40 Days and Nights | Full Movie | Action Adventure Disaster | Killer Flood!

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[Music] wow [Music] [Applause] whoa check it out rain in the desert oh i didn't come out here for rain we have enough rain back home yeah well i hope you brought your waterproof camera because i think you might be getting wet come on it'll be fun we can go muddy maybe we should just go back those look better it's just a little rain down what's gonna happen come on man [Applause] stop please oh my god is that real coming straight for us come on let's go okay okay let's get out of here dammit make sure you send them everything i don't want to come back here we're not coming back they're going to send us back they won't believe it they're gonna say we're off course right i'm inventing the gps data with photographs we'll have no choice but to believe it okay now we send it all right it's done good we're done let's get out of here okay guys point is home visibility is zero you're blind up here without great enough so i'm gonna take a lower wait what's that hold up [Music] [Music] thanks yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no time for games with that much stress in your voice i think it's the perfect time come on come on where i'm almost done revising you don't have 15 minutes for your fiance that is a sad state of our union sir okay all right 15 minutes but that's it i mean it yes sir lieutenant let's go [Music] come on where are we going you'll see it's a surprise wait i have to climb some more yes come on old man try to keep up [Music] other couples call it a date it's been so long since we've just sat and eaten together we've both been so busy i know you're always working on the turbine design i'm always in the lab and i just think it's important we spend some more time together you know especially now that john look no no no no it's too soon it's not supposed to happen for another week that can't be our story nothing else will be moving this fast come on we gotta get to the briefing [Applause] as you are aware we are in the first stages of an extinction-level event now this central africa which was once a desert is now an inland sea that storm began over the northern coast of egypt but the outer bands have already reached us here now we're seeing moderate rainfall at the moment but that the eye of the storm the situation is more dire the rainfall is amounting to two inches per hour well we were told to be at least two weeks before we start seeing the effects what changed it's growing exponentially that's right dr nichols the eye is now expanding at a rate of roughly 200 miles in every direction every day and showing no indication of slowing down the current projections are for 100 coverage of the planet within five weeks [Music] corporal yes sir i need the latest coordinates of the storm okay it's coming in now [Music] here you go sir [Music] [Music] so we're two years into a three-year project and you're giving us 35 days to complete the arc you'd be thankful there was any warning at all thank the navy for putting its resources into the ele prevention how far into construction are you we still have the metal shielding and the interior mounting the propellers and there's still the turbines right right the design is complete as of this morning [Music] what about your department dr nichols what about those dna collections it isn't here i have the seed banks and personal slides but the majority of the samples are in a dna lab in denver until we can get the cooling units onto the arc all right i would recommend the first course of action as you get those specimens enroute wait wait wait a minute the other arc sites they've been waiting for my schematics to start constructing the turbines they don't even have prototypes look in all likelihood the other arcs on it would be finished in time [Music] now we've had to reassess the situation but there's a chance right because of the accelerated timeline we're invoking a contingency plan ours is the only ark that will probably be completed on time what are you saying that 90 of our fleet and the passengers aren't going to survive look the the passengers will gather at the ark there will be a lottery 300 of them will be flown here to the ark site our families are promised passage my folks and my brothers they still get on right my parents in minneapolis and your mom look the situation's changed i've arranged for your families to be flown here but given the inclement conditions not everyone else is going to make it what's the public being told that this is a particularly strong hurricane season admiral let's have it lieutenant the eye of the storm is less than 400 miles off the eastern seaboard 400 miles off the coast that's too close for the given rate of expansion that's like less than three weeks until 100 coverage the timeline is continuing to accelerate sir then get to work all right dismissed admiral the turbine plans i know it seems near impossible but we have to try please i have my orders lieutenant you have your conscience sir all right look i'll send it but uh in 24 hours this country's drowning now i've done my bit you did yours dismissed let's go [Applause] [Music] what the hell man come on let us on the bridge it's a hurricane always shut down the bridge we need to be back at the house boarding things up yeah come on brad it's dangerous out there yeah it's dangerous everywhere water level's