Killer Wave | Part 1 of 2 | FULL MOVIE | Disaster, Thriller | Angus MacFadyen

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foreign [Music] is to pull people around all day long um so he thinks her hair is falling out and that he's dating this guy and he's like oh my God there's afraid of God is the problem what am I gonna do so then she's like no no it's not what you think right and then of course the guy back there he almost hit like a curse guys uh we have a little announcement we'd like to make come on yeah next year a lot of us are going away to different schools so Tina and I just made a promise to each other that we'll come back what is that oh my God this is crazy so weird anything like this go get a fish bring it back okay crazy [Laughter] what is it hey I think I uh I found something you lost I'm sorry I get to give it back to you guys come on guys Run come on let's go run get off the Beats come on the tsunami that hit the coast of New Jersey last night has left in its wake a trail of tears and suffering Mother Nature's wrath has hit America yet again we take you now to Eric iduck live from the New Jersey Shore 39 a confirmed dead thousands of others are unaccounted for and missing hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage fortunately frigid temperatures have kept many vacationers away from the shoreline otherwise the death toll could be much much higher but the question now being asked by people what next could this unprecedented disaster still unexplained be the start of a new ecological instability thank you [Music] chapter 12. some Stars faces contortion with pain the Korean leans over without hungry hey hey I picked up your stuff from Toms great how was the water oh it's beautiful just beautiful well here anyway you pick up a newspaper for me out there you see this not a chance look at that Giant Wave hit New Jersey Shore last night right out of nowhere these storms just keep getting worse and worse well a tidal waves are not created by tropical storms and B couldn't have been a tidal wave in the first place then where people throw terms around but the last recorded tidal wave in the Atlantic was 1775 350 000 people were killed earthquake caused it it was in Lisbon Portugal or Elizabeth well anyway point is tidal waves don't happen in the Atlantic you're the expert but you might want to break that boycott of the media just in case there is a warning and I'm not around to tell you about it okay Sean the Sun is going to rise and said whether or not I read the newspaper Mother Nature is going to do whatever she's going to do don't you want to be around is it sunset I have you to protect me oh by the way I nearly finished your last book I think this is the best one yet yeah you will say that well I always mean it I just I don't understand why they're not best sellers well because it's a conspiracy Annabelle or maybe you're not ambitious enough at least with your books I know the science parts are right oh by the way that Mrs Wilson character but like me huh see you later [Music] um the Korean trickled sadistically yeah you know the Chinese invented water torture thousands of years ago long before the birth of Christ the fiction is so unsophisticated don't you think Mr star but it takes genius to take one gentle drop of water and turn it into a an instrument of utter agony another drop fell agonizingly on him you politicians with your high-tech bombs and your collateral damage you claim to be an advanced civilization but really he just came in and suits what's this there appears to have been some kind of eruption the root cause of that as yet remains unclear the Atlantic unlike the Pacific has no real history of tsunamis or tidal waves so unfortunately there's a lack of monitoring devices in place to give us the definitive answers shut up Jack times the screamed there's another drop of water crashed down on his head crashed into the skull hello Mr proof Rock where are we today good the Department of Emergency is currently working on restoring Power and Water to the New Jersey communities south of Asbury Park aiding the relief effort is the Cantrell Corporation providing equipment and resources Pam Trails CEO Victor Bannister flew to New Jersey to see the tsunami's destruction firsthand is that him yeah comic Adam amazing Clark stage in brisik FBI mind if I use your bathroom rice food there on the uh left hand side wipe your feet before you go in you need to use the toilet too is that why you're here so this is concerning recent events then it's correct and I'm requested to attend y EP well the answer's no you don't have much of a choice sir you need anything from inside before we go understand you're a writer picture 's a polite word for actually read one of your books Heroes never die don't die right right my name is Scott Sean star the imagination is also a muscle any good at crosswords no okay get it the relief effort continues on the devastated New Jersey Shore reserves from the National Guard have been deployed to the affected area to assess the already overburdened rescue workers who are having to deal with an enormous human tragedy unconfirmed reports from the Red Cross suggest that hundreds and possibly thousands are dead foreign so this is what they've been working on for the last six years John Heinz how are