gubbins into the deadly weapons tanks buggies and other assorted war gear which the deaths caused are in love with while they can create anything imaginable from the junk brought to them by their brethren death skull mechs are perhaps best known for their incredibly dangerous or combi weapons they create from the piles of mismatched weapons they tend to have lying around their workshop the death skulls are also known to have a lot of clever and enterprising Greczyn as battlefield plunderers and petty camp pilfers they often get themselves a bad name amongst other clans for selling dodgy gear that is not good enough for the death skulls to keep for themselves death skulls are very superstitious and believe that various talismans and charms allow them to manipulate their fate upon the battlefield death skulls often possess unexpected vehicles and war machines that they have looted and the sudden appearance of a particular potent piece of machinery can sometimes turn the tide of battle deaths call library is dark blue and black with white highlights everything possessed by death skulls from arms armor and vehicles too mundane workshop gear it slathered in numerous shades of blue in an attempt to court fate they even paint their proud green skins in a shade of blue to ward off attacks accidents wounds and illness like every other strange idea brought about by the Orca kind or confounding piece of equipment carried about their person painting an item or blue does seem to have an effect the deaths calls are much luckier than other orcs their equipment operates much better than any other skulls and bones feature predominantly among their kind for instance helmets are often cast or fashioned in the form of a grinning skull deaths call orcs are commonly seen vested with bone amulets of every kind pendants talismans and cherish bits of long dead enemies some deaths call warriors where dozens of enemy ribs laced together to form a kind of breastplate they often appear in bizarre styles of dress this results in a ragtag appearance of various items of armor and colored clothing made up of various race uniforms sewn together the death skull clan banner is a bone colored horn skull and a midnight blue flag with white accents the POE upon which they hoist their colors is typically made up of lace together skulls and bones of their enemies the death skull Clancy jewel is added on to anything it's boys have stolen or established ownership over sometimes the totem is depicted as a regular skull with horns or an alternative blue colored horn skull one of the most talked about death skull laws came from the big mech frag grad the planet Smasher this debts called Big Mac vowed he would surpass all other death skulls by looting an entire world jerry-rigging a combination of tractor beams and RAM ships and city size rocket boosters to push the third move of Terra Brax out of its orbit directly onto a collision course with its parent world the resulting catastrophe rendered all life on the thriving Imperial hive world extinct fracturing continents boiling the oceans off into space and burning away the world's atmosphere finally reducing the planet to a drifting debris field satisfied with his work big mech planets Mesha takes his pick of his asteroids adding thrusters force fields and ordnance arrays to turn them into a fleet of rocks which he used to spread even more mayhem across the star system another notable deaths called warlord is bok sticky finger a rich debts gone up who pilots the Gorka not known as black fist he stole the war machine purely as a way to ensure he had his best pic of loot not a week goes past without black fist being equipped with even more firepower looted from the remains of another blasted battlefield so successful a thief Bok is he is an outcast from the carcharodon Empire that he refers to himself as the Ark Larson is of carcharodon most of his comrades don't get the gag of course but this never stops old Bok from having a chuckle sticky finger takes his fighting very seriously the old death skull might have swiped black fist as a means to an end but he has since become quite attached to this armored steed indeed he takes any damage to the mighty Walker as a serious personal insult focusing his anger on those who dare fire upon him needless to say between the gorgonites vast firepower and trampling mass few foes live to make the same mistake twice and the final legendary death skull grabber gut bag is a legendary luda who was so good at habitually liberating vehicles from the enemy it was said that he could even loot an imperial Titan and later unleash it on its former commanders it is seen as the highest of comedies for the death skulls to use looted vehicles and equipment against their former owners causing utter chaos within that rings the Goths are the orc tribe or clan who represents the largest and most aggressive of the known green-skinned clans the Goths are the biggest meanest and most brutish of all their kind in the orc society where might makes right the mightiest are the great orcs of the Gulf clan the biggest of the green-skinned clans both in height bulk and unmatched in their savagery the Goths are the archetypal orc their size savagery and ambition make them natural leaders among the orcs and among their ranks the Goths count some of the most infamous and brutal orc war boys in history Goths are also stiff and humorless in the