rising by the minute you wait much longer we won't have an island to come back to whoa whoa what are you doing saving our asses this is crazy this is crazy then why is everybody following us go go go go go go go go [Music] check out the dna samples make sure they haven't shifted in the commute dr nicholas the train radio 10 minutes ago their route is blocked by a landslide they can't pass where are they 35 miles southeast of you rebecca sir to make matters worse the units aren't in cooling tanks they were frozen enough to make the trip but in a couple of hours they'll fall when they do we'll lose all of them have the motor pool rouse the sea dragon and crew and have warren officer masters meet me there what are you thinking someone has to get on the train and get those specimens the warren officer master is one of the best seals the navy's produced she can leave the extraction with all due respect sir she can't there are over a hundred thousand species samples on that train and the sea dragon isn't big enough to hold all of them not all of them are absolutely essential but whoever goes needs to know which ones are she's not going to know which of the 160 000 moth species are essential to rebuilding a stable ecosystem i can't lose her on this project you know you go in and you get your specimens and you get out you understand me understood [Applause] [Music] masters i want you to meet dr tess nicks let's go all right masters listen up there's a train carrying dna samples it's on a bridge it's been stalled by a rock slide i need you to get dr nichols on that train and i need you to help her collect those samples and i need you to get them and her back here in one safe piece do you understand me yes sir no i want you back as soon as you can the way this storm keeps exceeding uh projections but looks safe now could be absolute chaos in 30 minutes you understand yes sir okay good luck to you tessa tessa [Music] what are you doing here the train carrying the dna bank gets stuck on the tracks they have to fly out oh can't they send someone else john i'll be fine all right be careful okay survival means both of us all of us you got it i love you [Music] i'm gonna head back to my office grab a couple things check the setup make sure we're ready to go when i get back yes sir [Music] [Music] hey hey babe it's me no no just listen how fast can you get to st louis there's an ark there there's a lot over passage make sure you're on it what pack up and go pack a bag don't it doesn't matter just get to st louis why these storms they're not normal storms okay they're not gonna stop i mean this is this is biblical go okay go now go tell nobody yeah yeah okay okay i love you what's wrong who was that chase oh what did he do now he says we need to get to st louis so the storm it isn't a hurricane and it's not gonna stop that there's a boat or something there that can save us we just have to get there st louis is a 10-hour drive but we're safe here i know [Applause] but oh my god it's time to go okay i'll get my keys okay kylie kylie i'm sorry but we have to go jeez amanda we're kind of in the middle of something the storm out there is crazy we have to warm storm is a thunderstorm amanda grow up yeah and get out oh this isn't a joke chase called he said we have to go go just leave us out of it kylie please damn it amanda leave now god what a drama damn it we'll never make it everybody's getting out of town no one's getting anywhere like this hey my ankle was a boat so so maybe we can take it to morgantown and get it right there are you crazy i thought we're trying to get away from the water right now we're just trying to get out of pittsburgh and unless we start walking that's not going to happen where's the marina six bucks all right okay we're almost at the railroad line there's the tray you ready yes ma'am [Music] did you hear that sounds like thunder yeah accept it is it give it away hang on fuel level 36.2 36.2 check pollinators and seed dispersers that's what's in this car yeah insects are essential to human life honeybees provide at least one third of our annual food supply this is the third car more insects start the engine what why radio masters now get them out of there come here you gotta get out of there that's not good is it right we need more time can you do it with the canisters no all right i'll go in first grab my hand it's not worth it oh my god oh my god [Music] here it is they are beautiful huh i'd like to meet lieutenant john travis please meet captain frank bridges captain's petty officer oates petty officer heims hello you're going to be piloting the ark this is my assistant chase freeman it really is an amazing vessel you designed here thank you sir what's the passenger capacity she can hold up to 50 000 persons and this marvel of technology is going to make her go sir how does it work well the turbine generates two types of energy the first is the form of hydroelectricity from water flow to the turbine components via slits or gills if you like on the outside of the hull it's not enough to make the entire arc powered but combined with the other form of energy that this thing generates motion sir as the waves rock the arc a kinetic ballast on the turbine harnesses that energy and transfers it to a bank of power cells and now that along with the hydroelectricity is enough to power all our electrical and our propulsion systems no fuel no gas just water and motion and we should run out of