you it's this doctor this direction I want to see you now John yeah we did yeah no no down here sure yeah John uh-huh great that you can make it I don't know yeah thanks for the polite invitation thank you Jonah I'll wait outside well what's going on sit down John make yourself at home can I get you anything now drink no it's too early what do you want let's go look John I know that you don't want to be here oh wow I mean I'd like to have the choice if you'd had a choice would you have come yeah that's what I thought look John these waves they pose a serious threat to the entire Eastern Seaboard dealing with that is obviously a high priority these waves uh I thought there was only one no there are at least two others we think we one in the western Baron sea the other hit the Northeast Coast of Greenland why didn't I know about that I guess you're just down a loop yeah I guess well there was an article in a Scandinavian Journal it was very speculative I'll get you a copy speculative about one wow exactly what you'd think uh on undetected see better options but that far north I mean who knows right it could be a host of things uh Rogue ways polar storms the one thing that we know for certain is that both events were accompanied by high winds but that didn't happen here yes so that's not a factor no so what we're really looking at uh no no no no I'm not doing this Jack John John White I'm out of the loop wait listen it completely unpredictable natural force it's just devastated part of the American Coast okay I'm the guy responsible for finding a solution now I need the a list of scientific Minds in that room in two minutes and I'm on that list of course you are John look listen let's just let the past be the past until we get through this okay everybody should be there by now I need your help John I'm on that list ah which way this way you sure about that are we going to border Straight Ahead boys I want to start gentlemen and Ladies by thanking you all for coming on such short notice the images that we're looking at are of the devastation caused by the tidal wave that hit the beaches of the Southern Shores of New Jersey a stark reminder if one were needed of the importance and urgency of our task here today there's definitely no doubt about that excuse me but we have no images of the Greenland or Barren tsunamis no we do not Dr Sanji two of these waves originated above the Arctic Circle where the catastrophe of melting ice caps provides a possible explanation the most recent event is unexplicable in these terms except we don't know exactly how far the effects of warming have reached well there is a consensus which is biased by special interest this isn't a time for speculation stay focused shall we please are you seeing that all three waves seem to have originated in offshore disturbances what does this mean well it's a general term Dr lichner meaning we don't know the most recent incident some sort of seismic activity was recorded but the source remains mysterious there's no uh precedent for volcanic activity there's no precedent for this wave either volcanic activity is increasing sea levels are rising new examples of tectonic instability are manifest in all the oceans of the world we are dealing with a completely new set of rules here ladies and gentlemen Dr Schiff this is hardly the time or the place to promote your agenda I'm not promoting an agenda I'm trying to find a solution Gentlemen please all right none of us are here to promote an agenda none of us are here to pursue personal rivalries this is an inexplicable phenomenon of nature now if Dr stiff's ideas Can Shed light on it we are all Duty bound to listen to him Dr Wilco may I certainly Dr lichner it may be also that there is disagreement here because we are looking for Solutions answers in nature the alternative may be unthinkable we all know that the technology exists we have known distance World War II the work of Professor Leach there are people in this room who have worked on just such a project recently a project uh steel as I believe it was called sea lion sea lion yes I I thank you for collecting me uh Dr mcadamus with respect Dr lechner I think we're getting off track because the evidence the simplest solution is most usually the right one and the solution here is that these waves were man-made the events in Greenland and in the Arctic tests the locations were chosen for the remoteness the tidal ways that hit the New Jersey coasters was a deliberate and direct assault on the United States oh ladies and Gentlemen please laughs ordered please can I have some order yes thank you Dr lickner obviously we consider this idea and trust me we have given it a great deal of study but the fact of the matter is there's there's simply no evidence to support it now that's leaving aside who would commit such an act get on it it was a terrorist Act we cannot simply leap to this conclusion without first exhausting all possible alternate explanations but the wave fits no category except for the type Creator during project the sea lion which demonstrated the techniques for this very clearly Dr lichner I think you'd agree that nobody knows more about the intricacies of sea lion than myself which is probably I have no doubt exactly why I'm here the intent of sea lion was not to create a weapon of mass