extreme which puts them at odds with many of their more easygoing green skin brethren Goths are longer armed and broader across the shoulder than nearly any other orc with their reach and their immense strength and endurance they can out swing out punch and outlast all but the toughest foes making them powerful and incredibly capable of being brawlers and melee fighters when not directly engaged with their enemy they fall to fighting amongst themselves or antagonizing other or clans Goths have an ingrained notion of how wash should be they look down upon clans that employ sneaking around as a tactic they rely mainly on infantry and prefer any up-close-and-personal fighting style rather than any other huge savage mobs are the calling card of the Gulf clan and their armies tend to be larger and more homogeneous than any other clan while they make decent battlefield strategists their tactics lack any kind of subtlety preferring to charge directly into the enemy guns their preferred weapons for this kind of action are the ubiquitous sluggers often with some kind of bayonet or other melee attachment and the heaviest choppy's wickedness Chapa they can carry thanks to their bullheaded view of battlefield tactics and their love of close quarter battle the majority of goth forces tend to be slugga boys or our boys occasionally carried into battle on trucks and dismounted for their final charges but mostly content to walk wherever the fight is these powerful infantry fighters are supported by the usual group of weird boys mech boys runt herders Killa cons and the occasional death Dredd the Goths also boasts the greatest number of nobs and storm boys amongst any of the green-skinned clans this is because the Goths are some of the most militaristic of all the orcs goth nobs frequently Don mega Armour as they see it the best way to get right into the middle of the fighting to dispense some violence to their enemy Goths will indulge in dangerous rituals of strength amongst themselves for these contests they Don the ritual bull head helmets with great bull horns attached to them they then charge each other in a manner like a Raging Bull colliding with a loud Clank as the horned helmets make contact they continue to headbutt each other until one has had enough or until they've had but at each other to death excessive deviation from the way of the clan is met with punishment and the miscreants will certainly get clobbered on by the orc war boss who comes his way war paint and tattoos are also considered taboo by the Goths but skal earrings death headed pendants metal stud piercing the flesh skull shaped Corman's and large nose rings are favored to the Goths and these are the outward signs of a tough character in the inner work Gulf colors are predominantly black with white highlights the sombre monochrome of this color is considered the only proper attire for a grim and serious or warrior they also tend to utilise a black and white checkered pattern on their armor war gear and vehicles but this is as far as any self-respecting goth warrior goes the very idea of camouflage is an enigma to the Gulf's for they consider its use both cowardly and an affront to Gorgon morg in addition the use of bright color fleshy bits from chrome or polished metal as ornamentation for clothes armor and war gear is frowned upon and the use of such things is more than likely to get you beat up by a golf elder the only kind of ornamentation allowed among the Goths are big horns massive curved horns cut from the heads of dangerous beasts and worn on the helmets as a sign that the orcs utter fearlessness and brute resilience lives on the slave herds of snarling and Gretchen are not permitted to wear black this privilege is reserved for full Goths alone the snot and Graz are allowed to paint their faces with black paint the slaves must be content with drab neutral colors any attempt to wear bright colors is met with a giant fist while it is true that the Goths despise lowly Gretchen most have learned a grudging respect for those that manage to pilot a Killa con and these hulking metal husks the Gretchen are not scrawny weaklings but death-dealing bruisers capable of the orc ideal the golf clan symbol is a black bull's head over a red circle on a black banner often with a black and white checkered pattern around the edges for contrast they utilize the Bulls head as their clan totem and as Goths feel a great kinship with a bad-tempered violent and flaunt las' beast the most famous Gulf War Lord is God school throguh he is the single most influential orc in the galaxy and billions of green skins march to warn his name since got schools rise to power he has led countless campaigns of destruction he has crushed Eldar war hosts banished tides of demons smash nekron dynasties ripped apart tyranids swarms and brought entire Imperial sectors to their needs to check out more facts about God school throguh please go to our channel and check out 40 facts about God school throguh another brutal Gough warlord is goth boss drug who followed grunt face Ripper and his red wall during the rampage through the sanctum reach sub-sector Drog was charged with keeping in line the hordes of Goths within the wall so that he could concentrate on just smashing stuff because Goths have a habit of getting carried away when there's a scrap to be offered on the planet of obsidian Brock used his golf horns to break the back