those until the arc is back on dry land again and the test proved successful we conducted hydroelectrical tests this morning we aced them and the kinetic ballast just in time for that sir running ballast valves now takes a few seconds i uh take it this is not part of the test lieutenant no sir there's a uh short and one of the connections to the power cells no no way i triple checked the joule to watts conversion it should be perfect well can you identify the error there's hundreds of them sir if one goes down they all go down like christmas lights i have to turn it all off how long to prep another ballast can't prep another ballast they're not here not in time that's unacceptable if we could track down another kinetic ballast i could make the necessary modifications this technology is theoretical correct where are they going to get another ballast no the application of the technology is theoretical happening but the basic components already exist kinetic ballasts have been used in buoys for years and we didn't expect to find another buoy lieutenant illinois there's a shipyard in joliet in the river that has buoys and dry dogs and this can be identified and removed it can i can do it sir all right this is a stealth operation lieutenant they can't know you're there and they can't know what you're removing understood the motto will accompany you i'm going to scramble the sea dragon i want you to leave right away sir thank you and lieutenant there's no room for failure yes sir i did john i john i triple checked every figure we were moving so fast i must have just i i don't know somehow i must have made a miscalculation but i take it calm down calm down okay i need you to identify the faulty connection i need you to have it repaired before i get back yes sir go okay okay [Music] how bad is it we can live but we can't survive how do you mean with what we have here humanity will only be able to survive for another couple of years so basically yes without a much brighter array of moth samples humanity goes extinct [Music] did you get the bearing on that shipyard eight degrees north by northwest it should be 30 seconds ahead of us there bring it in low okay on the roof down the ladder 50 meters west 20 meters south and we should be there five minutes up gotcha you ready yeah let's go okay let's go [Music] how are we gonna get in it's a four-digit code wallace had it hacked for us where are you [Music] here we go phillips [Music] so [Music] what there's nothing we can do right now let's get out of here [Music] the exit code must be different in the entry code [Music] there you go whoa what'd you do it revised [Music] [Music] [Music] officers what are you doing here sorry kid okay let's go come on [Music] well it wasn't flawless but it was successful maybe maybe [Applause] [Applause] i think we would have been much better off on that boat i am not going back there we need to find a truck we just need to keep moving what is that sinkhole run ah come on don't think like that you just need to get the hell out of here okay you guys okay do you look like we're okay we need to get to st louis you please help us what's in st louis a boat like a big boat it could save us we'll help you if you help us okay you can come along not unless my family can come too okay all right come on whoa whoa whoa who's all this every person in morgantown is my family these are who's left this better be a big boat let's hope come on let's go admiral [Music] all right what's happened what's wrong we we didn't get everything we needed not all of it what happened masters in the process of collecting samples sir the train was struck by a cyclone it was destroyed before we could get everything off of dr nichols list what did you get most everything but a few key species are missing like what like mold fungus spores an entire range of single-celled organisms all right well what are the most important species the insects honeybees you said honeybees were vital did we get an example we did they were in the canister we lost them what they're absolutely integral to the project yes honeybees pollinate plants the plants we eat the plants animals eat fruits vegetables nuts without the honeybees we we could survive the flood but there is no way we would be able to produce enough crops to support a nation all right so how do we get some more we don't that train was our only shot our only other option is to go to the bees natural habitat and collect specimens and and all of them have been inundated with rainwater for over a week and a half what about the caves yes they might have sought shelter in a cave if it was off the ground and away from the flood waters okay so how do you make it happen we would have to find caves near the foothills then all we need is a thermal indicator device to locate the hives all right well check the cache in the in the arcs cabin you'll find what you need there also sir the sea dragon isn't going to cut it the storm's picking up and we we need something like a wc-130 might be that the afb in colorado springs has one we can hop on the dragon pick it up and then work our way back north how long is this going to take it isn't up to me it's nice no deadlines don't apply in this case no no samples means no survival we can't come back until we find what we need look it's no good to radio colorado springs all you're going to get is static now i'll write up an executive order in case you run into the opposition i want