destruction the intent was to harness the power of the ocean as an answer to impending ecological disaster the disaster which is being encouraged by a number of factors including overpopulation and an unfortunate addiction to fossil fuels so we created the technology but we failed you see because the energy source for that technology the ocean is fundamentally unstable you can create a tidal wave but you can't control it as a humanitarian tool it's flawed as a weapon of War well it's just unpredictable some of us remember the tragic lessons of that day yes we do however practically if we speak of terrorism troll is not an issue they were simply for Destruction they don't care where or how much we have radar reports Dr aligner we have satellite imagery there is no evidence of abnormal activity in the area is that conclusive and for the present yes until or unless other information comes to the surface I mean this is certainly one of a number of possible causes and our national security agencies are pursuing all avenues of inquiry however since as of this meeting we have no evidence to support it I feel our purpose here demands that we focus on possible natural causes you see what I'm up against John huh Oh you mean Sanji and you two years ago at the NRA aspect I presented my Seawall I did he he literally misunderstood the whole concept and uh he's ridiculed the whole thing ever since can you thanks see wall huh not the best name but I just wanted something that people could identify see what I have in mind as a very complex scheme of breakwaters and channels and circling the coast buffer against rising sea levels but you understand you know it's coming John in 50 years I mean how much of our Coastline especially on the Atlantic side is going to be underwater right right well we got to do something why not start now uh-huh you go you and me there's a real interest in the idea really I know what you're thinking but it's not like that this time already this time it's not really interested relax a little bit okay learn to I don't know go to the beaches listen they're catching on this time really they're catching on John believe me this is gonna happen no I'm telling you John their minds are really starting to open I didn't know what happens then what their assets are sure to follow uh John Stanley if I could have a quick word I'm about to go face the Wolves but I think that is extremely important that we all be on the same page at least publicly for now so John what I'm asking is that we refrain from making any public statements yep ER that's what he's all about yeah this is really grown that's huge now and what's the red button for all right and who's financing this well Stanley is a purist you ought to know you can't serve two monsters hi hi John hi sir how are you good I didn't know you were here yeah two and a half years now well I'm really out of the loop so I hear The Hermit of quinimac yeah have time for coffee or anything yeah yeah okay no it's right there Everything's changed standing I'll see you later bye guys I'm just going for a coffee so what's your role in all of this here I'm supposed to be second in command mm-hmm the Jack being Jack ah yeah the great Pretender say no more second in Command right first and come on no well he's good with corporate sponsors so I'll leave that to him he loves that stuff so who sponsored this conference oh this one falls under the national security umbrella they asked for it so we just brought people together huh without experience those guys yeah I didn't know about that just take it as a compliment shows how much you wanted here wait it's not really it's why I'm wanted here that's what's for me well there's a lot of concern that this could spark paranoia if people suspect it's a terrorist attack and you run sea lion I guess Jack thought you would be the best person to dispel the rumors that's the last of them because your paranoid doesn't mean they know how to get you whoever they are so how's it going with this natural wave theory not well that's not exactly why I wanted to talk to you I guess seeing you brought back memories that's all right I never had a friend like that yeah we're gonna go right now sorry I gotta get back with these guys sorry bye nice to see you again all right well you know the way now yeah we'll go home [Music] [Music] foreign hey some chili on the stove if you're hungry you see anybody around my place no why somebody break in yeah what they take anything no not that I know of but uh they're always wide open well maybe the wind blew it open you see anything okay okay I heard a boat yeah this afternoon I didn't see it but I heard it small boat okay thanks the cleanup currently underway is expected to continue for several months but the chemtrail Corporation is already focusing on reconstruction earlier today after touring the disaster area Cantrell CEO Victor Bannister pledged millions of dollars to help New Jersey residents rebuild their homes and communities now despite the company being under active investigation by the Securities Commission banister is heading to Boston tonight to receive a man of the year award from the national entrepreneurship Association now begin to depict the range of Destruction the tidal wave that hit the New Jersey coast is a wake-up call for all of us it's time