of the adaptive ministry autumn defenses girag made sure that the boys focused on the obsidian fortress rounding up mobs distracted by the burning of the planets peaceful countryside and sending him back up the mountains towards the humne fortress it was also drugs cunning tactic to use the big statue surrounding the fortress to smash down its walls toppling them over to the deafening cheers of the gathering or cords war boss gut rack is an imposing figure a brutish Goff with a huge Bionic claw and a serrated steel like skull mask spattered in the dried blood of his most recent defeated foe it is interesting to note that he is one of the few orcs capable of enunciated the th sound when he fought for the great tyrant of jaga a gut Trek gained a brutal reputation as one of the tyrants best fighters however gut tracks destiny was to change when his tribe landed on the world of equip bows the planets only settlement was that of an adept aesthetic as research outposts at its northern polar icecap gut track and his boys struck the outpost like a hammer blown from the sky there rust ships and rocks raining down as the occupants frantically assumed defensive positions the handful of tech priests and gun servitors were no match for the Goths the orcs hacked and blasted them apart before searching the underground mechanicus complex for more heads to cave in it was gut tract that found the massive door as high as the Gargant and twice as wide when he heaved it open the cave beyond gave a great mechanical and thousands upon thousands of pairs of eyes blinked into flickering eerie life the Goths could not believe their luck as row upon row of metal men began to march forward to destroy them needing no order to attack the boys charged into the cavern hacking and smashing them apart until grrrrrr Trek personally broke their leader in half and ripped off his metal face to wear as a mask taking the name death head in honor of this new trophy no one knows if it was through some influenced by the alien trophy which lit the fire of ambition within gut track but he left jaga and after that began his own waah croc the tyrant was a war boss of the goth skull cracker tribe his Goths had a fiery rivalry with a bad moon split grin tribe upon the world of Iraq Krug was overthrown by grukk face Ripper and together with mech McGraw the new Gulf warlord took control of the skull crackers and the split grin tribes the blood axes are an orc tribe or clan that prefers a structured or militaristic form of warfare blood axes often trade instead of steel parlay instead of bellow sneak instead of charging headlong into the withering fire of their enemies and even retreat instead of dying in a heap with nothing to show for their efforts other orcs view the blood axes as untrustworthy because of their way they choose to wage war their contact with humans has earned them the title of treacherous dogs this clan once was very powerful and easily dominated orc society for a very long time a lot of blood ax boys were wiped out in a nasty inner orc war known as the big party other orcs believe the blood axes were having too many friendly dealings with other enemies as a result the clan was overthrown and the surviving blood axes fled into high presently the blood axes continue to deal with mankind out of necessity since the clan has become dependent on subsidies of teeth paid to them by the Imperium the source of these payments come from Imperial prospectors sent out to find old battlefields and rip the teeth out of orc corpses they have made the most contact with the Imperium occasionally even fighting for the humans as mercenaries and making extensive use of Imperial War material these orcs put a great emphasis on cunning and tactics rather than a typical brute force approach favored by the green skins in combat they use battlefield tactics closer to those of professional armies as opposed to the more usual orc tide of unrestrained and thoughtless violence using moderately organized squads instead of the tribal mobs the war bosses who rise up from the blood axes tend to have a greater grasp of the big picture strategy rather than those of other clans and some of the most well-planned and well-executed waz in the Imperium history have been led by blood axe leaders blood axes take other insults in stride either having the good laugh or walking away only to turn around and bash the head of any orc that's taunting them while it's true that the orc blood axes trade with other species they most often turn around and kill the alien merchants with their own guns the blood axes of wha grog tell a story about the greatest commando attack ever known as the big raid it happened on the world of war cenar when woged rock smashed into the edge of the tao empire freebooter raids on the tao planet had been previously repulsed by a huge alien warship with more daca than anything in the orc fleet called course de la by the Tao and the big daca ship by the orcs it stocked the space lanes around forsen are annihilating anything that trespassed on the Tao Empire while grok knocked the heads of his freebooter captains together trying to get a large enough fleet to storm the Tau planet a mob of blood axes came up with a more cunning plan the big deck of ships only weakness was that it needed to use a huge orbital dock around varsa nar to refuel and rearm they would attack the orbital dock while the core salah was