you to go get your supplies i want you to go to the motor pool i want you to be airborne in an hour i i have to process these first and get them into proper cooling units i'll take care of it and john he's not going to like that i've gone out again he's going to want to know why i'll see to it masters [Music] thank you sir we've got a problem well okay okay that's close enough you know you have to let it see ma'am you need to turn around go back where you came from it's not safe here no it's going on that's why we're here man we don't know what you're talking about all right get back in the car and go our boyfriend's one of you in colorado he told me about the arts tell us about the lottery we want our chance we deal with it all right oh oh the funny thing is i used to really like the rain so soothing you know let's see if you feel the same way in six months yeah six months the ultimate monsoon season you need to get more sleep you don't know what you're talking about i was wondering when you were gonna show you know john your part in this is important but it's only that it's only a part the hole is my responsibility and i can't be everywhere at once i trust you've been brought up to speed on tess's assignment i have have you been able to modify the ballast it was more primitive than we expected which meant more modifications but we're done now we're just repeating the connections will it work jerry rigged to hell but yes sir it will work well it has to either one of these turbines go out in open water storm will turn us around the waves will pull us under so when can i expect another test good morning excellent excellent listen john i had to send her she's the only one that could have completed the mission and you know that [Music] shhh [Music] what do you think i think it's worth a shot according to these maps that flooded valley was an orchard orchards mean bees what about those waterfalls they form massive lakes forming behind the mountains enough water pressure some rangers could crumble but as long as there's runoff we should be okay okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] what do you think i have no idea [Applause] enter ah lieutenant i want to commend you on your mission getting mr travis in and out nobody killed objective in hand good job thank you sir if your matter survives it'll be indebted to you no sir if we survive this it's all used so what is it it's from st louis sir it's a transcript of the internal communications from the arc site the basic commander sent it along with a distress signal but what else have you heard from them communication is the same lewis of down sir matter of fact the only site in contact is denver this can't go on punished have you identified the responsible party well i want a name now this part would appear not so safe yeah and probably under a lake [Music] well if the bees are here they'd have to be somewhere dry [Music] don't see so many spots in here that fit that criteria i know we found it any idea how to get to it no looks like i'm going climbing okay be careful got it earthquake no no that came from above we got it come on come on let's go do you even know how to fly one of these things well we're about to find out hold on all right tyler and welker are gone and for what without a honeybee sample there's no hope for all of us [Music] [Music] hello freeman admiral is uh everything okay would you come with me please you uh talked to your girlfriend amanda in pittsburgh on the phone and you told her about the st louis site didn't you and she like you has a big mouth and she brought a thousand people to the site all demanding passage sir i don't have any family and everyone else is the same lewis site is destroyed freedom your people are gone our people are gone all presumed dead you're lucky i don't shoot you myself here take this [Music] [Applause] what's that you're gonna take your chances like everybody else frankly it's better than you deserve take it i just need i just want to talk to you for one second okay just one second [Music] we have to talk what you're not gonna like it what is it [Music] well hundley is equipped with helipads but they don't have any runways the navigation and com systems are down we're low on fuel if we can locate denver i can approximate a course from there to hundley but anything else is just too risky okay so you can find the base but you can't land there so there really is no other option no we're not going to jump out of this plane listen we jump tandem we jump low we hold the shoot long enough it's possible i've done it before but as i see you got two choices you want to jump or you want to die oh my god i found denver wait if denver's flooded it's all flooded [Music] [Music] are we ready uh yes sir then begin shouldn't we wait for freeman just proceed lieutenant engaging ballast now generators online turbine is charging it's working well let's hope it stays that way what else has to be done well we have to get the turbines back into compartments and then wire it into the power grid on the arc but i'm ready when maggie is and are you asking younger sir we're working on the turbine housings and the slotted whole panels but we're close there's just a lot to be done how many in days six seven days we don't have six or seven days since and younger so work faster sir yes have you heard from tessa no it's been days i i understand your concern uh dr nichols is in good hands okay don't let your