it's way overdue for the American Business Community faced the reality that we are in World crisis I would like to take a moment here just to extend my own personal gratitude and thanks to the director of operations for the emergency relief office Olivia McPhee Olivia thank you here we go thank you thank you very much Olivia for all your help global warming is real ice caps melting is real sea level is rising is real the future of this country and of this planet depends on us and we must face the challenge before it's too late [Applause] [Music] well done let's hope they paid attention well they pretended to Victor you should really say goodnight to Olivia Victor right in the Next Room yeah don't forget them to confirm the fundraising Jack [Music] Olivia excuses so good to see you thanks for coming all the way from DC with your plate so full I wouldn't have missed it I'm honored come let's have a private word all right Victor it's bad enough I have to show up for this charade I do not enjoy having a cold to everyone's attention I love you nothing public ever stays hidden in the current climate there we are should not be seen to be seen to be friends nobody's paying any attention to this Association whatsoever don't be so sure yeah so are you done my duty I'm leaving I just good night Victor thank you congratulations thanks for coming good luck well that wasn't ideal you know Olivia she just doesn't understand the show evening Mr Bannister I'm Martha Brown at the globe I hope it's a party why don't you have another drink would you like to comment on the Justice Department's probe of Campground Pro this is a very intimate very personal kind of thing I understand a special prosecutor is going to be named listen if you want to write about Mr best why don't you worry about all the donations he's made the various foundations although even though he likes to keep it private all over the world I think your car is right up front here laughs Victor oh Sophie Sophie I missed you awesome I'm so proud that was a great speech last week yeah just trying to keep up with your accomplishments don't make me compare myself no no no I plagiarize my whole speech from your nature article oh you did oh well that's fine take care of him he's a precious cargo give my love to Margaret despite the probe by the Department of Justice on the allegation of bribery Victor Bannister was honored tonight in Boston under heavy scrutiny by the authorities Mr banister delivered a passionate speech about global warming and its effects and consequences on the weather how is she she seems better she's had a good day thank you I'm home Margaret it was quite an evening Full House Sophie and his friend was there a sense of love foreign who are you these on story I know this is a puzzle number one somebody comes into the house number two they know and this is important they know that nobody's going to be here uh number three they arrive by using our boat is this important maybe maybe not but they don't take anything as far as one can see instead four they plant something on the computer encrypted with a map I don't wonder five the file cannot be deleted what are they trying to tell me 6. the phone rings I don't have a phone [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] who are you oh you guys what do you want you always drive like that why are you following me orders doctor orders from who uh just doing your job is that what it is okay stop following me all right you don't have much of a choice doctor I'm out okay nobody's dragging me back in this now leave me alone Clerk thank you yeah what vocal for me take it yeah I'm at mounting pressure for a tsunami early warning system across the East Coast another one has been reported the category five tidal wave apparently hit uninhabited areas of Newfoundland in Canada so maybe I'm wrong [Applause] he was called away so there's been another wave it seems to have been here about 600 miles after and the point of impact wasn't on this peninsula right there yeah luckily it was uninhabited damage is minimal however can you zoom in there on the Impact Zone yeah why see that it's the impacts on I found out yesterday on my computer somebody put it there I didn't know what it was when yesterday uh while I was here wrong before 11 50. my man has to be a reason for this being there on the computer somebody planted it there which means they're trying to friend me in someone this is everything I could collect there's not much data yet seems to follow the pattern you know what it means don't you the wave has to be man-made aren't you jumping to a conclusion just no take this I'm jumping to the conclusion [Applause] the wave was natural why would somebody put a map of it on my computer before it happened ah remember why would somebody do it anyway I don't understand the motive emotion yeah yeah well uh let's say there was an inquiry so they take my computer they open it up they find a file with a map of a wave before it happened what does that look like now take into consideration that I am the man who created sea lion uh I left him a stone controversy trip on my shoulder yes see all starts to fit profile I look like a terrorist you make it sounds like there's a huge conspiracy just like in one of your books I can imagine this I don't know I can't delete that