away wrecking the towel station and denying the warship a place to repair itself or rearm the blood axe commando set out an eluded Tao transport ship using captured codes to approach the docking yard under the pretense of having been damaged in an orc raid and seeking safe harbor the Tao were initially suspicious of the lone vessel limping into their void station but every demand for identification was met with a satisfactory response and the idea that the orcs would undertake such a risk was unthinkable to the Tao it was a horrific surprise when the vacuum sealed open and the or commandos poured out into the station by the time the Tao had mustered to repel the invaders the commandos had reached the void stations reactor smashing them to scraps they set off a chain reaction dooming the station and allowing hua Rock to ransack the planet and ultimately the entire sector the forge world of Kanto tomb is left badly weakened by the tyranids splinter fleet the blood axes of war boss Mar drugged sent a crack team of commandos and mech boys to steal the warlord Titan wrath of caspia and mist the chaos of the planetaries recovery the commando shoot their way on board the titan and their attendants mech managed to jumpstart their fusion reactor however the orcs have no way of controlling the titans machine spirit this oriented an enrage the Titan goes on a devastating rampage across the planet before overloading its own reactor the commandos mission is a failure but the devastation caused to a vital Imperial Ford Road if substantially affecting supplies to numerous Imperial war zones a notable blood axe war boss is the war boss bad frag who led many of warlords grukk faced rippers armed and shooty wagons of his red Hwa lots of them stolen from the humans but made even more kill II bad frag knows his mark 8 Mars pattern chimera from his mark 6 and takes any excuse to lecture his fellow blood axes on the subject he loves nothing more than showing off his collection of looted wagons in battle by leveling a storm of crude but effective firepower at his foes often the first thing to hit the ground was bad frags looted wagons that would Rumble forward smashing anything in their path in the rising tide of rusted metal and flame belched barrels on fee nose for bad frag led the charge across the ancient energy bridge connecting the hive Primus to the world's jungle choked mainland ramming through the Imperials defenses bad frag sent scores of enemy tanks tumbling off the bridge and into the boiling seas hundreds of metres below in the aftermath of the battle bad fried used mobs of graz tethered to cables to fish out the wrecks so he could press them into service again he favored using graz for every job that he wouldn't do himself which was to say nearly everything outside of combat one of the most infamous blood acts or commandos is boss Nick rot and his story can be heard by checking out the 40 facts about snick rot another notable blood axe is gore snick m'gosh known also as the great bean Gore snik he was the overfiend a victorious at the time of the 3rd war of Armageddon he fought as a willing ally of the infamous or warlord got school Mac or Africa most young blood axes end up in the storm boys using potent rocket packs they fly into the fray on pillars of smoke and fire these odd orc formations are a place where a young orc can rebel against the anarchy of orc society by following orders conducting precise military drills and polishing their boots heckled and laughed at by most other orcs the storm boys spent hours each day marching about enchanting saluting each other and generally carrying on in every uh nor key way possible as they aged most orcs leave the storm boys for proper mobs but some gain a taste for it especially blood axes and will rise to command hole formations of black booted young orcs or commandos are those rare boys who have been touched by Mork and emulate the orcish gods tendency towards cunning first an open combat second blood axes see little worth and going through all the effort of making a cunning plan only to be gunned down like a fool before it can be executed and their approach to combat is more circumspect than others in fact along with Great War bosses many or commandos come from the blood axe clan blood axes use stealth to reach their enemies denying them the chance to fire and gutting them before they know the battle has begun unlike most orcs blood axes actively work to avoid being shot at while running screaming across the battlefield as such blood axes frequently ambush their foes using dense terrain such as jungle ruins or other enclosed areas too close to a melee combat for the enemies can reach Blood axis prefer to fight their enemies in hand-to-hand combat and prefer to get there alive they also employed decoy units from time to time drawing the enemy forces out to expose vulnerabilities that they can exploit Blood axis prefer muted colors for their clothing and war gear with black and green being predominant along with numerous patterns and colors of camouflage both self-made and looted from enemy forces while they alone among the orc clans use camouflage the blood axes do not understand why it works only that it does this means that a group of boys might have a dizzying array of different camouflage patterns among them typically and none of which are appropriate to the environment in which they are fighting but this