emotions interfere with your work lieutenant it can have catastrophic results carry on so okay we're at 10 000 feet i'm gonna pull we'll be down to the ground about less than a minute you ready for this f3 later one two three how close are we well the turbines are in the panels are going on and the wiring's half done it would be a lot easier with an assistant did you assign freeman somewhere else freeman's been dismissed dismissed what the hell does that mean he opened his mouth and as a result the st louis site was breached presumably destroyed but where is he where did you send him i sent him to take his chances in the denver lottery that's murder actually it's merciful ask younger maddie maddie [Music] [Applause] my family was assigned to the saint louis site my folks and my brothers were there [Music] you all right yeah yeah yeah i'm fine [Applause] how far away from the base are we two maybe three miles at the most evening ladies where are y'all headed you need to let us pass oh sure well you guys can pass or maybe you want to hang out with us and spend some quality time it's not gonna happen it wasn't a suggestion wrong move sweetie we're about to find out come on let's go [Applause] who the hell are you thank you is how most folks would lead off thank you thank you i'm not most folks now who are you just another creature up here with nowhere to run my name's ralph i'd ask who you are but justin from your uniforms i'm guessing you're heading to hundley yes and judging from your urgency i guess there's good reason to be there yes there's there's very good reason no yes i'm not taking responsibility for this i will i will i i'll explain what happened come on you're coming with us well i got folks with me that's okay they can come too all of them all right then let's go come on [Music] [Music] she's impressive ensign [Music] what did she see where they well once we get those panels sealed over the turbine compartments yes sir she will be are the turbines already in place and john's in there right now finishing up the wire what the hell is this admiral kindly tell your guards the armed escort isn't necessary when i find out who these people are i will they're passengers according to who according to me they saved me and lynn so they saved this you were successful yes we were lieutenant find these fine people quarters immediately yes sir come with me everyone follow me admiral the timeline it's it's off denver's underwater sir that's not all the waters are rising above the mountains and before long they'll either rise above or break on through all right first things first get out of those wet clothes get those samples in the cooling units immediately yes sir as soon as i see john dr nichols your fiance is doing his job which i suggest you do if the timeline is accelerated as you say it is we have no time to spare yes get going [Music] tessa you all right [Applause] would you believe me if i said it was nerves not after the last 12 hours how far along are you 10 weeks even braver than i thought come on maddie's got the cooling units in the ark setup [Music] oh ah [Applause] go go that's the evacuation alarm isn't it get these turbines warmed up or go for a launch no not yet tessa's not here lieutenant we need these turbines online now [Music] everyone let's go [Applause] go let's go are charging sir turbines are operational start the propellers prepare to disengage [Music] oh how many passengers made it hopefully maybe 500. full steam ahead wait the launch door is so close i can't open it from here we have to go through we'll stay in my head [Music] race ramp checking the soda for current rising sea level captain we're approaching a high mountain range at 800 yards sea level will be high enough for us to clear if we don't get this boat into the water soon those rocks gonna dash us to pieces she's got a tough skin we tested it against everything that we can make you try slamming it to any mountains john tessa oh thank god are you okay i'm everything okay i'm fine we're we're fine all right come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] captain damager board it's the poor turbine sir is that the red one what about it oats panel breach sir are we taking on water it is just the turbine panel that is breached we are flying apart itself is sealed oats confirmed sir only the panels breached what about the turbine engaging turbine first attempt fail trying to restart turbine non-responsive the core propeller is losing speed and electrical systems are dropping to half power can we redirect power from the other turbine yes we can but it's going to take a while and then we will still be operating only at half power what's the problem with that we're not we're not in a hurry to go anywhere well the problem is some of these waves out here are bigger than we are if we don't get that turbine up and running we're at the mercy of this storm the turbine's shot there's nothing we can do about it that's that that's that hey that's that means we're done for without enough power this thing is just a million ton top well i know that but we're only running essential electrical systems and we've been working non-stop rerouting power from the working turbine alright we're not dead yet captain bridges needs a progress report tell them the port turbine is shot but that we've rewired the other one the propellers are operating it's just half power the cell is up but it's snagged on an unfinished plate and