file from my computer I'm imagining that maybe you think I put it there is that it no I gotta go where are you going I'm gonna ask some questions if somebody can give me some answers okay I'll go with you then why because I want to know because you think I'm paranoid or you think that I did it myself all right well I'll tell you what I want you to come please after you so I can prove to you that I'm map actually appears in my computer long before the wave actually hits and take care doc I'm hungry so modern where are we going for lunch shatter let's go grab a bite yeah guys so stop training me thank you so who exactly are we going to see now my computer genius now Cody come here hi hi thank you come on in how you doing I'm good how are you I'm good it's really messy in here I'm sorry John let me see your baby all right there she is John you've never met my grandma have you no she is a trip I had to take her to play mahjong I mean I really hope I don't live long enough that somebody has to take me to play mahjong oh but she's funny she's hilarious everything in here has a story do you guys want some tea or cookies no there's no thanks we need to figure this out okay John yeah quickly you can't rush the genius you ought to know that so are you guys together because I'm always telling John he needs to find somebody I mean I don't trust him out there on the Ocean by himself I keep thinking he's going to turn into the next Unabomber or something no we're not together yes you see this file with the question mark yes uh I just want to know how did it get on the 217 be today it's exactly the time when I was at the Institute uh can you open it by any chance again oh wow what is that this is encryption it's really advanced hi Dr lickner yeah um no we're in the middle of some it's gonna take me a while John hello like a day maybe in an hour how can I reach you you know you can't get in touch with me I don't have a phone I'll call you uh just for the record right I'm not computer literate no no so I couldn't do that I got it it's okay a day at least a day sorry Professor I thought you were out all right I'll come back later what are you looking at yeah right there see that yeah what is it it's a tracking device no I can't use this car anymore Heinz called he wants to see us where's your car it's at my place you want to go and get it I believe you let's go you know this technology is making us soft I don't think so we still have to use our minds for what well am I trying to figure out what he's doing it's Sophie Marlow's condo yeah I can make an educated guess about that how do you like it uh black no sugar I am tired have your coffee I'm going to change oh you know maybe lickner knows something and we'll be able to figure this out you think they're uh no I don't think so they're pretty tight at The Institute yeah mechanics guide us and strike me as that kind of person well they've been up there a long time I think they are yeah yeah you want to bet I don't want to bet nothing I bet you 20 bucks I keep your money all right come on [Music] uh early sculptures yours yeah one of them is the white one how'd you know it's nice better than your coffee what's it about then you tell me do you really want to know yeah it's like I mean what's it called it's called hmm I thought you said you read only one of my books I didn't know he was a fan apparently he wanted me to read Heroes don't die first why I don't know why maybe because it's about a terrorist attack on the United States of America using a natural disaster as a weapon yeah maybe my car is in the back I think we should go okay thank you you don't have to park you can drop me here I'm going by myself goodbye can you just stay no no I want to find out what he has to say look please Sophie this is my meeting can you just why are you underlining passages in my book they were Jack's books he probably marked it himself foreign are you okay this is why I had to see you you should walk here keep moving soon I need to say first of them what I tell you about must be confidential of course yeah I I say this because I believe things at least I critical point what do you mean there's going to be another wave why'd you say that yeah there's definitely man-made there could be no question but yes I know that so it makes sense why creative ways yeah somebody is trying to get a message across yeah and that means that they will be using the same method and but the waves will get larger yes we know that but who's doing this nice Sophie listen because we cannot know who is responsible that it's dangerous we cannot trust anybody nobody you don't understand me this is why you called me [Music] ready Sophie let's go foreign [Music] John just talk to me please okay John please come out you can't just leave me like that on the other side of the door after what happened you think it's all about you on but it's not I'm part of this now we're together so come out [Music] please come out of the bathroom please [Music] John I'm scared come out please thank you and slickner called you [Music] how did you know I was with you you wanted me to believe that you're not involved in this well you have to trust me when I'm saying that I'm not part of this either why I know you're being set up I know you didn't kill him I know that now I know that I can trust