matters little because no matter what kind of camouflage they wear the camouflage keeps them hidden as long as they think it keeps them hidden the blood axes banner features crossed axes with bloody blades in a dark green circle on a black banner along with the axe insignia their banner often features other iconography showing off their cunning and sneakiness freebooters are piratical orcs who exists on the fringe of the orc culture they are bandits belonging to no specific tribe or clan but who will work with a tribe as well as stand against any other if the price is right free Buddhas our orc warbands that are composed of a variety of orc mobs from several different war bands or orcs who have separated themselves from their former clan by choice or through exile these roving bands are composed of renegades bandits pirates and other outcasts some of these orcs are fugitives eccentrics and the remnants of shattered green skinned tribes so it is hardly surprising that many freebooters have very treacherous and unpleasant character even by standards of an orc most freebooter mobs hire themselves out as mercenaries or else they can be persuaded to join in battle with the promise of loot amongst the free buddhas are a handful of unstable individuals who are particularly dangerous and aggressive even by orc standards these Forks wander off and tend to form their own small roving bands of pirates naturally they are eager for adventure combats and booty not that kind of booty no and are quite happy to tag along with other orc tribes and Waze as mercenaries free Buddhas where styles of dress intended to emphasize their mercenary status decorating themselves with flamboyant clothing and piercings such as ears and nose rings having long since abandoned any tribe or clan loyalty they have adopted highly personalized insignia in place of their former clan symbol often they will employ what the Imperium has named that jolly orc ska and crossbone icon a universal symbol for all free buddhas these mercenary orcs are known to use this symbol to adorn their banners clothes and vehicles free buddhas are recognized by the ragtag appearance of their orc bionics due to the lack of their access to pain boys or mech boys their injuries are often superficially treated thus many free buddhas sport peg legs hooks and eye patches when not employed free buddhas live in destroyed spacecraft and hide out in isolated planets and large asteroids the band is usually led by a hardened war boss who prefers the title of captain these individuals are the biggest strongest and most cunning cut-through orcs within the mercenary bands they dress even more flamboyantly than their fellow orc free buddhas often sporting large Tyrel corn hats and thick grey coats that conceal numerous web orcs rarely organize above the level of a single ship however small fleets can be formed around a particular charismatic or successful or captain the mind of an orc freebooter two things our most important battle lust and greed freebooters want more of everything more weapons to grow stronger more Salvage to build ships more war machines and more wealth for prestige amongst their kind orcs are usually encountered in small raiding ships roughly the size of an imperial escort vessel however the size of a orc void ship is deceptive the ship is crammed with green tides of orcs which ensure that any boarding action is likely to go the way of the orcs an attack by an orc free Buda tends to be brutal and direct with the orc ship rushing headlong toward the enemy firing every gun they have before ramming and boarding their victim the directness of the orc freebooter attack does not mean that an orc freebooter captain lacks cunning orcs often lurk in asteroid fields on the edge of the system where they cannot be seen by the sensors of ships ambushes on convoys of supply ships from this kind of hidden position are common and even small fleets of warships are not unheard of should an orc freebooter captain feel the need for a bigger prey the crew may descend on an inhabited world or space station loot and burn it and withdraw to their ships at the protection of the debris field if however the orcs of the freebooter fleet are really spoiled for a big fight they are likely to brutalize a world or void station and just wait and see who or what turns up to try to stop them orc freebooters lurk throughout the Coronis expanse in the region of the halo stars beyond the calexis sector from crude space stations built in asteroid fields or debris clouds numerous org freebooter captains leave their ships to loot whatever they can find and fight whoever crosses their path those orc flash gets who acquire too many teeth even for their fellow gets the stomach are often exiled from their clan and forced to join a freebooter band sometimes orc warbles get pushed out of their tribes by a new war boss who does not succeed in slaying them these giant orcs and their retinue of nobs often become the foundation of a new freebooter clan some free Buda bands are made up of MEK boys from different tribes who have gathered together in pursuit of their common interests in a certain technology this is true for instance of the orc biker who makes up the freebooter band of waz deca guts MEK many of the orc payne boys who have performed the infamous but popular squid brain transplant get exiled from their tribe after only a few successful operations