hanging by a thread it's not going to last so what do i tell the captain tell them that the turbines are a failure look time to try something else and i'm going to need your help you got it it appears that we were over what was denver completely underwater hopefully the denver ark was able to launch turbines are down sale is ripped we're the complete mercy of the storm captain we are now over the denver ark site no sign of the ark hopefully they were able to maneuver the mountains without the turbines we're both at the mercy of the waves [Music] what is this this is our last chance are those sails their canopies of knitted steel wool and polyester scrims can't be torn we need to climb up to the sail we'll use these canopies to patch the hole in the sail it'll be dangerous but we can do it wait who's this we were talking about this is going to take three of us any volunteers i'll go come in okay as soon as we have the sale tied down i'll give you the signal you get bridges to disengage the sale okay i'll go first you hand me the sale is the admiral among the passengers no captain you never made it on board [Music] [Music] captain disengage the cell captain the winds are picking up [Music] [Applause] oh god [Music] what happened it pulverized up there is she alive but just barely the motto's gone [Music] captain lieutenant has been killed trying to catch the sails [Applause] [Music] hey how is she still coming to us but our vitals have been strengthening over the last 24 hours maddie's with her now how's everything going up here working like a charm don't have a lot of power but we have control hey guys can i see you in the infirmary for a minute why is everything okay just come on what's going on buddy patience dark you'll see my god glenn lynn how are you thirsty hungover she's a bit dehydrated but she's gonna be all right yeah you've been out for a long time where's the motto i'm sorry lin but uh he didn't make it how's it feel good strong [Music] sir regan's indicated swap the bow race for impact captain object ahead first thrusters what the hell was that that can't be good come on [Music] what's happening captain a massive wave broke across the valley and forced us under we hit a mountain chain now we went between two peaks tried to move forward in reverse we're stuck what was that well we hit her pretty hard took half the mountain with us it can crumble any second burying us here well if we can't propel ourselves free we'll have to force ourselves free how are we supposed to do that you need some kind of explosion something with significant force which would require an accelerant and we don't have a what are you using to cool the dna samples um ethyl chloride refrigerants how many tanks eight per unit four units is that enough that's more than enough one unit is enough wait one unit that's a quarter of the samples that's a hell of a lot better than losing everything okay okay okay i would just have to rearrange some things um make sure that we have the essential samples okay good okay [Music] chance to get that whole drilled [Music] the clock is ticking all right in and out [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] has anybody considered the possibility of this actually working um better not think about in terms of numbers i like the line [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're back on course sir [Music] are we alive i think so [Music] let's get out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] caesar commerce sir [Music] oh my god sound the alarm in the crew quarters outs what's going on captain that is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen [Music] one come in this is captain frank bridges who am i speaking with captain bridges this is freeman you made it you made it which location i'm on the denver arc or with the rest of the fleet over kansas the rest of the fleet yes sir not all the arcs made it but we're with blowing rock los alamos minneapolis minneapolis my parents your mom i guess admiral wallace must have got them to plan some time did anyone else make it is maddie there i'm here st louis made it [Music] preparing to meet up with you different [Music] um [Music] isn't this the end of everything we know of everything we tried so hard to believe in a world so unreal the pain that we both feel the end of the line i know it's over this time but you said you would come for me [Music] like this [Music] [Applause] to find ourselves [Music] [Music] we know it's over now there's no way in times like this [Music] [Applause] we lasted for so long but time is running out a choir of angels in the distance [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but you said you would come for me we know it's over now [Music]
Channel: Sci-Fi Central
Views: 11,179,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ancient Aliens, Full Action Sci-Fi Movies for Free, Movie Central, Sci-Fi Movies, SyFy channel, The Asylum, UFO Documentaries, UFO Documentary, conspiracy documentary, full free movies on youtube, full free sci-fi movies, latest hollywood movies for free, latest sci-fi movies, proof of aliens, proof of aliens caught on camera, science fiction movies for free on youtube, ufo documentary full length, ufo footage, unacknowledged, disaster movies
Id: LRaJ8s4FiQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 8sec (5168 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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