you but you have to trust me also then it won't work sources close to the murder investigation Adams and liquor colleagues prevents surrounding the New Jersey tidal wave more recently macadams authored several science-based Thrillers one of which involved terrorist attacks against the United States using man-made storm systems foreign and who shot this kid right there with the camera oh little Johnny Rotten it's a good break for us is that the knife yeah entered his side angled up under the ribcage it's kind of precise for an amateur don't you think no maybe he just knows Anatomy Captain where's your eyewitness supposed to be here by now when that car come in 5 10. Captain what was the time of death 5 15. there you go thank you you saw this man stab Dr lipner yes I saw for sure yeah some other patrons said they might have seen someone else no no no no no this man this picture right here stick about it oh shoot okay Frank Frank why why would McAdams stab and kill him and he knows really well in a public place for everyone to see him I maybe didn't plan to they were talking something got sad you know yeah but that implies he brought a knife that's premeditation and what about that Marlow girl is she in it with him oh like we we brought him over to see Jacksonville court right right that's yeah so he leaves so she slips from the knife they know each other it's possible man he ditches us to get to that place don't forget that I'm not forgetting that [Music] I think foreign you scared me did everything go smoothly yes sir exactly according to plan how was she perfect they believed every word there are no Loose Ends no sir no no nothing are you sure absolutely what about you are you a loose end no of course not even if you're tortured no oh even if someone forces you to tell ow oh my God so few people have strength anymore the Department of Emergency has managed to restore Power and Water to several municipalities along the southern Shore but residents are critical of Washington's slow response to the tsunami claiming that humanitarian organizations and local businesses have been quicker to respond the Red Cross is advising all New Jersey residents to boil tap water before drinking it and to keep the use of electrical appliances to a minimum thank you there's a system descending from Canada will this affect us actually it'll act in our favor Extra cover will detonate closer to land this time but will it still hit where we plan yes and the wave will be bigger as we discuss now get out of my chair it's just a week we need to do it now you need to send the message and be done the message will be delivered my friend don't worry about that hello man it's me the man I want to talk to I think congratulations are in order figure it out yeah but this one was hard tell me what you found Mel um can you skip the explanations and just tell me what you but the explanation is the best part encryption is another map another map of War I don't have a clue some kind of Coastline or something anyways I printed it out how do I get it to you I can't get there right now um can you fax it to me shoot okay it's five five five five five no I need it now not in 20 minutes hi John thanks Mel another map another targeter if you say anything about the news I don't think she watches TV can get that fixed I almost hit that guy the highway well that's true driving is that anyway we appreciate you seeing us well I'm glad you called I mean this whole situation today it's mind-boggling and now you're saying Sophie has become involved somehow do you have any more information no no we haven't heard from either of them well is he holding her against her will do you know well we understand they were close friends in a roundabout way I guess she was close with his fiancee during a sea lion was she part of sea lion no and was we'd like to know more about that project certainly I've put together some background for you really the motor replaced me because my fingerprints are on the murder web [Music] let the police arrive immediately it's too fast somebody would have to call ahead of time question what's happening to Stanley Schiff right now question what's happened to Jack wilcord here it is I've looked at it but I can I can recognize the place can you uh this this is here what do you mean here this is the main Coastline right here all around right there that's where I live yeah we have to go we have to warn somebody like this I forgot everything yeah police have received calls from several unnamed terrorist organizations claiming responsibility for the recent New Jersey tsunami but according to police sources scientist John McAdams is still wanted for questioning in relation to what now looks like it might have been a deliberate attack the woman with McAdam is Anne Bannister is don't say the photo in there of Stanley Schiff he was part of it I was too briefly but no one knows photographs were taken M was the daughter of Victor Bannister the chemtrail CEO yeah she died in a sailing accident was in the papers well project feline wasn't exactly public photo of the island off the coast of Alaska that's where the tests were running Joe McAdam was in charge of the entire project he was a truly remarkable scientist was or is well his mind seems to have turned it's unfortunate what exactly is Project sea