and find new lives among the freebooters the whether this is actually an advantage or hindrance is a very much of an issue those orc rut herders who begin to feel for their Gretchen and can no longer stand to see their graz use as cannon fodder often leave their tribes behind and become free buddhas such as Zod rock Wars Nagas some orc speed freaks get exiled from their tribe for their particularly destructive feats of vehicle er daring dues they inevitably end up among the forces of the free Buddhas those weird boys who become addicted to their psychic powers often eventually become deadly dangerous to their tribe and are forced into exile some of these renegade psychos have even become demon hosts which make them even more dangerous however there are many orc freebooters that are still willing to take in these orcs outlaws are Pharaoh orcs whose only contact with more advanced or culture has been through the freebooter bands they often join to see the verse some orcs develop mutations when exposed to the power of chaos or other environmental mutagens just like humans and any other intelligent race these green skins are shunned by their own people just as any other mutants are though they are sometimes accepted by free buddhas orcs are very rarely corrupted by chaos but some of the more vicious and militant or captain's will seek to serve the cause of the dark gods in return for the power they grant him these are called chaos renegade orc war bands some orc storm boys discover the doctrines of the blood god Korn are right up their alley of course they are usually ejected from their tribes for betraying the worship of gorf and Mork like other exiles they often become freebooters called coordinate storm boys some Gretchen find the freebooter lifestyle even appealing and come to believe that they can be as effective at piracy as the bigger green skins sometimes they are actually even right among the most dangerous freebooters are those groups of orcs who have been infected by the DNA of a Terran a gene stealer and produced the immensely powerful orchid gene stealer hybrid from their reproductive spores these groups form or Koide gene stealer cults and I often act as freebooter pirates preying on Imperial commercial and passenger shipping to spread the infection these freebooters are some of the most dangerous ceno's in the galaxy better known as Captain bad Rock bad Rock is one of the most infamous orc freebooters or space pirates of all time he has supplied the stars in his steed jawed kill cruiser the black tooth for several blood splattered decades he is the commanding officer of the orc pirate band known as bad rocks flash Gates who have fought with many of the orc war bosses active in the Imperial space he holds forth to any that will listen that without the devastating weapons of his gets many of those self-made warlords would have been long dead a claim that any who has seen his pirate band in action may well believe when high fleet behemoth fell upon the pirate base of captain black get the orc Cruiser that formed black gets fleet launched boarding parties to storm the encroaching bioships the tide soon turn when the rampaging orcs awoke the tarragon's within each ship they spawned countless broods of turma guns the orcs are swamped by the term guns who then quickly used the same orcs boarding tubes to go back and slaughter the crew Beckett sensing defeat as the communication from his fleet abruptly ended attempted to escape by ramming his ship through a lone bio vessel blocking his path only to fatally discover it is a starship size spore mine an infamous orc freebooter captain who led his freebooters in a raid against the Streatham orbital space docks but were successfully driven off by allies and troops ending a decade-long blockade by the alien pirates blood flag also known as Captain Blood flag is an infamous orc freebooter captain who has commanded his oar pirate crew across the corrosion sector in a savage display of destruction he plundered the are alien sub sector for an unknown period of time during the third Iranian crusade unlike most orc war bow seas blood flag is not entirely motivated by the desire of a bigger law but by loot to drove him to become a successful freebooter and provide him with the unusual ability for an orc of choosing only to fight in the battles that he saw is most profitable and those were 40 facts on the orc clans I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did share it with your friends on Facebook credit whatever social media you guys use and help the channel when you do so also thank our patrons on patreon it's because of them that we can do this link in the description if you guys want to support us it's a dollar a month with that dollar we can create more videos to giveaways and just improve the quality of our videos just overall so thank you guys if you do support I hope you guys are enjoying these videos can I talk to you tomorrow this is Gershwin with one mind syndicate signing out [Music]
Channel: OneMindSyndicate
Views: 121,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k lore, 40k lore, orks, ork lore, one mind syndicate, warhammer, video games, mtg, magic the gathering, pokemon, gamesworkshop, lore
Id: BKVKrg9InI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 29sec (3509 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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