lion sea lion was an attempt to use undersea explosions to create massive waves weighs large enough to take out entire cities unfortunately the sea was not as predictable as we had hoped our tests proved our technology but it also proved our flaw how's that there is a photograph in there there are two groups one on the platform another in the control tower the wave was supposed to hit about a hundred miles to the north but it didn't it hit the platform that's how red Bannister died and McAdam was in the control tower whoo that's tough to take yeah and it didn't take a while to banister his wife is now quite ill they were devastated of course as you can see Sophie is very very close to the family she and Anne were inseparable and have been for years where's McAdam he was asked not to attend why I've always admired John for his bryance he has the ability to construct the most incredibly elaborate models in his mind but after Anne died he he attacked everybody Talent like that can be very very dangerous so you think he might be delusional might be but sea Lion's not a delusion that is the information that I have I no one if I knew I tell you okay but I do know that a wave a giant wave is going to hit the main Coast just in the quinnimack area quinnimac can you spell that and you need to inform people and get the hell out of there I don't know when just listen to me for a minute a wave Just Hits New Jersey and and you think that you'd want to tell people about this stop being so obtuse idiot so anyway I've got to go to my place I'm not going back there the neighbor and I share the same Jeep so she has no way of getting out of there John there's a taddle wave coming we can't drive you back to the motel stay there no let me ask you something yeah what's your take on what's going on my honest opinion and this is speculation is that John found somebody or somebody found John and they're using this technology against the United States strong words you have anything to like prove that no I suspect that John would have some kind of record I mean if that's even the case excuse me Clark when all right play for me I want to hear it now yeah no that's him yeah you better start an evacuation right now we're on our way congratulations cops received a recorded voice of McAdams saying a new wave is going to hit the coast of Maine but they don't know where oh my God yeah you better take care of your people or two McAdams place we have to get there so slow down a little bit how could anyone even think about doing this we did didn't we I created this thing I know how it works those waves are getting bigger and they're just gonna keep getting bigger Heinz said it comes from inside the country oh yeah it's a huge operation huge is where technology gets you framing who in the country would even have the idea who benefits from this be who's got that kind of money to build this kind of thing follow the money what's that [Music] I'm not all over all right whatever you do just let me do the talking okay thank you I have can I see your license registration please sure sure I think it's in the group what's the what seems to be the the problem we're going a little too faster really how fast are we done 30 miles over the speed limit wow sorry about that so we didn't mean to no listen we're just on our honeymoon yeah we're kind of excited about that and uh very excited about it yeah maybe you can I don't know just um give us a break I'll be right back okay so what do we do this is your name [Applause] the evacuation is based on what authorities are calling reliable information that a tidal wave could hit the main Shore no one is giving a specific time only that it could be imminent and this is feeding a sense of fear that we see here played out in the images on Mains route 6. excuse me now on the plus sorry I don't know what my husband thinks we should but we're a mile Inland I mean how bad can a kid yeah maybe we will six and twenty two back wanted for questioning the murder of biologist Heinz lichner is now being described as a person of interest in connection with what authorities are calling possible terrorist involvement in the recent tidal wave in New Jersey we have footage of Dr McAdams with a female companion at the market where Dr lickner was killed yesterday and here he is accompanied by a woman police have identified as Sophie Marlow come on how are you what's going on you're terrorist now it's time I go now you cannot see but for 10 miles down this Country Lane traffic has come to a complete standstill up this road around the corner again traffic complete standstill it's quite surreal to see this as everyone tries to make their way from the wrath of Mother Nature now as I look around me I don't feel any sense of fear of any sense of panic I should say but rather I can sense a palatable sense of fears everyone tries to make their way away from this impending disaster my loved ones be saved will my home be there when I get there these are all questions that every one of these cards is asking themselves right now this is Eric iduck for crn all right a little bit thank you what are you doing turning around we have to get to the cottage get killed no that's your job our job is about surveillance now this guy's a terrorist there's a wave coming in no no I don't think he's working alone that he's even guilty now there's information now you saw what happened in New Jersey it's a tidal wave why are we going down there get out of the car I'm going for what because in Jersey because I wanted to stop and I want to know what the hell is going on you gotta go all right you're going I'm going [Applause] um then you guys should be handling that give that to Terry would you please anything else uh man requested an interview again and the financial press called depends on what they want to talk about as always see what you can find out I will Olivia McPhee she hasn't called back yet I will do thank you Mr Powell dirt I think you can be very pleased with yourself you will be remembered now as the man who saved Cantrell that'll be the end of it so far so good um there are certain things if they happen we have to plan for but um if other things happen there are only so many ifs you can plan for but those are contingencies and we don't really have to talk about that what are the plans you look a little squeamish I can understand that we're all very upset with the images of the media it's disturbing um but I think we have to keep in mind Victor that if they weren't focusing on this they'd be focusing on something else so why don't you go away for a while hmm you can fly off somewhere fly back after the event to live your speech which will write for you and I'm used to handling the reins oh I know that but we got a whole new team now horses are out of the gate over the first few hurdles got a few hurdles left and once we get over those we'll get to the end and we'll have one or we'll lose Olivia McPhee hasn't called back no she hasn't but she will you know it's Washington and you know Washington it's a basically collection of Lab Rats so they react to stimuli and right now we're providing the stimulus how long until they commit and when they commit you'll have won You've Won back your corporation you'll have Financial Security people be working happy and uh my shares which I think you remember are my sole former compensation will rise in value things will be good courage Victor it's the last mile and the last mile is the hardest mile because at the end of the day it's the longest mile you told me that an evacuation is in effect from Bar Harbor Maine to quintemack residents are urged to leave their homes immediately if you require assistance call 9-1-1 or your local police station carpooling is strongly advised Route 95 is slow when moving fuel stations are operating at full capacity residents and visitors to the quinnamac area are to report to checkpoints Westbound and southbound along Route 95 and the Arlington Mission Expressway this is the emergency broadcasting network on 89.9 FM and 10 40 AM foreign I'm leaving now is there anything you need well you have a good evening you know you should go home too I've got things to do Sarah are you all right I mean I I can stay if you need me very kind very kind yeah good night Victor foreign it's not waste any time in here man get in whatever you find discs Maps I don't know he's got he left something behind okay go go there we go hey Marlon all those records January February let's take him Frank charts Maps take everything I don't think you're doing here where's John who are you FBI we're looking for him you got any ID Sean he hasn't done anything no new business ma'am you got a warrant under the circumstances we don't have time circumstances tidal wave the tsunami that's coming haven't you heard no I'm gonna watch TV there's always an agenda you need to get out now John and I share a Jeep and he's got it okay you're coming with us Frank grab these come on let's go take these wait you hear that what no birds Marley come on let's go we gotta go come on let's go let's go we gotta get out of here come on come in Annabelle McAdams what the hell are you doing I'm looking for you I'm looking for my neighbor get out of my way Annabelle yeah she's in the car are you going through my stuff here yeah yeah I'm doing your job what's wrong with you people I'm being set up yeah well who's setting you up who's giving you orders that's the question if you're innocent come with us and prove it the hell was that that's the way we've got to get out of here John John The Tide is going out we gotta go now come on safest places by sea no no no get in the boat get in this place right now it's in the ocean we're going up in the car all right Drive get in the car get the damn car go now let's drive drive look at that this goddamn Road s oh it's just a waste I don't know hang on [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 1,741,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix, Full movies English, #popcornflix, killer wave full movie, killer wave full movie part 1, killer wave, killer wave movie 2007, killer wave movie, angus macfadyen, tom skerritt, Karine Vanasse, tidal wave movie, disaster, disaster movies full movie english, disaster movies, disaster movie, disaster movies full movie english free, disaster movie free full movie, action movies, action movies 2022 full movie english, killer wave part 1, killer wave episode 1
Id: bL0fXxvBSA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 44sec (5324 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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